Spelling suggestions: "subject:"now"" "subject:"know""
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Climate change effects on freezing damage in three subarctic bryophytes : A snow manipulation field experiment in a tundra ecosystem in Abisko, Swedenvan Zuijlen, Kristel January 2015 (has links)
Climate change is expected to have a large impact on northern ecosystems. Increased temperatures and altered precipitation and snow cover patterns will have a great impact on subarctic tundra. Bryophytes form an important component of tundra ecosystems because of their high abundance and their importance in many ecological processes. The effect of elevation and snow cover on freezing damage in shoots of three subarctic bryophytes: Ptilidium ciliare, Hylocomium splendens and Sphagnum fuscum, was studied in a snow manipulation field experiment at different elevations in Abisko, Sweden, during early spring. The treatments included snow addition, snow removal and control. In addition, bryophyte healthiness at the plot scale was determined by image analysis using colour selection, and soil temperature and moisture data were collected. Freezing damage differed significantly among bryophyte species with P. ciliare having the lowest freezing damage. There was a decrease in freezing damage over time due to the increase in temperature as spring progressed. Counter expectation, freezing damage was higher at low elevation although the mean daily minimum temperature was lower at higher elevation, which might be due to adaptation effects. Snow treatment had only a minor effect on freezing damage, but it did have an effect on proportion of undamaged tissue at the plot scale which increased with increasing snow cover at high elevation, but decreased with increasing snow cover at low elevation. Soil moisture content was also affected by snow treatment. The number of freeze-thaw cycles was less for S. fuscum and H. splendens compared to bare soil plots, which indicates insulating capacities of these bryophytes. Freezing damage could not be explained by the measured climate variables alone; therefore, it is likely the result of a complex set of factors, possibly including solar radiation and disturbance by herbivores.
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Processes controlling the entrainment and disperal of debris in the basal ice of glaciersJohnson, Paul H. January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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Dye tracer investigations of glacier hydrological systemsNienow, Peter January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Coupled Evaluation of Below- and Above-Ground Energy and Water Cycle Variables from Reanalysis Products Over Five Flux Tower Sites in the U.S.Lytle, William January 2015 (has links)
Reanalysis products are widely used to study the land-atmosphere exchanges of energy, water, and carbon fluxes, and have been evaluated using in situ data above or below ground. Here measurements for several years at five flux tower sites in the U.S. (with a total of 315,576 hours of data) are used for the coupled evaluation of both below- and above-ground processes from three global reanalysis products and six global land data assimilation products. All products show systematic errors in precipitation, snow depth, and the timing of the melting and onset of snow. Despite the biases in soil moisture, all products show significant correlations with observed daily soil moisture for the periods with unfrozen soil. While errors in 2 meter air temperature are highly correlated with errors in skin temperature for all sites, the correlations between skin and soil temperature errors are weaker, particularly over the sites with seasonal snow. While net shortwave and longwave radiation flux errors have opposite signs across all products, the net radiation and ground heat flux errors are usually smaller in magnitude than turbulent flux errors. On the other hand, the all-product averages usually agree well with the observations on the evaporative fraction, defined as the ratio of latent heat over the sum of latent and sensible heat fluxes. This study identifies the strengths and weaknesses of these widely-used products, and helps understand the connection of their errors in above- versus below-ground quantities.
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Large-scale snowpack estimation using ensemble data assimilation methodologies, satellite observations and synthetic datasetsSu, Hua 03 June 2010 (has links)
This work focuses on a series of studies that contribute to the development and test of advanced large-scale snow data assimilation methodologies. Compared to the existing snow data assimilation methods and strategies, which are limited in the domain size and landscape coverage, the number of satellite sensors, and the accuracy and reliability of the product, the present work covers the continental domain, compares single- and multi-sensor data assimilations, and explores uncertainties in parameter and model structure. In the first study a continental-scale snow water equivalent (SWE) data assimilation experiment is presented, which incorporates Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow cover fraction (SCF) data to Community Land Model (CLM) estimates via the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). The greatest improvements of the EnKF approach are centered in the mountainous West, the northern Great Plains, and the west and east coast regions, with the magnitude of corrections (compared to the use of model only) greater than one standard deviation (calculated from SWE climatology) at given areas. Relatively poor performance of the EnKF, however, is found in the boreal forest region. In the second study, snowpack related parameter and model structure errors were explicitly considered through a group of synthetic EnKF simulations which integrate synthetic datasets with model estimates. The inclusion of a new parameter estimation scheme augments the EnKF performance, for example, increasing the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of season-long SWE estimates from 0.22 (without parameter estimation) to 0.96. In this study, the model structure error is found to significantly impact the robustness of parameter estimation. In the third study, a multi-sensor snow data assimilation system over North America was developed and evaluated. It integrates both Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Terrestrial water storage (TWS) and MODIS SCF information into CLM using the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and smoother (EnKS). This GRACE/MODIS data assimilation run achieves a significantly better performance over the MODIS only run in Saint Lawrence, Fraser, Mackenzie, Churchill & Nelson, and Yukon river basins. These improvements demonstrate the value of integrating complementary information for continental-scale snow estimation. / text
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Snow Interception Measurements using Impulse Radar / Snöinterceptionsmätningar med impulsradarMagnusson, Jan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Interception av snö eller regn på trädkronor är en viktig del av det hydrologiska kretsloppet. Upp till en tredjedel av all snö som faller över skogsområden når aldrig marken på grund av stora avdunstningsförluster av interceptionsförrådet, vilket minskar vårflöden i älvar. Goda prognoser av dessa flöden är viktiga för vattenkraftsindustrin. För att kunna förbättra modeller, i vilka interceptions-avdunstningsprocessen ingår, krävs lämpliga mätmetoder för interceptionförrådet av snö. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka om impulsradarutrustning kan användas för att mäta interceptionsförrådet av snö på barrträd. Metoden bygger på att mäta hastigheten och utsläckningen hos en elektromagnetisk impulsvåg, vilken skickas från en sändarantenn genom ett avsnitt skog till en mottagarantenn. Både utsläckningen och hastigheten påverkas av snö och vatten på trädens kronor, och kan med så kallade blandningsformler relateras till mängd vatten. Blandningsformler beskriver de elektromagnetiska egenskaperna hos heterogena material. Laboratorietester visade att interception av flytande vatten på små trädkronor gav upphov till förändringar av impulsvågens hastighet och utsläckning mätbara med radarutrustningen. Uppskattningar av mängden intercepterat vatten från radarmätningarna gav en överskattning jämfört med oberoende referensmätningar, däremot stämde relativa variationer väl överens mellan mätningarna. Tydliga samband mellan impulsvågens utsläckning och mängden intercepterat vatten kunde inte bestämmas från experimenten. Utsläckningsresultaten var svårtolkade och lämpliga blandningsformler hittades inte i litteraturen. Metoden testades även en vecka i fält i norra Sverige. Trots att installationen inte var den bästa visade resultaten ändå god överensstämmelse mellan uppskattade förändringar av interceptionsförrådet från radarmätningarna, och observerade väderförändringar samt oberoende referensmätningar med en trädvågsanordning. Resultaten tyder på att metoden kan ge goda uppskattningar av interceptionsförrådet, då en väl fungerande installation av utrustningen används och efter att vidare kalibreringsförsök genomförts.</p> / <p>Interception of rain or snow in forest canopies is an important component of the hydrological cycle. Up to one third of the total winter precipitation never reaches the ground in forest areas due to evaporation losses of intercepted snow, which reduces spring-time water flow in rivers. Accurate spring flow predictions are important for the hydro-power industry. Appropriate measurement methods of intercepted snow are needed in order to improve models involving the interception evaporation process. The aim of this study was to explore the possibilities of an impulse radar system to measure the snow interception storage on coniferous trees. The method is based on measurements of the velocity and attenuation of an electromagnetic impulse wave, generated in a transmitting antenna and sent through a forest section and detected by a receiving antenna. The attenuation and velocity is affected by ice and water in the canopy air space, and can be related to amounts of water using so-called mixing formulas that describe the average electromagnetic properties of heterogeneous materials. Controlled laboratory measurements on small canopies showed that interception of liquid water was well above the detectable limits of the radar system, with respect to both attenuation and velocity changes. Estimations of the mass of intercepted water based on velocity changes overestimated the reference measurements, but relative variations were well captured. No clear relation could be found between amount of water on canopies and impulse wave attenuation from the experiments. The attenuation results were difficult to interpret, and appropriate mixing formulas were not found in the literature. The method was further tested for one week under field conditions in northern Sweden. In spite of a non-optimal equipment installation results of estimated changes of the interception storage showed a good agreement with observed weather variations and reference measurements using a tree weighing device. The method can have good conditions to give correct estimations of the snow interception storage, using appropriate installation and further calibration measurements.</p>
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Some aspects of the engineering properties of iceNixon, W. A. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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The hydrological context and geomorphological significance of glacier motion : Midtdlsbreen, NorwayWillis, Ian Craig January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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The seasonal evolution of meltwater discharge, quality and routing at a high-Arctic glacierHodgkins, Richard January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Antarctic tabular icebergs in ocean wavesKristensen, E. G. M. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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