Spelling suggestions: "subject:"solvency Ii"" "subject:"solvencyⅱ Ii""
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Zhodnocení finančního zdraví komerčních pojišťoven v rámci seskupení G8 a Evropské unieHrabalová, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis explores assessing financial soundness of insurance companies present on the insurance markets of the European Union and G8. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate financial performance of selected insurance companies in a selected time period 2004 - 2014 by using ratio analysis. The thesis focuses on life insurance companies and development of insurance markets as a consequence of the financial crisis. In connection to the development of insurance markets the thesis examines the financial crisis and its impacts as a regulation of the selected formations, mainly through regulatory framework Solvency II. Development of insurance markets is demonstrated by the indicator of return on assets. At the end of the diploma thesis, a discussion with experts on this issue is included and an overall evaluation of financial soundness is provided as well.
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Externe Performanceanalyse von Versicherungsunternehmen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Solvency and Financial Condition ReportsRömer, Florian Siegfried 23 November 2023 (has links)
Seit 2017 sind deutsche Versicherungsunternehmen zur jährlichen Veröffentlichung des Berichts über die Solvabilität und Finanzlage („Solvency and Financial Condition Report“, kurz: SFCR) verpflichtet. Damit steht der (deutschsprachigen) Öffentlichkeit erstmals ein ausführlicher sowie größtenteils standardisierter Bericht über die Risiko- und Solvabilitätssituation der einzelnen Versicherungsunternehmen und Versicherungsgruppen zur Verfügung. Externe Adressaten können den SFCR neben den klassischen Informationsquellen (wie etwa dem Jahresabschluss nach
HGB) heranziehen, um sich ein Bild über die wirtschaftliche Lage des Versicherungsunternehmens zu verschaffen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in der vorliegenden Dissertation die Bedeutung des SFCR im Rahmen der externen Performanceanalyse von deutschen Erstversicherungsunternehmen kritisch gewürdigt.:1. Einleitung
2. Erkenntnisziele der Performanceanalyse von Versicherungsunternehmen
3. Externe Informationen als Grundlage für die externe Performanceanalyse von Versicherungsunternehmen
4. Kennzahlenbildung und -interpretation bei Versicherungsunternehmen
5. Ausgewählte Inhalte der externen Performanceanalyse
6. Fazit
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台灣壽險公司資本適足率分析-以Solvency II QIS5原則計算 / A study on the solvency capital requirements of the life insurance companies in Taiwan-estimated in Solcency II QIS5 principles林正國, Lin, Cheng Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟保險業新監理架構Solvency II 於第5 次量化衝擊研究完成後計畫將在近年正式施行,我國保險業監理制度是否朝採用Solvency II 架構的方向前進仍未為定論,但必頇先行瞭解採行此制度可能對業界造成的影響。
本研究以2010 年8 月時CEIOPS 對Solvency II 所進行的第5 次量化衝擊研究QIS5 設立的標準與原則,對公司的資產與負債做假設後,以公帄價值法衡量壽險公司各部位資產位與負債,包括準備金的公帄價值衡量,並利用QIS5 所提供之計算工具標準法計算四家台灣壽險公司在2009 年底時的清償資本要求SCR。而QIS5 是在金融風暴後不久,當時環境使得利率極低,為了估算在利率環境較正常的情況下,本研究以2007 年底之利率做敏感度分析,重新計算各公司之資產與負債狀況與清償資本要求SCR。
也發現所計算出的SCR 中所最大的比率為利率風險或匯率風險,在假設以較
高利率環境做敏感度分析後發現壽險公司淨值仍然為負數,且所需要的SCR 與之前所得結果相差不大,顯示壽險公司負債部位對利率敏感度相當高,即使曝險部位變少,對於未來的利率變動仍需要準備相當大的資本以防範虧損。 / After the completion of the Fifth Quantitative Impact Study (QIS5) for the new insurance industrial regulation framework- Solvency II, European Union planned to implement the project in few years. No matter that the regulatory system of insurance industry in Taiwan will follow the trend or will not, it is a must that we should estimate the impacts on the whole industry before making the decisions.
This study have an aim to estimate the Solvency Capital Requirements of 4 life insurance companies in Taiwan in the same principles with QIS5, which were took place in August 2010 by CEIOPS. In order to calculate the SCR, we made a lot of hypotheses and then estimated the fair value of the company assets and liabilities, including the fair value of technical provision. By means of the calculating helpers provided by CEIOPS used in QIS5, we found out the SCRs of these companies when they were on 31 December 2009. Then we performed the sensitivity analysis by the different interest rate which is based on the data on 31 December 2007, and recalculated the SCRs of the companies.
This study had conclusions that the technical provisions were not sufficient to fulfill the obligations in aspect of the economic value. The surplus of companies were exhausted, because the technical provisions increased by fair valuation. Also, the heavy loadings of risk margins as 12.4% to 30.2% of the best estimates were the important reason of the negative own fund.
We found that the capital requirements of interest risk and currency risk took great percentages of total SCRs. And the SCRs will not reduce in great amount caused by technical provisions reduced in the situation that interest rate come back to the level in 2007. It showed that the SCRs had great sensitivity to the interest risk and insurance companies should prepare sufficient own fund to prevent financial crisis caused by interest rate shock.
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Kapitálové požadavky kladené na pojišťovny v Solvency II a jejich kvantifikace / Capital requirements for insurance companies under Solvency II and its quantificationKožár, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis studies project Solvency II, which is focused on the integrated regulation of insurance market in the European Union. It presents basic division and capital requirements arising from it. It describes division of the project into the three areas, refered to as pillars in practice. The thesis summarizes the basic methods for measuring the risk (Value at Risk, Tail Value at Risk), necessary in the calculation of the solvency capital requirements. The thesis studies the method of calculation of the solvency capital requirement SCR and the minimum capital requirement MCR. The calculation of the SCR is focused mainly on the method of the calculation of the capital requirement using the standard formula. Lastly, capital requirements are calculated using concrete data set.
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Modèles et méthodes actuarielles pour l'évaluation quantitative des risques en environnement solvabilité II / Actuarial models and methods for quantitative risk analysisBen Dbabis, Makram 14 December 2012 (has links)
Les nouvelles normes prudentielles Solvabilité II se penchent sur question du contrôle de la solvabilité des acteurs de marché d’assurance et de réassurance. Nous nous sommes proposé dans cette thèse de présenter les moyens techniques permettant la recherche des besoins de couverture de la solvabilité des assureurs se traduisant par la mise en œuvre d’une probabilité de ruine à moins de 0,5%, dans le cadre des modèles internes. La première partie, en mettant l’accent sur le problème de valorisation économique des passifs d’assurance vie lié aux options incluses dans les contrats d’assurance et donc d’obtention de la distribution de la situation nette à un 1 an et donc de son quantile d’ordre 0.5%, présentera les différentes approches de modélisation permettant de contourner ces problèmes :– Approche des simulations dans les simulations purement simulatoire et trop coûteuse en temps de calcul,– Algorithme d’accélération des simulations dans les simulations pour contourner les limites de la première approche,– Approche par portefeuille répliquant– Approche par fonction de perteDans une deuxième partie, l’accent sera mis sur la modélisation des risques techniques mal appréhendés par les assureurs en développant deux approches stochastiques pour modéliser, dans le cadre d’un modèle interne, les risques de longévité, de mortalité et aussi le risque dépendance. La troisième partie intéressera à l’optimisation du capital économique en mettant en œuvre la réassurance comme outil de gain en capital économique en proposant des approches de choix optimal en réassurance / The new prudential standards, Solvency II, consider the question of controling of insurer and reinsurer’s solvency. In this thesis, we’ve proposed technical solution for solvency capital assessment to keep ruin’s probability under the target of 0.5% aimed by the Solvency II project in internal model prospect. The First part will discuss the problem of economic valorization of life insurance liabilities and will present di_erent modeling approaches to determine the net assets value distribution and assess the 0.5% percentile that can solve it :– Nested simulation approach which is too much time consumer,– Nested simulation accelerator,– Replication portfolio approach,– Loss function approach.In the second part, we will focus on biometric risks modeling. Two stochastic modeling approaches was developped in order to model mortality & longevity and morbidity risks. The third part will focuss on capital optimization using reinsurance as a tool of capital reduction
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Kapitálové požadavky kladené na pojišťovny v Solvency II a jejich kvantifikace / Capital requirements for insurance companies under Solvency II and its quantificationKožár, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Title: Capital requirements imposed on insurance companies in Solveny II and their quantification Author: Bc. Martin Kožár Department: Department of probability and mathematical statistics Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Pleška Abstract: This thesis studies project Solvency II, which is focused on the integrated regulation of insurance market in the European Union. It pre- sents basic division and capital requirements arising from it. It describes division of the project into the three areas, refered to as pillars in practice. The thesis summarizes the basic methods for measuring the risk (Value at Risk, Tail Value at Risk), necessary in the calculation of the solvency capital requirements. The thesis studies the method of calculation of the solvency capital requirement SCR and the minimum capital requirement MCR. The calculation of the SCR is focused mainly on the method of the calculation of the capital requirement using the standard formula. Lastly, capital requi- rements are calculated using concrete data set. Keywords: Solvency II, solvency capital requirement SCR, minimum capital requirement MCR 1
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Výpočet rizikového kapitálu pro investiční životní pojištění / Výpočet rizikového kapitálu pro investiční životní pojištěníCoufal, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Title: Risk capital calculation in invesment life insurance Author: Bc. Tomáš Coufal Department/Institute: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statis- tics Supervisor of the master thesis: Mgr. Josef Lukášek Supervisor's e-mail address: Josef.Lukasek@allianz.cz Abstract: Unit linked insurance is a modern and flexible life insurance product. The last decade was marked by the raising popularity of unit linked insurance. The discussions conserning the impact of the new directive Sol- vency II on the life insurance business focus mainly on the traditional life insurance. This paper examines the issue of the calculation of the risk capital for unit linked insurance. Analysis of the impact of different death guaran- tees, forms of premium payment, time to maturity and dynamic policyholder bahaviour on the risk capital is presented. Keywords: Unit linked insurance, Solvency II, Risk capital, Solvency capital requirement
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Cena kmene neživotního pojištění / Value of nonlife insurance portfolioPavko, Marek January 2014 (has links)
Název práce: Cena kmene neživotního pojištění Autor: Bc. Marek Pavko Katedra: Katedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistky Vedoucí diplomové práce: Mgr. Pavel Koudelka, Generali Pojiš'ovna a.s. Abstrakt: V práci se věnujeme r·zným přístup·m k ocenění portfólia neživotního pojištění. Podrobněji rozebíráme návrh modelu, který zkoumá hodnotu aktuálního obchodu pojiš'ovny. Odděleně se zaměřujeme na hodnotu obchodu pocházejícího z nadbytku rezerv na jedné straně a zvláš' analyzujeme hodnotu obchodu pocházejí- cího z obnovených smluv na straně druhé. V teoretické části návrhu se zaobíráme simulační metodou bootstrap, kterou využijeme k analýze rizika škodních rezerv. Navržený model aplikujeme na reálná data, která odpovídají odvětví neživotního pojištění. V závěru práce zkoumáme citlivost hodnoty aktuálního obchodu vzhledem ke změně jednotlivých parametr· navrženého modelu a diskutujeme možnost jejich ovlivnění z pohledu pojiš'ovny. Klíčová slova: ocenění portfólia, hodnota aktuálního obchodu, bootstrap, neživotní pojištění, Solvency II 1
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Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících cenu akcií významných světových pojišťoven / Analysis of factors affecting the price of stocks in the most important insurance companies in the worldHeinzel, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is the analysis of factors, which influence price of insurance companies' stock. This work firstly contents definition of basic differences in the space, which insurance company does business in and regular manufacturing plant or sales company. Emphasis is put on controlling risks and regulation of insurance companies. The main part of work is fundamental analysis of 3 european insurance companies. The analysis of each macroeconomics quantity and the stock rate uses correlative coefficients. This work researchs, whether in case of relationship of progress of stock rates and quantities of economics holds regular conclusion, which are described in literature of economics or whether not. Whole fundamental analysis further complete sectoral analysis with development of main characteristics of european insurance market and companies' analysis, where are different proportion indicatiors compared.
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Návrh a implementácia BI riešenia v poisťovníctve / Design and implementation of BI solution in insurance industryMajling, Matej January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis is the application of BI (Business Intelligence) Solutions in the insurance industry. The main objectives are the creation of model analyses and the design and implementation of partial BI solutions on the QlikView platform for smaller non-life insurance companies. The model also takes into consideration aspects of the new EU insurance regulatory directive, Solvency II, by selecting input parameters needed for the calculation of premium and reserve risk using segmentation rules from the lines of business specified in the directive. The thesis consists of three main parts. The first focuses on the QlikView BI platform, its market place, architecture, SW components and the technologies it takes advantage of. It also examines the differences and specific aspects of developing a BI solution using QlikView, compared to other more traditional platforms - one of these aspects is associative data modeling. The second part of the thesis focuses on the financial risks that insurance companies are exposed to, methods for their quantification and techniques that are used for solvency determination -- based upon Solvency II guidelines -- using SCR (Solvency Capital Requirement) and MCR (Minimum Capital Requirement) indicators. Particular chapters explain the concept behind the Solvency II directives and demonstrate the structure of standard formulae used for SCR calculations, which are used for ascertaining the Premium and/or Reserve risk. The final part of the thesis builds upon the earlier sections and contains practical instructions and recommendations for the development of BI solutions based on the QlikView platform in smaller non-life insurance companies. A designed model of the BI application can primarily be used for basic corporate performance monitoring but can also assist in the partial calculation of some risk categories according to the Solvency II directives. The practical section -- which is the ultimate product and the main benefit of this master thesis -- expands beyond the theory to provide a basic conceptual framework for the development of BI applications in small insurance company environments.
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