Spelling suggestions: "subject:"found pressure"" "subject:"sound pressure""
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Normativa data för samband mellan subglottalt tryck och ljudtrycksnivåBjörklund, Staffan January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan subglottalt tryck och ljudtrycksnivå, och undersöka inverkan av kön och tonhöjd. Röststyrkan är starkt beroende av subglottalt tryck och sambandet har analyserats i ett flertal studier, som alla visar på ett linjärt förhållande mellan logaritmen av subglottala trycket och ljudtrycksnivån (SPL). Schutte (1980) analyserade sambandet för 21 kvinnor och 24 män som producerade ett stort antal mätdata med olika SPL och tonhöjd. Tryck mättes med ballong i esofagus. Tanaka & Gould (1982) analyserade 4 kvinnor och 6 män på tre ljudnivåer på bekväm tonhöjd; svag, normal och stark ljudstyrka. Subglottalt tryck uppmättes med pletysmograf, med försökspersonen sittandes i lufttät box. Pressad fonation karaktäriseras av ett högt subglottalt tryck och en förhållandevis låg SPL, så sambandet mellan tryck och SPL torde påverkas av glottal adduktion och troligen också av tonhöjd. Därför borde normativa data från röstfriska personer vara av intresse. I denna studie producerade 16 kvinnor och 15 män sekvenser av stavelsen [pæ] på fyra tonhöjder, jämnt fördelade över en oktav. Regressionsanalys användes för att approximera sambandet mellan SPL och logaritmen av subglottalt tryck samt för att beräkna genomsnittlig SPL-ökning för dubblat subglottalt tryck och beräknad SPL vid 10 cm H2O. Resultatet visar som väntat ett mycket starkt samband mellan subglottalt tryck och ljudtrycksnivån, med en korrelationskoefficient på 0.835 respektive 0.826 för kvinnor respektive män. En fördubbling av subglottalt tryck gav en genomsnittlig SPL-ökning av 11,5 dB (SD 3.8) för kvinnor och 10,0 dB (SD 2,7) för män. Skillnaden mellan kvinnor och män var här signifikant, vilket ger stöd för att använda separativa normativa värden för kvinnor och män. Genomsnittlig beräknad nivå vid 10 cm H2O var 83,6 dB (SD 3,9) för kvinnor och 82,2 dB (SD 4,6) för män beräknat till 15 cm mikrofonavstånd. Sambandet mellan subglottalt tryck och SPL skiljde sig en aning beroende på tonhöjd, men skillnaden var ej signifikant. Trots de relativt höga standardavvikelserna tyder resultatet på att det vore värt att studera i vad mån avvikelser från de potentiellt normativa värdena skulle kunna vara tecken på någon slags fonatorisk dysfunktion. / The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between subglottal pressure and sound pressure level (SPL), and to study the importance of gender and fundamental frequency in this relationship. Vocal loudness is strongly dependent on subglottal pressure. The relation between them has been analyzed in several investigations, all showing a linear relationship between the SPL and the log of the pressure. For example, Schutte (1980) analyzed the relation in 21 female and 24 male subjects who produced a great number of samples at different degrees of vocal loudness and at the subjects’ preferred pitch. Pressure was measured by means of an esophageal balloon. Tanaka and Gould (1982) analyzed 10 subjects each producing vowels at three loudness levels at comfortable pitch. Pressure data were obtained from a plethysmograph, with the subject sitting in an airtight box. Pressed phonation is characterized by a high subglottal pressure producing a comparatively low SPL, so hence the pressure – SPL relationship would be affected by glottal adduction and possibly also by F0. Therefore normative data from healthy voices should be of interest. In the present study 16 female and 15 male normal voices were asked to produce diminuendo and crescendo sequences of the syllable [pæ] at four pitches, equidistantly spaced within an octave. Trendlines were used to approximate the relation between SPL and the log of subglottal pressure. The resulting regression equations were used to calculate the average SPL increase for doubling of pressure and the SPL produced by a pressure of 10 cm H2O. The results showed an average correlation coefficient of 0.835 and 0.826 for female and male subjects. A doubled pressure produced an SPL increase of 11.5 dB (SD 3.8) and 10.0 dB (SD 2.7) for the female and the male voices. The difference between female and male voices was significant, which supports use of separate normative values for female and male voices. On average, a subglottal pressure of 10 cm H2O produced an SPL @ 0.15 m of 83.6 dB (SD 3.9) and 82.2 dB (SD 4.6) for the female and the male voices. The relationship between subglottal pressure and SPL depended somewhat on fundamental frequency, but the difference was not significant. In spite of the relatively high standard errors the results indicate that it would be worth to study in what extent differences from the potentially normative values of this study may be a sign of some sort of phonatory dysfunction.
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Aplicación de redes neuronales convolucionales para la emulación del modelo psicoacústico MPEG-1, capa I, para la codificación de señales de audio / Convolutional neural networks applied to the emulation of the psychoacoustic model for MPEG-1, Layer I audio signal encodersSanchez Huapaya, Alonso Sebastián, Serpa Pinillos, Sergio André 26 August 2020 (has links)
Solicitud de envío manuscrito de artículo científico. / El presente trabajo propone 4 alternativas de codificadores inspirados en el codificador MPEG-1, capa I, descrito en el estándar ISO/IEC 11172-3. El problema que se intenta resolver es el de requerir definir un modelo psicoacústico explícitamente para lograr codificar audio, reemplazándolo por redes neuronales. Todas las alternativas de codificador están basadas en redes neuronales convolucionales multiescala (MCNN) que emulan el modelo psicoacústico 1 del codificador mencionado. Las redes tienen 32 entradas que corresponden a las 32 subbandas del nivel de presión sonora (SPL – sound pressure level), y una única salida que corresponde a una de las 32 subbandas de o bien la relación señal a máscara (SMR) o bien el vector de asignación de bits. Es decir, un codificador está compuesto de un conjunto de 32 redes neuronales. La validación empleó los 10 primeros segundos de 15 canciones elegidas aleatoriamente de 10 géneros musicales distintos. Se comparó la calidad de las señales de audio generadas por cada codificador contra la de MPEG-1, capa I, mediante la métrica de ODG. El codificador cuya entrada es el SPL y cuya salida es la SMR, planteado por Guillermo Kemper, obtuvo los mejores resultados al realizar la comparación para 96 kbps y 192 kbps. El codificador denominado “SBU1” obtuvo los mejores resultados para 128 kbps. / The present work proposes 4 encoder alternatives, inspired in the MPEG-1, layer I encoder described in the ISO/IEC 11172-3 standard. The problem addressed here is the requirement of explicitly defining a psychoacoustic model to code audio, instead replacing it by neural networks. All the proposals are based on multiscale convolutional neural networks (MCNN) that emulate the psychoacoustic model 1 of the referred encoder. The networks have 32 inputs that map the 32 subbands of the sound pressure level (SPL), and a single output that corresponds to each of the 32 subbands of either the signal-to-mask ratio (SMR) or the bit allocation vector. Thus, an encoder is composed of a set of 32 neural networks. The validation process took the first 10 seconds of 15 randomly chosen songs of 10 different musical genres. The audio signal quality of the proposed encoders was compared to that of the MPEG-1, layer I encoder, using the ODG metric. The encoder whose input is the SPL and whose output is the SMR, proposed by Guillermo Kemper, yielded the best results for 96 kbps and 192 kbps. The encoder named “SBU1” had the best results for 128 kbps. / Tesis
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Automatic Maximum Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Measurements Inside Cars / Automatisk mätning av maximal ljudtrycksnivå i bilarDong, Luyao January 2023 (has links)
With a growing interest in technical specifications among consumers, there is a need for accessible measurement tools that enable individuals to evaluate the performance of their equipment, including common speakers and car audio systems, beyond what the manufacturer provides. However, the existing measurement systems are often geared towards professionals. This thesis aims to address this gap by designing and developing a user-friendly measurement tool that empowers individuals to easily measure and evaluate the performance of their devices. The work started with identifying the key technical specifications that users are interested in, and three parameters were selected for estimation: the maximum sound pressure level the system can provide, the corresponding multi-tone distortion and total harmonic distortion. Each parameter's measurement method varies, particularly in the choice of test stimuli and data processing. The methods in this thesis were determined after comparing existing standards for acoustical output-based measurement. Furthermore, some problems in terms of measurement capabilities and accuracy when implementing measurements within the defined application scenarios were also discussed. Ideally, the tool can finally provide users with detailed insights into chosen technical specifications, allowing them to know their audio systems better and make informed decisions. The automatic control of playback and recording as well as the processing afterwards was implemented in Python with the help of some existing packages. A graphic user interface based on PyQt was also developed to improve the manipulation of the measurement. Thus, the functionality that the tool is supposed to have is initially fulfilled, although its accuracy needs further verifying and improvement and the scope of the tool can be extended. / Med ett växande intresse för tekniska specifikationer bland konsumenter finns det ett behov av tillgängliga mätverktyg som gör det möjligt för privatpersoner att utvärdera prestandan hos sin utrustning, inklusive vanliga högtalare och bilstereosystem, utöver vad tillverkaren tillhandahåller. De befintliga mätsystemen är dock ofta inriktade på professionella användare. Denna avhandling syftar till att åtgärda denna brist genom att utforma och utveckla ett användarvänligt mätverktyg som gör det möjligt för privatpersoner att enkelt mäta och utvärdera prestandan hos sina enheter. Arbetet inleddes med att identifiera de viktigaste tekniska specifikationerna som användarna är intresserade av, och tre parametrar valdes ut för uppskattning: den maximala ljudtrycksnivå som systemet kan ge, motsvarande multitondistorsion och total harmonisk distorsion. Mätmetoden för varje parameter varierar, särskilt när det gäller valet av teststimuli och databehandling. Metoderna i denna avhandling fastställdes efter jämförelse av befintliga standarder för akustisk effektbaserad mätning. Dessutom diskuterades vissa problem när det gäller mätkapacitet och noggrannhet vid implementering av mätningar inom de definierade tillämpningsscenarierna. I bästa fall kan verktyget slutligen ge användarna detaljerade insikter i valda tekniska specifikationer, så att de kan lära känna sina ljudsystem bättre och fatta välgrundade beslut. Den automatiska styrningen av uppspelning och inspelning samt bearbetningen i efterhand implementerades i Python med hjälp av några befintliga paket. Ett grafiskt användargränssnitt baserat på PyQt utvecklades också för att förbättra hanteringen av mätningen. Den funktionalitet som verktyget är tänkt att ha är således initialt uppfylld, även om dess noggrannhet behöver verifieras och förbättras ytterligare och verktygets omfattning kan utökas.
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Acoustic noise emitted from overhead line conductorsLi, Qi January 2013 (has links)
The developments of new types of conductors and increase of voltage level have driven the need to carry out research on evaluating overhead line acoustic noise. The surface potential gradient of a conductor is a critical design parameter for planning overhead lines, as it determines the level of corona loss (CL), radio interference (RI), and audible noise (AN). The majority of existing models for surface gradient calculation are based on analytical methods which restrict their application in simulating complex surface geometries. This thesis proposes a novel method which utilizes both analytical and numerical procedures to predict the surface gradient. Stranding shape, proximity of tower, protrusions and bundle arrangements are considered within this model. One of UK National Grid's transmission line configurations has been selected as an example to compare the results for different methods. The different stranding shapes are a key variable in determining dry surface fields. The dynamic behaviour of water droplets subject to AC electric fields is investigated by experiment and finite element modelling. The motion of a water droplet is considered on the surface of a metallic sphere. To understand the consequences of vibration, the FEA model is introduced to study the dynamics of a single droplet in terms of phase shift between vibration and exciting voltage. Moreover, the evolution of electric field within the whole cycle of vibration is investigated. The profile of the electric field and the characteristics of mechanical vibration are evaluated. Surprisingly the phase shift between these characteristics results in the maximum field occurring when the droplet is in a flattened profile rather than when it is ‘pointed’.Research work on audible noise emitted from overhead line conductors is reviewed, and a unique experimental set up employing a semi-anechoic chamber and corona cage is described. Acoustically, this facility isolates undesirable background noise and provides a free-field test space inside the anechoic chamber. Electrically, the corona cage simulates a 3 m section of 400 kV overhead line conductors by achieving the equivalent surface gradient. UV imaging, acoustic measurements and a partial discharge detection system are employed as instrumentation. The acoustic and electrical performance is demonstrated through a series of experiments. Results are discussed, and the mechanisms for acoustic noise are considered. A strategy for evaluating the noise emission level for overhead line conductors is developed. Comments are made on predicting acoustic noise from overhead lines. The technical achievements of this thesis are summarized in three aspects. First of all, an FEA model is developed to calculate the surface electric field for overhead line conductors and this has been demonstrated as an efficient tool for power utilities in computing surface electric field especially for dry condition. The second achievement is the droplet vibration study which describes the droplets' behaviour under rain conditions, such as the phase shift between the voltage and the vibration magnitude, the ejection phenomena and the electric field enhancement due to the shape change of droplets. The third contribution is the development of a standardized procedure in assessing noise emission level and the characteristics of noise emissions for various types of existing conductors in National Grid.
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Active Control of Noise Through WindowsLane, Jeremy David January 2013 (has links)
Windows are a weakness in building facade sound transmission loss (STL). This coupled with the detrimental effects of excessive noise exposure on human health including: annoyance, sleep deprivation, hearing impairment and heart disease, is the motivation for this investigation of the STL improvements active noise control (ANC) of windows can provide.
Window speaker development, ANC window experiments and analytical modelling of ANC windows were investigated. Five different window speaker constructions were characterised then compared with a previously developed window speaker. ANC window testing used three different ANC configurations and was performed in two different
environments, one with a reverberant receiving room, and the other with an anechoic receiving room. Optimisation of ANC systems with particular control source locations was the aim of the modelling. This enabled comparison with the ANC window tests and would aid in further development of ANC windows.
Window speaker constructions were characterised by sound pressure level (SPL) measurements performed in an anechoic room. These measurements were made in a way that enabled comparison with the previously developed window speaker.
Total sound energy reduction calculations were used to determine the relative performance of the tested ANC windows.
An STL model, based on a modal panel vibration model, was initially created and verified against published STL data before it was expanded to include ANC control sources. The model was used to simulate the performed anechoic environment tests and an ideal ANC case.
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Computational Modeling of Propeller Noise: NASA SR-7A propellerMoussa, Karim January 2014 (has links)
The aerospace industry has been concerned with propeller noise levels for years. This interest is two-fold: government regulation and comfort in cabin. This report attempts to create a simulation mechanism needed to evaluate the far-field noise generation levels. However, in order to do that, the tandem cylinder case was evaluated first as a validation step before the SR-7A propeller case was performed. Both cases use STAR-CCM+, a commercial software, to perform the simulations.
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Vliv rychlosti mobilních energetických prostředků na hladinu akustického tlaku / Effect of speed mobile power resources on the sound levelSKALIČKA, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on evaluating of noise pollution environment of mobile energy devices of various classes with respect to the speed of mobile the energy resource. The first part oft eoretical research focuses on the physical properties of noise and effect on people. The second part describes the reasons for noise, its intensity at the mobile energy resources with its average values. In the practical part are performed measurement of noise emissions with the surrounding environment. There is suggested measures to reduce the noise level, ventually there is recommended optimal operating speed movement of vehicles.
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Porovnání hlučnosti stranových vyústek odlišných konstrukcí / Comparison of noise generated by differently constructed ventsBernard, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with comparing noise levels of three side vents of different constructions, which are used for distribution and directing of ventilation air in a cabin of an automobile. The fundamental knowledge of the physical and physiological acoustics is described in the introduction part of this study. Following the introduction part there is a brief explanation of the car air conditioning system (HVAC system) as well as are explained the acoustic properties of specific elements of this system. The study also deals with dividing ventilation vents and describes the vast traceable types of automobile vents. Prior to the description of the experiment, which was conducted as a part of this study, the procedures and results of the measurements carried out in other theses are explained. Measurement of noise levels of the compared vents was carried out in a semi-anechoic chamber under the ČSN ISO 3475 standardization. To clarify increase of noise generated by the vent in an interior of an automobile, additional measurement of noise was carried out in a cabin of Porsche Cayenne 2018. From the gathered results we can conclude that under the constant flow, (of 60 square meters per hour) louder vents are those with higher pressure loss. This pressure loss is dependant primarily on the speed of the flow in the vent, as well as on the number and the adjustment of the deflectors. In a cabin of an automobile, the noise produced by the vent is negligible in comparison with total noise in an interior of a car. However, in the area surrounding the air flowing out from the vent, (approximately 0,7 meters from it) the level of acoustic pressure increases significantly.
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Vyhodnocování dopravního hluku / Evaluation of Traffic NoiseMejzlík, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with issue of traffic noise, its measurement and data evaluation. Theoretic part of my work concretes basic information about acoustics and also describes and analyzes traffic noise sources of tire/pavement. Next part deals with quite pavement and with measurement methods of traffic noise. Practical part of my thesis contains description, results and evaluation of realized measurement with methods CPX and SPB.
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Insight into coral reef ecosystems: investigations into the application of acoustics to monitor coral reefs and how corallivorous fish respond to mass coral mortality.Dimoff, Sean 05 February 2021 (has links)
Coral reefs around the world are threatened by a variety of sources, from localized impacts, including overfishing and coastal development, to global temperature increases and ocean acidification. Conserving these marine biodiversity havens requires both global and local action informed by scientific research. In this thesis, I use data collected from the coral reefs around Kiritimati atoll (Republic of Kiribati) in the central equatorial Pacific, first to assess the applicability of two common metrics used in passive underwater acoustic research, and second to examine the effects of a marine heatwave and local human disturbance on an assemblage of corallivorous fish. Using acoustic data recorded in 2017 and 2018 on reefs around Kiritimati, I assess how sound pressure level (SPL) and the acoustic complexity index (ACI) respond to changes in fish sounds in a low frequency band (160 Hz – 1 kHz) and snapping shrimp snaps in a high frequency band (1 kHz – 22 kHz). I found that while SPL was positively correlated with increases in fish sounds and snap density, changes in ACI were dependent upon the settings chosen for its calculation, with the density of snaps negatively correlated with ACI across all settings. These findings provide evidence that despite its quick and prolific adoption, acoustic metrics like ACI should be thoroughly field-tested and standardized before they are applied to new ecosystems like coral reefs. Next, using underwater visual censuses (UVCs) of reef fish assemblages, I quantified how two functional groups of corallivores, obligate and facultative, responded to a mass coral mortality event created by the 2015-2016 El Niño. Declines in abundance of both groups were largely driven by the response of coral-associated damselfishes, Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus in the obligate group and Plectroglyphidodon dickii in the facultative group, to heat stress and subsequent coral mortality. I also observed a significant decline in the species richness of obligate corallivores, and a continued decline in the abundance of obligate corallivores three years after the mass coral mortality event. Additionally, facultative corallivore abundance increased with disturbance, although the effect was modulated by year, likely due to their more adaptable diets. Corallivore assemblage structure was also influenced by the heat stress event, recovery, and local human disturbance. These results detail how an entire corallivorous assemblage is impacted by a coral mortality event and incidentally provide a timeline for corallivore decline. Together, these results provide information about new ways of monitoring coral reefs, and the ways in which two components of the reef fish community, obligate and facultative corallivores, respond to a mass coral mortality event. / Graduate / 2022-01-15
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