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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Retaining learners in primary schools in the East London education district: policy implications

Kumanda,Nomaroma January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate different ways of retaining learners in teaching and learning practices in grade seven classrooms. The study was conducted in two East London Primary schools. The research took the form of a qualitative interpretive case study focusing on a study sample. The qualitative methods allowed the researcher to gather data in order to describe and interpret teachers‟ knowledge in retaining learners in grade seven classrooms. This critical analysis explored the literature relating to retention of learners if they fail to meet proficiency requirements. The research made use of a qualitative, mixedmethod, and meta-analysis techniques to collect and analyse the data. The study is systematically analysed and categorized according to three themes: retention and social promotion policy effectiveness, causes of dropping out and identification of curriculum and program options. The findings suggested that retaining learners may have some positive effects in the short-term, but that may diminish with time and age. Early detection of academic deficiencies by teachers can possibly prevent negative psychological effects and dropping out due to retention. Student retention in public schools is comparatively poor in traditional education and in some contexts, embarrassingly low. Literature on the subject of student retention in public schools indicates that even when interventions are designed and undertaken to improve student‟s retention, they tend to fall short. The main aim of this dissertation therefore is to better understand and measure learners‟ attitudes and perceptions towards the effectiveness of learning. In view of this, it is hoped that the study can determine how these strategies can be used optimally to improve student retention at lower grades in the East London District in Eastern Cape. The findings at its best indicate what possible method that could be used to improve retention of learners, by enhancing their teaching/ learning and improving the efficacy of Eastern Cape school‟s existing student support system.

Comparing anti-corruption strategies in South Africa's Western and Eastern Cape Provinces.

Cwati, Sizathu Tosca January 2004 (has links)
In its new democracy, South Africa is busy making endeavours to transform and correct the wrongs and problems of the past. In the process it is vital that obstacles to development such as corruption in the public sector should be uprooted as they inhibit quality service delivery and further damage the name of the public service.<br /> <br /> This study compares anti-corruption strategies in South Africa&rsquo / s Western and Eastern Cape provinces, in particular by looking at both the achievements and limitations that have been experienced. The focus area is the provincial administrations in both provinces. In order to contextualise the evaluation of the anti-corruption strategies pursued by the two provincial administrations, the study also includes an examination of the role of provinces in general in combating corruption.<br /> <br /> The research methods employed include a detailed survey of documentation published by the provincial governments&rsquo / anti-corruption agencies, as well as reports by civil society organizations focusing on corruption in the public sector. The study also draws on semi-structured interviews conducted with key stakeholders in the two provinces.<br /> <br /> The study concludes by summarizing the successes and limitations of the two provincial administrations in dealing with corruption. A number of practical recommendations are provided to strengthen the future design and implementation of anti-corruption strategies.<br /> The empirical research for this research report was carried out in 2003 before the national and provincial elections of 2004.

Comparing anti-corruption strategies in South Africa's Western and Eastern Cape Provinces.

Cwati, Sizathu Tosca January 2004 (has links)
In its new democracy, South Africa is busy making endeavours to transform and correct the wrongs and problems of the past. In the process it is vital that obstacles to development such as corruption in the public sector should be uprooted as they inhibit quality service delivery and further damage the name of the public service.<br /> <br /> This study compares anti-corruption strategies in South Africa&rsquo / s Western and Eastern Cape provinces, in particular by looking at both the achievements and limitations that have been experienced. The focus area is the provincial administrations in both provinces. In order to contextualise the evaluation of the anti-corruption strategies pursued by the two provincial administrations, the study also includes an examination of the role of provinces in general in combating corruption.<br /> <br /> The research methods employed include a detailed survey of documentation published by the provincial governments&rsquo / anti-corruption agencies, as well as reports by civil society organizations focusing on corruption in the public sector. The study also draws on semi-structured interviews conducted with key stakeholders in the two provinces.<br /> <br /> The study concludes by summarizing the successes and limitations of the two provincial administrations in dealing with corruption. A number of practical recommendations are provided to strengthen the future design and implementation of anti-corruption strategies.<br /> The empirical research for this research report was carried out in 2003 before the national and provincial elections of 2004.

Comparing anti-corruption strategies in South Africa's Western and Eastern Cape Provinces

Cwati, Sizathu Tosca January 2004 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / In its new democracy, South Africa is busy making endeavours to transform and correct the wrongs and problems of the past. In the process it is vital that obstacles to development such as corruption in the public sector should be uprooted as they inhibit quality service delivery and further damage the name of the public service.This study compares anti-corruption strategies in South Africa&rsquo;s Western and Eastern Cape provinces, in particular by looking at both the achievements and limitations that have been experienced. The focus area is the provincial administrations in both provinces. In order to contextualise the evaluation of the anti-corruption strategies pursued by the two provincial administrations, the study also includes an examination of the role of provinces in general in combating corruption.The research methods employed include a detailed survey of documentation published by the provincial governments&rsquo; anti-corruption agencies, as well as reports by civil society organizations focusing on corruption in the public sector. The study also draws on semi-structured interviews conducted with key stakeholders in the two provinces.The study concludes by summarizing the successes and limitations of the two provincial administrations in dealing with corruption. A number of practical recommendations are provided to strengthen the future design and implementation of anti-corruption strategies.The empirical research for this research report was carried out in 2003 before the national and provincial elections of 2004. / South Africa

An evaluation of the knowledge of the registered midwives managing hypertensive disorders at primary health care level in the Eastern Cape

Ngwekazi, Nompumelelo Lorraine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hypertensive disorders are one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality in South Africa. The morbidity and mortality rate can be decreased by early detection and management of hypertensive disorders at primary health care Level. The midwives should therefore be knowledgeable and competent in the assessment and diagnosis of pregnant women who are at risk of developing a hypertensive disorder, and be able to manage the problem. The purpose of the study was to investigate scientifically the knowledge of the registered midwives managing hypertensive disorders in pregnancy working at primary health care level in the Eastern Cape. The objectives set for the study were to investigate the knowledge of the registered midwives in the following areas: • Knowledge about hypertensive disorders • Assessment • Diagnosis • Management A descriptive correlational research design was applied with a quantitative approach to investigate scientifically the knowledge of the registered midwives managing hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. The target population included all the registered midwives working permanently in primary health care clinics in the Buffalo City Local Service Area. A stratified random sample of n=43 (44%) of a population of N=98 clinics both in rural and urban were selected together with a sample of n=101(44%) of N=228 registered midwives working in these clinics. A questionnaire consisting of predominantly closed questions was used for the collection of data, collected personally by the researcher. Ethical approval was obtained from Stellenbosch University, Department of Health and individual informed consent. A pilot study, which did not form part of the study, was conducted to test the questionnaire at the clinics. A 10% (n=10) sample of the registered midwives of 4 clinics participated in the pilot study. The validity and reliability was assured through the pilot study, the use of a statistician, as well as experts in midwifery, nursing and a research methodologist. The data was analysed and presented in tables and histograms. Statistical correlational tests were done to determine any correlations between the variables. Findings obtained show that inadequate knowledge exists among participants with specific reference to knowledge, assessment, diagnosis and management about hypertensive disorders. A statistical correlation was shown between the presence of doctors and the knowledge of the midwives using the Mann-Whitney statistical test (p=0.04). In clinics where there are no doctors’ visits, the knowledge of the staff was higher (0.691), than the total knowledge mean score (0.666). Where doctors are regularly visiting the clinics the mean knowledge score is lower (0.656). These results show that where midwives do not have any additional support as when there are doctors present, individual effort is made to keep up to date as they are practising as independent practitioners. Recommendations are based on the scientific evidence which emphasis further education in advanced midwifery, workshops, conferences, updating their knowledge and weekly in-service training, introduction of a quality assurance and patient education programmes. In conclusion empowering the midwives with the required knowledge about hypertensive disorders will contribute towards decreasing the mortality and morbidity rates. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Siektetoestande gekoppel aan hipertensie is een van die vernaamste oorsake van sieklikheid en moedersterftes in Suid-Afrika. Die siektetoestand en sterftekoers kan afneem deur vroeë opsporing en bestuur van hipertensietoestande op primêre gesondheidsorgvlak. Die kraampersoneel behoort dus kundig en bekwaam te wees tydens die assessering en diagnose van swanger vroue wat die risiko loop om ’n toestand van hipertensie te ontwikkel en daartoe in staat te wees om die probleem te kan hanteer. Die doel van die studie is om die kennis van geregistreerde vroedvroue wetenskaplike te ondersoek wat hipertensiewe toestande tydens swangerskap hanteer op Primêre Gesondheidssorgvlak in die Oos-Kaap. Die doelstellings wat uiteengesit is vir die studie, is om die kennis van geregistreerde kraampersoneel in die volgende areas te ondersoek: • Kennis van hipertensiewe toestande • Assessering • Diagnose • Hantering. ’n Beskrywende korrelerende navorsingsontwerp is toegepas met ’n kwantitatiewe benadering om die kennis van die geregistreerde kraampersoneel wat hipertensiewe versteurings in swangerskappe hanteer, wetenskaplik te ondersoek. Die teikengroep het al die geregistreerde kraampersoneel wat permanent in die primêre gesondheidssorgklinieke in die Buffalo City Plaaslike Diensarea werk, ingesluit. ’n Gestratifieerde ewekansige steekproef van n=43 (44%) gekies uit ’n gesamentlike plattelandse en stedelike bevolking van N=98 klinieke met ’n steekproef van n=101 (44%) van N=228 geregistreerde vroedvroue wat in die klinieke werk. ’n Vraelys wat hoofsaaklik uit geslote vrae bestaan, is gebruik vir die insameling van data wat persoonlik deur die navorser ingesamel is. Etiese toestemming is verkry van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, die Departement van Gesondheid asook individuele ingeligte toestemming. ’n Loodsondersoek is uitgevoer om die vraelys te toets by die klinieke wat nie deel van die studie was nie. ’n 10% (n=10), steekproef van die geregistreerde vroedvroue van 4 klinieke het deelgeneem aan die loodsondersoek. Die geldigheid en betroubaarheid is verseker deur die loodsondersoek, die gebruik van ’n statistikus asook kundiges in kraamverpleging en ’n navorsingsmetodoloog. Die data is geanaliseer en weergegee in tabelle en histogramme, statistiese korrelasietoetse is gedoen om korrelasies te bepaal tussen die veranderlikes. Die bevindings, bewys dat ongenoegsame kennis bestaan by deelnemers met spesifieke verwysing na kennis, assessering, diagnose en hantering ten opsigte van aangaande toestande van hipertensiewe toestande. ’n Statistiese korrelasie is getoon tussen die teenwoordigheid van geneeshere en die kennis van vroedvroue deur gebruik te maak van die Mann-Whitney statistiese toets (p=0.04). In klinieke waar daar geen doktersbesoeke is nie, is die personeelkennis beter (0.691) as die totale gemiddelde kennistelling (0.666). Waar geneeshere gereeld die klinieke besoek, is die gemiddelde kennistelling laer (0.656). Hierdie resultate bewys dat waar die vroedvroue geen bykomende ondersteuning deur die teenwoordigheid van geneeshere het nie, het individuele moeite gedoen om op die hoogte te bly, aangesien hulle as onafhanklike praktisyns optree. Aanbevelings is gebaseer op wetenskaplike bewyse wat verdere onderrig beklemtoon in gevorderde kraamverpleging, werkswinkels, konferensies, die bywerk van kennis en weeklikse indiensopleiding, die instel van ’n kwaliteitsversekering en opvoedingsprogramme vir pasiënte. Ten slotte die bemagtiging van vroedvroue wat oor die vereiste kennis beskik van toestande van hipertensiewe toestande, sal bydra tot die afname van sterfte- en siektesyfers.

A situation analysis of sex education and communication and the implications thereof for HIV/AIDS prevention work

Mankayi, Andiswa January 2003 (has links)
This study explores the history of sex communication and education over a period of fifty years (1950 to the present), in a deep rural area of the Eastern Cape. It describes patterns of sex communication between peers, between siblings, between children and parents and between young people and other non-familial agencies within communities. Communication trends are traced from the period before contraception was introduced, through to the introduction of female birth control methods into the HIV/AIDS era where the focus has been on attempting to introduce condoms. Twelve semi-structured interviews and two four-person focus groups were conducted to gather information on how the participants acquired information about sexuality and their responses to the same. The findings of the present study suggest that the widespread use of injectable contraceptives has had a marked effect on the sexual culture of the community under investigation. It has led to the collapse of the regulatory practices which were previously in place. This in turn has significantly affected the sexual communication and negotiation context. Furthermore, it has had a determining influence on male involvement in sexual reproductive health matters and has created a poor context for the adoption of condoms as a prophylactic. There were no major changes in the sexual communication context within families and within communities in that education has always been limited to instructions to avoid pregnancy. Of note was a culture of collusion between adults and children surrounding sexuality, which absolved the parties involved in addressing sexuality. These factors are understood have mediated response to HIV/AIDS prevention efforts, and need to be taken into consideration in the development of sex communication and education programmes.

Exploring factors that influence condom use among high school teenagers aged between 16 and 18 years in Dutywa District, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Mnyipika, Nomandla 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The Department of Education nationwide introduced HIV and AIDS care and support for learning and teaching programmes as intervention strategies for supporting vulnerable learners. Despite these interventions, teenagers continue to fall pregnant and this increases their vulnerability to HIV infection. HIV and STIs are rife among teenagers owing to ignorance and peer pressure, among other factors. The aim of this exploratory qualitative study was to explore factors that influence condom use among high school teenagers aged between 16 and 18 in Dutywa District. Focus group discussions and in-depth face-to-face interviews with 12 high school teenagers from one high school (High School X) were used to collect data. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. The findings of this study revealed that high school teenagers are not using condoms to any significant degree. In their opinion, condoms limit sexual pleasure; they indicate a lack of trust and unfaithfulness between partners and are associated with sexually transmitted diseases. The findings of this study are significant for the policy implementation of schools. / Sociology / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV and AIDS)

Exploring factors that influence condom use among high school teenagers aged between 16 and 18 years in Dutywa District, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Mnyipika, Nomandla 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The Department of Education nationwide introduced HIV and AIDS care and support for learning and teaching programmes as intervention strategies for supporting vulnerable learners. Despite these interventions, teenagers continue to fall pregnant and this increases their vulnerability to HIV infection. HIV and STIs are rife among teenagers owing to ignorance and peer pressure, among other factors. The aim of this exploratory qualitative study was to explore factors that influence condom use among high school teenagers aged between 16 and 18 in Dutywa District. Focus group discussions and in-depth face-to-face interviews with 12 high school teenagers from one high school (High School X) were used to collect data. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. The findings of this study revealed that high school teenagers are not using condoms to any significant degree. In their opinion, condoms limit sexual pleasure; they indicate a lack of trust and unfaithfulness between partners and are associated with sexually transmitted diseases. The findings of this study are significant for the policy implementation of schools. / Sociology / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV and AIDS)

Cultural factors associated with management of a breast lump amongst Xhosa women

Mdondolo, Nosipho 01 1900 (has links)
A qualitative research design and an ethno-nursing research method were used to identify cultural factors influencing Xhosa women's health seeking behaviours associated with breast lumps. Focus group interviews were conducted to obtain data. The research results revealed that these Xhosa women with breast lumps did not disclose some cultural factors which influenced their health seeking behaviours associated breast lumps. Registered nurses, sharing the same culture and language as the Xhosa women, revealed that Xhosa women with breast lumps sought treatment from traditional healers, prior to seeking medical care from the hospital and/or clinics. When they arrive at the hospital/clinics the breast lumps have often progressed to advanced ulcerated breast cancer, with poor prognoses and poor treatment outcomes. Xhosa women lacked knowledge about the management of breast lumps. Health promotion efforts should address this issue at Primary Health Care services in the Eastern Cape. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Cultural factors associated with management of a breast lump amongst Xhosa women

Mdondolo, Nosipho 01 1900 (has links)
A qualitative research design and an ethno-nursing research method were used to identify cultural factors influencing Xhosa women's health seeking behaviours associated with breast lumps. Focus group interviews were conducted to obtain data. The research results revealed that these Xhosa women with breast lumps did not disclose some cultural factors which influenced their health seeking behaviours associated breast lumps. Registered nurses, sharing the same culture and language as the Xhosa women, revealed that Xhosa women with breast lumps sought treatment from traditional healers, prior to seeking medical care from the hospital and/or clinics. When they arrive at the hospital/clinics the breast lumps have often progressed to advanced ulcerated breast cancer, with poor prognoses and poor treatment outcomes. Xhosa women lacked knowledge about the management of breast lumps. Health promotion efforts should address this issue at Primary Health Care services in the Eastern Cape. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

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