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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The seasonal variations of ozone in the stratosphere and their hemispheric asymmetries

Li, Jinlong 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Variability and interannual trends in the climatology of radon-222 at two Southern Hemisphere coastal baseline sites

Botha, Ryno January 2021 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis characterises and discusses two continuous coastal Southern Hemispheric (SH) atmospheric radon (222Rn) signals. Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns are important components of the climate system implicated in driving catastrophic events such as extreme droughts and mega-wildfires and radon measurements at coastal sites provide valuable information on interactions of terrestrial and oceanic air masses on regional to hemispheric scales. The main collaborating SH atmospheric observatories in this study are located at Cape Grim (CGO, Tasmania, 1992-2017) and Cape Point (CPO, South Africa, 1999-2017). The radon signal from a high-altitude remote island oceanic site in the Northern Hemisphere Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO, Hawaii, 2004-2015) is also incorporated for comparison purposes. The CGO radon signal is the longest and most sensitive in current existence. A variety of statistical, spectral, trend, back-trajectory and trajectory density methods are utilized in this study to illuminate features of the datasets on multiple scales. Strongly skewed radon distributions occur, with a large number of events falling into a compact range of low values (corresponding to marine air-masses) and a smaller number of events spread over a wide range of high-radon values (continental air-masses). Making use of Fast Fourier Transform power spectral analysis, prominent periodicities are identified on diurnal and annual scales. Inter-annual variations in seasonal and diurnal radon and meteorological characteristics, indicating changes in the continental/oceanic atmospheric mixing state, are evident especially during the period from 2012 to 2017, perhaps associated with the strong El-Niño southern oscillation centred on 2015. A slow but systematic decline in CGO and CPO radon levels is evident over the dataset, associated with fewer continental and more marine air-masses impacting the coastal stations. The long-term trends observed in the atmospheric radon signal may indicate changes in SH circulation patterns over time, perhaps associated with climate change effects.

Lead-radium dating of two deep-water fishes from the southern hemisphere, Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) and Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus)

Andrews, Allen Hia January 2009 (has links)
Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) or "Chilean sea bass" support a valuable and controversial fishery, but the life history is little known and longevity estimates range from ~20 to more than 40 or 50 yr. In this study, lead-radium dating provided validated age estimates from juveniles to older adults, supporting the use of otoliths as accurate indicators of age. The oldest age groups were near 30 yr, which provided support for age estimates exceeding 40 or 50 yr from grow zone counts in otolith sections. Hence, scale reading, which rarely exceeds 20 years, has the potential for age underestimation. Lead-radium dating revealed what may be minor differences in age interpretation between two facilities and findings may provide an age-validated opportunity for the CCAMLR Otolith Network to reassess otolith interpretations. Orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) support a major deep-sea fishery and stock assessments often depend on age analyses, but lifespan estimates range from ~20 to over 100 yr and validation of growth zone counts remained unresolved. An early application of lead-radium dating supported centenarian ages, but the findings were met with disbelief and some studies have attempted to discredit the technique and the long lifespan. In this study, an improved lead-radium dating technique used smaller samples than previously possible and circumvented assumptions that were previously necessary. Lead-radium dating of otolith cores, the first few years of growth, provided ratios that correlated well with the ingrowth curve. This provided robust support for age estimates from otolith thin sections. Use of radiometric ages as independent age estimates indicated the fish in the oldest group were at least 93 yr. Lead-radium dating has validated a centenarian lifespan for orange roughy. To date, radium-226 has been measured in otoliths of 39 fish species ranging from the northern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans to the Southern Ocean. In total, 367 reliable radium-226 measurements were made in 36 studies since the first lead-radium dating study on fish in 1982. The activity of radium-226 measurements ranged over 3 orders of magnitude (<0.001 to >1.0 dpm.g⁻¹). An analysis revealed ontogenetic differences in radium-226 uptake that may be attributed to changes in habitat or diet. Radiometric age from otolith core studies was used to describe a radium-226 uptake time-series for some species, which revealed interesting patterns over long periods. This synopsis provides information on the uptake of radium-226 to otoliths from an environmental perspective, which can be used as a basis for future studies.

The association of hydrogen with sulfur on Mars across latitudes, longitudes, and compositional extremes

Karunatillake, Suniti, Wray, James J., Gasnault, Olivier, McLennan, Scott M., Deanne Rogers, A., Squyres, Steven W., Boynton, William V., Skok, J. R., Button, Nicole E., Ojha, Lujendra 07 1900 (has links)
Midlatitudinal hydrated sulfates on Mars may influence brine pH, atmospheric humidity, and collectively water activity. These factors affect the habitability of the planetary subsurface and the preservation of relict biomolecules. Regolith at grain sizes smaller than gravel, constituting the bulk of the Martian subsurface at regional scales, may be a primary repository of chemical alteration, mechanical alteration, and biosignatures. The Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer with hundreds of kilometers of lateral resolution and compositional sensitivity to decimeter depth provides unique insight into this component of the regolith, which we call soil. Advancing the globally compelling association between H2O and S established by our previous work, we characterize latitudinal variations in the association between H and S, as well as in the hydration state of soil. Represented by H2O:S molar ratios, the hydration state of candidate sulfates increases with latitude in the northern hemisphere. In contrast, hydration states generally decrease with latitude in the south. Furthermore, we observe that H2O concentration may affect the degree of sulfate hydration more than S concentration. Limited H2O availability in soil-atmosphere exchange and in subsurface recharge could explain such control exerted by H2O on salt hydration. Differences in soil thickness, ground ice table depths, atmospheric circulation, and insolation may contribute to hemispheric differences in the progression of hydration with latitude. Our observations support chemical association of H2O with S in the southern hemisphere as suggested by Karunatillake et al. (2014), including the possibility of Fe sulfates as a key mineral group.

"Determinação de abundâncias químicas em simbióticas amarelas austrais" / Determination of chemical abundances in yellow symbiotic stars from the southern hemsiphere

Calbo, Silvia Ribeiro 09 June 2004 (has links)
Com o presente trabalho contribuiu-se para o estudo das composições químicas das estrelas simbióticas do hemisfério sul, muito pouco exploradas na literatura. Apresenta-se um conjunto completo de simbióticas amarelas austrais extraído do catálogo de Belczynski [Belczynski]. Alguns dos objetos analisados não possuem nem sequer dados espectroscópicos na literatura. Obtém-se os dados deste trabalho com o telescópio de 1.6 m do LNA e da base de dados do satélite I.U.E. Calcula-se o avermelhamento a partir das linhas de recombinação do H, aplicando os valores de extinção interestelar obtidos dos espectros no visível aos do U.V. A partir das razões entre as linhas do [OIII] e [NII] e supondo uma temperatura eletrônica de 12 000 K (Nussbaumer [NussbuamerNP]) encontra-se as densidade eletrônicas presentes nas nebulosas dos sistemas simbióticos. Com estes dados, mais os os fluxos das linhas derivam-se as abundâncias químicas das nebulosas dos sistemas simbióticos; C, N, O no U.V. e He, Ar, S, O e N no visível. Comparam-se as abundâncias no visível com as das simbióticas na direção do bojo (Luna [Luna]) e com nebulosas planetárias (Escudero [Escudero]). Nota-se que em geral as simbióticas são mais enriquecidas em N e He do que as planetárias isto ocorre provavelmente porque as progenitoras das estrelas simbióticas são mais massivas do que a das planetárias. No entanto, para elementos como O, Ar e S encontram-se abundâncias muito próximas entre simbióticas e planetárias. Comparam-se também, as abundâncias das simbióticas amarelas desta amostra com a de planetárias do disco extraídas do trabalho de Pottasch [Pottasch84] , cefeidas de Luck e Lambert [Luck], abundâncias das gigantes G,K e M obtidas a partir de Lambert e Ries[Lambert], as anãs G e K de Reddy et al [Reddy], as gigantes M de Smith e Lambert[Smith90], abundâncias das estrelas Ba extraídas de Smith [Smith84], as estrelas mild Ba dos tipos espectrais G8 a K3 de Berdyugina [Berdyugina] , as early R de Dominy [Dominy], estrelas C de Lambert et al [Lambert86] e por fim as estrelas M e S (MS) de Smith & Lambert [Smith90]. Pode-se distinguir dois grupos de simbióticas amarelas a partir dos diagramas C/N-O/N. Um grupo apresenta produtos do ciclo CN e situa-se próximo à curva de baixa metalicidade e metalicidade solar. O outro grupo, encontra-se próximo da curva C/O=1, que consiste de objetos enriquecidos em carbono (Schmid & Nussbaumer[Nussbaumer01]). As estrelas simbióticas amarelas enriquecidas em C não estão univocamente associadas as estrelas Ba ou early R. Estes dois grupos representam as simbióticas amarelas tipo s e d' respectivamente. Por fim, conclui-se que os sistemas simbióticos amarelos analisados neste trabalho confirmam o modelo de que seriam estrelas AGBs iluminadas por alguma fonte quente de radiação. / The present work is a contribution to the study of chemical composition of southern symbiotic stars, scarcely studied in literature. We present a complete set of yellow southern symbiotic stars extracted from Belczynski. Some of the objects analyzed had no spectroscopic data in literature. The data were obtained using 1.6m telescope in LNA, Brazil and the IUE satelite database. The reddening was calculated from Hydrogen recombination lines. From the ratio fluxes of the lines of [OIII] and [NII] and a hypothetical electronic temperature of 12 000K (Nussbaumer) we estimated the eletronic density of the nebulae present in the symbiotic system. With this data plus the fluxes of lines observed we obtained the chemical abundances in symbiotic nebulae; C,N,O in U.V. and He, Ar, S, O and N in visible. The abundances of the yellow symbiotic stars were compared to planetary disc nebulae extracted from Pottasch, cefeids form Luck & Lambert, G, K and M giant abundances from Lambert & Ries, G and K dwarfs from Reddy et. al., M giants from Smith & Lambert, Ba star abundances from Smith, mild Ba stars type G8 and K3 from Berdygina, early R from Dominy, C stars form Lambert et. al. and M and S (MS)stars from Smith & Lambert. We can distinguish two types of yellow symbiotic groups. One group presents CN cycle products and is situated near the low metalicity and solar metalicity curve. The other group is found near the C/O=1 curve that is made of rich carbon objects (Schmid & Nussbaumer).The yellow symbiotic stars enriched in carbon are not univically asociated with Ba or early R stars. These two groups represent respectively the yellow s and d' symbiotics. The yellow symbiotic stars analyzed in this work confirm the model in which they would be AGB stars iluminated by some hot source radiation.

Impactos de mudanças nos ventos de oeste do Hemisfério Sul no vazamento das Agulhas / Impacts of changes in the Southern Hemisphere westerlies in the Agulhas leakage

Gonçalves, Rafael Carvalho 02 March 2012 (has links)
Ao sul da África, a Corrente das Agulhas sofre uma abrupta retroflexão, liberando anéis com águas mais quentes e mais salinas do Oceano Índico na região sudeste do Atlântico Sul. A transferência de águas do Índico para o Atlântico por meio de anéis e filamentos na região de retroflexão da Corrente das Agulhas é referida na literatura como o vazamento das Agulhas. Esse vazamento conecta os giros subtropicais do Atlântico Sul e do Índico, sendo parcialmente responsável pela alta salinidade do Oceano Atlântico. A comunicação entre esses dois giros subtropicais na área de retroflexão da Corrente das Agulhas é limitado ao sul pela Frente Subtropical, que é controlada pela posição do rotacional zero do tensão de cisalhamento do vento. Desde o final da década de 1960, os ventos de oeste do Hemisfério Sul tem sofrido uma migração em direção ao polo como reflexo da tendência positiva do índice do modo anular sul (SAM). Para investigar o impacto dessas mudanças na circulação atmosférica no vazamento das Agulhas, foi implementada uma rodada do modelo HYCOM forçada com médias mensais dos produtos de reanálise do NCEP entre 1948 e 2010. Os resultados mostram um aumento no vazamento das Agulhas de 1.1 Sv por década entre 1960 e 2010. O aumento nesse transporte interoceânico está relacionado a uma migração para o sul da Frente Subtropical, forçada pelo deslocamento para o sul dos ventos de oeste. Os resultados também mostram uma tendência positiva nos campos de altura da superfície livre e temperatura na região das Agulhas, sendo esses, consequência da migração para o sul da Frente Subtropical. A tendência positiva desses campos e o deslocamento para o sul da Frente Subtropical seguem a tendência positiva do índice da SAM, com valores mais altos durante o verão austral. Como a tendência do índice da SAM tem sido atribuída à redução na camada de ozônio e ao aumento na concentração dos gases causadores do efeito estufa, os resultados aqui apresentados salientam as consequências das mudanças climáticas antropogênicas na distribuição de sal e calor dos oceanos. / South of Africa, the southwestward flowing Agulhas Current retroflects abruptly, shedding rings with saltier and warmer Indian Ocean waters into the relatively colder and fresher southeast portion of the South Atlantic. This Agulhas leakage connects the South Atlantic and Indian oceans subtropical gyres, and is partly responsible for the Atlantic Ocean high salinity. The connection between Indian Ocean and South Atlantic at the Agulhas retroflection area is limited to the south by the Subtropical Front, and is largely controlled by the location of the zero wind stress curl. Since the late 1960s, the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds have been showing a poleward shift possibly in response to the positive trend of the southern annular mode (SAM). To access the impact of these changes of the atmospheric forcing on the Agulhas leakage, an implementation of the HYCOM, forced with monthly means of NCEP/Reanalysis since 1948 was run. The results show an Agulhas leakage increase of 1.1 Sv per decade between 1960 and 2010. This inter-basin transport increase is correlated to a southward shift of the Subtropical Front, forced by the poleward migration of the westerlies. The results also show a positive trend in sea surface height and temperature at the Agulhas region as a consequence of the poleward shift of the Subtropical Front. The positive trends of these fields and the displacement of the Subtropical Front follow the positive trend of the SAM index, with higher values during austral summer months. As the SAM index trend is been assigned to the ozone depletion and to the increase of the greenhouse gases, these results highlight the consequences of the anthropogenic atmospheric changes on the heat and salt distribution within the oceans.

A search for transiting extrasolar planets from the southern hemisphere

Hamacher, Duane Willis, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
To date, more than 300 planets orbiting stars other than our sun have been discovered using a range of observing techniques, with new discoveries occuring monthly. The work in this thesis focused on the detection of exoplanets using the transit method. Planets orbiting close to their host stars have a roughly 10 per cent chance of eclipsing (transiting) the star, with Jupiter?sized planets causing a one per cent dip in the flux of the star over a few hours. A wealth of orbital and physical information on the system can be extracted from these systems, including the planet density which is essential in constraining models of planetary formation. To detect these types of planets requires monitoring tens of thousands of stars over a period of months. To accomplish this, we conduct a wide-field survey using the 0.5-meter Automated Patrol Telescope (APT) at Siding Spring Observatory (SSO) in NSW, Australia. Once candidates were selected from the data?set, selection criteria were applied to separate the likely planet candidates from the false?positives. For this thesis, the methods and instrumentation used in attaining data and selecting planet candidates are discussed, as well as the results and analysis of the planet candidates selected from star fields observed from 2004?2007. Of the 65 planet candidates initially selected from the 25 target fields observed, only two were consistent with a planet transit. These candidates were later determined to be eclipsing binary stars based on follow up observations using the 40-inch telescope, 2.3-m telescope, and the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope, all located at SSO. Additionally, two planet candidates from the SuperWASP-North consortium were observed on the 40-inch telescope. Both proved to be eclipsing binary stars. While no planets were found, our search methods and results are consistent with successful transit surveys targeting similar fields with stars in a similar magnitude range and using similar methods.

A search for transiting extrasolar planets from the southern hemisphere

Hamacher, Duane Willis, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
To date, more than 300 planets orbiting stars other than our sun have been discovered using a range of observing techniques, with new discoveries occuring monthly. The work in this thesis focused on the detection of exoplanets using the transit method. Planets orbiting close to their host stars have a roughly 10 per cent chance of eclipsing (transiting) the star, with Jupiter?sized planets causing a one per cent dip in the flux of the star over a few hours. A wealth of orbital and physical information on the system can be extracted from these systems, including the planet density which is essential in constraining models of planetary formation. To detect these types of planets requires monitoring tens of thousands of stars over a period of months. To accomplish this, we conduct a wide-field survey using the 0.5-meter Automated Patrol Telescope (APT) at Siding Spring Observatory (SSO) in NSW, Australia. Once candidates were selected from the data?set, selection criteria were applied to separate the likely planet candidates from the false?positives. For this thesis, the methods and instrumentation used in attaining data and selecting planet candidates are discussed, as well as the results and analysis of the planet candidates selected from star fields observed from 2004?2007. Of the 65 planet candidates initially selected from the 25 target fields observed, only two were consistent with a planet transit. These candidates were later determined to be eclipsing binary stars based on follow up observations using the 40-inch telescope, 2.3-m telescope, and the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope, all located at SSO. Additionally, two planet candidates from the SuperWASP-North consortium were observed on the 40-inch telescope. Both proved to be eclipsing binary stars. While no planets were found, our search methods and results are consistent with successful transit surveys targeting similar fields with stars in a similar magnitude range and using similar methods.

Variations in low altitude circulation and rainfall over Australasia during the southern hemisphere summer monsoon regime / Robert J. Allan

Allan, Robert J. January 1983 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 320-343 / xxxi, 343 leaves [6] folded leaves [103] leaves of plates : ill. (some col.), maps ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, 1983

Impactos de mudanças nos ventos de oeste do Hemisfério Sul no vazamento das Agulhas / Impacts of changes in the Southern Hemisphere westerlies in the Agulhas leakage

Rafael Carvalho Gonçalves 02 March 2012 (has links)
Ao sul da África, a Corrente das Agulhas sofre uma abrupta retroflexão, liberando anéis com águas mais quentes e mais salinas do Oceano Índico na região sudeste do Atlântico Sul. A transferência de águas do Índico para o Atlântico por meio de anéis e filamentos na região de retroflexão da Corrente das Agulhas é referida na literatura como o vazamento das Agulhas. Esse vazamento conecta os giros subtropicais do Atlântico Sul e do Índico, sendo parcialmente responsável pela alta salinidade do Oceano Atlântico. A comunicação entre esses dois giros subtropicais na área de retroflexão da Corrente das Agulhas é limitado ao sul pela Frente Subtropical, que é controlada pela posição do rotacional zero do tensão de cisalhamento do vento. Desde o final da década de 1960, os ventos de oeste do Hemisfério Sul tem sofrido uma migração em direção ao polo como reflexo da tendência positiva do índice do modo anular sul (SAM). Para investigar o impacto dessas mudanças na circulação atmosférica no vazamento das Agulhas, foi implementada uma rodada do modelo HYCOM forçada com médias mensais dos produtos de reanálise do NCEP entre 1948 e 2010. Os resultados mostram um aumento no vazamento das Agulhas de 1.1 Sv por década entre 1960 e 2010. O aumento nesse transporte interoceânico está relacionado a uma migração para o sul da Frente Subtropical, forçada pelo deslocamento para o sul dos ventos de oeste. Os resultados também mostram uma tendência positiva nos campos de altura da superfície livre e temperatura na região das Agulhas, sendo esses, consequência da migração para o sul da Frente Subtropical. A tendência positiva desses campos e o deslocamento para o sul da Frente Subtropical seguem a tendência positiva do índice da SAM, com valores mais altos durante o verão austral. Como a tendência do índice da SAM tem sido atribuída à redução na camada de ozônio e ao aumento na concentração dos gases causadores do efeito estufa, os resultados aqui apresentados salientam as consequências das mudanças climáticas antropogênicas na distribuição de sal e calor dos oceanos. / South of Africa, the southwestward flowing Agulhas Current retroflects abruptly, shedding rings with saltier and warmer Indian Ocean waters into the relatively colder and fresher southeast portion of the South Atlantic. This Agulhas leakage connects the South Atlantic and Indian oceans subtropical gyres, and is partly responsible for the Atlantic Ocean high salinity. The connection between Indian Ocean and South Atlantic at the Agulhas retroflection area is limited to the south by the Subtropical Front, and is largely controlled by the location of the zero wind stress curl. Since the late 1960s, the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds have been showing a poleward shift possibly in response to the positive trend of the southern annular mode (SAM). To access the impact of these changes of the atmospheric forcing on the Agulhas leakage, an implementation of the HYCOM, forced with monthly means of NCEP/Reanalysis since 1948 was run. The results show an Agulhas leakage increase of 1.1 Sv per decade between 1960 and 2010. This inter-basin transport increase is correlated to a southward shift of the Subtropical Front, forced by the poleward migration of the westerlies. The results also show a positive trend in sea surface height and temperature at the Agulhas region as a consequence of the poleward shift of the Subtropical Front. The positive trends of these fields and the displacement of the Subtropical Front follow the positive trend of the SAM index, with higher values during austral summer months. As the SAM index trend is been assigned to the ozone depletion and to the increase of the greenhouse gases, these results highlight the consequences of the anthropogenic atmospheric changes on the heat and salt distribution within the oceans.

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