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Aspectos práticos de uma teoria absoluta: a monarquia e as Cortes na Espanha de Felipe II (1556-1598) / Practical aspects of an absolute theory: the monarchy and the cortes in Spain of Philip II (1556-1598)Miranda, Marcella Fabiola Gouveia Moreira de 15 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende pesquisar e analisar as relações de poder que envolviam a monarquia e as Cortes (1590-1598) na Espanha, com enfoque em Castela, durante o reinado de Felipe II (1556-1598). Devido à existência de ampla documentação disponível sobre as Cortes, o recorte definido neste projeto será as últimas Cortes desse período. É nesse momento que os conflitos entre o rei e os procuradores se tornaram mais intensos e os discursos ganharam contornos mais radicais devido, principalmente, aos problemas financeiros enfrentados pela Coroa. Esta pesquisa se propõe a desenvolver um estudo sobre a esfera do poder na Espanha moderna a partir da análise da configuração política da monarquia e suas relações com outros poderes, no caso específico do projeto, as Cortes, que envolve também a disputa pelo discurso político, mobilizado em torno dos interesses almejados pelas duas instituições. Assim, esta proposta pretende investigar as representações políticas elaboradas pelas Cortes, e perceber como se inseriam na cultura e no pensamento político na Espanha quinhentista / This work aims to research and analyse the power relations between the monarchy and the Cortes (1590-1598), with emphasis in Castile, during the reign of Philip II (1556-1598). Due to the large documentation available regarded to the Cortes, the temporal mark defined in this investigation will be that one of the last Castilian Cortes of that time. That´s the moment when the conflicts between the king and the proctors became more radical, mainly because the financial problems faced by the Crown. This research has the proposal to develop a study concerned to the power sphere in the Early Modern Spain from the analysis of the political configuration of the monarchy and its relations with another powers, on the specifical case of this project, the Cortes, that also involves the contest for the political speech, mobilized according to the interests of both institutions. This proposal intends to investigate the political representations developed by the Cortes and to understand how it was inserted in the culture and political thinking of Spain in the XVI century
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Aspectos práticos de uma teoria absoluta: a monarquia e as Cortes na Espanha de Felipe II (1556-1598) / Practical aspects of an absolute theory: the monarchy and the cortes in Spain of Philip II (1556-1598)Marcella Fabiola Gouveia Moreira de Miranda 15 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende pesquisar e analisar as relações de poder que envolviam a monarquia e as Cortes (1590-1598) na Espanha, com enfoque em Castela, durante o reinado de Felipe II (1556-1598). Devido à existência de ampla documentação disponível sobre as Cortes, o recorte definido neste projeto será as últimas Cortes desse período. É nesse momento que os conflitos entre o rei e os procuradores se tornaram mais intensos e os discursos ganharam contornos mais radicais devido, principalmente, aos problemas financeiros enfrentados pela Coroa. Esta pesquisa se propõe a desenvolver um estudo sobre a esfera do poder na Espanha moderna a partir da análise da configuração política da monarquia e suas relações com outros poderes, no caso específico do projeto, as Cortes, que envolve também a disputa pelo discurso político, mobilizado em torno dos interesses almejados pelas duas instituições. Assim, esta proposta pretende investigar as representações políticas elaboradas pelas Cortes, e perceber como se inseriam na cultura e no pensamento político na Espanha quinhentista / This work aims to research and analyse the power relations between the monarchy and the Cortes (1590-1598), with emphasis in Castile, during the reign of Philip II (1556-1598). Due to the large documentation available regarded to the Cortes, the temporal mark defined in this investigation will be that one of the last Castilian Cortes of that time. That´s the moment when the conflicts between the king and the proctors became more radical, mainly because the financial problems faced by the Crown. This research has the proposal to develop a study concerned to the power sphere in the Early Modern Spain from the analysis of the political configuration of the monarchy and its relations with another powers, on the specifical case of this project, the Cortes, that also involves the contest for the political speech, mobilized according to the interests of both institutions. This proposal intends to investigate the political representations developed by the Cortes and to understand how it was inserted in the culture and political thinking of Spain in the XVI century
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Au service de deux rois : l’ambassadeur Amelot et l’Union des couronnes (1705-1709) / The service of two kings : the ambassador Amelot and Union of the crownsHanotin, Guillaume 03 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet un moment singulier des relations entre la monarchie hispanique et le royaume de France.La mort du roi Charles II à Madrid en 1700 et l’avènement du duc d’Anjou, petit-fils de Louis XIV, au trône d’Espagneprovoquèrent en effet une profonde réorganisation des rapports franco-espagnols. Après avoir été rivales, ces deuxmonarchies devenaient des puissances alliées dont les souverains appartenaient à la même maison. La réorganisation de leursrelations et la perspective de voir se reconstituer un empire – comme l’avait été celui de Charles Quint – mais cette fois-ci aubénéfice de Louis XIV inquiéta de nombreux États européens et fut l’élément déclencheur de la guerre de Successiond’Espagne. Celle-ci n’est pas envisagée ici dans l’une de ses dimensions de conflit mondial ou civil mais sous l’angle desprincipes structurants d’une politique qui a alors été mise en place par les cours de Versailles et de Madrid.« L’union des couronnes » servit à désigner ces rapports nouveaux qui inquiétaient tant mais qui donnèrent aussilieu à de nombreux projets pour rapprocher deux puissances, leurs États, leurs cours et dans une moindre mesure leurssociétés. Pour conduire cette politique, Louis XIV envoya à la cour de son petit-fils un ambassadeur resté largement méconnuet dont l’action est analysée dans cette thèse. Amelot de Gournay incarna cette union des couronnes. Cet ambassadeur eut ladélicate – voire contradictoire – mission de servir deux souverains, le roi de France et le Roi Catholique. Les différentesconceptions de l’union des couronnes sont ainsi étudiées à travers l’activité déployée par l’un de ses principaux acteurs. Si lapolitique d’union des couronnes et l’action de l’un de ses promoteurs – l’ambassadeur Amelot – sont ainsi resituées dans lecontexte d’un changement dynastique, elles permettent également de voir comment des préoccupations commercialesapparaissent de plus en plus clairement aux cours des négociations. Celles-ci jouèrent un grand rôle dans le déclenchement dela guerre, l’Angleterre et les Provinces-Unies redoutants de voir les Français s’emparer du commerce américain, maiségalement dans les efforts conduits pour rapprocher la France et l’Espagne. Le commerce devait servir de colonne vertébraleà l’union.Dans une première partie, ce travail s’attache à retracer les tensions et les conflits engendrés par les initiatives deLouis XIV sur fond de rivalités commerciales croissantes. Les principales guerres menées par le roi de France contre les roisd’Espagne au XVIIe siècle et l’enjeu des questions commerciales dans les relations hispano-françaises ont laissé une empreintedurable qui a affecté en retour la politique d’union des couronnes. Dans une seconde partie, l’ambassadeur, ses réseaux et sonaction sont étudiés pour mettre en évidence les usages et les pratiques de la négociation. Enfin, ce sont les réalités concrèteset l’image de l’union des couronnes qui est analysée dans une dernière partie. / This thesis shows how in 1700 the death in Madrid of Charles II, King of Spain, followed by the ascension of the duke ofAnjou, grandson of Louis XIV, to the Spanish throne, led to a complete and complex reorganisation of the relationshipbetween the French and Spanish monarchies. After decades of rivalry, these two kingdoms with sovereigns coming from thesame lineage turned into allies. For many Europeans states, these changes in the European balance of power and thepossibility of the rebirth of an empire – similar to the one created by Charles V – for the benefit of Louis XIV was perceivedas a threat.The expression «The Two Crowns» or « the union of the Crowns of France and of Spain » was coined to describe this newrelationship bringing together two powerful kingdoms, their States, their courts and to a lesser extent their societies.The political lead of these changes was the mandate given to the French ambassador nominated by Louis XIV within hisgrandson court. Up to now, very little was known about the role played by this man Amelot de Gournay who portrayed thisambitious politics. This thesis analyses how he managed to serve simultaneously both masters, the King of France and theKing of Spain, while his delicate mission was not exempt of contradictions.The different aspects of the Two Crowns’ governance are studied through the activities developed by the ambassadorAmelot, who was one of the main players, conceiving and carrying out this politics in a time of a change of dynasty.Economics and trade activities became of crucial importance during the negotiations, playing a major role in the outburst ofthe War of the Spanish Succession, as the England and the Dutch Republic feared the possibility that France took over thecommercial relationship with North America. These activities were also part of the efforts of France to befriend Spain. Tradewould have been the backbone of the union between the two nations.In the first part, this work develops the tensions and conflicts generated by Louis XIV’s initiatives with abackground of increasing trade rivalries. During the 17th century, most of the wars led by the King of France against the Kingof Spain and the trade issue between the two kingdoms had left durable marks in both societies, which in return impacted theTwo Crowns’ implementation. In the second part, Amelot de Gournay’s leadership, networks and actions are studied in orderto highlight the practices that ruled negotiations at that time. Finally, the facts and the perception of the Two Crowns areanalysed.
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Réformer la monarchie espagnole : le système de gouvernement de José de Galvez (1765-1787) : réformes politiques, réseau et Superior Gobierno / Reforming the Spanish Monarchy : the José de Galvez's Government System (1765-1787) : political Reforms, Networks and Superior GobiernoCastejón, Philippe 06 December 2014 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d'examiner les réformes politiques qui sont intervenues sous le règne de Charles III. La chronologie (1765-1787) se confond avec la visite générale de José de Gálvez en Nouvelle Espagne, puis avec sa nomination, en 1776, au secrétariat d’État des Indes. Au cours de cette période furent créées de nouvelles juridictions : une vice-royauté, deux capitaineries générales, trois audiencias et desintendances presque partout aux Indes. Ce moment est unique dans l'histoire de la monarchie espagnole par l'ampleur des réformes adoptées. Mais plus que les réformes elles-mêmes, c'est leur genèse et les moyens mis en œuvre pour les adopter qui ont attiré notre attention. À travers l'étude du réseau de José de Gálvez, nous avons pu observer une véritable politique de prise de contrôle du gouvernement des Indes. Le clientélisme du secrétaire d’État est alors mis au service de ses projets politiques. Ces réformes engagent une fragmentation du superior gobierno et un affaiblissement de l'autorité des vice-rois. Un nouveau système de gouvernement des Indes estalors expérimenté. / This dissertation examines the political reforms under the rule of Charles III and, especially, under José de Gálvez, first, as Visitador General of New Spain and, later, as Secretary of State of the Indies. Between 1765 and 1787, Gálvez undertook several profound changes in the Indies’ government, including the creation of new administrative territories: a viceroyalty, two capitanías generales, three audiencias, and numerous intendencias in almost all the Indies. This period was unique for the Spanish monarchy not only for the large-scale reforms, but also for the means to achieve them, which is the focus of our research. By studying the José de Gálvez’s network, we argued that it succeeded in taking control of the Indies’ government. In fact, the goal of the Secretary of State’s clientelism was to serve his political projects. Furthermore, Gálvez’s reforms caused the fragmentation of the Superior Gobierno and the weakness of viceroys’ authority, which resulted in a new government system in the Indies.
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Reconfiguração de entidades político-territoriais e constitucionalismo moderno no Novo Reino de Granada, 1808 - 1816 / Reconfiguration of political and territorial entities and modern constitutionalism in the New Kingdom of Granada, 1808 - 1816Castro, Oscar Javier 20 March 2013 (has links)
Nesta investigação será analisada a reconfiguração político-territorial do Vice-Reino do Novo Reino de Granada, no final do século XVIII e nas duas primeiras décadas do século XIX. Em primeiro lugar, examinar-se-á a organização político-territorial do Vice-Reino, estabelecida pela monarquia espanhola. Em segundo lugar, analisar-se-á a formação de juntas de governo, congressos, Estados provinciais e confederações, que, após a dissolução da monarquia, em 1808, foram legitimadas por meio de atas, constituições de tipo moderno e guerras. Esses acontecimentos modificaram a organização política e territorial do antigo Vice-Reino, entre 1809 e 1816. / This research analyzes the political and territorial reconfiguration of the Viceroyalty of New Kingdom of Granada, in the late eighteenth century and the first two decades of the nineteenth century. In the first place, the political and territorial organization of the Viceroyalty established by the Spanish monarchy will be examined. Secondly, the formation of governments juntas, congress, provincial States and confederations after the dissolution of the monarchy in 1808 will to be analyzed, as well as how they were legitimated by actas, constitutions of modern type and wars that changed political and territorial organization of the former Viceroyalty, between 1809 and 1816.
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Reconfiguração de entidades político-territoriais e constitucionalismo moderno no Novo Reino de Granada, 1808 - 1816 / Reconfiguration of political and territorial entities and modern constitutionalism in the New Kingdom of Granada, 1808 - 1816Oscar Javier Castro 20 March 2013 (has links)
Nesta investigação será analisada a reconfiguração político-territorial do Vice-Reino do Novo Reino de Granada, no final do século XVIII e nas duas primeiras décadas do século XIX. Em primeiro lugar, examinar-se-á a organização político-territorial do Vice-Reino, estabelecida pela monarquia espanhola. Em segundo lugar, analisar-se-á a formação de juntas de governo, congressos, Estados provinciais e confederações, que, após a dissolução da monarquia, em 1808, foram legitimadas por meio de atas, constituições de tipo moderno e guerras. Esses acontecimentos modificaram a organização política e territorial do antigo Vice-Reino, entre 1809 e 1816. / This research analyzes the political and territorial reconfiguration of the Viceroyalty of New Kingdom of Granada, in the late eighteenth century and the first two decades of the nineteenth century. In the first place, the political and territorial organization of the Viceroyalty established by the Spanish monarchy will be examined. Secondly, the formation of governments juntas, congress, provincial States and confederations after the dissolution of the monarchy in 1808 will to be analyzed, as well as how they were legitimated by actas, constitutions of modern type and wars that changed political and territorial organization of the former Viceroyalty, between 1809 and 1816.
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Pokusy Španělska o znovunabytí svých mocenských pozic v šedesátých letech 19. století / The attempts of Spain at Power Recuperation int the sixties of the 19 th CenturyHertel, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The thesis The Attempts of Spain at Power Recuperation in the sixties of the 19th Century analyzes five actions of military and naval character undertaken by the Spanish Monarchy out of its territories roughly between the years 1858 and 1866, along with their preconditions, circumstances, course, and results. In the comparison with two actions realized or initiated by Spain as early as towards the close of the 1850s (her participation in the French intervention in Vietnam in 1858-1863, the war against Morocco in 1859-1860), an profounder attention is paid to three interventions effectuated from 1861 in the American countries which still approximately four decades before had been creating components of her great overseas empire (the reannexation of Santo Domingo in 1861- 1865; the participation in the so-called Tripartite Intervention in Mexico in 1861-1862; the naval expedition towards the South America's Pacific watersides that culminated in Spanish-Peruvian controversy of 1864 and afterwards, in the so-called First Pacific War, managed in 1865-1866 by Spain against the South America's Pacific republics, primarily against Chile and Peru). After all, just the Hispanic American emancipation, consummated in the 1820s (and thus, the decomposition of the great Spanish empire in continental America, after three...
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