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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanical and histological disturbances in advanced heart failure and cardiac transplantation

Cameli, Matteo January 2016 (has links)
The general purpose of this thesis is to establish capability and accuracy of speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) in assessing left atrial (LA), left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) function and their correlation with myocardial fibrosis, filling pressure and clinical outcomes in advanced heart failure (HF) patients before and after heart transplantation (HT). I demonstrated that HT recipients had impaired LV twist dynamics in the form of reduced rotation twist angle and untwist rate but time to peak twist was not different from the age matched controls and other cardiac surgical patients. With a longitudinal study conducted on patients with refractory HF, the best prognostic power has been shown by RV strain analysis. Among the indexes of LV function, the LV ejection fraction (LVEF) demonstrated the lowest diagnostic accuracy; instead LV global circumferential strain (GCS) showed a better sensitivity and specificity than LV global longitudinal strain (GLS). When analyzing the relationship between different severity of myocardial fibrosis and LV cavity function, the strongest function parameter that correlated with severity of myocardial fibrosis was GLS. In contrast, none of diastolic LV function or even measures of exercise capacity correlated with myocardial fibrosis. In patients with end-stage HF, global peak atrial longitudinal strain (PALS), an index of atrial reservoir function was dependent by pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) and LV fibrosis, but not influenced by LV systolic function. Results from this study confirm previous evidence of correlation between impaired global PALS and increased PCWP.

Ultrasonic Methods for Quantitative Carotid Plaque Characterization

Widman, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death worldwide and improved diagnostic methods are needed for early intervention and to select the most suitable treatment for patients. Currently, carotid artery plaque vulnerability is typically determined by visually assessing ultrasound B-mode images, which is influenced by user-subjectivity. Since plaque vulnerability is correlated to the mechanical properties of the plaque, quantitative techniques are needed to estimate plaque stiffness as a surrogate for plaque vulnerability, which would reduce subjectivity during plaque assessment. The work in this thesis focused on three noninvasive ultrasound-based techniques to quantitatively assess plaque vulnerability and measure arterial stiffness. In Study I, a speckle tracking algorithm was validated in vitro to assess strain in common carotid artery (CCA) phantom plaques and thereafter applied in vivo to carotid atherosclerotic plaques where the strain results were compared to visual assessments by experienced physicians. In Study II, hard and soft CCA phantom plaques were characterized with shear wave elastography (SWE) by using phase and group velocity analysis while being hydrostatically pressurized followed by validating the results with mechanical tensile testing. In Study III, feasibility of assessing the stiffness of simulated plaques and the arterial wall with SWE was demonstrated in an ex vivo setup in small porcine aortas used as a human CCA model. In Study IV, SWE and pulse wave imaging (PWI) were compared when characterizing homogeneous CCA soft phantom plaques. The techniques developed in this thesis have demonstrated potential to characterize carotid artery plaques. The results show that the techniques have the ability to noninvasively evaluate the mechanical properties of carotid artery plaques, provide additional data when visually assessing B-mode images, and potentially provide improved diagnoses for patients suffering from cerebrovascular diseases. / <p>Doctoral thesis in medical technology and medical sciences</p><p>QC 20160921</p>

Metoda ‘sledování regionů’ pro analýzu ultrazvukových sekvencí / Region tracking in ultrasound sequences

Byrtus, David Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis deals with ultrasonographic contrast examinations, that are performed to assess tissue perfusion and non-invasive ultrasound method speckle tracking, overcoming the weaknesses of Doppler techniques used to scanning the movement of the tissue.

Avaliação de fibrose miocárdica pelo strain, comparado ao achado de realce tardio da ressonância magnética cardíaca, em pacientes portadores de cardiopatia chagásica crônica / Assessment of myocardial fibrosis by strain, compared with late enhancement by the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with chronic cardiopathy Chagas\' disease

Paladino Filho, Antonio Tito 07 June 2016 (has links)
Desde o primeiro relato a Doença de Chagas permanece endêmica na América Latina com 18 milhões de pessoas cronicamente infectadas e, aproximadamente, 200.000 novos casos por ano. Doença parasitária causada por Trypanosoma cruzi, tem como transmissor \"natural\" da doença um inseto hematófago, o Reduris (barbeiro). Este inseto se torna infectado ao ingerir o sangue de um animal ou indivíduo infectado com o Trypanosoma cruzi. O contágio ocorre basicamente nas áreas rurais nas quais o homem, frequentemente, está em contato com hospedeiros e vetores ao destruir a mata nativa. Apesar da infecção geralmente ocorrer nos primeiros anos de vida, os pacientes infectados podem manifestar os sinais e sintomas da cardiopatia chagásica até 20 anos mais tarde. O custo propriamente dito e o sofrimento humano representados pela Doença de Chagas são grandes. Medicamentos, internações hospitalares frequentes e tratamento com dispositivos de alto custo (ex: marcapasso/ cardiodesfibrilador). Com quadro clínico insidioso, os pacientes podem apresentar insuficiência cardíaca franca, eventos tromboembólicos, arritmias ventriculares, dor torácica atípica e morte súbita. Seu diagnóstico baseia-se em epidemiologia positiva, anamnese, exame físico, alterações eletrocardiográficas, radiológicas e testes sorológicos. O envolvimento cardíaco é a principal causa de morte, sendo que a fisiopatologia e a evolução clínica da doença não são completamente compreendidas e a estratificação de risco permanece um desafio. A presença de disfunção miocárdica associada ou não à doença arterial aterosclerótica vem acompanhada de áreas de fibrose miocárdica e tem se mostrado como importante fator de pior prognóstico. A Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca (RMC) é um método já consagrado na detecção de fibrose miocárdica pela técnica de realce tardio (RT). Os objetivos dessa tese são: 1-Correlacionar o strain miocárdico nos segmentos do ventrículo esquerdo com as áreas de realce tardio detectadas na Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca, 2- Correlacionar o strain global do ventrículo esquerdo avaliado pela técnica de Speckle Tracking com a extensão de fibrose (numero de segmentos) avaliada pela Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca; 3- Comparar a Fração de ejeção avaliada pelo Ecocardiograma bidimensional e a Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca em pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica crônica; 4- Avaliar se existe relação entre a fração de ejeção avaliada pelo ecocardiograma bidimensional e a extensão de fibrose (número de segmentos) pela Ressonância Cardíaca. Foram selecionados 31 pacientes com o diagnóstico confirmado de Doença de Chagas. 27 pacientes que respeitaram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, e que assinaram o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido realizaram Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca com a técnica de realce tardio. De todos os pacientes selecionados, 27 completaram o protocolo da RMC e realizaram em sequencia o Ecocardiograma transtorácico para avaliar o strain miocárdico (speckle tracking) em intervalo máximo de 5 dias. Todos que completaram o protocolo não apresentaram efeitos adversos e os exames foram considerados interpretáveis. Para calcular a amostra de pacientes necessária, os cálculos foram feitos pela estatística de teste t, com distribuição t de Student, para comparação entre duas médias, com poder de teste de 80% e nível de significância de 5%, o que resultou numa estimativa de tamanho mínimo de amostra de 22 lesões por grupo (44 lesões) para que seja possível identificar diferenças significativas em todas as regiões numa amostra com medidas de mesmo comportamento que as observadas em Yajima et al e Jitsuo Higaki et al. Com isso, a amostra mínima seria de 22 pacientes. Para avaliar a concordância entre variáveis quantitativas, utilizou-se o coeficiente de concordância de Lin com intervalo de confiança (IC) 95% estimado segundo método Bootstrap. O coeficiente de concordância de Lin (Rc) combinada precisão e acurácia para determinar se observações desviam-se significativamente da linha de perfeita concordância (linha de 45 graus com origem no 0 dos eixos x e y). O coeficiente de Kappa de Cohen com IC 95% foi utilizado em analises de concordância para variáveis categóricas. Valores de p foram calculados utilizando-se método exato. Os critérios de Landis & Koch foram utilizados na interpretação dos coeficientes de concordância, assim definidos: (a) quase-perfeita, para valores de 0,81 a 1,00; (b) substancial, para valores de 0,61 a 0,80; (c) moderada, para valores entre 0,41 e 0,60; (d) regular, para valores entre 0,21 e 0,40; (d) discreta, para valores de 0 a 0,20. As estimações de intervalos de confiança 95% via bootstrap basearam-se em 1000 replicações. Estimativas de sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivo positivo e negativo com IC95% foram determinados. Variáveis quantitativas foram comparadas entre 2 grupos independentes utilizando-se testes não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney com métodos exatos de cálculo do valor-p. Variáveis quantitativas comparadas com Mann-Whitney foram descritas com mediana e intervalo interquartil. Dado o reduzido tamanho de amostra, analise de regressão logística binaria univariada foi conduzida utilizando método exato. Para covariável quantitativa foi testada, a suposição de linearidade com o log-odds no modelo de regressão logística através da construção de \"Smoothed Scatter Plots\". Quando suposição não foi satisfeita, covariável originalmente quantitativa foi dicotomizadas segundo a mediana da distribuição. Odds ratios e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança 95% foram estimados. Analises de correlação entre variáveis quantitativas foram conduzidas utilizando-se coeficiente de correlação de Spearman(rho)(com IC95%). Forte correlação foi definida como |rho| >=0.70; correlação moderada para 0.5 <= |rho| <0.7 ; correlação fraca a moderada para 0.3<= |rho| <0.5; e fraca para |rho| <0.3. Normalidade foi avaliada com a inspeção visual de histogramas e aplicação do teste de normalidade Shapiro-Wilks. Todos os valores de p apresentados são do tipo bilateral: p < 0.05 e 0.05<p<= 0.10 foram considerados significantes e marginalmente significantes respectivamente. O software R (R Foundation, Vienna, Austria) foi utilizado na análise estatística de dados. Resultados: Dos 27 pacientes do estudo temos a idade média dos pacientes de 53,1 +- 7,0 anos, com mediana de 54 anos, sendo 08 (29,7%) homens e 19 (70,3%) mulheres. A fração de ejeção média pelo ecocardiograma foi de 55,1 +- 14,7%, e pela Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca foi de 55,8 +- 13,4%. O número total de segmentos avaliados foi 453 (98,7%), com interpretação não realizada em apenas 6 segmentos (1,3%) pelo ecocardiograma, de um total de 459. Encontramos realce tardio em 61 segmentos analisados e do total, 86 segmentos apresentaram alteração do strain. Tendo como padrão ouro o realce tardio na RMC, comparamos segmento a segmento o resultado entre essa e o ecocardiograma (speckle tracking). Levamos em conta a literatura que descreve uma prevalência da fibrose em portadores de cardiopatia chagásica crônica de aproximadamente 40%. Com esses dados obtivemos uma sensibilidade de 95%, especificidade de 91%, Valor preditivo positivo de 88,6% e valor preditivo negativo de 96,6%. Correlacionando o Strain Global Longitudinal (SGL) e a extensão (número de segmentos com realce tardio pela RMC) da fibrose neste trabalho, não observou-se diferença nas medianas de número de segmentos na CMR comparadas entre os grupos Strain Global Longitudinal - normal x alterado (p=0.287 , teste exato de Mann-Whitney). Utilizando como limites de fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo >= 55% como normal e <55% alterada, comparamos à extensão de fibrose- numero de segmentos- ( realce tardio) pela CMR. Observou-se uma diferença marginalmente significativa na comparação das medianas do numero de segmentos com realce tardio na CMR entre os 2 grupos (p=0.064). ¹based on exact Mann-Whitney test. Comparamos também a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo pela RMC e pelo Ecocardiograma transtorácico utilizando o método de Simpson. Ao nível de significância de 5% (coeficiente de Lin), observou-se uma quase perfeita concordância entre FEVE pela Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca e FEVE pelo Ecocardiograma transtorácico utilizando em ambos o método de Simpson. (Rc = 0.9335 IC95% 0.878-0.957; N=27). / Since the first report, Chaga\'s disease remains endemic in Latin America with 18 million chronically infected people and approximately 200,000 new cases per year. Parasitic disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, is \"natural\" transmitter disease of a hematophagous insect, the Reduris (barber). This insect becomes infected by ingesting blood of an animal or individual infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The infection occurs primarily in rural areas where men often are in touch with hosts and vectors by destroying the native forest. Despite the infection usually occurs early in life, infected patients may exhibit signs and symptoms of Chagas disease 20 years later. The cost itself and human suffering represented by Chagas disease are a public issue. Medication, frequent hospitalization and treatment with costly devices (eg pacemaker / defibrillator) are frequently necessary. With insidious clinical signs and symptons, patients may present with heart failure, thromboembolic events, ventricular arrhythmias, atypical chest pain and sudden death. Its diagnosis is based on positive epidemiology, history, physical examination, electrocardiographic, radiological and serological changes. Cardiac involvement is the leading cause of death, and the pathophysiology and clinical course of the disease are not fully understood and the risk stratification remains a challenge. The presence of myocardial dysfunction with or without atherosclerotic arterial disease is accompanied by myocardial fibrosis areas and has been an important factor of poor prognosis. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) is a method already established in the detection of myocardial fibrosis by delayed gadolinium enhancement technique (DGE). The objectives of this thesis are: 1-To correlate myocardial strain in left ventricular segments with areas of late enhancement detected in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance, 2- correlate the global left ventricular strain measured by Speckle Tracking technique with fibrosis extension (number of segments) evaluated by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance; 3- Compare the ejection fraction assessed by Two-dimensional echocardiography and cardiac Magnetic Resonance in patients with chronic cardiac Chagas\' disease; 4- To assess whether there is a relationship between the ejection fraction assessed by two-dimensional echocardiography and fibrosis extension (number of segments) by CMR. We selected 31 patients with confirmed diagnosis of Chagas\' disease. 27 patients who complied with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and who signed the informed consent , performed Cardiac Magnetic Resonance with late gadolinium enhancement (DGE) technique. Of all the selected patients, 27 completed the RMC protocol and were in sequence directed to the transthoracic echocardiogram to assess myocardial strain (speckle tracking) in maximum interval of 5 days. Everyone who completed the protocol showed no adverse effects and the tests were considered interpretable. To calculate the sample required patients, we used the test statistic t, with t Student distribution for comparison between two averages, with the power to test 80% and 5% significance level, which resulted in an estimate minimum sample of 22 injuries per group size (44 injuries) so you can identify significant differences in all regions in a sample with the same measures of behavior than those observed in Yajima et al and Jitsuo Higaki et al. Thus, the minimum sample size would be 22 patients. To evaluate the correlation between quantitative variables, we used the Lin\'s concordance coefficient (1,2) with a confidence interval (CI) 95% estimated second method Bootstrap (4). The correlation coefficient Lin (Rc) combines precision and accuracy to determine if observations deviate significantly from perfect correlation line (45 degree line with origin 0 of the x and y axes). Cohen\'s kappa coefficient with 95% (3) was used for analysis of agreement for categorical variables. P values were calculated using the exact method. The Landis and Koch criteria (5) were used in the interpretation of correlation coefficients defined as follows: (a) quasi-perfect for values 0.81 to 1.00; (b) substantial amounts of 0.61 to the 0.80; (c) Moderate to values between 0.41 and 0.60; (d) regular, to between 0.21 and 0.40; (d) mild to values from 0 to 0.20. The estimation of 95% confidence intervals by bootstrap based on 1000 replicates. Quantitative variables were compared between two independent groups using non-parametric Mann-Whitney test with exact methods of calculating the p-value. (6-8) Quantitative variables compared with Mann-Whitney were described as median and interquartile range. Given the small sample size, regression analysis univariate binary logistic regression was conducted using exact method (9-11). For quantitative covariate was tested, the linearity assumption with the log-odds in the logistic regression model by building \"Smoothed Scatter Plots\". (9) When assumption was not met, originally quantitative covariate was dichotomized according to the median of the distribution. Odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals were estimated. All significance probabilities (p values) presented are the bilateral type and values less than 0.05 considered statistically significant. The R (R Foundation, Vienna, Austria) software was used for statistical analysis of data. In order to measure the correlation between the results of both tests in the study were calculated sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value considering the CMR as the gold standard. Results: Of the 27 study patients have a average age of 53.1 + - 7.0 years and median of 54 years. 08 (29.7%) men and 19 (70.3%) women. The average ejection fraction by echocardiography was 55.1 + - 14.7%, and by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance was 55.8 + - 13.4%. The total number of evaluated segments was 453 (98.7%), with no interpretation performed in only 6 segments (1.3%) on echocardiography, a total of 459 segments. Delayed enhancement by Cardiac Magnetic Ressonance was found in 61 segments analyzed. In the order \"side\" 86 segmets registered an altered strain. As the gold standard the delayed enhancement in the MRC, compared to segment studied segment. We take into account the literature describing the prevalence of fibrosis in patients with chronic Chagas\' heart disease of approximately 40%. With this data we obtained a sensitivity of 95%, specificity 91%, positive predictive value of 88.6% and a negative predictive value of 96.6%. Correlating the Global Longitudinal Strain (SGL) and extent (number of segments with delayed enhancement by CMR) of fibrosis in this study, no difference was observed in the number of segments of medians in the CMR compared between Strain Global Longitudinal groups - Normal x changed (p = 0.287, exact Mann-Whitney). Using as an ejection fraction of the left ventricle limits > = 55% as normal and < 55% changed, compared to the extent of fibrose- number of segments- (delayed enhancement) by CMR. There was a marginally significant difference when comparing the median number of segments with delayed enhancement on CMR between the 2 groups (p = 0.064). ¹based on exact Mann-Whitney test. We also compared the ejection fraction of the left ventricle by CMR and transthoracic echocardiography using the Simpson method. At a significance level of 5% (Lin coefficient), there was an almost perfect correlation between LVEF by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and LVEF by using transthoracic echocardiography in both the Simpson method. (Rc = 0.9335 95% CI 0878-0957; N = 27)

Efeitos da terapia com ondas de choque na mecânica ventricular avaliada pela técnica de speckle tracking em pacientes com angina refratária / Effects of shock wave therapy on left ventricular mechanics evaluated by speckle tracking echocardiography in patients with refractory angina

Duque, Anderson Silveira 24 January 2018 (has links)
A doença aterosclerótica coronariana tem um grande impacto na morbidade e mortalidade em todo mundo. A terapia cardíaca com ondas de choque consiste em uma nova opção potencial para o tratamento de pacientes com doença coronariana crônica e angina refratária. No presente estudo, avaliamos os efeitos das ondas de choque na mecânica do ventrículo esquerdo, avaliados pela ecocardiografia com speckle tracking, assim como nos sintomas clínicos e isquemia miocárdica em pacientes com angina refratária. Estudamos, prospectivamente, 19 pacientes com angina refratária submetidos à terapia com ondas de choque com 3 sessões de tratamento por semana, realizados na primeira, quinta e nona semanas, totalizando 9 semanas de tratamento. A mecânica do ventrículo esquerdo foi avaliada por meio da determinação do strain longitudinal global e segmentar. A perfusão miocárdica foi analisada por cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com Tecnécio-99m Sestamibi, para determinação do summed stress score (SSS). Parâmetros clínicos foram mensurados pelo escore de angina da Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS), escore de insuficiência cardíaca da New York Heart Association (NYHA) e qualidade de vida pelo Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ). Todos os dados foram mensurados antes do início do tratamento e 6 meses após a terapia com ondas de choque. Os nossos resultados demonstraram que as ondas de choque não ocasionaram efeitos colaterais importantes e os pacientes apresentaram melhora significativa dos sintomas. Antes do tratamento, 18 (94,7%) pacientes se apresentavam com angina CCS classe III ou IV, e 6 meses após houve redução para 3 (15,8%) pacientes (p = 0,0001), associada à melhora no SAQ (38,5%; p < 0,001). Treze (68,4%) pacientes estavam em classe funcional III ou IV da NYHA antes do tratamento, com redução significativa para 7 (36,8%); p = 0,014. Nenhuma alteração foi observada no SSS global basal no acompanhamento de 6 meses (15,33 ± 8,60 versus 16,60 ± 8,06, p = 0,155) determinado pela cintilografia miocárdica. No entanto, houve redução significativa no SSS médio dos segmentos isquêmicos tratados (2,1 ± 0,87 pré versus 1,6 ± 1,19 pós-terapia, p = 0,024). O strain longitudinal global do ventrículo esquerdo permaneceu inalterado (-13,03 ± 8,96 pré versus -15,88 ± 3,43 pós-tratamento; p = 0,256). Também não foi observada alteração significativa no strain longitudinal segmentar do ventrículo esquerdo pela ecocardiografia com speckle tracking. Concluímos que a terapia com ondas de choque é um procedimento seguro para tratamento de pacientes com angina refratária, que resulta em melhor qualidade de vida, melhora na perfusão miocárdica dos segmentos tratados e preservação da mecânica ventricular esquerda / Coronary atherosclerotic disease represents a major impact on morbidity and mortality worldwide. Cardiac shock wave therapy is a new potential option for the treatment of patients with chronic coronary disease and refractory angina. In the present study, we sought to determine the effects of shock wave therapy on the left ventricular mechanics, evaluated by speckle tracking echocardiography, as well as on myocardial perfusion and symptoms of patients with refractory angina. We prospectively studied 19 patients undergoing shock wave therapy with 3 sessions per week, on the 1st, 5th and 9th weeks, for a total of 9 weeks of treatment. The left ventricular mechanics was evaluated by global longitudinal strain using the speckle tracking echocardiography. Myocardial perfusion was assessed by myocardial scintigraphy with Technetium-99m Sestamibi, for determination of summed stress score (SSS). Clinical parameters were evaluated by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) angina score, New York Heart Association (NYHA ) heart failure score and quality of life by the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ). All data were measured prior to the treatment and 6 months after shock wave therapy. Our results demonstrated that shock wave therapy did not cause significant side effects and improved symptoms. Before treatment, 18 patients (94.7%) had CCS class III or IV angina, and 6 months later there was a reduction to 3 (15.8%), p = 0.0001, associated with improvement in SAQ ( 38.5%, p < 0.001). Thirteen (68.4%) were in NYHA class III or IV before treatment, with a significant reduction to 7 (36.8%); p = 0.014. No change was observed in the global SSS at 6-months follow-up (from 15.33 ± 8.60 baseline to 16.60 ± 8.06 post-treatment, p = 0.155). However, there was a significant reduction in the mean SSS of the treated ischemic segments (2.1 ± 0.87 pre versus 1.6 ± 1.19 post therapy, p = 0.024). The global longitudinal strain remained unchanged (-13.03 ± 8.96 pre versus -15.88 ± 3.43 6 months post-treatment, p = 0.256). In the same way, no significant difference was observed in the longitudinal strain of the left ventricular segments. We concluded that shock wave therapy is a safe procedure for the treatment of patients with refractory angina, resulting in better quality of life, improved myocardial perfusion of the treated segments, and preservation of left ventricular mechanics

AnÃlise comparativa de tÃcnicas de rastreamento de marcas acÃsticas em imagens de ecocardiografia / Comparative analysis of speckle tracking techniques on echocardiographic images

Thomaz Maia de Almeida 01 August 2012 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / O auxÃlio ao diagnÃstico atravÃs da visualizaÃÃo de imagens mÃdicas vÃm sendo utilizado em diversas Ãreas da Medicina tais como pneumologia, cardiologia, traumatologia, neurologia, dentre outras. Na Ãrea da cardiologia, vÃrias aplicaÃÃes clÃnicas tÃm sido propostas para a anÃlise de doenÃas cardÃacas atravÃs da quantificaÃÃo e avaliaÃÃo da dessincronia ventricular esquerda durante a deformaÃÃo do mÃsculo cardÃaco (miocÃrdio). Existem, atualmente, duas tÃcnicas utilizadas na aferiÃÃo da deformaÃÃo miocÃrdica em duas dimensÃes: Doppler Tecidual (DT) e Strain 2D (St2D). A primeira tÃcnica possui desvantagens quanto à dependÃncia do Ãngulo de insonaÃÃo do transdutor durante o exame ecocardiogrÃfico, diminuindo a chance de reprodutibilidade do resultado das mediÃÃes entre especialistas. A segunda tÃcnica, recentemente introduzida e tambÃm chamada de Speckle Tracking, consiste no acompanhamento de marcadores acÃsticos naturais existentes na imagem produzida pelo ultrassom. Neste sentido, vÃ-se a importÃncia do estudo de tÃcnicas para rastrear esses marcadores acÃsticos. A presente dissertaÃÃo realiza uma anÃlise comparativa entre oito algoritmos de estimaÃÃo de deslocamento baseados na tÃcnica de Casamento de Blocos (CB) e trÃs algoritmos baseados na tÃcnica de Fluxo Ãptico (FO), que sÃo as duas atuais tÃcnicas amplamente citadas na literatura. A anÃlise à realizada mediante vÃdeos sintÃticos e vÃdeos mÃdicos de exames ecocardiogrÃficos. A avaliaÃÃo das tÃcnicas em vÃdeos sintÃticos à realizada quanto à trajetÃria e à deformaÃÃo. Jà a avaliaÃÃo em vÃdeos de exames ecocardiogrÃficos à realizada quanto Ãs curvas e taxas de deformaÃÃo. Na anÃlise da trajetÃria sÃo aplicadas duas mÃtricas de avaliaÃÃo das tÃcnicas: correlaÃÃo mÃdia e erro quadrÃtico mÃdio. Para a anÃlise das curvas e das taxas de deformaÃÃo a mÃtrica usada à o valor do erro quadrÃtico mÃdio em relaÃÃo à deformaÃÃo global (global strain) do miocÃrdio. Os resultados indicam que o desempenho idÃntico de alguns estimadores de deslocamento os reduzem de oito para seis algoritmos. A tÃcnica de CB mostra-se viÃvel para o rastreamento de marcas acÃsticas mas à dependente das dimensÃes adotadas nos blocos. Em relaÃÃo Ãs tÃcnicas de FO, o algoritmo de Lucas e Kanade Piramidal à o que obtÃm melhor resultado nos testes realizados, produzindo curvas de deformaÃÃo global com erro mÃdio de 0,47%, enquanto os valores de erro dos outros algoritmos de FO estÃo em torno de 10%. No caso, os erros dos estimadores de CB variam de 1% a 16%. / Aided diagnosis by visualization of medical images has been used in several medical fields such as pulmonology, cardiology, traumatology, neurology, and others. In cardiology, several clinical applications have been proposed for the analysis of heart disease by quantification and evaluation of ventricular dyssynchrony during deformation of the heart muscle (myocardium). There are currently two techniques used in the measurement of myocardial deformation in two dimensions: Tissue Doppler and 2D Strain. The first technique has drawbacks regarding the dependence on the angle of insonation of the transducer during the echocardiographic examination, which reduce the chance of reproducibility of measurements among experts. The second technique, recently introduced and also called Speckle Tracking, consists of tracking the natural acoustic markers in the image produced by ultrasound. In this sense we see the importance of studying techniques to track these acoustic markers. This thesis performs a comparative analysis of eight algorithms from time-delay estimators based on the block matching technique and three algorithms based on the optical flow technique, which are the two current techniques widely presented in the literature. The analysis is performed using synthetic videos and medical videos from echocardiographic examinations. The evaluation of the techniques in synthetic videos is performed on the trajectory and deformation. The assessment in echocardiographic videos is held regarding the strain curves and strain rates. In the analysis of the trajectory are applied two metrics for evaluating techniques: mean correlation and mean square error. For the analysis of strain curves and of strain rate the measure used is the value of the mean square error relative to global strain of myocardium. The results indicate that the identical performance of some estimators reduce the time-delay estimators from eight to six algorithms. The block matching technique appears to be a viable technique for tracking acoustic marks but is dependent on the dimensions adopted in the blocks. Regarding optical flow techniques, the Lucas and Kanade Pyramidal algorithm is the one which gets the best results in the tests performed herein and produce global strain curves average error of 0.47 %, while the error values of the other optical flow algorithms are around 10 %. In case, the block matching time-delay estimators errors vary from 1% to 16%.

Adaptations cardiaques à l’exercice aigu, chronique et épuisant de longue durée : mise en évidence du rôle clé du mécanisme de torsion - détorsion dans le remplissage ventriculaire gauche / Cardiac adaptations to acute, chronic and streneous exercise : key role of twisting - untwisting mecanism in left ventricular filling

Doucende, Grégory 23 November 2010 (has links)
Lors de la systole, le ventricule gauche (VG) se déforme suite à la contraction des cardiomyocytes. De part l’orientation en spirale des fibres myocardiques, ces déformations incluent un mouvement de torsion, la base et l’apex du VG tournant dans des sens opposés. L’emmagasinement d’énergie élastique par ce mécanisme et surtout sa restitution très précoce en début de diastole jouent un rôle clé dans le remplissage ventriculaire gauche. Les objectifs de ce travail ont été d’étudier les adaptations mécaniques ventriculaires gauche en se focalisant sur le rôle de la torsion 1) lors d’un exercice d’intensité croissante chez le sujet sédentaire jeune, 2) suite à l’entrainement aérobie au repos et lors d’un exercice d’intensité croissante et, 3) concomitantes aux dysfonctions cardiaques observées après un exercice épuisant de longue durée. Pour cela, nous avons effectué des échocardiographies au repos et/ou lors d’épreuves d’effort d’intensité croissante en incluant l’utilisation d’un nouvel outil échocardiographique basé sur le "speckle tracking" (STE). Nos résultats soulignent le rôle clé de la torsion dans le couplage systole – diastole à l’effort. De plus, nos résultats montrent une modification des adaptations mécaniques ventriculaires gauche à l’effort en parallèle à l’amélioration de la fonction diastolique chez les sportifs entrainés en endurance aérobie. Enfin, la dysfonction ventriculaire gauche transitoire observée après un exercice épuisant de longue durée est caractérisée par une diminution et un décalage dans le temps de la torsion, limitant probablement la diminution précoce des pressions intraventriculaires gauche et donc le remplissage. L’ensemble de ces résultats mettent en évidence, d’une part, l’intérêt de l’évaluation par STE de la mécanique ventriculaire gauche au repos et à l’effort, et d’autre part le rôle clé du mécanisme de torsion – détorsion dans l’explication de fonctions diastoliques améliorées ou altérées / During systole, contraction of cardiomyocytes induces left ventricular (LV) strains. Moreover, the helical orientation of myofibers induces LV torsion consequently to LV basal and apical rotations. LV torsion stores energy in elastic component that is released very early in diastole and constitutes a key factor of LV filling. The aims of this thesis were to characterize LV mechanicals adaptations focussing on the role of LV torsion 1) during a progressive exercise test in healthy sedentary subjects, 2) induced by aerobic training at rest and during a progressive exercise test and, 3) concomitant with cardiac dysfunctions after prolonged and strenuous exercise. We used a novel echocardiographic tool, based on Speckle Tracking (STE), in order to evaluate LV function at rest and/or during a progressive exercise test. Our results underlined the key role of LV torsion in systolic – diastolic coupling during exercise. Moreover, our results showed an alteration of LV mechanical adaptation paralleling the enhancement of diastolic function during effort in aerobic trained subjects. At last, transient LV dysfunction after prolonged and strenuous exercise was associated with decreased and delayed LV torsion, probably limiting the early drop of LV intraventricular pressures and thus LV filling. All together, these results underlined the usefulness to evaluate LV mechanics at rest and during effort by STE, and point out the key role of twisting – untwisting mechanism in improved or depressed LV diastolic function

Avaliação de fibrose miocárdica pelo strain, comparado ao achado de realce tardio da ressonância magnética cardíaca, em pacientes portadores de cardiopatia chagásica crônica / Assessment of myocardial fibrosis by strain, compared with late enhancement by the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with chronic cardiopathy Chagas\' disease

Antonio Tito Paladino Filho 07 June 2016 (has links)
Desde o primeiro relato a Doença de Chagas permanece endêmica na América Latina com 18 milhões de pessoas cronicamente infectadas e, aproximadamente, 200.000 novos casos por ano. Doença parasitária causada por Trypanosoma cruzi, tem como transmissor \"natural\" da doença um inseto hematófago, o Reduris (barbeiro). Este inseto se torna infectado ao ingerir o sangue de um animal ou indivíduo infectado com o Trypanosoma cruzi. O contágio ocorre basicamente nas áreas rurais nas quais o homem, frequentemente, está em contato com hospedeiros e vetores ao destruir a mata nativa. Apesar da infecção geralmente ocorrer nos primeiros anos de vida, os pacientes infectados podem manifestar os sinais e sintomas da cardiopatia chagásica até 20 anos mais tarde. O custo propriamente dito e o sofrimento humano representados pela Doença de Chagas são grandes. Medicamentos, internações hospitalares frequentes e tratamento com dispositivos de alto custo (ex: marcapasso/ cardiodesfibrilador). Com quadro clínico insidioso, os pacientes podem apresentar insuficiência cardíaca franca, eventos tromboembólicos, arritmias ventriculares, dor torácica atípica e morte súbita. Seu diagnóstico baseia-se em epidemiologia positiva, anamnese, exame físico, alterações eletrocardiográficas, radiológicas e testes sorológicos. O envolvimento cardíaco é a principal causa de morte, sendo que a fisiopatologia e a evolução clínica da doença não são completamente compreendidas e a estratificação de risco permanece um desafio. A presença de disfunção miocárdica associada ou não à doença arterial aterosclerótica vem acompanhada de áreas de fibrose miocárdica e tem se mostrado como importante fator de pior prognóstico. A Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca (RMC) é um método já consagrado na detecção de fibrose miocárdica pela técnica de realce tardio (RT). Os objetivos dessa tese são: 1-Correlacionar o strain miocárdico nos segmentos do ventrículo esquerdo com as áreas de realce tardio detectadas na Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca, 2- Correlacionar o strain global do ventrículo esquerdo avaliado pela técnica de Speckle Tracking com a extensão de fibrose (numero de segmentos) avaliada pela Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca; 3- Comparar a Fração de ejeção avaliada pelo Ecocardiograma bidimensional e a Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca em pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica crônica; 4- Avaliar se existe relação entre a fração de ejeção avaliada pelo ecocardiograma bidimensional e a extensão de fibrose (número de segmentos) pela Ressonância Cardíaca. Foram selecionados 31 pacientes com o diagnóstico confirmado de Doença de Chagas. 27 pacientes que respeitaram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, e que assinaram o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido realizaram Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca com a técnica de realce tardio. De todos os pacientes selecionados, 27 completaram o protocolo da RMC e realizaram em sequencia o Ecocardiograma transtorácico para avaliar o strain miocárdico (speckle tracking) em intervalo máximo de 5 dias. Todos que completaram o protocolo não apresentaram efeitos adversos e os exames foram considerados interpretáveis. Para calcular a amostra de pacientes necessária, os cálculos foram feitos pela estatística de teste t, com distribuição t de Student, para comparação entre duas médias, com poder de teste de 80% e nível de significância de 5%, o que resultou numa estimativa de tamanho mínimo de amostra de 22 lesões por grupo (44 lesões) para que seja possível identificar diferenças significativas em todas as regiões numa amostra com medidas de mesmo comportamento que as observadas em Yajima et al e Jitsuo Higaki et al. Com isso, a amostra mínima seria de 22 pacientes. Para avaliar a concordância entre variáveis quantitativas, utilizou-se o coeficiente de concordância de Lin com intervalo de confiança (IC) 95% estimado segundo método Bootstrap. O coeficiente de concordância de Lin (Rc) combinada precisão e acurácia para determinar se observações desviam-se significativamente da linha de perfeita concordância (linha de 45 graus com origem no 0 dos eixos x e y). O coeficiente de Kappa de Cohen com IC 95% foi utilizado em analises de concordância para variáveis categóricas. Valores de p foram calculados utilizando-se método exato. Os critérios de Landis & Koch foram utilizados na interpretação dos coeficientes de concordância, assim definidos: (a) quase-perfeita, para valores de 0,81 a 1,00; (b) substancial, para valores de 0,61 a 0,80; (c) moderada, para valores entre 0,41 e 0,60; (d) regular, para valores entre 0,21 e 0,40; (d) discreta, para valores de 0 a 0,20. As estimações de intervalos de confiança 95% via bootstrap basearam-se em 1000 replicações. Estimativas de sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivo positivo e negativo com IC95% foram determinados. Variáveis quantitativas foram comparadas entre 2 grupos independentes utilizando-se testes não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney com métodos exatos de cálculo do valor-p. Variáveis quantitativas comparadas com Mann-Whitney foram descritas com mediana e intervalo interquartil. Dado o reduzido tamanho de amostra, analise de regressão logística binaria univariada foi conduzida utilizando método exato. Para covariável quantitativa foi testada, a suposição de linearidade com o log-odds no modelo de regressão logística através da construção de \"Smoothed Scatter Plots\". Quando suposição não foi satisfeita, covariável originalmente quantitativa foi dicotomizadas segundo a mediana da distribuição. Odds ratios e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança 95% foram estimados. Analises de correlação entre variáveis quantitativas foram conduzidas utilizando-se coeficiente de correlação de Spearman(rho)(com IC95%). Forte correlação foi definida como |rho| >=0.70; correlação moderada para 0.5 <= |rho| <0.7 ; correlação fraca a moderada para 0.3<= |rho| <0.5; e fraca para |rho| <0.3. Normalidade foi avaliada com a inspeção visual de histogramas e aplicação do teste de normalidade Shapiro-Wilks. Todos os valores de p apresentados são do tipo bilateral: p < 0.05 e 0.05<p<= 0.10 foram considerados significantes e marginalmente significantes respectivamente. O software R (R Foundation, Vienna, Austria) foi utilizado na análise estatística de dados. Resultados: Dos 27 pacientes do estudo temos a idade média dos pacientes de 53,1 +- 7,0 anos, com mediana de 54 anos, sendo 08 (29,7%) homens e 19 (70,3%) mulheres. A fração de ejeção média pelo ecocardiograma foi de 55,1 +- 14,7%, e pela Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca foi de 55,8 +- 13,4%. O número total de segmentos avaliados foi 453 (98,7%), com interpretação não realizada em apenas 6 segmentos (1,3%) pelo ecocardiograma, de um total de 459. Encontramos realce tardio em 61 segmentos analisados e do total, 86 segmentos apresentaram alteração do strain. Tendo como padrão ouro o realce tardio na RMC, comparamos segmento a segmento o resultado entre essa e o ecocardiograma (speckle tracking). Levamos em conta a literatura que descreve uma prevalência da fibrose em portadores de cardiopatia chagásica crônica de aproximadamente 40%. Com esses dados obtivemos uma sensibilidade de 95%, especificidade de 91%, Valor preditivo positivo de 88,6% e valor preditivo negativo de 96,6%. Correlacionando o Strain Global Longitudinal (SGL) e a extensão (número de segmentos com realce tardio pela RMC) da fibrose neste trabalho, não observou-se diferença nas medianas de número de segmentos na CMR comparadas entre os grupos Strain Global Longitudinal - normal x alterado (p=0.287 , teste exato de Mann-Whitney). Utilizando como limites de fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo >= 55% como normal e <55% alterada, comparamos à extensão de fibrose- numero de segmentos- ( realce tardio) pela CMR. Observou-se uma diferença marginalmente significativa na comparação das medianas do numero de segmentos com realce tardio na CMR entre os 2 grupos (p=0.064). ¹based on exact Mann-Whitney test. Comparamos também a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo pela RMC e pelo Ecocardiograma transtorácico utilizando o método de Simpson. Ao nível de significância de 5% (coeficiente de Lin), observou-se uma quase perfeita concordância entre FEVE pela Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca e FEVE pelo Ecocardiograma transtorácico utilizando em ambos o método de Simpson. (Rc = 0.9335 IC95% 0.878-0.957; N=27). / Since the first report, Chaga\'s disease remains endemic in Latin America with 18 million chronically infected people and approximately 200,000 new cases per year. Parasitic disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, is \"natural\" transmitter disease of a hematophagous insect, the Reduris (barber). This insect becomes infected by ingesting blood of an animal or individual infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The infection occurs primarily in rural areas where men often are in touch with hosts and vectors by destroying the native forest. Despite the infection usually occurs early in life, infected patients may exhibit signs and symptoms of Chagas disease 20 years later. The cost itself and human suffering represented by Chagas disease are a public issue. Medication, frequent hospitalization and treatment with costly devices (eg pacemaker / defibrillator) are frequently necessary. With insidious clinical signs and symptons, patients may present with heart failure, thromboembolic events, ventricular arrhythmias, atypical chest pain and sudden death. Its diagnosis is based on positive epidemiology, history, physical examination, electrocardiographic, radiological and serological changes. Cardiac involvement is the leading cause of death, and the pathophysiology and clinical course of the disease are not fully understood and the risk stratification remains a challenge. The presence of myocardial dysfunction with or without atherosclerotic arterial disease is accompanied by myocardial fibrosis areas and has been an important factor of poor prognosis. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) is a method already established in the detection of myocardial fibrosis by delayed gadolinium enhancement technique (DGE). The objectives of this thesis are: 1-To correlate myocardial strain in left ventricular segments with areas of late enhancement detected in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance, 2- correlate the global left ventricular strain measured by Speckle Tracking technique with fibrosis extension (number of segments) evaluated by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance; 3- Compare the ejection fraction assessed by Two-dimensional echocardiography and cardiac Magnetic Resonance in patients with chronic cardiac Chagas\' disease; 4- To assess whether there is a relationship between the ejection fraction assessed by two-dimensional echocardiography and fibrosis extension (number of segments) by CMR. We selected 31 patients with confirmed diagnosis of Chagas\' disease. 27 patients who complied with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and who signed the informed consent , performed Cardiac Magnetic Resonance with late gadolinium enhancement (DGE) technique. Of all the selected patients, 27 completed the RMC protocol and were in sequence directed to the transthoracic echocardiogram to assess myocardial strain (speckle tracking) in maximum interval of 5 days. Everyone who completed the protocol showed no adverse effects and the tests were considered interpretable. To calculate the sample required patients, we used the test statistic t, with t Student distribution for comparison between two averages, with the power to test 80% and 5% significance level, which resulted in an estimate minimum sample of 22 injuries per group size (44 injuries) so you can identify significant differences in all regions in a sample with the same measures of behavior than those observed in Yajima et al and Jitsuo Higaki et al. Thus, the minimum sample size would be 22 patients. To evaluate the correlation between quantitative variables, we used the Lin\'s concordance coefficient (1,2) with a confidence interval (CI) 95% estimated second method Bootstrap (4). The correlation coefficient Lin (Rc) combines precision and accuracy to determine if observations deviate significantly from perfect correlation line (45 degree line with origin 0 of the x and y axes). Cohen\'s kappa coefficient with 95% (3) was used for analysis of agreement for categorical variables. P values were calculated using the exact method. The Landis and Koch criteria (5) were used in the interpretation of correlation coefficients defined as follows: (a) quasi-perfect for values 0.81 to 1.00; (b) substantial amounts of 0.61 to the 0.80; (c) Moderate to values between 0.41 and 0.60; (d) regular, to between 0.21 and 0.40; (d) mild to values from 0 to 0.20. The estimation of 95% confidence intervals by bootstrap based on 1000 replicates. Quantitative variables were compared between two independent groups using non-parametric Mann-Whitney test with exact methods of calculating the p-value. (6-8) Quantitative variables compared with Mann-Whitney were described as median and interquartile range. Given the small sample size, regression analysis univariate binary logistic regression was conducted using exact method (9-11). For quantitative covariate was tested, the linearity assumption with the log-odds in the logistic regression model by building \"Smoothed Scatter Plots\". (9) When assumption was not met, originally quantitative covariate was dichotomized according to the median of the distribution. Odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals were estimated. All significance probabilities (p values) presented are the bilateral type and values less than 0.05 considered statistically significant. The R (R Foundation, Vienna, Austria) software was used for statistical analysis of data. In order to measure the correlation between the results of both tests in the study were calculated sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value considering the CMR as the gold standard. Results: Of the 27 study patients have a average age of 53.1 + - 7.0 years and median of 54 years. 08 (29.7%) men and 19 (70.3%) women. The average ejection fraction by echocardiography was 55.1 + - 14.7%, and by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance was 55.8 + - 13.4%. The total number of evaluated segments was 453 (98.7%), with no interpretation performed in only 6 segments (1.3%) on echocardiography, a total of 459 segments. Delayed enhancement by Cardiac Magnetic Ressonance was found in 61 segments analyzed. In the order \"side\" 86 segmets registered an altered strain. As the gold standard the delayed enhancement in the MRC, compared to segment studied segment. We take into account the literature describing the prevalence of fibrosis in patients with chronic Chagas\' heart disease of approximately 40%. With this data we obtained a sensitivity of 95%, specificity 91%, positive predictive value of 88.6% and a negative predictive value of 96.6%. Correlating the Global Longitudinal Strain (SGL) and extent (number of segments with delayed enhancement by CMR) of fibrosis in this study, no difference was observed in the number of segments of medians in the CMR compared between Strain Global Longitudinal groups - Normal x changed (p = 0.287, exact Mann-Whitney). Using as an ejection fraction of the left ventricle limits > = 55% as normal and < 55% changed, compared to the extent of fibrose- number of segments- (delayed enhancement) by CMR. There was a marginally significant difference when comparing the median number of segments with delayed enhancement on CMR between the 2 groups (p = 0.064). ¹based on exact Mann-Whitney test. We also compared the ejection fraction of the left ventricle by CMR and transthoracic echocardiography using the Simpson method. At a significance level of 5% (Lin coefficient), there was an almost perfect correlation between LVEF by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and LVEF by using transthoracic echocardiography in both the Simpson method. (Rc = 0.9335 95% CI 0878-0957; N = 27)

Efeitos da terapia com ondas de choque na mecânica ventricular avaliada pela técnica de speckle tracking em pacientes com angina refratária / Effects of shock wave therapy on left ventricular mechanics evaluated by speckle tracking echocardiography in patients with refractory angina

Anderson Silveira Duque 24 January 2018 (has links)
A doença aterosclerótica coronariana tem um grande impacto na morbidade e mortalidade em todo mundo. A terapia cardíaca com ondas de choque consiste em uma nova opção potencial para o tratamento de pacientes com doença coronariana crônica e angina refratária. No presente estudo, avaliamos os efeitos das ondas de choque na mecânica do ventrículo esquerdo, avaliados pela ecocardiografia com speckle tracking, assim como nos sintomas clínicos e isquemia miocárdica em pacientes com angina refratária. Estudamos, prospectivamente, 19 pacientes com angina refratária submetidos à terapia com ondas de choque com 3 sessões de tratamento por semana, realizados na primeira, quinta e nona semanas, totalizando 9 semanas de tratamento. A mecânica do ventrículo esquerdo foi avaliada por meio da determinação do strain longitudinal global e segmentar. A perfusão miocárdica foi analisada por cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com Tecnécio-99m Sestamibi, para determinação do summed stress score (SSS). Parâmetros clínicos foram mensurados pelo escore de angina da Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS), escore de insuficiência cardíaca da New York Heart Association (NYHA) e qualidade de vida pelo Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ). Todos os dados foram mensurados antes do início do tratamento e 6 meses após a terapia com ondas de choque. Os nossos resultados demonstraram que as ondas de choque não ocasionaram efeitos colaterais importantes e os pacientes apresentaram melhora significativa dos sintomas. Antes do tratamento, 18 (94,7%) pacientes se apresentavam com angina CCS classe III ou IV, e 6 meses após houve redução para 3 (15,8%) pacientes (p = 0,0001), associada à melhora no SAQ (38,5%; p < 0,001). Treze (68,4%) pacientes estavam em classe funcional III ou IV da NYHA antes do tratamento, com redução significativa para 7 (36,8%); p = 0,014. Nenhuma alteração foi observada no SSS global basal no acompanhamento de 6 meses (15,33 ± 8,60 versus 16,60 ± 8,06, p = 0,155) determinado pela cintilografia miocárdica. No entanto, houve redução significativa no SSS médio dos segmentos isquêmicos tratados (2,1 ± 0,87 pré versus 1,6 ± 1,19 pós-terapia, p = 0,024). O strain longitudinal global do ventrículo esquerdo permaneceu inalterado (-13,03 ± 8,96 pré versus -15,88 ± 3,43 pós-tratamento; p = 0,256). Também não foi observada alteração significativa no strain longitudinal segmentar do ventrículo esquerdo pela ecocardiografia com speckle tracking. Concluímos que a terapia com ondas de choque é um procedimento seguro para tratamento de pacientes com angina refratária, que resulta em melhor qualidade de vida, melhora na perfusão miocárdica dos segmentos tratados e preservação da mecânica ventricular esquerda / Coronary atherosclerotic disease represents a major impact on morbidity and mortality worldwide. Cardiac shock wave therapy is a new potential option for the treatment of patients with chronic coronary disease and refractory angina. In the present study, we sought to determine the effects of shock wave therapy on the left ventricular mechanics, evaluated by speckle tracking echocardiography, as well as on myocardial perfusion and symptoms of patients with refractory angina. We prospectively studied 19 patients undergoing shock wave therapy with 3 sessions per week, on the 1st, 5th and 9th weeks, for a total of 9 weeks of treatment. The left ventricular mechanics was evaluated by global longitudinal strain using the speckle tracking echocardiography. Myocardial perfusion was assessed by myocardial scintigraphy with Technetium-99m Sestamibi, for determination of summed stress score (SSS). Clinical parameters were evaluated by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) angina score, New York Heart Association (NYHA ) heart failure score and quality of life by the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ). All data were measured prior to the treatment and 6 months after shock wave therapy. Our results demonstrated that shock wave therapy did not cause significant side effects and improved symptoms. Before treatment, 18 patients (94.7%) had CCS class III or IV angina, and 6 months later there was a reduction to 3 (15.8%), p = 0.0001, associated with improvement in SAQ ( 38.5%, p < 0.001). Thirteen (68.4%) were in NYHA class III or IV before treatment, with a significant reduction to 7 (36.8%); p = 0.014. No change was observed in the global SSS at 6-months follow-up (from 15.33 ± 8.60 baseline to 16.60 ± 8.06 post-treatment, p = 0.155). However, there was a significant reduction in the mean SSS of the treated ischemic segments (2.1 ± 0.87 pre versus 1.6 ± 1.19 post therapy, p = 0.024). The global longitudinal strain remained unchanged (-13.03 ± 8.96 pre versus -15.88 ± 3.43 6 months post-treatment, p = 0.256). In the same way, no significant difference was observed in the longitudinal strain of the left ventricular segments. We concluded that shock wave therapy is a safe procedure for the treatment of patients with refractory angina, resulting in better quality of life, improved myocardial perfusion of the treated segments, and preservation of left ventricular mechanics

Metoda ‘sledování regionů’ pro analýzu ultrazvukových sekvencí / Region tracking in ultrasound sequences

Byrtus, David January 2015 (has links)
Thesis deals with ultrasonographic contrast examinations, that are performed to assess tissue perfusion and non-invasive ultrasound method speckle tracking, overcoming the weaknesses of Doppler techniques used to scanning the movement of the tissue.

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