Spelling suggestions: "subject:"msspektrometrie"" "subject:"gamaspektrometrie""
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Využití infračervené spektrometrie v rámci Hasičského záchranného sboru / Application of infrared spectrometry in the activities of Fire Rescue BrigadeRacek, Stanislav January 2012 (has links)
This diploma work is aimed at the use of infrared spectrometry by Fire Brigade Units of the Czech Republic. A new portable instrument True Defender FT produced by Ahura was used for this purpose. It was lent by the Institute of Citizens´Protection in Lázně Bohdaneč. The goal of this work is to get acquainted with this instrument and to evaluate its ability to identify unknown substances. Experimental part was aimed at the testing of this spectrometer with the help of model sample set, containing samples from real situations solved by members of Fire Brigade Units of the Czech Republic. Possibilities of mobile infrared spectometer True Defender FT and mobile Raman spectometer First Defender are finally compared.
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Stanovení rizikových prvků v půdách s různým antropogenním znečištěním pomocí sekvenční extrakční analýzy / Determination of hazardous elements in soils with different anthropogenic contamination using sequential extraction analysisŽidek, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals about determination of hazardous elements and their mobility in soils from Brno and Ostrava. For extraction of soil samples was used sequential extraction by Tessier and BCR sequential extraction. Extraction by nitric acid was also used. Mercury was determinated by the advanced mercury analyser AMA 254. Lead, copper and zinc were determinated by the flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Cadmium and vanadium were determinated by the electrotermic atomic absorption.
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Využití pasivního vzorkování při analýze hormonů v pitných vodách / Application of passive sampling for the analysis of hormones in drinking waterRemerová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the use of passive sampling during an analysis of hormones in drinkable water. In the theoretical part there are described selected passive samplers and the sample of the type of POCIS is described at fuller length. The next chapter engages with steroid hormones and an input of estrogenic hormone into the environment. The thesis contains chapters dealing with possibilities of the determination of hormones in water. It is specialized on the analysis of drinkable and surface water. In the last chapter of the theoretical part there are introduced water works where samples for an experimental assessment were collected from. The experimental part of the thesis presents the specification of the extraction of analytes and an adjustment of used device. In the thesis there are specific calibrations for individual assessment of hormones. The results of the assessment for each collection point are ordered to a well-arranged table. Increased levels of targeted estrogens were not approved in most of sampling points.
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Měření koncentrace atomárního dusíku v dohasínajícím dusíkovém plazmatu / Measure of atomic nitrogen concentration in the nitrogen post-dischargeJosiek, Stanislav January 2014 (has links)
Clean post-discharge nitrogen plasma and nitrogen plasma with different traces have been focus of scientists for more than 50 years and there were published many articles on theme active discharge, post-discharge, processes and reactions. It is possible to create kinetic models from all these information and then calculate concentrations of elements in atomic form. This diploma thesis is focused on measuring of concentration of atomic nitrogen for different conditions (decay time, pressure, admixture). The titration method by nitric oxide in post-discharge was used to determinate of concentration of atomic nitrogen. All experimental results were obtained by the optical emission spectroscopy. Optical emission spectra were taken in the range of 300-600 nm. DC discharge was created in a quartz tube in a flowing regime. The flowing regime was chosen for this experiment because of better time resolution of decay time, order in milliseconds. Decay time was in the range of 16 – 82 ms for individual experiments. Nitrogen flow was 400 mln/min. Nitrogen oxide flow was in the range of 0-10 mln/min and it was added at the selected post-discharge time. Trace of methane was 0,006 % of the whole volume. Total gas pressure was set on values from 500 to 4000 Pa. The output of discharge was set on constant value of current 150 mA and the output has changed according to the amount of pressure. Nitrogen first positive, second positive and first negative spectral systems, NO spectral system and NO2* spectral system were recognized in all measured spectra. Absolute concentration of atomic nitrogen was specified by the method of titration of NO. Traces of methane increase dissociation of molecular nitrogen and therefore increase the concentration of atomic nitrogen. This thesis brings new results into longtime research of moon Titan and new results into study of processes in nitrogen-methane plasma.
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Radiofrekvenční metoda detekce výbušnin a drog - NQR / RF detection method of explosives and drugs - NQRMotyčka, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with RF spectroscopic methods, which are applicable for the detection of hazardous substances such as explosives or drugs. Particular attention is focused on promising method of nuclear quadrupole resonance. Abroad this method has recently been applied in the detection of energetic materials in hazardous locations. The cornerstone of the nuclear quadrupole resonance is to evaluate the interaction between electromagnetic radiation, in the range of medium to very short waves, and the researched substance. Observed parameter are the resonant frequencies of the substance. Spectral analysis of signal is used for their evaluation. Resonant frequencies are always typical for the crystalline structure, therefore every explosive or drug is clearly identifiable by this method.
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Studium miniaturních zařízení pro kolekci hydridotvorných prvků v atomové spektroskopii / Investigation of Miniature Devices for Collection of Hydride Forming Elements in Atomic Spectrometry MethodsKrejčí, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Capability of a prototype of miniature collection device based on a strip of the molybdenum foil for collecting hydride forming elements (As, Se, Sb and Bi) was studied. The device was combined with a miniature hydrogen diffusion flame for detection by atomic absorption spectrometry. The conditions for trapping and subsequent vaporization of analytes of interest were optimized. A twin-channel hydride generation system was used for study of mutual interference effects of co-generated hydride forming elements. The influence of modification of the molybdenum surface with noble metals - Rh, Pt and Ir on trapping and vaporization processes was also studied and changes of microstructure of the foil surface after modification were investigated using scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive x-ray analyzer and electron backscattered diffraction system. Complementary radiotracer and radiography experiments were performed in order to determine trapping efficiency and to assess the spatial distribution of collected analytes within the device. Practical application of the method was demonstrated on determination of antimony in water samples at trace level. Possibility of multi-element analysis was demonstrated by combining the collection device with atomization and excitation of the analyte in microwave induced plasma and with detection by atomic emission spectrometry method. The results of the experiments proved that tested miniature collection device is capable of trapping analytes that form volatile hydrides. This device can be coupled to various types of atomizers, typically used in spectrometry methods. Thus, very sensitive and specific detection of hydride forming elements can be performed.
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Využití separačních metod pro studium biologicky aktivních látek ve vodách / The Usage of Separation Methods for Research of Biologically Active Substances in WatersVydrová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Pharmaceuticals are biological active compounds with different functional groups, physico-chemical and biological properties. These chemical compounds are called as “new contaminants” which cumulate in various environmental components. These contaminants input to environment from industrial processes, hospitals and health care institutions or household sources and these pollutants can to negatively interact with environmental components. Pharmaceuticals are separated according to structure and their effects to live organisms. On the basis of drug consumption in Czech Republic the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most using pharmaceuticals, because these drugs can be obtain without prescriptions. The choosing analgesics for study were monitored in waste water from waste waters treatment plant (WWTP Brno – Modřice) and in surface water from two sampling sites of river Kretinka. Pharmaceuticals were monitored in surface waters in Czech Republic, in Scotland (river Thurso) and in Taiwan (river Erren, Agongdian, Yanshuei and canal of Tainan) Solid phase extraction (SPE) is used for extraction of study pharmaceutical from water system. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode array detection or mass spectrometry was used for determination of drugs in surface waters from Czech Republic. The water samples from Scotland and Taiwan were analysed and the high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) was used for determination of pharmaceuticals. The method of HPLC/MS enables the determination of study compounds in the very low range of concentrations (ng ? l-1). All monitored pharmaceuticals were identified and quantified in water samples from river Kretinka in Czech Republic, river Thurso (Scotland) and rivers Erren, Agongdian, Yanshuei and canal of Tainan in Taiwan and the obtained data were compared.
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Mechanické vlastnosti mikrostrukturních komponent anorganických materiálů / Mechanical Properties of Microstructural Components of Inorganic MaterialsWasserbauer, Jaromír January 2013 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá studiem strukturních a mechanických vlastností anorganických materiálů. Cílem je nalezení jednotlivých fází ve zkoumaném materiálu a hlavně lokalizace (mechanicky) nejslabšího místa, jeho ovlivnění a následně výroba materiálu o lepších mechanických vlastnostech. Z důvodu velkého množství použitých metod je základní teorie vložena vždy na začátku příslušné kapitoly. Taktéž z důvodu značného množství výsledků jsou na konci kapitol uvedeny dílčí závěry. Práce je rozdělena na tři části, kdy první se zabývá seznámením s možnostmi modelování mikro-mechanických vlastností a provedením experimentů umožňujících posouzení rozsahu platnosti některého modelu. V druhé části je provedeno shrnutí současných možností indentačních zkoušek pro měření mechanických vlastností strukturních složek betonu a praktické zvládnutí metodiky vhodné k užití pro výzkum materiálů zkoumaných domovským pracovištěm. V třetí části je navržena metoda identifikace nejslabších článků struktury anorganických pojiv a její ověření na konkrétním materiálu zkoumaném na domovském pracovišti. V této dizertační práci jsou použity tyto metody: kalorimetrie, ultrazvukové testování, jednoosá pevnost v tlaku, nanoindentace, korelativní mikroskopie a rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie s energiově disperzním spektrometrem. Dílčími výsledky jsou kompletní charakterizace cementových materiálů, upřesnění stávajících poznatků a nalezení optimálního postupu pro charakterizaci. Hlavním výsledkem je inovativní přístup vedoucí k pozitivnímu ovlivnění materiálu.
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Studium průniku „musk“ sloučenin do abiotických a biotických složek vodních ekosystémů / Study of Transfer of Musk Compounds in Abiotic and Biotic Components of Aquatic EcosystemsZouhar, Libor January 2013 (has links)
This work was focused on the determination of musk compounds in various components of the environment. Synthetic musk compounds are organic substances commonly used as fragrant constituents of detergents, perfumes, cosmetics and other personal care products (PCPs). These compounds contaminate the aquatic environment through municipal wastewater from sewage treatment plants. The result is accumulation of these analytes in the environment and their occurrence in food chain. Synthetic fragrances are commonly detected also in human body; these substances generally belong among relatively new persistent organic pollutants (POPs) because of their persistence, bioaccumulation, and potential toxicity. The aim of this work was to optimize the methods for the determination of selected synthetic fragrances in wastewater (municipal, industrial) and in fish muscle. These analytes were determined in wastewater [the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Brno – Modřice, cosmetic manufacturing plant] and in fish Squalius cephalus that had been caught in the river Svratka. The selected analytes (14 substances) originate from the group of nitromusk, polycyclic musk and linear musk compounds. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) [for wastewater samples] and pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) [for fish samples] were used for isolation of analytes from real samples. The identification and quantification of analytes were carried out by high resolution gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry detection (GC-MS). The results show that galaxolide (g.L-1) and tonalide (tenths of g.L-1) were polycyclic musk compounds which were found at the highest concentration level in influent and also in effluent samples from the WWTP Brno – Modřice. The most extended nitromusk compound was musk ketone (hundredths of g.L-1). Linear musk compounds were detected in all influent samples (g.L-1). The overall removal efficiency of synthetic musk compounds from wastewater in the WWTP varies within the following ranges: nitromusk compounds 34.4 % – 85.4 %, polycyclic musk compounds 36.7 % – 53.3 % and linear musk compounds 90.5 % – 99.9 %. On the basis of the results it can be stated that wastewater (effluent from the WWTP) is the primary source of musk compounds, especially of the polycyclic ones in the environment. It has been also shown that ultrafiltration used in a cosmetic plant is a highly efficient technology for removing nitromusk and polycyclic musk compounds from industry wastewater. The results from evaluation of the fish contamination by musk compounds show that galaxolide was the substance which reached the highest concentration levels (tens of g.kg-1 l.w.). The results corroborate ubiquitous occurrence of musk compounds in the environment and reduction of using of nitromusk compounds due to their potential toxic properties. It has been shown that the insufficiency of the purifying procedures used in the WWTP Brno – Modřice has a significant influence on the concentration level of polycyclic musk compounds (tonalide, galaxolide) in fish caught from the river Svratka.
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Modelování chemických procesů / Modelling of Chemical ProcessesAl Mahmoud Alsheikh, Amer January 2015 (has links)
V této práci je prezentována studie fragmentačního procesu zvolené molekuly a jeho vztah ke složení fragmentačních produktů. Práce je zaměřená na výpočet fragmentační energie molekuly pomocí ab initio kvantově chemických metod, metodou „density functional theory (DFT)“ a také srovnáním s experimentem. Je prezentován vliv výpočetní metody, bázového setu, a geometrie molekuly na simulaci. Byla porovnána fragmentace methylfenylsilanu (MPS), dimethylfenylsilanu (DMPS), a trimetylfenylsilanu (TMPS). Fragmentace byla iniciována monochromatickým elektronovým svazkem (EII). Hmotnostní spektrometrie byla využita ke studiu složení fragmentačních produktů MPS a TMPS. Fragmentační produkty MPS a TMPS měřené v rámci této práce byly doplněny o experimentální studii DMPS, která byla prezentována v literatuře. Takto byla získána řada molekul, které jsou strukturně podobné, ale mají výrazně rozdílné chování během fragmentace. Pomocí měření účinného průřezu byly měřeny disociační energie vazeb a tyto disociační energie byly vypočteny pomocí metody DFT. Kombinací teoretického výpočtu metodou DFT a experimentálního měření jsme poukázali na společné rysy a na rozdíly ve fragmentačním schématu všech tří molekul. Navrhli jsme odštěpení dvou vodíkových atomů během plazmově indukovaného fragmentačního procesu. Vodíky mohou být odštěpeny pomocí dvou mechanismů: i. odštěpení dvou vodíků jeden po druhém a ii. odštěpení molekuly H2 v jednom kroku. Z profilů energie dokážeme určit, který mechanismus bude v tom konkrétním případě pravděpodobnější. Předpokládaný mechanismus je v korelaci s experimentálními výsledky fragmentace zjištěnými z hmotnostních spekter.
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