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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Příspěvky ke generování těkavých sloučenin arsenu, stříbra a zlata pomocí reakce s tetrahydroboratem pro atomovou absorpční spektrometrii / Contributions to Volatile Compound Generation of Arsenic, Silver and Gold by Tetrahydroborate Reaction for Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Musil, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
(EN) The presented dissertation thesis summarizes the results contained in five original research papers that were published in prestigious international scientific journals in the field of analytical chemistry and atomic spectrometry. It is devoted to the method of generation of volatile compounds using a tetrahydroborate reaction and detection in a quartz multiatomizer by atomic absorption spectrometry. The thesis can be divided into two thematic parts - speciation analysis of arsenic based on hydride generation technique with collection and separation in a cryogenic trap and generation of volatile species of transition metals. In the first thematic part pre-reduction of pentavalent inorganic and methylated arsenicals has been studied. A simple setup for on-line pre-reduction employing thioglycolic acid as a fast pre-reductant has been developed, connected with a current hydride generator and applied/verified to oxidation state specific arsenic speciation analysis of human urine samples. In the same method the possibility of drying the gaseous phase from water vapor has been investigated to avoid incidental blocking the cryogenic trap by frozen water and to decrease fluctuations of signal baseline. Pronounced losses of methylated species have been discovered on Nafion tube dryer currently used in...

Využití moderních separačních a spektrometrických metod k identifikaci lipidomu z biologického vzorku / Modern separation and spectrometric techniques for biological sample lipidom investigation

Havelková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Modern separation and spectrometric techniques for biological sample lipidom investigation Due recent progress in field of mass spectrometry the lipidomics, part of metabolomics, is increasing its importance for broad fields of biological study. The aim of this study is to test the lipid extraction techniques and to optimize the preseparation and separation of lipids suitable for mass spectrometry detection. The fragmentation patterns of four, the most abundant lipid classes of glycerolipids (PC, PE, TG, DG), were acquired for the proposed system. These patterns were compared with literature. The most appropriate method for extraction was declared technique according Folch based on methanol and chloroform solution. The preseparation due SPE method is very useful tool for lipid determination. The optimized were focused to reach higher recovery especially in polar lipid fraction. Proposed HPLC system is based on methanol with ammonium buffer, water and isopropanol. The testing was done on three columns with different type of sorbents (Gemini, Syncronis and Kinetex). The separation was evaluated according mass spectrometer response, shape and wide of particular analytes peaks. Composition contains 20% of water was determinate as the best and also the best separation was achieved by Kinetex column. The proposed...

UV-fotochemické generování těkavých sloučenin selenu pro potřeby ultrastopové analýzy metodou AAS / UV-photochemical generation of volatile selenium compounds for ultratrace analysis by AAS

Rybínová, Marcela January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of UV-photochemical generation of volatile compounds (UV-PVG) in connection with atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Selenium (Se(IV)) was selected as a model analyte and many experiments were carried out to expand the current sum of knowledge of the topic. The study was commenced by assembling the UV-PVG apparatus in the continuous flow mode. The detection method used was AAS with externally heated quartz furnace atomizer. The focus of the first step of the study was on the construction of the volatile compounds generator (UV-photoreactor) with emphasis on the material used; tubes made of teflon or quartz of different diameters were tested. The construction of the apparatus was followed by optimization of the reaction conditions (the type and concentration of the photochemical agent and other agents, which increase the analytical signal; the carrier gas and the auxiliary hydrogen gas flow rate; the sample flow rate). Eventually, the analytical figures of merit of the selenium determination using the proposed method were found. The results showed that teflon reaction tubes are a good competitor to those made of quartz. The accuracy of the method has been successfully verified by analysis of certified reference material and its applicability has been further tested...

Využití komprehensivní dvoudimenzionální plynové chromatografie s hmotnostně spektrometrickou detekcí pro metabolomickou analýzu houby Gloeophyllum trabeum / Use of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection for metabolomic analysis of Gloeophyllum trabeum fungus

Kuchler, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum (Agaricomytes: Gloeophyllates) is a brown rot wood-decay fungus which produces a vast spectrum of volatile secondary metabolites. Scientific publications state, that one of the metabolites produced by G. trabeum, can be the substance (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodecatrien-1-ol. This chemical substance is also the main component of trail-following pheromone of Rhinotermitidae termite family. In this diploma thesis, I was trying to verify whether various species of G. trabeum are in fact capable of producing the substance (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodecatrien-1-ol. I was also focusing on the effects of saccharides, present in nutrient solutions, on quantitative and qualitative change in composition of volatile secondary metabolites produced by G. trabeum. The saccharides I used for my research were - maltose, fructose, sucrose, xylose, and mannose. The analysis was made by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography separation technique with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection (GC×GC-TOFMS). During my research I discovered that one of obtained species of G. trabeum can produce substance (3Z,6Z,8E)-dodecatrien-1-ol, but only under specific conditions. It is produced when cultivating on Petri dishes on agar - cellulose growth media. The measurement was further validated by...

Rychlé metody analýzy migrantů z materiálů ve styku s potravinami / Fast methods for analysis of migrants from food-contact materials

Vavrouš, Adam January 2020 (has links)
(AJ) Food contact materials pose a risk to human health due to a variety of contaminants which they can release into food. These compounds, migrants, include aromatic hydrocarbons, dialkyl phthalates, bisphenols, printing ink photoinitiators, and perfluoroalkyl compounds. The determination of all these substances can be expensive and time-consuming since universally applicable analytical approaches are not available nowadays. This work attempted to develop methods for the simultaneous determination of migrants from all of the mentioned groups in paper-based food contact materials and fatty food. A total of 68 contaminants were studied in paper products using liquid chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry detection. All analytes were isolated simultaneously using the modified "QuEChERS" method. This method demonstrated acceptable recovery and repeatability for most analytes in the validation study; LOQs ranged from 1.3 to 220 µg/kg. Analysis of 132 real paper products confirmed the occurrence of almost all studied analytes, which were often present in complex mixtures and at concentrations up to 628 mg/kg. A total of 41 potential contaminants were monitored in fatty foods by liquid chromatography with tandem mass detection. Contamination of the mobile phase by...

Rychlé metody analýzy migrantů z materiálů ve styku s potravinami / Fast methods for analysis of migrants from food-contact materials

Vavrouš, Adam January 2020 (has links)
(AJ) Food contact materials pose a risk to human health due to a variety of contaminants which they can release into food. These compounds, migrants, include aromatic hydrocarbons, dialkyl phthalates, bisphenols, printing ink photoinitiators, and perfluoroalkyl compounds. The determination of all these substances can be expensive and time-consuming since universally applicable analytical approaches are not available nowadays. This work attempted to develop methods for the simultaneous determination of migrants from all of the mentioned groups in paper-based food contact materials and fatty food. A total of 68 contaminants were studied in paper products using liquid chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry detection. All analytes were isolated simultaneously using the modified "QuEChERS" method. This method demonstrated acceptable recovery and repeatability for most analytes in the validation study; LOQs ranged from 1.3 to 220 µg/kg. Analysis of 132 real paper products confirmed the occurrence of almost all studied analytes, which were often present in complex mixtures and at concentrations up to 628 mg/kg. A total of 41 potential contaminants were monitored in fatty foods by liquid chromatography with tandem mass detection. Contamination of the mobile phase by...

Využití laboratorní a obrazové spektroskopie pro hodnocení odolnosti borovice lesní vůči suchu a rozlišení jejich ekotypů / Use of laboratory and image spectroscopy to evaluate drought resistance of Scots pine and to distinguish its ecotypes

Raasch, Filip January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study was to propose a non-destructive method for measuring Pinus sylvestris seedlings, to determine whether water stress would be evident in laboratory spectra of pines, to compare whether the response of pines would differ by ecotype, and to investigate whether two ecotypes of Pinus sylvestris could be distinguished using laboratory and image spectroscopy. For these purposes, hyperspectral images of seed orchards from August 2020 were processed and a three-month laboratory experiment was conducted, in which stress from water deficit was induced in two-year-old pine seedlings from the upland and hilly ecotypes. Spectral data were analysed using mixed statistical models, analysis of variance, principal component analysis, training of supervised pixel classifiers, vegetation indices, and linear regression. Based on the analyses, it was found that water stress can be detected in severely stressed Pinus sylvestris seedlings. The most sensitive spectral bands to water content were observed in the region between 1000-2500 nm. The initial response to water stress did not differ by ecotype, but a faster recovery was observed at the upland ecotype after the period of draught. The two Pinus sylvestris ecotypes were distinguished with high accuracy from both laboratory and image spectral...

Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for Material Analysis / Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for Material Analysis

Pořízka, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Tato doktorská práce je zaměřena na vývoj algoritmu ke zpracování dat naměřených zařízením pro spektrometrii laserem indukovaného plazmatu (angl. LIBS). Zařízení LIBS s tímto algoritmem by mělo být následně schopno provést třídění vzorků a kvantitativní analýzu analytu in-situ a v reálném čase. Celá experimentální část této práce byla provedena ve Spolkovém institutu pro materiálový výzku a testování (něm. BAM) v Berlíně, SRN, kde byl sestaven elementární LIBS systém. Souběžně s experimentílní prací byl vytvořen přehled literárních zdrojů s cílem podat ucelený pohled na problematiku chemometrických metod používaných k analýze LIBS měření. Použití chemometrických metod pro analýzu dat získaných pomocí LIBS měření je obecně doporučováno především tehdy, jsou-li analyzovány vzorky s komplexní matricí. Vývoj algoritmu byl zaměřen na kvantitativní analýzu a třídění vyvřelých hornin na základě měření pomocí LIBS aparatury. Sada vzorků naměřených použitím metody LIBS sestávala z certifikovaných referenčních materiálů a vzorků hornin shromážděných přímo na nalezištích mědi v Íránu. Vzorky z Íránu byly následně na místě roztříděny zkušeným geologem a množství mědi v daných vzorcích bylo změřeno na Univerzitě v Clausthalu, SRN. Výsledné kalibrační křivky byly silně nelineární, přestože byly sestaveny i z měření referenčních vzorků. Kalibrační křivku bylo možné rozložit na několik dílčích tak, že závislost intenzity měděné čáry na množství mědi se nacházela v jiném trendu pro jednotlivé druhy hornin. Rozdělení kalibrační křivky je zpravidla přisuzováno tzv. matričnímu jevu, který silně ovlivňuje měření metodou LIBS. Jinými slovy, pokud určujeme množství analytu ve vzorcích s různou matricí, je výsledná kalibrační křivka sestavená pouze z jedné proměnné (intenzity zvolené spektrální čáry analytu) nepřesná. Navíc, normalizace takto vytvořených kalibračních křivek k intenzitě spektrální čáry matrčního prvku nevedla k výraznému zlepšení linearity. Je obecně nemožné vybrat spektrální čáru jednoho matričního prvku pokud jsou analyzovány prvky s komplexním složením matric. Chemometrické metody, jmenovitě regrese hlavních komponent (angl. PCR) a regrese metodou nejmenších čtverců (angl. PLSR), byly použity v multivariační kvantitatvní analýze, tj. za použití více proměnných/spektrálních čar analytu a matričních prvků. Je potřeba brát v potaz, že PCR a PLSR mohou vyvážit matriční jev pouze do určité míry. Dále byly vzorky úspěšně roztříděny pomocí analýzy hlavních komponent (angl. PCA) a Kohonenových map na základě složení matričních prvků (v anglické literatuře se objevuje termín ‚spectral fingerprint‘) Na základě teorie a experimentálních měření byl navržen algoritmus pro spolehlivé třídění a kvantifikaci neznámých vzorků. Tato studie by měla přispět ke zpracování dat naměřených in-situ přístrojem pro dálkovou LIBS analýzu. Tento přístroj je v současnosti vyvíjen v Brně na Vysokém učení technickém. Toto zařízení bude nenahraditelné při kvantifikaci a klasifikaci vzorků pouze tehdy, pokud bude použito zároveň s chemometrickými metodami a knihovnami dat. Pro tyto účely byla již naměřena a testována část knihoven dat v zaměření na aplikaci metody LIBS do těžebního průmyslu.

Patologie a fyziologie de novo syntézy purinů. / Pathology and physiology of de novo purine synthesis.

Krijt, Matyáš January 2021 (has links)
Purines are organic compounds with miscellaneous functions that are found in all living organisms in complex molecules such as nucleotides, nucleosides or as purine bases. The natural balance of purine levels is maintained by their synthesis, recycling and degradation. Excess purines are excreted in the urine as uric acid. Purine nucleotides may be recycled by salvage pathways catalysing the reaction of purine base with phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate. A completely new central molecule of purine metabolism, inosine monophosphate, can be synthesized from precursors during the de novo purine synthesis (DNPS). DNPS involves ten steps catalysed by six enzymes that form a multienzymatic complex, the purinosome, enabling substrate channelling through the pathway. DNPS is activated under conditions involving a high purine demand such as organism development. Currently, three DNPS-disrupting disorders have been described: ADSL deficiency, AICA-ribosiduria and PAICS deficiency. All three disorders are caused by genetic mutations leading to the impaired function of particular enzyme causing insufficient activity of respective DNPS step, manifested biochemically by accumulation of substrate of deficient enzyme, biologically by disruption of purinosome formation and clinically by unspecific neurological features,...

Untersuchungen zur Eignung des Laktosegehalts der Milch für das Leistungs- und Gesundheitsmonitoring bei laktierenden Milchkühen

Lindenbeck, Mario 22 February 2016 (has links)
In den vorliegenden Untersuchungen wurde das Ziel verfolgt die Nutzbarkeit des Milchinhaltsstoffes Laktose als praxistaugliche Managementhilfe zu prüfen. Die Primärdaten stammen aus drei israelischen Hochleistungsherden, über mehrere Laktationen erhoben. Der Parameter Laktosegehalt wurde in der Datenaufbereitung dahingehend geprüft, ob dieser zur Gesundheits- und Leistungsvorhersage ausreicht oder welche zusätzlichen Merkmale für die Verwendung in einem Prognose-Modell von Bedeutung sein könnten. Als leistungs- bzw. gesundheitsrelevante Ereignisse (Events) wurden Brunst, Diarrhoe, Endometritis, Fieber, Infektionen, Klauenerkrankungen, Mastitis, Stress, Stoffwechselstörungen sowie Verletzungen zugeordnet. Die Bewertung der Nützlichkeit einzelner Merkmale für die Prädiktion erfolgte anhand der Erkennungsraten. Zwei- und dreistufige Entscheidungsbäume wurden entwickelt, um diese Events zu identifizieren. Ein einzelnes Merkmal ist oft nicht ausreichend, weshalb verschiedene Kombinationen von Variablen analysiert wurden. Die wichtigste Erkenntnis der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, dass der Abfall der Laktosekonzentration und Laktosemenge immer ein kritisches Ereignis darstellt. Das Hauptziel eines Gesundheitsmonitorings im Milchkuhbestand sollte deshalb darin bestehen, frühzeitig eine Stoffwechselüberlastung "sichtbar" oder "erkennbar" zu machen. Unabhängig davon, welche Erkrankung sich anbahnt, muss das Herdenmanagement darauf hinwirken, die Glukoseversorgungssituation des Einzeltieres zu verbessern. Aus der Analyse für die einzelnen Herden und Laktationen kann grundlegend abgeleitet werden, dass die Ergebnisse der Milchkontrolldaten, die im Zuge der datengestützten Herdenüberwachung erhoben wurden, sich verwenden lassen, um den Leistungs- und Gesundheitsstatus der Kühe im Laktationsverlauf einzuschätzen und zu prognostizieren. Die Verwendung von Informationen zum Laktosegehalt des Gemelks verbesserten in jedem Fall die Erkennungsraten. / The aim of the current studies was to investigate whether the milk ingredient lactose can be used as a practical support management. The primary data comes from three Israeli high-performance herds, collected over several lactations. In the data preparation, the parameter "lactose content" was examined to see whether it is sufficient for a health and performance prediction or whether additional features may be of importance for usage in a forecasting model. Oestrus, diarrhea, endometritis, fever, infections, hoof diseases, mastitis, stress, metabolic disorders, and injuries have been assigned to the performance- and/or health-affecting events. The usefulness of individual features for the prediction was evaluated on the basis of the recognition rates. Thus two- and three-level decision trees have been developed to identify these events. As one single feature is often insufficient, different combinations of variables were analyzed. The most important finding of this study is that the drop in the lactose concentration and lactose quantity always represents a critical event. The main objective of a health monitoring in the dairy herd should therefore be to make a metabolic overload "visible" or "recognisable" at an early stage. Whichever disease begins to take shape, the herd management must work on improving the glucose supply situation of the individual animal. In conclusion from the analysis of the individual herds and lactations it can be inferred that the results of the milk control data collected in the course of the data-based herd monitoring can be used in order to assess and to predict the performance and health status of the cows in the course of lactation. The use of information on the lactose content of the milk improved in any case the recognition rates.

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