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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detekce infiltrace srážkové vody metodou EIS / Detection of rainwater infiltration using EIS method

Lipinský, Vít January 2012 (has links)
The master‘s thesis deals with the detection of rainwater infiltration in soils using the method of electrical impedance spectrometry. Its aim is to assess the suitability of this method and equipment for measuring the role of water infiltration in soils.

Možnosti detekce obsahu vody v pórovitém prostředí metodou elektrické impedanční spektrometrie / Possibilities of detection of water content in porous environments using electrical impedance spectrometry method

Fejfarová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
This doctoral thesis with the title “Possibilities of Detecting the Water Content in a Porous Medium Using the Method of Electrical Impedance Spectrometry introduces electrical impedance spectrometry (EIS) as an indirect electrical method of measurement and a tested apparatus for application in water management practice and in material engineering. A wide range of porous media in the area of water management have been narrowed within the preparation of this dissertation thesis to available samples of chiefly sandy soils and in material engineering to typical building materials, which are still solid burnt brick and timber. Measurement took place in the Laboratory of Water Management Research of the Department of Water Structures and in the Laboratory of the Department of Building Materials and Components at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Brno University of Technology, in the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics of the company GEOtest, a.s. and in the Laboratory of the foreign university KU Leuven, KHBO in the City of Oostende, Belgium. The experiments performed required not only the production of special constructions of measuring probes and their connection, but also modifications of stations at which measurement was carried out. It is possible to use this doctoral dissertation thesis as a methodological manual of how to apply the measuring apparatus based on the EIS method in monitoring changes in the water content in selected porous media due to hydrodynamic stress imposed on it.

Jaderné receptory v regulaci genové exprese, vývoje a metabolismu Caenorhabditis elegans. / Nuclear receptors in regulation of gene expression, development and metabolism in Celegans elegans.

Yilma, Petr January 2019 (has links)
5 Abstract Genetic mechanisms of regulation of gene expression form the basis for proper development, function of organisms and their responses to variable life conditions. However, they are relatively slow. Life processes that require a fast response to the changing environmental and metabolic conditions are mostly executed on the level of proteins especially their posttranslational modifications and protein- protein interactions.The goal of the experimental work that led to the presented thesis consisted in exploitation of the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans for analysis of regulation of gene expression by transcription factors from the protein family of nuclear receptors. The model system C. elegans enables very efficient experimental procedures in the field of genetics, genomics and functional analysis of phenotypes. In the experimental work connected with this thesis, I studied the regulation of gene expression under specific experimental conditions from the perspective of advanced functional proteomics and I focused on the employment of separation methods and methods of advanced proteomics, especially by mass spectrometry.In the first part of the work, I characterized the nuclear receptor NHR-60 on the protein level. This nuclear receptor is expressed as two protein forms with a mass of 50 kDa...

Klassifizierung von Pollenproben mit spektroskopischen und spektrometrischen Methoden und multivariater Statistik

Seifert, Stephan 28 April 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden spektroskopische und spektrometrische Methoden diskutiert, um Verfahren auf Grundlage von umfassenden, molekularen Informationen für die Charakterisierung, Klassifizierung und Identifizierung von Pollen zu entwickeln. Es ist bereits bekannt, dass Raman- und Infrarot-Spektroskopie spezifische Fingerabdrücke der chemischen Zusammensetzung von Pollen liefern können. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden nun die oberflächenverstärkte Raman-Streuung (surface-enhanced Raman scattering, SERS), die matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight-Massenspektrometrie (MALDI-TOF MS) und die Fourier-Transform-Infrarot-Spektroskopie (FTIR-Spektroskopie) einzelner Pollenkörner für die taxonomische Klassifizierung eingesetzt. Neben der Anwendung zur taxonomischen Klassifizierung können spektroskopische und spektrometrische Methoden auch zur Erkennung von Unterschieden, die durch Umwelteinflüsse verursacht werden, eingesetzt werden. Als ein erstes Beispiel dieser Anwendung werden cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) infizierte Birkenpollen untersucht und mit Pollen von Kontrollpflanzen verglichen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass spektroskopische und spektrometrische Methoden vielversprechend für die Pollenanalytik in vielen verschiedenen Forschungsgebieten sind. / The investigation of pollen grain samples for characterization, classification and identification is still an analytical task that is both challenging and time-consuming, since it is mainly based on the morphological characteristics of the pollen grains. In order to develop approaches that are based on extensive molecular information and that lead to an automated classification, in this thesis, a combination of spectroscopic and spectrometric tools is discussed. It is already known that a fingerprint analysis of the chemical composition of pollen samples can be accomplished by Raman and infrared spectroscopies. Here, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of single pollen grains are successfully applied for the taxonomic classification of pollen samples. In addition to the application for taxonomic classification, it is conceivable that spectroscopic and spectrometric data could also be used to investigate chemical changes caused by environmental influences. As a first example for such an application, cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV) infected birch pollen are investigated and compared to samples from control plants. The results in this work indicate that spectroscopic and spectrometric methods are powerful analytical tools that may be useful for improved pollen investigation in different areas of research.

Modellierung von Getreidebestandsspektren zur Korrektur BRDF-bedingter Einflüsse auf Vegetationsindizes im Rahmen der EnMAP-Mission

Küster, Theres 04 October 2011 (has links)
Das Monitoring von Landwirtschaftsflächen ist eines der Kernthemen der zukünftigen EnMAP Mission, einem deutschen, hyperspektralen Fernerkundungssensor, dessen Start für 2015 geplant ist. In Vorbereitung dieser Mission gehören die Erweiterung und Entwicklung objektiver, robuster sowie zuverlässiger Methoden zur Ableitung biophysikalischer Parameter zu den Hauptaufgaben. Die für das Monitoring von Vegetation notwendige hohe zeitliche Auflösung wird durch ein stufenloses Schwenken von bis zu +/-30° quer zur Flugrichtung erreicht. Daraus resultiert, dass die Daten durch variierende Ein- und Ausstrahlungsgeometrien stark beeinflusst werden. Daher ist eine detaillierte Kenntnis der bidirektionalen Reflexionsfunktion (engl. bidirectional reflectance distribution function, BRDF) der beobachteten Oberflächen notwendig, um diese Einflüsse auf das Reflexionssignal zu identifizieren und anschließend zu korrigieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde in dieser Arbeit eine Methodik entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, auf der Basis von simulierten Spektren realistische BRDF Szenarien zu modellieren und oberflächenspezifische Korrekturfunktionen abzuleiten. Die Methodik besteht aus drei aufeinander aufbauenden Komponenten. Im ersten Schritt erfolgt die Modellierung der BRDF von landwirtschaftlichen Vegetationsbeständen. Im zweiten Schritt wird der Einfluss der Bestandsarchitektur auf die BRDF analysiert. Darüber hinaus wird untersucht, inwiefern sich Variationen in der BRDF auf die quantitative Ausprägung von Vegetationsindizes auswirken. Solche Indizes sind eine häufig genutzte Möglichkeit zur Quantifizierung biophysikalische Parameter im Rahmen empirischer Verfahren. Aufbauend auf den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wurden im dritten Schritt Korrekturfunktionen für ausgewählte Vegetationsindizes entwickelt, um Schrägblickbeobachtungen in Nadirbeobachtungen zu transformieren. Abschließend wurde die entwickelte Methodik auf simulierte, sensorspezifische Spektren übertragen. / Monitoring of arable crops is one of the core applications of the upcoming spaceborne EnMAP mission, a German hyperspectral imaging spectrometer scheduled for launch in 2015. During the present preparatory phase one of the primary tasks is the development of accurate, robust and reliable retrieval methods for biophysical canopy parameters. Monitoring of crop canopies requires a frequent temporal coverage. In case of EnMAP, this will be realised by an off-nadir pointing of the sensor up to +/-30° across to the flight direction. The off-nadir pointing leads to data strongly influenced by varying acquisition geometry. Therefore, detailed knowledge of bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDF) of the observed surfaces is necessary to identify and to correct BRDF influenced reflectance signals. For this purpose, a methodology was developed that allows modelling of realistic BRDF scenarios and of surface-specific correction functions. This methodology consists of three consecutive parts. In the first part, modelling of the BRDF of crop canopies was performed. In the second part, the influence of canopy architecture on the BRDF was analysed. Additionally, the BRDF related dependencies of vegetation indices were investigated. Such indices are widely used to quantify biophysical canopy parameters based on empirical methods. In the third part, correction functions were developed for selected vegetation indices to enable a transformation from off-nadir into nadir observations. These correction functions incorporate results obtained in the second part of the methodology. Finally, the developed methodology was applied on sensor-specific simulated spectra.

Modifikace povrchu pokročilých hořčíkových slitin povlaky na bázi Ni-P / Advanced Magnesium Alloys Surface Modification by Ni-P Based Coatings

Kosár, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the modification of the surface of advanced magnesium alloys with Ni-P based coatings. At the beginning of the theoretical part, the structures of the used magnesium alloys and the influence of individual alloying elements on their properties are characterized. In the following part of the thesis the current knowledge in the field of electroless deposition on metal substrates is summarized. The theoretical part of the thesis is closed with contemporary research study in the field of clarification and determination of possible mechanism of electroless deposition. For the subsequent investigation of the mechanism of electroless deposition on magnesium alloys, it was necessary to characterize the microstructure and composition of individual magnesium alloys in the first phase of the experimental part. The exact composition of elements was determined using glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with EDS was used for composition of phases of magnesium alloys. Using scanning electron microscopy and detailed elemental analysis of the coated magnesium substrate, it was found that for optimal Ni-P coating deposition on magnesium alloys, acid pickling prior coating is required in a mixture of acetic acid and sodium nitrate. Using the XPS method, it was found that the phosphorus atom in the sodium dihydride-diphosphate reducing agent has a + V charge. 4 At the end of the experimental part scanning electron microscopy and detailed elemental analyses were used for monitoring of the Ni-P particles nucleation and growth in the first 120 seconds of the coating process.

Obsah toxických a esenciálních prvků v biopotravinách a jejich porovnání s běžnými potravinami / Content of toxic and esential elements in bio foodstuffs and their comparing with ordinary foodstuffs

Kohoutková, Nina January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study is to determine the content of toxic and essentials elements in samples of nuts and seeds produced by ecologic agriculture and to compare results with nuts and seeds from conventional agriculture production. These nuts and seeds can be bought in the Czech market (except bio pine nuts, bio pecan nuts and bio pistachios). The amount of elements was analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after previous digestion of samples using microwaves. This study summarizes the main physiological functions of toxic and essentials elements. Results were also compared with another studies. It does not results from all measured amounts of all essential elements, that bio nuts and seeds have higher amounts of these elements; however, all amounts of toxic elements in bio nuts and seeds are lower than in the no-bio ones. For more precise results it would be necessary to measure more samples.

Využití bezmembránové elektrolytické cely pro elektrochemické generování těkavých specií přechodných kovů / Application of non-membrane electrolytic cell for electrochemical volatile species generation of transition metals

Kobrlová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study of electrochemical generation volatile species of gold and silver. Two non-membrane electrolytic cells were constructed for electrochemical generation volatile species. These cells differ in the volume of electrode chamber. An atomic absorption spectrometry with quartz tube atomizer was used in most experiments. The equipment was performed in flow continuous mode. Experiments confirmed, that it is possible to use an atomic absorption spectrometry with quartz tube atomizer for generate volatile species of gold and silver by using two non-membrane electrolytic cells. The main part of this thesis was to find optimal conditions for the electrochemical generation of volatile species of gold and silver. These optimized parameters were: the cathode material, the type of electrolyte, the flow rate of the carrier gas, the generation current and the electrolyte flow rate. The calibration curves for both analytes were measured for both non-membrane electrolytic cells and the basic characteristics of the measurement were observed. Detection limit for electrochemical generation of gold was 1,61mg dm 3 and repeatability 3,93 %, detection limit for electrochemical generation of silver was 0,20 mg dm 3 and repeatability 7,33 %. Thanks to the experiments with a...

Konstrukce miniaturních průtokových cel pro elektrochemické generování těkavých sloučenin / Construction of miniature flow-through cells for electrochemical generation of volatile compounds

Hraníček, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
(EN) The presented dissertation thesis summarizes the new results of electrochemical generation of volatile compounds usable in atomic spectral methods. The main aim of this work is to develop and to characterize new types of electrolytic flow-through cells and to examine their possibilities of determination of arsenic, selenium and antimony by using the electrochemical hydride generation technique coupled with atomic absorption spectrometry with a quartz tube atomizer. Individual electrolytic cells were designed and constructed to comply with two important requirements. The cathode chamber of the electrolytic cell should have a minimal volume and a high efficiency of analyte conversion to the volatile hydride. Constructed electrolytic cells are divided into the construction groups and described in the experimental part. Selenium was chosen as the first analyte. The relevant working parameters (such as type, concentration and flow rate of electrolytes, generation current and carrier gas flow rate) were optimized for each newly constructed electrolytic cell. Under the optimal working parameters, the basic characteristics of selenium determination were found out by using electrochemical hydride generation. The electrolytic cells were compared to each other and with the classical electrolytic cell...

Mineralogická vazba izotopů radia v karlovarských vřídelních sedimentech: Výsledky selektivního rozpouštění / Mineralogical speciation of the radium isotopes in Karlovy Vary hot spring sediments: Results of the selective dissolution

Supiňková, Taťána January 2012 (has links)
Thermal waters in Karlovy Vary are characterized by carbonate sedimentation in places of their emergence. These sediments contain radium. Radium bond in every type of sinter (aragonite, calcite) has been investigated experimentally by acid sinter dissolution. It has been found out, that radium can join dissoluble fraction in both sinter types . The original hypothesis that radium can bond only aragonite-type of sinter has been refuted. Additional experiments have been processed using synthetic radiobarite. Present radium in radiobarite can be partly dissoluted using acids. If radium was incorporated in radiobarite (it is known from locality Vřídlo in Karlovy Vary and elsewhere) then maybe it would be partly dissoluted in experiments.

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