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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Speleogenesis of Vallgornera Cave (Mallorca, Spain): a Mineralogical and Morphological Study

Diehl, Jacqueline Amelia 23 March 2015 (has links)
Cova des Pas de Vallgornera (CPV) is morphologically and scientifically, the most prominent karst feature of Mallorca Island (Spain). It consists of over 74 km of passages developed within two carbonate lithologies (reef front and back reef facies) of Upper Miocene age. Two distinct cave patterns are recognized, both tightly controlled by the type of facies; spongework mazes and collapse chambers are characteristic for the reef front unit, whereas linear, fracture-guided galleries develop in the back reef carbonates. CPV is abundantly decorated with a variety of speleothems. The overarching goal of this study is to provide evidence towards the cave's major speleogenetic pathways using diagnostic mineral assemblages and a set of micro- and macro-scale morphological features. In particular, this research investigates whether hypogene processes were/are the main driving force in CPV's speleogenesis and how mineral assemblages and cave morphologies help untangle the complex evolution of the cave. The mineralogy of speleothems (crusts, nodules, crystals, earthy masses) deposited in the vicinity of hypogene features in the reef front is characterized by the presence of aragonite, ankerite, huntite, clay minerals, and quartz. In the back reef limestone, however, the dominant mineral is dolomite, along with aragonite, celestine, huntite, clay minerals, and quartz. Calcite is by far the most ubiquitous mineral throughout the cave. A total of twenty-six minerals were identified throughout the cave; the highest diversity (20 species) is around or inside typical hypogene features occurring within the back reef limestone, whereas in the seaward part only 13 minerals occur. Detailed macroscopic and scanning electron micro-chemical analysis and imaging have permitted the investigation of textural relationships between the minerals associated with vents, rims, and corrosion cupolas above them. These studies along with morphological and stable isotope analyses (δ13C, δ18O, δ34S), confirm that not all minerals are connected with a hypogene stage in the cave evolution, and furthermore, none of them appears to be sulfuric acid by-products. Instead, the mineral assemblages documented in speleothems from CPV clearly support at least three speleogenetic pathways, namely seacoast mixing, ascending of warm groundwaters (basal recharge), and vadose (meteoric recharge). In summary, we have shown that cave minerals (in association with particular cave morphologies) in CPV hold the keys to understanding mineral-forming processes, conditions, and events, allowing establishing their relationship with various speleogenetic pathways.

Karst hydrogeology and speleogenesis of Sistema Zactón, Tamaulipas, Mexico

Gary, Marcus Orton 06 November 2012 (has links)
Understanding geologic mechanisms that form karst is of global interest. An estimated 25% of the world's population obtains water from karst aquifers and numerous major petroleum reserves are found in paleokarst reservoirs, so characterization and classification of specific types of karst is essential for resource management. Sistema Zacatón, which includes the second deepest underwater cave in the world, is hypothesized to have formed from volcanogenic karstification, defined as a process that relies on four components to initiate and develop deep, subsurface voids: a carbonate matrix, preferential groundwater flowpaths (fractures), volcanic activity that increases groundwater acidity, and groundwater flux through the system. Phases of karstification creating this modern hydrogeological environment are defined using numerous methods: field mapping, 3-D imaging of surface and aqueous environments, geophysical investigations, physical and chemical hydrogeologic characterization, and microbial analysis. Interpretation of the results yields a multi-phased speleogenetic model of the karst, with most phases occurring in the late Pleistocene. The surface rocks are carbonate travertine with Pleistocene mammoth fossils found within the rock matrix, and are interpreted as a hydrothermal travertine terrace formed as nearby volcanic activity peaked, thus representing the end member of a carbonate mass transfer system originating deep in the subsurface. The modern karst system includes a dynamic set of deep, phreatic sinkholes, also called cenotes, which propagated up through the travertine, eventually exposing hydrothermal water supersaturated with carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. In some cases these cenotes have precipitated seals of a second stage of travertine as CO₂ degassed, capping the sinkhole with a hydrologic barrier of travertine. Evidence of these barriers is observed in aqueous physical and geochemical characteristics of the cenotes, as some have high hydrologic gradients and contrasting geochemistry to those of neighboring cenotes. Investigations of electrical resistivity geophysics and underwater sonar mapping support the hypothesis of the barriers and define the morphology in intermediate and final phases of sinkhole sealing. Volcanogenic karstification is not limited to Sistema Zacatón, although the localized nature coupled with rapid and extreme degrees of karstification makes it an ideal modern analogue for classifying other karst systems as volcanogenic. / text

Verification of Post-glacial Speleogenesis and the Origins of Epigene Maze Caves in New York

Cooper, Max P 17 May 2014 (has links)
Dissolutional features called karst exist on the surface, and in the subsurface as caves. In glaciated regions caves were thought to be post-glacial in origin. Work in the 1970s demonstrated that pre-glacial caves existed, but did not answer if a cave could form post-glacially. A model proposed by Mylroie and Carew (1987) states that a post-glacial cave would be controlled entirely by glacial features and the deranged drainage of glaciated terrains. Caves known as maze caves form at maximum rates, and could form to navigable size in the time since deglaciation. Maze caves form in the shallow subsurface, allowing them to be removed in subsequent glaciations. GIS water flow analysis, and calculation of formation times using cross-section data demonstrates that maze caves in the glaciated region of New York are post-glacial in origin fitting in the deranged drainage and forming in the time since deglaciation.

Origin of Crystal Rock Cave, Ohio, USA and its record of Lake Erie variation through speleothem analyses

McDaniel, Kyle 14 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Πετρογενετικές διαδικασίες και συνθήκες απόθεσης των σπηλαιοθεμάτων του σπηλαίου Περάματος

Υφαντή, Ελένη 01 August 2014 (has links)
Για τη μελέτη ανάπτυξης των σπηλαιοθεμάτων, επιλέχθηκε το σπήλαιο του Περάματος Ιωαννίνων, καθώς ανήκει στα μεγαλύτερα σπήλαια της Ελλάδας και προσφέρει μεγάλη ποικιλία σταλακτιτών και σταλαγμιτών. Από τις παρατηρήσεις υπαίθρου, για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα, αναγνωρίστηκαν και ταξινομήθηκαν 32 είδη σπηλαιοθεμάτων σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα της διεθνούς βιβλιογραφίας. Με βάση τα τοπογραφικά δεδο-μένα που υπήρχαν, έγινε χαρτογράφηση των περιοχών ενεργότητας με τη βοήθεια του λογισμικού G.I.S. που είναι πρωτοποριακή για την Ελλάδα. Η πετρογραφική μελέτη έδειξε ότι πρόκειται για σχηματισμούς που ως επί το πλείστον έχουν υποστεί διαδικα-σίες ανακρυστάλλωσης, με αποτέλεσμα να είναι δύσκολος ο καθορισμός του ιστολο-γικού χαρακτήρα. Καινοτομία αποτελεί η χρήση Τ.Ε.Μ. για την ιστολογική μελέτη σε επίπεδο στοιχειώδους κυψελίδας, όπου επιβεβαιώνονται οι διεργασίες ανακρυστάλ-λωσης που έχουν λάβει χώρα.O συνδυασμός Τ.Ε.Μ. με XRD βοηθά στην επαλήθευση των αποτελεσμάτων. Έμφαση δόθηκε στα μοτίβα των εγκλεισμάτων που παρατηρού-νται, ως δείκτες των μηχανισμών σχηματισμού. Για το σκοπό αυτό πραγματοποιήθηκε ορυκτοχημική έρευνα και στοιχειακή χαρτογράφηση με S.EM. Η μικροβιακή προέλευση των σπηλαιοθεμάτων προβληματίζει αρκετούς επιστήμονες ανά τον κόσμο. Η συν-δυασμένη χρήση S.EM. και Τ.Ε.Μ., καθώς και η συμπληρωματική μελέτη με φθορισμό τόσο μακροσκοπικά, όσο και μικροσκοπικά οδήγησε στον εντοπισμό οργανικών υλικών και απολιθωμένων μικροβίων στο εσωτερικό των σπηλαιοθεμάτων. Συμπεραίνεται ότι τα σπηλαιοθέματα του Περάματος Ιωαννίνων, έχουν πολυσύνθετη προέλευση, στην οποία έχουν λάβει χώρα ενεργητικά ή παθητικά μικροοργανισμοί. Συνοψίζοντας, από τις in situ παρατηρήσεις και από την εργαστηριακή έρευνα προκύπτει ότι το σπήλαιο του Περάματος είναι εξαιρετικά ενεργό, η ανάπτυξη του διακόσμου του έγινε σε πολλά στάδια και έχουν λάβει μέρος μεγάλα πιθανά τεκτονικά γεγονότα, που καθόρισαν την σημερινή μορφή του. / This study includes the description of thirty three speleothem types, which were found in the Perama cave, Ioannina, NW Greece, according to the international lit-erature, along with the interpretation of their formation, for the first time in Greece. The detailed study of these speleothems coupled with observations of the way of their formation and their spatial distribution enabled us to suggest that the Perama cave evolved through a sequence of episodes that include dissolution of the host Senonian limestone, collapse of its roof formations, as well as alternating events of formation of stalactitic- and stalagmitic-type speleothems with excess water flow and/or flooding, which resulted in the development of stream for-mations

Hypogene Speleogenesis in the Cerna River Basin, SW Romania: A Sedimentological, Mineralogical, and Stable Isotopic Approach

Puscas, Cristina Montana 01 January 2013 (has links)
Ever since it was identified as a speleogenetic process in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico, USA, hypogene speleogenesis has become the focus of numerous research projects aimed at discerning between classical epigene caves and sulfuric acid or thermal caves. The first distinguishing characteristics that were recognized for hypogene caves were passage and cave morphology. The following step was the identification of rare minerals, specific for processes associated to hypogene speleogenesis. One other important step was the recognition of the importance of stable isotopes - mainly of S - in tracing the source of S and the chemical processes affecting it. Many of the caves now labeled as hypogene are fossil caves, in which presently the hypogene activity has long died off. Studies comparing stable isotopes from coexisting cave minerals and the waters that generate the cave are rarer. This extensive study encompasses a description of cave and passage morphologies, cave mineral assemblages, as well as hydrogeochemistry of thermomineral waters in a peculiar region of Romania. Băile Herculane (Cerna River Valley, SW Romania) is a spa town known since Roman times for its numerous thermal springs that were considered to have healing powers. These springs, along with wells drilled in the past century, are still being used for curative purposes in several treatment centers in Băile Herculane. The present study is important not only for the scientific data it produced, but also for economic purposes, as mixing of the thermomineral waters with meteoric sources is a major concern, due to the dilution it causes. The data presented here is based on multiple investigation methods, each specific to the analyzed material: powder X-ray diffractions, scanning electron microscope, electron microprobe (for mineral samples), sedimentological investigations (for cave sediments), stable isotope mass spectrometry (for water and mineral samples), field measurements (for water samples). The results presented here help to clarify the source of dissolved S species in the thermomineral water, the source of the water itself, as well as establish a connection between caves along the Cerna Valley and the thermomineral aquifers.

Influence of Spring Flow Reversals on Cave Dissolution in a Telogenetic Karst Aquifer, Mammoth Cave, KY

Kipper, Chelsey 01 October 2019 (has links)
An often overlooked connection between karst groundwater systems and surface water is spring flow reversal, the flow of river water into karst springs caused by changes in hydraulic gradient. Karst aquifers are subject to the intrusion of river water when the hydraulic head of a base level river is higher than the hydraulic head of a base level spring. When this occurs, the flow out of the spring reverses, allowing river water to enter base level conduits. River water thus becomes a source of recharge into karst basins, transporting both valuable nutrients and harmful contaminants into karst aquifers. The rapid recharge of meteoric water, brief groundwater residence times, and the interconnection of surface and subsurface waters through a variety of karst features necessitates studying groundwater and surface water in karst landscapes as a unified system. This study examines the influence of spring flow reversal on cave dissolution in a telogenetic karst aquifer in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Spring flow reversals in Mammoth Cave National Park (MCNP) were first recorded nearly one-hundred years ago, but a high-resolution study measuring the effects of spring flow reversals on dissolution in MCNP, or any other telogenetic karst system, had not been conducted until recently. In this study, high-resolution data were collected for pH, SpC, temperature, and stage, as well as weekly samples for major ion concentrations, alkalinity, and carbon isotopes, from June 2018 to December 2018. Surface water and groundwater data were used to quantify the complex hydrologic processes associated with the spring flow reversals, including seasonal changes in karst geochemistry and dissolution taking place between the Green River, River Styx Spring, and Echo River Spring. Data show distinct changes in geochemical parameters as flow reversals occur, with temperature being the principal indicator of flow direction change. During this study, all ten stable reverse flows coincided with increased discharge from the Green River Dam. The predominant drivers of dissolution in the River Styx and Echo River karst basins are storm events and seasonal changes in the hydrologic regime, rather than seasonal CO2 production, normal baseflow conditions, or stable reverse flow events. Estimated dissolution rates generally show that stable reverse flows contribute no more to dissolution than normal baseflow conditions – the highest amount of dissolution during a single stable reverse flow was only 0.003 mm. This is contrary to flow reversal studies in an eogenetic karst system in Florida, which estimated 3.4 mm of wall retreat during a single spring flow reversal. These contrasting results are likely due to significant differences in pH of river water, matrix porosity of the bedrock, basin morphology, and flow conditions.

Origine, caractérisation et distribution prédictive des structures karstiques : de la karstologie aux modèles numériques 3D / Origin, characterization and predictive distribution of karst structures

Jouves, Johan 14 May 2018 (has links)
Les réseaux karstiques s'organisent de manière hiérarchique et se comportent comme des drains pour l'écoulement des fluides souterrains. Cependant seule une partie limitée de ces réseaux karstiques est généralement humainement observable, et la connaissance globale d'un système reste limitée. Les simulations géostatistiques représentent un moyen d’étudier les différentes configurations des réseaux karstiques tridimensionnels (3D) probables et ainsi de déterminer les incertitudes sur le comportement du réservoir. Établir une telle démarche nécessite de comprendre les étapes de structuration d'un karst donné à partir de déterminations karstologiques permettant d'identifier la morphogenèse des formes exo- et endokarstique et de reconstituer l'évolution spéléogénétique d'un massif (spéléogenèse épigène ou hypogène, évolution du niveau de base, etc.). Cela a permis de définir une zonation de l'occurrence de l'organisation des structures karstiques (zone vadose, épiphréatique ou phréatique). En parallèle, l'analyse quantitative de géométries et de topologies de données 3D de cavités analogues a permis de comparer les différentes structures de réseaux karstiques et de fournir une base de données quantitative de caractéristiques morphologiques de cavités en fonction de processus spéléogénétiques. Deux approches géostatistiques ont été testées pour la simulation stochastique de réseaux karstiques. Elles reposent sur l'utilisation de méthodes classiques de géostatistiques basées-pixel : la simulation séquentielle d’indicatrice (SIS) et les simulations multipoints (MPS). / Karst networks are hierarchically organized and behave as drains for underground fluid flows. However, the humanly observed karst conduits represent only a limited part of the complete karst conduit system, and overall knowledge remains limited. Geostatistical stochastic simulations represent an interesting tool to study the different three-dimensional (3D) probable configurations of karst networks and then, to determine the uncertainties on the reservoir behaviors. This approach first requires understanding the successive stages of karst structuring of a reservoir and then to numerically reconstruct the 3D organization of karst structures. From karstological determinations, it is possible to identify the morphogenesis of the exo- and endokarst forms and to reconstitute the speleogenetic evolution of a massif (epigenic or hypogenic speleogenesis, evolution of the basic level, etc.). The speleogenetic reconstitutions then make it possible to identify the successive phases of the karst system structuration (epigenic or hypogenic speleogenesis, evolution of base level, etc.). In parallel, a quantitative analysis of the geometries and the topologies performed on 3D cave surveys permits to compare the different organizations of the karst network patterns, related to speleogenetic processes. This morphometric analysis provides a quantitative database of morphological characteristics according to their speleogenetic processes. Finally, two geostatistical approaches were tested to generate karst networks. They correspond to two classical pixel-based geostatistical methods: the sequential indicator simulation (SIS) and the multipoint simulations (MPS).

Using 34-S as a Tracer of Dissolved Sulfur Species from Springs to Cave Sulfate Deposits in the Cerna Valley, Romania

Sumrall, Jonathan 23 March 2009 (has links)
Baile Herculane, located in southwestern Romania, is a unique city that exploits its thermal waters. The geology consists of a granitic basement covered by 200 meters of limestone, marl, and flysch deposits. Extreme faulting carries heat ascending from the mantle, which intercepts percolating meteoric waters. Local springs have high concentrations of dissolved sulfide gas (H2S) and dissolved sulfate (SO4²-).These dissolved species indicate the progression of sulfate reduction in the aquifer. Water samples were collected in polyethylene syringes to prevent oxidation of sulfide. Then, sulfide and sulfate were quantitatively reacted for stable isotope analysis. Total sulfur isotopic composition was calculated to determine the source of the dissolved sulfur. The source of the sulfur is a sulfate of marine origin (𝛅34S≅20%0), which I found to come from impurities in the limestone since the Cerna Valley does not possess marine evaporites. The limestones of the Cerna Valley are host to a number of caves, which possess relatively large deposits of sulfates and exotic morphologic features that suggest speleogenesis by sulfuric acid. 𝛅34S of the sulfates relates to sulfide isotopic values from the springs, showing that the dissolved sulfide (upon oxidation) forms sulfuric acid s that reacts with limestone to produce sulfate minerals. A wide range of cave sulfate 𝛅34S values exist indicating that isotopic values of these deposits depend on several factors such as sulfur source, extent of sulfate reduction, and completeness of sulfide oxidation. This also implies that a single, narrow range of sulfur isotopic values does not represent sulfuric acid speleogenesis.

Modélisation mathématique de la spéléogenèse : une approche hybride à partir de réseaux de fractures discrets et de simulations hydrogéologiques / Mathematical modeling of karstogenesis : an approach based on fracturing and hydrogeological processes

Lafare, Antoine 23 December 2011 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de proposer une nouvelle approche de modélisation de la spéléogenèse, susceptible à terme d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances concernant la mise en place des systèmes karstiques méditerranéens.Il existe plusieurs approches de modélisations numériques de la spéléogenèse,prenant en compte des lois physiques et chimiques contrôlant l'écoulement et la dissolution au sein des aquifères fracturés carbonatés. Néanmoins, les réseaux de vides initiaux considérés par ces modèles ne correspondent en général pas à laréalité de la fracturation.L'approche proposée vise à simuler la karstogenèse au sein d'un aquifère caractérisépar un réseau fracturé, aussi réaliste que possible et satisfaisant des propriétés géométriques.Prenant en compte des paramètres statistiques et géométriques pouvant être obtenus par des observations sur le terrain et des expériences analogiques, il est possible de générer des réseaux 3-D réaliste en termes de position relative des diaclases, qui contrôlé la connectivité globale du réseau.Une fois les réseaux de fractures générés, ceux-ci sont traités afin de construire un maillage incorporé dans un modèle à éléments finis d'écoulement et de transport des eaux souterraines. Les simulations d'écoulement et de transport au sein des réseaux fracturés permettent de déterminer la distribution des vitesses d'écoulement ainsi que de l'âge de l'eau souterraines. Ces distributions sont utilisées pour simuler l'évolution de l'ouverture des différents éléments au moyen de l'application d'une loi empirique dédiée de forme polynomiale.Le calibrage de cette loi est effectué au moyen de tests de type benchmark portant sur des configurations de fracture unique, prenant pour référence des travaux existants, et réalisant des analyses de sensibilité. Des résultats de simulations prenant en compte une matrice carbonatée incorporant la fracture ou le conduit unique, et considérant différentes valeurs de perméabilité matricielle et différentes modalités de recharge, sont présentés.Enfin, des résultats obtenus considérant des configurations caractérisées par une strate carbonatée contenant des réseaux de fractures sont présentés, considérant différentes densités de fracturation, conductivités hydrauliques matricielles et conditions aux limites. / The main objective of this thesis is to provide an approach ofspeleogenesis modeling which would allow to bring new knowledge on the genesis of the Mediterranean karstic systems.Several numerical modeling approaches of speleogenesis exist. They take intoaccount physical and chemical laws for flow and dissolution in fractured carbonate aquifers. Nevertheless, the initial void networks considered by these models gene-rally do not correspond to the fracturing reality.The proposed approach aims to simulate karstogenesis in an aquifer characterizedby a fracture network, while matching field reality as closely as possible andrespecting geometrical properties. Using statistical and geometrical parameters obtained by field observations and analogical experiments, it is possible to generate3-D realistic networks in terms of the relative position of joints that control theoverall network connectivity.Once the fracture networks are generated, they are adapted and incorporated in a3-D ground water flow and transport finite element model. The flow simulationsin the fracture networks allow the determination of the spatial distribution of porevelocities for the initial configuration. This distribution, added to the distributedage of the groundwater, is used to simulate the evolution of the aperture of the different elements by the use of a dedicated empirical equation.The calibration of the empirical growth law is carried out considering initial testson single fractures, taking previous works as reference, and leading sensitivity analyses. Results of simulations taking into account a limestone matrix surrounding the conduit, and considering various values of hydraulic conductivity of the matrixand various recharge conditions, are presented.Then, results obtained considering configurations designed with a single stratum containing fracture networks are presented, considering various fracture densities,matrix hydraulic conductivities and boundary conditions.

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