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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The appropriation of African traditional healing by the Zionist Churches: a challenge to the mission churches in Gaborone ”Botswana”

Matsepe, Shale Solomon 30 November 2004 (has links)
The Zionist type of churches under the African Independent Churches have proven to be a force to be reckoned with against the more organized ecclesiastical movements (in particular the Mission Churches). This can be seen in their emphasis around matters related to culture and its methods of healing. As s result this led to the migration of people from the mission churches to these churches and threatened their existence in Botswana. The mission churches have been experiencing the decline in their membership to the Zionist churches because of the lack of openness to the cultural and the value systems of Batswana in Botswana. Mission churches were left with an option of doing introspection and finally acknowledging their failures to contextualise their theology and Christianity among the people they serving. Mission churches ended up opening their doors to the needs of their members. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Church History)

Doing narrative counselling in the context of township spiritualities

Landman, C.(Christina) 30 June 2007 (has links)
The study describes the counselling journey undertaken with 270 patients at the Family Medicine Clinic at Kalafong Hospital in Atteridgeville, Tshwane, between June 2000 and December 2003. Of these patients 75% were women, 74% were black and 97% Christian, with half of them belonging to born-again churches. A majority of the patients (52%) were unemployed and the others employed in minimum salary jobs. A third of the patients had attemped suicide at least once before, and a third had lost at least one close family member. With these patients a narrative pastoral counselling practice was established. Narrative counselling was practised as a MEET process in which the patients' problem-saturated stories were mapped and their problems externalised; they were empowered through the deconstruction of religious problem discourses, and their alternative stories were thickened by means of religious practices. This was a pastoral practice with a focus on religious discourses as problem discourses, and on the deconstruction of these discourses towards alternatives stories of faith. The first aim of the study was to describe the faces of religious problem discourses. They are (1) power discourses that hold patients captive in divinely sanctions hierarchies of gender and class, (2) body discourses that alienated patients from their bodies, (3) identity discourses that placed the religious identities of patients in conflict with their other identities, and (4) otherness discourses that created barriers between patients and God. The second aim of the study was to describe the externalised faces of the problems ruining the patients' lives. Here Losses, Loneliness and Lack of money were described as problems causing amongst patients feelings of worthlessness, depression, paralysis, body aches and many more. The third aim of the study was to describe the characteristics of the narrative pastoral counselling practice that has been established. This practice (1) negotiates healing between binaries such as Western/African, culture and dogma/lived experience; patient passivity/patient agency; (2) respects the indigenous knowledge of patients as it is embodied in township spiritualities; and (3) aims at introducing patients to a community of care as well as a new community of discourse where they can experience spiritual healing. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Sickness and healing : a case study on the dialectic of culture and personality

Badenberg, Robert, 1961- 08 1900 (has links)
Sickness and healing expenence is universal, but the context in which both are perceived and dealt with is particular. Culture and the individual constitute the universal context. The social structures, values, beliefs, the symbol system of a culture and the tendency of the individual to act upon his existence within cultural parameters, inform the particular context. The relationship that exists between culture and the individual is best described as dialectic. The concept of dialect is the theoretical tool to analytically show how this relationship works out in real life. At the base of this relationship operates conflict. Sickness, or permanent ill health since early childhood as shown in an in-depth case study, triggers conflict on at least two levels: the personal-psychological and the socio­ cultural level. To effectively deal with sickness and the inner conflicts caused by it, is to channel the motivation to resolve them by way of employing a symbolic idiom, a cultural symbol that attains personal meaning. G. Chewe P. of Bemba ethnicity, the main actor of this thesis, demonstrates how his life experience of sickness made various symbols become operational, how he filled them with personal meaning, and that there was no hiatus between the public and private domain. Healing requires more than medical aid. Cultural symbols that become personal symbols are often tied into religious experience of some kind. Individuals who successfully employ personal symbols eventually achieve healing because the symbolic idiom helps them to resolve intrapsychic conflict. Missiology cannot escape from two realities: culture and the individual. If anything, missiology must be interested in culture and the individual. Missiology, in the role of aide-de-camps of the Christian Mission, shows the history of how individuals connect to God, and how God transforms them in their cultural environment. To be able to achieve both goals, the issues of context and conflict must be addressed. This thesis seeks to account for the dialectic between culture and the individual, how context and conflict shaped the person and the Christian G. Chewe P. of Bemba ethnicity, and how he acted upon this context to resolve his travail. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th (Missiology)

Praying in a new reality: a social constructionist perspective on inner healing prayer

Thiessen, Walter James 08 1900 (has links)
Inner healing prayer (IHP) warrants greater practical theological attention. The practice of IHP, most significantly developed by Agnes Sanford, has been described by many of those individuals and ministries that have seen God transform lives through it. This study focuses especially on the models developed by John and Paula Sandford, Leanne Payne, and Ed Smith as representative of IHP. Social constructionism, particularly as it has drawn attention to the significance of narrative, provides a fresh perspective with which to interpret what is taking place in IHP. A theology centred on Jesus' proclamation and demonstration of the in-breaking reign of God combines with social constructionism to suggest that a personal Creator God, who has a privileged perspective on reality, actively joins in the social processes by which we construct our understandings of reality. Interpreting IHP from this social constructionist perspective, this study proposes that IHP can be described as a practice in which God is invited and expected to experientially enter into the social processes by which people construct their reality. Traumatic or hurtful events have often created apparent realities that persons are unable to integrate into the central stories that identify their lives. IHP facilitates an encounter in which God•s loving, forgiving presence is experienced in the midst of such hurtful events allowing a new, more integrated and hopeful, construction of reality. The faith, hope and love of those leading in IHP and the symbolic, metaphorical language contribute to the ability of IHP to affect change at an emotional level, but the central role of the imagination, especially in visualising Jesus' presence, is the most unique and characteristic aspect. This interpretation provides a viewpoint to critique the practice of IHP and suggests some ways that an understanding of God's kingdom might further enhance its practice. A small~scale qualitative interview project offers the opportunity to assess whether this social constructionist interpretation corresponds to the way in which participants in IHP make sense of their experience. It is hoped that the constructionist perspective offered here provides a language that can broaden an understanding of IHP, enhancing dialogue and further research. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

Making meaning in anticipatory mourning : reflections by caregiving spouses of cancer patients

Esterhuizen, Estelle Leonie 11 1900 (has links)
This insider research journey explores the meaning-making processes of female spousal caregivers in anticipatory mourning and the knowledges which they have gained in retrospect. The research traces the social constructions of meaning and how they influence the process of meaning-making. A phenomenological study was undertaken in which unstructured interviews were conducted with five bereaved participants, highlighting the unique way in which each woman made meaning of loss in anticipatory mourning. The main phenomenological themes to emerge from their meaning-making were: a) the significance of time; b) challenges and gifts; c) witnessing the decline; d) paradoxes; e) the significance of the spousal relationship; and f) spirituality. The therapeutic effect of telling the life story is explored in this study and the need for contextual pastoral care that is specific to the state of anticipatory mourning is highlighted. Finally, possibilities for co-constructive pastoral care are raised in the light of the research findings. / Practical Theology / M. Th. ( Practical Theology, with Specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)

Vergelykende studie na die kerklike diens van genesing

Pieterse, Cornelius Louwrens 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die kerklike diens van genesing bet deur die geskiedenis uitgestaan as een van die aktiwiteite van die kerk van Jesus Christus wat vanwee verskillende redes voortdurend in die brandpunt was. Die afgelope dekades is gekenmerk deur die toename van gelowiges uit verskillende denominasies en groepe wat by die nadenke oor en beoefening van die diens van genesing in die kerk betrokke geraak bet. Die toename bet meegebring dat die kerklike diens van genesing op verskillende wyses (praktyke) beoefen is en dat verskillende redes as regverdiging daarvoor aangebied is. Onderliggend hieraan le bepaalde teoriee waarvan die beoefenaars soms bewus was, en soms nie. Die huidige navorsing ondersoek die teoriee en praxes van verskillende genesingsbedienings binne 'n bepaalde akademiese en kerklike raamwerk. In die verband is 'n vergelykende studie deur middel van 'n kwalitatiewe ondersoek na die werk van twee uiteenlopende instansies gedoen, naamlik die London Healing Mission ( wat onder toesig van die Anglikaanse kerk funksioneer en daarom 'n vaste tradisie bet), en die Vineyard Christian Fellowship van Boise, in die VSA, wat 'n jong gemeente is, en by die sogenaamde 'Third Wave' beweging inpas. Die teoriee en praktyk van elke bediening word in die studie ge!dentifiseer en met mekaar vergelyk. Uit hierdie vergelyking word verskillende gevolgtrekkings gemaak, onder andere oor die bestaansreg van die kerklike diens van genesing en die formaat wat dit behoort aan te neem. Sekere opmerkinge word op grond van die navorsingsresultate gemaak wat in die Pinkster, Charismatiese en Gerefonneerde kerke asook vir die kerk in die algemeen, van waarde kan wees. Die navorsingsresultate word gebruik om 'n bedieningsmodel vir die genesingsbediening in die kerk te ontwerp. Die ondersoek word afgesluit met aanbevelings met die oog op moontlike toekomstige navorsing. / Throughout history the healing ministry has been one of the outstanding activities of the church of Jesus Christ which remained continuously and for various reasons the focal point of attention. The past decades were characterized by an escalation of believers from different denominations and groups who became involved in the meditation and practicing of the healing ministry in the church. This escalation has resulted in the healing ministry being practiced in multiple ways and various reasons being given as justification for doing so. This was done in the presence of underlying theories of which the practitioners were either consciously or subconsciously aware or unaware of. The present research explores the theories and practices of the healing ministry within a particular academic and ecclesiastical context. A comparative study was undertaken by means of a qualitative investigation covering the work of two divergent institutions namely: The London Healing Mission (which is supervised by the Anglican Church and therefore has a specific tradition) and the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Boise, USA, which is a 'new' congregation and fits in with the so called Third Wave movement. The theories and practices of both these ministries are identified and compared with one another. Various conclusions are reached through this comparison, referring amongst others to the healing ministry's right of existence and the format in which it should be practiced. Remarks that are being·made with regard to the results of the research should be of value to the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Reformed churches in particular, but to the Church in general as well. These results are also used to design a ministering model for the healing ministry. The study concludes with certain recommendations for possible future research. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Die Bedeutung der spirituellen Heilung in Tunesien

Dridi, Sameh 06 March 2012 (has links)
Die Schulmedizin ist zwar das offizielle und anerkannte Gesundheitssystem in Tunesien, jedoch findet der Beobachter zahlreiche traditionelle und moderne alternative Heilmethoden, die miteinander koexistieren. Dazu gehört die spirituelle Heilung bzw. die tibb ruhani, die im letzten Jahrzehnt zunehmend eine zentrale Stellung im „health seeking behavior“ der Jugendlichen eingenommen hat. Viele der älteren Heilpraktiken standen in der Öffentlichkeit im Schatten der Schulmedizin und des offiziellen Islam. Dabei spielte der Bezug auf die religiösen Texte und die übernatürliche Welt und ihre Kräfte sowie auf die traditionelle Medizin eine wichtige Rolle. Meine zehnmonatige Feldforschung bzw. meine Interviews mit den Jugendlichen zeigen die Bedeutung der spirituellen Heilung für diese Altersgruppe, die Heilung von ihren Krankheiten und Lösung für ihre sozialen Konflikte und Probleme sucht. Auch die Medien richten heute mehr Interesse auf diesen Bereich, in dem sie eher kritische Artikel darüber veröffentlichen und die Werbung der Heiler publizieren. Diese Ambivalenz zeigt, dass der Umgang mit der spirituellen Heilung in der Öffentlichkeit einen interessanten Wandel erlebt. Die Bedeutung der traditionellen Medizin und der volksislamischen Heilpraktiken war zwar immer in der Gesellschaft verankert, blieb allerdings bis jetzt nur im Hintergrund. Eine Transformation und eine öffentliche Anerkennung erhalten sie erst durch die moderne spirituelle Heilung. Die mediale Präsenz der spirituellen Heilung zeigt, dass Krankheit und soziale Konflikte nicht mehr als lediglich die Privatsphäre betreffen. Dies impliziert eine staatliche Strategie als eine Art Sicherheitsventil für die sozio-wirtschaftlichen Probleme vor allem der Jugendlichen (Arbeitslosigkeit, Perspektivlosigkeit, Migrationswunsch) und ebenso gegenüber dem politischen Islam. Abschließend ist die spirituelle Heilung ein fester Bestandteil des medizinischen Pluralismus in Tunesien geworden und es bestehen Bestrebungen, mit der Schulmedizin zu kooperieren. / In addition to modern medicine, traditional medicine plays an important role in the medical system of Tunisia. There are different healing methods which characterize the medical landscape of the country and they coexist in an interesting way. This variety has a remarkable impact on the health seeking behavior of the Tunisians and especially of the younger generations (17-30), who have become increasingly interested in spiritual healing (tibb ruhani). This healing method deals with illnesses including modern methods of treatment and, additionally, it focuses on a number of issues and problems which concern this age group such as social conflicts, unemployment and migration. The image of spiritual healing has changed considerably over the past ten years. This transformation has led to a new understanding of illness and healing and to the development of new strategies regarding the health seeking behavior. Spiritual healing is based, on the one hand, on religious texts, the supernatural world and its agents and, on the other hand, on traditional healing methods and modern medicine. Up to recently, the traditional healing methods only played a marginal role in the medical system and they were hardly attractive to the young generations. My fieldwork, however, clearly shows that spiritual healing has deeply aroused the interest of this age group and, at the same time, it has met with public recognition. The mass media have also become interested in the phenomenon of spiritual healing and are publishing increasing numbers of articles about the spiritual healers and their methods and by giving them the opportunity to participate in a variety of TV-shows. This new attitude towards illness, healing and social problems underlines that these topics are no longer private concerns. The spiritual healing has incorporated the current social and economic transformations. The healers have become important contacts for this age group who consult them to find adequate solutions to a wide range of their concerns. The government profits from this new role of the spiritual healing and it uses it for various purposes such as to alleviate social tensions. The importance of the spiritual healing in Tunisia is also underlined by the serious attempt to develop an official cooperation between spiritual healing and modern medicine.

Therapeutic and prophetic narratives in worship a hermeneutic study of testimonies and visions : their potential significance for Christian worship and secular society /

Plüss, Jean-Daniel, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Leuven University, 1987. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [375]-394).

Therapeutic and prophetic narratives in worship a hermeneutic study of testimonies and visions : their potential significance for Christian worship and secular society /

Plüss, Jean-Daniel, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Leuven University, 1987. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [375]-394).

Praying in a new reality: a social constructionist perspective on inner healing prayer

Thiessen, Walter James 08 1900 (has links)
Inner healing prayer (IHP) warrants greater practical theological attention. The practice of IHP, most significantly developed by Agnes Sanford, has been described by many of those individuals and ministries that have seen God transform lives through it. This study focuses especially on the models developed by John and Paula Sandford, Leanne Payne, and Ed Smith as representative of IHP. Social constructionism, particularly as it has drawn attention to the significance of narrative, provides a fresh perspective with which to interpret what is taking place in IHP. A theology centred on Jesus' proclamation and demonstration of the in-breaking reign of God combines with social constructionism to suggest that a personal Creator God, who has a privileged perspective on reality, actively joins in the social processes by which we construct our understandings of reality. Interpreting IHP from this social constructionist perspective, this study proposes that IHP can be described as a practice in which God is invited and expected to experientially enter into the social processes by which people construct their reality. Traumatic or hurtful events have often created apparent realities that persons are unable to integrate into the central stories that identify their lives. IHP facilitates an encounter in which God•s loving, forgiving presence is experienced in the midst of such hurtful events allowing a new, more integrated and hopeful, construction of reality. The faith, hope and love of those leading in IHP and the symbolic, metaphorical language contribute to the ability of IHP to affect change at an emotional level, but the central role of the imagination, especially in visualising Jesus' presence, is the most unique and characteristic aspect. This interpretation provides a viewpoint to critique the practice of IHP and suggests some ways that an understanding of God's kingdom might further enhance its practice. A small~scale qualitative interview project offers the opportunity to assess whether this social constructionist interpretation corresponds to the way in which participants in IHP make sense of their experience. It is hoped that the constructionist perspective offered here provides a language that can broaden an understanding of IHP, enhancing dialogue and further research. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

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