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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating consumer judgments within a tourism-based industry, the case of commercial whitewater rafting /

Farnum, Jennifer O. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Idaho, May 2006. / Major professor: Troy E. Hall. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online in PDF format.


Hádková, Sabina January 2021 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis assignment is the elaboration of an architectural study of a selected building - a hotel, from a pre-diploma project of an urban solution of the Sports and Recreation Resort Králíky okr. Ústí nad Orlicí. The content of the building consists primarily in accommodation in **** hotel rooms for 60 beds. The hotel also has a restaurant with a terrace, with a capacity of 100 seats, from which there is a view of the surrounding countryside and the Hedeč Monastery, which is located on top of the hill. There is also a wellness hotel with a sauna world, a gym, a massage room and a small shop with ski equipment.

The Mill Creek Riding Club Youngstown, Ohio 1927-1935

Richter, Kathleen Ann 29 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Sportovně relaxační centrum / Sports and relaxing centre

Holásek, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis addresses the design documentation for recreation and relaxation center in Brno Bohunice district. The building is composed of parts for sport, where the fitness, spinning, aerobics and boxing hall mirror, and the third floor is a cafe. The building is for public visitors to sports and relaxation purposes. The proposed building is located on a plane is no basement and three floors. The building is covered with flat roofs.

Nabídka služeb cestovního ruchu ve zvolené destinaci zapsané na seznamu UNESCO / Offer of tourism services in the selected destination on the list of UNESCO

KAMBOVÁ, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this work was through the analysis of supply and demand for tourism services to define the role of tourism for the site. Secondary objectives were to the impacts of tourism on local development. Further highlight the importance of registration destination on the list of UNESCO and to suggest ways to increase traffic to destination. The paper presents proposals to improve the supply of, and practical application of one of the proposals. The conclusion summarizes the results and the objectives of the work.

Sportovně rekreační centrum Vsetín, Ohrada / Sports and Relaxation Centre Vsetín, Ohrada

Zifčáková, Tatiana January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this master's thesis is the revitalization of the former Spartakiad stadium. Nowadays it functions as a sports complex Ohrada, which is in neglected condition and not widely used. The area is located at the southern edge of the city Vsetín and is defined by a 1st class road from the northeast, Vsetínská Bečva from the western and agricultural areas from the southern side. Above Bečva, the Bečevná hill rises and together they create a pleasant, out-of-town atmosphere with a great potential. The priority of the proposal was to create an attractive place with a variety of sports and recreational activities for all ages. However, at the beginning it was necessary to somehow insulate the area from the overpass. Therefore a sports and recreation facility was designed at the entrance to the area - it copies the shape of the road and forms an imaginary entrance gate to the zone. A car park was designed under the overpass, so the rest of the area remained exclusively for pedestrians. Sufficient distances among the individual sports grounds are supplemented by recreational areas of greenery. Most playgrounds are designed as multi-purpose, for greater variability of the territory. The buildings have a maximum of two floors and they are located in a way not to disturb the views of the recreational areas. They contain sports facilities as well as a wide range of interior activities. Three materials are used on all the buildings - wood, steel and glass, complemented by neutral white plaster. Therefore, the area operates in a comprehensive and uniform manner.

Фрушка гора и Вршачке планине – садашње и будуће дестинације спортско-рекреативног туризма / Fruška gora i Vršačke planine – sadašnje i buduće destinacije sportsko-rekreativnog turizma / Fruška Gora and Vršac mountains - the current and future sports and recreation tourism destination

Vujko Aleksandra 30 November 2011 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify; ">Карактеристике ресурса класификованих као простори за спортско-рекреативни туризам се пре свега односе на погодности које одређени ресурси поседују за развој одређененог облика активности. С тим у вези било би представљање спортско-рекреативних потенцијала војвођанских планина, Фрушке горе и Вршачких планина, посебно знајући да тренутно представљају једне од најатрактивнијих рекреативних предела за највеће емитивне центре у Србији, Нови Сад и Београд али и да у будућности могу понети епитете бренда за спортско рекреативни туризам у Србији. Положај Фрушке горе и Вршачких планина и природни услови за развој спортско-рекреативног туризма су такви да је на ове две планине могуће развити готове све најатрактивније облике спортско-рекреативног туризма (бициклизам, планинарење, јахање, гађање лоптицама које бојају, једрење падобраном, змајарење, лет балоном, падобранство, и друго). Фрушку гору је у контексту развоја спортско-рекреативног туризма могуће поделити у четири карактеристичне зоне унутар којих би се могло трасирати осам стаза, док је Вршачке планине могуће поделити у две зоне са три стазе. Унутар фрушкогорских и вршачких стаза постоје делови терена намењени готово свима као и они који су поприлично захтевни када су бициклизам, планинарење и теренско јахање у питању, а дуж појединих стаза постоје и пунктови за упражњавање појединих облика спортско-рекреативних активности. С тим у вези требало би рећи да је упражњавање готово свих наведених облика спортско-рекреативног туризма, сем купалишног, по већини стаза могућа током целе године али да би период од априла до октобра, када је време топло и пријатно, био нешто заступљенији јер то допушта обиласке, застоје и уживање у сваком смислу. Антропогене карактеристике војвођанских планина представљају потенцијале који су туристички недовољно искориштени, а у будућности би могли да изнедре многе тематске стазе, као што су примера ради археолошке бициклистичке, пешачке или коњичке руте, манастирске и друге. Поред добрих страна за развој спортско-рекреативног туризма, на војвођанским планинама постоје и многе лоше стране. Пример за то је непостојање информативних и промотивних материјала и активности у вези са спортско-рекреативним туризмом на планинама. У оквиру простора намењених спортско-рекреативним туристима на Фрушкој гори и Вршачким планинама не постоји адекватна обележеност стаза као и неопходне информације о стазама и активностима дуж њих.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify; ">Karakteristike resursa klasifikovanih kao prostori za sportsko-rekreativni turizam se pre svega odnose na pogodnosti koje određeni resursi poseduju za razvoj određenenog oblika aktivnosti. S tim u vezi bilo bi predstavljanje sportsko-rekreativnih potencijala vojvođanskih planina, Fruške gore i Vršačkih planina, posebno znajući da trenutno predstavljaju jedne od najatraktivnijih rekreativnih predela za najveće emitivne centre u Srbiji, Novi Sad i Beograd ali i da u budućnosti mogu poneti epitete brenda za sportsko rekreativni turizam u Srbiji. Položaj Fruške gore i Vršačkih planina i prirodni uslovi za razvoj sportsko-rekreativnog turizma su takvi da je na ove dve planine moguće razviti gotove sve najatraktivnije oblike sportsko-rekreativnog turizma (biciklizam, planinarenje, jahanje, gađanje lopticama koje bojaju, jedrenje padobranom, zmajarenje, let balonom, padobranstvo, i drugo). Frušku goru je u kontekstu razvoja sportsko-rekreativnog turizma moguće podeliti u četiri karakteristične zone unutar kojih bi se moglo trasirati osam staza, dok je Vršačke planine moguće podeliti u dve zone sa tri staze. Unutar fruškogorskih i vršačkih staza postoje delovi terena namenjeni gotovo svima kao i oni koji su poprilično zahtevni kada su biciklizam, planinarenje i terensko jahanje u pitanju, a duž pojedinih staza postoje i punktovi za upražnjavanje pojedinih oblika sportsko-rekreativnih aktivnosti. S tim u vezi trebalo bi reći da je upražnjavanje gotovo svih navedenih oblika sportsko-rekreativnog turizma, sem kupališnog, po većini staza moguća tokom cele godine ali da bi period od aprila do oktobra, kada je vreme toplo i prijatno, bio nešto zastupljeniji jer to dopušta obilaske, zastoje i uživanje u svakom smislu. Antropogene karakteristike vojvođanskih planina predstavljaju potencijale koji su turistički nedovoljno iskorišteni, a u budućnosti bi mogli da iznedre mnoge tematske staze, kao što su primera radi arheološke biciklističke, pešačke ili konjičke rute, manastirske i druge. Pored dobrih strana za razvoj sportsko-rekreativnog turizma, na vojvođanskim planinama postoje i mnoge loše strane. Primer za to je nepostojanje informativnih i promotivnih materijala i aktivnosti u vezi sa sportsko-rekreativnim turizmom na planinama. U okviru prostora namenjenih sportsko-rekreativnim turistima na Fruškoj gori i Vršačkim planinama ne postoji adekvatna obeleženost staza kao i neophodne informacije o stazama i aktivnostima duž njih.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify; "> Characteristics of resources classified as areas for sports and recreation Tourism are primarily related to the benefits that have the resources to development all types activities. In this regard it would be the presentation of sports and recreational potential of Vojvodina mountains, Fruska gora and Vrsac mountains especially knowing that currently&nbsp;represent one of the most attractive recreational areas for the largest outbound in Serbia, Novi Sad and Belgrade but also in the future may bring epithets of brand for sports and recreational tourism in Serbia. Position of Fru&scaron;ka gora and Vrsac mountains and natural conditions for development of sports and recreation tourism are such that these two mountains can develop almost all the most attractive forms of sports and recreational tourism (biking, hiking, horseback riding, paintball, paragliding, paragliding, hot air balloon rides, parachuting, etc.). Fru&scaron;ka gora mountain, in the context of sports and recreational tourism can be divided into four specific zones within which it could be traced eight track, while the Vrsac mountains can be divided into two zones with three lanes. Within Fruska Gora and Vrsac trails in some parts of the field intended for almost everyone and those who are quite demanding when you are biking, hiking and riding terrain in question, along certain trails, there are points for the exercise of certain forms of sports and recreational activities. In this connection it should say that the exercise of virtually all forms of sports and recreational tourism, except for bathing, the most possible path throughout the year but that the period from April to October, when the weather is warm and friendly, was slightly more common because it allows excursions, downtime and enjoyment in every sense. Anthropogenic features Vojvodina mountains are potentials that travel under-exploited, and in the future be able to produce many footpaths, such as for example the archaeological bicycle, pedestrian or equestrian trails, monastery, and others. Besides the positive aspects for the development of sports and recreational tourism in Vojvodina&#39;s mountains there are many disadvantages. An example is the lack of information and promotional materials and activities related to sports and recreational tourism in the mountains. Within the space intended for sports and recreational facilities for tourists in our investigations and Vrsac mountains there is no adequate trails as well as necessary information on routes and activities along them.</p>

Sportovně relaxační centrum / The sports and recreation center

Píšek, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This Master´s Thesis deals with design and execution of project documentation for building of sport and wellness center. The site is situated in the outskirts of Vsetín in Zlín region. The structural system of the building is walled with porotherm blocks. Ceilings are made up of ceiling panels spiroll. Roof is mainly flat, pitched roof is only designed above squash courts. The buildings’ shape is composed of three blocks which together form a functional complex. The sport center offers these kinds of activities: spinning bike rides, exercising, weight lifting, group training and squash. The recreation centre offers massages electro and lymfo massages, pedicure, manicure, sauna, rehabilitation and solarium. Part of the center is also cafe providing also snacks, sport counseling, nutrition counseling and office.

Stress management through therapeutic recreation in the Botswana Defence Force

Young, Marie Elizabeth Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
Military staff are repeatedly exposed to stressful and unpleasant traumatic life events. These can cause psychological injury, leading to mental and emotional stress. The stigma of mental health problems in military settings runs deeper than in civil society. Being admitted with mental health problems while serving can be a career stopper, but at times can also be associated with cowardice or malingering. It is the primary responsibility of the military to maintain and promote high military/combat readiness among staff. The change in focus of modern military forces, such as the Botswana Defence Force (BDF), with units being deployed more often, places greater demands on troops. Such operations call for increased training exercises, planning sessions and equipment inspections. Training emphasizes discipline and integrity as the core values of the BDF. These form a foundation for healthy and successful coping strategies. The morale of employees is the starting point for measuring their wellness. Morale in the military is embedded in the fitness programs. These are biased towards military training, creating physical fitness, mental alertness and the qualities of military preparedness. The programs are normally involuntary, mandated through the commander, and form part of a soldier‘s military duties. Military recreation, morale and welfare programs were introduced as a way to provide soldiers with the opportunity to relax and rejuvenate. Recreation serves as a powerful tool for achieving an optimal experience, motivating people to change and improve their health and wellness. The problem identified for this study was that members of the BDF were exposed to situations in a military context, as well as in their personal lives, which caused stress. It was postulated that BDF members had little knowledge or the resources to utilize appropriate recreation-related coping strategies. The study aimed primarily to explore the use of sport and recreation activities in military settings as means to reduce and manage stress. To achieve this goal, it was necessary first to determine the current sport and recreation participation of BDF staff members, then to assess their existing stress levels, their overall psychological well-being, and any dysfunctional behaviours resulting from stress. On the basis of these findings, a Therapeutic Recreation Stress Management Intervention Model was proposed, designed to reduce stress and promote the psychological well-being of BDF members. A survey was carried out using a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the collected data, offering a basic description of the data through frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, variances and relationships. Inferential statistics were used to draw conclusions from the data collected, giving the various factors. The results revealed that the BDF was a male-dominated institution, recruiting soldiers between the ages of 18 and 44, most of whom had some level of education. Most of the staff members came from the lower ranks and had experienced one or more deployments since being recruited into the military. The results further indicated that BDF staff members participated in sport and recreation activities, reflecting an active and healthy lifestyle, with satisfactory levels of involvement. Analysis of stress responses revealed that members experienced stress and that this was related not just to operational or non-operational military stressors but also to personal stressors resulting from their social, financial or emotional conditions. Members of the BDF did not receive the necessary social support from family members and friends to cope with these stressors. The findings on stress in relation to sport and recreation participation revealed that BDF members were intrinsically motivated to embrace healthy lifestyles which could contribute to lower levels of stress. This could even lead to a decrease in stress, supporting the literature which indicates that engaging in physical activities, as part of living a healthy lifestyle, might lead to a reduction in stress levels. The results on the stress-coping measures used by BDF members revealed that recreation activities were deliberately used to cope with stress. Although physical exercise was used as a way of coping with stress, sedentary recreation activities were more prevalent among BDF members. Positive stress-coping measures were adopted by respondents, contrary to the findings of previous studies which indicated that military staff adopted dysfunctional behaviour as a coping measure (e.g. excessive drinking) that formed part of the military culture. The stress-coping abilities of BDF members differed in terms of personal and military demographics from those of previous studies, posting a new contribution to military literature. The results further revealed that BDF members were not sufficiently skilled in coping with stress during military training. This study concluded that the Botswana Defence Force is no different from other military forces, experiencing operational and non-operational stress, as well as personal stress, which need to be addressed. Recommendations were made for further research on stress in military contexts and further guidelines were suggested to the BDF on the use of sport and recreation, together with more specific therapeutic recreation, as ways to reduce stress. A Therapeutic Recreation Stress Management Intervention Model was recommended for further testing in the BDF, as well as in other military forces. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

Финансово-экономическое и социальное обоснование инвестиционно-строительного проекта физкультурно-оздоровительного комплекса (поселок Кольцово город Екатеринбург) : магистерская диссертация / Financial, economic and social justification of the investment and construction project of the sports and recreation complex (Koltsovo settlement, Yekaterinburg)

Джабраилова, К. Р., Dzhabrailova, K. R. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы и приложения. В работе рассмотрены теоретические основы, отечественный опыт строящихся спортивных комплексов, новые направления концепций оздоровительных комплексов. Проанализирован район и микрорайон расположения планируемого физкультурно-оздоровительного комплекса. Определен источник финансирования, сформирован бюджет проекта, рассчитаны показатели экономической эффективности проекта. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references and Appendix. The article discusses the theoretical foundations, domestic experience in the construction of sports complexes, as well as new directions for the development of concepts of health complexes. The district and microdistrict of the planned sports and recreation complex are analyzed. The source of funding was determined, the project budget was formed, and the project's economic efficiency indicators were calculated. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated and the results of the study are summarized.

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