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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using binary statistics in Taurus-Auriga to distinguish between brown dwarf formation processes

Marks, M., Martín, E. L., Béjar, V. J. S., Lodieu, N., Kroupa, P., Manjavacas, E., Thies, I., Rebolo López, R., Velasco, S. 31 August 2017 (has links)
Context. One of the key questions of the star formation problem is whether brown dwarfs (BDs) form in the manner of stars directly from the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud core (star-like) or whether BDs and some very low-mass stars (VLMSs) constitute a separate population that forms alongside stars comparable to the population of planets, for example through circumstellar disk (peripheral) fragmentation. Aims. For young stars in Taurus-Auriga the binary fraction has been shown to be large with little dependence on primary mass above approximate to 0.2 M-circle dot, while for BDs the binary fraction is < 10%. Here we investigate a case in which BDs in Taurus formed dominantly, but not exclusively, through peripheral fragmentation, which naturally results in small binary fractions. The decline of the binary frequency in the transition region between star-like formation and peripheral formation is modelled. Methods. We employed a dynamical population synthesis model in which stellar binary formation is universal with a large binary fraction close to unity. Peripheral objects form separately in circumstellar disks with a distinctive initial mass function (IMF), their own orbital parameter distributions for binaries, and small binary fractions, according to observations and expectations from smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and grid-based computations. A small amount of dynamical processing of the stellar component was accounted for as appropriate for the low-density Taurus-Auriga embedded clusters. Results. The binary fraction declines strongly in the transition region between star-like and peripheral formation, exhibiting characteristic features. The location of these features and the steepness of this trend depend on the mass limits for star-like and peripheral formation. Such a trend might be unique to low density regions, such as Taurus, which host binary populations that are largely unprocessed dynamically in which the binary fraction is large for stars down to M-dwarfs and small for BDs. Conclusions. The existence of a strong decline in the binary fraction - primary mass diagram will become verifiable in future surveys on BD and VLMS binarity in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region. The binary fraction -primary mass diagram is a diagnostic of the (non-)continuity of star formation along the mass scale, the separateness of the stellar and BD populations, and the dominant formation channel for BDs and BD binaries in regions of low stellar density hosting dynamically unprocessed populations.

First Millimeter Detection of the Disk around a Young, Isolated, Planetary-mass Object

Bayo, Amelia, Joergens, Viki, Liu, Yao, Brauer, Robert, Olofsson, Johan, Arancibia, Javier, Pinilla, Paola, Wolf, Sebastian, Ruge, Jan Philipp, Henning, Thomas, Natta, Antonella, Johnston, Katharine G., Bonnefoy, Mickael, Beuther, Henrik, Chauvin, Gael 18 May 2017 (has links)
OTS44 is one of only four free-floating planets known to have a disk. We have previously shown that it is the coolest and least massive known free-floating planet (similar to 12 M-Jup) with a substantial disk that is actively accreting. We have obtained Band 6 (233 GHz) ALMA continuum data of this very young disk-bearing object. The data show a clear unresolved detection of the source. We obtained disk-mass estimates via empirical correlations derived for young, higher-mass, central (substellar) objects. The range of values obtained are between 0.07 and 0.63 M-circle plus (dust masses). We compare the properties of this unique disk with those recently reported around higher-mass (brown dwarfs) young objects in order to infer constraints on its mechanism of formation. While extreme assumptions on dust temperature yield disk-mass values that could slightly diverge from the general trends found for more massive brown dwarfs, a range of sensible values provide disk masses compatible with a unique scaling relation between M-dust and M* through the substellar domain down to planetary masses.

Metallicity determination of M dwarfs

Lindgren, Sara January 2017 (has links)
M dwarfs constitute around 70% of all stars in the local Galaxy. Their multitude together with their long main-sequence lifetimes make them important for studies of global properties of the Galaxy such as the initial mass function or the structure and kinematics of stellar populations. In addition, the exoplanet community is showing an increasing interest for those small, cold stars. However, very few M dwarfs are well characterized, and in the case of exoplanetary systems the stellar parameters have a direct influence on the derived planet properties. Stellar parameters of M dwarfs are difficult to determine because of their low surface temperatures that result in an optical spectrum dominated by molecular lines. Most previous works have therefore relied on empirical calibrations. High-resolution spectrographs operating in the infrared, a wavelength region less affected by molecular lines, have recently opened up a new window for the investigation of M dwarfs. In the two first papers of this thesis we have shown that we can determine the metallicity, and in some cases the effective temperature, using synthetic spectral fitting with improved accuracy. This method is time consuming and therefore not practical or even feasible for studies of large samples of M dwarfs. When comparing our results from the high-resolution studies with available photometric calibrations we find systematic differences. In the third paper we therefore used our sample to determine a new photometric metallicity calibration. Compared to previous calibrations our new photometric calibration shows improved statistical characteristics, and our calibration gives similar results as spectroscopic calibrations. In a comparison with theoretical calculations we find a good agreement of the shapes and slopes of iso-metallicity lines with our empirical relation. Applying the photometric calibration to a sample of M dwarfs with confirmed exoplanets we find a possible giant planet-metallicity correlation for M dwarfs.

Exteme variables in star forming regions

Contreras Peña, Carlos Eduardo January 2015 (has links)
The notion that low- to intermediate-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) gain mass at a constant rate during the early stages of their evolution appears to be challenged by observations of YSOs suffering sudden increases of the rate at which they gain mass from their circumstellar discs. Also, this idea that stars spend most of their lifetime with a low accretion rate and gain most of their final mass during short-lived episodes of high accretion bursts, helps to solve some long-standing problems in stellar evolution. The original classification of eruptive variables divides them in two separate subclasses known as FU Orionis stars (FUors) and EX Lupi stars (EXors). In this classical view FUors are at an early evolutionary stage and are still gaining mass from their parent envelopes, whilst EXors are thought to be older objects only surrounded by an accretion disc. The problem with this classical view is that it excludes younger protostars which have higher accretion rates but are too deeply embedded in circumstellar matter to be observed at optical wavelengths. Optically invisible protostars have been observed to display large variability in the near-infrared. These and some recent discoveries of new eruptive variables, show characteristics that can be attributed to both of the optically-defined subclasses of eruptive variables. The new objects have been proposed to be part of a new class of eruptive variables. However, a more accepted scenario is that in fact the original classes only represent two extremes of the same phenomena. In this sense eruptive variability could be explained as arising from one physical mechanism, i.e. unsteady accretion, where a variation in the parameters of such mechanism can cause the different characteristics observed in the members of this class. With the aim of studying the incidence of episodic accretion among young stellar objects, and to characterize the nature of these eruptive variables we searched for high amplitude variability in two multi-epoch infrared surveys: the UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey (GPS) and the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV). In order to further investigate the nature of the selected variable stars, we use photometric information arising from public surveys at near- to farinfrared wavelengths. In addition we have performed spectroscopic and photometric follow-up for a large subset of the samples arising from GPS and VVV. We analyse the widely separated two-epoch K-band photometry in the 5th, 7th and 8th data releases of the UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey. We find 71 stars with _K > 1 mag, including 2 previously known OH/IR stars and a Nova. Even though the mid-plane is mostly excluded from the dataset, we find the majority (66%) of our sample to be within known star forming regions (SFRs), with two large concentrations in the Serpens OB2 association (11 stars) and the Cygnus-X complex (27 stars). The analysis of the multi-epoch K-band photometry of 2010-2012 data from VVV covering the Galactic disc at |b| < 1◦ yields 816 high amplitude variables, which include known variables of different classes such as high mass X-ray binaries, Novae and eclipsing binaries among others. Remarkably, 65% of the sample are found concentrated towards areas of star formation, similar to the results from GPS. In both surveys, sources in SFRs show spectral energy distributions (SEDs) that support classification as YSOs. This indicates that YSOs dominate the Galactic population of high amplitude infrared variable stars at low luminosities and therefore likely dominate the total high amplitude population. Spectroscopic follow-up allows us to confirm the pre-main sequence nature of several GPS and VVV Objects. Most objects in both samples show spectroscopic signatures that can be attributed to YSOs undergoing high states of accretion, such as veiling of photospheric features and CO emission, or show FUor-like spectra. We also find a large fraction of objects with 2.12 μm H2 emission that can be explained as arising from shock-excited emission caused by molecular outflows. Whether these molecular outflows are related to outbursts events cannot be confirmed from our data. Adding the GPS and VVV spectroscopic results, we find that between 6 and 14 objects are new additions to the FUor class from their close resemblance to the near-infrared spectra of FUors, and at least 23 more objects are new additions to the eruptive variable class. For most of these we are unable to classify them into any of the original definitions for this variable class. In any case, we are adding up to 37 new stars to the eruptive variable class which would double the current number of known objects. We note that most objects are found to be deeply embedded optically invisible stars, thus increasing the number of objects belonging to this subclass by a much larger factor. In general, objects in our samples which are found to be likely eruptive variable stars show a mixture of characteristics that can be attributed to both of the optically-defined classes. This agrees well with the recent discoveries in the literature. Finally, we are able to derive a first rough estimate on the incidence of episodic accretion among class I YSOs in the star-forming complex G305. We find that _ 9% of such objects are in a state of high accretion. This number is in agreement with previous theoretical and observational estimates among class I YSOs.

The HST large programme on omega Centauri - I. Multiple stellar populations at the bottom of the main sequence probed in NIR-Optical

Milone, A. P., Marino, A. F., Bedin, L. R., Anderson, J., Apai, D., Bellini, A., Bergeron, P., Burgasser, A. J., Dotter, A., Rees, J. M. 07 1900 (has links)
As part of a large investigation with Hubble Space Telescope to study the faintest stars within the globular cluster omega Centauri, in this work we present early results on the multiplicity of its main sequence (MS) stars, based on deep optical and near-infrared observations. By using appropriate colour-magnitude diagrams, we have identified, for the first time, the two main stellar Populations I and II along the entire MS, from the turn-off towards the hydrogen-burning limit. We have compared the observations with suitable synthetic spectra of MS stars and conclude that the two main sequences (MSs) are consistent with stellar populations with different metallicity, helium and light-element abundance. Specifically, MS-I corresponds to a metal-poor stellar population ([Fe/H] similar to -1.7) with Y similar to 0.25 and [O/Fe] similar to 0.30. The MS-II hosts helium-rich (Y similar to 0.37-0.40) stars with metallicity ranging from [Fe/H] similar to -1.7 to -1.4. Below the MS knee (m(F160W) similar to 19.5), our photometry reveals that each of the two main MSs hosts stellar subpopulations with different oxygen abundances, with very O-poor stars ([O/Fe] similar to -0.5) populating the MS-II. Such a complexity has never been observed in previous studies of M-dwarfs in globular clusters. A few months before the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, these results demonstrate the power of optical and near-infrared photometry in the study of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters.

The 2014–2017 outburst of the young star ASASSN-13db

Sicilia-Aguilar, A., Oprandi, A., Froebrich, D., Fang, M., Prieto, J. L., Stanek, K., Scholz, A., Kochanek, C. S., Henning, Th., Gredel, R., Holoien, T. W.- S., Rabus, M., Shappee, B. J., Billington, S. J., Campbell-White, J., Zegmott, T. J. 24 November 2017 (has links)
Context. Accretion outbursts are key elements in star formation. ASASSN-13db is a M5-type star with a protoplanetary disk, the lowest-mass star known to experience accretion outbursts. Since its discovery in 2013, it has experienced two outbursts, the second of which started in November 2014 and lasted until February 2017. Aims. We explore the photometric and spectroscopic behavior of ASASSN-13db during the 2014-2017 outburst. Methods. We use high- and low-resolution spectroscopy and time-resolved photometry from the ASAS-SN survey, the LCOGT and the Beacon Observatory to study the light curve of ASASSN-13db and the dynamical and physical properties of the accretion flow. Results. The 2014-2017 outburst lasted for nearly 800 days. A 4.15 d period in the light curve likely corresponds to rotational modulation of a star with hot spot(s). The spectra show multiple emission lines with variable inverse P-Cygni profiles and a highly variable blue-shifted absorption below the continuum. Line ratios from metallic emission lines (Fe I/Fe II, Ti I/Ti II) suggest temperatures of similar to 5800-6000 K in the accretion flow. Conclusions. Photometrically and spectroscopically, the 2014-2017 event displays an intermediate behavior between EXors and FUors. The accretion rate (<(M)over dot> = 1-3 x 10(-7) M-circle dot/yr), about two orders of magnitude higher than the accretion rate in quiescence, is not significantly different from the accretion rate observed in 2013. The absorption features in the spectra suggest that the system is viewed at a high angle and drives a powerful, non-axisymmetric wind, maybe related to magnetic reconnection. The properties of ASASSN-13db suggest that temperatures lower than those for solar-type stars are needed for modeling accretion in very-low-mass systems. Finally, the rotational modulation during the outburst reveals that accretion-related structures settle after the beginning of the outburst and can be relatively stable and long-lived. Our work also demonstrates the power of time-resolved photometry and spectroscopy to explore the properties of variable and outbursting stars.

A submillimetre study of nearby star formation using molecular line data

Drabek-Maunder, Emily Rae January 2013 (has links)
This thesis primarily uses submillimetre molecular line data from HARP, a heterodyne array on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), to further investigate star formation in the Ophiuchus L1688 cloud. HARP was used to observe CO J = 3-2 isotopologues: 12CO, 13CO and C18O; and the dense gas tracer HCO+ J = 4-3. A method for calculating molecular line contamination in the SCUBA-2 450 and 850 μm dust continuum data was developed, which can be used to convert 12CO J =6-5and J =3-2 maps of integrated intensity (K km s−1) to molecular line flux (mJy beam−1) contaminating the continuum emission. Using HARP maps of 12CO J = 3-2, I quantified the amount of molecular line contamination found in the SCUBA-2 850 μm maps of three different regions, including NGC 1333 of Perseus and NGC 2071 and NGC 2024 of Orion B. Regions with ‘significant’ (i.e. > 20%) molecular line contamination correspond to molecular outflows. This method is now being used to remove molecular line contamination from regions with both SCUBA-2 dust continuum and HARP 12CO map coverage in the Gould Belt Legacy Survey (GBS). The Ophiuchus L1688 cloud was observed in all three CO J = 3-2 isotopologues. I carried out a molecular outflow analysis in the region on a list of 30 sources from the Spitzer ‘c2d’ survey [Evans et al., 2009]. Out of the 30 sources, 8 had confirmed bipolar outflows, 20 sources had ‘confused’ outflow detections and 2 sources did not have outflow detections. The Ophiuchus cloud was found to be gravitationally bound with the turbulent kinetic energy a factor of 7 lower than the gravitational binding energy. The high-velocity outflowing gas was found to be only 21% of the turbulence in the cloud, suggesting outflows are significant but not the dominant source of turbulence in the region. Other factors were found to influence the global high-velocity outflowing gas in addition to molecular outflows, including hot dust from nearby B-type stars, outflow remnants from less embedded sources and stellar winds from the Upper Scorpius OB association. To trace high density gas in the Ophiuchus L1688 cloud, HCO+ J = 4-3 was observed to further investigate the relationship between high column density and high density in the molecular cloud. Non-LTE codes RADEX and TORUS were used to develop density models corresponding to the HCO+ emission. The models involved both constant density and peaked density profiles. RADEX [van der Tak et al., 2007] models used a constant density model along the line-of-sight and indicated the HCO+ traced densities that were predominantly subthermally excited with den- sities ranging from 10^3–10^5 cm^−3. Line-of-sight estimates ranged from several parsecs to 90 pc, which was unrealistic for the Ophiuchus cloud. This lead to the implementation of peaked density profiles using the TORUS non-LTE radiative transfer code. Initial models used a ‘triangle’ density profile and a more complicated log-normal density probability density function (PDF) profile was subsequently implemented. Peaked density models were relatively successful at fitting the HCO+ data. Triangle models had density fits ranging from 0.2–2.0×10^6 cm^−3 and 0.1–0.3×10^6 cm^−3 for the 0.2 and 0.3 pc cloud length models re- spectively. Log-normal density models with constant-σ had peak density ranges from 0.2–1.0 ×10^5 cm^−3 and 0.6–2.0×10^5 cm^−3 for 0.2 and 0.3 pc models respectively. Similarly, log-normal models with varying-σ had lower and upper density limits corresponding to the range of FWHM velocities. Densities (lower and upper limits) ranged from 0.1–1.0 ×10^6 and 0.5–3.0 ×10^5 cm^-3 for the 0.2 and 0.3 pc models respectively. The result of the HCO+ density modelling indicated the distributions of starless, prestellar and protostellar cores do not have a preference for higher densities with respect to the rest of the cloud. This is contrary to past research suggesting the probability of finding a submillimetre core steeply rises as a function of column density (i.e. density; Belloche et al. 2011; Hatchell et al. 2005). Since the majority of sources are less embedded (i.e Class II/III), it is possible the evolutionary state of Ophiuchus is the main reason the small sample of Class 0/I protostars do not appear to have a preference for higher densities in the cloud.

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