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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Weather on Other Worlds. IV. H alpha Emission and Photometric Variability Are Not Correlated in L0-T8 Dwarfs

Miles-Paez, Paulo A., Metchev, Stanimir A., Heinze, Aren, Apai, Daniel 10 May 2017 (has links)
Recent photometric studies have revealed that surface spots that produce flux variations are present on virtually all L and T dwarfs. Their likely magnetic or dusty nature has been a much-debated problem, the resolution to which has been hindered by paucity of diagnostic multi-wavelength observations. To test for a correlation between magnetic activity and photometric variability, we searched for Ha emission among eight L3-T2 ultra-cool dwarfs with extensive previous photometric monitoring, some of which are known to be variable at 3.6 mu m or 4.5 mu m. We detected Ha only in the non-variable T2 dwarf 2MASS J12545393-0122474. The remaining seven objects do not show Ha emission, even though six of them are known to vary photometrically. Combining our results with those for 86 other L and T dwarfs from the literature show that the detection rate of Ha emission is very high (94%) for spectral types between L0 and L3.5 and much smaller (20%) for spectral types. >= L4, while the detection rate of photometric variability is approximately constant (30%-55%) from L0 to T8 dwarfs. We conclude that chromospheric activity, as evidenced by H alpha emission, and large-amplitude photometric variability are not correlated. Consequently, dust clouds are the dominant driver of the observed variability of ultra-cool dwarfs at spectral types, at least as early as L0.

The MiMeS Survey of Magnetism in Massive Stars: Introduction and Overview

Wade, G. A., Neiner, C., Alecian, E., Grunhunt, H. H., Petit, V., Batz, B., Bohlender, D. A., Cohen, D. H., Henrichs, H. F., Kochukhov, O., Landstreet, J. D., Manset, N., Martins, F., Mathis, S., Oksala, M. E., Owocki, S. P., Rivinius, Th., Schultz, M. E., Sundqvist, J. O., Townsend, R. H.D., Doula, A., Bouret, J. C., Braithwaite, J., Briquet, M., Carciofi, A. C., David-Uraz, A., Folsom, C. P., Fullerton, A. W., Leroy, B., Marcolino, W. L.F., Moffat, A. F.J., Naze, Y., St Louis, N., Auriere, M., Bagnulo, S., Bailey, J. D., Barba, R. H., Blazere, A., Bohm, T., Catala, C., Donati, J-F, Ferrario, L., Harrington, D., Howarth, I. D., Ignace, Richard, Kaper, L., Luftinger, T., Prinja, R., Vink, J. S., Weiss, W. W., Yakunin, I. 11 December 2015 (has links)
The MiMeS (Magnetism in Massive Stars) project is a large-scale, high-resolution, sensitive spectropolarimetric investigation of the magnetic properties of O- and early B-type stars. Initiated in 2008 and completed in 2013, the project was supported by three Large Program allocations, as well as various programmes initiated by independent principal investigators, and archival resources. Ultimately, over 4800 circularly polarized spectra of 560 O and B stars were collected with the instruments ESPaDOnS (Echelle SpectroPolarimetric Device for the Observation of Stars) at the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope, Narval at the Télescope Bernard Lyot and HARPSpol at the European Southern Observatory La Silla 3.6 m telescope, making MiMeS by far the largest systematic investigation of massive star magnetism ever undertaken. In this paper, the first in a series reporting the general results of the survey, we introduce the scientific motivation and goals, describe the sample of targets, review the instrumentation and observational techniques used, explain the exposure time calculation designed to provide sensitivity to surface dipole fields above approximately 100 G, discuss the polarimetric performance, stability and uncertainty of the instrumentation, and summarize the previous and forthcoming publications.

Light-curve Modulation of Low-mass Stars in K2. I. Identification of 481 Fast Rotators in the Solar Neighborhood

Saylor, Dicy, Lepine, Sebastien, Crossfield, Ian, Petigura, Erik A. 15 December 2017 (has links)
The K2 mission is targeting large numbers of nearby (d < 100 pc) GKM dwarfs selected from the SUPERBLINK proper motion survey (mu > 40 mas yr(-1), V < 20). Additionally, the mission is targeting low-mass, high proper motion stars associated with the local (d < 500 pc) Galactic halo population also selected from SUPERBLINK. K2 campaigns 0 through 8 monitored a total of 26,518 of these cool main-sequence stars. We used the auto-correlation function to search for fast rotators by identifying short-period photometric modulations in the K2 light curves. We identified 481 candidate fast rotators with rotation periods < 4 days that show light-curve modulations consistent with starspots. Their kinematics show low average transverse velocities, suggesting that they are part of the young disk population. A subset (13) of the fast rotators is found among those targets with colors and kinematics consistent with the local Galactic halo population and may represent stars spun up by tidal interactions in close binary systems. We further demonstrate that the M dwarf fast rotators selected from the K2 light curves are significantly more likely to have UV excess and discuss the potential of the K2 mission to identify new nearby young GKM dwarfs on the basis of their fast rotation rates. Finally, we discuss the possible use of local halo stars as fiducial, non-variable sources in the Kepler fields.

NGC 1866: First Spectroscopic Detection of Fast-rotating Stars in a Young LMC Cluster

Dupree, A. K., Dotter, A., Johnson, C. I., Marino, A. F., Milone, A. P., Bailey, J. I., Crane, J. D., Mateo, M., Olszewski, E. W. 23 August 2017 (has links)
High-resolution spectroscopic observations were taken of 29 extended main-sequence turnoff (eMSTO) stars in the young (similar to 200 Myr) Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) cluster, NGC 1866, using the Michigan/Magellan Fiber System and MSpec spectrograph on the Magellan-Clay 6.5 m telescope. These spectra reveal the first direct detection of rapidly rotating stars whose presence has only been inferred from photometric studies. The eMSTO stars exhibit Ha emission (indicative of Be-star decretion disks), others have shallow broad H alpha absorption (consistent with rotation. greater than or similar to 150 km s(-1)), or deep Ha core absorption signaling lower rotation velocities (less than or similar to 150 km s(-1)). The spectra appear consistent with two populations of stars-one rapidly rotating, and the other, younger and slowly rotating.

Sismologia e modelização de estrelas quentes com rotação moderada / Seismology and modelization of early-type stars with moderate rotation

Andrade, Laerte Brandão Paes de 07 July 2010 (has links)
Modelos computacionais existentes de estrelas quentes com rotação moderada ou rápida (vrot >= 20 km/s) não reproduzem satisfatoriamente as caractersticas das freqüências observadas devido às pulsações não-radiais, como por exemplo splittings e assimetrias. O objetivo do trabalho consiste em melhorar a qualidade de tais modelos de forma a poder cotejá-los com as caractersticas observacionais de pulsações não-radiais num processo iterativo que conduzirá a determinar com maior precisão os parâmetros fsicos e a estrutura interna de tais estrelas. Em particular, procuramos determinar o perfil radial de rotação no interior dos objetos. Os satélites da geração atual (Corot, Kepler, etc.) permitem medir os parâmetros das pulsações não-radiais com grande sensibilidade de detecção e grande poder de resolução de frequências. Apresentamos os resultados de nossos cálculos, cotejados com resultados obtidos a partir de observações fotométricas e espectroscópicas da estrela de tipo beta Cephei theta Ophiuchi (vsini = 29 +/- 7 km/s). Com tal procedimento, conseguimos: (i) identificar as caractersticas do perfil de rotação interna das estrelas quentes, indispensável para fazer modelos mais realistas; e (ii) simplificar o problema: refazemos o código de cálculo perturbativo contendo apenas os termos dominantes quanto à sensibilidade à rotação, tornando mais preciso e eficiente o cálculo de pulsações não-radiais para as estrelas estudadas. / Current computational models for hot stars with moderate or rapid rotation (vrot >= 20 km/s) do not satisfactorily reproduce the characteristics of observed frequencies due to non-radial pulsations, for instance, splittings and asymmetries. The goal of this work is to improve the quality of such models in such a way that they better represent observational characteristics of non-radial pulsations, in an iterative process which leads to better precision of physical parameters and internal structure of such stars. In particular, we determine the radial rotation profile in the interior of the objects. Present-day satellites (Corot, Kepler, etc.) allow measurement of non-radial pulsation parameters with great detection sensibility and high-resolution frequency power. We present the results of our calculations, compared with results obtained from photometric and spectroscopic observations from the beta Cephei star theta Ophiuchi (vsini = 29 +/- 7 km/s). With such a procedure, we were able to: (i) identify the characteristics of internal rotation profiles of hot stars, which are needed for more realistic models; and (ii) simplify the problem: we redid the perturbative calculation code including only the main terms in relation to the sensibility to rotation, yielding a more precise and efficient calculus of non-radial pulsation for the stars studied.

BRITE-Constellation High-Precision Time-Dependent Photometry of the Early O-Type Supergiant ζ Puppis Unveils the Photospheric Drivers of Its Small- and Large-Scale Wind Structures

Ramiaramanantsoa, Tahina, Moffat, Anthony F.J., Harmon, Robert, Ignace, Richard 13 October 2017 (has links)
From 5.5 months of dual-band optical photometric monitoring at the 1 mmag level, BRITE-Constellation has revealed two simultaneous types of variability in the O4I(n)fp star ζ Puppis: one single periodic non-sinusoidal component superimposed on a stochastic component. The monoperiodic component is the 1.78-d signal previously detected by Coriolis/Solar Mass Ejection Imager, but this time along with a prominent first harmonic. The shape of this signal changes over time, a behaviour that is incompatible with stellar oscillations but consistent with rotational modulation arising from evolving bright surface inhomogeneities. By means of a constrained non-linear light-curve inversion algorithm, we mapped the locations of the bright surface spots and traced their evolution. Our simultaneous ground-based multisite spectroscopic monitoring of the star unveiled cyclical modulation of its He IIλ4686 wind emission line with the 1.78-d rotation period, showing signatures of corotating interaction regions that turn out to be driven by the bright photospheric spots observed by BRITE. Traces of wind clumps are also observed in the He II λ4686 line and are correlated with the amplitudes of the stochastic component of the light variations probed by BRITE at the photosphere, suggesting that the BRITE observations additionally unveiled the photospheric drivers of wind clumps in ζ Pup and that the clumping phenomenon starts at the very base of the wind. The origins of both the bright surface inhomogeneities and the stochastic light variations remain unknown, but a subsurface convective zone might play an important role in the generation of these two types of photospheric variability.

Period Change and Stellar Evolution of β Cephei Stars

Neilson, Hilding R., Ignace, Richard 01 December 2015 (has links)
The β Cephei stars represent an important class of massive star pulsators that probe the evolution of B-type stars and the transition from main sequence to hydrogen-shell burning evolution. By understanding β Cep stars, we gain insights into the detailed physics of massive star evolution, including rotational mixing, convective core overshooting, magnetic fields, and stellar winds, all of which play important roles. Similarly, modeling their pulsation provides additional information into their interior structures. Furthermore, measurements of the rate of change of pulsation period offer a direct measure of β Cephei stellar evolution. In this work, we compute state-of-the-art stellar evolution models assuming different amounts of initial rotation and convective core overshoot and measure the theoretical rates of period change, that we compare to rates previously measured for a sample of β Cephei stars. The results of this comparison are mixed. For three stars, the rates are too low to infer any information from stellar evolution models, whereas for three other stars the rates are too high. We infer stellar parameters, such as mass and age, for two β Cephei stars: ξ1 CMa and δ Cet, which agree well with independent measurements. We explore ideas for why models may not predict the higher rates of period change. In particular, period drifts in β Cep stars can artificially lead to overestimated rates of secular period change.

The effects of tidal interactions on the properties and evolution of hot-Jupiter planetary systems

Brown, David John Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Thanks to a range of discovery methods that are sensitive to different regions of parameter space, we now know of over 900 planets in over 700 planetary systems. This large population has allowed exoplanetary scientists to move away from a focus on simple discovery, and towards efforts to study the bigger pictures of planetary system formation and evolution. The interactions between planets and their host stars have proven to be varied in both mechanisms and scope. In particular, tidal interactions seem to affect both the physical and dynamical properties of planetary systems, but characterising the broader implications of this has proven challenging. In this thesis I present work that investigates different aspects of tidal interactions, in order to uncover the scope of their influence of planetary system evolution. I compare two different age calculation methods using a large sample of exoplanet and brown dwarf host stars, and find a tendency for stellar model fitting to supply older age estimates than gyrochronology, the evaluation of a star's age through its rotation (Barnes 2007). Investigating possible sources of this discrepancy suggests that angular momentum exchange through the action of tidal forces might be the cause. I then select two systems from my sample, and investigate the effect of tidal interactions on their planetary orbits and stellar spin using a forward integration scheme. By fitting the resulting evolutionary tracks to the observed eccentricity, semi-major axis and stellar rotation rate, and to the stellar age derived from isochronal fitting, I am able to place constraints on tidal dissipation in these systems. I find that the majority of evolutionary histories consistent with my results imply that the stars have been spun up through tidal interactions as the planets spiral towards their Roche limits. I also consider the influence of tidal interactions on the alignment between planetary orbits and stellar spin, presenting new measurements of the projected spin-orbit alignment angle, λ, for six hot Jupiters. I consider my results in the context of the full ensemble of measurements, and find that they support a previously identified trend in alignment angle with tidal timescale, implying that tidal realignment might be responsible for patterns observed in the λ distribution.

Evolution et habitabilité de systèmes planétaires autour d’étoiles de faible masse et de naines brunes / Evolution and habitability of planetary systems orbiting low mass stars and brown dwarfs

Bolmont, Emeline 13 November 2013 (has links)
La découverte de plus de 900 planètes autour d’autres étoiles que le Soleil rend notre époque excitante. Ces systèmes planétaires nous ont fait changer notre perception du monde qui était jusqu’alors basée sur nos connaissances du système solaire. Certains systèmes détectés sont beaucoup plus compacts que notre système solaire et les planètes se trouvent extrêmement proches de leur étoile. Pour comprendre la structure de ces systèmes et leur évolution, il est important d’étudier les effets de marée.Les missions d’observations des exoplanètes commencent à détecter des planètes de moins en moins massives dans la zone autour d’une étoile appelée zone habitable. La zone habitable est définie comme la plage de distances orbitales pour laquelle une planète ayant une atmosphère peut avoir de l’eau liquide à sa surface. L’étude du climat des exoplanètes, étant donné un flux et un spectre stellaire, est importante pour la caractérisation de l’atmosphère de ces exoplanètes (que JWST sera en mesure de faire).Dans cette thèse, ces problématiques d’évolution dynamique de systèmes planétaires et de climats de planètes sont développées pour le cas de systèmes planétaires orbitant des naines brunes et des étoiles de faible masse dans le but futur de contraindre des paramètres des modèles de marée ou des observations. Dans un premier temps, j’ai traité le cas de l’évolution par effet de marée d’une planète orbitant une naine brune, une naine M ou une étoile de type solaire dont l’évolution du rayon est prise en compte. L’objectif était d’étudier l’influence de la contraction de l’étoile (ou naine brune) sur l’évolution orbitale des planètes. Dans un deuxième temps, j’ai cherché à étudier l’influence des effets de marée sur l’évolution dynamique d’un système multiplanétaire orbitant une naine brune, une naine M ou une étoile de type solaire dont l’évolution du rayon est aussi prise en compte.Ces deux projets permettent d’aborder le problème de l’habitabilité des planètes au- tour de ces objets, en particulier autour des naines brunes qui refroidissent avec le temps. En effet, une planète se trouvant dans la zone habitable d’une naine brune se situe suffisamment proche de la naine brune pour ressentir l’influence des effets de marée. Ainsi, des paramètres importants pour l’étude des climats sont en partie déterminés par les effets de marée – paramètres comme l’excentricité et l’obliquité entre autres. Dans cette thèse, cette problématique est succinctement abordée en vue d’une poursuite en post-doctorat. / The discovery of more than 900 planets orbiting other stars than our Sun makes this period very exciting. Our knowledge which was based on the Solar System has been challenged by new planetary systems which are very different from our system. Some of them are much more compact than the Solar System. Some planets are located extremely close-in from their star, within the orbital distance of Mercury, in a region where tidal effects are important. Understanding the structure of the known exoplanetary systems and the future ones requires to take into account the physics of tidal evolution.The missions dedicated to the finding of exoplanets are beginning to detect less massive planets in the habitable zone of their host star. The habitable zone is here defined as the range of orbital distances where a planet with an atmosphere can sustain liquid water at its surface. The study of the climate of exoplanets, given a stellar flux and spectra, is important for the characterization of planetary atmosphere – which JWST will make possible.This thesis provides a study of the dynamical and tidal evolution of planetary systems orbiting evolving brown dwarfs and low mass stars in order to constrain some tidal parameters and in the case of planets around brown dwarfs put some constrains on observability. First, I studied the tidal evolution of single-planet systems orbiting a brown dwarf, a M-dwarf or a Sun-like star whose radius evolution is taken into account. The aim of this study was to study the influence of the contraction of the brown dwarf or star on the orbital evolution of the planets. Second, I endeavored to study the tidal evolution of multiple-planet systems orbiting a brown dwarf, a M-dwarf or a Sun-like star whose radius evolution is also taken into account.These two projects allow me to study the question of the habitability of planets orbiting those objects, in particular orbiting brown dwarfs which are known to cool down with time. A planet orbiting a brown dwarf in its habitable zone is sufficiently close to the brown dwarf to feel tidal effects. So parameters such as the eccentricity or obliquity, which are important for the climate are partially determined by tides. In this thesis, this question is briefly addressed but will be deepened in a future post-doc.

Investigation of variable Ap Stars in TESS continuous viewing zone

Papakonstantinou, Nikolaos January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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