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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling and Multi-Dimensional Analysis of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell / Modélisation et analyse multidimensionnelle d'une pile à combustible à Membrane échangeuse de proton

Zhou, Daming 28 September 2017 (has links)
Un des freins à la commercialisation de masse de la pile à combustible et notamment de la technologie à membrane échangeuse de proton vient de sa faible durée de vie due à la difficulté de contrôler le système sous certaines conditions. Pour pallier à ce problème, l’élaboration d’un modèle mathématique précis de la pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons permettant d’observer les variables internes et l'état de la pile à combustible au cours de son fonctionnement permettrait le développement de la stratégie de contrôle du système.Cette thèse propose d’élaborer un modèle dynamique multi-physique complet pour la pile à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons. Le modèle proposé couvre les domaines multi-physiques pour les caractéristiques électriques, fluidiques et thermiques. Dans ces deux derniers domaines, les phénomènes transitoires sont notamment pris en compte dans le modèle proposé, tels que les comportements dynamiques de la teneur en eau de la membrane de la pile et la température. Par conséquent, ce modèle peut être utilisé pour analyser les effets de couplage des variables dynamiques entre différents domaines physiques.Grace à ce modèle ainsi définit, un second modèle multi-physique bidimensionnel plus détaillé est également présenté. Le modèle proposé couvre les domaines électriques et fluidiques avec une approche de modélisation 2-D innovante. Les distributions spatiales de quantité physique dans le domaine électrique peuvent ainsi être obtenues. Par conséquent, ce modèle 2-D PEMFC peut être utilisé pour étudier les influences des paramètres de modélisation sur la prédiction de performance multidimensionnelle locale. Une étude expérimentale est effectuée pour valider le modèle 2-D proposé avec une pile commerciale PEMFC Ballard NEXA de 1,2 kW.Dans un second chapitre, une analyse des phénomènes dynamiques est réalisée en fonction du modèle dynamique multidisciplinaire développé en s’appuyant sur la méthode RGA (gain relatif) pour diverses variables d'entrée de contrôle, afin d'analyser quantitativement les effets de couplage dans différents domaines physiques. L’étude s’intéresse entre autre aux interactions de la teneur en eau et de la température de la membrane. L'analyse de couplage présentée dans cette thèse peut aider les ingénieurs à concevoir et à optimiser les stratégies de contrôle des piles à combustible, en particulier pour la gestion de l'eau et de la chaleur dans les systèmes de piles à combustible.Une deuxième analyse portant sur la sensibilité aux paramètres de l'étude est effectuée sur la base du modèle multidisciplinaire bidimensionnel développé. Ces résultats d'analyse de sensibilité globale fournissent des informations utiles pour la compréhension de la dégradation, le réglage des paramètres et la simplification du modèle des piles à combustible.Dans un troisième temps, le modèle proposé se décline dans un algorithme de résolution mathématique en temps réel basé sur un algorithme de matrice tri diagonal efficace (TDMA). Les résultats expérimentaux démontrent les possibilités pratiques du modèle 2-D proposé pour le contrôle en temps réel avancé des systèmes de pile à combustible avec un temps de calcul de la boucle de contrôle de l'ordre de la milliseconde. Le temps d'exécution du modèle peut être quadruplé par rapport aux algorithme séquentiels présent dans la littérature; garantissant ainsi des décisions et des actions de contrôle rapide. / Before mass commercialization of proton exchange membrane fuel cell, the research on the design of appropriate control strategies and auxiliaries need to be done for achieving proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) optimal working modes. An accurate mathematical PEMFC model can be used to observe the internal variables and state of fuel cell during its operation, and could further greatly help the system control strategy development.A comprehensive multi-physical dynamic model for PEMFC is developed in chapter I. The proposed model covers multi-physical domains for electric, fluidic and thermal features. Particularly, the transient phenomena in both fluidic and thermal domain are simultaneously considered in the proposed model, such as the dynamic behaviors of fuel cell membrane water content and temperature. Therefore, this model can be used to analyze the coupling effects of dynamic variables among different physical domains.Based on the developed multi-physical PEMFC model, a full two-dimensional multi-physical model is further presented. The proposed model covers electrical and fluidic domains with an innovative 2-D modeling approach. In order to accurately describe the characteristics of reactant gas convection in the channels and diffusion through the gas diffusion layer, the gas pressure drop in the serpentine pipeline is comprehensively analyzed by fully taking the geometric form of flow field into consideration, such as the reactant gas pressure drop due to the pipeline sharp and U-bends. Based on the developed 2-D fluidic domain modeling results, spatial physical quantity distributions in electrical domain can be further obtained. Therefore, this 2-D PEMFC model can be use to study the influences of modeling parameters on the local multi-dimensional performance prediction. The simulation and experimental test are then performed to validate the proposed 2-D model with a commercial Ballard NEXA 1.2 kW PEMFC stack.In chapter II, analyses of dynamic phenomena step responses are conducted based on the developed multi-physical dynamic PEMFC model using the relative gain array (RGA) method for various control input variables, in order to quantitatively analyze the coupling effects in different physical domains, such as the interactions of membrane water content and temperature. Based on the calculated values of relative gain array, the proposed model can be considered as a fuel cell MIMO system, which could be divided into two independent control sub-systems by minimizing parameter coupling effects between each other. Due to the closely coupled parameters in the proposed first control sub-system, a decoupling control method is recommended to achieve optimized control results. The coupling analysis presented in this thesis can help engineers to design and optimize the fuel cell control strategies, especially for the water and thermal management in fuel cell systems.

Modélisation multi-physique des batteries à base lithium et application à l'estimation de l'état de charge / Multiphysical lithium-based battery pack modeling

Watrin, Nicolas 14 September 2013 (has links)
L’utilisation de batteries de forte puissance et possédant une énergie élevée devient un passage incontournable dans les transports de demain. Les batteries au lithium, qui étaient utilisées principalement pour des applications mobiles peu consommatrices d’énergie, comme les téléphones ou les ordinateurs, ont trouvées leur place au sein des chaînes de traction.L’arrivée de ces technologies implique une nouvelle façon de concevoir les véhicules, ainsi que la mobilité de manière générale. Mais dans cette approche, les constructeurs automobiles sont faces à de nombreux problèmes. Tout d’abord l’énergie électrique embarquée n’est pas un de leurs principaux corps de métier. Ensuite, cette technologie, bien que maitrisée à l’heure actuelle est encore sujette à quelques flous techniques. Une des principales contraintes des batteries au lithium est qu’il est difficile de connaitre la quantité d’énergie restante au sein de la cellule. Pour un téléphone portable, l’impact est minime, mais pour un véhicule les enjeux sont totalement différents.C’est pour répondre à cette question que SEGULA TECHNOLOGIE AUTOMOTIVE à mis en place une thèse CIFRE en partenariat avec le laboratoire IRTES. L’originalité de ces travaux repose sur l’élaboration d’un modèle multi-physique, thermique et électrique, pour des cellules de forte puissance et de forte énergie. De plus le modèle à la particularité de pouvoir être exporté vers des cellules lithium-ion et lithium-polymère, les deux technologies correspondant le mieux au besoin actuel. Enfin, la précision du modèle lui permet d’être implémenté dans un estimateur d’état de charge temps réel, utilisable au sein des véhicules. Les travaux menés au cours de cette thèse sont récapitulés dans ce mémoire de la manière suivante.Tout d’abord un chapitre introduit les principales caractéristiques de la technologie lithium. Il s’agit dans un premier temps de montrer pourquoi nous avons eu besoin de cette technologie au sein des véhicules, pour ensuite détailler le fonctionnement de ces cellules. Dans le même chapitre, les différentes méthodes permettant la modélisation numérique de ces cellules sont introduites, ainsi que les méthodes d’estimation de leur état de charge.Dans le second chapitre, la modélisation multi-physique est détaillée. Il s’agit ici de comprendre et de modéliser le comportement d’une cellule, en réalisant un modèle numérique équivalent permettant de reproduire les comportements électriques et thermiques. Une fois un nouveau modèle développé et validé expérimentalement, le protocole permettant de déterminer ces paramètres est détaillé. Enfin nous conclurons sur la généralisation du modèle numérique et du protocole pour les batteries lithium-ion de différentes capacités, ainsi que pour les cellules lithium-polymère.Le troisième et dernier chapitre propose un estimateur d’état de charge basé sur le modèle numérique présenté au deuxième chapitre, utilisant un système adaptatif, le filtre de Kalman. Ce filtre réalise l’estimation d’un paramètre non mesurable (l’état de charge) à l’aide de paramètres mesurables (courant, tension, température), et d’un modèle numérique. Ce chapitre présente ainsi l’adaptation du filtre pour une estimation de l’état de charge, mais également l’implémentation du filtre pour des simulations. Après de nombreuses comparaisons en simulation et des validations expérimentales, le chapitre se termine sur l’implémentation du filtre dans une carte électronique de développement, afin de réaliser une estimation d’état de charge en temps réel, et ainsi améliorer la gestion des cellules. / The use of high power and high energy batteries becomes a fixture in the transport of tomorrow. But this technology is new because until then, lithium batteries were used for mobile applications which consume low energy, such as mobile and computers. The arrival of these technologies in vehicles involves a new way of designing vehicles and mobility in general. But in this approach, car makers have many problems. First of all, onboard electrical power is not one of their main trades, then this technology, though mastered is still subject to some fuzzy techniques. The main constraint of lithium batteries is that it is very difficult to know the amount of energy remaining in the cell. For a mobile phone, the impact is low, but for a vehicle the issues are totally different. That to respond to this question that this paper is structured as follows.First chapter introduces the main lines of lithium technology. Firstly it show why we needed this technology in vehicles, and then detail the function of these cells. In the same chapter, different methods for numerical modeling of cells are introduced, and the methods for estimating the state of charge of the cells.In the second chapter, numerical modeling is detailed. This is to understand and model the behavior of a cell, by performing a numerical model to reproduce the equivalent electrical and thermal behavior. In this thesis an equivalent circuit model is proposed, and the protocol for determining the parameters of this model. Chapter finally closes with the generalization of the numerical model and the protocol for lithium batteries modeling, and for different capacities and Lithium-ion and Lithium-polymer cells.The third and final chapter, offers a state estimator based on the numerical model presented in chapter two, and using a Kalman filter. This chapter provides the adaptive filter to estimate the charge state, but also the filter implementation for simulations. After many comparisons in simulation, the chapter ends with the implementation of the filter in a development board to make an estimation of state of charge in real time, thereby improving the management of cells

Design of a Battery State Estimator Using a Dual Extended Kalman Filter

Wahlstrom, Michael January 2010 (has links)
Today's automotive industry is undergoing significant changes in technology due to economic, political and environmental pressures. The shift from conventional internal combustion vehicles to hybrid and plug in hybrid electric vehicles brings with it a new host of technical challenges. As the vehicles become more electrified, and the batteries become larger, there are many difficulties facing the battery integration including both embedded control and supervisory control. A very important aspect of Li-Ion battery integration is the state estimation of the battery. State estimation can include multiple states, however the two most important are the state of charge and state of health of the battery. Determining an accurate state of charge estimation of a battery has been an important part of consumer electronics for years now [1]. In small portable electronics, the state of charge of the battery is used to determine the time remaining on the current battery charge. Although difficult, the estimation is simplified by the relatively low charge and discharge currents (approximately + 3C) of the devices and the non-dynamic duty cycle. Hybrid vehicle battery packs can reach much higher charge and discharge currents (+ 20C) [2]. This higher current combined with a very dynamic duty cycle, large changes in temperature, longer periods without usage and long life requirements make state of charge estimation in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) much more difficult. There have been a host of methods employed by various previous authors. One of the most important factors in state of charge estimation is having an accurate estimation of the actual capacity (depending on state of health) of the battery at any time [3]. Without having an understanding of the state of health of the battery, the state of charge estimation can vary greatly. This paper proposes a state of charge and state of health estimation based on a dual Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Employing an EKF for the state estimation of the battery pack not only allows for enhanced accuracy of the estimation but allows the control engineer to develop vehicle performance criteria based not only on the state of charge estimation, but also the state of health.

Parallel Operation of Battery Power Modules

Ng, Kong-Soon 14 June 2005 (has links)
Operating batteries in parallel is attempted to overcome the problems with conventionally used battery bank, in which batteries are connected in series. The problems and the management with the operation of serial connected batteries are first addressed. The related topics to the parallel configuration are reviewed. Then, the parallel configuration with battery power modules is proposed. The battery power module can be realized with different dc-to-dc converters for different applications. When batteries are charged in parallel, the problem of over-charge can be avoided. With parallel operation, the discharging currents of the batteries are independently controlled but are coordinated to execute a full amount load current. This allows for scheduling the discharging profiles under different operating conditions. As a result, a sophisticated discharging profile can be realized to utilize the available stored energy in batteries. On the other hand, some of the batteries may take rest or be isolated from the system for the detections at a time. This facilitates the estimations of the state of charge (SOC) and the state of health (SOH). Moreover, the completely exhausted or damaged batteries can be isolated from the battery power supply bank without interrupting the system operation. Experiments are carried out on battery power modules with lead-acid batteries incorporating with associated buck-boost converters. The experimental results demonstrate that a more efficient utilization of battery energy can be achieved. On the other hand, a more reasonable management can be done with simple estimation methods of the SOC and the SOH.

An Enhanced State-of-Charge and State-of-Health Estimation Method Based on Ampere-Hour Counting for Lead-Acid Batteries

Huang, Yao-Feng 12 August 2008 (has links)
This thesis proposes an enhanced ampere-hour counting method based on the depth-of-discharge (DOD) to estimate the state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-health (SOH) for lead-acid batteries. Not only the losses at different discharging currents, but also the releasable capacity at the exhausted state caused by the larger discharging current are considered and compensated. Furthermore, the SOH is revaluated at the exhausted state by the maximum releasable capacity, consequently leading to more accurate SOC estimation. Through the experiments that emulate practical operations, the experimental results reveal that the maximum error is less than 6 %.

Configuration and Operation of Battery Power Modules

NG, Kong-Soon 23 July 2009 (has links)
A novel battery power system configured by the battery power modules (BPMs) is proposed. Each BPM consists of a single battery pack or a battery bank equipped with an associated DC/DC converter. The output ports of BPMs can be connected in series for the high voltage applications, or in parallel to cope with a higher power or energy. For a large scale battery power system, a number of BPMs can be arrayed with combination of series and parallel connections to meet the load requirements. These all configurations allow the BPMs be operated individually. Consequently, the discharging currents of the batteries can be independently controlled, but coordinated to provide a full amount of the load current. The performances of BPMs connected in both parallel and series at outputs are analyzed theoretically and discussed from the experimental results. Batteries operating independently do not suffer from charge imbalance, and thus can avoid being over-charged or over-discharged, so that the life cycle can be prolonged. Furthermore, sophisticated discharging profiles such as intermittent currents can be realized to equalize the charges and thus to efficiently utilize the available stored energy in batteries. During the operation period, some of the batteries may take rest or be isolated from the system for the open-circuit measurement, facilitating the estimation of the state-of-charge (SOC) and the evaluation of the state-of-health (SOH). With the benefit of independent operation, the BPMs can be discharged with a scheduled current profile, such as intermittent discharging. The investigation results show that the average current plays the most important role in current discharging. By detecting the battery voltage at the break time, an SOC estimation method based on the dynamically changed open-circuit voltage exhibits an acceptable accuracy in a shorter time with considerations of the previous charging/discharging currents and the depth-of- discharge (DOD). In addition, the coulomb counting method can be enhanced by evaluating the SOH at the exhausted and fully charged states, which can be intended on the independently operated BPMs. Through the experiments that emulate practical operations, the SOC estimation methods are verified on lead-acid batteries and lithium-ion batteries to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy.

Onboard Impedance Diagnostics Method of Li-ion Traction Batteries using Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence

Savvidis, Charalampos, Geng, Zeyang January 2015 (has links)
Environmental and economic reasons have lead automotive companies towards the direction of EVs and HEVs. Stricter emission legislations along with the consumer needs for more cost-efficient and environmental friendly vehicles have increased immensely the amount of hybrid and electric vehicles available in the market. It is essential though for Li-ion batteries, the main propulsion force of EVs and HEVs, to be able to read the battery characteristics in a high accuracy manner, predict life expectancy and behaviour and act accordingly. The following thesis constitutes a concept study of a battery diagnostics method. The method is based on the notion of a pseudo-random binary signal used as the current input and from its voltage response, the impedance is used for the estimation of parameters such as the state of charge and more. The feasibility of the PRBS method at a battery cell has been examined through various tests, both in an experimental manner at the lab but also in a simulation manner. The method is compared for validation against the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method which is being used as a reference. For both the experimental and the simulation examinations, the PRBS method has been validated and proven to work. No matter the change in the parameters of the system, the method behaves in a similar manner as in the reference EIS method. The level of detail in the research and the performed experiments is what makes the significance of the results of high importance. The method in all ways has been proven to work in the concept study and based on the findings, if implemented on an EV’s or HEV’s electric drive line and the same functionality is observed, be used as a diagnostics method of the battery of the vehicle.

Design of a Battery State Estimator Using a Dual Extended Kalman Filter

Wahlstrom, Michael January 2010 (has links)
Today's automotive industry is undergoing significant changes in technology due to economic, political and environmental pressures. The shift from conventional internal combustion vehicles to hybrid and plug in hybrid electric vehicles brings with it a new host of technical challenges. As the vehicles become more electrified, and the batteries become larger, there are many difficulties facing the battery integration including both embedded control and supervisory control. A very important aspect of Li-Ion battery integration is the state estimation of the battery. State estimation can include multiple states, however the two most important are the state of charge and state of health of the battery. Determining an accurate state of charge estimation of a battery has been an important part of consumer electronics for years now [1]. In small portable electronics, the state of charge of the battery is used to determine the time remaining on the current battery charge. Although difficult, the estimation is simplified by the relatively low charge and discharge currents (approximately + 3C) of the devices and the non-dynamic duty cycle. Hybrid vehicle battery packs can reach much higher charge and discharge currents (+ 20C) [2]. This higher current combined with a very dynamic duty cycle, large changes in temperature, longer periods without usage and long life requirements make state of charge estimation in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) much more difficult. There have been a host of methods employed by various previous authors. One of the most important factors in state of charge estimation is having an accurate estimation of the actual capacity (depending on state of health) of the battery at any time [3]. Without having an understanding of the state of health of the battery, the state of charge estimation can vary greatly. This paper proposes a state of charge and state of health estimation based on a dual Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Employing an EKF for the state estimation of the battery pack not only allows for enhanced accuracy of the estimation but allows the control engineer to develop vehicle performance criteria based not only on the state of charge estimation, but also the state of health.

Avaliação do estado de carga de baterias chumbo-acidas por espectroscopia de impedancia eletroquimica / Evaluation of lead-acid batteries state-of-charge by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

Silva, Jose Rocha Andrade da 27 October 2000 (has links)
Orientador: Celia Marina de Alvarenga Freire / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-28T23:57:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_JoseRochaAndradeda_M.pdf: 3642803 bytes, checksum: e91a23ef6d38a032df085e07b32843f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2000 / Resumo: Os acumuladores de energia estacionários devem ser periodicamente avaliados quanto à sua capacidade de carga, visando assegurar que sua energia acumulada poderá ser prontamente utilizada, quando das falhas do sistema de alimentação convencional. Normalmente, essas avaliações são realizadas através dos testes de capacidade, que apresentam como principais desvantagens, o fato do banco de baterias permanecer indisponível, durante a realização do teste, e o desperdício da energia acumulada nas baterias. Neste trabalho á avaliada a potencialidade do método de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica como ferramenta na determinação do estado-de-carga de baterias chumbo-ácidas, através da análise das relações dos seus parâmetros eletroquímicos e sua quantidade de carga armazenada / Abstract: Stationary lead-acid batteries must have their charge capacity periodically evaluated in order to assure that they are ready to supply energy during conventional supplier faults. Normally, these evaluations are conduct by capacity tests, which present these main disadvantages: batteries remain unavailable while tests are conducted and total energy accumulated in batteries is dissipate during the tests. In this work electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is evaluated as a tool to assess the lead., acid batteries¿ state-of-charge, by analysing the co-relations between battery electrochemical parameters and its stored energy / Mestrado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Zkoumání vlivu přítlaku na životnost olověných akumulátorů pro hybridní elektrická vozidla. / Investigation pressure effect on lead-acid accumulator lifetime for hybrid electric vehicles.

Kulhány, Andrej January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on remitting lead-acid segments of partial charge mode which simulates the conditions in HEV. The experimental cells were submitted to different pressures on the electrode system. The main aim of the thesis was to minimize the irreversible sulphating of the negative electrodes, which are in the PSoC regime limiting in the overall life of lead-acid accumulators. All cells were submitted to measurement of the negative electrode potentials, resistance of active materials, contact resistance of the grid – the active material and measurements of pressure changes during three PSoC cycles.

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