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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uloga histeroskopije u tretmanu infertiliteta postupcima vantelesne oplodnje / The role of hysteroscopy in the treatment of infertility by in vitro fertilisation

Milatović Stevan 17 October 2017 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Infertilitet pogađa 10-15% parova reproduktivnog doba. Vanetesna oplodnja (VTO) je najefikasniji vid tret-mana infertiliteta, ali uprkos značajnom napretku stopa uspeha VTO u proseku iznosi oko 30% po ciklusu. Glavnim razlogom neuspeha smatra se neadekvatan kvalitet embriona, dok se pretpostavlja da u 10-20% slučajeva razlog neuspeha leži u neadekvatnoj receptivnosti uterusa. Na osnovu inicijalnih istraživanja histeroskopija, koja predstvalja zlatni standard u dijagnostici i tretmanu patologije kavuma uterusa, se često izvodi u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi kako bi se povećala uspe&scaron;nost VTO. Uprkos &scaron;irokoj primeni i dalje ne postoji dovoljno kvalitetnih dokaza o realnoj ulozi histeroskopije na ishod VTO kako kod patolo&scaron;kih stanja kavuma tako i rutinski, pre prvog ili rekurentnog poku&scaron;aja VTO. Cilj disertacije bio je da se utvrdi uticaj sprovođenja histeroskopije na ishod VTO, ustanovi učestalost prethodno neprepoznate patologije kavuma uterusa, kao i da se ispitaju stavovi pacijenata o primeni rutinske histeroskopije pred VTO. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Kliničkom centru Vojvodine, u formi prospektivne studije u dve sukcesivne etape od 01.01.2015. do 01.04.2017. U prvoj etapi poređen je ishod VTO kod pacijentkinja kojima pred postupak VTO nije sprovedena histeroskopija (Grupa A), pacijentkinja kod kojih je dobijen uredan nalaz histeroskopije pred postupak VTO (Grupa B) i pacijentkinja gde je pred postupak VTO dobijen patolo&scaron;ki nalaz kavuma na histeroskopiji koji je u istom aktu tertian (Grupa C). Druga etapa istraživanja predstavljala je randomiziranu kontrolisanu studiju (RCT &ndash; randomised controlled trial). Nakon verifikacije urednog ultrazvučnog nalaza pred prvi postupak VTO, pacijentkinje su randomizirane u Grupu A2 kojima pred postupak VTO nije sprovedena histeroskopija i Grupu B2 kojima je pred postupak VTO sprovedena rutinska histeroskopija. Statistička analiza sprovedena je upotrebom odgovarajućeg softvera (JMP Ver. 9). Poređeni su podaci o osnovnim karakteristikama pacijenata, toka i ishoda ciklusa VTO. Primarni parametar ishoda bila je stopa kliničke trudnoće po embriotransferu. Pored analize ishoda primarno konstruisanih grupa, urađena je analiza i naknadno konstruisanih subgrupa, kao i predikcioni model uspeha VTO baziran na logističkoj regresiji. Rezultati: Studija je uključila 253 pacijentkinje (52 pacijentkinja iz Grupe A, 50 iz Grupe B, 50 iz Grupe C, 51 iz Grupe A2 i 50 iz Grupe B2). Nije postojala statistički značajna razlika u karakteristikama pacijentkinja, parametrima ovarijalne rezerve, broju dobijenih jajnih ćelija ni drugim parametrima toka postupka VTO među posmatranim grupama. U prvoj etapi istraživanja dobijena je statistički značajno (p=0,013) veća stopa kliničkih trudnoća kod pacijentkinja kojima je pred postupak VTO sprovedena histeroskopija - 50 % za Grupu B i 42% za grupu C u odnosu na 30,77% kod pacijentkinja bez histeroskopije (Grupa A), bez statistički značajne razlike među histeroskopskim grupama. U drugoj etapi istraživanja stopa kliničkih trudnoća prilikom upotrebe rutinske histeroskopije pred prvu VTO (Grupa B2) iznosila je 46% naspram 31,37% kod pacijentkinja bez histeroskopije pred prvu VTO (Grupa A2), iako uočena razlika nije dostigla statističku značajnost (p =0,089), uz relativan rizik (RR) za ostvarivanje kliničke trudnoće nakon primene histeoskopije uiznosio od 1,47 (95% CI 0,88-2,43) (p=0,13). Analizon subgrupa kod 100 pacijentkinja sa rutinski sprovedenom histeroskopijom pred VTO i 103 pacijentkinje bez histeroskopije pred VTO, dobijena je statistički značajnao veća stopa kliničkih trudnoća (48% naspram 31,07%, istim redom), uz RR od 1,54 (95% CI 1,08-2,20) (p=0,013), kao i stopa tekućih trudnoća od RR 1,49 (CI 1,01-2,19) (p= 0,039). Analiza ukupnog uticaja izvođenja histeroskopije pred VTO dobila je statistički značanjno veću stopu kliničkih trudnoća po ET za grupu histeroskopije uz RR 1,48 (CI 1,06-2,07) (p=0,017). Histeroskopijom je nakon urednog ultrazvučnog nalaza ustanovljeno postojanje patolo&scaron;kog nalaza kod 34,65% pacijenata i to 22,7% major patologije i 11,88% minor patologije kavuma. Nije postojala statistički značajna razlika u uspehu VTO u odnosu na sam nalaz histeroskopije. 98,67% pacijenata podržalo je rutinsku upotrebu histeroskopije pred prvi postupak VTO, dok je 83% pacijenata podržavlo rutinsku upotrebu histeroskopije pred svaki postupak VTO. U finalnom predikcionom modelu se uz AUC od 0,748 jedino postojanje visokokvalitetnog embriona uz odnos &scaron;ansi (OR) 7,91 (95% CI 1,80-56,06; p=0,0047), transfer blastociste uz OR 3,80 (95% CI 1,90-7,98; p=0,0001) i izvođenje histeroskopije pred VTO uz OR 2,13 (95% CI 1,14-4,08, p=0,0169) pokazalo statistički značajnim prediktorima trudnoće. Diskusija: Studija je dobila pozitivan uticaj histeroskopije na ishod postupka VTO, iskazan pre svega povećanjem stope kliničkih trudnoća nakon sprovođenja histeroskopije (bilo da je na histeroskopiji nađen uredan ili patolo&scaron;ki nalaz). Dodatna prednost histeroskopije predstavljala je i i detekcija prethodno nepropoznate patologije kavuma. Umeren efekat na ukupno pobolj&scaron;anje stope kliničkih trudnoća prilikom rutinskog sprovođenja histeroskopije pred prvu VTO, koji je statističku značajnost dostigao tek analizom subgrupa u skladu je sa nalazima novijih dobro dizajniranih studija koji donekle limitiraju nekritičku upotrebu histeroskopije. Biolo&scaron;ko obja&scaron;njenje potencijalnog pozitivnog uticaja histeroskopije najverovatnije leži u detekciji i tretmanu prethodno nepropoznate patologije kavuma, olak&scaron;avanju procedure embriotransfera, kao i humoralnim i molekularnim promenama koje nastaju u endometrijumu kao posledica odgovarajuće histeroskopske traume a koji su u dosa&scaron;anjim istraživanjima apostrofirani kao faktori koji mogu povećati receptivnost uterusa. Zaključak: Histeroskopija je efikasna, bezbedna i visoko prihvatljiva procedura koja dovodi do povećanja uspeha VTO u standardnim kliničkim indikacijama (prethodnog neuspelog postupka VTO i sumnje na patolo&scaron;ki nalaz kavuma uterusa) bilo da se na samoj histeroskopiji nađe uredan ili patolo&scaron;ki nalaz. Rutinska primena histeroskopije pred prvi postupak VTO se na osnovu rezultata studije ne može smatrati apsolutno opravdanom usled statistički nedovoljno značajnog povećanja stope kliničke trudnoće. Uzev&scaron;i u obzir visoku prihvatljivost od strane pacijenata i najverovatniji pozitivan efekat na stopu trudnoće primena rutinske histeroskopije pred prvu VTO bila bi opravdana ukoliko se implementira koncept ambulantne histeroskopije.</p> / <p>Introduction: Infertility affects 10-15% of all couples. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is the most effective method of infertility treatment, but despite a significant improvement, success rate of IVF is still around 30% per cycle. The main reason for the IVF failure is inadequate embryo quality, but in 10-20% of cases the cause of IVF failure lies in impaired uterine receptivity. Based on earlier studies hysteroscopy, gold standard in the diagnosis and treatment of uterine cavity pathology, is often performed to increase IVF success. Despite its wide use, there is lack of high quality evidence regarding real contribution of hysteroscopy on IVF outcome in situations of uterine cavity pathology or routinely prior to first IVF or after recurrent implantation failure. The aim of this dissertation was to determine the influence of performing hysteroscopy on IVF outcome, as well as the incidence of previously unrecognized uterine pathology, and to examine patient&#39;s attitudes about performing routine hysteroscopy prior to IVF. Material and methods: The research was conducted in a prospective manner in two successive stages at Clinical Center of Vojvodina from 01.01.2015. until 01.04.2017. During first stage of the study IVF outcome was compared between patients who did not have a hysteroscopy prior to IVF (group A), patients with normal hysteroscopic finding prior to the IVF (Group B) and patients with abnormal hysteroscopic findings prior to IVF which was treated at the same time (Group C). The second stage of the study was a randomized controlled trial (RCT). After verification of normal ultrasound findings prior to the first IVF, patients were randomized to group A2 in who me hysteroscopy was not performed and group B2 who had routine hysteroscopy prior to first IVF. Statistical analysis was carried out using the appropriate statistical software (JMP Ver. 9). Patient characteristics, course and outcome of IVF cycle were compared between groups. The primary outcome was clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) per embryotransfer. In addition to analyzing the IVF outcomes in primarily defined groups, subgroup analysis was also performed, as well as IVF success pre-diction model based on logistic regression. Results: The study included 253 patients (52 patients in Group A, 50 in Group B, 50 in Group C, 51 in Group A2 and 50 in Group B2). There was no statistically significant difference in patient characteristics, ovarian reserve parameters, number of retrieved oocytes, or other relevant parameters of IVF course between the observed groups. In the first stage of the study there was statistically significant (p = 0.013) higher clinical pregnancy rate in patients who had a hysteroscopy before IVF - 50% for Group B and 42% for group C versus 30,77 % in patients without hysteroscopy before IVF (Group A), without statistically significant difference between hysteroscopic groups. In the second stage of the study, routine hysteroscopy prior to first IVF (Group B2) led to clinical pregnancy rate 46% versus 31.37% in patients without hysteroscopy prior to first IVF (Group A2), although without statistical significance (p = 0.089. Relative risk (RR) for achieving clinical pregnancy after performing hysteroscopy was 1.47 (95% CI 0.88-2.43) (p = 0.13). Subgroup analysis of 100 patients with routinely performed hysteroscopy before IVF and 103 patients without hysteroscopy prior to the IVF showed statistically significant higher rates of clinical pregnancies (48% versus 31.07%, in the same order), with RR of 1.54 (95% CI 1.08-2.20), (p = 0.013), and for ongoing pregnancies RR was 1.49 (95% CI 1.01-2.19) (p = 0.039). Overall effect of performing hysteroscopy prior to IVF resulted in a statistically significant increase in the clinical pregnancy with RR 1.48 (95% CI 1.06-2.07) (p = 0.017). After normal ultrasound finding hysteroscopy revealed 34.65% of pathological finding, 22.7% of major and 11.88% of minor pathology of the cavity). There was no statistically significant difference in IVF outcome based on hysteroscopy findings. 98.67% of patients supported the routine use of hysteroscopy before the first IVF procedure, while 83% of patients supported the routine use of the hysteroscopy before every IVF procedure. In the final prediction model, with the AUC of 0.748, only the presence of high quality embryos with odds ratio (OR) 7,91 (95% CI 1,80-56,06; p=0,0047), blastocyst transfer with OR 3,80 (95% CI 1,90-7,98; p=0,0001) and performing hysteroscopy prior to IVF with OR 2,13 (95% CI 1,14-4,08, p=0,0169) proved to be statistically significant predictors of pregnancy. Discussion: The study shoved a positive influence of hysteroscopy on the IVF outcome by increasing clinical pregnancy rate after performing hysteroscopy (whether hysteroscopy revealed normal or pathological finding). Additional benefit of hysteroscopy was detection of previously unrecognized uterine pathology. A moderate effect on the overall improvement in clinical pregnancy rate with use of routine hysteroscopy, which reached statistical significance only by subgroup analysis, is in line with findings of recent well designed studies that somewhat limit the noncritical use of hysteroscopy. A biological explanation of the potential positive effect of hysteroscopy is most likely due to detection and treatment of the previously unrecognized uterine pathology, facilitating embryotransfer procedure, as well as the humoral and molecular changes that occur in the endometrium as a consequence of the hysteroscopic trauma. Those changes were hypothesized as factors that can increase uterine receptivity by numerous research. Conclusion: Hysteroscopy is an effective, safe and highly acceptable procedure that increases IVF success when performed for accepted clinical indications (previous IVF failures, pathological findings of uterine cavity), whether hysteroscopy reveals normal or pathological finding. The routine use of hysteroscopy prior to first IVF based on this study can not be considered justified since increase in clinical pregnancy rate did not reach statistical significance. Given the high acceptance of this concept by the patients and moderate but probable positive effect on IVF outcome, implementation of routine hysteroscopy prior to first VTO would be justified only in office hysteroscopy setting.</p>

Sociální status podmíněný prací / The Social Status Conditioned by Work

ŠPIČKOVÁ, Hana January 2012 (has links)
From the sociological research realized in last years we can learn many interesting facts. We can find out what are currently the prestigious profession and what are not, what is the socio- economic status of individuals, what is the subjective social distance to the profession and many interesting research focused on the profession, prestige of the profession and social status. Sociological research take account of the objective viewpoint and on the subjective viewpoint regarding to the demographic and economic situation in the society. Some of the named sociological researches were compared with the results of this work that was interested in the subjective perception of respondent´s social status, and how risky profession affects their health. My diploma thesis is divided into three parts. The main themes are: the company, work and state of health. The first part of the theory is focused on the concept society based on other concepts important for this thesis. The second part focuses on the theory of professions working sample of respondents to the prestige of their profession and to the international classification of employment. The last is engaged in the concepts of health, illness, health and social determinants of health. The aim of this work was to determine how the respondents perceive their subjective social status, whether the selected structure of employment (education, income, occupational position) affect the social status of the respondent and the effect on the type of profession declared subjective health. The work set up three research questions, which copied the contents of its objectives: ? What is the respondent´s subjective social status? ? Do the chosen structures of employment have any influence on the social status of the respondent? ? Do the exercised profession has any influence on the subjective declarated heslth? Becouse of the set aims, I used the form f qualitative research. To collect data I used research method and its associated questioning research structured interview technique. The research group consisted of eight respondents from the staff of the Czech Police, Fire and Rescue Service of Czech Republic, Ambulance Service and the miners working in uranium mines with differentiation according to age. The work could serve to expand awareness of the different professions working. It may also serve as inspiration for further research.

Problémy sociální spravednosti na pozadí koncepce Johna Rawlse / Social justice issues against backround of John Rawls´conception

KOUBÍKOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
At first, the thesis aims at general definition of {\clq}qjustice``, it presents principles and typology of justice. Next, it explores a historical-social background of these conceptions of justice in an outline of historical eras. The second chapter introduces principles and distribution of property in social reality. The third chapter offers an overview of John Rawls´ conception of justice, which is one of the most important contemporary accounts. The fourth chapter deals with a social justice on an international level and enlarges upon Rawls´ theory discussing questions of global justice posed by other authors.

Krizový management / Crisis Management

Benešová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with definitions of the crisis management (in the general level with the application into a practice - business branch), further problems of correction and solution of the crisis in the organisation. In the hard-headed part there the student suggests the optimal soltution of the crisis in the specific company.

Návrh synchronního reluktančního motoru s permanentními magnety / Design of synchronous reluctance motor with permanent magnets

Knebl, Ladislav January 2017 (has links)
V dnešní době je kladen vysoký nárok na účinnost elektrických zařízení a to jak ze strany provozovatele, tak i legislativy. Nejlepší účinnosti dosahují synchronní motory s permanentními magnety umístěnými na povrchu rotoru (SMPM), se kterými lze i u malých motorů dosáhnout účinnosti nad 90%. Nicméně tyto motory jsou z důvodů použití magnetů ze vzácných zemin, např. NdFeB, drahé a jsou schopny provozu pouze s frekvenčním měničem. Z cenových důvodů jsou hledány levnější alternativy k SMPM motorům. Jedním z typů motorů, kterým lze SMPM nahradit je synchronní reluktanční motor s permanentními magnety (PMASR). Tento motor je cenově výhodnější, protože používá menší množství magnetů, při zachování podobných, mnohdy i lepších vlastností, nicméně neodpadá potřeba použití frekvenčního měniče. Navíc je zde možnost použití levnějších feritových magnetů a tím ještě výrazněji snížit cenu motoru. V této práci bude PMASR topologie popsána důkladněji včetně elektromagnetického návrhu metodou konečných prvků. Bude provedena i mechanická analýza zvoleného optimálního modelu. Výsledky dosažené metodou konečných prvků budou následně porovnány s analytickým modelem. Z navrženého modelu bude vyroben prototyp a naměřené výsledky budou porovnány s výpočty.

Posouzení informačního systému ve firmě a návrhy na jeho zlepšení / Assessing the Information System of a Company and Proposing its Improvement

Krejčíř, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
Information system, methodology B2EPUS, questionnaire, analysis HOS8, analysis SWOT

Statické posouzení stávajícího železobetonového skeletu výrobního objektu / Structural assessment of the existing reinforced-concrete frame structure of the production building

Pražan, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the structural assessment of the existing reinforced concrete frame structure of the production building. The structure under consideration is carried out as a reinforced concrete monolithic frame structure with a discrepancy of 6,15 x 6,15 m (axis). The object has a rectangular plan of 13 x 9 fields. The total dimension is 56 x 81m and is divided into three dilation units on all floors by two inserted 3,65 m wide fields. The building has three above-ground floors and one underground floor. The construction height of the basement is 3,675 m, above ground level 4,0 m. On the west side of the building (axis A) are three reinforced concrete elevator shafts with a dimension of approximately 4,5 x 3,8 m. The envelope and inner partitions are made of bricks full of burned. The work shall include a static assessment of the status quo, a determination of the load capacity and a proposal for appropriate adjustments to ensure static reliability.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional Building

Erlebach, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns static project of chosen parts of load-bearing structure four-storey multifunctional building. It´s frame structural systém locally supported colomns. The thesis suggests floor slab above ground floor including punching, colomn, foundation pad, basement wall, loaded soil and strip foundation. Every element was judged by load-bearing capacity, designed reinforcement and made drawings of reinforcement. Calculation of internal forces is made by finite element method of the program dlubal RFEM.

Rekonstrukce visuté lávky v Kroměříži / Reconstruction of the cable suspended footbridge in Kroměříž

Liška, Jaroslav January 2020 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with the reconstruction design of a footbridge in the city of Kroměříž, Czech Republic. The footbridge would serve as safe transport for pedestrians over the Morava river. The main objective of the thesis is to conceive two or three reconstruction designs. The most suitable one will be opted for and elaborated in more detail. Eventually, strengthening of the bridge by means of additional prestressing using mono-strand post-tensioning systems is picked as the best solution of the planned reconstruction. The monostrand post-tensioning system is led under the deck, the cross section being outside. External cables are anchored in concrete blocks built around existing supports. Load-generated internal forces are calculated on a spatial bar model with non-linear first-order analysis. The calculation is executed using the finite element method in the midas Civil programme. The chosen reconstruction design is then assessed against load capacity limit states, and functionality. Also, the designed reconstruction is assed for dynamic effects. Results are compared with existing structure, and verified against the real-time tensometric measurement-obtained data. Dimensions, assessment of load-bearing structure, and structural details are all made according to valid Eurocodes.

Aplikace systému hospodaření s vozovkou (SHV) na silnicích II. a III. třídy Libereckého kraje / Aplication of

Žůrek, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the pavement management system as a tool for a management and maintenance of the roads in the Liberec region. The aim is to collect road failures within the network pavement management system level on roads of 2nd and 3rd class. The resulting data will be used for evaluate pavement condition and make plans of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation in variants. Furthermore, the thesis deals with individual variants in the process of data evaluation when evaluating their suitability and accuracy. The theoretical part summarises the information needed to understand the functioning of the road management system, as well as a description of the software used to collect and subsequent work with the data. In the practical part are presented results of the thesis and moreover the questions arising from the goals set are answered.

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