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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Columns under Shock Tube Induced Shock Wave Loading

Burrell, Russell P. 19 November 2012 (has links)
It is important to ensure that vulnerable structures (federal and provincial offices, military structures, embassies, etc) are blast resistant to safeguard life and critical infrastructure. In the wake of recent malicious attacks and accidental explosions, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that columns in structures are properly detailed to provide the ductility and continuity necessary to prevent progressive collapse. Research has shown that steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) can enhance many of the properties of concrete, including improved post-cracking tensile capacity, enhanced shear resistance, and increased ductility. The enhanced properties of SFRC make it an ideal candidate for use in the blast resistant design of structures. There is limited research on the behaviour of SFRC under high strain rates, including impact and blast loading, and some of this data is conflicting, with some researchers showing that the additional ductility normally evident in SFRC is absent or reduced at high strain loading. On the other hand, other data indicates that SFRC can improve toughness and energy-absorption capacity under extreme loading conditions. This thesis presents the results of experimental research involving tests of scaled reinforced concrete columns exposed to shock wave induced impulsive loads using the University of Ottawa Shock Tube. A total of 13 half-scale steel fibre reinforced concrete columns, 8 with normal strength steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) and 5 with an ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC), were constructed and tested under simulated blast pressures. The columns were designed according to CSA A23.3 standards for both seismic and non-seismic regions, using various fibre amounts and types. Each column was exposed to similar shock wave loads in order to provide direct comparisons between seismic and non-seismically detailed columns, amount of steel fibres, type of steel fibres, and type of concrete. The dynamic response of the columns tested in the experimental program is predicted by generating dynamic load-deformation resistance functions for SFRC and UHPFRC columns and using single degree of freedom dynamic analysis software, RCBlast. The analytical results are compared to experimental data, and shown to accurately predict the maximum mid-span displacements of the fibre reinforced concrete columns under shock wave loading.

Contribution des fibres de polypropylène et métalliques à l'amélioration du comportement du béton soumis à une température élevée / Contribution of polypropylene and steel fibres in improving the behaviour of concrete subjected to high temperature

Pliya, Bidossessi amen prosper 29 November 2010 (has links)
Le but de ce travail de recherche est d'étudier l'effet de fibres de polypropylène et de fibres métalliques sur le comportement du béton soumis à une température élevée. D'une part, les fibres de polypropylène ont été ajoutées au béton pour améliorer sa stabilité thermique, et d'autre part les fibres métalliques ont été ajoutées au béton pour améliorer ses propriétés mécaniques résiduelles. De nouvelles formulations de béton ont ensuite été définies, en utilisant un cocktail de fibres de polypropylène et métalliques, afin d'améliorer à la fois la stabilité thermique et les propriétés mécaniques résiduelles du béton. Quatre familles de bétons ont été étudiées : - bétons témoins sans fibres, - bétons contenant des fibres de polypropylène, - bétons contenant des fibres métalliques, et – bétons contenant un cocktail de fibres de polypropylène et métalliques. Trois rapports eau/ciment sont utilisés : 0.30, 0.45 et 0.61. Les éprouvettes de béton, issues de ces compositions, ont été soumises à des cycles de chauffage – refroidissement de la température ambiante à une température de consigne de 150°C, 300°C, 450°C et 600 °C. La vitesse de chauffage a été fixée à 1 °C.min-1. Les teneurs en fibres étaient de 0.11, 0.17 ou 0.22 % en proportion volumique pour les fibres de polypropylène et de 0.25, 0.38 ou 0.51 % pour les fibres métalliques. Les proportions volumiques de cocktail de fibres étaient de 0.49, 0.60, 0.62 et 0.73%. La stabilité thermique, les propriétés mécaniques (résistance en compression, résistance en traction, module d'élasticité), la porosité initiale et résiduelle des bétons formulés ont été analysées. La perte de masse des éprouvettes lors des différents chauffages a été aussi mesurée.Cette étude expérimentale aboutit à la formulation de bétons dont à la fois la stabilité à haute température et le comportement mécanique après refroidissement sont améliorés. / The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of polypropylene and steel fibres on the behaviour of concrete subjected to high temperature. Polypropylene fibres were added to the studied concrete mixes in order to improve the concrete thermal stability. Steel fibres were added to the studied concrete mixes in order to improve the concrete residual mechanical properties. News concretes mixes were then designed by adding a cocktail of polypropylene fibres and steel fibres in order to improve both the thermal stability and the residual mechanical properties of the studied concrete. Four groups of concrete mixes were studied: - concretes without fibres, - concretes with polypropylene fibres, - concretes with steel fibres, and - concretes with a cocktail of polypropylene and steel fibres. Three water/cement ratios were used: 0.30, 0.45 and 0.61. The concrete specimens were subjected to various heating – cooling cycles from the room temperature to 150°C, 300°C, 450°C and 600 °C. The heating rate was fixed at 1 °C.min-1. The amounts of fibres in the concrete were 0.11%, 0.17% or 0.22% in volume for polypropylene fibres and 0.25%, 0.38% or 0.51% in volume for steel fibres. The amounts of fibres in concrete with a cocktail of polypropylene and steel fibres were 0.49, 0.60, 0.62 and 0.73%, in volume. The thermal stability, the initial and residual mechanical properties (compressive strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity), the porosity and the mass loss of the studied concrete mixes were investigated.This experimental study shows a way to design a concrete mix in order to improve both the thermal stability and the residual mechanical properties.

Design of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete Bridges : A Comparative Study to Conventional Concrete Bridges

Eriksson, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
The use of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) in the construction industry started in the 1990s and has since then been used for bridges all over the world. The mechanical properties and the dense matrix result in lower material usage and superior durability compared to conventional concrete, but the implementation of UHPFRC in the Swedish industry has been delayed. The most evident explanation, based on interview with industry representatives, as to why UHPFRC is not commonly used in Sweden are due to the lack of standards and knowledge. UHPFRC also has a high cement content and the cement industry contributes with high carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the total CO2 emissions in the world. This MSc Thesis looks into if a UHPFRC bridge is a feasible alternative to a conventional reinforced concrete structure bridge from design and material usage perspectives, regarding reduction of CO2 emissions. The project’s overall goal is to increase the knowledge in Sweden about the material, regarding the production, mechanical properties and behaviour of UHPFRC, and the design, regarding the difference in design between UHPFRC and conventional concrete bridges. To examine the material, a UHPFRC mixture with short straight steel fibres was developed. Specimens were tested to see how the different fibre contents affect the mechanical properties and which fibre content that is most favourable. Three different fibre contents were tested: 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% of the total volume of the mixture. The tested and evaluated mechanical properties were workability, flexural strength, tensile strength, fracture energy, compressive strength and modulus of elasticity. This study does not contain tests of durability of UHPFRC, however trough the literature review it was investigated to what extent the fibres affect the durability. It was concluded that an increase in fibre content results in improved mechanical properties, except for workability and in some cases when using a fibre content of 2.5%. The increase in the mechanical properties is due to the increased cracking resistance and the bond strength between the fibres and the matrix. The decrease in the mechanical properties, e.g. characteristic tensile strength and compressive strength of cylinders, for 2.5% in fibre content can be due to uneven fibre distribution and higher amount of air in the specimens which result in less strength. It was concluded that 2.0% in fibre content is most favourable. It was possible to conclude that the degradation of the fibres takes a long time, however not to what extent the fibres will affect the durability. To evaluate if UHPFRC is a viable economical and environmental alternative to regular concrete bridges, three cases of bridge design are considered. Two cases with UHPFRC (different thickness) and one case with conventional concrete. Up to 2017 only technical guidelines and recommendations for design with UHPFRC existed, but in 2017 the first approved standards in the world were published. The French national standards cover material (NF P18-470, 2016) and design (NF P18-710, 2016) and were used for the design process. The material usage regarding the amount of reinforced UHPFRC/concrete and steel reinforcement as well as the amount of CO2 emissions from the production of cement and steel (fibre and steel reinforcement) used for the bridges in the mid-span and at the support were investigated. The design process was also evaluated. It was concluded that the UHPFRC bridge with an optimized thickness was 47% lighter than the conventional concrete bridge, but the amount of CO2 emissions was still higher (e.g. 23% from the support). To be able to determine if a UHPFRC bridge is a feasible alternative to a conventional concrete bridge, with regards to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the CO2 emissions have to be observed in a wider perspective than only from the production of cement and steel, e.g. fewer transports and longer lifetime. / Användningen av ultrahögpresterande fiberbetong (UHPFRC) i anläggningsindustrin började på 1990-talet och har sedan dess använts till broar i hela världen. De mekaniska egenskaperna och den täta UHPFRC matrisen resulterar i lägre materialanvändning och bättre beständighet i jämförelse med konventionell betong, men användningen av UHPFRC har inte slagit igenom i den svenska industrin. De största förklaringarna till varför UHPFRC sällan används i Sverige är för att det inte har funnits kunskap och standarder. UHPFRC har också en hög cementhalt och cementindustrin bidrar med höga koldioxid (CO2) utsläpp till de totala CO2 utsläppen i världen. Den här masteruppsatsen skrevs för att undersöka om en UHPFRC bro är ett möjligt alternativ till en konventionell betongbro ur dimensionering- och materialanvändningssynpunkt med avseende på reduktion av CO2 utsläpp. Projektets övergripande mål är att öka kunskapen om materialet, med avseende på tillverkningen, de mekaniska egenskaperna och beteendet av UHPFRC, och dimensionering, med avseende på skillnaden i dimensionering mellan UHPFRC broar och konventionella betongbroar. I materialdelen utvecklades ett UHPFRC recept med korta raka stålfibrer. Provkroppar testades för att se hur olika fiberinnehåll påverkade de mekaniska egenskaperna och vilket fiberinnehåll som var mest gynnsamt. Tre olika fiberinnehåll testades: 1.5%, 2.0% och 2.5% av total volym av blandningen. De mekaniska egenskaperna som testades och utvärderades var bearbetbarheten, böjhållfasthet, draghållfasthet, fraktur energi, tryckhållfasthet och elasticitetsmodul. Beständigheten av UHPFRC testades aldrig men i vilken omfattning fibrerna påverkar beständigheten undersöktes i den litteraturstudie som skrevs inför testerna och tillverkningen av UHPFRC. Det konstaterades att en ökning i fiberinnehåll resulterade i en ökning av de mekaniska egenskaperna, förutom för bearbetbarheten och i vissa fall när ett fiberinnehåll av 2.5% användes. Ökningen av de mekaniska egenskaperna berodde på det ökande sprickmotståndet och bindningsstyrka mellan fibrerna och matrisen. Minskningen av de mekaniska egenskaperna, till exempel den karakteristiska drag- och tryckhållfastheten, när ett fiberinnehåll på 2.5% i cylindrar användes kan bero på ojämn fiberfördelning och större mängd luft i provkropparna vilket resulterar i lägre hållfasthet. Det konstaterades att ett fiberinnehåll på 2.0% var det mest gynnsamma. Det kunde inte konstateras i vilken omfattning fibrerna påverkar beständigheten men det kunde konstateras att nedbrytningen av fibrerna tar lång tid. I dimensioneringsdelen utformades tre slakarmerade balkbroöverbyggnader, i två fall var överbyggnaden med UHPFRC (olika tjocklekar) och i ett fall var den med konventionell betong. Fram till 2017 fanns det bara tekniska riktlinjer och rekommendationer för UHPFRC men 2017 publicerades de första godkända standarderna i världen. De franska nationella standarderna täcker material (NF P18-470, 2016) och dimensionering (NF P18-710, 2016) och användes vid dimensioneringen. Materialanvändningen med avseende på mängd armerad UHPFRC/betong och slakarmering och mängd CO2 utsläpp från produktionen av cement och stål (fibrer och slakarmering) som användes till broarna i mittenspannet och vid stöden undersöktes. Även dimensioneringsprocessen utvärderades. Det konstaterades att UHPFRC bron med optimerad tjocklek var 47% lättare än betongbron men mängden CO2 utsläpp var fortfarande högre (till exempel 23% högre från stödet). Det konstaterades att om det ska vara möjligt att fastställa att en UHPFRC bro är ett möjligt alternativ till en konventionell betongbro, med avseende på reduktion av CO2 utsläpp, måste CO2 utsläppen ses från ett bredare perspektiv än från bara produktion av cement och stål, till exempel mindre transporter och längre livslängd.

Performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Columns under Shock Tube Induced Shock Wave Loading

Burrell, Russell P. 19 November 2012 (has links)
It is important to ensure that vulnerable structures (federal and provincial offices, military structures, embassies, etc) are blast resistant to safeguard life and critical infrastructure. In the wake of recent malicious attacks and accidental explosions, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that columns in structures are properly detailed to provide the ductility and continuity necessary to prevent progressive collapse. Research has shown that steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) can enhance many of the properties of concrete, including improved post-cracking tensile capacity, enhanced shear resistance, and increased ductility. The enhanced properties of SFRC make it an ideal candidate for use in the blast resistant design of structures. There is limited research on the behaviour of SFRC under high strain rates, including impact and blast loading, and some of this data is conflicting, with some researchers showing that the additional ductility normally evident in SFRC is absent or reduced at high strain loading. On the other hand, other data indicates that SFRC can improve toughness and energy-absorption capacity under extreme loading conditions. This thesis presents the results of experimental research involving tests of scaled reinforced concrete columns exposed to shock wave induced impulsive loads using the University of Ottawa Shock Tube. A total of 13 half-scale steel fibre reinforced concrete columns, 8 with normal strength steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) and 5 with an ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC), were constructed and tested under simulated blast pressures. The columns were designed according to CSA A23.3 standards for both seismic and non-seismic regions, using various fibre amounts and types. Each column was exposed to similar shock wave loads in order to provide direct comparisons between seismic and non-seismically detailed columns, amount of steel fibres, type of steel fibres, and type of concrete. The dynamic response of the columns tested in the experimental program is predicted by generating dynamic load-deformation resistance functions for SFRC and UHPFRC columns and using single degree of freedom dynamic analysis software, RCBlast. The analytical results are compared to experimental data, and shown to accurately predict the maximum mid-span displacements of the fibre reinforced concrete columns under shock wave loading.

Cracking and stiffness analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete members / Plieno plaušu armuotų gelžbetoninių elementų pleišėtumo ir standumo analizė

Ulbinas, Darius 11 February 2013 (has links)
In last decades, fibre reinforcement is widely used in many countries as ad-ditive for concrete and cement mortar mixture for production of structures. Fibre reinforcement applications in Lithuania are often restricted to production of concrete floor for different purposes. Whereas, in other countries (USA, Japan, Germany and other) application area of fibre reinforcement is much wider, for example: bridge deck, thin-walled structures for special constructions (tunnels, reservoirs, etc), covering of roadway, airport landing strip, pipelines, pile foundation. Application of fibre reinforcement is considered as one of the most important development area of structural construction in the world. Fibre reinforcement significantly improves service properties of concrete. Fibre reinforcement does not have considerable influence on concrete compressive strength, however it significantly changes fracture characteristics of tensile concrete. Fracture of non-reinforced tensile concrete is brittle, whereas with fibre reinforcement–plastic. This is due to restraining of tensile deformations by distributed fibres. Fibre reinforcement influence on concrete member is more effective than bar reinforcement, as tensile deformations are restrained in the whole volume of tensile zone. Whereas, tensile deformations in a RC member are restrained in the specific interaction area of reinforcement and concrete. Main advantages of fibre reinforcement are slow crack propagation, greater tensile and... [to full text] / Jau kelis dešimtmečius plieno plaušas visame pasaulyje plačiai taikomas kaip priedas betono ir cementinio skiedinio mišiniams, naudojamiems statybinių konstrukcijų gamybai. Lietuvoje dispersinis armavimas dažniausiai naudojamas betonuojant įvairios paskirties pastatų grindis. Tuo tarpu, kitose pasaulio šalyse (JAV, Japonijoje, Vokietijoje ir kt.) dispersinė armatūra naudojama daug plačiau, pvz.: tiltų perdangoms, plonasienėms specialiųjų statinių (tunelių, rezervuarų ir t. t.) konstrukcijoms, kelių dangoms, oro uostų pakilimo takams, vamzdynams, poliniams pamatams ir t. t. Dispersinės armatūros taikymas visame pasaulyje laikoma viena iš prioritetinių statybinių konstrukcijų vystymosi sričių. Dispersinis armavimas neturi didesnės įtakos gniuždomajam betono stipriui, tačiau lemia visiškai skirtingą tempiamojo betono suirimo pobūdį. Nearmuoto tempiamojo betono suirimas yra trapus, tuo tarpu dispersiškai armuoto – plastinis. Tai lemia dispersiškai pasiskirsčiusio plaušo sukeliamas tempimo deformacijų suvaržymas. Dispersinio armavimo poveikis betoniniam elementui yra daug efektyvesnis nei strypinės armatūros, kadangi tempimo deformacijos varžomos visame tempiamosios zonos tūryje. Tuo tarpu klasikiniame gelžbetoniniame elemente tempimo deformacijos varžomos tik tam tikrame armatūros ir betono sąveikos plote. Lėtesnis plyšių vystymasis, didesnis atsparumas smūgiams ir nuovargiui bei plastiškumas yra pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys dispersiškai armuotų gelžbetoninių konstrukcijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Columns under Shock Tube Induced Shock Wave Loading

Burrell, Russell P. January 2012 (has links)
It is important to ensure that vulnerable structures (federal and provincial offices, military structures, embassies, etc) are blast resistant to safeguard life and critical infrastructure. In the wake of recent malicious attacks and accidental explosions, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that columns in structures are properly detailed to provide the ductility and continuity necessary to prevent progressive collapse. Research has shown that steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) can enhance many of the properties of concrete, including improved post-cracking tensile capacity, enhanced shear resistance, and increased ductility. The enhanced properties of SFRC make it an ideal candidate for use in the blast resistant design of structures. There is limited research on the behaviour of SFRC under high strain rates, including impact and blast loading, and some of this data is conflicting, with some researchers showing that the additional ductility normally evident in SFRC is absent or reduced at high strain loading. On the other hand, other data indicates that SFRC can improve toughness and energy-absorption capacity under extreme loading conditions. This thesis presents the results of experimental research involving tests of scaled reinforced concrete columns exposed to shock wave induced impulsive loads using the University of Ottawa Shock Tube. A total of 13 half-scale steel fibre reinforced concrete columns, 8 with normal strength steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) and 5 with an ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC), were constructed and tested under simulated blast pressures. The columns were designed according to CSA A23.3 standards for both seismic and non-seismic regions, using various fibre amounts and types. Each column was exposed to similar shock wave loads in order to provide direct comparisons between seismic and non-seismically detailed columns, amount of steel fibres, type of steel fibres, and type of concrete. The dynamic response of the columns tested in the experimental program is predicted by generating dynamic load-deformation resistance functions for SFRC and UHPFRC columns and using single degree of freedom dynamic analysis software, RCBlast. The analytical results are compared to experimental data, and shown to accurately predict the maximum mid-span displacements of the fibre reinforced concrete columns under shock wave loading.

Effectiveness of polypropylene fibres as shear reinforcement in structural elements

Ortiz Navas, Francisco Roberto 26 October 2020 (has links)
[EN] Several efforts have been made in experimental and theoretical research about shear to understand all the variables that influence the phenomenon. Nowadays, however, due to its complexity, the shear performance of structural concrete elements, especially those without any traditional transversal reinforcement, continue with no clear explanation of the problem. Uncertainty about the problem grows when new variables like fibres are incorporated into the shear study. Research works have demonstrated the effectiveness of steel fibre in improving the mechanical properties of concrete elements. Experimental results reveal that steel fibres have proven effective in improving shear resistance, and they confer some concrete elements more ductility. In adequate amounts, steel fibres can completely or partially substitute traditional shear reinforcements. This is why international codes have included some requirements to take into account the action of fibres on the shear response of concrete elements. However, most recommendations and requirements for steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) were originally created. New fibres with different materials properties and shapes, such as macrosynthetic fibres, are now available on the market. These fibres, some of which are made of polypropylene, are an alternative in the construction industry given their properties and final cost. Initially, polypropylene fibres were used to control shrinkage cracking. Nevertheless, in the last decade the chemical industry has created larger fibres with better surface shapes, which allows polypropylene fibres to meet the requirements of international codes so they can be used in structural elements. Within this framework, the present PhD thesis aims to contribute to knowledge about fibre reinforced concrete (FRC), especially to study the effectiveness of polypropylene fibres when used as shear reinforcement. For this purpose, a literature review of the material, polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete (PFRC) and its structural applications is first carried out. This study also discusses the parameters that affect the shear behaviour of traditional concrete and FRC. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of polypropylene fibres in shear, three experimental campaigns are presented. Each campaign represents a different level of study. The first corresponds to the material level, where the shear behaviour of PFRC is evaluated by push-off specimens. The second level involves studying shear in real scale elements. For this purpose, shear critical slender beams were manufactured and tested. The last level corresponds to real application of polypropylene fibres to act as shear reinforcement. In this campaign, deep hollow core slabs, with real sections and supports conditions, were tested. At each level, the shear behaviour of PFRC was evaluated against control reinforced concrete specimens, which were also tested during each campaign. / [ES] Varias investigaciones experimentales y teóricas han sido realizadas para entender el comportamiento a cortante de elementos de hormigón y sus variables. Sin embargo, hoy en día debido a la complejidad del tema, el comportamiento a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado y en especial aquellos que no tienen refuerzo transversal, continúan sin tener una explicación clara. Por otro lado, esta complejidad del cortante aumenta cuando nuevas variables, como las fibras, se incorporan al estudio. Investigaciones han demostrado la efectividad de las fibras de acero para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de hormigón. Según resultados experimentales, la fibra de acero mejora la resistencia cortante y ductilidad de ciertos elementos. Y en cantidades adecuadas, la fibra puede sustituir total o parcialmente los refuerzos tradicionales de cortante. Es así que varios códigos internacionales han incluido requisitos para tener a las fibras en la respuesta estructural de elementos de hormigón. Sin embargo, estos requerimientos se han creado originalmente para el hormigón reforzado con fibra de acero (Steel fibre-reinforced concrete -SFRC). Nuevas fibras con diferentes materiales y formas, como las fibras macro-sintéticas, han sido introducidas en el mercado. Estas fibras, también llamadas fibras de polipropileno o poliolefina, son una alternativa en la construcción debido a su propiedades y costo final. Inicialmente, las fibras de polipropileno eran usadas únicamente en el hormigón para controlar la fisuración por retracción. Sin embargo, en la última década la industria química ha desarrollado fibras más grandes y con mejores prestaciones de adherencia, que permiten a estas fibras cumplir con requisitos para ser utilizadas estructuralmente. En este contexto, la presente tesis pretende ser una contribución al conocimiento sobre el hormigón reforzado con fibras (Fibre-reinforced concrete - FRC), especialmente en la efectividad de las fibras de polipropileno como refuerzo a cortante. Para esto, primero se realiza un estudio bibliográfico del hormigón reforzado con fibra de polipropileno (PFRC) como material y sus aplicaciones estructurales. Este estudio también tratará sobre los parámetros que afectan el comportamiento a cortante del hormigón tradicional y hormigón reforzado con fibras. Para evaluar la efectividad de las fibras de polipropileno en el cortante, se realizarán tres campañas experimentales. Cada campaña representa un nivel de estudio diferente. El primero es a nivel material en donde se evalúa el comportamiento a cortante a través de especímenes tipo Push-off. El segundo nivel, corresponde al estudio del cortante en elementos a escala real. Para esto se fabrican y ensayan vigas esbeltas críticas a cortante. El último nivel corresponde a una aplicación real de fibras de polipropileno actuando como refuerzo cortante. En esta campaña, se fabrican y ensayan placas alveolares de gran canto con secciones y condiciones de apoyos reales. / [CA] Diverses investigacions experimentals i teòriques han estat realitzades per entendre el comportament a tallant d'elements de formigó i les seues variables. No obstant això, hui en dia a causa de la complexitat del tema, el comportament a tallant d'elements de formigó armat i especialment aquells que no tenen reforç transversal, continuen sense tindre una explicació clara. D'altra banda, aquesta complexitat del tallant augmenta quan noves variables, com les fibres, s'incorporen a l'estudi. Investigacions han demostrat l'efectivitat de les fibres d'acer per a millorar les propietats mecàniques del formigó. Segons resultats experimentals, les fibres d'acer milloren la resistència a tallant i la ductilitat de certs elements. A més, en quantitats adequades, les fibres poden substituir total o parcialment els reforços tradicionals de tallant. És així que diversos codis internacionals han inclòs requisits per a tindre amb compte la resposta estructural de les fibres en els elements de formigó. No obstant això, aquests requeriments s'han creat originalment per al formigó reforçat amb fibres d'acer (Steel fibre-reinforced concrete -SFRC). Noves fibres amb diferents materials i formes, com les fibres macro-sintètiques, han estat introduïdes al mercat. Aquestes fibres, també anomenades fibres de polipropilè o poliolefina, són una alternativa a la construcció a causa de les seues propietats i cost final. Inicialment, les fibres de polipropilè eren usades únicament en el formigó per controlar la fissuració per retracció. No obstant això, en l'última dècada, la industria química ha desenvolupat fibres més grans i amb millors prestacions d'adherència, que permeten a aquestes fibres complir amb requisits per a ser utilitzades estructuralment. En aquest context, la present tesi pretén ser una contribució al coneixement sobre el formigó reforçat amb fibres (Fibre-reinforced concrete - FRC), especialment en l'efectivitat de les fibres de polipropilè com a reforç a tallant. Per això, primer es realitza un estudi bibliogràfic del formigó reforçat amb fibres de polipropilè (PFRC) com a material i les seues plicacions estructurals. Aquest estudi també tractarà sobre els paràmetres que afecten el comportament a tallant del formigó tradicional i del formigó reforçat amb fibres. Per avaluar l'efectivitat de les fibres de polipropilè en el tallant, es realitzaran tres campanyes experimentals. Cada campanya representa un nivell d'estudi diferent. El primer és a nivell material on s'avalua el comportament a tallant a través d'espècimens tipus Push-off. El segon nivell, correspon a l'estudi del tallant en elements a escala real. Per això es fabriquen i assagen bigues esveltes crítiques a tallant. L'últim nivell correspon a una aplicació real de fibres de polipropilè actuant com a reforç a tallant. En aquesta campanya, es fabriquen i assagen plaques alveolars de gran cantell amb seccions i condicions de suports reals. / Ortiz Navas, FR. (2020). Effectiveness of polypropylene fibres as shear reinforcement in structural elements [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153147 / TESIS

Diagnostika průmyslové podlahy z drátkobetonu / Diagnostics of steel fiber reinforced concrete industrial floors

Kuře, Václav January 2015 (has links)
This final thesis is divided into two parts. The first, theoretic part is focused on issue about industrial concrete floors, their production and adjustment. Special attention is paid to the mineral shakes, steel fibres and concrete, which is used to these constructions. There are more information about specific standardized tests of steel fibre concrete and some damages of concrete floors in other chapters. Second part of the diploma thesis is practical. Theoretical knowledge are applied to the actual construction. Survey methodology and diagnostic work are also desribed. Data processing and evaluation with the commentary is also attached to this part. The conclusion summarizes the results and selected findings relating to the issue are also included there.

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