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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining the Impacts of Wildfire on Throughfall and Stemflow Chemistry and Flux at Plot and Catchment Scales

White, Alissa Marie January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the effects of fire on the chemistry and flux of precipitation diverted to the forest floor as stemflow and throughfall by observing the impact of the June 2013 Thompson Ridge Wildfire in the Jemez River Basin of New Mexico. The loss of canopy cover from wildfire drastically modifies landscapes and alters ecosystems as fire replaces leafy canopies with charred branches and trunks, changes soil composition and erosion processes, and affects hydrologic flow paths and water chemistry. In order to track these changes, throughfall and stemflow collectors were installed beneath burned and unburned canopies in two catchments impacted by the Thompson Ridge Fire. Throughfall, stemflow, and open precipitation samples were analyzed for major cations, anions, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon, trace metals, and rare earth elements to determine how fire affects the chemical composition of the precipitation that interacts with burned canopies. Precipitation samples collected from both burned and unburned sites during the 2014 summer monsoon season show variations across burn severity, specifically in calcium, strontium, phosphate, and dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations, and across collector type with stemflow concentrations generally higher than throughfall and open precipitation concentrations. A stem count model was used to determine tree density for individual plots and catchments from LiDAR images taken before the 2013 fire. The stem count model was used to upscale event and monsoon season solute fluxes from plot to catchment scale. Higher nutrient concentrations combined with higher volumes of precipitation diverted as stemflow in burned forests have a multiplicative effect resulting in greater nutrient fluxes via stemflow creating nutrient hot spots surrounding burned tree trunks. Upscaling these plot scale concentrations and solute fluxes allows this study to represent changes to an entire catchment and quantify effects of wildfire on chemical loads and water chemistry.

Using Deuterium and Oxygen-18 Stable Isotopes to Understand Mechanisms of Stemflow Generation as a Function of Tree Species and Climate

Siegle-Gaither, Mercedes 08 December 2017 (has links)
Stemflow creates biogeochemical hotspots at tree bases. Few studies examine bark structure effects on stemflow generation via stable isotopes. Stemflow volume and isotopic composition (δD, δ18O) were measured over 15 months to address three main objectives: to determine origins and pathways of stemflow, to identify differences in stemflow generation mechanisms between tree species, and to identify differences in stemflow generation mechanisms between meteorological events. Laser ablation spectroscopy showed that, compared to throughfall and precipitation, stemflow was isotopically enriched, signifying isotopic fractionation. A bark-wetting experiment showed bark water storage capacity to be greatest in species with thick, continuous bark. Isotopic composition of precipitation was significantly more enriched in convective storms compared to that of continental or oceanic origin. Therefore, isotopic fractionation of stemflow and stemflow generation mechanisms vary from that of throughfall and precipitation, by interspecific differences in bark, and by meteorological event, potentially influencing existing canopy water storage models.

Water budgets and cave recharge on juniper rangelands in the Edwards Plateau

Gregory, Lucas Frank 16 August 2006 (has links)
Increasing demand for water supplies in semi-arid regions, such as San Antonio, has sparked an interest in potential recharge management through brush control. Two shallow caves under woody plant cover in northern Bexar County, Texas were chosen as study sites where a detailed water budget would be developed. The Headquarters Cave site measures natural rainfall and cave recharge while the Bunny Hole site is instrumented to measure throughfall, stemflow, surface runoff, and cave recharge. Large scale rainfall simulation was used at Bunny Hole to apply water directly above the cave footprint allowing us to determine how recharge differs between natural and simulated rainfall events. Under natural conditions, Headquarters Cave recharged 15.05% of the annual rainfall while Bunny Hole received 4.28%. Natural canopy throughfall measured 59.96% of the water budget; stemflow accounted for 0.48% and canopy interception was 39.56%; no surface runoff was measured. Rainfall simulations conducted at Bunny Hole resulted in an average of 74.5% throughfall, 5.3% stemflow, 20.2% canopy interception, 2.8% surface runoff, and 6.9% cave recharge; simulation intensities were typically higher than natural event intensities. General water budgets across the Edwards Plateau have concluded that evapotranspiration represents 65% of total annual rainfall while percolation and storage accounts for 30% and the remaining 5% is runoff. These studies have been focused on broad water budget parameters while this study looks at more detailed components. No other study to date has been able to combine throughfall, stemflow, surface runoff, and vertical recharge monitoring to quantify the water budget in the Edwards Plateau; these parameters are instrumental in determining a detailed water budget in juniper rangelands. Results from this study illustrate the significance of all aspects of the water budget and are the first to yield a firm measurement of actual upland recharge.

Effects of tree morphology on rainwater partitioning in an upland oak forest

Drotar, Natasha 01 May 2020 (has links)
Due largely to fire exclusion and land use changes, upland oak ecosystems in the central and eastern U.S. are shifting dominance from fire-tolerant oaks (Quercus spp.) to shade-tolerant, fire-sensitive species (mesophytes). This shift has been hypothesized to occur via a positive feedback loop termed mesophication, where mesophytes create shaded understory that limits oak growth and wetter fuels and soils, decreasing forest flammability. To determine how canopy water partitioning varies between oaks and mesophytes, I measured stemflow, throughfall, and surface soil moisture monthly over a 14-month period for overstory and midstory trees of oaks (Q. alba, Q. falcata) and hypothesized mesophytes (Carya tomentosa, Acer rubrum, Ulmus alata) in northern Mississippi. Overstory oaks partitioned 5.1% of rainwater into stemflow, while mesophytic species partitioned 7.2%, leading to 3.5% wetter soils under mesophytes. The hydrology of mesophyte canopies may reduce forest flammability and promote conditions favorable for mesophyte regeneration, ultimately compromising long-term oak regeneration.

Balanço hídrico e erosão do solo em uma plantação de eucaliptos novos / Water balance and soil erosion in a young eucalyptus plantation

Martins Filho, Frederico Mesquita 30 April 2014 (has links)
A área plantada com eucaliptos no Brasil cresceu a uma taxa de 4,7% ao ano nos últimos 7 anos (ABRAF, 2013). Os impactos que as plantações tendem a ocasionar nos recursos hídricos podem ser incertos e imprecisos quando do não conhecimento do clima, solo e espécie plantada. Nesse contexto, o balanço hídrico é uma abordagem largamente recomendada para a boa avaliação e tomada de decisão nos processos hidrológicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar experimentalmente o balanço hídrico e a erosão do solo numa plantação de Eucalyptus grandis ainda em idade jovem (entre 2 e 3 anos) durante um ano. A instalação experimental foi locada no município de Brotas - SP, a 35 km da cidade de São Carlos. Foram utilizados dois métodos para a coleta da Precipitação interna (Pi) na plantação: calhas e pluviômetros, para verificação estatística. Concluiu-se que a Pi coletada por calhas e pluviômetros são estatisticamente semelhantes, porém o desvio padrão médio dos valores coletados pelas calhas é menor. O Escoamento fustal (Ef) foi coletado com o auxílio de fitas adesivas e mangueiras coladas a 10 troncos, e armazenado em galões. O Escoamento superficial (Es) e os sedimentos provenientes da erosão do solo foram coletados em parcelas experimentais de 100 m² (5,0 x 20,0 m) com a maior dimensão no sentido do escoamento, numa área com declividade de aproximadamente 10%. Os resultados mostram que a Perda por Interceptação (It) correspondeu a 13,0% da Precipitação total (Pt) registrada em 2013. O Ef correspondeu a 2,4% de Pt, não podendo ser desprezado na parcela da It da plantação. O valor de Es foi baixo (0,6% de Pt), pois o solo da área de pesquisa era bastante arenoso (86%). Os valores diários de Evapotranspiração real (Et) foram estimados pela equação de Penman, e resultaram em 938,0 mm no ano de 2013. O valor da Recarga direta (Rd) foi estimado em 250,8 mm, o que está de acordo com trabalhos realizados anteriormente na mesma região. A erosão do solo na plantação foi de 2,21 Mg.ha-1 no ano de 2013, sendo a lâmina d\'água e a intensidade máxima da precipitação os principais fatores que provocaram as maiores erosões. / The planted area of eucalyptus in Brazil increased in a rate of 4.7% per year in the last 7 years (ABRAF, 2013). The impacts of the plantations in the water resources tend to lead to uncertainty and inaccuracy on the knowledge of the climate, soil and planted specie. In this context, the water balance is a largely recommended approach on the decision-making regarding the hydrological processes. The main objective of this work was to quantify experimentally the water balance and the soil erosion in an Eucalyptus grandis plantation still in young ages (between 2 and 3 years old) over one year. The experimental installation was set in Brotas - SP, 35 km away from the city of São Carlos. Two methods were utilized to collect the throughfall (Pi): transects and rain gauges, aiming a statistical verification. The result suggests that Pi collected by transects and rain gauges are statistically similar, but the mean standard deviation of the transects is smaller. The Stemflow (Ef) was collected with adhesive tapes connected to 10 stems, and stored in gallons. The Stream flow (Es) and the soil erosion were collected in experimental catchments of 100 m2 (5.0 x 20.0 m) with the largest dimension towards the flow, in an area with 10% of slope. The results showed that the Interception loss (It) corresponded to 13.0% of the Gross rainfall (Pt) registered in 2013. The Ef corresponded to 2.4% of the Pt, proving that it can\'t be neglected on the It calculation. The value of Es was low (0.6% of Pt), because the soil of the catchment was very sandy (86%). The daily values of Evapotranspiration (Et) were estimated by using the Penman-Monteith equation, resulting in 938.0 mm in 2013. The value of Direct recharge (Rd) was estimated in 250.8 mm, and according to previous works done in the same region, it is consistent. The soil erosion in the plantation was 2.21 Mg.ha-1, being the rain depth and the maximum rain intensity the main factors that caused biggest erosions.

Fluxos hidrológicos e transporte de nitrogênio em plantios de cana-de- açúcar / Hydrological flow paths and associated nitrogen transport under sugarcane plantations

Fernandes, Rafael Pires 12 September 2014 (has links)
Sob a perspectiva de aumento da demanda global por biocombustíveis, em particular o etanol durante as próximas décadas, espera-se um crescimento ainda maior da indústria sucroalcooleira no Brasil. Aliada à expansão da cultura da cana-de-açúcar, as bacias nas quais se inserem esses plantios estão sujeitas a alterações no regime hidrológico, bem como à elevação do uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados, o que possui implicações na quantidade e qualidade da água nos corpos hídricos. Com intuito de avaliar esses impactos, o presente estudo visou caracterizar as vias hidrológicas e o transporte de nitrogênio associado a elas em vertentes cobertas por cana-de-açúcar localizadas em microbacias do Rio Corumbataí, noroeste do estado de São Paulo. Para isso, foram monitorados alguns processos hidrológicos, entre eles: precipitação total, precipitação interna, escoamento pelo caule, escoamento superficial, umidade do solo em quatro profundidades (15 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm e 90 cm) e deflúvio durante período de 21 de julho de 2012 a 22 de maio de 2013. A precipitação totalizou 1095 mm durante o período de estudo, dos quais em torno de 35% foram interceptados pela cultura. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o efeito de diferentes variedades de cana-de-açúcar no que se refere às perdas por interceptação. Além dessa, a parcela de água de chuva escoada pelo caule, a precipitação interna, o escoamento superficial e o deflúvio corresponderam, respectivamente, a 14%, 51%, 4,7% e 7,7% do total precipitado. Nesses compartimentos hidrológicos, de um modo geral, foram observadas baixas concentrações de nitrogênio, com exceção ao escoamento superficial, que apresentou altas concentrações, principalmente de nitrato. O aporte (deposição) de nitrogênio ao sistema, 2,81 kg N ha-¹, foi superior à perda fluvial: 0,45 kg N ha-¹ / The recent years have shown us that there is a perspective of increasing the global biofuels demand, particularly ethanol. In conjunction with the expansion of sugarcane crop, the watersheds in which these crops are founded are subject to hydrological changes, as well as the elevation of the use of nitrogen fertilizers. It has implications in the quantity and quality of water in streams. In order to assess these impacts, the present study aimed to characterize the hydrological flow paths and the associated nitrogen transport in hillslopes under sugarcane in two small watersheds at Corumbataí River, northwest of São Paulo. For this, we monitored some hydrological flow paths, including: gross rainfall, throughfall, stemflow, surface runoff, soil moisture at four depths (15 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm and 90 cm) and streamflow during period of 21 July 2012 to May 22, 2013. Gross rainfall was 1095 mm and around 35% was intercepted by the sugarcane canopy. No significant differences between different varieties of sugarcane were found for interception losses. In addition, rainfall was partitioned into stemflow, throughfall, surface runoff and streamflow as the following: 14%, 51%, 4.7% and 7.7%, respectively. Hydrological flow paths in general carried low nitrogen concentration, being the surface runoff the exception, which carried high levels of nitrate. The nitrogen input in the system was 2.81 kg N ha-¹, and the loss by streamflow was 0.45 kg N ha-1

Fluxos hidrológicos e transporte de nitrogênio em plantios de cana-de- açúcar / Hydrological flow paths and associated nitrogen transport under sugarcane plantations

Rafael Pires Fernandes 12 September 2014 (has links)
Sob a perspectiva de aumento da demanda global por biocombustíveis, em particular o etanol durante as próximas décadas, espera-se um crescimento ainda maior da indústria sucroalcooleira no Brasil. Aliada à expansão da cultura da cana-de-açúcar, as bacias nas quais se inserem esses plantios estão sujeitas a alterações no regime hidrológico, bem como à elevação do uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados, o que possui implicações na quantidade e qualidade da água nos corpos hídricos. Com intuito de avaliar esses impactos, o presente estudo visou caracterizar as vias hidrológicas e o transporte de nitrogênio associado a elas em vertentes cobertas por cana-de-açúcar localizadas em microbacias do Rio Corumbataí, noroeste do estado de São Paulo. Para isso, foram monitorados alguns processos hidrológicos, entre eles: precipitação total, precipitação interna, escoamento pelo caule, escoamento superficial, umidade do solo em quatro profundidades (15 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm e 90 cm) e deflúvio durante período de 21 de julho de 2012 a 22 de maio de 2013. A precipitação totalizou 1095 mm durante o período de estudo, dos quais em torno de 35% foram interceptados pela cultura. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o efeito de diferentes variedades de cana-de-açúcar no que se refere às perdas por interceptação. Além dessa, a parcela de água de chuva escoada pelo caule, a precipitação interna, o escoamento superficial e o deflúvio corresponderam, respectivamente, a 14%, 51%, 4,7% e 7,7% do total precipitado. Nesses compartimentos hidrológicos, de um modo geral, foram observadas baixas concentrações de nitrogênio, com exceção ao escoamento superficial, que apresentou altas concentrações, principalmente de nitrato. O aporte (deposição) de nitrogênio ao sistema, 2,81 kg N ha-¹, foi superior à perda fluvial: 0,45 kg N ha-¹ / The recent years have shown us that there is a perspective of increasing the global biofuels demand, particularly ethanol. In conjunction with the expansion of sugarcane crop, the watersheds in which these crops are founded are subject to hydrological changes, as well as the elevation of the use of nitrogen fertilizers. It has implications in the quantity and quality of water in streams. In order to assess these impacts, the present study aimed to characterize the hydrological flow paths and the associated nitrogen transport in hillslopes under sugarcane in two small watersheds at Corumbataí River, northwest of São Paulo. For this, we monitored some hydrological flow paths, including: gross rainfall, throughfall, stemflow, surface runoff, soil moisture at four depths (15 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm and 90 cm) and streamflow during period of 21 July 2012 to May 22, 2013. Gross rainfall was 1095 mm and around 35% was intercepted by the sugarcane canopy. No significant differences between different varieties of sugarcane were found for interception losses. In addition, rainfall was partitioned into stemflow, throughfall, surface runoff and streamflow as the following: 14%, 51%, 4.7% and 7.7%, respectively. Hydrological flow paths in general carried low nitrogen concentration, being the surface runoff the exception, which carried high levels of nitrate. The nitrogen input in the system was 2.81 kg N ha-¹, and the loss by streamflow was 0.45 kg N ha-1

Interceptação da chuva em floresta estacional decidual em Santa Maria, RS / Rain interception in deciduous forest in Santa Maria, RS

Deon, Elis Helene de Andrade 29 January 2015 (has links)
In areas of native forests, interception of rain precipitation trhough the vegetation is an important variable of the water balance. This research analyzed the interception process in two areas of deciduous forest at Santa Maria RS; along river Vacacaí Mirim. The variables monitored from March / 2013 to March / 2014 were: incident precipitation, stemflow and throughfall. The incident precipitation was monitored by a rain gauge type vats-tipper and a rain gauge, and also checked by INMET. The internal precipitation was monitored in both areas (I and II), with dimensions of 12 m x 50 m and 13 m x 45 m respectively. The stakes were installed at 40 or 60 cm of height. In both areas 101 stakes were allocated for disposal of 40 interceptômetros. Tere were 20 of these remained fixed and 20 were rotated. The stemflow was determined by monitoring the flow in three trees chosen within each area and the interception was calculated as the difference between precipitation and the sum of throughfall and stemflow. The highest interception was found in the area I. The stemflow in area II was lower as reported by other authors, showing that this variable can not be ruled of interception study. The internal precipitation variation ranges and interception were similar to those reported in other studies. The average of rainfall for the internal fixed and mobile interceptômetros was not significant. The interception in the experimental area I was 46.63% of the incident rainfall and the experimental area II was 43.93% of the incident rainfall. The results showed that the interception is a key component of the hydrological cycle and generally underestimated by hydrological models. The research concludes that the study of interception in soils with forest cover is essential for determining the water balance of an area. / Em regiões de floretas nativas a interceptação da precipitação pela vegetação é um importante variável no balanço hídrico. Esta pesquisa analisou o processo de interceptação em duas áreas de floresta estacional decidual, na região de Santa Maria - RS, na cabeceira da bacia do Rio Vacacaí Mirim. As variáveis monitoradas no período de março/2013 a março/2014 foram: precipitação incidente, escoamento pelo tronco e precipitação interna. A precipitação incidente foi monitorada por um pluviógrafo tipo cubas-basculantes e por um pluviômetro. A precipitação interna foi monitorada nas duas áreas (I e II), com dimensões de 12 m x 50 m e 13 m x 45 m, respectivamente. As estacas foram instaladas a 40 ou 60 cm do solo. Nas duas áreas foram alocadas 101 estacas para disposição de 40 interceptômetros, sendo que 20 permaneceram fixos e 20 foram rotacionados. O escoamento pelo tronco foi determinado por meio de monitoramento do escoamento em três árvores escolhidas dentro de cada área e a interceptação foi calculada pela diferença entre precipitação e a soma da precipitação interna e o escoamento pelo tronco. O maior valor de interceptação foi verificado na área I. O escoamento pelo tronco na área II foi inferior aos valores verificados por outros autores, revelando que essa variável não pode ser descartada o estudo da interceptação. Já as faixas de variação de precipitação interna e da interceptação ficaram próximas àquelas registradas em outros estudos. As médias da precipitação interna por interceptômetros fixos e móveis não foi significativa. A interceptação na área experimental I foi 46,63% da precipitação incidente e na área experimental II foi 43,93% da precipitação incidente. Os resultados mostraram que a interceptação é um componente fundamental do ciclo hidrológico e, em geral, subestimada pelos modelos hidrológicos. A pesquisa conclui que o estudo da interceptação em solos com cobertura florestal é fundamental para a determinação do balanço hídrico de determinada área.

Produ??o, ac?mulo e decomposi??o da serrapilhadeira e reparti??o da precipita??o pluviom?trica por esp?cies da caatinga / Production, accumulation and decomposition of litter and distribution of rainfall by species of the Caatinga

Silva, Ane Cristine Fortes da 17 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:17:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AneCFS_DISSERT.pdf: 3100120 bytes, checksum: 8f26524545d2044027f402e45324031d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-17 / This study aimed to establish patterns of dynamics of litter and redistribution of rainfall of Caatinga vegetation. Sampling was done monthly for twenty three months in four areas: degraded, successional primary stage, secondary stage and late stage. We installed 72 collectors of 1.0 mx 1.0 m, with nylon fabric background in three areas. Litter deposited was fractionated into leaves, twigs, reproductive structures and miscellaneous, dried and weighed. To assess the stock of accumulated litter we used metal frame with dimensions of 0.5 mx 0.5 m, thrown randomly and collected monthly, taken to the laboratory for oven drying and weighed. To evaluate the decomposition, 40g of litter were placed in nylon bags (litterbags) mesh 1 mm ?, dimensions 20.0 x 20.0 cm, being distributed on the soil surface and removed monthly, cleaned, dried and weighed. To evaluate the contribution of rainfall we used interceptometers installed 1.0 m above the ground surface, distributed under the canopy of six species of the caatinga, which evaluated the stemflow through collecting system installed around the stems of these species. The deposition of litter in the primary stage was 2.631,26 kg ha-1; 3.144,89 kg ha-1 in the secondary stage; 3.144,89 kg ha-1 in the late stage. The fraction of leaves was the largest contributor to the formation of litter in three stages. The degraded area showed greater accumulation of litter and decomposition has been sluggish during the dry period. We conclude that occurred greater litterfall in later stages. The late successional stage showed faster decomposition of litter, the evidence that is a better use of litter in nutrient cycling processes and incorporation of organic matter to the soil. The time required to decompose 50 % of the litter in the later stages of succession was lower indicating greater speed of release and reuse of nutrients by the vegetation. The specie jurema preta with less leaf area and consists of leaflets, showed greater internal precipitation in rain events of greater magnitude. The stemflow was not influenced by DAP and basal area. The water lost by trapping represented the largest proportion of total rainfall in all species studied / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estabelecer padr?es da din?mica da serrapilheira e redistribui??o da ?gua da chuva da vegeta??o da Caatinga. Foram realizadas coletas mensais durante vinte tr?s meses em quatro ?reas: degradada, est?gio sucessional prim?rio, secund?rio e tardio. Foram instalados 72 coletores de 1,0 m x 1,0 m, com fundo da tela de n?ilon em tr?s ?reas. A serrapilheira depositada foi fracionada em folhas, galhos, estruturas reprodutivas e miscel?nea, secas em estufa e pesadas. Para avaliar o estoque de serrapilheira acumulada utilizou-se moldura met?lica com dimens?es de 0,5 m x 0,5 m, lan?ada aleatoriamente, sendo coletada mensalmente, levada ao laborat?rio para secagem em estufa e pesadas. Para avalia??o da decomposi??o, 40g serrapilheira, foram colocadas em sacolas de n?ilon (litterbags) malha 1 mm?, dimens?es 20,0 x 20,0 cm, sendo distribu?das na superf?cie do solo e retiradas mensalmente, limpas, secas e pesadas. Para a avalia??o da contribui??o da precipita??o pluvial, utilizou-se intercept?metros instalados 1,0 m acima da superf?cie do solo, distribu?dos abaixo da copa de seis esp?cies da caatinga, onde se avaliou o escoamento pelo tronco atrav?s de sistema coletor instalado ao redor dos caules dessas esp?cies. A deposi??o de serrapilheira no est?gio prim?rio foi 2.631,26 kg ha-1, 3.144,89 kg ha-1 no est?gio secund?rio e 4.542,30 kg ha-1 no est?gio tardio. A fra??o folhas foi a que mais contribuiu na forma??o da serrapilheira nos tr?s est?gios avaliados A ?rea degradada apresentou maior ac?mulo de serrapilheira e a decomposi??o mostrou-se lenta durante o per?odo seco. Conclui-se que ocorreu maior produ??o de serrapilheira nos est?gios mais avan?ados. O est?gio sucessional tardio apresentou decomposi??o da serrapilheira mais r?pida, o que evid?ncia um melhor aproveitamento da serrapilheira no processo de ciclagem de nutrientes e na incorpora??o de mat?ria org?nica ao solo. O tempo necess?rio para decompor 50% da serrapilheira da Caatinga nos est?gios mais avan?ados de sucess?o foi menor indicando maior velocidade da libera??o e o reaproveitamento de nutrientes por parte da vegeta??o. A jurema preta, com menor ?rea foliar e constitu?da de fol?olos, apresentou maior precipita??o interna nos eventos de chuva de maior amplitude. O escoamento pelo tronco n?o foi influenciado pelo DAP e ?rea basal. A ?gua perdida por intercepta??o representou a maior propor??o da precipita??o pluviom?trica total em todas as esp?cies estudadas

Balanço hídrico e erosão do solo em uma plantação de eucaliptos novos / Water balance and soil erosion in a young eucalyptus plantation

Frederico Mesquita Martins Filho 30 April 2014 (has links)
A área plantada com eucaliptos no Brasil cresceu a uma taxa de 4,7% ao ano nos últimos 7 anos (ABRAF, 2013). Os impactos que as plantações tendem a ocasionar nos recursos hídricos podem ser incertos e imprecisos quando do não conhecimento do clima, solo e espécie plantada. Nesse contexto, o balanço hídrico é uma abordagem largamente recomendada para a boa avaliação e tomada de decisão nos processos hidrológicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar experimentalmente o balanço hídrico e a erosão do solo numa plantação de Eucalyptus grandis ainda em idade jovem (entre 2 e 3 anos) durante um ano. A instalação experimental foi locada no município de Brotas - SP, a 35 km da cidade de São Carlos. Foram utilizados dois métodos para a coleta da Precipitação interna (Pi) na plantação: calhas e pluviômetros, para verificação estatística. Concluiu-se que a Pi coletada por calhas e pluviômetros são estatisticamente semelhantes, porém o desvio padrão médio dos valores coletados pelas calhas é menor. O Escoamento fustal (Ef) foi coletado com o auxílio de fitas adesivas e mangueiras coladas a 10 troncos, e armazenado em galões. O Escoamento superficial (Es) e os sedimentos provenientes da erosão do solo foram coletados em parcelas experimentais de 100 m² (5,0 x 20,0 m) com a maior dimensão no sentido do escoamento, numa área com declividade de aproximadamente 10%. Os resultados mostram que a Perda por Interceptação (It) correspondeu a 13,0% da Precipitação total (Pt) registrada em 2013. O Ef correspondeu a 2,4% de Pt, não podendo ser desprezado na parcela da It da plantação. O valor de Es foi baixo (0,6% de Pt), pois o solo da área de pesquisa era bastante arenoso (86%). Os valores diários de Evapotranspiração real (Et) foram estimados pela equação de Penman, e resultaram em 938,0 mm no ano de 2013. O valor da Recarga direta (Rd) foi estimado em 250,8 mm, o que está de acordo com trabalhos realizados anteriormente na mesma região. A erosão do solo na plantação foi de 2,21 Mg.ha-1 no ano de 2013, sendo a lâmina d\'água e a intensidade máxima da precipitação os principais fatores que provocaram as maiores erosões. / The planted area of eucalyptus in Brazil increased in a rate of 4.7% per year in the last 7 years (ABRAF, 2013). The impacts of the plantations in the water resources tend to lead to uncertainty and inaccuracy on the knowledge of the climate, soil and planted specie. In this context, the water balance is a largely recommended approach on the decision-making regarding the hydrological processes. The main objective of this work was to quantify experimentally the water balance and the soil erosion in an Eucalyptus grandis plantation still in young ages (between 2 and 3 years old) over one year. The experimental installation was set in Brotas - SP, 35 km away from the city of São Carlos. Two methods were utilized to collect the throughfall (Pi): transects and rain gauges, aiming a statistical verification. The result suggests that Pi collected by transects and rain gauges are statistically similar, but the mean standard deviation of the transects is smaller. The Stemflow (Ef) was collected with adhesive tapes connected to 10 stems, and stored in gallons. The Stream flow (Es) and the soil erosion were collected in experimental catchments of 100 m2 (5.0 x 20.0 m) with the largest dimension towards the flow, in an area with 10% of slope. The results showed that the Interception loss (It) corresponded to 13.0% of the Gross rainfall (Pt) registered in 2013. The Ef corresponded to 2.4% of the Pt, proving that it can\'t be neglected on the It calculation. The value of Es was low (0.6% of Pt), because the soil of the catchment was very sandy (86%). The daily values of Evapotranspiration (Et) were estimated by using the Penman-Monteith equation, resulting in 938.0 mm in 2013. The value of Direct recharge (Rd) was estimated in 250.8 mm, and according to previous works done in the same region, it is consistent. The soil erosion in the plantation was 2.21 Mg.ha-1, being the rain depth and the maximum rain intensity the main factors that caused biggest erosions.

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