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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of Air Cell Migration and the Effect of Whipping Temperature on the Overrun, Body and Storage Stability of a Dairy-Based Frozen Whipped Topping

Locker, William J. 01 May 1972 (has links)
A dairy-based whipped topping consisting of 22.0 percent milk fat, 7.5 percent milk solids-not-fat, 12.0 percent sucrose, 10.0 percent corn syrup solids, 0.60 percent gum arabic, 0.06 percent carrageenin, 0.19 percent polyoxyethylene sorbitan rnonostearate, 0.19 percent polyoxythylene sorbitan tristearate, and 0.12 percent sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate was developed that would withstand the rigors of frozen storage. The best products were obtained when the topping was whipped on a Creamery Package 3M-30 continuous type ice cream freezer. Toppings whipped in the laboratory at temperatures higher or lower than -2.2 to -1.0 centigrade were weak and slightly wet. After 18 days frozen storage the toppings whipped at -2.2 centigrade had the best body and texture characteristics. Refrigerated storage after 18 days frozen storage resulted in an enlargement of the air cells and after about 10 days a stale flavor was detected. Commercial application of the formulation was considered feasible.

The role of moisture profiling towards understanding pharmaceutical solid state functionality. Validation and the application of a moisture profiling analytical tool for investigation into the characterisation of and prediction of the effects of compaction and storage on different lactose physical forms

Seymour, Louise January 2015 (has links)
The majority of therapeutic pharmaceutical formulations are presented in the solid form. Moisture is able to play an important role in the functional performance of pharmaceutical solids. Moisture profiling is able to provide novel information with regards to the behaviour of moisture within materials using equilibrium relative humidity as a measurement. The hypothesis investigated explores the changes in equilibrium relative humidity of pharmaceutical material induced by physical, chemical or storage conditions, these are able to be monitored using the innovative moisture profiler system. The aims within this were to primarily validate the moisture profiler and secondly evaluate the effects of moisture on physical forms and with respect to effects of compaction, finally this was compared to conventional characterisation methods. Preliminary explorations were conducted in order to assess the validity of the moisture profiler, from this lactose was selected as a suitable pharmaceutical material for further work. Processing effects were then examined, firstly storage at elevated relative humidity of different forms of lactose were explored, and this was carried out with supplementary analysis. Secondly the effects of tabletting were explored, different compaction forces were investigated to observe if this had any notable effects on equilibrium relative humidity of the different lactose forms. Finally subsequent storage of the compacts were examined in order to explore if there were any changes in the equilibrium relative humidity. / EPSRC and Reckitt Benckiser

Storage Stability and Phase Separation Behaviour of Polymer-Modified Bitumen : Characterization and Modelling

Zhu, Jiqing January 2016 (has links)
Polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) is a high-performance material for road construction and maintenance. But its storage stability and phase separation behaviour are still not sufficiently understood and need to be studied toward a more successful and sustainable application of PMB. In this thesis, the equilibrium thermodynamics and phase separation dynamics of PMB are investigated with the aim at a fundamental understanding on PMB storage stability and phase separation behaviour. The development of polymer modifiers for paving bitumen is reviewed. The phase separation process in unstable PMBs is captured by fluorescence microscopy at the storage temperature (180 °C). A coupled phase-field model of diffusion and flow is developed to simulate and predict the PMB storage stability and phase separation behaviour. The temperature dependency of PMB phase separation behaviour is modelled by introducing temperature-dependent model parameters between 140 °C and 180 °C. This model is implemented in a finite element software package and calibrated with the experimental observations of real PMBs. The results indicate that storage stability and phase separation behaviour of PMB are strongly dependent on the specific combination of the base bitumen and polymer. An unstable PMB starts to separate into two phases by diffusion, because of the poor polymer-bitumen compatibility. Once the density difference between the two phases becomes sufficiently significant, gravity starts to drive the flow of the two phases and accelerates the separation in the vertical direction. The proposed model, based on the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Flory-Huggins theory and Navier-Stokes equations, is capable of capturing the stability differences among the investigated PMBs and their distinct microstructures at different temperatures. The various material parameters of the PMBs determine the differences in the phase separation behaviour in terms of stability and temperature dependency. The developed model is able to simulate and explain the resulting differences due to the material parameters. The outcome of this study may thus assist in future efforts of ensuring storage stability and sustainable application of PMB. / Polymermodifierade bitumen (PMB) är ett högpresterande material för väganläggning och underhåll. Men PMB:s lagringsstabilitet och fassepareringsegenskaper är inte tillräckligt förstådda än och behöver studeras för en mer framgångsrik och hållbar användning av PMB. I denna avhandling studeras termodynamisk jämvikt och fasseparation av PMB med målsättning att uppnå en grundläggande förståelse av PMB:s lagringsstabilitet och fassepareringsegenskaper. Utvecklingen av polymermodifierade bitumen sammanfattas. Fasseparationsprocessen av instabil PMB:s studeras med hjälp av fluorescens mikroskopi vid lagringstemperatur (180 °C). En kopplad fas-fälts modell som beskriver diffusion och flöde har utvecklats för att simulera och förutsäga PMB:s lagringsstabilitet och fassepareringsegenskaper. Temperaturberoendet hos PMB:s fasseparation har beskrivits genom att införa temperaturberoende modellparametrar mellan 140 °C och 180 °C. Denna modell är införd i ett finit element program och kalibrerad med experimentella observationer på verkliga PMB. Resultaten indikerar att lagringsstabiliteten och fasseparationen hos PMB är starkt beroende av den specifika kombinationen av basbitumen och polymer. En instabil PMB börjar separera i två faser genom diffusion, beroende på dålig bitumen-polymer kompatibilitet. När skillnaden i densitet mellan de två faserna blir tillräckligt stor kommer gravitationen att driva flödet av de två faserna och accelerera separationen i vertikalled. Den föreslagna modellen, baserad på Cahn-Hilliards ekvation, Flory-Huggins teori och Navier-Stokes ekvation, kan beskriva stabilitetsskillnaderna mellan de undersökta PMB:erna och deras distinkta mikrostruktur vid olika temperaturer. De olika materialparametrarna hos PMB bestämmer skillnaden i fassepareringsegenskaper i termer av stabilitet och temperaturberoende. Den utvecklade modellen kan simulera och förklara de resulterande skillnaderna på grund av materialparametrarna. Resultatet av denna studie kan bidra till att säkerställa lagringsstabilitet och hållbara applikationer för PMB. / <p>QC 20161102</p>

Polpa de guavira (Campomanesia cambessedeana Berg) desidratada em spray dryer: efeitos das condições de processo e composição da alimentação nas propriedades físico químicas e atividade antioxidante / Guavira (Campomanesia cambessedeana Berg) pulp dehydrated in spray dryer: effects of process conditions and feed composition on the physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity

Chung, Monique Mi Song 04 February 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi obter polpa de guavira desidratada por atomização, utilizando maltodextrina ou goma arábica como agentes carreadores. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a influência das condições de processo, temperatura do ar de secagem (130, 155 e 180) °C e vazão volumétrica da mistura (20 e 40) mL/min, o tipo e concentração de agente carreador (10 e 20) % nas características físicas, físico-químicas e atividade antioxidante do produto obtido. As propriedades analisadas foram umidade, atividade de água, higroscopicidade, solubilidade, cor, distribuição e tamanho médio de partículas, morfologia, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante. A temperatura do ar de secagem e a vazão volumétrica de alimentação influenciaram significativamente todas as propriedades da guavira em pó. A umidade e atividade de água apresentaram os menores valores na temperatura intermediária, independentemente do tipo e concentração do carreador usado. A solubilidade das amostras adicionadas de maltodextrina foram superiores às amostras com goma arábica. O aumento da concentração de agente carreador, em geral, proporcionou um aumento no parâmetro L* e diminuição dos parâmetros a* e b*, tornando as amostras mais claras e reduzindo as tonalidades vermelha e amarela. A guavira em pó apresentou coloração próxima do amarelo e marrom, com grande variação nos parâmetros de cor C* e H* em função das diferentes condições de secagem. A distribuição do tamanho de partículas não teve um padrão definido e o tamanho médio das amostras com maltodextrina foram maiores do que as com goma arábica para a temperatura do ar a 130 °C. No entanto, para as outras temperaturas (155 e 180) °C não houve um comportamento específico do tamanho das partículas em função da vazão de alimentação, tipo e ou concentração de agente carreador. A análise de microscopia eletrônica de varredura permitiu observar que as partículas obtidas tanto com maltodextrina como goma arábica apresentaram formato esférico, superfície rugosa e com adesão de partículas menores nas de maior tamanho, sendo que a superfície das partículas com goma arábica também apresentaram concavidades. A atividade antioxidante foi superior quando utilizada a temperatura de secagem intermediária. A partir das condições selecionadas na primeira etapa (temperatura do ar de 155 °C, vazão volumétrica da mistura de 40 mL/min e 10% de maltodextrina ou goma arábica) a polpa de guavira em pó foi caracterizada quanto a temperatura de transição vítrea, as isotermas de adsorção e a estabilidade à estocagem do ácido ascórbico, compostos fenólicos totais e da atividade antioxidante da polpa de guavira em pó produzida por spray drying ao longo de 120 dias. As temperaturas de transição vítrea foram de (25,2 ± 2,7 °C e 31,4 ± 0,4) °C para os pós produzidos com goma arábica e maltodextrina, respectivamente. O modelo de BET apresentou ajuste muito bom (R2&gt;0,99) para descrever o comportamento de sorção de água das amostras nas temperaturas de (20, 30 e 40) °C. A polpa de guavira em pó produzida com goma arábica apresentou maior adsorção de água do que as amostras obtidas com maltodextrina. No estudo da estabilidade, as amostras foram acondicionadas em embalagem de polietileno laminado e armazenadas a 25 °C e umidade relativa de 75%. A embalagem de polietileno laminado foi eficiente na manutenção do teor de ácido ascórbico e atividade antioxidante da guavira em pó por um período de 120 dias, independente do carreador adicionado. O teor de compostos fenólicos para a guavira em pó com goma arábica apresentou uma redução nos primeiros 22 dias, contudo a amostra com maltodextrina manteve-se estável durante 120 dias de armazenamento. / The aim of this work was to obtain dried guavira pulp by spray drying, using maltodextrin or arabic gum as carrier agents. Initially, it was evaluated the influence of the process conditions, inlet air temperature (130, 155 e 180) °C and mixture feed flow rate (20 e 40) mL/min, carrier agent type and concentration (10 e 20) % in physical, physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of the product. The analyzed properties were moisture content, water activity, higroscopicity, solubility, distribution and average particle size, morphology, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. The inlet air temperature and mixture feed flow significantly influenced all the properties of guavira powder. The moisture content and water activity showed lower values in intermediate temperature, independent of the carrier agent type and concentration. The solubility of the samples with maltodextrin were higher than the samples with arabic gum. Increasing the carrier agent concentration generally resulted in an increase of the parameter L* and a reduction of a* and b* parameters, making lighter samples and reducing the red and yellow hues. The color of the guavira powder presented next to yellow and brown coloring, with great variation in parameters C* and H* depending on the different drying conditions. The size distribution of the particles had no definite pattern and the particles average size of the samples with maltodextrin were higher the samples with arabic gum for the inlet air temperature at 130 °C. However, for the other temperatures (155 and 180) °C there is a specific behavior of the particle size depending of the feed flow rate, carrier agent type and concentration. The scanning electronic microscopic analysis observed that the particles obtained with maltodextrin or arabic gum presented spherical, roughness surface and adhesion of the smaller particles into larger, the particles with arabic gum also presented concavities. The antioxidant activity was higher at intermediate inlet air temperature. From the selected conditions at the first phase (inlet air temperature of 155 °C, feed flow rate of 40 mL/min and 10% of maltodextrina or arabic gum) the guavira pulp powder were evaluated the glass transition temperature, the adsorption isotherms and the storage stability of ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity of the guavira powder produced to over 120 days. The glass transition temperatures were (25,2 ± 2,7 °C e 31,4 ± 0,4) °C for the powder obtained with arabic gum and maltodextrin, respectively. The BET model presented good adjustment (R²&gt;0,99) to describe the water sorption behavior of the samples at test temperatures of (20, 30 e 40) °C. The guavira powder with arabic gum showed higher water adsorption than the samples with maltodextrin. In the stability study, samples were packed in polyethylene-laminated packaging and stored at 25 °C and relative humidity of 75%. The packaging was effective in maintaining ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity of the guavira powder for a period of 120 days for samples with the addition of maltodextrin and gum arabic. The content of phenolic compounds for guavira powder with gum arabic showed a reduction in the first 22 days, but the sample with maltodextrin remained stable for 120 days of storage.

The role of moisture profiling towards understanding pharmaceutical solid state functionality : validation and the application of a moisture profiling analytical tool for investigation into the characterisation of, and prediction of, the effects of compaction and storage on different lactose physical forms

Seymour, Louise January 2015 (has links)
The majority of therapeutic pharmaceutical formulations are presented in the solid form. Moisture is able to play an important role in the functional performance of pharmaceutical solids. Moisture profiling is able to provide novel information with regards to the behaviour of moisture within materials using equilibrium relative humidity as a measurement. The hypothesis investigated explores the changes in equilibrium relative humidity of pharmaceutical material induced by physical, chemical or storage conditions, these are able to be monitored using the innovative moisture profiler system. The aims within this were to primarily validate the moisture profiler and secondly evaluate the effects of moisture on physical forms and with respect to effects of compaction, finally this was compared to conventional characterisation methods. Preliminary explorations were conducted in order to assess the validity of the moisture profiler, from this lactose was selected as a suitable pharmaceutical material for further work. Processing effects were then examined, firstly storage at elevated relative humidity of different forms of lactose were explored, and this was carried out with supplementary analysis. Secondly the effects of tabletting were explored, different compaction forces were investigated to observe if this had any notable effects on equilibrium relative humidity of the different lactose forms. Finally subsequent storage of the compacts were examined in order to explore if there were any changes in the equilibrium relative humidity.

Polpa de guavira (Campomanesia cambessedeana Berg) desidratada em spray dryer: efeitos das condições de processo e composição da alimentação nas propriedades físico químicas e atividade antioxidante / Guavira (Campomanesia cambessedeana Berg) pulp dehydrated in spray dryer: effects of process conditions and feed composition on the physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity

Monique Mi Song Chung 04 February 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi obter polpa de guavira desidratada por atomização, utilizando maltodextrina ou goma arábica como agentes carreadores. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a influência das condições de processo, temperatura do ar de secagem (130, 155 e 180) °C e vazão volumétrica da mistura (20 e 40) mL/min, o tipo e concentração de agente carreador (10 e 20) % nas características físicas, físico-químicas e atividade antioxidante do produto obtido. As propriedades analisadas foram umidade, atividade de água, higroscopicidade, solubilidade, cor, distribuição e tamanho médio de partículas, morfologia, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante. A temperatura do ar de secagem e a vazão volumétrica de alimentação influenciaram significativamente todas as propriedades da guavira em pó. A umidade e atividade de água apresentaram os menores valores na temperatura intermediária, independentemente do tipo e concentração do carreador usado. A solubilidade das amostras adicionadas de maltodextrina foram superiores às amostras com goma arábica. O aumento da concentração de agente carreador, em geral, proporcionou um aumento no parâmetro L* e diminuição dos parâmetros a* e b*, tornando as amostras mais claras e reduzindo as tonalidades vermelha e amarela. A guavira em pó apresentou coloração próxima do amarelo e marrom, com grande variação nos parâmetros de cor C* e H* em função das diferentes condições de secagem. A distribuição do tamanho de partículas não teve um padrão definido e o tamanho médio das amostras com maltodextrina foram maiores do que as com goma arábica para a temperatura do ar a 130 °C. No entanto, para as outras temperaturas (155 e 180) °C não houve um comportamento específico do tamanho das partículas em função da vazão de alimentação, tipo e ou concentração de agente carreador. A análise de microscopia eletrônica de varredura permitiu observar que as partículas obtidas tanto com maltodextrina como goma arábica apresentaram formato esférico, superfície rugosa e com adesão de partículas menores nas de maior tamanho, sendo que a superfície das partículas com goma arábica também apresentaram concavidades. A atividade antioxidante foi superior quando utilizada a temperatura de secagem intermediária. A partir das condições selecionadas na primeira etapa (temperatura do ar de 155 °C, vazão volumétrica da mistura de 40 mL/min e 10% de maltodextrina ou goma arábica) a polpa de guavira em pó foi caracterizada quanto a temperatura de transição vítrea, as isotermas de adsorção e a estabilidade à estocagem do ácido ascórbico, compostos fenólicos totais e da atividade antioxidante da polpa de guavira em pó produzida por spray drying ao longo de 120 dias. As temperaturas de transição vítrea foram de (25,2 ± 2,7 °C e 31,4 ± 0,4) °C para os pós produzidos com goma arábica e maltodextrina, respectivamente. O modelo de BET apresentou ajuste muito bom (R2&gt;0,99) para descrever o comportamento de sorção de água das amostras nas temperaturas de (20, 30 e 40) °C. A polpa de guavira em pó produzida com goma arábica apresentou maior adsorção de água do que as amostras obtidas com maltodextrina. No estudo da estabilidade, as amostras foram acondicionadas em embalagem de polietileno laminado e armazenadas a 25 °C e umidade relativa de 75%. A embalagem de polietileno laminado foi eficiente na manutenção do teor de ácido ascórbico e atividade antioxidante da guavira em pó por um período de 120 dias, independente do carreador adicionado. O teor de compostos fenólicos para a guavira em pó com goma arábica apresentou uma redução nos primeiros 22 dias, contudo a amostra com maltodextrina manteve-se estável durante 120 dias de armazenamento. / The aim of this work was to obtain dried guavira pulp by spray drying, using maltodextrin or arabic gum as carrier agents. Initially, it was evaluated the influence of the process conditions, inlet air temperature (130, 155 e 180) °C and mixture feed flow rate (20 e 40) mL/min, carrier agent type and concentration (10 e 20) % in physical, physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of the product. The analyzed properties were moisture content, water activity, higroscopicity, solubility, distribution and average particle size, morphology, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. The inlet air temperature and mixture feed flow significantly influenced all the properties of guavira powder. The moisture content and water activity showed lower values in intermediate temperature, independent of the carrier agent type and concentration. The solubility of the samples with maltodextrin were higher than the samples with arabic gum. Increasing the carrier agent concentration generally resulted in an increase of the parameter L* and a reduction of a* and b* parameters, making lighter samples and reducing the red and yellow hues. The color of the guavira powder presented next to yellow and brown coloring, with great variation in parameters C* and H* depending on the different drying conditions. The size distribution of the particles had no definite pattern and the particles average size of the samples with maltodextrin were higher the samples with arabic gum for the inlet air temperature at 130 °C. However, for the other temperatures (155 and 180) °C there is a specific behavior of the particle size depending of the feed flow rate, carrier agent type and concentration. The scanning electronic microscopic analysis observed that the particles obtained with maltodextrin or arabic gum presented spherical, roughness surface and adhesion of the smaller particles into larger, the particles with arabic gum also presented concavities. The antioxidant activity was higher at intermediate inlet air temperature. From the selected conditions at the first phase (inlet air temperature of 155 °C, feed flow rate of 40 mL/min and 10% of maltodextrina or arabic gum) the guavira pulp powder were evaluated the glass transition temperature, the adsorption isotherms and the storage stability of ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity of the guavira powder produced to over 120 days. The glass transition temperatures were (25,2 ± 2,7 °C e 31,4 ± 0,4) °C for the powder obtained with arabic gum and maltodextrin, respectively. The BET model presented good adjustment (R²&gt;0,99) to describe the water sorption behavior of the samples at test temperatures of (20, 30 e 40) °C. The guavira powder with arabic gum showed higher water adsorption than the samples with maltodextrin. In the stability study, samples were packed in polyethylene-laminated packaging and stored at 25 °C and relative humidity of 75%. The packaging was effective in maintaining ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity of the guavira powder for a period of 120 days for samples with the addition of maltodextrin and gum arabic. The content of phenolic compounds for guavira powder with gum arabic showed a reduction in the first 22 days, but the sample with maltodextrin remained stable for 120 days of storage.


Li, Xiaojian 01 January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the work was to design, manufacture, and characterize targeted multi-component dry powder aerosols of (non-destructive) mucolytic agent (mannitol), antimicrobial drug (tobramycin or azithromycin), and lung surfactant mimic phospholipids (DPPC:DPPG=4:1 in molar ratio). The targeted dry powder for inhalation formulation for deep lung delivery with a built-in rationale of specifically interfering several disease factors of chronic infection diseases in deep lungs such as cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and etc. The dry powder aerosols consisting of selected chemical agents in one single formulation was generated by using spray drying from organic solution. The physicochemical properties of multi-component dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation were characterized by a number of techniques. In addition, the in vitro aerosol dispersion performance, storage stability test, and in vitro drug release of selected spray-dried (SD) multi-component systems were conducted. The physicochemical study revealed that multi-component aerosol particles possessed essential particle properties suitable for deep lung delivery. In general, the multi-component particles (typically 0.5 to 2 µm) indicated that the designed SD aerosol particles could potentially penetrate deep lung regions (such as respiratory bronchiolar and alveolar regions) by sedimentation and diffusion, respectively. The essential particle properties including narrow size distribution, spherical particle and smooth surface morphologies, and low water content (or water vapor sorption) could potentially minimize interparticulate interactions. The study of in vitro aerosol dispersion performance showed that majority of SD multi-component aerosols exhibited low values (less than 5µm) of MMAD, high values (approximately above 30% up to 60.4%) of FPF, and high values (approximately above 90%) of ED, respectively. The storage stability study showed that azithromycin–incorporated multi-component aerosol particles stored at 11 and 40% RH with no partial crystallization were still suitable for deep lung delivery. Compared to SD pure azithromycin particles, the azithromycin-incorporated multi-component particles exhibited an enhanced initial release. The targeted microparticulate and nanoparticulate multi-component dry powder aerosol formulations with essential particle properties for deep lung pulmonary delivery were successfully produced by using spray drying from organic solution. The promising experimental data suggest the multi-component formulations could be further investigated in in vivo studies for the purpose of commercialization.

Avaliação do uso de um polietileno de alta densidade e baixo peso molecular oxidado como agente de compatibilização em asfalto modificado com copolímero SBS / Analysis of the use of an oxidized, high-density polyethylene with low molecular weight as a compatibilizing agent in asphalt binders modified with SBS copolymer

Verdade, Lucas Lauer 26 August 2015 (has links)
O copolímero SBS é o aditivo mais empregado mundialmente na modificação de ligantes asfálticos, por melhorar diversas de suas características. Um dos principais problemas deste tipo de formulação é a separação de fases, que pode ser minimizada com a incorporação de aditivos. Um novo polietileno de alta densidade e baixo peso molecular oxidado (com denominação comercial TITAN 9686) foi utilizado nesta pesquisa, com o objetivo de testar a hipótese de que a adição de proporções adequadas deste aditivo possa melhorar as características reológicas do asfalto+SBS. O experimento laboratorial foi delineado com base na técnica de experimentos com misturas, englobando um total de nove formulações compostas com asfalto, SBS e TITAN. O teor de SBS variou entre 0 e 5% em peso e o de polietileno variou entre 0 e 2% em peso. Foi utilizado óleo aromático no teor de 4% em peso para todas as nove misturas. As misturas foram analisadas em três condições de envelhecimento: virgem, curto prazo (na estufa RTFO) e longo prazo (na estufa PAV). Foram realizados os seguintes ensaios reológicos: (i) de cisalhamento em regime oscilatório em diferentes condições de temperatura e frequência (para medida do módulo complexo e do ângulo de fase, usados na determinação do grau de desempenho, no cálculo dos parâmetros G*/sen(&#948;) e G*.sen(&#948;) e na construção de curvas-mestre), (ii) de viscosidade Brookfield, (iii) de fluência e recuperação sob múltiplas tensões (para medida do percentual de recuperação e da compliância não-recuperável), (iv) de varredura de amplitude linear (para cálculo do parâmetro a f e para ajuste do modelo de fadiga) e (v) de estabilidade à estocagem. Acerca das características escolhidas para mensurar a melhora ou piora das propriedades das misturas asfalto+SBS com a adição de TITAN, podem ser feitas as seguintes observações: (i) a estabilidade à estocagem é melhorada com a adição de TITAN, em particular no teores entre 1 e 2%; (ii) a sensibilidade ao envelhecimento tanto a curto quanto a longo prazos diminui com a adição de TITAN; (iii) a adição de TITAN aumenta a resistência à deformação permanente, à luz dos parâmetros Jnr e R e aumenta a sensibilidade dos ligantes asfálticos modificados com SBS a mudanças bruscas nos níveis de tensão aplicados; e (iv) a adição de TITAN contribui com o aumento da resistência à fadiga, à luz dos parâmetros Nf , a baixos níveis de deformação, e af , e a prejudica reduzindo o parâmetro Nf a altos níveis de deformação e aumentando a temperatura crítica de fadiga ou o parâmetro G*.sen(&#948;). Tendo por base estas evidências, é possível concluir que a adição de TITAN, em linhas gerais, melhorou a estabilidade dos ligantes asfálticos modificados com até 5,0% de SBS. Com base nas análises realizadas, é possível afirmar que teores da ordem de 1 a 2% de TITAN, para teores de SBS entre 3,0 e 5,0%, são recomendáveis, à luz das propriedades, índices e parâmetros analisados neste trabalho. / The SBS copolymer is the most widely used additive in asphalt binder modification, since it enhances many of the properties of the original material. A critical problem that arises from this type of modification is phase separation, which can be minimized by adding other modifiers to the formulation. A new oxidized, high-density polyethylene with low molecular weight (commercial designation of \"TITAN 9686\") was used in the study with the purpose of verifying the hypothesis that the addition of suitable contents of this modifier can improve the rheological properties of the SBS-modified binder. The laboratory matrix of formulations was based on the experiments with mixtures, and nine types of materials were prepared with asphalt binder, SBS and TITAN. The SBS contents ranged from 0 to 5% by weight, whereas the polyethylene contents ranged from 0 to 2% by weight. These formulations also contained 4% of aromatic oil by weight. Three aging conditions were selected: unaged, short-term aged in the rolling thin-film oven (RTFO) and long-term aged in the pressurized aging vessel (PAV). The following tests were carried out: (i) dynamic oscillatory shear at different temperatures and frequencies of loading for the determination of the complex modulus, the phase angles and the master curves, as well as the performance grades and the numerical values of the parameters G*/sin(&#948;) and G*.sen(&#948;); (ii) rotational viscosity; (iii) creep and recovery at multiple stress levels for the determination and the percent recovery and the nonrecoverable compliance; (iv) linear amplitude sweep, in order to calculate the parameter a f and fit the fatigue model to the data; and (v) storage stability. With respect to the characteristics used in the evaluation of the properties of the AC+SBS mixtures after the addition of TITAN, the following observations can be made: (i) storage stability is improved when TITAN is added to the formulation, especially at contents ranging from 1 to 2%; (ii) the sensitivity to the short-term and long-term aging processes decreased with the incorporation of TITAN; (iii) the changes in the R and the Jnr values indicate that the addition of TITAN makes the asphalt binder more resistant to rutting, and also increases the sensitivity of the SBS-modified binders to sudden increases in the stress level; and (iv) the presence of TITAN in the material leads to an increase in the fatigue resistance as based on the parameters Nf and af at low strain levels and the increases in the critical fatigue temperature and the parameter G*.sen(&#948;). With reference to these evidences, it is possible to conclude that the addition of TITAN generally improves the storage stability of the SBS-modified binders with no more than 5% of copolymer by weight. Based on the results of the present study, it is possible to say that percentages between 1 and 2% of TITAN by weight are recommended for SBS contents between 3 and 5% by weight.

Avaliação do uso de um polietileno de alta densidade e baixo peso molecular oxidado como agente de compatibilização em asfalto modificado com copolímero SBS / Analysis of the use of an oxidized, high-density polyethylene with low molecular weight as a compatibilizing agent in asphalt binders modified with SBS copolymer

Lucas Lauer Verdade 26 August 2015 (has links)
O copolímero SBS é o aditivo mais empregado mundialmente na modificação de ligantes asfálticos, por melhorar diversas de suas características. Um dos principais problemas deste tipo de formulação é a separação de fases, que pode ser minimizada com a incorporação de aditivos. Um novo polietileno de alta densidade e baixo peso molecular oxidado (com denominação comercial TITAN 9686) foi utilizado nesta pesquisa, com o objetivo de testar a hipótese de que a adição de proporções adequadas deste aditivo possa melhorar as características reológicas do asfalto+SBS. O experimento laboratorial foi delineado com base na técnica de experimentos com misturas, englobando um total de nove formulações compostas com asfalto, SBS e TITAN. O teor de SBS variou entre 0 e 5% em peso e o de polietileno variou entre 0 e 2% em peso. Foi utilizado óleo aromático no teor de 4% em peso para todas as nove misturas. As misturas foram analisadas em três condições de envelhecimento: virgem, curto prazo (na estufa RTFO) e longo prazo (na estufa PAV). Foram realizados os seguintes ensaios reológicos: (i) de cisalhamento em regime oscilatório em diferentes condições de temperatura e frequência (para medida do módulo complexo e do ângulo de fase, usados na determinação do grau de desempenho, no cálculo dos parâmetros G*/sen(&#948;) e G*.sen(&#948;) e na construção de curvas-mestre), (ii) de viscosidade Brookfield, (iii) de fluência e recuperação sob múltiplas tensões (para medida do percentual de recuperação e da compliância não-recuperável), (iv) de varredura de amplitude linear (para cálculo do parâmetro a f e para ajuste do modelo de fadiga) e (v) de estabilidade à estocagem. Acerca das características escolhidas para mensurar a melhora ou piora das propriedades das misturas asfalto+SBS com a adição de TITAN, podem ser feitas as seguintes observações: (i) a estabilidade à estocagem é melhorada com a adição de TITAN, em particular no teores entre 1 e 2%; (ii) a sensibilidade ao envelhecimento tanto a curto quanto a longo prazos diminui com a adição de TITAN; (iii) a adição de TITAN aumenta a resistência à deformação permanente, à luz dos parâmetros Jnr e R e aumenta a sensibilidade dos ligantes asfálticos modificados com SBS a mudanças bruscas nos níveis de tensão aplicados; e (iv) a adição de TITAN contribui com o aumento da resistência à fadiga, à luz dos parâmetros Nf , a baixos níveis de deformação, e af , e a prejudica reduzindo o parâmetro Nf a altos níveis de deformação e aumentando a temperatura crítica de fadiga ou o parâmetro G*.sen(&#948;). Tendo por base estas evidências, é possível concluir que a adição de TITAN, em linhas gerais, melhorou a estabilidade dos ligantes asfálticos modificados com até 5,0% de SBS. Com base nas análises realizadas, é possível afirmar que teores da ordem de 1 a 2% de TITAN, para teores de SBS entre 3,0 e 5,0%, são recomendáveis, à luz das propriedades, índices e parâmetros analisados neste trabalho. / The SBS copolymer is the most widely used additive in asphalt binder modification, since it enhances many of the properties of the original material. A critical problem that arises from this type of modification is phase separation, which can be minimized by adding other modifiers to the formulation. A new oxidized, high-density polyethylene with low molecular weight (commercial designation of \"TITAN 9686\") was used in the study with the purpose of verifying the hypothesis that the addition of suitable contents of this modifier can improve the rheological properties of the SBS-modified binder. The laboratory matrix of formulations was based on the experiments with mixtures, and nine types of materials were prepared with asphalt binder, SBS and TITAN. The SBS contents ranged from 0 to 5% by weight, whereas the polyethylene contents ranged from 0 to 2% by weight. These formulations also contained 4% of aromatic oil by weight. Three aging conditions were selected: unaged, short-term aged in the rolling thin-film oven (RTFO) and long-term aged in the pressurized aging vessel (PAV). The following tests were carried out: (i) dynamic oscillatory shear at different temperatures and frequencies of loading for the determination of the complex modulus, the phase angles and the master curves, as well as the performance grades and the numerical values of the parameters G*/sin(&#948;) and G*.sen(&#948;); (ii) rotational viscosity; (iii) creep and recovery at multiple stress levels for the determination and the percent recovery and the nonrecoverable compliance; (iv) linear amplitude sweep, in order to calculate the parameter a f and fit the fatigue model to the data; and (v) storage stability. With respect to the characteristics used in the evaluation of the properties of the AC+SBS mixtures after the addition of TITAN, the following observations can be made: (i) storage stability is improved when TITAN is added to the formulation, especially at contents ranging from 1 to 2%; (ii) the sensitivity to the short-term and long-term aging processes decreased with the incorporation of TITAN; (iii) the changes in the R and the Jnr values indicate that the addition of TITAN makes the asphalt binder more resistant to rutting, and also increases the sensitivity of the SBS-modified binders to sudden increases in the stress level; and (iv) the presence of TITAN in the material leads to an increase in the fatigue resistance as based on the parameters Nf and af at low strain levels and the increases in the critical fatigue temperature and the parameter G*.sen(&#948;). With reference to these evidences, it is possible to conclude that the addition of TITAN generally improves the storage stability of the SBS-modified binders with no more than 5% of copolymer by weight. Based on the results of the present study, it is possible to say that percentages between 1 and 2% of TITAN by weight are recommended for SBS contents between 3 and 5% by weight.

Tvorba biofilmu u probiotických bakterií a jejich zpracování do pevné lékové formy. / Formation of biofilm by probiotic bacteria and its processing to solid drug form.

Grossová, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of present work is cultivation of probiotic bacteria L. acidophilus, B. breve and B. longum in such a way that the culture forms cells clusters or comprehensive biofilm on the variety of free carriers. Biofilm formation of L. acidophilus on the silica from point of view bile and acid tolerance in gastrointestinal tract was studied. While the number of living cells in planktonic form (planktonic form) at pH 1 fell by 30 %, the viability of the biofilm cells was maintained to 90 % under the same environmental conditions. The biofilm culture showed also the protection against environment contained bile. Furthermore, the possibilities of drying procedures of biofilm cultures used as commercial technologies in pharmaceutical industry were studied. The comparison of freeze-drying and fluidization bed drying showed, that freeze-drying is more suitable method, which is able to achieve higher amount of viable cells after drying than fluidization bed drying. The effectivity of freeze-drying method is dependent on the selection of suitable cryprotective medium. In this case, about 90 % higher viability after freeze drying was achieved in comparison with fluidization bed drying. Finally, the industrial processing of probiotic strains into the solid dosage form was studied. Tablets should be produced at hardness between 70 and 90 N and water activity of tablet mixture can be maintained below 0.3. Consequently, the drying step of the tablets in a hermetically closed space with at least 10 % of silica gel must be ensured. Thereafter, the tablets contain (5.4 ± 0.7)109 viable cells after 6 months of drying process. Capsule production technology has no significant effect on the cell‘s viability during production. The triplex blistering foil for primary blistering of probiotic capsules was chosen. The triplex foil, which has low values of water vapour transition rate (0.07 g H2O / (m2 × day) and oxygen transition rate (0.01 cm3/m2 × day), was chosen. Other studied blistering foils commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry are not suitable for long storage of solid dosage forms contained probiotics.

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