Spelling suggestions: "subject:"8trategic planning."" "subject:"estrategic planning.""
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Strategiese beplanning in maatskaplike werk met spesifieke verwysing na die formulering van diensvoorstelleSmall, Willem 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to formulate guidelines whereby social work managers can use
strategic planning as a management tool especially with regard to the formulation of service
proposals or business plans. In order to accomplish this, a literature review was done about
social work management within the context of a changing environment, the nature and
process of strategic planning, and social work planning and the development of program
An empirical research was done to determine the use of strategic planning and to analyse the
relationship between the formulation of service proposals and the implementation of strategic
The research sample was determined through a selection of welfare organisations which
previously formulated a service proposal and who employ two or more top- or middle level
managers. This led to six state welfare offices and ten private welfare organisations being
included in the study.
Self administered questionnaires were distributed to top- and middle management of which
21 of the respondents formed part of a state district welfare office and 19 formed part of a
private welfare organisation.
The findings are related to the following four aspects:
The identified details of social work managers; the application of social work management;
the use of strategic planning; and the use of service proposals.
The most important findings were that certain social work managers occupy managerial
positions without the necessary management training; they do not integrate and implement
the components of management as a continuous process; middle management are confused
about the application of strategic planning; welfare organisations do, to a greater extent, use
and apply strategic planning but there is uncertainty concerning aspects of strategic planning. Furthermore, it was found that social work managers and personnel working for the specific
state welfare offices are less optimistic about the formulation of service proposals compared
to those working for private welfare organisations. It was also found that social work
managers are of the opinion that strategic planning first needs to be applied before service
proposals or business plans can be formulated.
The literature review and the conclusions influenced the recommendations made concerning
managerial training, development of managerial skills, the upgrading and use of planning
instruments and the integration of the different planning types namely strategic planning,
business planning or service proposals, and operational planning. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om riglyne op te stel waarvolgens maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders
strategiese beplanning as bestuurshulpmiddel kan benut, veral met betrekking tot die
formulering van diensvoorstelle of besigheidsplanne. Ten einde die riglyne op te stel is 'n
literatuurstudie gedoen oor maatskaplikewerk-bestuur binne die konteks van 'n veranderde
omgewing, die aard en proses van strategiese beplanning, en maatskaplikewerk-beplanning
en die ontwikkeling van programfinansiering.
'n Empiriese ondersoek is ook gedoen om die benutting van strategiese beplanning te bepaal
en om die verband tussen die formulering van diensvoorstelle en die toepassing van
strategiese beplanning te analiseer.
Die steekproef is verkry deur 'n doelbewuste seleksie van welsynsinstansies wat voorheen 'n
diensvoorstel geformuleer het, en wat twee of meer top of middelvlakbestuurders in diens het.
Hiervolgens is ses staatswelsynskantore en tien privaat welsynsorganisasies by die studie
Daar is hoofsaaklik gebruik gemaak van die self geadministreerde vraelys, en is aan top en
middelvlak maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders versprei, waarvan 21 respondente indiens is van
distrikswelsynskantore verbonde aan die Departement van Maatskaplike Dienste en 19
respondente, vorm deel van die privaat welsynsorganisasies.
Die bevindings wat gemaak is hou hoofsaaklik verband met die volgende vier aspekte;
Die identifiseerde besonderhede van maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders; die
toepassing van maatskaplikewerk-bestuur; die benutting van strategiese beplanning; en die
gebruik van diensvoorstelle.
Die belangrikste bevindings was: - dat sekere maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders bestuursposisies
beklee sonder die nodige bestuursopleiding, dat maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders nie
die komponente van bestuur as deel van 'n aaneenlopende proses tot uitvoering bring nie,
middelvlakbestuurders verwar is ten opsigte van die toepassing van strategiese beplanning, dat welsynsinstansies tot 'n groot mate wel strategiese beplanning toepas, maar dat daar
steeds onsekerheid is ten opsigte van sekere aspekte van strategiese beplanning.
Verder is bevind dat maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders en maatskaplikewerk-personeel verbonde
aan die staatsdiens minder positief is oor die formulering van diensvoorstelle as diegene
werksaam by privaat welsynsorganisasies en dat die formulering van diensvoorstelle of
besigheidsplanne voorafgegaan moet word met die toepassing van strategiese beplanning.
Op grond van die afleidings en gevolgtrekkings, asook die literatuurstudie is sekere
aanbevelings gemaak rakende bestuursopleiding, ontwikkeling van bestuursvaardighede,
verbetering van die gebruik van beplanningsinstrumente, en die integrering van die volgende
beplanningstipes, naamlik strategiese beplanning, besigheidsplanne of diensvoorstelle en
operasionele beplanning.
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The role of middle management in strategy execution : a case study in a consulting engineering firmNel, Johlene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2010. / Strategy execution is a notorious challenge. Research shows that only two thirds of the employees at the best companies agree that strategic and operational decisions are quickly translated into action. Organisations have to devote as much energy into getting execution right as they spend on crafting the direction for their business. Planning and implementation are inevitably joined at the hip, with the success at both these aspects insuring the success of the business.
The sphere in which private companies operate is profit driven by nature, which requires thorough planning and communication throughout the organisation. Middle management plays a central role in these companies and, if this group is the weakest link, failure is likely to occur. In order to be able to study the role of middle management in an organisation susceptible to the challenges mentioned above, a South African consulting engineering firm has been identified as a case study. Findings from this research study can prove helpful to the case study organisation and others in understanding the process of strategic translation and execution at middle management level and identifying possible areas for improvement or refinement.
In developing an understanding of middle management’s perception of the strategic process, sense can be made of how they translate it into tasks and responsibilities and ultimately the role they play in unfolding strategic plans in the implementation process.
The findings from the study highlight the critical role performed by middle managers within the CEF. Data collected through the interviews indicate that middle management has a broad understanding of the organisation’s strategy and that the roles of middle management within the CEF as connectors, knowledge conveyors and sense-makers in the execution of the organisation’s strategy are vital in successful strategy implementation.
Lastly, the utilisation of the experience gained through the strategy implementation process is debatable. The researcher concludes with a request for further research to determine the extent to which organisations utilise the implementation roles of middle managers to provide substance to strategy plans
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SASOL : a case study in strategic managementTwine, Marcus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment is a case study for Strategic Management and based on a South
African company. The company is SASOL Ltd, one of South Africa's leading
companies regarding to technological resourcefulness and diversification. The first
chapter of this assignment will give a small introduction and explain why SASOL was
chosen for this project, as well as the methodology used.
Chapter two covers the development of SASOL from a state owned company in the
1950's, to a global player in the field of fuel and chemicals. Included in this chapter
is the industry analysis of the fuel and chemical markets. In this chapter, it becomes
apparent that SASOL has built its status on the modified Fisher-Tropsch process.
Using the process by-products, SASOL was able to penetrate various chemical
markets to form a portfolio of different products.
In chapter three, a strategic evaluation was done as part of the requirement for this
paper. A model of Thompson and Strickland, the prescribed handbook for Strategic
Management students, were used as part of the evaluation.
The following chapter contained more information on the different business units and
the last five years' financial results. These chapters are included to supply additional
information that may not have been covered in the broader view of chapter two.
To complete the paper a chapter of questions and answers was included, which
contains twenty generalised questions asked specifically around SASOL's strategy
and information that is contained in this paper. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die opdrag is 'n saak studie vir die vak Strategiese Bestuur en is gebasseer op 'n
Suid Afrikaanse maatskappy. Die maatskappy is SASOL Bpk, en is een van Suid
Afrika se mees vooraanstaande maatskappy ten opsigte van tegnologies innovering
en diversifisering. Die eerste hoofstuk gee 'n kort verduideliking waarom SASOL
gekies is asook die metodiek wat gebruik sal word.
Hoofstuk twee handel oor die ontwikkeling van SASOL vanaf 'n Staats besitte
maatskappy in die vroeë 1950's tot en met waar die maatskappy 'n wereld speler is
op die gebied van brandstof en chemikalië. Ingesluit in die hoofstuk is die industrie
analiese van die brandstof en chemikalië markte. Dit word hier duidelik dat SASOL
sy huidige posisie bereik het op die Fisher- Tropsch proses en deur die gebruik van
die proses se byprodukte was SASOL daartoe in staat om verskeie nuwe markte te
In hoofstuk drie is 'n strategiese evaluasie gedoen aan die hand van 'n model wat
beskryf word in Thompson en Strickland, 'n handboek vir Strategiese Bestuurs
Die daarop volgende hoofstukke is daartoe gewy om die student meer inligting te
gee van die verskillende besigheidseenhede en het ook die finasieële resultate van
die afgelope vyf jaar ingesluit.
Om die werksopdrag af te sluit is twintig vrae en antwoorde wat betrekking het op
SASOL se strategie en algemene inligting in die laaste hoofstuk.
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Mission statements and vision statements : why companies would want themSchuyling van Doorn, Stefan E. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mission and vision statements are concepts that are often discussed at meetings
where companies discuss and debate whether or not to implement them to ensure
sustained profitability or increase the motivation of employees. This, however, is a
misconception in the business world since mission and vision statements do not lead
to instantaneous success. Mission and vision statements are strategic tools to help
organisations to focus on what they are good at and what they stand for. Mission
statements help an organisation to identify which current direction the organisation
should be taking, whereas a vision statement helps an organisation to identify where
it wants to be in the future.
A mission and vision statement provides a goal towards which the people of the
company can work so that it can be profitable and endure lasting success. This goal
binds the workers of an organisation, resulting in people that are happy since they
know what the organisation's core purpose is. They key importance of these
statements is that they provide guidance of strategic and day-ta-day operational
Companies that enjoy enduring success have core values and a core purpose that
remain fixed, while their business strategies and practices endlessly adapt to a
changing world. The dynamics of preserving the core while stimulating progress is
the reason that companies such as Hewlett Packard, 3M, Merck, Sony and
Nordstrom became elite institutions able to renew themselves.
It is important to realise is that there is no documented proof that organisations that
do not have these mission and vision statements are less successful than those that
do have them.
The dynamic of the concepts developed in Built to Last, i.e. preserving the
core/stimulate the progress should be kept in mind. Neither vision nor mission
statements are the primary engines of enduring great companies, and bear in mind
that visions simply provide the guiding context for bringing the this dynamic to life. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Missie en visie stellings word dikwels by maatskappy vergaderings bespreek. Die
implementering hiervan word beredeneer ten einde voortgesette maatskappy
winsgewendheid te verseker en verhoogde werknemer motivering te bewerkstellig.
Die sakewêreld het egter 'n wanbegrip van missie en visie stellings aangesien dit nie
opsigself lei tot onmiddellike sukses nie. Dit is bloot strategiese middele wat 'n
organisasie help fokus op dit waarin hulle goed is en waarna hulle streef. Missie
stellings help 'n organisasie om onmiddelik rigting te kry terwyl visie stellings help om
toekomstige posisie te identifiseer.
Die missie en visie stellings stel 'n doelwit waarna die mense in 'n maatskappy kan
werk sodat winsgewendheid en volhoubare sukses behaal kan word. Werknemers in
'n maatskappy word verbind tot hierdie doelwit en dit het werkstevredenheid tot
gevolg omdat die kern doel van die organisasie verstaan word. Die belangrikste
aspek van hierdie stellings is dat dit 'n riglyn stel vir strategiese en daaglikse
operasionele besluitneming.
Maatskappye wat volhoubare sukses bewerkstellig, het 'n vaste doel en kern
waardes terwyl hul sakestrategie en praktyk gedurig aanpas tot die veranderende
wêreld. Die dinamiek van kernbehouding en die stimulasie van vooruitgang is die
rede tot maatskappye soos Hewlett Packard, 3M, Merck, Sony en Nordstrom se
posisie as elite instansies wat hulself kan hernu.
Dit is belangrik om kennis te neem dat geen gedokumenteerde bewys bestaan dat
maatskappye wat nie 'n missie en visie stelling het nie, minder suksesvol is as dié
wat wel 'n missie en visie stelling het nie.
Die dinamiek van die konsep ontwikkel in "Built to Last", naamlik behoud van die kern
en stimulasie van vooruitgang, moet in gedagte gehou word. Visie en missie stellings
is nie die primêre dryfkrag van blywende maatskappye nie, maar skep bloot die
rigtinggewende konteks om hierdie dinamika lewe te gee.
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How we do it : strategy-as-practice in Old Mutual NamibiaGeises, Merceline Mercia 03 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Strategic thinking has evolved and different insights of strategy and the way that strategy works in organisations have developed over time. There is a view that strategy is something organisations posses. The strategy-as-practice approach, however, sees the field of strategy as something people do in organisations. The focus is thus on people, and doers of strategy in organisations, which leads to the question of who strategists are, what their role is in strategy work, and what strategy tools are deployed.
The aim of this study was to review the existing body of knowledge in the strategy-as-practice domain and illustrate the findings of previous researchers, by virtue of an empirical study based on a financial services organisation in Namibia. The approach adopted in this research is an activity based view of strategy-as-practice in line with Jarzabkowski (2005) where the main focus is on practitioners, praxis/events and practices/process within the case study organisation. Praxis is defined by Jarzabkowski et al. (2007) with reference to Reckwitz (2002) and Sztompka (1991) as a stream of activity that interconnects the micro actions of individuals or groups with the wider institutions in which those actions are located and to which they contribute.
The seven aspects of the biomatrix systems theory by Dostal, Cloete and Jaros (2004) are discussed and strategy-as-practice in the case study organisation is analysed according to the environment, ethos, aims, processes, structure, governance and mei (matter, energy & information).
The ten schools of study as defined my Mintzberg, Ahstrand and Lampel (2005) is incorporated in this study in order to assess the presence of these schools of thought in the case study organisation. Evidence of the different forms of strategy as defined by Jarzabkowski (2005), namely procedural, integrative strategy and interactive strategy are also found in the case study organisation. Strategy-as-practice research done in the South African and Namibian context by researchers attached to the University of Stellenbosch is also reviewed in this research paper.
SenseMaker™ Explorer software was used where respondents were required to do self-indexing on their narratives about strategy-as-practice in the case study organisation, to further support the findings of the template and thematic analysis. The SenseMaker™ software results gave the researcher more insight into respondents’ views about the implementation of strategy, strategic governance, the ethos of strategy-as-practice in the case study organisation and the strategy goals deployed in Old Mutual Namibia.
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Tick Tock, Tick Tock - Shortening the Strategic Planning Clock: Strategic Planning at the University of Arizona LibraryOxnam, Maliaca, Martin, Jim, Ammon, Mona, Knowlton, Sharon, Ray, Michael 06 April 2006 (has links)
Conference proceeding from the Living the Future 6 Conference, April 5-8, 2006, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ. / The UA Library embarked on a new long-range strategic planning process utilizing new techniques to determine our future directions. Come hear how we shortened our planning process and where we’re headed in the future!
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Planning for conservation in inner Deep Bay and its hinterland: a strategic choice approach : workshopreportLaw, Tat-pong., 羅達邦. January 1994 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning
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A comparative study of the corporate strategies of the two electricitycompanies in Hong KongHo, Kwok-wing., 何國榮. January 1992 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration
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A case study of the decline of IBM in the context of corporate strategic managementWong, Kai-wa, 黃啓華 January 1994 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration
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The strategic importance of information systems to airline revenue management王達才, Wong, Tat-choi. January 1995 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration
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