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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of the impacts of selected Limpopo Province Dams on their downstream river ecosystems using remote sensing techniques

Mokgoebo, Matjutla John 10 December 2013 (has links)
MEnv.Sc / Department of Geography and Geo-Information Sciences

A study of the impact of anthropogenic activities in the Crocodile River, Mpumalanga

Soko, Mthobisi Innocent 25 November 2014 (has links)
In South Africa water is recognized as a crucial element in the battle against poverty, the cornerstone of prosperity, and a limiting factor to growth. The National Water Act 36 of 1998 recognizes that basic human and environmental needs should be met and that the use of water in all aspects must be sustainable. The Crocodile River (East) is situated in the north east of the Republic of South Africa and it is recognized as a stressed catchment in South Africa. The main impacts are domestic, industrial, agricultural, mining and afforestation activities. These activities pollute the river by discharging effluent as well as seepage from areas that support mining and intensive agriculture in to the river. The river catchment has been a center of research studies for many scientists either focusing on water quality or biological indicators separately. The aim of study was to determine the present ecological condition and the health of the Crocodile River. The objectives were to determine water quality status, identify possible sources of pollution and assess the spatial and temporal trends in ecological state. Fourteen monitoring sites were selected from the Crocodile River and its tributaries. The macro-invertebrates data were collected using the SASS 5 protocol and fish were collected using an electroshocker- catch and release method during high and low flow conditions of the year 2013. Water quality data was obtained by sampling using a polyethylene bottle from different sites within the Crocodile River and its tributaries from September 2012 until August 2013. The samples were analyzed by Mpumamanzi laboratory in Nelspruit and Waterlab in Pretoria. Additional water quality data was obtained from the Department of Water Affairs. Multivariate statistical methods were used to analyze all the data obtained. The multivariate statistical methods indicated that fish and macro-invertebrates species abundance, richness and evenness increase with the river flow distance downstream. Water temperature was one of the leading environmental variables for the structuring of fish and macro-invertebrates assemblage in the Crocodile River and its tributaries. A group formation of site during high and low flow condition by the Bray Curtis similarity and NMDS ordination indicated that many sites share similar macro-invertebrates or fish species. The one way ANOVA analysis indicated that there was no significance difference between macro-invertebrates richness and abundance during both flow conditions but there was a significance difference in fish richness and abundance between the two flow conditions. The PCA indicated that sodium has the highest physico-chemical impact amongst the physico-chemical parameters in the bi-plot followed by ammonium and nitrate. A correlation of physico-chemical parameters such as chlorine, total dissolved solid, electrical conductivity, sulphate and pH was observed. The levels of total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity were found to increase longitudinally as the river flows downstream. The dominance of single species within the macro-invertebrates and fish communities was an indication of imbalance of the communities within the sites. The presence of the macro-invertebrate family Beatidae and the fish species Chiloglanis pretoriae at sites CR3 and CR4 indicates a good water quality in the upper reaches during low flow condition as these species are sensitive to changes in water quality, while the presence of the macro-invertebrate family Pleidea and fish species Barbus viviparus at sites CR10 and KR1 during low flow condition indicated possible water pollution as these species tolerate changes in water quality and this was linked to the discharge of effluent from industrial, abandoned mines and run-offs from agricultural activities in the downstream reaches of the river. The low flow condition was dominated by sensitive species especially in the upper reaches than during high flow condition. The macro-invertebrates assessment index indicated that during low flow condition the Crocodile River was mostly at ecological class B (largely natural with few modification) above the Kwena dam, but from downstream of the dam the ecological category was in C class (moderately modified), while its tributaries are in ecological category B (largely natural with few modification). The fish response assessment index indicated that the ecological category for fish was mostly at C class (moderately modified) in the Crocodile River. The changes in macro-invertebrates communities and fish in the Crocodile River were believed to be associated with change of water quality and habitat modification due to flow modification. Agricultural activities in the upper reaches and a combination of industrial and mining activities in the middle and lower reaches of the Crocodile River were believed to be the sources of pollution that results in the change of water quality, fish and macro-invertebrates assemblage in the Crocodile River. Investing in the health of the Crocodile River is important for many Mbombela citizens and river dwellers as they rely on the functioning of the river for survival. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Rapid bioassessment of the ecological integrity of the Lourens, Palmiet and Hout Bay Rivers (South Western Cape, South Africa) using aquatic macroinvertebrates

Ollis, Dean Justin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of this study was to assess and compare the ecological integrity of the Lourens, Palmiet and Hout Bay Rivers (South Western Cape, South Africa) by examining the macroinvertebrate community structure at a series of representative sampling sites along the course of each river, using the South African Scoring System - Version 5 (SASS-5) rapid bioassessment method. Secondary aims included an examination of the effects of seasonal variability, biotope availability and site-specific environmental variables on the macroinvertebrate community structure at sampling sites, as well as the preliminary testing of the Integrated Habitat Assessment System (IHAS) for aquatic macroinvertebrates. According to results obtained, the ecological integrity of sampling sites in the Mountain Stream Zone of the three rivers was consistently good. The Hout Bay River in the upper portions of the Orange Kloof Reserve was particularly near-pristine, with this area having been identified in this study as a potential biodiversity ‘hot-spot’ for aquatic macroinvertebrates. Downstream of the Mountain Stream Zone, there was a significant deterioration in the ecological integrity of all three rivers due to a number of probable causes. Results based on recorded SASS Scores and Average Score per Taxon (ASPT) values, using ‘biological bands’ generated from reference sites in the South Western Cape, were generally similar to and supported by the corresponding multivariate analyses undertaken. From the results of the various analyses undertaken in this investigation and some of the problems encountered in interpreting the data, a number of recommendations are made regarding future bioassessment studies based on the SASS within the national River Health Programme (RHP). To test the IHAS, secondary data were obtained from reference sites in the Mpumalanga and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa. Assuming that SASS Scores at reference sites are the highest scores attainable, one would expect to find a positive relationship between SASS Scores and IHAS scores at reference sites. The assumption in this investigation was that this relationship should be linear. Non-parametric correlation analyses were undertaken between SASS-4/5 Scores and IHAS scores, using Kendall’s Rank-correlation Coefficient (τ), with separate analyses undertaken for different geomorphological zones and biotope groups. Correlations between SASS Scores and IHAS scores were generally weak (τ-values mostly < 0.3) and unsatisfactory, with no significant correlations (p < 0.05) for two-thirds of the data sets analysed and a wide degree of scatter generally observed amongst data points in respective scatter plots. The performance of the IHAS varied between geomorphological zones and biotope groups, with the Foothill: Gravel-bed Zone in Mpumalanga showing the best results, particularly when the stones-in-current biotope group was analysed separately. Further testing of the IHAS is required to confirm its relative performance in different bioregions/ecoregions, geomorphological zones and biotope groups, which should be undertaken as a priority research area within the RHP. Unsuccessful attempts to test the IHAS by means of multiple regression analyses were undertaken, suggesting that such techniques should be avoided in further testing of the IHAS. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die ekologiese toestand van die Lourens-, Palmiet- en Houtbaairiviere (Suidwes Kaap, Suid Afrika) te bepaal en te vergelyk deur die bestudering van die makroinvertebraatgemeenskapstruktuur by verteenwoordigende monsterpunte langs die riviere, met gebruik van die “South African Scoring System” – Weergawe 5 (SASS-5) snelle biologiese bepalingsmetode. Sekondêre doelwitte het die bepaling van die gevolge van seisoenele veranderlikheid, biotoop beskikbaarheid en ligging-bepaalde omgewingsveranderlikes op die makroinvertebraatgemeenskapstruktuur by monsterpunte ingesluit, asook die inleidende toetsing van die “Integrated Habitat Assessment System” (IHAS) vir watermakroinvertebrate. Volgens die resultate verkry, was die ekologiese toestand van monsterpunte in die Bergstroomsone van die drie riviere konsekwent goed. Die Houtbaairivier in die boonste gedeelte van die Oranjekloofreservaat was veral feitlik onversteurd en hierdie streek is in die studie as ‘n potensiaal biodiversiteit “hot-spot” vir watermakroinvertebrate geidentifiseer. Stroomafwaarts van die Bergstroomsone was daar ‘n beduidende verswakking in die ekologiese toestand van al drie riviere, as gevolg van ‘n aantal moontlike oorsake. Resultate gebaseer op bepaalde “SASS Scores” en ‘Gemiddelde Waarde per Takson’ (“Average Score per Taxon” - ASPT) waardes, met gebruik van ‘biologiese bande’ wat van verwysingsmonsterpunte in die Suidwes Kaap afgelei is, was oor die algemeen soortgelyk aan en gestaaf deur die ooreenstemmende multiveranderlikke (“multivariate”) statistiese analises wat gedoen is. Uit die resultate van die verskeie analises wat in hierdie ondersoek gedoen is en sommige van die probleme wat in die dataverklaring gevind is, is ‘n aantal aanbevelings gemaak met betrekking tot toekomende biologiese bepalingstudies vir die nasionale Riviergesondheidsprogram (“River Health Programme” - RHP) wat op die SASS gebaseer is. Om die IHAS te toets is sekondêre data van verwysingsmonsterpunte in die Mpumalanga en Wes Kaap Provinsies van Suid Afrika verkry. As aangeneem word dat die “SASS Scores” by verwysingsmonsterpunte die hoogste moontlike tellings is wat bereik kan word, sou ‘n positiewe verwantskap tussen “SASS Scores” en IHAS tellings by verwysingsmonsterpunte verwag word. Die veronderstelling in hierdie studie was dat dié verwantskap lineêr moet wees. Nie-parametriese korrelasieanalise tussen “SASS-4/5 Scores” en IHAS tellings is gemaak, deur gebruik van Kendall se Rangkorrelasiekoëffisiënt (τ), met afsonderlike analises vir verskillende geomorfologiese sones en biotoopgroepe verrig. Korrelasies tussen “SASS Scores” en IHAS tellings was algemeen swak (τ-waardes < 0.3) en onbevredigend, met geen beduidende korrelasies (“p” < 0.05) vir twee-derdes van die datastelle wat geanaliseer is nie en ‘n wye verspreiding tussen datapunte in die onderskeie “scatter plots” wat waargeneem is. Die funksionering van die IHAS was verskillend tussen geomorfologiese sones en biotoopgroepe. Die beste resultate is vir die Voorheuwel: Gruisbeddingsone in Mpumalanga verkry, veral indien die klippe-in-stroom biotoopgroep afsonderlik geanaliseer is. Verdere toetsing van die IHAS is nodig om die relatiewe funksionering in verskillende biostreke/”ecoregions”, geomorfologiese sones en biotoopgroepe te bevestig en dit behoort voorangs te geniet binne die RHP. Pogings om die IHAS deur middel van veelvoudige regressie analise te toets het misluk, wat aandui dat sulke tegnieke vermy moet word in verder toetsing van die IHAS.

Assessment of fish as bio-indicators of river health in rivers of the southwestern Cape

Hayes, Johan Barnard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, the Fish Assemblage Integrity Index (FAll) was applied on three rivers within the southwestern Cape. This index uses fish as indicators of biological aquatic integrity and is based on indigenous species expected to be present in biological fish habitats. Fish integrity classes were calculated for each of the sites in the three rivers studied. Sites 2 and 4 within the Lourens River were rated as Class C, whereas sites 1 and 3 were rated as Class F and Class D respectively. Sites 1, 2 and 4 within the Palmiet River were rated Class F, whereas sites 3 and 5 were rated as Class E and Class D respectively. Site 1 within the Hout Bay River was rated as a Class F site, in addition to sites 2 and 3 been rated as Class A. It is however, suggested that the FAll needs to be adjusted to accommodate the general low species richness experienced in the southwestern Cape. In addition to the FAll been applied, the effects of long-term exposure to subtle water quality changes associated with human activities, specifically potential estrogenic compounds in fish from the Lourens River were also investigated. The production of the yolk precursor lipoprotein complex, vitellogenin (Vtg) produced in the liver under estrogen control was employed as biomarker for environmental estrogen exposure. Male fish from the Lourens River were studied using SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis. Results indicated that 60% of male fish showed the presence of Vtg in their plasma. Abnormal gonad morphology in male and female fish were also assessed using standard histological procedures. Results from this study indicated no observed abnormalities in either male or female gonads. The immediate presence of endocrine disrupters with estrogen activity was investigated by screening water samples from the Lourens, Palmiet and Hout Bay Rivers for estrogen activity. Results indicated that none of the samples appeared to be cytotoxic. In addition, estrogen activity of water samples was also investigated by in vitro culturing of water samples with frog, Xenopus laevis, liver slices. Results indicated that none of the water samples from the three rivers studied indicated estrogenic activity. Although cytotoxicity and estrogen activity results were negative, the production of Vtg in male fish suggests further research regarding the presence of estrogenic substances in these rivers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die huidige studie is die 'Fish Assemblage Integrity Index' (FAIl) toegepas op drie rivere in die suidwes Kaap. Hierdie indeks gebruik visse as bioindikatore van biologies akwatiese integriteit en is gebasseer op die inheemse visspesies wat verwag word in biologiese vishabitatte. Integriteitsklasse is bepaal vir elke studieterrein in die drie rivere wat ondersoek is. 'n Klas C is bepaal vir studieterreine 2 en 4 in die Lourensrivier. Klas F en Klas D is bepaal vir studieterreine 1 en 3 in die rivier onderskeidelik. 'n Klas F is bepaal vir studieterreine 1, 2 en 4 en Klas E en Klas D bepaal vir studieterreine 3 en 5 in die Palmietrivier onderskeidelik. 'n Klas F is bepaal vir studieterrein 1 in die Houtbaairivier waar 'n Klas A bepaal is vir studieterreine 2 en 3. Dit word egter voorgestel dat die FAII aangepas moet word om die algemene lae spesierykheid wat ervaar word in die suidwes Kaap te akkomodeer. Die reaksie van visse, afkomstig van die Lourensrivier, op die langtermyn blootstelling aan estrogeniese stowwe is ook bestudeer. Spesifieke reaksies van endokriene versteuring, soos vitellogeen (Vtg) produksie in manlike visse is ondersoek deur middel van SDS-PAGE gel elektroforese. Resultate toon dat in 60% van die manlike visse Vtg in die plasma teenwoordig was. 'n Ondersoek na abnormale gonade morfologie in manlike en vroulike visse van die Lourensrivier is deur standard histologiese prosedures gedoen. Resultate hiervan dui op geen sigbare abnormaliteite in die gonades nie. Die onmiddelike teenwoordigheid van endokriene versteurders is bestudeer deur die sitotoksisiteit van watermonsters afkomstig van die Lourens, Palmiet en Houtbaai riviere te bepaal. Resultate dui aan dat geen monsters sitotoksies was nie. Die estrogeenaktiwiteit van die watermonsters is ook ondersoek deur van in vitro kulture van watermonsters saam met padda, Xenopus leavis, lewersnitte gebruik te maak. Geen estrogeniese aktiwiteit is in die watermonsters gevind nie. Al is die sitotoksisiteit en estrogeenaktiwiteit resultate negatief, dui die produksie van Vtg in manlike visse op die noodsaaklikheid van verdere navorsing ten opsigte van die teenwoordigheid van estrogeniese stowwe in drie riviere.

The structure and dynamics of riverine vegetation in the Umfolozi game reserve

Kemper, Nigel Palmer. January 1991 (has links)
A dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, for the Degree of Master of Science. . / The cyclone Domoina floods of 1984 were responsible for the large scale destruction and devastation of riverine vegetation in the Umfolozi Game Reserve. This event highlighted the need to gain an understanding af the structure and dynamics of riverine vegetation and to use this knowledge to develop a management strategy directed at the future recovery and maintenance of riverine vegetation in the Umfolozi Game Reserve. (Abbreviation abstract) / Andrew Chakane 2018

A study of the impact of anthropogenic activities in the Crocodile River, Mpumalanga

Soko, Mthobisi Innocent 25 November 2014 (has links)
In South Africa water is recognized as a crucial element in the battle against poverty, the cornerstone of prosperity, and a limiting factor to growth. The National Water Act 36 of 1998 recognizes that basic human and environmental needs should be met and that the use of water in all aspects must be sustainable. The Crocodile River (East) is situated in the north east of the Republic of South Africa and it is recognized as a stressed catchment in South Africa. The main impacts are domestic, industrial, agricultural, mining and afforestation activities. These activities pollute the river by discharging effluent as well as seepage from areas that support mining and intensive agriculture in to the river. The river catchment has been a center of research studies for many scientists either focusing on water quality or biological indicators separately. The aim of study was to determine the present ecological condition and the health of the Crocodile River. The objectives were to determine water quality status, identify possible sources of pollution and assess the spatial and temporal trends in ecological state. Fourteen monitoring sites were selected from the Crocodile River and its tributaries. The macro-invertebrates data were collected using the SASS 5 protocol and fish were collected using an electroshocker- catch and release method during high and low flow conditions of the year 2013. Water quality data was obtained by sampling using a polyethylene bottle from different sites within the Crocodile River and its tributaries from September 2012 until August 2013. The samples were analyzed by Mpumamanzi laboratory in Nelspruit and Waterlab in Pretoria. Additional water quality data was obtained from the Department of Water Affairs. Multivariate statistical methods were used to analyze all the data obtained. The multivariate statistical methods indicated that fish and macro-invertebrates species abundance, richness and evenness increase with the river flow distance downstream. Water temperature was one of the leading environmental variables for the structuring of fish and macro-invertebrates assemblage in the Crocodile River and its tributaries. A group formation of site during high and low flow condition by the Bray Curtis similarity and NMDS ordination indicated that many sites share similar macro-invertebrates or fish species. The one way ANOVA analysis indicated that there was no significance difference between macro-invertebrates richness and abundance during both flow conditions but there was a significance difference in fish richness and abundance between the two flow conditions. The PCA indicated that sodium has the highest physico-chemical impact amongst the physico-chemical parameters in the bi-plot followed by ammonium and nitrate. A correlation of physico-chemical parameters such as chlorine, total dissolved solid, electrical conductivity, sulphate and pH was observed. The levels of total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity were found to increase longitudinally as the river flows downstream. The dominance of single species within the macro-invertebrates and fish communities was an indication of imbalance of the communities within the sites. The presence of the macro-invertebrate family Beatidae and the fish species Chiloglanis pretoriae at sites CR3 and CR4 indicates a good water quality in the upper reaches during low flow condition as these species are sensitive to changes in water quality, while the presence of the macro-invertebrate family Pleidea and fish species Barbus viviparus at sites CR10 and KR1 during low flow condition indicated possible water pollution as these species tolerate changes in water quality and this was linked to the discharge of effluent from industrial, abandoned mines and run-offs from agricultural activities in the downstream reaches of the river. The low flow condition was dominated by sensitive species especially in the upper reaches than during high flow condition. The macro-invertebrates assessment index indicated that during low flow condition the Crocodile River was mostly at ecological class B (largely natural with few modification) above the Kwena dam, but from downstream of the dam the ecological category was in C class (moderately modified), while its tributaries are in ecological category B (largely natural with few modification). The fish response assessment index indicated that the ecological category for fish was mostly at C class (moderately modified) in the Crocodile River. The changes in macro-invertebrates communities and fish in the Crocodile River were believed to be associated with change of water quality and habitat modification due to flow modification. Agricultural activities in the upper reaches and a combination of industrial and mining activities in the middle and lower reaches of the Crocodile River were believed to be the sources of pollution that results in the change of water quality, fish and macro-invertebrates assemblage in the Crocodile River. Investing in the health of the Crocodile River is important for many Mbombela citizens and river dwellers as they rely on the functioning of the river for survival. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Evaluating people-environment relationships : developing appropriate research methodologies for sustainable management and rehabilitation of riverine areas by communities in the Kat River Valley, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Motteux, Nicole January 2003 (has links)
International evidence clearly indicates that water shortages and the enhanced value attached to water and aquatic ecosystems are key concerns faced by many countries. International experience, since the mid-1980s, has emphasised the importance of addressing political, social, environmental and economic issues through active stakeholder participation in riverine and water resource management. These trends and issues are relevant to South Africa, where integrated water resource management (IWRM) is now a cornerstone of water resource policy and the National Water Act (NWA). Apartheid excluded communities in former homelands (racial reserves) from participation in IWRM. The research presented in this thesis was based on the search for philosophies and methods to involve the rural, former homeland people of the Kat River Valley in South Africa in IWRM. Post-modern, humanist and some logical positivist geographical philosophies were used during the research. This research applied Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) philosophy and methods and was influenced by the seminal work of Paolo Freire (1972). In addition, the use of innovative methods for engagement of the oppressed, using theatre methods developed by Augusto Boal (1995, 2000) was explored to add value to PRA. In addition, the application of Action Research ensured that community participants were actively involved in the research being conducted for this thesis. The applied research in the Kat River Valley in South Africa evolved through three key phases. In Phase One quantifiable data on the Kat River Valley and its residents was sought. This investigation did not empower the resident communities of Fairbairn and Hertzog – a lesson that influenced the move to more participatory methods in subsequent phases of the research. Lessons learned from using surveys encouraged exploration of participatory methods to enable participants to become “co-learners”. Phase Two of the research commenced with a series of feedback meetings, in which participants recognised that they faced an environmental crisis. Through a series of participatory workshops, residents came to acknowledge and affirm their environmental knowledge. Residents then committed themselves to gaining a deeper understanding of their environment and their lives. My role changed from that of a researcher to a facilitator. Phase Three of the research and the shift to Action Research commenced after local residents identified the need to personally take charge of their environmental challenges in the Kat River Valley and recognised the need to collaborate at a catchment scale for effective IWRM. This eventually led to the formation of a Water User Association and Catchment Forum. The key theoretical contribution of the thesis relates to the identified relationship between the development orientation and ecological paradigm, and an assessment of the impact this has on the inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes of IWRM. This theoretical contribution is equally valid in other countries, where the tradeoffs are essentially the same, but the framework for making the choices is different because of varying socio-economic and biophysical circumstances

The impact of altered river structure on the function of selected urban Cape Town rivers

Newman, Natalie Nicolette January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Nature Conservation))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2010. / Many urban rivers are heavily engineered and no longer function naturally. The City of Cape Town has designed and implemented many stormwater and river management projects. Very little monitoring has occurred as to whether these engineering projects and remediation measures, have had a positive effect on our urban river ecosystem function. The study investigated the influence of specific engineering interventions such as the placement or rocks in stream to create weirs, gabion lining of stream channels, removal of canal walls, establishment of artificial wetlands, and approaches to urban river management, on river ecosystem function of the Keysers River, Little Lotus River, Langevlei Canal, Silvermine River, Moddergat River and Big Lotus River, as measured by specific indices including water chemistry and aquatic community structure (macroinvertebrates and diatoms).

Human-river relationships in the Kat River catchment and the implications for integrated water resource management (IWRM) : an exploraratory study

Birkholz, Sharon Alice January 2009 (has links)
Through out this study ‘relational scenarios’ were seen as the possible outcomes of the expression of human-river relationships in a catchment. Working within Inglis’s (2008, pg. 10) comment that ‘the Human World Relationship is expressed through a person’s views and behaviour towards the natural world, which can be either constructive or destructive’, two relational scenarios were selected to represent these two predicted outcomes of human-environment (or in the case of this thesis human-river) relationships: IWRM, seen as constructive and mutually beneficial to both the social and ecological system, and the Tragedy of the Commons, seen as destructive and parasitic in nature. In respect to this assertion, a conceptual framework or model was developed and used to guide the inductive process of this research. Through a social survey (administered via semi-structured interviews) of stakeholders (water-users) in the Kat River Catchment, Eastern Cape, South Africa, social attitudes towards the Kat River were explored. These attitudes were considered as variables that relate to the expression of ‘Human World Relationships’ namely ‘values and behaviour’ (Inglis, 2008, pg. 10). The findings of this thesis confirm that attitudes are influential components of human-river relationships in the Kat River Catchment. It was observed from the findings that the attitudes individuals have towards the Kat River have the potential to influence the ways people interact with the River and its associated resources, and are in turn influenced by the condition of the River and connections people have or make with the River within their daily lives. Such relationships in turn affect the management of the River and its water resources and influence how individuals approach water-related issues and undertake the associated activities. Given this understanding it was then proposed that attitudes could provide information that enables the prediction of likely ‘relational scenarios’ (IWRM or the Tragedy of the Commons) in a catchment. The findings appear to support this proposal, and three main attitude groups (utilitarian, associative and dissociative) were identified and used to further the discussion into how this knowledge could be used in predicting possible relational scenarios based on human-river relationships. Further exploration of the identified attitude groups suggested that these variables are significantly influenced by environmental ethics and place attachment (present in the community) and a series of guiding frameworks were developed to facilitate the exploration of the attitude groups relative to these concepts. The frameworks were generated from the hypothesis that knowledge of attitude groups in a catchment, in connection with the relative degrees to which moral values and worldviews are expressed, could provide insight into the readiness of a catchment system for the implementation of IWRM and/or the facilitative steps needed to shift the influence of unfavourable attitude groups (i.e. dissociative attitudes). Such steps would most likely involve extensive educational, awareness and capacity building programs. Finally, given the above theoretical frameworks, inductively developed from the findings of the social survey and related literature, the conceptual model was reevaluated and extended to include the thesis findings and hypotheses. It is suggested that in a catchment where there is a balance between the expression of utilitarian and associative attitude groups, then there is a high probability of finding present evidence of mutually beneficial human-river relationships already in play, as well as ‘fertile soil’ for the promotion of IWRM and philosophies and skills that generate such relationships. Alternatively in an area with a strong expression of dissociative attitudes, it is more likely to find evidence of destructive, more parasitic-like relationships being expressed, and a lack of commitment and interest in being involved in changing the status quo. It is likely that where both associative and dissociative attitudes are present there will be an overlap of elements of both scenarios – a situation that is probable in most catchments – depending on the strength of expression of either attitude group the balance will shift (be shifting) between the two relational scenarios.

An ecological assessment of the Holsloot River, Western Cape, South Africa

Le Roux, Anso 25 July 2013 (has links)
Human related activities have influenced the rivers of the southern Western Cape since as early as the 1700’s. As there is no detailed information available on ecological status of the Holsloot River, a tributary of the Breede River, this study aimed to gain insight into the effect of impacts associated with human activities on the habitat integrity of this river. The study intended to understand how seasonal changes, catchment characteristics and events are reflected in the ecological status of habitats along the river by applying bio-monitoring and river health measurements at selected sites in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Holsloot River and compare the results to that of an undisturbed reference site. Results obtained in this study are compared with data gathered in 2008/2009 to determine if the ecological status of the river had changed in the period between the two sampling times. The study included assessment of the ecological status of the river based on standard bio-monitoring protocol (SASS5, IHI, IHAS and VEGRAI) as well as in situ water quality analysis (pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids). The construction of the instream Stettynskloof Dam changed the configuration of the riparian zone and river channel in the upper catchment area. Agricultural- and other human related activities, with consequent water abstraction, non-point-source pollution, loss of riparian vegetation, as well as dense stands of alien invader plants influence flow patterns and affects river ecology, especially in the dry summer months. Providing sufficient stream flow and adequate water levels, human related activities can create a larger variety of habitat types available that can support larger biodiversity and higher productivity. The level of inundation and stream flow, influenced by water abstraction as well as irrigation return-flow from extensive drainage systems especially in the dry months, contribute to the loss of biodiversity in the middle and lower reaches of the river. Where the upper reaches of the river are largely natural with few modifications, the habitat integrity deteriorates in the middle reaches so much so that ecosystem functioning are collectively impaired in lower reaches due to human related impacts. Sensitive macro-invertebrates found at lower seriously impacted parts of the river however, were in all probability washed down from lower impacted upstream habitats and may expectedly be able to again occupy habitats downstream if water quality and habitat availability improves. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

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