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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Termomechanická a izotermická únava povrchově upravené niklové superslitiny / Thermomechanical and Isothermical Fatigue of Surface Treated Nickel Superalloys

Šulák, Ivo January 2019 (has links)
Yttria-stabilized zirconia-based thermal barrier coating systems are the most widely used commercial coatings in the industry, with practical applications in aircraft engines and land-based power turbines. The purpose of thermal barriers is primarily to protect the substrate from high temperatures and also to increase its oxidation resistance. Currently, concerning the relatively frequent volcanic eruptions and increasing air traffic intensity in desert areas, increased attention is being paid to the development of new thermal and environmental coatings that will withstand the so-called CMAS attack and still successfully meeting the strictest requirements of the aerospace industry. Two newly developed experimental coatings consisting of three successive layers have been developed for this work. The upper two layers are thermal insulating ceramic coatings, where two different uppermost coatings were deposited. The first uppermost layer of the coating is a mixture of mullite and hexacelsian in a ratio of 70/30 wt. %. The second upper most type of coating consists of Al6Si2O13 + MgAl2O4 + BaCO3 in a ratio of 6:3:1 wt. %. The interlayer is made of the commercially utilized yttria-stabilized zirconia. The metallic CoNiCrAlY coating, which is directly deposited on the nickel-based superalloy MAR-M247, fulfils a compensatory function between the mechanical properties of the nickel superalloy and the ceramic coating. The thermal and environmental barrier system was deposited using air plasma spraying (APS) technology. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the newly developed thermal and environmental barrier coating, which has a high potential for the protection of component surfaces in an aggressive environment, on isothermical and thermomechanical fatigue behaviour of nickel-based superalloy MAR-M247. Low cycle fatigue tests were performed in strain control mode with constant strain amplitude on both uncoated and TEBC coated superalloy. Fatigue hardening/softening curves, cyclic stress-strain curves and fatigue life curves in the representation of total strain amplitude, plastic strain amplitude and stress amplitude on the number of cycles to failure were obtained. Microstructural analysis of MAR-M247 superalloy and a newly developed experimental coating was performed in a scanning electron microscope. The fatigue crack initiation sites were identified and the process of fatigue crack propagation was described. The dislocation arrangement after fatigue loading of MAR-M247 was investigated in a transmission electron microscope. The findings of isothermical and thermomechanical low cycle fatigue behaviour of uncoated and TEBC coated MAR-M247 superalloy and identification of damage mechanisms presented in this dissertation will improve the estimation of safe-life that is particularly relevant to aircraft engines components.

Analýza vlivu směrové distribuce kolagenních vláken ve stěně tepny na její mechanické vlastnosti / Analysis of impact of direction distribution of collagen fibres in arterial wall on its mechanical properties

Fischer, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse literature with focusing on literature about directional distribution of collagen fibres. This knowledge is very important for computational modelling and FEM analysis of arterial wall. Comparison of suitability of different models of directional distribution of collagen fibres is made by fitting of different types of probability density functions. Impact assessment of different collagen fibres distribution on mechanical properties of the arterial wall and impact assessment of wall anisotropy is solved with finite element method. FEM analysis is done on three loading types – uniaxial tension, equibiaxial tension and inflation of artery by internal pressure. Output of this thesis is evaluation of results for various types of collagen fibres arrangement in arterial wall.

Stanovení zkrácených cyklických deformačních křivek superslitiny Inconel 738LC při zvýšených teplotách / Determination of Shortcut Cyclic Stress-strain Curves of Superalloy Inconel 738LC at Elevated Temperatures

Šmíd, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
Multiple step tests under cyclic strain control have been performed using cylindrical specimens of cast polycrystalline Inconel 738LC superalloy at 23, 700, 500, 800 and 900 °C in laboratory atmosphere to obtain cyclic stress-strain curves. During cyclic straining of specimen were obtained cyclic hardening-softening curves. Their progress changed with temperature and strain amplitude. Evaluated cyclic stress-strain curves are shifted to lower stresses with increasing temperature. Surface relief was observed in fatigued specimens under SEM and metalography under optic microscopy. Slip markings were studied on specimen surface fatigued at 700 °C .Stress-strain response is compared and discussed in relation to the surface observations - persistent slip markings.

Pevnostně deformační analýza uchycení filtru pevných částic na traktoru / Stress-strain Analysis of Diesel Particulate Filter Support on Tractor

Ježek, Přemysl January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to carry out stress-strain analysis of diesel particulate filter support on tractor. So it describes sequence of steps for the analysis model, such as geometry description, mesh generation, applied forces definition and others. Result of the analysis is assessed in terms of strength and improvement was proposed.

Pevnostně deformační analýza uchycení filtru pevných částic na traktoru Zetor Forterra / Stress-strain Analysis of Diesel Particulate Filter Support on Tractor Zetor Forterra

Kučera, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this master's thesis is the FEM analysis of the construction of the diesel particulate filter support on the tractor Zetor Forterra. The introduction of this thesis is about the theoretical part dealing with the issue of emissions from diesel engines and ways to reduce them. The following part describing the creation of the computational model. Then, the static stress-strain analysis, modal analysis and fatigue analysis are solved in the ANSYS Workbench software. The assessment of the safety of the structure in terms of limit states, that may occur during the operation of the tractor, based on the results of calculations is in the conclusion of the thesis.

Deformačně-napěťová analýza tenkostěnné skříně vystavené rázovému zatížení od výbuchu / Stress-strain analysis of the thin wall structure subjected to impact load

Tatalák, Adam January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with stress-strain analysis of simplified model of the thin wall transformer case subjected to impact load of electrical blast. Electrical blast is replaced by chemical blast (detonation of high explosive). The problem is solved using computational modeling utilizing the Finite Element Method (FEM) and LS-DYNA solver. After the introduction where detonation and shock wave propagation is explained the analytical approach is presented. This approach serves to results verification. In the next chapter is conducted research of applicable methods from which ALE method is chosen. In preliminary study is performed the mesh size analysis that is focused on finding the size of element which is both computational effective and gives accurate results. Next the infulence of input conditions (shape, location and parametres of high explosive, location of detonation point, boundary conditions) on distribution and time progress of pressure is investigated. Then influence of the opening on upper side of the case on overall pressure redistribution and strain and stress of the case is analysed. The stress-strain analysis of the case´s door which are connected to case by various types of contact models is performed as well as stiffness analysis of these types of contact.

Návrh metodiky výpočtu životnosti valivého ložiska / Design of the computational lifetime prediction methodology for the roll bearing

Vaculka, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with a fatigue analysis of a roller bearing. The fatigue analysis consists of determining service-life of a roller bearing using a stress-strain analysis with finite element method and subsequent numeric calculation using software fe-safe with application of Brown-Miller multiaxial fatigue criterion. Service-life of a roller bearing is determined by number of cycles to failure in the form of pitting formation which is consequence of contact fatigue. According to calculations was found an inappropriateness of Brown-Miller criterion for high-cycle contact fatigue. Test of other available criteria was performed. Principal-Strain criterion provided the best match with ISO 281 standard.

Pevnostní posouzení konstrukce výřezu dveří přetlakovatelného habitatu pro extrémní prostředí / Pevnostní posouzení konstrukce výřezu dveří přetlakovatelného habitatu pro extrémní prostředí

Sláma, David January 2017 (has links)
Main goals of this master thesis are following: to perform the state of the art research of overpressure constructions (especially space habitats, plane fuselages); to create an own concept of the functional inside ending (hole) in the sandwich panel for a door; to perform stress-strain analysis of this concept; to perform the design optimalization of this concept in order to minimise the weight. To solve the problems above software Ansys 17.2 is chosen, because it allows to: model the material of the honeycomb core of sandwich panel as homogenous linear orthotropic material; evaluate reserve factors of all critical limit states; perform the design optimalization; perform Monte Carlo simulation. First and second design optimalizations discover, that with defined parameters: 0,635 mm width of aluminium sandwich face sheets and inner overpressure 0,1 MPa, a creation of the model, that would be safe by changing the values of design variables is not possible. Specifically, the maximum value of shear stress on the glued areas between aluminium face sheets and honeycomb core is higher than the shear strength of the glue. Therefore, two new concepts are created. First for inner pressure 0,03 MPa and bigger width of aluminium face sheets 3,175 mm, second for inner pressure 0,02 MPa and same width of aluminium face sheets 0,635 mm. For both these concepts, an overall reserve factor is calculated. First, the value of an overall reserve factor is calculated deterministically. Secondly, the value of an overall reserve factor is calculated stochastically considering the variance of material properties of the honeycomb core ± 10 % by Monte Carlo simulation. An overall reserve factor of the concept with inner pressure 0,02 MPa is determined as 1,21. An overall reserve factor of the concept with inner pressure 0,03 MPa is determined as 1,20. The weight of the concept for inner pressure 0,03 MPa is though 4 times bigger than the weight of the concept for inner pressure 0,02 MPa. In the concept for inner pressure 0,02 MPa the maximum value of HMH stress in aluminium components is critical, stochastically considered material properties of the honeycomb core don’t have a significant influence on this value. In the concept for inner pressure 0,03 MPa the value of maximum shear stress on the glued areas between aluminium face sheets and the honeycomb core is critical, stochastically considered material properties of the honeycomb core have a significant influence on this value. In the concept for inner pressure 0,03 MPa an absolute error of overall reserve factor is 8 % (overall reserve factor calculated deterministically was 1,28) which is significant. Monte Carlo simulation is also used to find that the value of Poisson ratio XY of the honeycomb core doesn’t have statistically significant influence on all limit states. Value of the reserve factor of the honeycomb core is higher than 2 in both concepts. Monte Carlo simulation discovers that this value can be significantly lower. Using Tsai-Wu failure criteria the reserve factor in the concept for inner pressure 0,02 MPa is determined as 2,72 deterministically x 2,41 stochastically (absolute error 31 %), in the concept for inner pressure 0,03 MPa the reserve factor is determined as 6,85 deterministically x 6,17 stochastically (absolute error 68 %).

Beitrag zur numerischen Beschreibung des funktionellen Verhaltens von Piezoverbundmodulen

Kranz, Burkhard 12 June 2012 (has links)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der effizienten Simulation des funktionellen Verhaltens von Piezoverbundmodulen als Aktor oder Sensor zur Schwingungsbeeinflussung mechanischer Strukturen. Ausgehend von einem FE-Modell werden über den Ansatz energetischer Äquivalenz die effektiven elektro-mechanischen Materialparameter ermittelt. Zur Berücksichtigung im Inneren der Einheitszelle liegender Elektroden werden die elektrischen Randbedingungen der Homogenisierungslastfälle angepasst. Die Homogenisierungslastfälle werden auch genutzt, um Phasenkonzentrationen für die Beanspruchungen der Verbundkomponenten zu ermitteln. Diese Phasenkonzentrationen werden eingesetzt, um aus dem effektiven Gesamtmodell die Beanspruchungen der Komponenten zu extrahieren. Zur dynamischen Modellbildung wird die Zustandsraumbeschreibung verwendet. Die Überführung einer piezo-mechanischen FE-Diskretisierung in ein Zustandsraummodell gelingt mit der Betrachtung der mechanischen Freiheitsgrade als Zustandsvariablen. Zur Abbildung der elektrischen Impedanz im Zustandsraum muss die elektrische Kapazitätsmatrix als Durchgangsmatrix einbezogen werden. Die Reduktion des Zustandsraums basiert auf der modalen Superposition. Die modale Transformationsbasis wird um Moden ergänzt, die die Verformung bei statischer elektrischer Erregung charakterisieren. Die Zustandsraumbeschreibung wird sowohl für eine Potential- als auch für eine Ladungserregung ausgeführt. Das Zustandsraummodell wird unter Verwendung von Filtermatrizen um Ausgangssignale für die mechanischen und elektrischen Beanspruchungsgrößen erweitert. Dies gestattet eine Kopplung der Zustandsraummodelle mit den Beanspruchungsanalysen. Die Anwendung der Berechnungsmethode wird am Beispiel der im SFB/TRR PT-PIESA entwickelten Piezo-Metall-Module demonstriert, die durch direkte Integration von piezokeramischen Basiselementen in Blechstrukturen gekennzeichnet sind.:1 Einleitung 2 Grundlagen 3 Stand der Forschung 4 Beanspruchungsermittlung für piezo-mechanische Verbunde 5 Zustandsraumbeschreibung piezo-mechanischer Systeme 6 Gesamtmodell 7 Zusammenfassung / This thesis deals with the efficient simulation of the functional behaviour of piezo composite modules for applications as actuators or sensors to influence vibrations of machine structures. Based on a FE-discretisation the effective electro-mechanical material parameters of the piezo composite modules are determined with an ansatz of energetic equivalence. To consider electrodes which are located inside the representative volume element the electrical boundary conditions of the load cases for homogenisation are adapted. The load cases for homogenisation are also used to determine the phase concentrations (or fluctuation fields) of stress/strain and electric field/electric displacement field in the composite constituents. These phase concentrations are required to extract stress and strain of the composite components based on the overall model with effective material parameters. For dynamical modelling a state space representation is used. The transformation of a FE-discretisation of the piezo-mechanical system into a state space model is possible by choosing the mechanical degree of freedom as state variables. For consideration of the electrical impedance in the state space model the electrical stiffness respectively capacitance matrix has to incorporate as feedthrough matrix. The dynamical model reduction of the state space model is based on modal superposition. For the correct reproduction of the electrical impedance the modal transformation basis has to be amended by deformation modes which represent the deformation behaviour due to static electrical excitation at the electrodes. The state space representation is built for potential and charge excitation. The state space model is enhanced by filter matrices to incorporate output signals for stress/strain and also for electric field/electric displacement field. This allows the coupling of the state space models with the stress analyses. The application of the simulation method is demonstrated using the example of the piezo-metal-modules developed in the CRC/TR PT-PIESA (German: SFB/TRR PT-PIESA). These piezo-metal-modules are characterised by direct integration of piezoceramic base elements in sheet metal structures.:1 Einleitung 2 Grundlagen 3 Stand der Forschung 4 Beanspruchungsermittlung für piezo-mechanische Verbunde 5 Zustandsraumbeschreibung piezo-mechanischer Systeme 6 Gesamtmodell 7 Zusammenfassung

Der Einfluss einer zweiaxialen Zugbelastung auf das Festigkeits- und Verformungsverhalten von Beton und gemischt bewehrten Bauteilen

Schröder, Steffen 29 November 2012 (has links)
Das Zugtragverhalten von bewehrten und unbewehrten Bauteilen wird von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren beeinflusst. Maßgeblich wird es von der Festigkeit des verwendeten Betons, dem Verbundverhalten zwischen Bewehrung und Beton sowie vom vorhandenen Spannungszustand im Bauteil bestimmt. In der Regel werden im täglichen Planungsgeschäft des Ingenieurs einaxiale Spannungszustände unter Berücksichtigung der Materialeigenschaften des Betons aus den Standardprüfungen betrachtet. Jedoch treten in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen mehraxiale Spannungszustände auf. Beispielhaft sollen hier Bereiche von zweiachsig spannenden Deckenplatten, in Bereichen von Rahmenecken, rotationssymmetrischen Bauwerkshüllen sowie bei Brückenbauwerken mit durchlaufender Fahrbahn im Bereich der Stützen genannt werden. Normative Regelungen sehen bisher im Falle einer zweiaxialen Druckbeanspruchung lediglich die Erhöhung der Druckfestigkeit bzw. Verbundspannung vor. Regelungen zur Festigkeit des Betons unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung existieren dagegen nicht. Daraus abgeleitet stellt sich die Frage, welchen Einfluss eine zweiaxiale Zugbeanspruchung auf das Festigkeits- und Verformungsverhalten von unbewehrten und bewehrten Bauteilen ausübt. Mit Blick auf übliche Konstruktionsbetone sollen diese Fragestellungen für einen Beton C20/25 und C40/50 geklärt werden. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens wurden hierzu Versuche an unbewehrten Betonsscheiben und gemischt bewehrten Bauteilen durchgeführt. Das im CEB-FIP MODELL CODE 90 vorgestellte Modell zur Beschreibung des einaxialen Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens bildet das reale Verhalten von Beton unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung nur ungenügend ab. Hierfür werden Modelle zur Beschreibung des Verformungsverhaltens von Beton unter Berücksichtigung von zweiaxialen Spannungszuständen für einen Beton C20/25 und C40/50 entwickelt. Weiterhin werden Bruchkriterien für die zwei Betonsorten vorgestellt, mit denen die Zugfestigkeit des Betons unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung bestimmt werden kann. Während bei einem Beton C20/25 die zweiaxiale Zugfestigkeit annähernd der einaxialen Zugfestigkeit entspricht, so nimmt die Zugfestigkeit des Betons C40/50 unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung um ca. 25% ab. Hinsichtlich der Bruchdehnungen unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung wurde festgestellt, dass diese mit steigendem Spannungsverhältnis 1 : 2 abnehmen. Darüber hinaus bilden die Modelle zur Bestimmung des Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhaltens des unbewehrten Betons die Versuchsergebnisse sehr gut ab. Mit Hilfe der hier vorliegenden Ergebnisse können somit das Verformungs- und Festigkeitsverhalten von Beton unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung sehr gut abgebildet werden. In Bauteilversuchen wurde das Verformungsverhalten unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung von gemischt bewehrten Bauteilen untersucht. Die Bestimmung der Verformungen erfolgte hierbei mittels Dehnmessstreifen auf der Betonoberfläche, dem schlaffen Bewehrungsstahl und dem im nachträglichen Verbund liegenden Spannglied. Ein indirekter Nachweis des Einflusses auf das Verbundverhalten des Spanngliedes erfolgte. Es wurde aufgezeigt, dass unter zweiaxialer Zugbelastung die Dehnungen im Spannstahl infolge der Längsrissbildung über dem Hüllrohr abnehmen. Dies lässt die Aussage zu, dass die Verbundwirkung des Spanngliedes durch eine orthogonal wirkende Zugbelastung negativ beeinflusst wird. Aufbauend auf den Versuchsergebnissen wird eine Empfehlung für den Einsatz von Dehnmessstreifen zur Bestimmung der Verformungen auf einbetonierten Betonstählen gegeben. Die Berechnung der Erstrisslasten aus den Bauteilversuchen mit den entwickelten Bruchkriterien hat eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung ergeben. / The tensile load-bearing characteristics of structural elements made of reinforced or non-reinforced concrete is influenced by a number of factors. Mainly it depends on the strength of the concrete, the interaction between the concrete and the rebar, and the state of stress in the concrete element. Traditionally the designing engineer examines uni-axial stress conditions under consideration of the material properties of the concrete based on standard tests. However, multiple-stress conditions apply for a number of application of such elements, e.g. in concrete slabs designed for bi-axial load bearing, in the joints of frames, in axial symmetrical constructions, or in the intersections of column and deck of multi-span bridges. The commonly used design standard recommends the increase of the compression strength of the concrete or the bond stress for cases of bi-axial load-bearing caused by compression. However, no recommendations are given for the design strength of a concrete under bi-axial tensile stress. Therefore it is interesting to know how a bi-axial tensile stress is influencing the load-bearing and deformation behaviour of structural elements made of reinforced or non-reinforced concrete. This has been investigated for two commonly used concretes (C20/25 and C40/50). Part of an earlier research programme was to perform trials on slabs made of reinforced and non-reinforced concrete. In result a model CEB-FIP MODELL CODE 90 was introduced to describe the deformation of the slab due to a uni-axial stress. However, the model does not satisfactory describe the real behaviour of the slab under a bi-axial tensile stress. In this dissertation a new model will be presented to describe the deformation behaviour of a Concrete C20/25 and a Concrete C40/50 under bi-axial tensile stress. Furthermore, criteria for the two concretes are introduced to describe the ultimate limit state under bi-axial tensile stress. It has been found the bi-axial tensile strength of a Concrete C20/25 is comparable to its uni-axial strength. In difference, the tensile strength of a Concrete C40/50 is decreased by 25% when subject to bi-axial stress. The ultimate limit stress due to bi-axial tensile stress decreases with increasing ratio of the stress 1 : 2. The Strains 1 and 2 are the strains as a result of the biaxial tensile forces in the main directions. The presented model to describe the strain-stress behaviour of an unreinforced concrete is found to agree well with the observations from the trials. Based on the results of this thesis it is possible to describe the strain-stress behaviour of concrete under bi-axial tensile stress. The stress-strain behaviour of structural elements has been investigated under bi-axial tensile stresses. Strains have been monitored with strain-gauges fixed to the surface of the concrete, to the rebars and to the post-tensioning tendons. Therefore, the influence to the interaction of tendon and concrete has been demonstrated indirectly. Furthermore, it has been shown the strain of the tendon decreases following the development of cracks along the grout tube due to the application of bi-axial tensile stress. It can be concluded the bound of the tendon is influenced adversely by tensile stresses applied in perpendicular direction. Recommendations are given for the application of strain-gauges to measure strains of rebars set in concrete. Based on these trials, the estimation of the critical stress to develop initial cracks has been found in good agreement to the presented criteria.

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