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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biophysical properties of the turnip yellow mosaic virus explored by coat protein mutagenesis

Powell, Joshua D. 05 April 2012 (has links)
Plant viruses have been instrumental in our understanding of the biophysical properties pertaining to non-enveloped icosahedral virus particles. A substantial amount of research has been performed over five decades on Turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV), arguably one of the most extensively studied icosahedral plant viruses and the type-member of the Tymovirus plant virus genus. Even with a substantial body of published scientific literature, little is known about the role of specific coat protein (CP) residues in TYMV assembly, disassembly and disencapsidation. We have shown through our mutagenesis studies that the N-terminal region of the CP that is involved in the formation of an annulus structure and is disordered in A-subunit pentamers is not essential in vivo, but annulus-forming residues are critical in ensuring virion stability and low accessibility after virus is purified (Chapter 2). We have shown that a range of amino acid residue types is tolerated within the CP N-terminus in vivo, although they can greatly affect the stability of virions and empty particles, most notably at low pH (Chapter 3). Unlike full-length CP, N-terminal deletion and substitution mutants fail to reassemble into particles in vitro (Chapter 2, 3) suggesting a critical determinant for the N-terminus in reassembly (discussed Chapter 7). This is the first documented in vitro reassembly reported for a member of the Tymoviridae family and should provide a framework for further studies. We have identified a new way to create empty artificial top component (ATC)-particles through treatment with EDTA (Chapter 6) and we also show that tymoviruses can be engineered with altered pH-dependent enhanced stability (Chapter 4). In collaboration with the Qian Wang laboratory from the University of South Carolina we have shown that an RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) motif can be genetically engineered within the CP of TYMV, resulting in infectious particles with attractive stem-cell adhesion properties (Chapter 5). With focus on basic viral mechanisms, we have crystallized the TYMV virion and ATC particle at pH 7.7 and collected data to less than 5 Å resolution (Chapter 4, supplementary). These structures represent the first tymovirus-based structures solved above pH 5.5 and will provide insight into the N-terminal conformations within the TYMV particle. Finally, we have characterized an N-terminal CP cleavage seen after ATC formation (Chapter 4) suggesting an additional and yet uncharacterized feature associated with decapsidation. / Graduation date: 2012

Planejamento, desenvolvimento e estudos de QSAR-2D e QSAR-3D de derivados 5-nitro-2-tiofilidênicos com atividade frente a Staphylococcus aureus multi-resistente (CEB - Clone Endêmico Brasileiro) / Molecular design, 2D-QSAR and 3D-QSAR studies of 5-nitro-2-thiophylidene derivatives with antimicrobial activity against multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (BEC - Brazilian Endemic Clone)

Andrea Masunari 13 October 2005 (has links)
A reemergência de algumas bactérias Gram-positivas, em particular, do gênero Staphylococcus, como principal foco causador de infecções hospitalares, tem se intensificado nas últimas décadas, e, apesar da existência de potentes fármacos voltados para o tratamento de infecções causadas por este gênero de bactéria, as taxas de morbidade e mortalidade prevalecem com perfil crescente. Além disso, um grande problema associado a cepas de MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) é o fenótipo de multi-resistência, característica que confere a este microrganismo resistência não apenas à meticilina como também a uma série de outros fármacos, exceto frente à vancomicina e à teicoplanina. Muito tem se feito, mas ainda são poucos os resultados efetivamente aplicáveis no tratamento de infecções com caráter de multi-resistência, justificando, desta forma, a necessidade de desenvolvimento de sucedâneos que sejam consideravelmente mais efetivos para a solução deste problema. Baseado nestes fatos, a proposta deste estudo envolveu o planejamento, síntese, identificação e estudos de QSAR (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships) em duas e três dimensões de derivados 5-nitro-2-tiofilidênicos com atividade antimicrobiana frente a cepas padrão e multi-resistente de Staphylococcus aureus. A escolha dos grupos substituintes foi realizada em duas etapas. Na primeira delas seguiu-se metodologia de substituição em anéis aromáticos proposta por Topliss para a otimização da bioatividade de compostos. Em uma segunda etapa, predominantemente quantitativa, foram selecionados mais alguns derivados baseando-se em faixa de hidrofobicidade ótima pré-determinada experimentalmente e na variação de efeito estérico dos grupos substituintes. Quatorze derivados 5-nitro-2-tiofilidênicos foram sintetizados, estruturalmente identificados e avaliados quanto à atividade antimicrobiana frente às cepas padrão (ATCC 25923) e multi-resistente (3SP/R33) de Staphylococcus aureus por determinação da concentração inibitória mínima empregando-se método de macrodiluição sucessiva em tubos. Salienta-se que a cepa 3SP/R33 se mostra resistente a dezenove antibióticos empregados na prática médica e apresenta suscetibilidade apenas à vancomicina. As concentrações inibitória e bactericida mínimas apresentadas pelos compostos sintetizados mostraram sofrer influência significativa da hidrofobicidade sobre as referidas atividades de acordo com os estudos de QSAR-2D e QSAR-3D, sendo os resultados obtidos para a cepa multi-resistente absolutamente compatíveis com os anteriormente determinados para a cepa padrão. Os estudos de QSAR-2D indicaram que a atividade antimicrobiana das 5nitro-2-tiofilideno benzidrazidas substituídas sofre influência significativa de duas propriedades físico-químicas que são a hidrofobicidade e a distribuição eletrônica. A relevância dos descritores estruturais σ e efe na determinação da atividade antimicrobiana, sinalizam que a distribuição eletrônica influencia fortemente o aumento da potência antimicrobiana dos compostos em estudo tanto pela influência dos efeitos indutivo e de ressonância na estrutura química do ligante, como também pelos campos moleculares gerados ao redor de grupos substituintes, sugerindo uma possível interação dos mesmos com uma área específica do sítio receptor. Nos estudos de QSAR-3D, foi evidenciado, em concordância com o estudo clássico anteriormente realizado, que a hidrofobicidade prevalece como propriedade de fundamental importância no estabelecimento da atividade antimicrobiana. Foi observada a importância da presença de regiões hidrofílicas pontuais nos compostos de forma a propiciar processos de solvatação e dessolvatação que são críticos na difusão através de membranas biológicas. Pode-se afirmar que a análise de QSAR, considerando os aspectos tridimensionais ligantes, ressaltou a necessidade de um balanço lipofílico-hidrofílico para um bom desempenho das 5-nitro-2-tiofilideno benzidrazidas ρ-substituídas como agentes antimicrobianos. A partir dos resultados obtidos evidenciou-se, neste estudo, o forte potencial de derivados 5-nitro-2-tiofilidênicos como possível alternativa para o desenvolvimento racional, em nível molecular, de fármacos voltados para o tratamento de infecções causadas por cepas multi-resistentes de Staphylococcus aureus. / In the last decade, there has been a reemergence of Gram-positive bacteria, in particular Staphylococcus, which isconsidered one of the. most causing of nosocomial infections. Although potent antistaphylococcal drugs are available, this infection continues presenting increasing morbidity and mortality rates. Besides, a serious problem associated with MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is the phenotype of multidrug resistance, which is, resistance not only to methicillin but also to many other drugs, except to vancomycin and teicoplanin. Many efforts have been made in a tentative to reduce this problem, nevertheless there is only a few number of alternatives to combat Staphylococcus aureus multidrug-resistant strains, justifying the necessity of development of more effective compounds to the treatment of these infections. Based in these facts, the purpose of this study was the design, synthesis, structural identification and 2D-QSAR and 3D-QSAR (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships) studies of 5-nitro-2-thiophylidene derivatives with antimicrobial activity against multidrug-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The choice of substituent groups was made in two stages. The first stage comprises on application of Topliss operational scheme for aromatic substitution. In a second quantitative stage, more derivatives were selected according by hydrophobicity range previously determined. Other standard considered at the selection of substituent groups was the variation of steric effect. Fourteen 5-nitro-2-thiophylidene derivatives were synthesized, structural identified and tested against standard (A TCC 25923) and multidrug-resistant (3SP/R33) strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The Minimal Inhibitory Concentration, MIC, was determined using the serial dilution tests in two sequential stages. The 3SP/R33 strain is resistant to nineteen antimicrobial agents in use, except to vancomycin. The minimal inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations of synthesized compounds showed, according by 2D-QSAR and 3D-QSAR studies, a significant influence of hydrophobic properties on antimicrobial activity determination and the results obtained for multidrug-resistant strain were consistent with those determined for A TCC 25923 strain. 2D-QSAR studies showed that antimicrobial activity are mainly influenced by two physico-chemical properties: hydrophobicity and electronic distribution. The relevance of σ e ephe parameters on antimicrobial activity determination, denotes the contribution of inductive and resonance effects for the polar performed by the substituent groups, probably suggesting an interaction between them and specific receptor site. 3D-QSAR studies showed that hydrophobicity is a essential property to antimicrobial activity determination, sustained the same conclusions previously obtained by Hansch Analysis. It was observed a great concern of small hydrophilic regions distributed on derivatives in order to promote solvation and desolvation process, that have critical importance on diffusion process through the biological membranes. QSAR studies considering three-dimensional properties of ligands indicated the necessity of accurate hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance on nitrothiophene derivatives for their good performance as antimicrobial agents. The results obtained in this preliminary study have shown the potential of synthesized compounds as alternatives to the treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus.

Etude structurale par RMN et modélisation moléculaire de peptides urotensinergiques, impliqués dans la régulation du système cardiovasculaire et la prolifération des cellules tumorales / Titre en anglais non fourni.

Najjar, Riham 04 April 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a porté sur l’étude structurale de peptides urotensinergiques humains par DC, RMN etmodélisation moléculaire. L’hUII (11 aa) et son analogue l’URP (8 aa) sont considérés comme les peptides vasoactifs les plus puissants connus à ce jour et sont impliqués dans divers systèmes biologiques, notamment le système cardiovasculaire et la prolifération des cellules tumorales. Ces deux peptides sont des ligands endogènes d'un RCPG, l’UT. Ils peuvent exercer des actions physiologiques communes mais aussi divergentes. Afin d’apporter des éléments permettant une meilleure compréhension de leurs activités biologiques, nous avons, dans un premier temps, déterminé la structure 3D de trois agonistes (hUII4-11, URP,P5U) et d’un antagoniste (urantide) dans un milieu micellaire mimant les membranes des cellules eucaryotes, le DPC. Dans les quatre peptides, nous avons observé la présence de deux conformations majoritaires du pont disulfure, RHStaple et LHHook, qui sont connues pour être essentielles à l’activité biologique. Nous avons mis en évidence une différence de nature de coude entre les agonistes (coude β de type I) et l’antagoniste (coude β de type II’). Nos analyses ont également permis de montrer l’existence de variations d’orientation des chaînes latérales des résidus F6, Y9 et plus spécialement celle de W7 entre les agonistes etl’antagoniste. Le groupe indole du D-W7 présente ainsi une rotation de 180°. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons mis en évidence un impact de la concentration sur la conformation de l’hUII qui n’est pas observé pour l’URP. Ce phénomène d’auto-association pourrait avoir une influence sur l’interaction avec le récepteur et être à l’origine des divergences d’activités biologiques entre l’hUII et l’URP. / This work aims to characterize the structure of human urotensinergic peptides by CD, NMR and molecular modelling. hUII (11 aa) and its analogue URP (8 aa) are considered as the most potent vasoactive peptides known so far and are involved in various biological systems, including the cardiovascular system and tumor cell proliferation. These two peptides are endogenous ligands of a GPCR, UT, and exert common but also divergent physiological actions. In order to gain a better understanding of their biological activities, we determined the structures of three agonists (hUII4-11, URP, P5U) and one antagonist (urantide), in DPC micelles, a cellular eukaryotic mimetic membrane. For all peptides, we observed the presence of two major forms of the disulfide bridge, RHStaple and LHHook, which are known to be essential for biological activity. We showed a difference in the turn nature between agonists (type I β turn) and the antagonist (type II’ β turn). Our analyses also revealed that, in agonists and antagonist, the side chain orientations of residues F6, Y9 and more specifically W7 were different. Indeed, the indole group of D-W7 exhibited a 180° rotation. Secondly, we showed that, contrary to URP, the conformation of hUII was dependent on concentration. This selfassembly phenomenon may impact the interaction with the receptor and be responsible for the differential biological activities of hUII and URP.

Intrinsically disordered proteins in molecular recognition and structural proteomics

Oldfield, Christopher John 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are abundant in nature, being more prevalent in the proteomes of eukaryotes than those of bacteria or archaea. As introduced in Chapter I, these proteins, or portions of these proteins, lack stable equilibrium structures and instead have dynamic conformations that vary over time and population. Despite the lack of preformed structure, IDPs carry out many and varied molecular functions and participate in vital biological pathways. In particular, IDPs play important roles in cellular signaling that is, in part, enabled by the ability of IDPs to mediate molecular recognition. In Chapter II, the role of intrinsic disorder in molecular recognition is examined through two example IDPs: p53 and 14-3-3. The p53 protein uses intrinsically disordered regions at its N- and C-termini to interact with a large number of partners, often using the same residues. The 14-3-3 protein is a structured domain that uses the same binding site to recognize multiple intrinsically disordered partners. Examination of the structural details of these interactions highlights the importance of intrinsic disorder and induced fit in molecular recognition. More generally, many intrinsically disordered regions that mediate interactions share similar features that are identifiable from protein sequence. Chapter IV reviews several models of IDP mediated protein-protein interactions that use completely different parameterizations. Each model has its relative strengths in identifying novel interaction regions, and all suggest that IDP mediated interactions are common in nature. In addition to the biologic importance of IDPs, they are also practically important in the structural study of proteins. The presence of intrinsic disordered regions can inhibit crystallization and solution NMR studies of otherwise well-structured proteins. This problem is compounded in the context of high throughput structure determination. In Chapter III, the effect of IDPs on structure determination by X-ray crystallography is examined. It is found that protein crystals are intolerant of intrinsic disorder by examining existing crystal structures from the PDB. A retrospective analysis of Protein Structure Initiative data indicates that prediction of intrinsic disorder may be useful in the prioritization and improvement of targets for structure determination.

Development of Phyllanthusmin Derivatives as Anticancer Agents: Pharmacological Optimization and Mechanistic Insight

Huntsman, Andrew C. 04 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Locality-Dependent Training and Descriptor Sets for QSAR Modeling

Hobocienski, Bryan Christopher 21 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Identification of novel monoamine oxidase B inhibitors from ligand based virtual screening

Alaasam, Mohammed 30 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Advanced Insights into Catalytic and Structural Features of the Zinc-Dependent Alcohol Dehydrogenase from Thauera aromatica

Stark, Frances, Loderer, Christoph, Petchey, Mark, Grogan, Gideon, Ansorge-Schumacher, Marion B. 08 April 2024 (has links)
The asymmetric reduction of ketones to chiral hydroxyl compounds by alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) is an established strategy for the provision of valuable precursors for fine chemicals and pharmaceutics. However, most ADHs favor linear aliphatic and aromatic carbonyl compounds, and suitable biocatalysts with preference for cyclic ketones and diketones are still scarce. Among the few candidates, the alcohol dehydrogenase from Thauera aromatica (ThaADH) stands out with a high activity for the reduction of the cyclic α-diketone 1,2-cyclohexanedione to the corresponding α-hydroxy ketone. This study elucidates catalytic and structural features of the enzyme. ThaADH showed a remarkable thermal and pH stability as well as stability in the presence of polar solvents. A thorough description of the substrate scope combined with the resolution and description of the crystal structure, demonstrated a strong preference of ThaADH for cyclic α-substituted cyclohexanones, and indicated structural determinants responsible for the unique substrate acceptance.

Design, synthesis and testing of β-strand mimics as protease inhibitors

Aitken, Steven Geoffrey January 2006 (has links)
Chapter 1 gives background information on proteases and discusses the concept of protease inhibition as a therapeutic strategy for humans. It introduces the key concept that conformation defines biological activity. It also outlines how proteases almost universally bind their substrate/inhibitors in an extended β-strand conformation. The use of calpain as a prototype protease for the testing of β-strand mimics synthesised later in the thesis is also discussed. Chapter 2 describes how molecular modeling was used to rationalise the structure based activity relationships (SAR) of known calpain inhibitors. Molecular modeling was then used to successfully design a number of acyclic β-strand mimics. The synthesis and testing of eight such inhibitors is described. The most potent β-strand mimic prepared was 2.13. This was determined to have an IC₅₀ of 30 nM against calpain II. Chapter 3 outlines the history and application of ring closing metathesis (RCM) to the synthesis of cyclic compounds. The attempted synthesis of an eight membered cyclic nitrogen to nitrogen conformationally constrained dipeptide is described. The synthesis of a conformationally constrained β-amino acid calpain inhibitor (3.73) is also described. A novel calpain inhibitor motif was designed in Chapter 4. On the basis of this an in-silico combinatorial library of two hundred and eighty eight possible β-strand templates was prepared. Conformational analysis of this library was performed and from this a number of excellent β-strand templates were identified and selected for synthesis. The preparation of ten β-strand templates is described. New microwave irradiation methodology was developed to achieve this. vii The formation of a six-membered catalyst deactivating chelate is also proposed to explain why some dienes fail to undergo RCM. Two methods to circumvent the formation of such a chelate are outlined. The addition of Lewis acid chloro-dicyclohexyl borane to the RCM reaction mixture and chain length alteration are investigated. Chapter 5 describes the design of macrocyclic β-strand mimics using induced fit molecular modelling. The physicochemical properties of these were calculated in-silico. From this analysis a number of Tyr-XX-Gly based and Tyr-XX-Cys based macrocyclic calpain inhibitors were selected for synthesis. The preparation and testing of these are described. In the Tyr-XX-Gly macrocyclic system a number of variables were investigated and numerous SAR implications concluded. Aldehyde 5.14 was identified as the best electrophilic warhead macrocyclic calpain inhibitor with an IC₅₀ against calpain II of 27 nM. The best non-electrophilic warhead macrocycle (5.13) had an IC₅₀ against calpain II of 704 nM. Chapter 6 describes synthetic optimisation for the preparation of calpain inhibitors 2.13, 5.14 and 5.17. Multi-gram quantities of each were prepared. Aldehydes 2.13 and 5.14 were evaluated as anti-cataract agents using in-vivo cataract sheep model. Both of these β-strand mimics were demonstrated to retard cataract development. Macrocycle 5.14 was found to be the most effective, decreasing the rate of cataract development between forty four and forty nine per cent relative to control. Chapter 7 outlines the attempted development of RCM methodology for the chiral synthesis of α-α disubstituted amino acid lactams. In addition, methodology for the stereoselective incorporation of a C-N constrained β-amino acid carbocycle into a peptide or peptidomimetic is described.

Flavona e análogos como radioligantes para imageamento cerebral. Síntese, marcação com radioiodo e estudos in vivo frente a sítios receptores benzodiazepínicos / Flavone and analogs as radioligands for brain imaging synthesis, radioiodine labeling and in vivo studies against benzodiazepine receptor sites

Grallert, Sibila Roberta Marques 12 December 2006 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de radioligantes para o sistema nervoso central (SNC) com características radiotraçadoras que justifiquem seu uso em diagnóstico por geração de imagens é esperado pela comunidade médica nuclear. Os benzodiazepínicos flumazenil-11C e iomazenil-123I são utilizados, com limitações, para investigações clínicas de densidade de sítios receptores benzodiazepínicos no cérebro em patologias como Alzheimer, epilepsia e depressão, entre outras. No Brasil, entretanto, estes traçadores ainda não estão disponíveis para uso clínico. Neste sentido, os flavonóides têm despertado interesses como perspectiva de nova classe de compostos com atividade no SNC podendo originar radiotraçadores com perspectivas para aplicação em imageamento cerebral. Baseado no exposto, a proposta deste estudo envolve o planejamento, a síntese e a marcação com radioiodo (131I e 123I) de flavona e análogos, o controle de qualidade radioquímico, os estudos de biodistribuição e o imageamento, para a avaliação do perfil de captação desses compostos e potencial aplicação em estudos cerebrais, frente a sítios receptores benzodiazepínicos. Os compostos estudados neste trabalho foram obtidos empregando-se a transformação de Baker-Venkataraman. A flavona e análogos foram identificados através de espectros de RMN-1H, RMN-13C e IV. O grau de pureza das substâncias obtidas foi confirmado através da medição da faixa de fusão. Os compostos radiomarcados foram obtidos com alta pureza radioquímica por substituição eletrofílica aromática direta. Esta marcação propiciou estabilidade in vitro após 24 horas e, para a flavona radiomarcada estabilidade in vivo, uma vez que a tireóide não apresentou captação significativa em tempos menores que 1 hora e excreção favorável no tempo de 24 horas. Os estudos de biodistribuição foram realizados em camundongos Swiss, verificando-se alta concentração de flavona-iodo-131 no cérebro, principalmente até 30 minutos após a injeção intravenosa e eliminação favorável após 24 horas de estudo. As imagens cerebrais foram realizadas em coelho New Zeland e em ratos Wistar adquiridas em gama câmara analógica sugerindo que a captação desse ligante no cérebro em tempos curtos, até 30 minutos, viabiliza a aquisição de imagens cintilográficas. Adicionalmente, foram desenvolvidos estudos de modelagem molecular da flavona e da flavona radiomarcada, utilizando-se mecânica quântica AM1 semi-empírico, corroborando a reatividade química desse composto frente à marcação com radioiodo por substituição eletrofílica, processo controlado predominantemente por interações eletrostáticas. Foram calculados os valores individuais de cargas para cada carbono da estrutura da flavona, incluindo cargas de Mulliken, Natural e Eletrostática, e foram gerados os mapas topográficos de distribuição de cargas de ambas as moléculas, evidenciando que as posições 6 e 8, na molécula de flavona, são as mais prováveis para a substituição por radioiodo. / The development of radioligands for the Central Nervous System (CNS) with adequate radiotracer characteristics for the use in imaging diagnostic has been long expected by the medical community. Benzodiazepines flumazenil-11C and iomazenil-123I are employed with limitations in clinical investigations of the density of receptor sites in the brain in pathologies such as Alzheimer, epilepsy, and depression. Nevertheless, in Brazil these radiotracers are not available in market, yet. In this respect, flavonoids has drawing attention as a perspective of a new class of compounds wit CNS activity and potential of originating radiotracers to be employed in brain imaging. Therefore, the goal of this work consisted in the planning, synthesis, and labeling with radioiodine (131I and 123I) of flavone and analogs, as well as to perform radiochemical quality control, biodistribuction, and imaging studies of the radiotracers obtained in order to evaluate the uptake profile and potential for use in cerebral studies of benzodiazepinic receptors sites. To obtain the compounds, we utilized the Baker-Venkataraman transformation, and NMR-1H, NMR-13C, and IR spectroscopy were employed for identification of the molecules. The purity of the compounds obtained was assessed by means of melting point determinations. The radiolabeled compounds were obtained by aromatic electrophilic substitution with a high degree of radiochemical purity. The labeling allowed in vitro stability after 24 hours and in vivo stability of the radiolabeled flavone, provided that the thyroid did not presented significant uptake in less than one hour and favorable excretion in 24 hours. Biodistribution studies were carried out employing Swiss mice. The results indicated high concentrations of flavone-I131 in the brain, especially in the first 30 minutes after intravenous injection, as well as favorable elimination after 24 hours. Brain images were obtained from New Zeland rabbit and Wistar rats in analogical gamma camera, suggesting that short-time brain uptake of the radioligand (up to 30 minutes) allows the acquisition of cynthilographic images. Additionally, molecular modeling studies of the flavone were performed employing the semi-empiric method of AM1. The results corroborate the chemical reactivity of the compound for labeling with radioiodine by aromatic electrophilic substitution, process that is governed mainly by electrostatic interactions. The individual values of Mulliken, Natural, and Electrostatic charges of each carbon atom in flavone structure were calculated and topographic maps of charge distribution were then generated. The analysis of the maps indicates that positions 6 and 8 in the flavone molecule are most likely to present the radioiodine substitution.

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