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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Secondary school Geography teachers' understanding and implementation learner-centred eof ducation and enquiry-based teaching in Namibia

Awases, Cherly Lydia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the understanding of and experiences in the implementation of learner-centred education (LCE) and enquiry-based teaching of Grade 10 Geography teachers against the backdrop of curriculum reform in Namibia. The Namibian curriculum is premised on the view that there is a need for the holistic development and preparation of learners for a knowledge-based society. Globally, LCE, with its potential for broadening access to quality education, has been a recurring theme of national reform policies and has been promoted as an innovative way of teaching. The usefulness of the LCE approach and associated enquiry-based teaching is embedded in constructivism and is introduced with the promise that it will enable learners to develop investigative and critical thinking skills that will put them at the centre of learning. This interpretative study employed a case study approach that utilised qualitative methods to gather information on the experiences of the three Geography teachers at the sampled schools as they implement LCE and enquiry-based teaching. The main data-gathering techniques in phases 1 and 2 of the research respectively were semi-structured interviews and classroom observations. The findings revealed that the teachers have different understandings of what LCE and enquiry-based teaching approaches are, although their teaching employs some elements of it. The research also indicated that there is one big factor that impinges on their implementation of LCE and enquiry-based teaching approaches. The teachers admitted that, due to the pressure of learner success in the end-of-year Grade 10 examination, they rather teach to the test. This diverts their teaching from focusing on implementing approaches that actively involve learners in the learning process and nurture enquiry skills when these skills are not formally assessed in examinations. Consequently, teachers fail to implement the syllabus as intended by policy makers and curriculum developers. Even though the findings of this study may be specific to the sampled schools and the participating teachers, it can be assumed that similar situations exist in schools with comparable contexts. It is therefore important that education policy makers and relevant stakeholders strive to allocate sufficient support and resources for teachers to implement LCE and enquiry-based teaching effectively in schools. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die verstaan van en ervarings met die implementering van leerder-gesentreerde en ondersoek-gebaseerde onderrig van Graad 10 Geografie-onderwysers teen die agtergrond van kurrikulumhervorming in Namibië. Die Namibiese leerplan berus op die siening dat daar „n behoefte is aan die holistiese ontwikkeling en voorbereiding van leerders vir „n kennis-gebaseerde samelewing. Leerder-gesentreerde onderrig met sy potensiaal om toegang tot gehalte onderwys te verbreed, is „n tema wat wêreldwyd herhaaldelik in nasionale hervormingsbeleid voorkom en as „n innoverende wyse van onderrig bevorder word. Die nut van die leerder-gesentreerde benadering en gepaardgaande ondersoek-gebaseerde onderrig is in konstruktivisme gebaseer en word voorgestel met die belofte dat dit leerders in staat sal stel om ondersoekende en kritiese denkvaardighede te ontwikkel, wat hulle sentraal in die leerproses sal plaas. Hierdie interpretatiewe studie het 'n gevallestudie-benadering gevolg en kwalitatiewe metodes gebruik om inligting in te samel oor die ervarings van drie Geografie-onderwysers se implementering van leerder-gesentreerde en ondersoek-gebaseerde onderrig by skole wat as steekproef gekies is. Die belangrikste onderskeidelike data-insamelingstegnieke in fases 1 en 2 van die navorsing was semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en klaskamerwaarneming. Die bevindinge toon dat die onderwysers verskillende begrippe handhaaf van wat leerder-gesentreerde en ondersoek-gebaseerde onderrigbenaderings behels, hoewel hulle onderrig sommige elemente daarvan toon. Die navorsing het ook aangedui dat een belangrike faktor inbreuk doen op hul implementering van leerder-gesentreerde en ondersoek-gebaseerde onderrigbenaderings. Die onderwysers het erken dat die druk van leerdersukses in die graad 10-eksamen aan die einde van die jaar hulle eerder met die oog op die toets laat onderrig gee. Dit verplaas die fokus van hul onderrig weg van die implementering van benaderings wat leerders aktief by die leerproses betrek en die koestering van ondersoekvaardighede, veral ook omdat hierdie vaardighede nie formeel in eksamens beoordeel word nie. Onderwysers slaag gevolglik nie daarin om die leerplan soos beleidmakers en kurrikulum-ontwikkelaars dit bedoel, te implementeer nie. Selfs al sou die bevindinge van hierdie studie slegs spesifiek op die betrokke skole en die deelnemende onderwysers betrekking hê, kan aanvaar word dat soortgelyke situasies in skole in vergelykbare kontekste bestaan. Dit is dus belangrik dat onderwysbeleidmakers en relevante rolspelers daarna moet streef om voldoende ondersteuning en hulpbronne vir onderwysers beskikbaar te stel om leerder-gesentreerde en ondersoek-gebaseerde onderrig effektief in skole te implementeer.

nvestigating grade 10 geography teachers' implementation of a learner-centred approach in selected Namibian schools

Angula, Adelheid January 2007 (has links)
Geography, more than other subjects in the curriculum, plays a central role in general education in equipping learners with skills and competencies needed for modern living and global citizenship. A learner-centred education in Namibia was adopted to provide more opportunities for learners to develop the required skills and competencies irrespective of their different cultural background. This small-scale case study investigated three Grade 10 geography teachers' understanding and implementation ofa learner-centred approach to gain insights into how leamer-centred education is being implemented in the context of Geography. The research design adopted a qualitative approach within an interpretative orientation. Data were collected through interviews, classroom observations and documentary analysis. The research was conducted at three selected schools in Oshikoto Region with three Grade 10 geography teachers The findings revealed, firstly, that teachers have a limited understanding of the key ideas ofLCE, such as, prior knowledge, role of questioning, and social interaction in learning; use of resources and the types of assessment activities which comply with the aims of LCE. Seconclly, the findings revealed that the policy documents, such as syllabuses, that are being used by the participants are not in line with the tenets ofLCE. Thirdly, teachers appeared to have limited subject knowledge, as revealed by their lack of understanding of how to translate the aims and assessment objectives into their daily lessons. The study therefore raises some possibilities for improving the implementation of LCE in the selected schools if the gaps as identified by this study are reduced.

Teaching for conceptual understanding : an analysis of selected teachers' practice

Kashima, Andreas Akwenye January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how teachers’ practice either supports or constrains learners’ conceptual understanding. The study is structured within an interpretive paradigm. The research takes the form of a case study and focused on the teaching practice of two purposefully selected teachers who had been identified as being effective/successful practitioners. The data was collected in two stages. In the first stage, qualitative data was collected by video recording six classroom lessons, three for each of the two participating teachers. In stage 2, participating teachers were individually interviewed. In these interviews the two participating teachers were asked to reflect on their classroom practice, through a process of stimulated recall, where their actions seemed to either support or constrain the development of learners’ conceptual understanding. The study identified a number of elements of the two teachers’ practice that related to the development of learners’ conceptual understanding in the classroom. These include building on learners’ prior knowledge, the use of concrete manipulatives, questioning that promotes critical thinking, and the use of multiple representations and connections. The study also identified elements of the two teachers’ practice that had the potential to constrain the development of learners’ conceptual understanding. These include the lack of opportunities for co-operative or peer-oriented learning, the absence of questioning that leads to discussion, and a scarcity of activities that build mathematical concepts through hands-on engagement. The study highlights the need for supporting teachers and helping them strengthen their practice with regard to those activities that support the development of conceptual understanding in their learners.

Examining the knowledge and practices of selected Namibian accounting teachers about learner-centred methods of teaching

Kavari, Jackson-Hain Jakavaza Katjiuanjo January 2012 (has links)
Learner-centred education has been in force in all schools in the Republic of Namibia since 1996. Progress towards adoption of learner-centred methods of teaching by teachers has been slow. The main purpose of this study is to examine how teachers understand the principles of learner-centred education in selected Secondary Schools in Omaheke Education Region. The secondary purpose of this study is to determine how teachers could be helped to improve the implementation of learner-centred education (LCE). The study used a qualitative approach. Data were collected from a purposively selected sample of Grade 10 accounting teachers in a specific region in Namibia by means of interviews, classroom observations and a qualitative questionnaire. Data were analysed thematically. The results indicated that, although the teachers had a positive attitude towards learner-centred education, they did not have the skills to adapt their teaching in an appropriate way to cope with the learner‟s lack of English literacy. The teachers possessed basic knowledge of learner-centred education practices, but found it very difficult to implement them in resource-poor environments. In addition, factors that hindered the effective implementation of learner-centred education in the classroom were identified. The study suggests ways to improve the knowledge and practices of teachers with regard to learner-centred teaching practices.

An investigation of Grade 11 Oshindonga teachers' understanding and implementation of the learner-centered approach adopted in Namibia : a case study

Mbangula, Christofina Nalweendo January 2011 (has links)
Before the Republic of Namibia achieved independence in 1990, Bantu Education was the prevailing structure used to promote the social, economic, and political ethos of apartheid through a teacher-centered education system. After 1990, Namibia underwent a major restructuring of education. Learner-centered education was introduced as an inclusive and participatory approach to achieve the reform goals. One of the aims was to review the existing Language policy and to promote mother tongue teaching, since it is through language we internalize our experience and construct our own understanding. In other words, our cognitive, emotional and social development is dependent on language. In this case study, the understanding and implementation of a learner-centered approach in Namibia were investigated in order to gain insights about how the participating education officer, responsible for Oshindonga understands and assists teachers to implement this approach. At the same time, this study aimed at investigating Grade 11 teachers‟ understanding and implementation of LCE in their classrooms. The qualitative methodology in this case study used semi-structured interviews, classroom observations and document analysis for data collection. The data revealed that there are a number of misconceptions. In some cases, what teachers say is not what they do. The findings suggest that teachers, while attempting to implement a learner-centered approach, are not confident about its underlying theory, and therefore the degree of implementation depends on how the teachers used their understanding of that theory in their practice within these conceptual constraints. The study highlights particular challenges and problems that hinder the effective implementation of learner-centered education.

An investigation into the types of classroom tasks senior secondary school (grade 11 and 12) mathematics teachers give to their learners : a case study

Shapange, Ismael January 2015 (has links)
This interpretive case study was undertaken to investigate the nature of classroom tasks that teachers give to their learners and to gain insights into how they choose these tasks. It was carried out at two secondary schools in the Okahao circuit of the Omusati region in Namibia. The schools range from Grade 8 to Grade 12. This study focused mainly on teachers who teach Mathematics at senior secondary phase (Grade 11 and 12). The research participants were of four mathematics teachers – two from each school. The study was designed around two phases. Phase one consisted of video-recording of lessons, and phase two consisted of interviewing the teachers. The main purpose of the study was to ascertain the types and nature of tasks that teachers give to their learners and to gain insights into how they chose these tasks. The research adopted a combination of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study revealed that the participating teachers provided a near equal amount of lower level cognitive tasks and higher level cognitive tasks. It further revealed several factors that influence teachers when selecting the types of tasks they give to their learners. These factors include curriculum requirements, types of learners and their experiences, and learners’ contexts.

An investigation of how enquiry-based fieldwork develops action competence in Grade 12 Geography: a Namibian case study / Investigating opportunities for the development of action competence through fieldwork in the Namibian senior secondary school Geography curriculum

Simasiku, Frederick January 2012 (has links)
The goal of the study was twofold: firstly to investigate and describe how senior secondary school geography teachers were implementing enquiry-based learning through fieldwork. Secondly, to investigate and document how enquiry-based learning through fieldwork facilitated the development of action competence amongst learners in a geography classroom. In order to address the first goal, a survey questionnaire was utilised to generate descriptive data from a sample of seven geography teachers in the Hardap region of Namibia. Although teachers engaged learners with enquiry-based fieldwork learning activities it is suggested, based on the findings of data of this goal, that teachers face severe limitations in terms of integrating environmental learning into the geography curriculum. The main limitations of the teachers include: limited practical knowledge of and training in how to teach fieldwork skills; a lack of teaching resource materials; time constraints; heavy personal loads; and lack of school support for environmental education. In addressing the second goal an enquiry-based fieldwork learning unit was planned and implemented in the researcher’s classroom. Observation, focus group interviews, and audio records of learning interactions, were used as data generation methods for this cycle of the study. An indicator framework for identifying action competence in learners was constructed as a data analysis tool. In terms of the findings of goal two it is evident that enquiry-based learning through fieldwork facilitated the development of action competence amongst learners. Six overarching benefits of this type of learning were identified in this study, namely: - It empowered learners to develop contextual knowledge and understanding of issues that they investigated. - It facilitated commitment thus motivated learners to take indirect action. - It promoted social interaction and group cohesion amongst learners thus enhanced their decision-making ability for problem-solving and action taking. - It elicited emotional responses and a greater understanding of learners’ own and others’ attitudes and values towards issues. - It fostered critical thinking thus permitted learners to envisage a future based on their learning experiences. - It enabled learners to plan and take indirect action during the learning process. Based on the research findings, some lessons learned are presented in an attempt to contribute to the effective implementation of enquiry-based fieldwork at the classroom level.

Teacher educators' interpretation and practice of learner-centred pedagogy : a case study

Nyambe, Kamwi John 16 July 2013 (has links)
The objective of this study was to understand how teacher educators in a Namibian college of education interpret and practice the learner-centred pedagogy underpinning the Basic Education Teachers Diploma (BETD) program. In order to achieve this objective, a case study approach was adopted, qualitative-interpretive in orientation and drawing upon interviews, naturalistic non-participant observation and document analysis. Bernstein's theory of pedagogy - in particular his notion ofrecontextualization - offered ideas and concepts that were used to generate and analyse data. The data indicated that, at the level of description, teacher educators interpreted leamercentred pedagogy as a pedagogic practice based on weak rules of regulative discourse, or a weak power relation between themselves and their student teachers. The weakening of the rules of regulative discourse and the waning of educator authority were indicated in the interview narratives, which evoked a pedagogic context characterized by a repositioning of the student teacher from the margins to the centre of the classroom, where he or she enjoyed a more active and visible pedagogic position. Contrary to the dis empowering dynamic within classroom practice under the apartheid dispensation, the repositioning of the student teacher suggested a shift of power towards him or her. Similarly, the identification of the teacher educator as afacilitator, which featured prominently in the interview narratives, further suggested a weakening or diminishing of the pedagogic authority of the teacher educator. With regard to rules pertaining to the instructional discourse, the data revealed an interpretation of leamer-centred pedagogy as a pedagogic practice based on strong framing over the selection of discourses, weak framing over pacing, and strong framing over sequencing and criteria for evaluation. When correlated with the interview data, the data generated through lesson observation and teacher educator prepared documents such as lesson plans revealed a disjuncture between teacher educators' ideas about leamer-centred pedagogy and their practice of it. Contrary to the interviews, lesson observation data revealed that teacher educators implemented leamer-centred pedagogy as a pedagogic practice based on strong internal framing over rules of the regulative discourse. Data further indicated strong internal framing over the selection, sequencing, pacing and evaluation. The study concluded that while some teacher educators could produce an accurate interpretation oflearner-centred pedagogy at the level of description, most of them did not do so at the level of practice. Findings revealed structural and personal-psychological factors that constrained teacher educators' recontextualization of the new pedagogy. A narrow understanding of leamercentred pedagogy that concentrated only on changing teacher educators' pedagogical approaches from teacher-centred to learner-centred, while ignoring structural and systematic factors, tended to dominate not only the interview narratives but also official texts. Learner-centred pedagogy was understood as a matter of changing from teachercentredness to leamer-centredness while frame factors, for instance regarding the selection, pacing or sequencing of discourses, still followed the traditional approach. The study recommends the adoption of a systematic and deliberate approach to address the multiplicity of factors involved in enabling teacher educators to interpret and implement leamer-centred pedagogy at the micro-level of their classrooms. / KMBT_363 / Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in

Teachers’ perceptions on learner-centred approach : a case of selected secondary schools in Namibia

Shatumbu, Ndapanda Loide 05 1900 (has links)
Namibia is one of the countries with distinct historical education systems that shifted from the traditional teacher-centred approach to learner-centred approach to improve learning outcomes. Despite for the call upon secondary school teachers in Namibia to adopt the learner-centred approach, the pass rates for Grade 10 Junior Secondary Certificate (JSC) in Namibia remains very low with about 50% of the Grade 10 JSC learners failing to make it for senior secondary level. Therefore, this study sought to explore science teachers’ knowledge, practice and perception of learner-centred approach. This study employed a pragmatic approach using an explanatory sequential mixedmethods design to collect quantitative data first and then explaining the quantitative results with in-depth qualitative data. The structured questionnaire, interview protocol and observation protocol were used as research instruments to collect data from a sample of 20 participants. The quantitative data analysis was used for the data collected by the questionnaire while qualitative data analysis was used for the data collected by interview and the observation protocols. The results showed an understanding of learner-centred approach and most teachers use a mixed approach to teaching that incorporates both learner-centred approach and teacher-centred approach. Furthermore, results showed that teachers view learner-centred approach as effective but its effectiveness is reduced by poor participation of learners, large class sizes and inadequate instructional materials. Following the results, it was recommended that the Ministry of Education and education policy makers must consider strategies to reduce challenges to the effectiveness of learner-centred approach to improve learner performance. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

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