Spelling suggestions: "subject:"subduction"" "subject:"ubduction""
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The largest earthquakes occur along the subduction thrust interface known as the seismogenic zone. Until recently, erosive margins like Tonga and Honshu have been thought to be unable to support earthquakes with magnitudes higher than 8.5. However, Mw 9, 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake in Honshu requires a reevaluation of this notion. The seismic potential of Tonga is likely affected by the vertical spatial extent of the up-dip and down-dip limits, which confines the seismogenic zone. The larger the area of the seismogenic zone, the higher the potential for larger earthquakes. Some models suggest that down-dip limit coincides with the fore-arc Moho while others suggest that they are coincident with thermally controlled mineralogical phase changes during slab descent. Tonga is an ideal place to discriminate between these possibilities, as the incoming Pacific plate is cold and thick with rapid convergence, extending cool isotherms deep into the system. In contrast, the fore-arc Moho is only ~16 km deep. This study tests the hypothesis that the down-dip limit of the Tonga seismogenic zone coincides with the fore-arc Moho and thus ceases the seismicity by initiating a stable sliding between the mantle and the subducting crust. We determine the depth of the down-dip limit in Tonga by mapping the distribution of earthquakes recorded for a six-month period from January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010 by a deployment of ocean bottom seismographs above the Tonga subduction zone. The earthquakes are located by a combination of grid-search method and least-square inversion of the observed arrival times. We identified a down-dip limit at a minimum depth of about 40 km below the sea level suggesting that the hypothesis is failed. Therefore, the commonly held idea that down-dip limit is coincides with the fore-arc Moho is not true in the Tonga case. It is likely controlled by the degree of serpentinization in the mantle wedge controlling the transition from stick-slip to stable sliding.
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From Cinder Cones to Subduction Zones: Volatile Recycling and Magma Formation beneath the Southern Cascade ArcWalowski, Kristina 18 August 2015 (has links)
Volatiles (H2O, CO2, S, Cl) play a key role in magmatic processes at subduction zones. In this study, the dissolved volatile contents of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from cinder cones in the Lassen segment of the Cascade arc are used to investigate dehydration of subducted oceanic lithosphere, magma formation in the sub-arc mantle wedge, and mafic magma storage and evolution in the crust.
Relatively young, hot oceanic lithosphere subducts beneath the Cascade arc. The hydrogen-isotope and trace-element compositions of melt inclusions, when integrated with thermo-petrologic modeling, demonstrate that fluids in Cascade magmas are sourced from hydrated peridotite in the deep slab interior and that the oceanic crustal part of the slab extensively dehydrates beneath the forearc. In contrast to their slab-derived H, the melt inclusions have B concentrations and isotope ratios that are similar to mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), requiring little to no slab contribution of B, which is also consistent with extensive dehydration of the downgoing plate before it reaches sub-arc depths. Correlations of volatile and trace element ratios in the melt inclusions (H2O/Ce, Cl/Nb, Sr/Nd) demonstrate that geochemical variability in the magmas is the result of variable amounts of addition of a hydrous subduction component to the mantle wedge. Radiogenic isotope ratios require that the subduction component has less radiogenic Sr and Pb and more radiogenic Nd than the Lassen sub-arc mantle and is therefore likely to be a partial melt of subducted Gorda MORB. These results provide evidence that chlorite-derived fluids from the deep slab interior flux-melt the oceanic crust, producing hydrous slab melts that migrate into the overlying mantle, where they react with peridotite to induce further melting.
The basaltic magmas that erupted at Cinder Cone near Mt. Lassen trapped melt inclusions during olivine crystallization at ~7-15 km depth. The melt inclusion compositions require that two different mantle-derived magmas were involved in the eruption, and temporal changes show that arrival of the two batches correlates with two explosive phases of activity. Both magmas experienced rapid crustal contamination before erupting, illustrating the complexities of cinder cone eruptions.
This dissertation includes previously published and unpublished co-authored material.
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Kinematic Constraints on Tremor and Slow Slip in Cascadia and Implications for Fault PropertiesKrogstad, Randy 21 November 2016 (has links)
Subduction zone fault processes range from tsunami-generating megathrust events to aseismic creep along the deeper portions of the fault. Episodic tremor and slow slip (ETS) represents the transition between these two regimes, where slip occurs at semi-regular recurrence intervals of months-to-years. These events are also accompanied by low frequency earthquakes, referred to as tremor. The study of ETS in Cascadia has been made possible by the enhancement of large-scale seismic and geodetic networks. In this dissertation, I use a range of geodetic and seismic observations at sub-daily to decadal time scales to investigate the kinematic behavior of individual ETS events, as well as the long-term behavior of the ETS zone and its relationship with the updip seismogenic zone.
In Cascadia, current seismic hazard maps use the ETS zone as the downdip limit of rupture during future megathrust events. In Chapter II, I utilize uplift rates derived from 80 years of leveling measurements to explore the possibility that long-term strain accumulation exists near the ETS zone. The uplift rates are consistent with a region of 10-20% locking on the updip side of the ETS zone. The lack of associated topography indicates that the accumulated strain must be released during the megathrust cycle. The correlation of tremor and slip in Cascadia suggests there is an inherent relationship between the two. In Chapter III, I develop a method for using tremor as a proxy for slip to assess the spatial relationship of tremor and slip. I compare predictions of tremor-derived slip models to results from static inversions of GPS offsets by modeling slip based on the density of tremor. These comparisons suggest that the correlation of tremor and slip is variable along strike and along dip. In Chapter IV, I explore how borehole strainmeters can improve our resolution of slip on the plate interface. I incorporate strainmeters into joint, time-dependent kinematic inversions with GPS data. The temporal resolution of strainmeters provides improved constraints when deriving time-dependent slip estimates during slow slip events, allowing us to better image the kinematics of slow slip.
This dissertation includes previously published and unpublished material.
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Esmectitas dioctaédricas como transportadores de nitrogênio em zonas de subducção : uma visão experimental acerca da sua contribuição ao nitrogênio atmosféricoCedeño, Daniel Grings January 2017 (has links)
O nitrogênio compõe cerca de 78% da massa da atmosfera terrestre e é um elemento imprescindível para a construção e manutenção da vida. Porém a abundância de nitrogênio atmosférico da Terra é anômala quando comparada a dos demais planetas telúricos. Isso significa que ou a acresção para esses planetas foi diferente (o que é pouco provável) ou a Terra possui alguma característica única que permita a existência de grandes volumes de nitrogênio em sua atmosfera. A tectônica de placas poderia ser essa característica, uma vez que propicia uma conexão direta entre o manto e superfície (ao mesmo tempo em que material é expelido do manto para a superfície, material é transportado da superfície para o manto). Nesse contexto, este trabalho objetiva compreender, através de simulações em laboratório, o papel das zonas de subducção no transporte global do nitrogênio. Para tal, submeteu-se um material que simula sedimentos pelágicos (esmectitas dioctaédricas) dopado com amônio (NH4-esmectita) a diversas condições de pressão e temperatura: desde pressão ambiente até 7.7 GPa (equivalente a ~270 km de profundidade) e com temperaturas variando entre 200oC e 700oC. Os experimentos foram realizados em uma prensa hidráulica de 1000 tonf com câmaras de perfil toroidal e em um forno de alta temperatura e foram analisados por difração de raios X (DRX), espectroscopia infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e por imageamento SE-MEV-EDS Além disso, o material inicial foi caracterizado por análise térmica diferencial (DTA) e análise química CHN. Os resultados mostram que as transformações de fase sofridas pela NH4-esmectita agem no sentido de preservar o amônio na estrutura durante o processo de subducção. Também foram observadas fases de pressões mais elevadas capazes de conter amônio (buddingtonita, a 7.7 GPa). Percebeu-se que o regime termal da subducção é fundamental para a eficiência do transporte de nitrogênio, visto que em subducções quentes (litosferas oceânicas jovens que subductam em baixo ângulo) ocorre a fusão parcial do material com liberação de parte do amônio em pressões relativamente baixas (~1 GPa, equivalente a 30 km de profundidade). Por outro lado, em subducções frias (litosferas oceânicas antigas que subductam em alto ângulo) o material aprisiona de forma eficiente o nitrogênio até ~270 km de profundidade (7.7 GPa). / Nitrogen composes around 78 wt% of Earth’s atmosphere and is a vital element for the construction and maintenance of life. However, the abundance of Earth’s atmospheric nitrogen is anomalous when compared to the one from other inner planets. This means that or accretion for these planets was different (which is unlikely) or Earth possesses a unique feature that allows the existence of large volumes of nitrogen in its atmosphere. Plate tectonics could be this feature, since it propitiates a direct connection between mantle and surface (at the same time that material is expelled by the mantle in to the surface, material is transported from the surface in to the mantle). In this context, these work objectives the understanding, through laboratoty simulations, the role of subduction zones in the global transport of nitrogen. For that, a material that simulates pelagic sediments (dioctahedral smectite) doped with ammonium (NH4-smectite) was subjected to a series of pressure and temperature conditions: from ambient pressure up to 7.7 GPa (equivalent to ~270 km depth) and temperatures varying between 200oC and 700oC. Experiments were performed in a 1000 tonf hydraulic press with coupled toroidal chambers and in a high temperature furnace and were analyzed by X ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and SE-SEM-EDS imaging. Additionally, the starting material was characterized by differential thermal analysis (DTA and CHN chemical analysis Results show that phase transformations suffered by NH4-smectite tend to preserve ammonium inside the mineral structure during subduction. Also, high-pressure ammonium bearing phases were observed (budingtonite at 7.7 GPa). It was perceived that the thermal setting of the subduction is fundamental for the efficiency of nitrogen’s transportation, as in hot subductions (young oceanic lithospheres subducting at low angle) partial melting with partial liberation of ammonium occur in relatively low pressures (~1 GPa, equivalent to 30 km depth). On the other hand, in cold subductions (ancient oceanic lithopsheres subducting at high angles) the material efficiently imprisons nitrogen until ~270 km depth (7.7 GPa).
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Esmectitas dioctaédricas como transportadores de nitrogênio em zonas de subducção : uma visão experimental acerca da sua contribuição ao nitrogênio atmosféricoCedeño, Daniel Grings January 2017 (has links)
O nitrogênio compõe cerca de 78% da massa da atmosfera terrestre e é um elemento imprescindível para a construção e manutenção da vida. Porém a abundância de nitrogênio atmosférico da Terra é anômala quando comparada a dos demais planetas telúricos. Isso significa que ou a acresção para esses planetas foi diferente (o que é pouco provável) ou a Terra possui alguma característica única que permita a existência de grandes volumes de nitrogênio em sua atmosfera. A tectônica de placas poderia ser essa característica, uma vez que propicia uma conexão direta entre o manto e superfície (ao mesmo tempo em que material é expelido do manto para a superfície, material é transportado da superfície para o manto). Nesse contexto, este trabalho objetiva compreender, através de simulações em laboratório, o papel das zonas de subducção no transporte global do nitrogênio. Para tal, submeteu-se um material que simula sedimentos pelágicos (esmectitas dioctaédricas) dopado com amônio (NH4-esmectita) a diversas condições de pressão e temperatura: desde pressão ambiente até 7.7 GPa (equivalente a ~270 km de profundidade) e com temperaturas variando entre 200oC e 700oC. Os experimentos foram realizados em uma prensa hidráulica de 1000 tonf com câmaras de perfil toroidal e em um forno de alta temperatura e foram analisados por difração de raios X (DRX), espectroscopia infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e por imageamento SE-MEV-EDS Além disso, o material inicial foi caracterizado por análise térmica diferencial (DTA) e análise química CHN. Os resultados mostram que as transformações de fase sofridas pela NH4-esmectita agem no sentido de preservar o amônio na estrutura durante o processo de subducção. Também foram observadas fases de pressões mais elevadas capazes de conter amônio (buddingtonita, a 7.7 GPa). Percebeu-se que o regime termal da subducção é fundamental para a eficiência do transporte de nitrogênio, visto que em subducções quentes (litosferas oceânicas jovens que subductam em baixo ângulo) ocorre a fusão parcial do material com liberação de parte do amônio em pressões relativamente baixas (~1 GPa, equivalente a 30 km de profundidade). Por outro lado, em subducções frias (litosferas oceânicas antigas que subductam em alto ângulo) o material aprisiona de forma eficiente o nitrogênio até ~270 km de profundidade (7.7 GPa). / Nitrogen composes around 78 wt% of Earth’s atmosphere and is a vital element for the construction and maintenance of life. However, the abundance of Earth’s atmospheric nitrogen is anomalous when compared to the one from other inner planets. This means that or accretion for these planets was different (which is unlikely) or Earth possesses a unique feature that allows the existence of large volumes of nitrogen in its atmosphere. Plate tectonics could be this feature, since it propitiates a direct connection between mantle and surface (at the same time that material is expelled by the mantle in to the surface, material is transported from the surface in to the mantle). In this context, these work objectives the understanding, through laboratoty simulations, the role of subduction zones in the global transport of nitrogen. For that, a material that simulates pelagic sediments (dioctahedral smectite) doped with ammonium (NH4-smectite) was subjected to a series of pressure and temperature conditions: from ambient pressure up to 7.7 GPa (equivalent to ~270 km depth) and temperatures varying between 200oC and 700oC. Experiments were performed in a 1000 tonf hydraulic press with coupled toroidal chambers and in a high temperature furnace and were analyzed by X ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and SE-SEM-EDS imaging. Additionally, the starting material was characterized by differential thermal analysis (DTA and CHN chemical analysis Results show that phase transformations suffered by NH4-smectite tend to preserve ammonium inside the mineral structure during subduction. Also, high-pressure ammonium bearing phases were observed (budingtonite at 7.7 GPa). It was perceived that the thermal setting of the subduction is fundamental for the efficiency of nitrogen’s transportation, as in hot subductions (young oceanic lithospheres subducting at low angle) partial melting with partial liberation of ammonium occur in relatively low pressures (~1 GPa, equivalent to 30 km depth). On the other hand, in cold subductions (ancient oceanic lithopsheres subducting at high angles) the material efficiently imprisons nitrogen until ~270 km depth (7.7 GPa).
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Cenozoic Evolution of the Sierras Pampeanas Tectonomorphic Zone Between 27.5°S and 30.5°S, ArgentinaStevens, Andrea Lynn, Stevens, Andrea Lynn January 2017 (has links)
The Andean Cordilleran orogenic system stretches over 7,000 km along the western margin of South America and serves as a useful laboratory to evaluate the causes of spatial and temporal variations in orogenic processes. Although the geology of the Andean margin is fundamentally controlled by the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate, the style of deformation, basin morphology, exhumation history, and volcanic activity along this margin are remarkably heterogeneous in both time and space.
My Ph.D. work presents new data from the Miocene – Pliocene along-strike depocenters bounding the basement block uplifts of the Sierras Pampeanas and the fold and thrust belt of the Andean Precordilleran in the south Central Andes between ca. 27.5°S and 30.5°S. I use new observations from sedimentology, detrital zircon U-Pb data, and low-temperature thermochronology to evaluate the mechanisms driving basin organization, sedimentation, and exhumation. Geohistory analysis supports flexurally controlled basins between ca. 18 and 6 Ma with detritus derived exclusively from the active Precodillera to the west. Accelerated deformation in the Precordillera produced accelerated sedimentation from ca. 10 – 8.5 Ma. A deceleration of sedimentation from ca. 6 – 5 Ma was most likely controlled by heightened aridity. Around the same time, low-temperature thermochronometers record the widespread exhumation of the foreland basin system for over 300 km along strike, this may be driven by dynamically controlled uplift related to Miocene flat-slab subduction. Low-temperature thermochronometers suggest that the geothermal gradient throughout the late Miocene was ca. 35°C/km – 25°C/km and had not been significantly depressed as previously proposed.
Granite-cored ranges in the Sierras Pampeanas were sampled for low-temperature thermochronology to constrain the exhumation history of the region. Modeling of both apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He thermochronometers demonstrates that these rocks have been close to the surface since the late Paleozoic. Reheating during the Cretaceous is attributed to elevated geothermal gradients due to back-arc rifting. Final exhumation (1- 2 km) occurred in the mid to late Miocene and may have been controlled by the onset of flat-slab subduction. These results suggest that the Sierras Pampeanas may have had inherited positive topography that has controlled basin organization and sediment distribution patterns since the Paleozoic.
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Crustal deformation associated with great subduction earthquakesSun, Tianhaozhe 28 July 2017 (has links)
The slip behaviour of subduction faults and the viscoelastic rheology of Earth’s mantle govern crustal deformation throughout the subduction earthquake cycle. This Ph.D. dissertation presents research results on two topics: (1) coseismic and postseismic slip of the shallowest segment of subduction faults and (2) postseismic deformation following great subduction earthquakes controlled by mantle viscoelasticity.
Topic 1: Slip behaviour of the shallowest subduction faults. By modelling high-resolution cross-trench bathymetry surveys before and after the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, we determine the magnitude and distribution of coseismic slip over the most near-trench 40 km of the Japan Trench megathrust. The inferred > 60 m average slip and a gentle increase by 5 m towards the trench over this distance indicate moderate degree of net coseismic weakening of the shallow fault. Using near-trench seafloor and sub-seafloor fluid pressure variations as strain indicators in conjunction with land-based geodetic measurements, we determine coseismic-slip and afterslip distributions of the 2012 Mw 7.6 Costa Rica earthquake. Here, trench-breaching slip similar to the Tohoku-oki rupture did not occur during the earthquake, but afterslip extended to the trench axis and reached ~0.7 m over 1.3 years after the earthquake, exhibiting a velocity-strengthening behaviour. These two contrasting examples bracket a possibly wide range of slip behaviour of the shallow megathrust. They help us understand why large tsunamis are generated by some but not all subduction earthquakes.
Topic 2: Postseismic deformation following great subduction earthquakes. Due to the asymmetry of megathrust rupture, with the upper plate undergoing greater coseismic tension than the incoming plate, viscoelastic stress relaxation causes the trench and land areas to move in opposite, opposing directions immediately after the earthquake. Seafloor geodetic measurements following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, modelled in this work, provided the first direct observational evidence for this effect. Systematic modelling studies in this work suggest that such viscoelastic opposing motion should be common to all Mw ≥ 8 subduction earthquakes. As the effect of viscoelastic relaxation decays with time and the effect of fault relocking becomes increasingly dominant, the dividing boundary of the opposing motion continues to migrate away from the rupture area. Comparative studies of ten 8 ≤ Mw ≤ 9.5 subduction earthquakes in this dissertation quantifies the primary role of earthquake size in controlling the “speed” of the evolution of this deformation. Larger earthquakes are followed by longer-lived opposing motion that affects a broader region of the upper plate. / Graduate
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P-T-deformation-time evolution of the Akeyasi HP/UHP complex (SW-Tianshan, China) and implications for subduction dynamics / Évolution P-T-déformation-temps du complexe HP_UHP Akeyasi (SO Tianshan, Chine) et implications pour la dynamique de subductionTan, Zhou 12 December 2018 (has links)
Cette étude vise à caractériser des fragments clés d’une interface de subduction fossile affleurant dans la Ceinture Métamorphique du Sud-Tianshan (Chine). Nous étudions les processus de subduction au travers de la profondeur critique de ~80 km, au-delà de laquelle la géophysique et les modèles prévoient un changement du couplage mécanique, et les roches océaniques ne sont normalement pas exhumées. Ce travail s’intéresse au Complexe Métamorphique Akeyazi (AMC), un épais empilement de roches métavolcanoclastiques enveloppant des écailles éclogitiques, exposé sur ~30 km dans la vallée de Kebuerte, et préservant de nombreuses reliques de coésites. L’étude structurale révèle que l’AMC est un dôme métamorphique consistant de plusieurs nappes cohérentes d’ampleur kilométrique avec des histoire P-T-t-d distinctes. 4 unités sur 6, i.e. UH (2.75 GPa/480-560°C), EB (2.1/505), MU (1.45/485) et GT (>0.7-1.0/470-520) ont été subduites à des profondeurs de ~85, 65, 45 et 30 km respectivement. La déformation rétrograde des unités, liée à leur exhumation, est caractérisée par des bandes de cisaillement top vers le Nord au faciès schiste bleu. Le pic d’enfouissement de ces unités a eu lieu à 320±1, 332±2, 359±2 et 280-310 Ma pour les unités UH, EB, MU et schiste vert, indiquant plusieurs courts épisodes de détachement de matériel de la plaque plongeante. L’évolution tectono-métamorphique de ~12 à 5-7°C/km au cours du temps peut refléter le refroidissement progressif de la subduction. La juxtaposition et l’exhumation à 1-3 mm/an de ces 4 unités à des profondeurs crustales a eu lieu autour de 290-300 Ma. / This study attempts to characterize key fossil fragments of material equilibrated along subduction plate boundary, now exposed in Chinese SW-Tianshan Metamorphic Belt (STMB). We herein elucidate some subduction zone processes across a critical depth range of ~80km, beyond which geophysicist and modeler infer a change in mechanical coupling and oceanic rocks are usually not recovered. It focuses on an unusually thick pile of HP/UHP metavolcanoclastics, wrapping eclogite slices and preserving pervasive coesite relics, along a ~30km-long transect across the Akeyazi metamorphic complex (AMC) in the Kebuerte valley. Structural studies reveal the current geometry of the AMC is a metamorphic dome with evidence of internal nappe stacking and should be subdivided into several coherent, km-scale tectonic units with distinct P-T-time-deformation histories. At least 4 of 6 sub-units identified here, i.e., the UH (2.75 GPa/480-560°C), EB (2.1/505), MU (1.45/485) and GT units (>0.7-1.0/470-520) were subducted and buried to depths of ~85, 65, 45 and 30 km respectively. Deformation following EC/BS-EC peak burial is marked by pervasive BS facies exhumation-related shear senses with a top to North component. Radiometric constraints yield peak burial ages of 320±1, 332±2, 359±2 and 280-310 Ma, respectively, for the UH, EB, MU and GS facies units, indicating several short-lived detachment episodes of material from the downgoing plate. The tectono-metamorphic evolution from ~12 to 5-7°C/km with time may reflect progressive cooling of the subduction system. Juxtaposition & exhumation of those 4 units to mid-crustal depth, at rates on the order of 1-3 mm/yr, was accomplished around 290-300Ma.
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Rupture models of the great 1700 Cascadia earthquake based on microfossil paleoseismic observationsWang, Pei-Ling 24 August 2012 (has links)
Past earthquake rupture models used to explain paleoseismic estimates of coastal subsidence during the great AD 1700 Cascadia earthquake have assumed a uniform slip distribution along the megathrust. Here, we infer heterogeneous slip for the Cascadia margin in AD 1700 that is analogous to slip distributions during instrumentally recorded great subduction earthquakes worldwide. The assumption of uniform distribution in previous rupture models was due partly to the large uncertainties of available paleoseismic data used to constrain the models. In this work, we use more precise estimates of subsidence in 1700 from detailed tidal microfossil studies. We develop a 3-D elastic dislocation model that allows the slip to vary both along strike and in the dip direction. Despite uncertainties in the updip and downdip slip extents, the more precise subsidence estimates are best explained by a model with along-strike slip heterogeneity, with multiple patches of high moment release separated by areas of low moment release. For example, in AD 1700 there was very little slip near Alsea Bay, Oregon (~ 44.5°N), an area that coincides with a segment boundary previously suggested on the basis of gravity anomalies. A probable subducting seamount in this area may be responsible for impeding rupture during great earthquakes. Our results highlight the need for precise, high-quality estimates of subsidence or uplift during prehistoric earthquakes from the coasts of southern British Columbia, northern Washington (north of 47°N), southernmost Oregon, and northern California (south of 43°N), where slip distributions of prehistoric earthquakes are poorly constrained. / Graduate
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Models of tsunamigenic earthquake rupture along the west coast of North AmericaSypus, Matthew 02 January 2020 (has links)
The west coast of North America faces the risk of tsunamis generated by seismic rupture in three regions, namely, the Cascadia subduction zone extending from southwestern British Columbia to northern California, the southern Queen Charlotte margin in the Haida Gwaii area, and the Winona Basin just northeast of Vancouver Island. In this thesis, I construct tsunamigenic rupture models with a 3-D elastic half-space dislocation model for these three regions. The tsunami risk is the highest along the Cascadia coast, and many tsunami source models have been developed and used in the past. In efforts to improve the Cascadia tsunami hazard assessment, I use an updated Cascadia fault geometry to create 9 tsunami source models which include buried, splay-faulting, and trench-breaching rupture. Incorporated in these scenarios is a newly-proposed splay fault based on minor evidence found in seismic reflection images off Vancouver Island. To better understand potential rupture boundaries of the Cascadia megathrust rupture, I also model deformation caused by the 1700 C.E. great Cascadia earthquake that fit updated microfossil-based paleoseismic coastal subsidence estimates. These estimates validate the well-accepted along-strike heterogenic rupture of the 1700 earthquake but suggest greater variations in subsidence along the coast. It is recognized that the Winona Basin area just north of the Cascadia subduction zone may have the potential to host a tsunamigenic thrust earthquake, but it has not been formally included in tsunami hazard assessments. There is a high degree of uncertainty in the tectonics of the area, the presence of a subduction “megathrust”, fault geometry, and rupture boundaries. Assuming worst-case scenarios and considering the uncertainties, I construct a fault geometry using seismic images and generate six tsunami sources with buried and trench-breaching rupture in which downdip rupture extent is varied. The Mw 7.8 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake and its large tsunami demonstrated the presence of a subduction megathrust and its capacity of hosting tsunamigenic rupture, but little has been done to include future potential thrust earthquakes in the Haida Gwaii region in tsunami hazard assessment. To fill this knowledge gap, I construct a new megathrust geometry using seismic reflection images and receiver-function results and produce nine tsunami sources for Haida Gwaii, which include buried and trench-breaching ruptures. In the strike direction, the scenarios include long ruptures from mid-way between Haida Gwaii and Vancouver Island to mid-way between Haida Gwaii and the southern tip of Alaskan Panhandle, and shorter rupture scenarios north and south of the main rupture of the 2012 earthquake. For all the tsunami source and paleoseismic scenarios, I also calculate stress drop along the fault. Comparison of the stress drop results with those of real megathrust earthquakes worldwide indicates that these models are mechanically realistic. / Graduate
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