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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodes de gestion des données manquantes en épidémiologie. : Application en cancérologie / Methods for handling missing data in epidemiology : application in oncology

Resseguier, Noémie 04 December 2013 (has links)
La problématique de la gestion des données manquantes dans les études épidémiologiques est un sujet qui intéressera tous les chercheurs impliqués dans l’analyse des données recueillies et dans l’interprétation des résultats issus de ces analyses. Et même si la question de la gestion des données manquantes et de leur impact sur la validité des résultats obtenus est souvent discutée, cesont souvent les méthodes de traitement des données manquantes les plus simples mais pas toujours les plus valides qui sont utilisées en pratique. L’utilisation de chacune de ces méthodes suppose un certain nombre d’hypothèses sous lesquelles les résultats obtenus sont valides, mais il n’est pas toujours possible de tester ces hypothèses. L’objectif de ce travail était (i) de proposer une revue des différentes méthodes de traitement des données manquantes utilisées en épidémiologie en discutant les avantages et les limites de chacune de ces méthodes, (ii) de proposer une stratégie d’analyse afin d’étudier la robustesse des résultats obtenues via les méthodes classiques de traitement des données manquantes à l’écart aux hypothèses qui, bien que non testables, sont nécessaires à la validité de ces résultats, et (iii) de proposer quelques applications sur des données réelles des différents point discutés dans les deux premières parties. / The issue of how to deal with missing data in epidemiological studies is a topic which concerns every researcher involved in the analysis of collected data and in the interpretation of the results produced by these analyses. And even if the issue of the handling of missing data and of their impact on the validity of the results is often discussed, simple, but not always appropriate methods to deal with missing data are commonly used. The use of each of these methods is based on some hypotheses under which the obtained results are valid, but it is not always possible to test these hypotheses. The objective of this work was (i) to propose a review of various methods to handle missing data used in the field of epidemiology, and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods, (ii) to propose a strategy of analysis in order to study the robustness of the results obtained via classical methods to handle missing data to the departure from hypotheses which are required for the validity of these results, although they are not testable, and (iii) to propose some applications on real data of the issues discussed in the first two sections.

Método bivalorado para medições subjetivas / Two-value method for subjective measurements

Bispo, Carlos Alberto Ferreira 26 January 2010 (has links)
Contexto: devido à crescente necessidade de melhor conhecer os elementos organizacionais, as medições subjetivas estão ganhando um espaço cada vez maior. Problema: podemos avaliar o quão confiável em relação à realidade do atributo de um mensurando é uma amostra de dados obtidos por meio de medição subjetiva bivalorada? Hipóteses: Hipótese 1 - já existe um método científico que consiga realizar eficazmente a avaliação citada no problema; Hipótese 2 - caso a primeira hipótese não seja satisfeita, é possível criar um método que possa realizar eficazmente aquela avaliação. Objetivo: após confirmada a inexistência de um método consagrado cientificamente que consiga realizar a avaliação citada no problema, então, desenvolver um método que realize eficazmente aquela avaliação. Métodos: elaboração do embasamento teórico sobre os fundamentos da medição subjetiva; revisão bibliográfica sobre os métodos existentes que trabalham com medição subjetiva bivalorada; elaboração e validação de um método que solucione o problema proposto. Escopo e limitações: as publicações utilizadas para elaborar a fundamentação teórica sobre medição subjetiva e o novo método são multidisciplinares, porém o enfoque dado aos estudos foi para a gestão organizacional, com ênfase nos assuntos pertinentes à Engenharia de Produção e áreas afins. Resultados obtidos: (1) foram elaborados os postulados sobre medição subjetiva; (2) foram delineadas as principais fontes de erros de medição subjetiva baseada naqueles postulados; (3) não foi encontrado na literatura pertinente qualquer método científico ou expressão matemática que solucione o problema proposto; (4) foi elaborado um método para trabalhar com medição subjetiva bivalorada. Análise dos resultados: (1) os postulados elaborados serviram de base para o levantamento das principais fontes de erros de medições subjetivas; (2) o embasamento teórico serviu como fundamentação para a elaboração do método preliminar que utilizava a medição subjetiva bivalorada; (3) novos estudos permitiram um aperfeiçoamento do método preliminar, elaborando o novo método; (4) um estudo de caso mostrou a aplicabilidade do novo método. Conclusões: os estudos realizados permitiram comprovar a eficácia do método para medições subjetivas bivaloradas. / Background: Due to the growing need to better understand the organizational elements, subjective measurements are gaining more and more space. Problem: can we assess how reliable a data sample collected via 2-value subjective measurement is in relation to the reality of the attribute of a measurand? Hypotheses: Hypothesis 1 - there is already a scientific method that can effectively perform the assessment mentioned in the problem; Hypothesis 2 - in the even the first hypothesis is not met, it is possible to create a method that can effectively perform that assessment. Purpose: After confirming the absence of a scientifically established method that can perform the evaluation mentioned in the problem, the purpose is to develop a method to effectively perform that evaluation. Methods: Development of theoretical basis on the grounds of subjective measurements; literature review on existing methods that work with 2-value subjective measurement; development and validation of a new method that solves the problem proposed. Scope and limitations: the publications used to develop the theoretical framework of subjective measurements and the new method are multidisciplinary, yet the focus given to the studies was more related to organizational management, with emphasis on matters pertaining to Production Engineering and related fields. Results: (1) postulates on subjective measurements have been elaborated; (2) the main sources of subjective measurement errors based on those postulates have been outlined; (3) no scientific method or mathematical expression that may address the problem proposed has been found on the literature; (4) a method was developed to work with two-value subjective measurements. Analysis of results: (1) the postulates developed served as a basis for raising the main sources of subjective measurement errors; (2) the theoretical framework served as the basis for establishing the primary method that used two-value subjective measurements; (3) new studies allowed for the improvement of the primary method by developing the new method; (4) a case study showed the applicability of the new method. Conclusions: The studies have allowed us to effectiveness of the method for 2-value subjective measurements.

Método bivalorado para medições subjetivas / Two-value method for subjective measurements

Carlos Alberto Ferreira Bispo 26 January 2010 (has links)
Contexto: devido à crescente necessidade de melhor conhecer os elementos organizacionais, as medições subjetivas estão ganhando um espaço cada vez maior. Problema: podemos avaliar o quão confiável em relação à realidade do atributo de um mensurando é uma amostra de dados obtidos por meio de medição subjetiva bivalorada? Hipóteses: Hipótese 1 - já existe um método científico que consiga realizar eficazmente a avaliação citada no problema; Hipótese 2 - caso a primeira hipótese não seja satisfeita, é possível criar um método que possa realizar eficazmente aquela avaliação. Objetivo: após confirmada a inexistência de um método consagrado cientificamente que consiga realizar a avaliação citada no problema, então, desenvolver um método que realize eficazmente aquela avaliação. Métodos: elaboração do embasamento teórico sobre os fundamentos da medição subjetiva; revisão bibliográfica sobre os métodos existentes que trabalham com medição subjetiva bivalorada; elaboração e validação de um método que solucione o problema proposto. Escopo e limitações: as publicações utilizadas para elaborar a fundamentação teórica sobre medição subjetiva e o novo método são multidisciplinares, porém o enfoque dado aos estudos foi para a gestão organizacional, com ênfase nos assuntos pertinentes à Engenharia de Produção e áreas afins. Resultados obtidos: (1) foram elaborados os postulados sobre medição subjetiva; (2) foram delineadas as principais fontes de erros de medição subjetiva baseada naqueles postulados; (3) não foi encontrado na literatura pertinente qualquer método científico ou expressão matemática que solucione o problema proposto; (4) foi elaborado um método para trabalhar com medição subjetiva bivalorada. Análise dos resultados: (1) os postulados elaborados serviram de base para o levantamento das principais fontes de erros de medições subjetivas; (2) o embasamento teórico serviu como fundamentação para a elaboração do método preliminar que utilizava a medição subjetiva bivalorada; (3) novos estudos permitiram um aperfeiçoamento do método preliminar, elaborando o novo método; (4) um estudo de caso mostrou a aplicabilidade do novo método. Conclusões: os estudos realizados permitiram comprovar a eficácia do método para medições subjetivas bivaloradas. / Background: Due to the growing need to better understand the organizational elements, subjective measurements are gaining more and more space. Problem: can we assess how reliable a data sample collected via 2-value subjective measurement is in relation to the reality of the attribute of a measurand? Hypotheses: Hypothesis 1 - there is already a scientific method that can effectively perform the assessment mentioned in the problem; Hypothesis 2 - in the even the first hypothesis is not met, it is possible to create a method that can effectively perform that assessment. Purpose: After confirming the absence of a scientifically established method that can perform the evaluation mentioned in the problem, the purpose is to develop a method to effectively perform that evaluation. Methods: Development of theoretical basis on the grounds of subjective measurements; literature review on existing methods that work with 2-value subjective measurement; development and validation of a new method that solves the problem proposed. Scope and limitations: the publications used to develop the theoretical framework of subjective measurements and the new method are multidisciplinary, yet the focus given to the studies was more related to organizational management, with emphasis on matters pertaining to Production Engineering and related fields. Results: (1) postulates on subjective measurements have been elaborated; (2) the main sources of subjective measurement errors based on those postulates have been outlined; (3) no scientific method or mathematical expression that may address the problem proposed has been found on the literature; (4) a method was developed to work with two-value subjective measurements. Analysis of results: (1) the postulates developed served as a basis for raising the main sources of subjective measurement errors; (2) the theoretical framework served as the basis for establishing the primary method that used two-value subjective measurements; (3) new studies allowed for the improvement of the primary method by developing the new method; (4) a case study showed the applicability of the new method. Conclusions: The studies have allowed us to effectiveness of the method for 2-value subjective measurements.

Diskrepans mellan självskattad och objektivt mätt stillasittande beteende och fysisk aktivitet i en svensk population: SCAPIS studien / Discrepancy between self-reported and objectively measured sedentary behavior and physical activity in a Swedish population: the SCAPIS study

Palmqvist, Annika January 2015 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med studien var att i) undersöka validiteten i befolkningens skattning av stillasittande (SED) respektive måttlig till kraftig fysisk aktivitet (MVPA) samt ii) beskriva eventuella skillnader mellan de som under-, över- respektive korrekt skattar sitt beteende. Följande frågeställningar utformades: 1) Förekommer diskrepans mellan deltagarnas subjektiva skattning av SED och MVPA jämfört med objektivt mätt fysisk aktivitet med accelerometer? 2) Skiljer sig de deltagare som under-, över- respektive korrekt skattar sitt beteende avseende kön, socioekonomisk status, BMI, konditionsvärde respektive självskattad hälsa? Metod: Studien använder data från the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS) pilotstudie där deltagarna besvarade ett frågeformulär samt bar en accelerometer i sju på varandra följande dagar (N = 652). I denna studie har fyra frågor använts ur SCAPIS deltagarenkät för att mäta deltagarnas subjektiva nivå av fysiska aktivitet. Diskrepans av SED respektive MVPA räknades fram som subjektivt skattad tid (enkätfrågorna) minus accelerometerns registrerade tid. Data beskrivs deskriptivt där populationen har kategoriserats i kvintiler utefter medianskillnaden mellan subjektivt skattad och objektivt mätt tid. Resultat: Medianvärdet för diskrepans av SED och MVPA var -180,2 min/dag (under-) respektive 18,6 min/dag (överskattning). Avseende diskrepans av SED föreligger signifikanta skillnader mellan kvintilerna för diskrepans av SED (p = 0,000), accelerometermätt tid i SED (p = 0,000) samt totalt antal registrerade minuter (p = 0,000). Inga signifikanta skillnader ses för kön (p = 0,744), socioekonomisk status (p = 0,986), BMI (p = 0,806), konditionsvärde (p = 0,727) eller självskattad hälsa (p = 0,385). Avseende diskrepans av MVPA föreligger signifikanta skillnader för diskrepans av MVPA (p = 0,000), accelerometer-mätt tid i både SED (p = 0,000) och MVPA (p = 0,000), antal registrerade minuter totalt (p = 0,001), socioekonomisk status (p = 0,001) samt självskattad hälsa (p = 0,009). Slutsats: Resultaten visar att det är en stor diskrepans mellan hur svenska medelålders män och kvinnor skattar SED respektive MVPA om man jämför med objektivt accelerometermätt tid. Det verkar dock inte finnas en viss kategori människor som under- eller överskattar SED mer än andra avseende de undersökta variablerna. Beträffande diskrepans av MVPA ses dock en tendens till ökad diskrepans för de som bor i socioekonomiska högstatusområden samt att de med god självskattad hälsa överskattar mer. Studiens resultat tyder även på att mer registreringstid med accelerometern medför ökad diskrepans av SED respektive MVPA. Mer forskning kring hur olika registreringstider påverkar utfallen är därför önskvärt. / Aim: The aim of this study was to i) examine the validity of the population estimates of sedentary behaviour (SED) and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and ii) describe possible differences between groups that are under-, over- and correctly classifying their behaviour. The following questions were designed to answer the above aim: 1. Are there discrepancies between the participants self-reported SED and MVPA compared to objective measurement by accelerometer? 2. Do the participants who under-, over- and correctly classify their behaviour differ with respect to gender, socioeconomic status, fitness factor and self-rated health? Method: This study used data from the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage pilot Study  (SCAPIS) where participants answered a questionnaire and wore an accelerometer for seven subsequent days (N = 652). Four questions were used to measure the participants’ physical activity level. Discrepancy of SED and MVPA was calculated as the difference between subjectively and objectively measured time. The data is descriptively presented where misclassification has been categorized into quintiles and estimated as median differences. Results: The median time for discrepancy of SED was for the whole population -180,2 min/day (under-) and for MVPA 18,6 min/dag (overestimation). Regarding discrepancy of SED, there were significant differences between quintiles for discrepancy of SED (p = 0,000), accelerometer-registered time in SED (p = 0,000) and total number of minutes registered (p = 0,000). No significant differences existed for gender (p = 0,744), socioeconomic status (p = 0,986), BMI (p = 0,806), fitness factor (p = 0,727) or self-rated health (p = 0,385). Regarding discrepancy of MVPA there were significant differences for discrepancy of MVPA (p = 0,000), accelerometer-registered time in SED (p = 0,000) and MVPA (p = 0,000) and total number of minutes registered (p = 0,001). Significance also existed for socioeconomic status (p = 0,001) and self-rated health (p = 0,009). Conclusion: The results show that the population in this study misclassify SED and MVPA and the differences between the quintiles are large. However, there seems to be no particular category of people who misclassify SED more than others in regards to the examined variables. Concerning discrepancy of MVPA, the results suggest that the discrepancy is greater for those with high socioeconomic status and that those with good self-rated health tend to overestimate more. The results also suggest that more time registered with accelerometer entails greater discrepancy. More research examining how different recording times affect outcomes is warranted. / <p>Kursen Projektarbete.</p><p>SCAPIS-projektet</p>

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