Spelling suggestions: "subject:"submerged vegetation"" "subject:"submerged vegetation""
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The acoustic ecology of submerged macrophytesWilson, Christopher James, 1985- 25 January 2012 (has links)
Underwater acoustics has recently emerged as a viable tool for assessing ecosystem health and exploring the estuarine soundscape. Recent acoustic surveys have mapped distributions of both seagrass meadows and kelp forests, and scientists are currently developing remote sensing capabilities to improve ecological assessments of these communities. Furthermore, researchers are beginning to focus on the propagation and ecological significance of bioacoustic signals within estuarine landscapes. The research presented here includes a thorough examination of the interaction of acoustic energy and macrophyte tissue as it pertains to habitat assessment and ecosystem function. Modeling experiments investigated the interaction of acoustic energy and submerged macrophyte tissue. Both seagrasses and kelp exhibited a similar acoustic response by increasing the acoustic compressibility of a seawater medium. The increase in acoustic compressibility was driven by free-gas volumes contained within the macrophyte tissue. Interestingly, the tissue served to limit the acoustic compressibility of the gas volume below the magnitude predicted by effective medium models. Separate inquiries of high-frequency sound propagation and the seagrass canopy revealed a significant temporal component to acoustic transmission. Specifically, sound transmission throughout a seagrass canopy was altered by the formation of free gas bubbles and the pressurization of aerenchyma channels, which was mediated by photosynthesis. The photosynthetic controls on sound propagation were species-specific, and patterns of acoustic transmission provided a reasonable proxy for gross primary production in Syringodium filiforme plants. Finally, the interaction of sound energy and submerged macrophytes appears to have important ecological implications. This research suggests that seagrass meadows scatter high-frequency sound energy and provide an acoustic refuge to fish from marine mammal predators. This refuge is highly seasonal, specific to different seagrass species and dependent on the abundance of above-ground biomass. Seagrasses also may influence the transmission of low-frequency sounds used by soniferous fish. Propagation characteristics of low-frequency sounds are highly dependent on frequency and result in differential transmission distances among individual fish species. It is clear from this body of work that submerged macrophytes are an important feature of the underwater soundscape. Future research should continue to exploit this feature for remote sensing purposes and examine its ecological significance. / text
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Submerged flexible vegetation impact on open channel flow velocity distribution: An analytical modelling study on drag and frictionPu, Jaan H., Hussain, Awesar, Guo, Yakun, Vardakastanis, Nikolaos, Hanmaiahgari, P.R., Lam, Dennis 06 June 2019 (has links)
Yes / In this paper, an analytical model that represents the streamwise velocity distribution for open channel flow with submerged flexible vegetation is studied. In the present vegetated flow modelling, the whole flow field has been separated into two layers vertically: a vegetated layer and a non-vegetated free-water layer. Within the vegetated layer, an analysis of the mechanisms affecting water flow through flexible vegetation has been conducted. In the non-vegetated layer, a modified log-law equation that represents the velocity profile varying with vegetation height has been investigated. Based on the studied analytical model, a sensitivity analysis has been conducted to assess the influences of the drag and friction coefficients on the flow velocity. The investigated ranges of drag and friction coefficients have also been compared to published values. The findings suggest that the drag and friction coefficient values are non-constant at different depths and vegetation densities, unlike the constant values commonly suggested in literature. This phenomenon is particularly clear for flows with flexible vegetation, which is characterised by large deflection.
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Drag coefficient modelling study for flexible vegetation in open channel flowHussain, Awesar, Pu, Jaan H., Hanmaiahgari, P.R. 10 November 2018 (has links)
No / Vegetation remains to be an important factor that can hinder the river flow. It needs innovative management scheme, in order
to adapt these changes and ensure sustainability of their multiple usages. Vegetation plays an important role in floods and
droughts adaptation within river system to alleviate any flood that may propagates from river to its surrounding. Vegetation within
river can also retard its flow to cause building-up of deposition, and further adding to uncertainty of water use under extreme
droughts. Due to these, it is important to study and understand vegetation drag behaviour toward flow in order to prevent flood
risk and water security with hydrological drought in the basin and any other negative impact caused by it. In this study, an
analytical approach for river flooding has been studied by improved representation of drag coefficient CD in flow velocity
distribution modelling. The analysis of flow parameters, i.e. Reynolds number, on the drag coefficient CD has been conducted.
The presented model has been used and analysed in open channel flows with flexible vegetation. In modelling, the flexible
vegetated channel layers were divided into vegetation, top of vegetation and water layer zones in the model. The balance of
forces for each layer has been established by validation using different reported measured data. The modelling results showed
reasonably corresponding prediction of velocity profile in flows with flexible vegetation.
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Effect of submerged macrophytes on the structure of lake ecosystem and trophic relationships among fishesVEJŘÍKOVÁ, Ivana January 2019 (has links)
This Ph.D. Thesis is focused on the effect of submerged vegetation on the structure of lake ecosystem and trophic relationships among fishes. Succession of submerged vegetation is a dynamic process and the vegetation community may change dramatically even during a year. Many environmental factors have impact on the succession of submerged vegetation and consequently the presence of the vegetation has substantial impact on the aquatic ecosystem. Nutrient level (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus) plays a key role in the succession of freshwater ecosystems. Further, herbivory significantly influences species composition and biomass of macrophytes and macroalgae. Herbivory of fish is a foraging strategy that is dependent on temperature. Foraging preferences of fish may suppress the palatable species. The rate of herbivory affects plant growth patterns and thus inpalatable species may be advantaged in the competition among plants. In aquatic ecosystems, herbivory is often performed by omnivorous species. The diet preferences of omnivorous fish differ among aquatic ecosystems and submerged vegetation can shape their trophic niches substantially.
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Hur påverkas kransalgen Chara globularis, vattengråsugga, Asellus aquaticus och påväxtalger av kalkning i en eutrof sjö? / How are stonewort Chara globularis, asellota Asellus aquaticus and periphyton affected by liming in a eutrophic lake?Forsman, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Grunda, näringsrika sjöar förekommer i två stadier: antingen ett med grumligt vatten och hög biomassa av växtplankton, eller ett med klart vatten och riklig undervattensvegetation. Det klara stadiet är eftersträvansvärt eftersom det skapar goda förutsättningar för en rad ekosystemtjänster, inklusive vattenkvalitet, rekreation och förutsättningar för biodiversitet. Vid eutrofiering, d v s ökat tillskott av näringsämnen, kvarstår det klara stadiet tills näringsbelastningen blir så hög att sjön övergår till ett grumligt stadium. Sjön Tåkern, i Östergötland, har under de senaste åren blivit alltmer eutrofierad och kalkning av vattnet har diskuterats som en möjlig åtgärd för att bevara det klara stadiet som sjön numera befinner sig i. Undersökningar om kalkning av eutrofierade sjöar har gjorts tidigare, men det har varit få studier av effekterna av kalkning på undervattensvegetation, substratlevande djur och påväxtalger. För att undersöka detta, gjordes ett fält- och ett laboratorieexperiment inriktade på effekter på överlevnad av vattengråsugga, Asellus aquaticus, fysiologisk status (halten klorofyll a) i kransalgen Chara globularis och tillväxt av nyetablerade påväxtalger i sjön Tåkern. Resultaten visar att A. aquaticus hade lägre överlevnad efter kalkning till pH 10 i laboratorieexperiment, men i fältförsöket hade kalkning till detta pH inte någon inverkan. C. globularis hade en högre halt klorofyll a efter kalkning till pH 10 i laboratorieexperimentet, men i fältexperimentet hade kalkning ingen effekt på halten klorofyll a. Påväxtalger hade en lägre tillväxthastighet efter kalkning i fältexperimentet. Slutsatsen är att kalkning kan vara en metod för att motverka eutrofiering av sjön Tåkern. Några inkonsekvenser mellan mesokosm- och laborationsresultaten tyder på att fler studier behövs göras för att undersöka hur kalkning till pH 10 påverkar bentiska organismer. / Shallow, nutrient-rich lakes can occur in two alternative states: either a turbid water state with high biomass of phytoplankton, or a clear water state with abundant submerged vegetation. The clear water state is worth striving for because it creates good conditions for a range of ecosystem services and biodiversity. Lake Tåkern, Östergötland, has in recent years become increasingly eutrophic and liming has been discussed as a method to reduce the phosphorus level and maintain, or trigger a shift to, the clear water state. Investigations regarding the effects of liming of eutrophic lakes on phosphorus level and plankton have been performed in the past, but few studies have examined the effects on submerged vegetation, benthic invertebrates and periphyton. To study this, a field and a laboratory experiment were performed to examine how liming to pH 10 affects survival of the benthic invertebrate Asellus aquaticus, the chlorophyll a content in the stonewort Chara globularis and growth of periphyton. Survival of A. aquaticus was not affected in a field mesocosm experiment in Lake Tåkern, but decreased after liming in a laboratory experiment. The chlorophyll a content of C. globularis was not affected in the field experiment but higher than in the controls in the laboratory experiment. Growth of periphyton was reduced in the field experiment. Based on the field experiment, effects on A. aquaticus and C. globularis were negligible, but the laboratory experiment indicate that liming to pH 10 may under certain conditions affect benthic organisms. The conclusion is, however, that liming can be a suitable method to counteract the eutrophication of Lake Tåkern. Some inconsistencies between the field and laboratory results suggest that more studies needs to be made to see how liming to pH 10 affect benthic organisms.
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Hur sjöfåglar påverkar undervattensvegetationen i näringsrika sjöar under olika årstider / How waterfowl affect submerged vegetation in eutrophic lakes during different seasonsKarlsson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
The main diet of herbivorous waterfowl, such as swans, coots, and ducks, consists of submerged macrophytes. The grazing by waterfowl below the surface may affect the biomass and species composition of the submerged plants. The vegetations is, however, also affected by e.g. water turbidity, periphyton growing on the plants and water temperature. This literature study aimed to assess the impact of waterfowl on the biomass and production of submerged vegetation in shallow, eutrophic lakes and how this may vary with the season. The review showed that the density of submerged vegetation biomass varies during the seasons but tends to be highest in the summer. Waterfowl density is usually highest during autumn migration. According to experimental field studies in which waterfowl were excluded from protected areas, showed that protected plants had longer shoots and fewer stumps and, in several studies, also higher biomass, than in areas where waterfowl resided free. Although several studies have shown that waterfowl affect the biomass of macrophytes in different ways, is still uncertain to what degree and whether this has a negative or positive impact on the species composition of vegetation in a longer time perspective. However, alternative state shifts in shallow eutrophic lakes from a clear to a turbid water state have not been shown to be caused by waterfowl. With climate change, the time and place of waterfowl migration and wintering will most probably change. This could lead to altered pressure and seasonality of the grazing by waterfowl on submerged vegetation. / Växtätande sjöfåglars diet består huvudsakligen av undervattensvegetation. Fåglarna betar av växterna oftast under ytan, men undervattensvegetationens biomassa och artsammasättning påverkas inte bara av sjöfåglar, utan också av en rad andra faktorer, till exempel vattnets grumlighet, påväxtalger och vattentemperatur. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka under vilka förutsättningar betning från sjöfåglar har betydelse för undervattensvegetation. Växternas biomassa har visats minska i samband med sjöfåglars födointag, om den huvudsakligen består av vattenväxlighet. Vegetationens täthet varierar under året men uppnår störst täthet under sommaren. Sjöfåglar har visats vara i störst täthet under höstmånaderna, i samband med flyttning. Experimentella studier har genomförts genom att jämföra skyddade områden där sjöfåglar utestängts med öppna områden där sjöfåglar kunnat beta. I de skyddade områdena var växterna generellt längre och hade flera skott. Där fanns också färre stubbar än i de öppna områdena. Flera studier har visat att sjöfåglarna påverkar vegetationens biomassa på olika sätt men det är fortfarande osäkert i vilken grad och om detta över längre tid har en negativ eller positiv påverkan på vegetationens artsammansättning. I och med nutida klimatförändringar kan sjöfåglars tidpunkt och plats för migration och övervintring att förändras. Detta kan leda till att sjöfåglarna inte emigrerar från sjöar och kommer därav med största sannolikhet påverka undervattensvegetationen.
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Flow through Rigid Vegetation HydrodynamicsLiu, David 02 October 2008 (has links)
Better understanding of the role of vegetation in the transport of fluid and pollutants requires improved knowledge of the detailed flow structure within the vegetation. Instead of spatial averaging, this study uses discrete measurements at multiple locations within the canopy to develop velocity and turbulence intensity profiles and observe the changes in the flow characteristics as water travels through a vegetation array simulated by rigid dowels. Velocity data were collected with a one dimensional laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) under single layer emergent and submerged flow conditions, and through two layers of vegetation. The effects of dowel arrangement, density, and roughness are also examined under the single layer experiments. The results show that the velocity within the vegetation array is constant with depth and the velocity profile is logarithmic above it. The region immediately behind a dowel, where the vorticity and turbulence intensity are highest, is characterized by a velocity spike near the bed and an inflection point near the top of the dowel arrays. With two dowel layers, the velocity profile in the region behind a tall dowel exhibits multiple inflection points and the highest turbulence intensities are found there. / Master of Science
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Flow turbulence presented by different vegetation spacing sizes within a submerged vegetation patchJohn, Chukwuemeka K., Pu, Jaan H., Guo, Yakun, Hanmaiahgari, P.R., Pandey, M. 21 July 2023 (has links)
Yes / This study presents results from a vegetation-induced flow experimental study which investigates 3-D turbulence structure
profiles, including Reynolds stress, turbulence intensity and bursting analysis of open channel flow. Different vegetation densities have
been built between the adjacent vegetations, and the flow measurements are taken using acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) at the
locations within and downstream of the vegetation panel. Three different tests are conducted, where the first test has compact
vegetations, while the second and the third tests have open spaces created by one and two empty vegetation slots within the vegetated
field. Observation reveals that over 10% of eddies size is generated within the vegetated zone of compact vegetations as compared with
the fewer vegetations. Significant turbulence structures variation is also observed at the points in the non-vegetated row. The findings
from burst-cycle analysis show that the sweep and outward interaction events are dominant, where they further increase away from the
bed. The effect of vegetation on the turbulent burst cycle is mostly obvious up to approximately two-third of vegetation height where
this phenomenon is also observed for most other turbulent structure. / The full text will be available at the end of the publisher's embargo period: 1st Feb 2025
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