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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crustal structure, gravity anomalies and subsidence history of the Parnaíba cratonic basin, Northeast Brazil

Tozer, Brook January 2017 (has links)
Cratonic basins cover more than 10% of Earth's continental surface area, yet their origin remains enigmatic. In this thesis a suite of new and legacy geophysical and geological data are integrated to constrain the origin of the Parnaíba basin, a cratonic basin in Northeast Brazil. These data include a 1400 km long, deep (20 s two-way travel time) seismic reflection profile, five +/- 110 km offset wide-angle split-spread receiver gathers, gravity anomaly, and well data. In the centre of the basin, the depth to pre-Paleozoic basement is ~ 3.3 km, a zone of midcrustal reflectivity (MCR) can be traced laterally for ~ 250 km at depths between 17-25 km and Moho depth is ~ 42 +/- 2 km. Gravity and P-wave modelling suggests that the MCR represents the upper surface of a high density (2985 kg m<sup>3</sup>) and V<sub>p</sub> (6.7 - 7.0 km s<sup>-1</sup>) lower crustal body, likely of magmatic origin. Backstripping of well data shows a concave up decreasing tectonic subsidence, similar in form to that commonly observed in rift-type basins. It is shown, however, that the seismic and gravity data are inconsistent with an extensional origin. It is shown that an intrusive body in the lower crust that has loaded and flexed the surface of the crust, combined with sediment loading, provides a satisfactory fit to the observed gravity anomaly, sediment thickness and basin shape. A buried load model is also consistent with seismic data, which suggest that the Moho is as deep or deeper beneath the basin centre than its flanks and accounts for at least part of the tectonic subsidence through a viscoelastic stress relaxation that occurs in the lithosphere following load emplacement. Comparative analysis of the Michigan and Congo basins shows gravity data from these basins is also consistent with a lower crustal mass excess, while subsidence analysis shows viscoelastic stress relaxation may also contribute to their early subsidence histories. However, unlike Parnaíba, both of these basins appear to have been subjected to secondary tectonic processes that obscure the primary 'cratonic basin' subsidence signals. Parnaíba basin, therefore, offers an excellent record for the investigation of cratonic basin formation.

Remote Sensing and Modeling of Stressed Aquifer Systems and the Associated Hazards

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Aquifers host the largest accessible freshwater resource in the world. However, groundwater reserves are declining in many places. Often coincident with drought, high extraction rates and inadequate replenishment result in groundwater overdraft and permanent land subsidence. Land subsidence is the cause of aquifer storage capacity reduction, altered topographic gradients which can exacerbate floods, and differential displacement that can lead to earth fissures and infrastructure damage. Improving understanding of the sources and mechanisms driving aquifer deformation is important for resource management planning and hazard mitigation. Poroelastic theory describes the coupling of differential stress, strain, and pore pressure, which are modulated by material properties. To model these relationships, displacement time series are estimated via satellite interferometry and hydraulic head levels from observation wells provide an in-situ dataset. In combination, the deconstruction and isolation of selected time-frequency components allow for estimating aquifer parameters, including the elastic and inelastic storage coefficients, compaction time constants, and vertical hydraulic conductivity. Together these parameters describe the storage response of an aquifer system to changes in hydraulic head and surface elevation. Understanding aquifer parameters is useful for the ongoing management of groundwater resources. Case studies in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, focus on land subsidence from groundwater withdrawal as well as distinct responses to artificial recharge efforts. In Christchurch, New Zealand, possible changes to aquifer properties due to earthquakes are investigated. In Houston, Texas, flood severity during Hurricane Harvey is linked to subsidence, which modifies base flood elevations and topographic gradients. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2018


Hescock, Joshua 01 January 2017 (has links)
The Surface Deformation Prediction System (SDPS) program has been developed as an engineering tool for the prediction of subsidence deformation indices through the implementation of an influence function. SDPS provides reliable predictions of mining induced surface displacements, strains, and tilt for varying surface topography. One of the key aspects in obtaining reliable ground deformation prediction is the determination of the edge effect offset. The value assigned to the edge effect corresponds to a virtual offsetting of boundary lines delineating the extracted panel to allow for roof cantilevering over the mined out area. The objective of this thesis is to describe the methods implemented in updating the edge effect offset algorithm within SDPS. Using known geometric equations, the newly developed algorithm provides a more robust calculation of the offset boundary line of the extracted panel for simplistic and complex mining geometries. Assuming that an extracted panel is represented by a closed polyline, the new edge offset algorithm calculates a polyline offset into the extracted panel by the user defined edge effect offset distance. Surface deformations are then calculated using this adjusted panel geometry. The MATLAB® program was utilized for development and testing of the new edge effect offset feature.


Bode-Jimenez, Gabriel 01 January 2017 (has links)
Underground coal mining operations induce ground movements, which may impact overlying hydrogeologic systems. Potential impacts mainly include changes in the hydraulic conductivity of overlying strata, decreasing of the hydraulic head and changes in water flow. The present research quantifies potential hydrogeologic impacts caused by underground mining through modeling of pre- and post-mining hydrogeologic systems. Three-dimensional conceptual hydrogeologic models were constructed with the Processing Modflow for Windows software package (PMWiN). The models are based on an actual case study, but were simplified in terms of geometry and material properties. Water flow was simulated under changing hydrogeologic properties. A number of scenarios were investigated including models with horizontal or inclined topography, featuring an aquifer overlying two longwall panels. The hydrogeologic properties of the models were estimated based on empirical relationships between the post-mining hydraulic conductivity and strain in the overburden. The strain regime in the overburden was estimated using the Surface Deformation Prediction System (SDPS) package, which allows calculation of surface deformations due to underground coal mining. The research focuses on changes in hydraulic heads; results indicate that hydraulic heads may decrease over undermined areas and may rebound as mining ceases. Water infiltration may occur from higher located overburden formations to lower formations due to mining induced changes in hydrogeologic properties.

Bergschadenkunde, gestern, heute und morgen

Tamáskovics, Nándor 29 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Prognose von Bodenbewegungen in Untersuchungsverfahren der Bergschadenkunde gehört zu einer der grundlegend wichtigen Aufgabenstellungen in Verbindung mit bergbaulichen Arbeiten und ihrer markscheiderischen Begleitung. Die klassischen Untersuchungsmethoden der Bergschadenkunde stützen sich auf markscherische Messungen an der Tagesoberfläche und im Inneren des beobachteten Gebirgsmassives. In neuester Zeit wurden in die quantitative Prognose von Bodenbewegungen verstärkt moderne Untersuchungsmethoden der Geomechanik einbezogen, deren Anwendung sowohl eine Kenntnis der Struktur und der Geometrie der anstehenden geologischen Materialien als auch eine tiefgreifende mechanische Charakterisierung ihres Deformationsverhaltens erfordert und sich damit einer der größten Herausforderungen der geotechnischen Modellierung stellt. / The prediction of soil movements in mining subsidence studies is one of the most important disciplines in connection with mining works and their geodetic measurement control. The classical methods of mining subsidence analysis are based on measaurements of the ground surface. Lately, geomechanic methods have been included into the quantitative prediction soil movements, requiring both detailed knowledge on the structure and geometry of the geologic materials in the ground and a profound characterization of their expected deformation behaviour, leading to one of the greatest challenges in geotechnical modelling.

Statistisches Konzept zur Risikoanalyse von Tagesbrüchen über natürlichen und künstlichen Hohlräumen

Tamáskovics, Nándor, Meier, Günter, Braun, Sarah, Schlesinger, Bodo 28 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Nutzung von Flächen mit Altbergbau oder mit natürlichen Hohlräumen im Unter- und Baugrund ist mit erhöhten Risiken behaftet, dass Bauwerke durch unerwünschte Deformationen des Baugrundes in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden. Eine typische Versagensart ist die Entwicklung von Tagesbrüchen oder Erdfällen, wobei sich Massen in Richtung von Hohlräumen im Unterund und Baugrund verlagern und auflockern. Die Umlagerung von Massen setzt sich solange fort, bis sich ein statisches Gleichgewicht einstellt und eine weitere Fortpflanzung des Bruchvorganges verhindert oder stark reduziert. Die Ermittlung der Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit an einem gegebenen Standort wird nach dem Konzept der geometrischen Wahrscheinlichkeit vorgeschlagen. Die Größe entstehender Tagesbrüche wird dabei als eine Zufallsvariable betrachtet. Die berechneten Versagenswahrscheinlichkeiten können als Grundlage der Risikobewertung von zu schützenden Objekten herangezogen werden. / The use of sites over old mining regions or with natural openings in the ground includes an elevated technical risk, as constructions can be constrained due to unplanned deformations of the subsoil. Typical failure modes include pothole subsidence or earthfalls, when failing soil masses are displaced and loosened stepwise toward a collapsing opening in the ground. The displacement process continues until a stable static equilibrium is reached and a further propagation of displacements is prevented. The determination of the failure probability on a given site due to pothole subsidence is recommended based on the concept of geometric probabilities, considering the subsidence volume as a probabilistic quantity. The failure probabilities can be used for a risk analysis of protected objects on sites with expected pothole subsidence.

Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the northern margin of the Amu-Darya basin in Uzbekistan (Bukhara-Khiva and Southwestern Gissar regions) / Evolution tectono-stratigraphique de la marge nord du bassin de l'Amou-Daria en Ouzbékistan (régions de Boukhara-Khiva et du sud-ouest Ghissar)

Mordvintsev, Dmitriy 09 July 2015 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est la reconstruction de l'évolution tectonique et stratigraphique de la marge nord du bassin de l'Amou-Daria et du nord-ouest du bassin Afghan-Tadjik dans le sud-ouest de l'Ouzbékistan (régions de Boukhara-Khiva et SW Ghissar).Nous avons utilisé des données géologiques-géophysiques pour construire 8 coupes géologiques-géophysiques. Deux de ces coupes sont parallèles à la région de Boukhara-Khiva, les six autres la recoupent du nord au sud. Les caractères principaux des surfaces pré-Mésozoïque et Mésozoiques ont été observés ainsi que les failles principales, hauts et dépressions.Une autre partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'analyse de la subsidence, réalisée à partir de 18 puits choisis dans la région. La comparaison des taux de subsidence montre une subsidence tectonique active de la fin du Jurassique inférieur au Jurassique moyen et des événements mineurs au cours du Crétacé inférieur et du Turonien.Une analyse de tectonique cassante, comprenant des travaux de terrain, a été menée dans la chaîne du SW Ghissar. Des populations de failles ont été mesurées dans les carbonates du Jurassique moyen-supérieur. Les résultats indiquent que les failles normales sont associées à une extension de direction NE qui s'est développée dans la marge nord du bassin de l'Amou-Daria au cours du Jurassique moyen supérieur.Nos résultats montrent que l'évolution du bassin de l'Amou-Daria est liée au développement de la marge nord de l'océan néo-téthysien au Mésozoïque. La subduction vers le nord de la Néo-Téthys sous l'Eurasie durant le Jurassique a induit un régime extensif dans la plaque Touran chevauchante et l'ouverture du bassin de l'Amou-Daria. / The main aim of this thesis is reconstructing the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the northern margin of the Amu-Darya basin and northwestern part of the Afghan-Tajik basin in southwestern Uzbekistan (Bukhara-Khiva and Southwestern Gissar regions). We have used a complex of geological-geophysical data for the construction of 8 geological-geophysical sections. Two lines are parallel to the Bukhara-Khiva region, while other six cross it from the north to the south. The principal features of the pre-Mesozoic and Mesozoic surfaces were observed. The main faults, highs and lows were also determined.Another part of the study is the tectonic subsidence analysis, performed through 18 wells, chosen for the area. The comparison of the tectonic subsidence rates shows an active tectonic subsidence during the late Early Jurassic to Middle Jurassic, and minor events during the Early Cretaceous and the Turonian.The fault tectonic analysis, including fieldworks, has been performed in the Southwestern Gissar Mountains. We mainly analysed the faults population in the Middle-Late Jurassic carbonates. The results indicate that normal faulting developed during the Middle-Late Jurassic associated with the NE-trending extension that developed in the northern margin of the Amu-Darya basin.All of the results show that the Amu-Darya basin evolution is strongly connected to the Mesozoic development of the northward subduction of the Tethys Oceanic domain beneath the Central Asia margin. During the Jurassic, the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys beneath Eurasia generated extensional stress fields in the overriding Turan platform which originated the Amu-Darya basin.

Effondrement et affaissement des mines de fer en Lorraine : rôle de la couverture et de la morphologie / Subsidence an collapse in Lorraine iron mines : contribution of numerical modelling

Fougeron, Jérôme 26 April 2007 (has links)
Les évènements survenus dans le bassin ferrifère lorrain durant cette dernière décennie sont venus souligner les problèmes engendrés par la cessation d’activité minière et l’abandon des concessions comme la sécurité des personnes ou des biens. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle que peut jouer la morphologie sur le comportement mécanique de la couverture sédimentaire par rapport au phénomène d’effondrement brutal et d’affaissement progressif. Nous nous sommes attardés sur les situations de vallée et de plateau, pourvues ou non d’une fracturation verticale, et à celle d’une reculée de vallée à travers un ensemble de modélisations 2D (UDEC) et 3D (FLAC3D). Ensuite, nous avons simulé le développement de la fracturation dans un pilier de mine à travers une approche associant des codes de calcul continu (FLAC) et discontinu (PFC). L’ensemble de ces modélisations permettent d’appréhender le rôle de la couverture dans un souci de gestion des risques / The events which have occurred in the lorrain iron basin during this last decade came to underline problems generated by mining industrial cessation and concession surrender like people or goods security. In this study, we studied the role which can play the geomorphology on the mechanical behaviour of overburden in relation with the violent collapse and progressive subsidence phenomena. We have examined valley and tray situations with the presence of vertical fractures and postponed valley situation through 2D (UDEC) and 3D (FLAC3D) modelling. Next, we simulated the fracture development in a mine pillar through a continue (FLAC) and discontinue (PFC) approach. These numerical modellings allow to apprehend the overburden role in a concern for hazard zone control

Gestão dos conflitos socioambientais de subsidência de minas de carvão em Santa Catarina: uma proposta de diretrizes para suporte às negociações / Management of social and environmental conflicts due to coal mining subsidence in Santa Catarina state, Brazil: guidelines for negotiation

Corrêa, Rosany 25 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2015-08-05T16:48:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosany Correa.pdf: 1967544 bytes, checksum: ebd429b652ee8d2f3213b58f71ba9a95 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-05T16:48:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosany Correa.pdf: 1967544 bytes, checksum: ebd429b652ee8d2f3213b58f71ba9a95 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / This research aims to analyze environmental conflicts related to damage caused by surface subsidence from old coal mines in Criciúma and its surroundings in the state of Santa Catarina. The theoretical model was developed taking the model developed by Rondeu (1996) - dealing with the dynamics analysis of conflicts - as a reference. The Rondeu´s model is presented as a tool to support the understanding and search of solutions to conflicts related to subsidence impacts of old underground mines mined out prior to 1988 on properties and structures. The development of the theoretical model allowed a better understanding of the origin and consequences of conflicts related to subsidence regarding perception and behavior of actors in clash and the solutions that have been forwarded over the years. This research is qualitative in nature and can be classified into three categories bibliographic, documental and field. The bibliographical search encompassed articles published in journals and in both national and international meetings on the following issues: coal mining, environmental and social impacts of subsidence, clashes involving different land uses, and management of environmental conflicts. The documentary research focussed on documents available in the websites of Federal Public Ministry and the Municipality of Criciúma, as well as on documents provided by land-owners affected by environmental damage arising from coal mine subsidence. The field research was carried out via interviews with questions on environmental impacts, risk society, use of soil and subsoil, and environmental conflicts. In light of all information and evidence gathered, it can be concluded that conflicts resulting from subsidence of old mines, despite being relatively frequent in the region, are not always resolved taking into account all damages and losses involved, unless the final decision resulted from lawsuits. It is also possible to conclude that underground coal mining undertaken in the Criciúma area prior to 1988 was conducted in a predatory way, leaving a legacy of fear and uncertainty to the local population. This scenario comes up because the population has no way to predict when and where subsidence of old mines will occur. In this regard, the inhabitants of Criciúma and neighboring municipalities are facing constant risks that threaten their natural and built environment. The results of this research also indicate that the present situation in the Criciúma area is worrisome because the Brazilian Federal State (who is responsible for managing the mining operation countrywide) is unable to manage conflicts arising from mining subsidence. As a final contribution the study presents a set of guidelines to support the negotiations related to environmental conflicts. / Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os conflitos socioambientais relacionados aos danos causados em superfície por subsidência de minas antigas de carvão, em Criciúma e entornos, no Estado de Santa Catarina. O modelo teórico foi elaborado tendo como principal referência o modelo da análise dinâmica de conflitos de Rondeu (1996) que é apresentado como um instrumento de apoio ao entendimento e encaminhamento de soluções para os embates relacionados aos impactos ambientais em propriedades e estruturas causados por subsidência de minas antigas, lavradas anteriormente a 1988. O delineamento do modelo teórico permitiu um melhor entendimento da origem e desdobramentos dos conflitos relacionados à subsidência, em termos da percepção e comportamento dos atores em embate e, também, das soluções que vêm sendo encaminhadas, seja pela via judicial ou negociada. A pesquisa, predominantemente qualitativa, assumiu três tipologias: bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Na pesquisa bibliográfica foram utilizados artigos publicados em periódicos e em eventos nacionais e internacionais sobre mineração de carvão, impactos socioambientais de subsidência, embates envolvendo diferentes usos e ocupações do solo e gestão de conflitos ambientais. Na pesquisa documental foram utilizados documentos disponibilizados no site do Ministério Público Federal e da Prefeitura Municipal de Criciúma, bem como documentos fornecidos por superficiários afetados por danos ambientais oriundos de subsidência de minas. A pesquisa de campo foi conduzida via aplicação de roteiro de entrevistas com questionamentos sobre impactos ambientais, sociedade de risco, uso do solo e subsolo, e conflitos socioambientais. À luz das informações e evidências obtidas, conclui-se que os conflitos resultantes de subsidência de minas antigas, mesmo sendo relativamente frequentes na região, nem sempre são resolvidos de modo a considerar todos os danos e perdas envolvidos, a não ser quando a decisão decorre de ações judiciais. Conclui-se também que a mineração subterrânea de carvão na região nos anos que precederam 1988 foi conduzida de forma predatória, deixando um legado de medo e incertezas, pois a população não tem como prever quando e onde os episódios de subsidência de minas antigas vão ocorrer. Neste sentido, os habitantes de Criciúma e dos municípios vizinhos convivem com riscos constantes que ameaçam o ambiente natural e o construído dos locais em que vivem. A situação é preocupante, pois o Estado federal (União), a quem compete gerenciar a exploração minerária no país se mostra incapaz de administrar os conflitos oriundos de subsidência de minas. Como contribuição final o estudo apresenta um conjunto de diretrizes para suporte a negociações, relacionadas a conflitos socioambientais.

Bergschadenkunde, gestern, heute und morgen

Tamáskovics, Nándor January 2016 (has links)
Die Prognose von Bodenbewegungen in Untersuchungsverfahren der Bergschadenkunde gehört zu einer der grundlegend wichtigen Aufgabenstellungen in Verbindung mit bergbaulichen Arbeiten und ihrer markscheiderischen Begleitung. Die klassischen Untersuchungsmethoden der Bergschadenkunde stützen sich auf markscherische Messungen an der Tagesoberfläche und im Inneren des beobachteten Gebirgsmassives. In neuester Zeit wurden in die quantitative Prognose von Bodenbewegungen verstärkt moderne Untersuchungsmethoden der Geomechanik einbezogen, deren Anwendung sowohl eine Kenntnis der Struktur und der Geometrie der anstehenden geologischen Materialien als auch eine tiefgreifende mechanische Charakterisierung ihres Deformationsverhaltens erfordert und sich damit einer der größten Herausforderungen der geotechnischen Modellierung stellt. / The prediction of soil movements in mining subsidence studies is one of the most important disciplines in connection with mining works and their geodetic measurement control. The classical methods of mining subsidence analysis are based on measaurements of the ground surface. Lately, geomechanic methods have been included into the quantitative prediction soil movements, requiring both detailed knowledge on the structure and geometry of the geologic materials in the ground and a profound characterization of their expected deformation behaviour, leading to one of the greatest challenges in geotechnical modelling.

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