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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of mining subsidence prediction under tectonic influences

Babaryka, Aleksandra 26 January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the challenge of predicting human-induced subsidence in tectonic settings. The study focuses on the non-symmetric and shape-defying nature of subsidence troughs in tectonic regions, which deviates from conventional symmetric models. The aim of the dissertation is to improve the accuracy of subsidence prediction by incorporating horizontal stress effects into empirical methods. Through a combination of numerical investigations and empirical modelling, the research reveals stress-induced patterns in subsidence profiles. The developed model, based on various concepts, successfully incorporates asymmetry and shape deviation, resulting in significantly improved prediction accuracy. Application of the model to a real subsidence case in a salt cavern shows a 30% improvement in prediction (based on mean squared error comparison with classical solution). This new solution covers subsidence profile patterns not previously considered by empirical models.:Inhalt 1 Introduction 2 State of the art 2.1 Subsidence prediction methods 2.1.1 Empirical subsidence prediction method overview 2.1.2 Numerical methods for subsidence prediction 2.2 Subsidence monitoring methods 2.2.1 Observation methods 2.2.2 Interplay and evolution of techniques 2.3 Subsidence anomalies 2.4 In-situ-stress field 2.5 Subsidence prediction methods for anomalies 2.6 Conclusions 3 Goals and objectives 4 Foundations 4.1 Empirical subsidence prediction methods 4.1.1 Convergence 4.1.2 Transmission coefficient 4.1.2 Influence factor 4.2 Numerical models for subsidence case 4.2.1 Grid size for subsidence case 4.2.2 Boundary conditions 4.2.3 Constitutive models 4.3 Validation 4.3.1 Observation methods 4.3.2 Parameter estimation 4.3.3 Global parameter estimation 4.3.4 Local parameter estimation 4.3.5 Quality measures for result valuation and validation 5 Methodology 6 Numerical investigation 6.1 Preliminary investigation 6.1.1 Method 6.1.2 Choice of constitutive model 6.1.3 Model and input data 6.1.4 Preliminary investigation results 6.2 Design of the main experiment: non-uniform stress distribution 6.2.1 Constitutive model and input data 6.2.2 Model simplification 6.2.3 Output data 6.3 Contribution of asymmetrical stress distribution 6.3.1 Discussion of the basic distribution form 6.3.2 Discussion of maximum subsidence 6.3.3 Discussion of assymetry 6.3.4 Discussion of influence angle 6.4 Conclusions 7 Adaptation of an empirical model to the discovered features 7.1 Subsidence asymmetry 7.2 Subsidence shape flexibility 7.3 Unifying solution 7.4 Conclusion and outlook 8 Application to a full scale 8.1 General information for a salt cavern storage field 8.2 Estimation of the observed subsidence surface as reference 8.3 Model implementation 8.3.1 Parameter estimation results 8.4 Statistical validation of models 8.5 Conclusions 9 Conclusion 9.1 Limitations 9.2 Outlook References Appendix

Modélisation géomécanique des réservoirs : méthodologies de mise en œuvre et d'analyse des incertitudes / Uncertainty Analysis in Geomechanical Modelling of Petroleum Reservoirs

Hu, Tianmeng 06 November 2008 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est double : d’une part, il s’agit de développer une méthodologie intégrée pour la construction d’un modèle géomécanique ainsi que la représentation des incertitudes associées aux propriétés poro-élastiques des roches constitutives, en exploitant l’ensemble des données disponibles et en s’appuyant de façon cohérente sur les modèles de réservoir statique et dynamique classiquement utilisés par les géologues et les ingénieurs réservoir ; d’autre part, il s’agit d’analyser quel est l’impact des hétérogénéités géologiques, souvent négligées, dans la réponse mécanique du réservoir sollicité par son exploitation, et d’aboutir à des incertitudes sur les champs de contraintes et de déplacements, issues des incertitudes sur ces hétérogénéités et leurs paramètres mécaniques. Pour ce faire, une méthodologie intégrée s’appuyant sur des simulations géostatistiques a été développée. Après la construction du cadre géométrique 3D, le remplissage des propriétés au sein du réservoir suit une démarche de simulations géostatistiques 3D emboîtées, dans laquelle la représentation des hétérogénéités lithologiques conditionne la génération des propriétés poro-élastiques. La démarche consiste ensuite à représenter les incertitudes sur le modèle géomécanique par des ensembles de réalisations géostatistiques dont la réponse mécanique est alors calculée avec un simulateur mécanique aux éléments finis. Les incertitudes sur les champs de contraintes et de déformations sont déduites ensuite des différentes réponses mécaniques obtenues. La démarche a été mise en œuvre sur un réservoir réel, dans un environnement fluvio-deltaïque, produisant en Mer du Nord. Dans ce cadre, il a été démontré que les hétérogénéités du réservoir et leurs incertitudes influencent significativement les calculs des champs de contraintes et de déformations, ainsi que les risques mécaniques de rupture. Des incertitudes sur les quantités mécaniques analysées (premier invariant du tenseur des contraintes et subsidence) ont été aussi estimées / This work has two main objectives. The first one is to develop an integrated methodology allowing to build a 3D geomechanical model and also to image the uncertainties attached to the poro-mechanical properties of the constitutive rocks. This geomechanical model should be based on all related available data and should be consistent with the static and dynamic models, currently built by reservoir geologists and engineers. The second objective is to analyse the impact of geological heterogeneities, which are often neglected, in the mechanical response of the reservoir induced by its exploitation, and furthermore to derive uncertainties on the stress and deformation fields related to the uncertainties on the input properties of the geomechanical model. An integrated methodology based on geostatistical simulations is developed. First, the geometric frame is built; then an approach of embedded stochastic simulations is carried out to infill the different reservoir properties, the lithological description constraining the petrophysical and poro-elastic descriptions. The next step is to generate the mechanical responses of the stochastic realisations, using a finite-element mechanical simulator. The uncertainties on the resulting stress and displacement fields are then deduced from the multiple mechanical responses which are computed. This approach is demonstrated on a real field case, a fluvio-deltaic reservoir in North Sea. It is shown on this example that the reservoir heterogeneities and their uncertainties significantly influence the calculations of stress and strain fields, and also the risks of mechanical failure. Uncertainties on the mechanical quantities under analysis (first invariant of the stress tensor and subsidence) are also derived

Géodynamique et impact de la crise d'érosion et de salinité Messinienne sur les transferts sédimentaires (bassin de Valence, bassin Adriatique) / Perched basins of Mediterranean Sea : geodynamic, and impact of the Messinian salinity crisis on the sedimentary fluxes (Valencia and Adriatic basins)

Pellen, Romain 30 June 2016 (has links)
L’évolution géodynamique et physiographique de l’espace Méditerranéen, en particulier au sein des bassins bordiers de Valence et Adriatique, sont intimement liées à l’héritage anté-Néogène. L’identification de la segmentation des bassins et leur implication dans l’histoire tectonique et environnementale au Néogène, en particulier lors de la crise d’érosion et de salinité Messinienne (MESC - 5.96-5.32 Ma), reste cependant méconnus et font l’objet de ce travail de recherche. Afin de les mettre en lumière, nous proposons une vision complète du remplissage sédimentaire Néogène des deux bassins, sur la base d’une compilation de profils sismiques et de forages industriels. Nos résultats illustrent une segmentation du domaine Valence-Provençal en trois sousbassins d’âges, de subsidences et de nature crustales différentes. Un nouveau scénario cinématique est proposé à l’échelle des bassins Valencien et Algérien. Cette segmentation met en lumière lors de la MESC un système complet de vallées incisées fluviatiles long de plus de 270 km. Associé aux différents cortèges sédimentaires, un nouveau regard est jeté sur l’événement Messinien et le paradoxe d’ouverture du bassin de l’Ebre. Au sein du domaine Adria, l’héritage Mésozoïque contrôle en premier lieu les environnements néogènes, où deux dépocentres majeurs se distinguent de part et autre du seuil composite Apulien-Gargano-Pelagosa. La propagation des fronts de déformations Albanide et Apennin se surimpose à cet héritage et contrôle la sédimentation et les mouvements verticaux de ces dépocentres La période Messinienne est alors perçue comme une phase de réorganisation tectonique majeure, cette dernière se surimposant à la MESC. / The geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean area, especially in the Valencia and Adriatic basins, is strongly influenced by its ante-Neogene history. The localization of existing thresholds at that time, and their impact on the following tectono- sedimentary evolutions still remain largely unknown. In this work, we will try to reconstruct this evolution and better understand the part of these thresholds, in particular during the Messinian Erosional and Salinity Crisis (MESC, 5.96-5.32 Ma). We provide here a complete view of the Neogene sedimentary infilling for the both Valencia and Adriatic basins thanks to a compilation of seismic profiles correlated to industrial boreholes.Our results allow us to individualize the Valence-Provençal domain into three subbasins whose ages, subsidence and crustal nature differ. A new kinematic and geodynamic scenario for the Valencia and Neogene Algerian basins is proposed here. This segmentation provides also information about MESC. We highlight a fully incised-valley system whose length reaches more than 270 km, the latter associated with the development of several system tracts. Overall, these interpretations lets us look the Ebro basin connection paradox from a different angle.The Mesozoic Apulian-Gargano-Pelagosa composite threshold mainly control the Neogene sedimentation in the Adria domain and distinguishes two main depocenters. The propagating of the Albanid and Apennine deformation fronts control also the evolution of vertical movements and the sedimentation. Our results imply that the Messinian period corresponds to a major tectonic and/or kinematic reorganization phase within which the MSC is a superimposed event.

Correlation of Magma Intrusions in the Slaufrudalur Pluton With 3D Modeling and Photogrammetry / Korrelation av magma intrusion i Slaufrudalur plutonen med 3D modulering och fotogrammetri

Solberg, Maximilian January 2022 (has links)
Photogrammetry has become a great tool when analyzing geological outcrops. The Slaufrudalur plutonis located in southeast Iceland and is composed of multiple granitic intrusions. With the help of 3Dmodeling and photogrammetry one of these intrusions is recreated to see if layers in the mountainsMosfell, Bleikitindur and Skeggtindur can be correlated. This project will help to understand thecorrelation of the layers and which places in the pluton should be further investigated in the future.                                Agisoft metashape was used to create a 3D model from aerial photographs, LIME was used to markthe layers in the model and MOVE was used to recreate the intrusion on the model. The 3D modelingshowed that the layers in the different mountains were at very similar altitudes and had very similarthicknesses. The intrusion model acted very similar in Mosfell and Bleikitindur and quite similar inSkeggtindur as well. An extension of the top of the intrusion showed that there is a possibility that theintrusion layer can be found in the northern part of the pluton. These findings show that there is apossibility that the intrusion could have covered the whole pluton. With more research this could leadto more knowledge about how the Slaufrudalur pluton was created. / Fotogrammetri har blivit ett väldigt bra verktyg för att analysera geologiska strukturer. Slaufrudalurplutonen ligger i Sydöstra Island och består av ett flertal felsiska intrusioner. Med hjälp av 3Dmodelering och fotogrammetri ska en av de felsiska intrusionerna i plutonen återskapas för att se ifalllager i Mosfell, Bleikitindur och Skeggtindur kan korreleras med varandra. Det här arbetet kommerbidra till mer förståelse kring Slaufrudalur plutonen och vilka ställen som skulle vara bra att undersökamer noggrant i framtiden.  Agisoft metashape användes för att skapa en 3D modell utifrån flygplansbilder, LIMEanvändes för att markera ut var lagergränserna fanns och MOVE användes för att återskapaintrusionerna i modellen. Modellerna visade att lagrena i bergen var på liknande altitud ochhade ungefär samma tjocklek. I Mosfell och Blekitindur var den återskapade intrusionenväldigt likformig, i Skeggtindur påminde den ganska mycket om hur den var i de andra bergenmen inte lika mycket. En förlängning av toppen på intrusionen visade att det möjligtvis går atthitta lagret i den norra delen av plutonen.Resultaten från det här arbetet visar att det finns en möjlighet att intrusionen kan ha täckt helaplutonen. Med mer forskning kan det här leda till mer kunskap om hur Slaufrudalur plutonenskapades.

Triassic to Neogene Evolution of the Andean Retroarc: Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Balgord, Elizabeth A. January 2016 (has links)
The Andes Mountains provide an ideal natural laboratory to analyze the relationship between the tectonic evolution of a subduction margin, retroarc shortening, basin morphology, and volcanic activity. Timing of initial shortening and foreland basin development in Argentina is diachronous along strike, with ages varying by 20-30 million years. The Neuquén Basin (32°S-40°S) of southern-central Argentina sits in a retroarc position and provides a geological record of sedimentation in variable tectonic settings from the Late Triassic to the early Cenozoic including: 1.) active extension and deposition in isolated rift basins in the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic; 2.) post-rift back-arc basin from Late Jurassic-Late Cretaceous; 3.) foreland basin from Late Cretaceous to Oligocene; and 4.) variable extension and contraction along-strike from Oligocene to present. The goal of this study is to determine the timing of the transition from post-rift thermal subsidence to foreland basin deposition in the northern Neuquén Basin and then assess volcanic activity and composition during various tectonic regimes. The Aconcagua and Malargüe areas (32°S and 35°S) are located in the northern segment of the Neuquén Basin and preserve Upper Jurassic to Miocene sedimentary rocks, which record the earliest phase of shortening at this latitude. This study presents new sedimentological and detrital zircon U-Pb data from the Jurassic to latest Cretaceous sedimentary strata to determine depositional environments, stratigraphic relations, provenance, and maximum depositional ages of these units and ultimately evaluate the role of tectonics on sedimentation in this segment of the Andes. The combination of provenance, basin, and subsidence analysis shows that the initiation of foreland basin deposition occurred at ~100 Ma with the deposition of the Huitrín Formation, which recorded an episode of erosion marking the passage of the flexural forebulge. This was followed by an increase in tectonic subsidence, along with the appearance of recycled sedimentary detritus, recorded in petrographic and detrital zircons analyses, as well development of an axial drainage pattern, consistent with deposition in the flexural forebulge between 95 and 80 Ma. By ca. 70 Ma the volcanic arc migrated eastward and was a primary local source for detritus. Growth structures recorded in latest Cretaceous units very near both the Aconcagua and Malargüe study areas imply 35-40 km and 80-125 km of foreland migration between 95 and 60 Ma in the Aconcagua and Malargüe areas, respectively. Strata ranging in age from Middle Jurassic to Neogene were analyzed to determine their detrital zircon U-Pb age spectra and Hf isotopic composition to determine the relationship between magmatic output rate, tectonic regime, and crustal evolution. When all detrital zircon data are combined, significant pulses in magmatic activity occur from 190-145 Ma, and at 128 Ma, 110 Ma, 69 Ma, 16 Ma, and 7 Ma. The duration of magmatic lulls increased markedly from 10-30 million years during back-arc deposition (190-100 Ma) to ~40-50 million years during foreland basin deposition (100-~30 Ma). The long duration of magmatic lulls during foreland basin deposition could be caused by flat-slab subduction events during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic or by long magmatic recharge events. There are three major shifts towards positive Hf isotopic values and all are associated with regional extension events whereas compression seems to lead to more evolved isotopic values.

Land Subsidence and Earth Fissures Due to Groundwater Pumping

Adiyaman, Ibrahim Bahadir January 2012 (has links)
In this research, the fundamental mechanics for the changes in stresses and strains states due to groundwater pumping is formulated. This was accomplished by developing a 3D closed form solution. The results from this research are compared with results of finite element (FE) analyses and data obtained from interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). Land subsidence (LS) due to groundwater pumping from a single well for different geological profiles and the reason why LS continues after groundwater pumping cessation were investigated. FE analyses for four different scenarios were used to investigate the effects of cemented layers and non-cemented layers above the aquifer on EF initiation. A practical method which is based on the stiffness and cementation strength of the cemented layer and the gradient of the slope of the subsidence bowl (ɑ) was proposed to determine earth fissure (EF) initiation. Three-point bending beam test was conducted in the lab to determine the mode of failure and the modulus of rupture of a local cemented soil that occurs in areas where EFs were observed. The major findings are as follows. LS due to groundwater pumping consists of i) isotropic compression and ii) simple shear on vertical planes with rotation. For a parabolic distribution of groundwater level in a homogenous aquifer, simple shear on vertical planes will be dominant when the characteristic length of the aquifer is larger than √2 times the aquifer thickness. Fine-grained soils are responsible for LS occurring after the cessation of pumping and for sagging in LS profiles. Regardless of the stiffness and cementation strength of the top layer above the aquifer, EF will not initiate if ɑ is less than 8x10⁻⁵. When the stiffness of the top cemented layer increases, it becomes more prone to EF initiation. However if the layer is stiff enough to be classified as "rock" then a higher value of ɑ is needed to initiate an EF. The experiments show that the preferred mode of failure of a cemented soil is shear rather than bending and existing cracks significantly influence the results of EF formation.

A marine geophysical study of the Wilkes Land rifted continental margin, Antarctica

Close, David Ian January 2005 (has links)
The Wilkes Land margin of East Antarctica, conjugate to the southern Australian margin, is a non-volcanic rifted margin that formed during the Late Cretaceous. During 2000-01 and 2001-02, Geoscience Australia (GA) acquired ~10,000 line km of seismic reflection, magnetic anomaly, and gravity anomaly data, on the Wilkes Land margin. Seismic reflection and sonobuoy refraction data provide the first constraints on sediment thickness and images of the deep crustal structure for the extent of the Wilkes Land margin. Two major post-rift seismic-stratigraphic sequences are recognised, separated by a regionally correlatable unconformity. The unconformity is interpreted as Early- to Middle-Eocene (~50 Ma). This unconformity has previously been interpreted to represent the onset of continent-wide glaciation at ~34 Ma. A major unconformity at the base of post-rift sediments is interpreted as a breakup unconformity, of approximately Turonian (85-90 Ma) age. Timing the onset of seafloor spreading using lineated magnetic anomalies within the Australia-Antarctic Basin (AAB) is extremely difficult due to uncertainties in correlating anomalies to the geomagnetic reversal time scale. Modelling indicates that the anomaly commonly correlated to Chron 34y may, in some cases, be associated with high level intrusions and/or serpentinisation of exhumed upper-mantle peridotites. Process-oriented gravity modelling indicates that the Wilkes Land margin lithosphere is characterised by a relatively high effective elastic thickness (Te). Isostatic anomalies are most effectively reduced for models utilising Te = 30 km. Although the margin is broadly characterised by a high Te, zones of low Te are inferred from modelling. Spectral analysis of isostatic anomalies indicates that the power of the flexural isostatic anomalies is lower than the free air gravity anomalies. The margin does not appear to be segmented, at least in regard to its long-term strength. However, a change in initial, zero-elevation crustal thickness (Tc) is inferred from west to east. A Tc of ~35 km is inferred for western Wilkes Land, whereas eastern Wilkes Land is characterised by Tc = 29 to 31 km. Limited seismic refraction data from the conjugate margin indicates a similar trend from southwest to southeast Australia.

Theory and Application of Geophysical Geodesy for Studying Earth Surface Deformation

Karegar, Makan A. 02 July 2018 (has links)
An interdisciplinary approach at the interface between geodesy and geophysics has recently resolved several Earth science problems at regional and global scales. I use the term “geophysical geodesy” to distinguish the technical and theoretical aspect of geodesy from geophysical applications of geodetic techniques. Using a wide range of Earth observation data, I study the spatio-temporal characteristics of Earth surface deformation in the United States associated with several geophysical processes, including natural and anthropogenic subsidence and uplift, regional relative sea-level rise, and continental hydrological loading. The theoretical portion of this dissertation applies loading theory and develops a new hybrid method to improve the estimate of hydrologically-induced vertical deformation at time scales from sub-annual to multi-annual. The application part of this dissertation benefits from GPS and other geodetic and geologic data sets to study and model Earth’s surface uplift due to CO2 injection at an oil reservoir in coastal Texas, and coastal subsidence and nuisance flooding along the Mississippi River Delta and eastern seaboard of the United States.

Subsidence prediction and mine design for underground coal mining in the Collie Basin.

Misich, Ian J. January 1997 (has links)
The subsidence characteristics of the Collie Basin sediments have been investigated to provide site specific design criteria for the Wongawilli method of coal extraction. As historical coal extraction (bord and pillar) methods did not generally give rise to large scale subsidence, there were very few details on mining subsidence in the Collie Basin available to base any design methodology on. Consequently, the investigation was conducted on a Green fields basis. Firstly, the mechanisms involved in the development of mining subsidence needed to be investigated and identified. It was then necessary to determine the effects that mining subsidence would have on mine and ground mass (specifically aquitards) structures and surface features. Once these two areas of work were completed, design criteria were formulated to manage the effects of mining subsidence by controlling the critical mechanisms of subsidence development.The results from this study have greatly enhanced the level of understanding of the subsidence mechanisms involved, and allowed for the development of predictive models which can be used for the design of coal extraction by the panel/pillar mining method in the Collie Basin. Mine planning engineers can now use this design information to derive the most cost effective methods for the extraction of coal within the Collie Basin.

Measuring Low Fault Strain Rate with Synthetic Aperture Radar: Application to the Pacific-North America Plate Boundary

Gourmelen, Noel 28 October 2009 (has links)
I use Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) to study the present deformation in the Western Basin and Range and Basin and Range - Sierra Nevada transition. I process 350 SAR data over 190·103 km2 for the period 1992 to 2002. Both stacking and time series processing were applied to produce precise (mm/yr) and high-resolution velocity map for the area. Two new processing techniques have been developed. The first technique solves for the long wavelength ambiguities of the InSAR derived velocity map that arise due to uncertainty in the orbital parameter of the satellite. The technique assimilates continuous GPS data into the InSAR time-series processing. The second technique extracts the horizontal and vertical components of the deformation field from two adjacent radar tracks. I applied stacking to study the transient deformation across the Central Nevada Seismic Belt and interseismic strain accumulation across the Eastern California Shear Zone. I show that the current deformation across the Central Nevada Seismic Belt can be explained by a combination of inter-seismic, post-seismic and anthropogenic deformation. The Post-Seismic deformation is associated with visco-elastic relaxation of the Earth's mantle in response to a centennial earthquake sequence of five ~M7 earthquakes along the Central Nevada Seismic Belt. The anthropogenic deformation is a response of the bedrock to water withdrawal in support of mining activity. A more evolved time-series approach that solves for orbital errors is applied across the Eastern California Shear Zone. The study shows that the Hunter Mountain - Panamint Valley fault system accommodates ~5 mm/yr, a faster rate than geological averages. The region of strain accumulation is a narrow band of ~10 km centered on the Hunter mountain fault, and indicates a very shallow locking depth in agreement with an active low angle normal fault system.

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