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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apport de l'interférométrie radar satellitaire pour le suivi des évolutions environnementales en Amazonie, Brésil

Ledo Gonçalves Ramos, Fernanda 27 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Pendant ces dix dernières années, les lancements successifs de satellites pour l'observation de la Terre dotés de capteurs SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) ont permis de montrer son fort potentiel, car ces systèmes sont capables de couvrir de vastes régions avec une résolution élevée, ce qui représente un avantage pour le suivi terrain. Cette thèse propose d'élargir les applications conventionnelles, en s'occupant d'investiguer le potentiel et les limites de l'interférométrie SAR pour la mesure de la déformation du terrain dans la région amazonienne, qui n'a pas encore été étudiée dans ce cadre spécifique. L'application consiste à estimer le déplacement de la surface de la Terre sur la zone urbaine de Manaus, la plus grande ville de l'État d'Amazonas au Brésil, qui représente un site important pour l'exploration pétrolière et gazière et pour le transport. Ce site est entouré par des écosystèmes fragiles, qui le rendent très sensible à la présence de l'industrie pétrolière. Dans ce contexte, une compréhension de la dynamique temporelle et de la distribution spatiale des phénomènes de néotectonique est fondamentale pour la définition de bonnes pratiques de gestion de l'environnement. Au niveau méthodologique, afin de lever les principales difficultés rencontrées pour l'application de l'interférométrie différentielle sur une pile de données Radarsat-1, une stratégie multi-échelles et "model free", basée sur l'information de déformation non-linéaire au cours du temps est adoptée avec succès. La caractéristique essentielle de cette procédure est la séparation du signal de phase en différentes échelles spatiales pour simplifier la séparation des trois composantes de phase (topographie, atmosphère et déplacement). Cela conduit à une plus grande robustesse et permet l'inversion de composantes de phase pour les petites piles d'images. Au niveau géophysique, l'application de l'interférométrie à l'étude du déplacement du terrain est réalisée pour la première fois sur le milieu de l'Amazonie, en complétant les études de géologie structurale antérieures basées sur les mesures issues de la corrélation des images optiques et les mesures de terrain. En complément des connaissances antérieures, la présente étude apporte une information précise sur l'hypothèse de mouvements de la croûte récents liés aux activités néotectoniques du bassin de l'Amazonie. Les résultats indiquent une zone de mouvement de la croûte adjacente à une structure de drainage circulaire dans la ville de Manaus. Les images Radarsat-1 et 2 acquises sur cette région apportent une meilleure compréhension des activités géologiques et du mouvement de la croûte dans le bassin de l'Amazonie.

Tectonic evolution of the Malay and Penyu Basins, offshore Peninsular Malaysia

Madon, Mazlan B. Hj January 1995 (has links)
The Malay and Penya Basins, offshore Peninsular Malaysia, were formed during the early Oligocene as a result of regional dextral shear deformation caused by the indentation of India into Eurasia in the early Tertiary. Pre-existing basement inhomogeneities exerted a strong control on basin development. The Penyu Basin developed, initially, as isolated grabens and half-grabens at basement fault intersections, in response to roughly N-S extension. The major structures which include low-angle listric normal faults, pull-apart rhomb grabens and flower structures, suggest that "thin-skinned" crustal extension and strike-slip tectonics have played an important role in basin evolution. Basement faults in the Malay Basin are oblique (E-W trending) to the basin trend (NW-trending). The Basin developed by transtension of NW-trending sinistral shear zone, in which fault-bounded blocks rotate in response to the shear deformation, producing a series of E-trending half-graben depocentres. The Basins were subjected to transpressive inversion during the middle-late Miocene, as a result of rotation of the regional stress field, caused by progressive indentation of India into Eurasia. Subsidence analysis suggests that lithospheric stretching was the dominant process of basin formation. The high heat flows (85-100 mW m⁻²) are consistent with stretching factors, β, of 1.2 to 4.3. In the Malay Basin, uplift of the basin flanks preceeded subsidence during the rifting phase as a result of non-uniform stretching and lateral heat flow from the centre of the Basin. Both basins are undercompensated isostatically and characterised by low negative free-air gravity anomaly in the order of -20 mGal. Undercompensation suggests that the basins were formed, partly, by "thin-skinned" crustal extension which did not involve stretching of the subcrustal lithosphere.

Generation Of Surface Waves Due To Sudden Movements At The Sea Bottom

Kirlangic, Ozgur Ulas 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
A mathematical model is developed for investigating time dependent surface deformations of a hydrostatic water volume, when it is subjected to a sudden partial collapse or rise of the sea bottom. The model solves two-dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations on a vertical plane numerically by using Marker and Cell Method (MAC) for viscous and compressible fluid including all the nonlinear effects in the solution. For demonstration, a vertical motion was given to a section in a hypothetical reservoir bed within a short time period and the resulting velocity and pressure fields and the surface profile of the water body are obtained. Computational and physical aspects are discussed.

Ground Deformation Related to Caldera Collapse and Ring-Fault Activity

Liu, Yuan-Kai 05 1900 (has links)
Volcanic subsidence, caused by partial emptying of magma in the subsurface reservoir has long been observed by spaceborne radar interferometry. Monitoring long-term crustal deformation at the most notable type of volcanic subsidence, caldera, gives us insights of the spatial and hazard-related information of subsurface reservoir. Several subsiding calderas, such as volcanoes on the Galapagos islands have shown a complex ground deformation pattern, which is often composed of a broad deflation signal affecting the entire edifice and a localized subsidence signal focused within the caldera floor. Although numerical or analytical models with multiple reservoirs are proposed as the interpretation, geologically and geophysically evidenced ring structures in the subsurface are often ignored. Therefore, it is still debatable how deep mechanisms relate to the observed deformation patterns near the surface. We aim to understand what kind of activities can lead to the complex deformation. Using two complementary approaches, we study the three-dimensional geometry and kinematics of deflation processes evolving from initial subsidence to later collapse of calderas. Firstly, the analog experiments analyzed by structure-from-motion photogrammetry (SfM) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) helps us to relate the surface deformation to the in-depth structures. Secondly, the numerical modeling using boundary element method (BEM) simulates the characteristic deformation patterns caused by a sill-like source and a ring-fault. Our results show that the volcano-wide broad deflation is primarily caused by the emptying of the deep magma reservoir, whereas the localized deformation on the caldera floor is related to ring-faulting at a shallower depth. The architecture of the ring-fault to a large extent determines the deformation localization on the surface. Since series evidence for ring-faulting at several volcanoes are provided, we highlight that it is vital to include ring-fault activity in numerical or analytical deformation source formulation. Ignoring the process of ring-faulting in models by using multiple point sources for various magma reservoirs will result in erroneous, thus meaningless estimates of depth and volume change of the magmatic reservoir(s).

Modeling contingency infiltration scenarios in MODFLOW : Stockholm Bypass and tunnel induced groundwater drawdown

Abdo, Aslan January 2019 (has links)
Subsurface constructions, such as tunnels, create hydrogeological challenges in mitigating risk of subsidence due to groundwater drawdown. Presenting readily made precautionary mitigation plans, such as strategically planned artificial recharge applications, can help effectivise the mitigation process. The Bypass Stockholm project comprises of several subsurface constructions which may lower the surrounding groundwater level through tunnel leakage. Risk of land subsidence persists in the nearby urban area of Vinsta, Stockholm, where a groundwater drawdown may cause the clays in the area to experience land subsidence. A hydrogeological modelling approach was used in the area to create strategic artificial infiltration plans that could be employed as a mitigative response to the drop in groundwater head. In order to simulate the potential tunnel drainage, a steady state hydrogeological model was built using MODFLOW. A 220 l/s tunnel leakage was then simulated. Four different artificial groundwater infiltration scenarios were then conceptualized and simulated to observe effects on groundwater heads. The groundwater levels of the baseline model of the area fit the calibration targets with average absolute deviation of 0.18 m. The tunnel drainage scenario lowered the groundwater level in the till aquifer and bedrock by 0 - 1.5 m and 0.5 - 5 m respectively, with higher drawdowns observed closer to the tunnel. The infiltration scenarios mitigate the groundwater drawdown with different efficacies; proximity to the recharge point, and discharge into the till aquifer were observed to have the highest effect on groundwater recharge in the model. The model could have been improved by improving the data quality surrounding the hydraulic conductivity of the bedrock, as it had the highest effect according to the parameter sensitivity analysis. / Konstruktioner under mark kan skapa hydrogeologiska utmaningar, såsom sättningsrisk orsakade av grundvattenavsänkning. Ett sätt att effektivisera åtgärdsprocessen är att förbereda för eventuell artificiell grundvatteninfiltration. Vägprojektet Förbifart Stockholm innefattar konstruktioner under mark och riskerar, genom inläckage, att sänka grundvattennivån i omgivningen. Ett potentiellt problemområde är stadsdelen Vinsta, delar av vars är byggd på sättningskänslig lera som kan påverkas av en grundvattenavsänkning. För att kunna motverka en grundvattensänkning i Vinsta har hydrogeologisk modellering utförts för att strategiskt planera artificiell grundvatteninfiltration. Ett tunnelläckage på 220 l/s har simulerats genom en hydrogeologisk steady state-modell i MODFLOW. Fyra olika scenarier för grundvatteninfiltration har konceptualiserats och simulerats för att observera påverkan på grundvattennivån. Den spatialt variabla grundvattennivån i grundmodellen nådde kalibreringsmålen med en genomsnittlig absolutavvikelse på 0,18 m. Modellen för tunnelläckage resulterade i att grundvattennivån i moränakvifären och berget sjönk med 0 – 1,5 resp. 0,5 – 5 m, med större grundvattensänkning närmare tunneln. Scenarierna för infiltration motverkade grundvattensänkningen i olika grad. Närhet tilltunneln, eller platsen för inläckage, samt den hydrauliska konduktiviteten mellan infiltrationen och akvifären visade störst påverkan på resultatet för att motverka grundvattensänkningen. Känslighetsanalysen för parametrarna i modellen visade att berget och dess hydrauliska konduktivitet hade störst påverkan på resultatet. Tillgång till bättre data för berget möjliggör förbättrat modelleringsresultat.

You've got that Sinking Feeling: Measuring Subsidence above Abandoned Underground Mines in Ohio, USA

Siemer, Kyle W. 27 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

SCRUBS.BYU a Two Dimensional Finite Element Package for Continuum Analysis Using Quadratic Isoparametric Elements

Long, Michael Glenn 01 April 1983 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis develops a two dimensional, axisymmetric finite element package for solving continuum problems including rubbleization subsidence and nonlinear fracture mechanics. This package includes both a user friendly preprocessor, PRESCRUBS.BYU, and a versatile analysis code SCRUBS.BYU. PRESCRUBS.BYU systematically creates the data file necessary to run SCRUBS.BYU. SCRUBS.BYU provides many options of nonlinear static analysis using either linear or quadratic isoparametric finite elements. Sample problems are presented that demonstrate the capabilities of this package.

Thermokarst Landscape Development Detected by Multiple-Geospatial Data in Churapcha, Eastern Siberia

Iijima, Yoshihiro, Abe, Takahiro, Saito, Hitoshi, Ulrich, Mathias, Fedorov, Alexander N., Basharin, Nikolay I., Gorokhov, Alexey N., Makarov, Victor S. 24 March 2023 (has links)
Thermokarst is a typical process that indicates widespread permafrost degradation in yedoma landscapes. The Lena-Aldan interfluvial area in Central Yakutia in eastern Siberia is now facing extensive landscape changes with surface subsidence due to thermokarst development during the past few decades. To clarify the spatial extent and rate of subsidence, multiple spatial datasets, including GIS and remote sensing observations, were used to analyze the Churapcha rural locality, which has a typical yedoma landscape in Central Yakutia. Land cover classification maps for 1945 and 2009 provide basic information on anthropogenic disturbance to the natural landscape of boreal forest and dry grassland. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) with ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data revealed activated surface subsidence of 2 cm/yr in the disturbed area, comprising mainly abandoned agricultural fields. Remote sensing with an unmanned aerial system also provided high-resolution information on polygonal relief formed by thermokarst development at a disused airfield where InSAR analysis exhibited extensive subsidence. It is worth noting that some historically deforested areas have likely recovered to the original landscape without further thermokarst development. Spatial information on historical land-use change is helpful because most areas with thermokarst development correspond to locations where land was used by humans in the past. Going forward, the integrated analysis of geospatial information will be essential for assessing permafrost degradation.

Quantifying high-resolution hydrologic parameters at the basin scale using InSAR and inverse modeling, Las Vegas Valley, NV

Zhang, Meijing 10 November 2014 (has links)
The overall goal of this dissertation is to determine and develop optimal strategies for inversely calibrating transmissivities (T), elastic and inelastic skeletal storage coefficients (Ske and Skv) of the developed-zone aquifer and conductance (CR) of the basin-fill faults for the entire Las Vegas basin, and to investigate future trends of land subsidence in Las Vegas Valley. This dissertation consists of three separate stand-alone chapters. Chapter 2 presents a discrete adjoint parameter estimation (APE) algorithm for automatically identifying suitable hydraulic parameter zonations from hydraulic head and subsidence measurements. Chapter 3 compares three different inversion strategies to determine the most accurate and computationally efficient method for estimating T and Ske and Skv at the basin scale: the zonation method (ZM), the adaptive multi-scale method and the Differential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme (DREAM MCMC). Chapter 4 outlines a fine-scale numerical model capable of capturing far more hydrologic detail than any previously developed model of Las Vegas Valley The new model is calibrated using high-resolution InSAR data and hydraulic head data from 1912 to 2010. The calibrated model is used to investigate the influence of faults and their potential role on influencing clay thicknesses and land subsidence distributions, and to investigate future trends of land subsidence in Las Vegas Valley. / Ph. D.

空載光達技術在地層下陷監測之研究 / The investigations on land subsidence monitoring by using the airborne LIDAR technology

李景中, Lee, Chin Chung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區地層下陷問題肇始於六十年代迄今已逾三十餘載,持續下陷面積已達1,194平方公里,最大累積下陷量達到三公尺以上。而目前地層下陷地表監測所採用的傳統水準測量耗費人力、時間較多,且不易獲得連續和全面性之地層下陷資料,目前國內水利單位限於人力時間,無法針對所有監測區域每年皆施測一次。近年來由於空載光達測量技術興起,其具有短時間內獲取大區域高密度、高精度高程資料的特性,因此本研究之目的在探討如何利用空載光達測量技術快速獲取高精度之三維點雲資訊,進行大區域的地層下陷監測及其成效。 研究方法係首先將監測區內掃瞄的光達點雲資料進行網格化分群;接著,計算網格區域內所有光達點擬合平面的中心高程;然後,以人工或自動方法萃取出平坦、穩固的網格區域做為監測面;最後,進行不同時期網格監測面高程差異之統計測試分析,以求出地層下陷量。 實驗結果顯示改善點雲高程精度至5公分以內後,經由網格監測面的精度、坡度、坡向、反射強度、道路範圍等為門檻值,可萃取出80%以上正確率的穩固監測面,且其高差成果與長期監測成果的平均值差異在1.3公分至2.9公分之間,由此成果可以說明本研究成果對建立一套省時省力的監測模式,進而達到地層下陷監測自動化的目的有相當幫助。 / The issue of land subsidence in Taiwan has been concerned for over 30 years since 1970. Land subsidence area has been already over 1194 km2, the maximum amount of accumulative subsidence is more than 3 meters. The conventional leveling for the land subsidence monitoring is labor-intensive and time-consuming, so that the Water Resources Agency could not monitor all the subsidence area every year. Airborne LIDAR technology was developed in recent years, it has the characteristics of collecting 3-D point data at the high density and high elevation accuracy in short time. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to discuss how to utilize the airborne LIDAR technology to monitor the land subsidence. The proposed approach, therefore, is first to divide the collecting DSM points in the monitor area into regular grids. Secondly, all the points in the regular grids are fitted to one set planar parameters by least squares principle and the centric elevation of each grid is calculated. Third, the flatness and well-defined planar grids are selected as the monitoring surfaces with the manual or automatic method. Finally, the difference of centric elevation in each monitoring surfaces at different period is calculated and analyzed with statistical approach. This study shows that after refining the elevation accuracy of point clouds within 5 cm, our approach can extract stable monitoring surfaces by limiting planar fitting accuracy, flatness, slope, intensity, or by using road information. The extracted correct rate can be more than 80%. The discrepancy of elevation difference between this study and long-term monitoring result is between 1.3 cm and 2.9 cm. It proves the proposed approach is helpful on constructing the monitoring model in timesaving and efficient way, and our proposed approach has the potential for developing automatic land subsidence monitoring method.

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