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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gerador gráfico de subestruturas constituídas de elementos lineares / Graphic generator of substructures constituted by lineal elements

Moretti, José Fernando 21 December 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na implementação de um gerador gráfico que propiciará a discretização de estruturas lineares formadas pela união de subestruturas. Estruturas com muitos graus de liberdade serão calculadas através da sua divisão em subestruturas, permitindo uma significativa diminuição nas dimensões das matrizes envolvidas. A aplicação da técnica das subestruturas irá permitir, também, a análise de diferentes tipos estruturais interligados, como pórticos e treliças, compatibilizando os deslocamentos comuns nos nós de união. O gerador gráfico irá tratar as subestruturas como sendo entidades próprias, isoladas, conferindo a elas características que possibilitarão transformações gráficas durante a sua edição. Pretende-se que o gerador gráfico condicione a uma melhor organização na discretização estrutural, como também venha a facilitar todo o processo de lançamento da estrutura. Do mesmo modo, cria condições para submeter adequadamente os resultados de cálculo a outros programas, como os de dimensionamento e detalhamento. / This work consists of the implementation of a graphic generator that will propitiate the discretization of lineal structures formed by the substructures union. Structures with many degrees of freedom will be calculated through its division in substructures, allowing a significant decrease in the dimensions of the involved matrix. The application of the technique of the substructures will allow, also, the analysis of different interlinked structural types, as frames and trusses, based on the compatibility of the common displacements in the union knots. The graphic generator will treat the substructures as being own, isolated entities, checking them characteristics that will facilitate graphic transformations during its edition. It is intended that the graphic generator conditions to a better organization in the structural discretization, as well as come to facilitate the whole process of release of the structure. In the same way, it creates conditions to submit the calculation results appropriately the other programs, as the one of design and details.

Gerador gráfico de subestruturas constituídas de elementos lineares / Graphic generator of substructures constituted by lineal elements

José Fernando Moretti 21 December 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na implementação de um gerador gráfico que propiciará a discretização de estruturas lineares formadas pela união de subestruturas. Estruturas com muitos graus de liberdade serão calculadas através da sua divisão em subestruturas, permitindo uma significativa diminuição nas dimensões das matrizes envolvidas. A aplicação da técnica das subestruturas irá permitir, também, a análise de diferentes tipos estruturais interligados, como pórticos e treliças, compatibilizando os deslocamentos comuns nos nós de união. O gerador gráfico irá tratar as subestruturas como sendo entidades próprias, isoladas, conferindo a elas características que possibilitarão transformações gráficas durante a sua edição. Pretende-se que o gerador gráfico condicione a uma melhor organização na discretização estrutural, como também venha a facilitar todo o processo de lançamento da estrutura. Do mesmo modo, cria condições para submeter adequadamente os resultados de cálculo a outros programas, como os de dimensionamento e detalhamento. / This work consists of the implementation of a graphic generator that will propitiate the discretization of lineal structures formed by the substructures union. Structures with many degrees of freedom will be calculated through its division in substructures, allowing a significant decrease in the dimensions of the involved matrix. The application of the technique of the substructures will allow, also, the analysis of different interlinked structural types, as frames and trusses, based on the compatibility of the common displacements in the union knots. The graphic generator will treat the substructures as being own, isolated entities, checking them characteristics that will facilitate graphic transformations during its edition. It is intended that the graphic generator conditions to a better organization in the structural discretization, as well as come to facilitate the whole process of release of the structure. In the same way, it creates conditions to submit the calculation results appropriately the other programs, as the one of design and details.

Groupes d’automorphismes des structures homogènes / Automorphisms groups of homogeneous structures

Bilge, Dogan 20 July 2012 (has links)
Une structure dénombrable du premier ordre est dite homogène si tout isomorphisme entre deux sous-Structures finiment engendrées s’étend en un automorphisme de la structure globale.C’est équivalent à une propriété d’amalgamation des sous-Structures finiment engendrées, et les structures homogènes dénombrables sont aussi appelées limites de Fraïssé, en lien avec les travaux de Roland Fraïssé sur l’ordre des rationnels. Cette thèse concerne les groupes d’automorphismesdes structures homogènes, avec la question centrale suivante: est-Ce que le groupe automorphismes d’une structure homogène est universel pour la classe des groupes d’automorphismes de ces sous-Structures ? Nous répondons positivement à cette question pour les structures homogènesdans un langage relationnel et avec la propriété d’amalgamation libre, à l’aide d’une construction par tour assez similaire à une construction de Katetov et Uspenskij dans le cas de l’espace d’Urysohn. Avec des techniques similaires, nous obtenons toute sous-Structure dénombrable comme points fixes d’un automorphisme d’ordre fini pré-Déterminé. Cela nous permet par ailleurs d’étudier la complexité de la relation d’isomorphisme entre sous-Structures dénombrables, et de montrer qu’elle se réduit boreliennement à la relation de conjugaison dans le groupe d’automorphismes. Nous continuons avec les éléments d’ordre fini, en supposant de plus que les sous-Structures finies satisfont une version forte de la propriété d’extension de Hrushovski-Lascar-Herwig, et des arguments topologiques nous permettent alors de montrer que dans le groupe d’automorphismes tout élément est produit de quatre conjugués de certains éléments d’ordre fini. Nous montrons aussi des résultats similaires pour le groupe d’isométries de l’espace d’Urysohn,ou sa version bornée, la sphère d’Urysohn, en utilisant le fait que ces derniers sont très bien approximés par des espaces métriques rationnels. Enfin, revenant à la question de l’universalité du groupe automorphismes de la limite de Fraïssé, nous considérons la question plus fine de savoirsi toute sous-Structure dénombrable s’injecte de manière rigide, c’est-À-Dire de sorte chacun de ces automorphismes s’étende en un unique automorphisme de la limite de Fraïssé. D’abord, nous introduisons une construction de telle injections rigides dans le cas des graphes homogènes. Ensuite, nous modifions cette construction dans diverses classes de graphes orientés et de structures relationnelles homogènes, pour enfin la faire fonctionner dans un contexte très general de structures dans un langage relationnel fini et avec la propriété d’amalgamation libre. / A countable first-Order structure is called homogneous when each isomorphism between twofinitely generated substructures extends to an automorphism of the whole structure. This is equivalentto an amalgamation property of finitely generated substructures, and countable homogeneousstructures are also called Fraïssé limits, in connection to the work of Roland Fraïssé on theorder of rational numbers. The present thesis concerns automorphism groups of homogeneousstructures, with the following central question: is it the case that the automorphism group of a homogeneousstructure is universal for the class of automorphism groups of its substructures? Weanswer positively this question for homogeneous structures in a relational langage and with thefree amalgamation property, by using a construction rather similar to a construction of Katetov andUspenskij in the case of the Urysohn space.With similar techniques, we obtain any countable substructureas the set of fixed points of an automorphism of a given finite order. Besides, this allowsus to study the complexity of the isomorphism relation between countable substructures, and toshow that it Borel reduces to the conjugacy relation in the automorphism group. We continue withelements of finite order, assuming further that finite substructures satisfy a strong version of theHrushovski-Lascar-Herwig extension property, and topological arguments then allow us to showthat in the automorphism group any element is the product of four conjugates of certain elementsof finite order. We also show similar results for the isometry group of the Urysohn space, or itsbounded version, the Urysohn sphere, by using the fact that they are well approximated by rationalmetric spaces. Finally, concerning the question of the universality of the automorphism groupof a Fraïssé limit, we consider the finer question to know whether any countable substructure embedsin a rigid way, that is, in such a way that each of its automorphisms extends in a uniqueautomorphism of the Fraïssé limit. First, we introduce a construction of such rigid embeddings inthe case of homogeneous graphs. Then, we modify this construction in various classes of orientedgraphs and of homogeneous relational structures, ultimately to make it work in a very generalcontext of structures in a finite relational langage and with the free amalgamation property.

An earthquake response spectrum method for linear light secondary substructures

Muscolino, G., Palmeri, Alessandro January 2007 (has links)
Yes / Earthquake response spectrum is the most popular tool in the seismic analysis and design of structures. In the case of combined primary-secondary (P-S) systems, the response of the supporting P substructure is generally evaluated without considering the S substructure, which in turn is only required to bear displacements and/or forces imposed by the P substructure (¿cascade¿ approach). In doing so, however, dynamic interaction between the P and S components is neglected, and the seismic-induced response of the S substructure may be heavily underestimated or overestimated. In this paper, a novel CQC (Complete Quadratic Combination) rule is proposed for the seismic response of linear light S substructures attached to linear P substructures. The proposed technique overcomes the drawbacks of the cascade approach by including the effects of dynamic interaction and different damping in the substructures directly in the cross-correlation coefficients. The computational effort is reduced by using the eigenproperties of the decoupled substructures and only one earthquake response spectrum for a reference value of the damping ratio.

Automatic Brain Segmentation into Substructures Using Quantitative MRI

Stacke, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Segmentation of the brain into sub-volumes has many clinical applications. Manyneurological diseases are connected with brain atrophy (tissue loss). By dividingthe brain into smaller compartments, volume comparison between the compartmentscan be made, as well as monitoring local volume changes over time. Theformer is especially interesting for the left and right cerebral hemispheres, dueto their symmetric appearance. By using automatic segmentation, the time consumingstep of manually labelling the brain is removed, allowing for larger scaleresearch.In this thesis, three automatic methods for segmenting the brain from magneticresonance (MR) images are implemented and evaluated. Since neither ofthe evaluated methods resulted in sufficiently good segmentations to be clinicallyrelevant, a novel segmentation method, called SB-GC (shape bottleneck detectionincorporated in graph cuts), is also presented. SB-GC utilizes quantitative MRIdata as input data, together with shape bottleneck detection and graph cuts tosegment the brain into the left and right cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellumand the brain stem. SB-GC shows promises of highly accurate and repeatable resultsfor both healthy, adult brains and more challenging cases such as childrenand brains containing pathologies.

The Semantic Structure of the Noun "Dog" : Qualia structure and how it works

Palma, Giacomo January 2011 (has links)
This essay studies the semantic structure of the noun dog with the help of qualia structure and adjectives that collocate with the noun. It also evaluates the idea of qualia structure and how well it works in studying the semantic structure of nouns. More specifically, the aim of this paper is to see how the information contained by the noun dog could be structured in terms of qualia structure. On a more general level the aim is also to evaluate, and add to, the idea of qualia structure as such. In order to accomplish this aim the top 100 adjectives that collocate with the noun dog were searched for in the COCA corpus (Corpus of Contemporary American English). The results were that with the help of qualia structure and some adjectives that collocate with the noun, it was possible to posit some substructures for the noun dog and create a tree that gave an overview of the semantic structure of the noun. However, some problems arose during the process making it clear where qualia structure needs improvement. This led to the discussion of the evolution of qualia structure and where the idea could be, and perhaps should be headed in the near future.

Structural and algorithmic aspects of partial orderings of graphs / Aspects algorithmiques et structurels des relations d'ordre partiel sur les graphes

Raymond, Jean-Florent 18 November 2016 (has links)
Le thème central à cette thèse est l'étude des propriétés des classes de graphes définies par sous-structures interdites et leurs applications.La première direction que nous suivons a trait aux beaux ordres. À l'aide de théorèmes de décomposition dans les classes de graphes interdisant une sous-structure, nous identifions celles qui sont bellement-ordonnées. Les ordres et sous-structures considérés sont ceux associés aux notions de contraction et mineur induit. Ensuite, toujours en considérant des classes de graphes définies par sous-structures interdites, nous obtenons des bornes sur des invariants comme le degré, la largeur arborescente, la tree-cut width et un nouvel invariant généralisant la maille.La troisième direction est l'étude des relations entre les invariants combinatoires liés aux problèmes de packing et de couverture de graphes. Dans cette direction, nous établissons de nouvelles relations entre ces invariants pour certaines classes de graphes. Nous présentons également des applications algorithmiques de ces résultats. / The central theme of this thesis is the study of the properties of the classes of graphs defined by forbidden substructures and their applications.The first direction that we follow concerns well-quasi-orders. Using decomposition theorems on graph classes forbidding one substructure, we identify those that are well-quasi-ordered. The orders and substructures that we consider are those related to the notions of contraction and induced minor.Then, still considering classes of graphs defined by forbidden substructures, we obtain bounds on invariants such as degree, treewidth, tree-cut width, and a new invariant generalizing the girth.The third direction is the study of the links between the combinatorial invariants related to problems of packing and covering of graphs. In this direction, we establish new connections between these invariants for some classes of graphs. We also present algorithmic applications of the results.

Sobre o uso de subestruturas na modelagem de estruturas complexas. / On the use of substructures in complex structures modeling.

Fiorani, Lucas Anastasi 24 April 2009 (has links)
Na engenharia, existem diversas técnicas de análise estrutural que conduzem à obtenção de esforços e deslocamentos com considerável grau de eficácia e acurácia e, dentre estas, há a técnica de SUBESTRUTURAÇÃO. Esta técnica consiste na divisão e análise de um modelo estrutural completo, através da divisão de seu domínio em SUBESTRUTURAS, permitindo uma considerável eficiência nos cálculos e na avaliação de modelos estruturais combinados com a análise hierárquica de estruturas. Neste trabalho, seguindo-se a metodologia de pesquisa, que envolveu revisão bibliográfica e desenvolvimento de modelos computacionais, apresentaram-se as principais técnicas de subestruturas - seção 1, definições e formulação teórica dos principais métodos - desenvolvidos por Przemienieck (1963), Rosen e Rubinstein (1968), Rubinstein (1970) e El-Sayed e Hsiung (1990) - e a conceituação da análise hierárquica de estruturas com as respectivas aplicações combinadas com técnica de subestruturação para análise de fissuras em estruturas aeronáuticas, proposta de Starnes e Britt (1991) e aplicada por Potyondy (1993) - seção 2. Nesse contexto, na seção 3 se propôs a metodologia hierárquica para análise de estruturas típicas da construção civil, utilizando técnicas de subestruturação. Apresentaram-se instrumentos úteis à respectiva aplicação, dentre os quais se destaca a proposta de metodologia simplificada de análise hierárquica. Algumas precauções a serem adotadas na aplicação da metodologia também foram apresentadas. Na seção 4, desenvolveram-se cinco estudos de caso aplicando-se as metodologias, instrumentos e precauções desenvolvidos na seção 3, destacando-se a eficácia das metodologias. Conclui-se a pesquisa na seção 5 sendo que, na seção 6, indicam-se novas linhas de pesquisas a serem desenvolvidas sobre a metodologia proposta na pesquisa. / In engineering, there are several structural analysis techniques leading to obtain displacements and efforts with a considerable degree of efficacy and accuracy, and, among these, there is the SUBSTRUCTURING technique. This method consists in the division and analysis of a complete structural model, by subdividing his field in SUBSTRUCTURES, allowing a considerable efficiency in calculations and evaluation of structural models combined with hierarchical structures analysis. In this work, following the methodology research, which involved a literature review and computational models development, the key techniques of substructures were presented - section 1, as well as main methods definitions and theoretical formulation - developed by Przemienieck (1963), Rosen and Rubinstein (1968), Rubinstein (1970) and El-Sayed and Hsiung (1990) - and structural hierarchical analysis concept with their applications combined with aircraft structures cracks substructuring technical analysis, proposed by Starnes and Britt (1991), and implemented by Potyondy (1993) - Section 2. In this context, a civil construction typical structures analysis methodology was proposed in section 3. Besides, many useful tools for their implementation were presented, among which stands out the simplified hierarchy analysis methodology proposal. Some precautions in the methodology applying were also presented. In section 4, five case studies were developed, applying the methodology, tools and precautions explained in section 3, especially the methodologies effectiveness. The research is concluded in section 5, and new research lines, to be undertaken on the methodology proposed, were outpointed in section 6.

Sobre o uso de subestruturas na modelagem de estruturas complexas. / On the use of substructures in complex structures modeling.

Lucas Anastasi Fiorani 24 April 2009 (has links)
Na engenharia, existem diversas técnicas de análise estrutural que conduzem à obtenção de esforços e deslocamentos com considerável grau de eficácia e acurácia e, dentre estas, há a técnica de SUBESTRUTURAÇÃO. Esta técnica consiste na divisão e análise de um modelo estrutural completo, através da divisão de seu domínio em SUBESTRUTURAS, permitindo uma considerável eficiência nos cálculos e na avaliação de modelos estruturais combinados com a análise hierárquica de estruturas. Neste trabalho, seguindo-se a metodologia de pesquisa, que envolveu revisão bibliográfica e desenvolvimento de modelos computacionais, apresentaram-se as principais técnicas de subestruturas - seção 1, definições e formulação teórica dos principais métodos - desenvolvidos por Przemienieck (1963), Rosen e Rubinstein (1968), Rubinstein (1970) e El-Sayed e Hsiung (1990) - e a conceituação da análise hierárquica de estruturas com as respectivas aplicações combinadas com técnica de subestruturação para análise de fissuras em estruturas aeronáuticas, proposta de Starnes e Britt (1991) e aplicada por Potyondy (1993) - seção 2. Nesse contexto, na seção 3 se propôs a metodologia hierárquica para análise de estruturas típicas da construção civil, utilizando técnicas de subestruturação. Apresentaram-se instrumentos úteis à respectiva aplicação, dentre os quais se destaca a proposta de metodologia simplificada de análise hierárquica. Algumas precauções a serem adotadas na aplicação da metodologia também foram apresentadas. Na seção 4, desenvolveram-se cinco estudos de caso aplicando-se as metodologias, instrumentos e precauções desenvolvidos na seção 3, destacando-se a eficácia das metodologias. Conclui-se a pesquisa na seção 5 sendo que, na seção 6, indicam-se novas linhas de pesquisas a serem desenvolvidas sobre a metodologia proposta na pesquisa. / In engineering, there are several structural analysis techniques leading to obtain displacements and efforts with a considerable degree of efficacy and accuracy, and, among these, there is the SUBSTRUCTURING technique. This method consists in the division and analysis of a complete structural model, by subdividing his field in SUBSTRUCTURES, allowing a considerable efficiency in calculations and evaluation of structural models combined with hierarchical structures analysis. In this work, following the methodology research, which involved a literature review and computational models development, the key techniques of substructures were presented - section 1, as well as main methods definitions and theoretical formulation - developed by Przemienieck (1963), Rosen and Rubinstein (1968), Rubinstein (1970) and El-Sayed and Hsiung (1990) - and structural hierarchical analysis concept with their applications combined with aircraft structures cracks substructuring technical analysis, proposed by Starnes and Britt (1991), and implemented by Potyondy (1993) - Section 2. In this context, a civil construction typical structures analysis methodology was proposed in section 3. Besides, many useful tools for their implementation were presented, among which stands out the simplified hierarchy analysis methodology proposal. Some precautions in the methodology applying were also presented. In section 4, five case studies were developed, applying the methodology, tools and precautions explained in section 3, especially the methodologies effectiveness. The research is concluded in section 5, and new research lines, to be undertaken on the methodology proposed, were outpointed in section 6.

Ki-1/57 e uma proteina intrinsecamente desordenada envolvida em mecanismos de regulação genica / Ki-1/57 is an intrinsically disordered protein involved in mechanisms of gene regulation

Bressan, Gustavo Costa 08 April 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Jorg Kobarg / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto e Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T00:02:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bressan_GustavoCosta_D.pdf: 16510013 bytes, checksum: 30f3887b16b18caf89b81d091caca8d7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A proteína Ki-1/57 foi descoberta através da reação cruzada do anticorpo monoclonal Ki-1 em células do linfoma de Hodgkin. Foi demonstrado previamente que Ki-1/57 sofre fosforilação por PKCs e metilação por PRMT1, uma arginino metiltransferase que modula diversas proteínas ligadoras a RNA. Nesse trabalho, é mostrada a interação de Ki-1/57 com sondas de RNA e com proteínas envolvidas no controle de splicing de pré-mRNA. O seu envolvimento no controle de splicing foi confirmado em ensaios de cotransfecção em células de mamíferos. Análises de microscopia de confocal mostraram a localização da construção EGFP-Ki-1/57 em diferentes corpúsculos nucleares de forma dependente da metilação celular. Essas regiões compreendem nucléolos, speckles, corpos de Cajal e GEMS, conhecidamente envolvidas na biogênese, maturação ou armazenamento de complexos de processamento de RNA/pré-RNA no núcleo. Análises a partir de construções truncadas sugeriram o N-terminal de Ki-1/57 como importante para a interação com proteínas reguladoras de splicing e localização nos corpúsculos nucleares, enquanto o C-terminal como necessário e suficiente para a ligação a RNA poliuridina e localização citoplasmática. Por outro lado, essas duas regiões pareceram atuar em conjunto no processamento do gene E1A. Similarmente a hnRNPQ, Ki-1/57 e outras proteínas funcionalmente relacionadas, SFRS9 é mostrada como alvo de metilação por PRMT1. A inibição da metilação resultou em um aumento do número de células apresentando localização da construção EGFP-SFRS9 no interior de nucléolos, mostrando a importância dessa modificação para a localização subnuclear de SFRS9. As características estruturais de Ki-1/57 também foram investigadas através de diferentes abordagens. Análises por SAXS, gel filtração analítica e ultracentrifugação analítica indicaram uma estrutura bastante alongada e flexível para a construção C-terminal 6xhis-(122-413)Ki-1/57. Ensaios de proteólise limitada também sugeriram uma baixa composição de núcleos hidrofóbicos estáveis e compactos. A capacidade de Ki-1/57 em sofrer enovelamento induzido após a interação com ligantes também foi monitorada em experimentos de dicroísmo circular. Embora não tenha sido observada nenhuma alteração estrutural após a incubação de 6xhis-(122-413)Ki-1/57 com o RNA poliuridina, a adição de TFE foi capaz de promover pequenos ganhos de elementos de estrutura secundária regular. Esses dados, juntamente com predições computacionais, sugerem que Ki-1/57 é uma nova proteína intrinsecamente desordenada, o que pode explicar o elevado número de diferentes proteínas parceiras que ela é capaz de interagir. / Abstract: The Ki-1/57 protein has been discovered through the cross reactivity of the monoclonal antibody Ki-1 in Hodgkin lymphoma cells. Previously, it was demonstrated that Ki-1/57 undergoes phosphorylation by PKCs and methylation by PRMT1, an arginine methyltransferase that modulates many RNA binding proteins. Here, the interaction of Ki-1/57 with RNA polyuridine and proteins involved in pre-mRNA splicing control are shown. Its involvement in splicing regulation was confirmed by cotransfection assays in mammalian cells. Confocal microscopy analyses revealed the localization of EGFP-Ki-1/57 at different nuclear bodies, depending on the cellular methylation status. These regions include nucleoli, speckles, Cajal bodies and GEMS, which are all known to be involved in biogenesis, maturation or storing of RNA/pre-mRNA processing complexes in the nucleus. Analysis from experiments with truncated forms of Ki-1/57 suggested its N-terminus as important for its interaction with splicing proteins and localization at nuclear bodies. In turn, its C-terminus was seen as necessary and sufficient for the cytoplasmic localization and polyuridine RNA binding. However, these two regions seemed to be required working together for an efficient splicing activity on E1A gene. Similarly to hnRNPQ, Ki-1/57 and others functionally related proteins, SFRS9 is shown here as a target for methylation by PRMT1. The inhibition of this activity resulted in increase in the number of cells showing EGFP-SFRS9 in the nucleoli, suggesting the importance of methylation for the subnuclear localization of SFRS9. The structural characteristics of Ki-1/57 also have been investigated through different approaches. Analyses by SAXS, analytical gel filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation techniques suggested a very elongated and flexible structure for the C-terminal construct (122-413)Ki-1/57. Also, limited proteolysis analysis suggested a low composition of stable and compact hydrophobic cores. The ability of Ki-1/57 in suffering binding-induced folding was also investigated. Although no structural modification has been observed after incubating (122-413)Ki-1/57 with a polyuridine RNA, the addition of the TFE probe was able to promote a small gain of regular secondary structural elements. These findings, together with different computational predictions, pointed out that Ki-1/57 is a novel intrinsically unstructured protein. This could explain the wide array of protein partners with which it is able to interact. / Doutorado / Bioquimica / Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular

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