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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programmes décoratifs des villas impériales du suburbium de Rome / The decorative programs of imperial villas in the Roman suburbium

Malizia, Eleonora 08 December 2018 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche porte sur l’étude du décor des villas impériales dans le suburbium de Rome, avec le but de comprendre, à l’aide des sources littéraires, archéologiques et épigraphiques, comment se caractérisaient ces villas tant du point de vue de leur conception architecturale que de leur décoration. Chaque villa a fait l’objet d’un dossier dans lequel tous les éléments du décor ont été organisés, classifiés et interprétés. Par la suite, on a procédé à une comparaison entre les éléments décoratifs caractérisant les villas du suburbium et ceux des autres grandes résidences impériales connues dans la région du Latium. On a pu analyser l’évolution du rapport entre architecture et décor dans les différents espaces de la villa impériale (pièces de représentation, thermes, jardins, édifices de spectacle,…), ainsi que le programme décoratif sculpté, qui nous renseigne sur le travail des ateliers et sur les choix de thématiques spécifiques de la part des empereurs, comme celle du mythe des Niobides ou des épisodes de l’Odyssée. De surcroît, l’analyse topographique et chronologique des contextes a permis, d’un côté, de comprendre les dynamiques de l’occupation du territoire de la part du pouvoir impérial et de l’autre, d’analyser le processus de formation, évolution et transformation de ces résidences. À travers l’étude des complexes résidentiels suburbains, on explore les possibilités d’approche à l’intérieur du plus ample questionnement sur l’identification d’une villa impériale, une problématique qui n’a jamais été abordée de façon complète et systématique. / The research project, presented in this manuscript, illustrates the decoration of imperial villas in the Roman suburbium. Thanks to literary, archaeological and epigraphic sources, its purpose is to understand how these villas were characterised both from the point of view of their architecture as of their decoration. Indeed, each villa has been subject of accurate investigations, in which all elements were parsed, classified and interpreted. Subsequently, the attention is focused on the comparison between the decorative features of the suburbium’s villas and those of the other imperial residences scattered in Latium region. This allowed to analyse in details the evolution of the correlation between architecture and decor in the different areas of the imperial villa (representative rooms, thermal baths, gardens, entertainment buildings,…). In addition, it helped understanding the choice of sculptural subjects made by the emperors, such as the group of Niobids or Odyssey episodes. Moreover, topographic and chronological studies of these contexts gave the opportunity to understand the occupation dynamics of the territory on the part of the imperial power, but also to analyse the formation, evolution and transformation processes of these residences. Finally, through the study of suburban residential complexes, it is possible to face the wider questioning on the identification of an imperial villa, an issue that has never been approached in an exhaustive and systematic way.

Hodnocení dopravní dostupnosti suburbánních oblastí Prahy / Assessment of Transportation Accessibility in Prague's Suburban Areas

Marčev, David January 2016 (has links)
This doctoral thesis seeks to evaluate the accessibility of the centre of the capital city Prague by people commuting from the suburbs on a daily basis using different types of transport and the related energy performance of these differing types of vehicle. The goal of this academic work is to propose a methodology for measuring transport accessibility by utilising energy efficiency as benchmark. On the basis of energy requirements, obtained by measurements taken during journeys both by car and bus, a method of calculating the energy demands of the two modes of transport was derived. This proposed method of measurement was then applied to journeys from selected suburbs and the results were compared. A part of this work was to propose an "energy information label" whose goal is to inform residents about the energy requirements of the various types of transport when used for their daily commute from the suburbs to the city core. It was verified that the performance of the measured units of energy required are significantly affected by another factor. The main benefit of this work is the proposal of a methodology for the acquisition and measurement of the energy performance during the populations daily commute. Another benefit is the proposal to implement an "energy information label" which serves to inform the population about the energy performance when commuting to their place of work in the city core.

Suburbanizace v zázemí Českých Budějovic - východní sektor / Suburbanization in the near hinterland of the city of České Budějovice (the Czech Republic) ? east sector

KARAS, Václav January 2011 (has links)
Diploma work analyzes the development of suburbanization in settlements close to Česke Budějovice in the socialist and post-socialist period. Detailed focus is paid on the situation in the eastern sector of the background, the thesis compares the situation in the whole agglomeration of České Budějovice. It is based on statistical data of the number of residential population between 1950 - 2009, numeric data of permanently occupied houses in the periods, which were identified by field mapping, and also using statistical data on housing construction between 1997 - 2009. The architectural, urban, planning issues associated with suburbanization are also analyzed. Based on questionnaire survey among mayors of suburban municipalities it also monitors the migrant participation into suburban life in communities and relationships between migrants and indigenous peoples.

Rezidenční spokojenost domácností bytových domů v pražských lokalitách - role občanské vybavenosti / Residential satisfaction of households in tenement houses in localities of Prague - the role of civic amenities

Bursa, Otakar January 2018 (has links)
Residential satisfaction belongs to important elements of human's satisfaction with life. It is created by the unique set of different components to which the accessibility and quality of civic amenities in a neighbourhood may also be included. Nevertheless, the importance of this factor used to be underestimated and the real connexion between residential satisfaction and the presence of civic amenities has not come out so far (Swindell, Kelly 2005). Therefore, the diploma thesis focuses on the qualitative- analytical research of residential satisfaction in two differently served Prague's localities with the aim to deepen the current knowledge of this issue. The results show that the presence of civic amenities in the neighbourhood has a significant effect in creating residential satisfaction which is comparable to the quality of housing and neighbourhood features. However, this relationship is partly influenced by the assigned importance of services' presence that especially varies according to the locality type (housing estate or suburban) and the position of household in a life cycle. Keywords: residential satisfaction, civic amenities, Prague, housing estate, suburb

Roma, quartiere Appio-Latino (VII Municipio) : archeologia del paesaggio urbano dalle origini alla tarda antichità / Rome, quartier Appio-Latino (Municipio VII) : archéologie du paysage urbain depuis les origines jusqu’à la fin de l’Antiquité / Rome, Appio-Latino district (Municipio VII) : urban landscape archaeology since the origins to Late Antiquity

De Palma, Giulia 21 November 2015 (has links)
Le travail s’inscrit dans le cadre de la problématique historique de l’étude des zones suburbaines dans le monde ancien, en proposant l’analyse systématique d’un secteur bien circonscrit du proche suburbium de Rome, le territoire extraurbain compris entre les portes Latina et San Giovanni, entre les murailles d’Aurélien et la distance d’environ un mille de ces dernières. Le territoire ainsi défini, d’une extension d’environ 270 hectares, constitue l’un des quartiers les plus densément édifiés de la ville, le quartier Appio-Latino (Municipio VII). En conséquence des profondes transformations intervenues au fil des siècles, notamment suite à l’urbanisation moderne, commencée à partir des dernières décennies du XIXè siècle, cette partie de la ville ne garde aujourd’hui que de très rares traces, fragmentaires et décontextualisées, des établissements anciens. Malgré cette pénurie de vestiges archéologiques, ce territoire revêtait néanmoins une très grande importance dans l’Antiquité. Situé aux marges de l’espace urbain, il constituait une véritable « zone tampon » entre la ville (l’urbs) et le territoire environnant (l’ager). Avant la réalisation des murailles d’Aurélien qui, à la fin du IIIè siècle ap. J.C., ont définitivement séparé ce territoire du reste de la ville, celui-ci a rempli une multiplicité de fonctions : les communications avec l’extérieur, assurées par un réseau routier qui s’est mis en place très précocement, tout en se configurant comme l’élément organisateur de l’espace, la production, orientée vers l’agriculture mais aussi, dans une moindre mesure, vers les activités artisanales, les nécropoles, que les coutumes anciennes relèguent systématiquement à l’extérieur de l’espace habité. L’étude propose une restitution de l’histoire du quartier articulée en 6 périodes chronologiques appuyée sur l’ensemble des données archéologiques, accompagnée par un apparat cartographique réalisé à l’aide d’’un SIG (Système d’Information Géographique). / This research sets against the background of the historical problem of roman ancient suburb by the analysis of the extra urban area between the Latina and San Giovanni gates, between the walls of Aurelian and the distance of about a mile from them. The territory thus defined (a 270 hectares area) is one of the most densely built up areas of the city, the Appio-Latino district. Accordingly profound transformations over the centuries, particularly following the modern urbanization, which started at the end of the nineteenth century, this part of the city keeps today very few ancient remains, fragmented and decontextualized. Despite this lack of archaeological remains, nevertheless, this territory was of great importance in antiquity. Located on the edges of the urban space, it is a real "buffer zone" between the city (the urbs) and the surrounding territory (ager). Before the construction of the Aurelian walls, which in the late third century AD definitively separated the suburb from the rest of the city, this area has filled a multiplicity of functions: communications with the outside territories and cities, provided by a efficient road network that set up very early; production, oriented towards agriculture and craft activities; necropolis, that ancient customs used to relegate systematically outside the urban spaces.This research proposes a reconstruction of the history of the district articulated in 6 chronological periods relied on archaeological data, accompanied by a cartographical apparatus produced using a GIS (Geographic Information System).

Začlenění nových ploch suburbanizace do okolní krajiny / The incorporation of new areas of suburbanization into the surrounding landscape

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Marta January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis evaluates the spatial plans of chosen municipalities of commercial and residential suburbanization in the area of České Budějovice. The issue of research were particularly old and new plans of both municipalities and their comparison, including the proposal of new functional areas in the territory. The most important documentary used were the spatial plans of municipalities and following terrain research . Results are presented by both - text and graphic form. For processing the results geographic information systém ArcGIS 10 was used.

Langres – Andemantunnum (Haute-Marne, Champagne-Ardenne) : Étude urbanistique de la capitale de cité des Lingons / Langres- Andemantunnum (Haute-Marne, Champagne-Ardenne) : urbanistic study of the city of Lingons' capital

Menec, Florine 12 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour sujet : Langres- Andemantunnum (Haute-Marne, Champagne-Ardenne). Étude urbanistique de la capitale de cité des Lingons. Afin de mener à bien ces travaux de recherche, des reprises d’archives de fouilles, des enquêtes auprès des habitants, l’exploitation de manuscrits d’érudits des XVIIIe et XIXe et de notes inédites de chercheurs locaux ont, entre autres, été nécessaires. L’importante masse de données collectées a permis d’aborder de nouvelles problématiques concernant la voirie et l’organisation urbaine de cette capitale antique, le rempart du Bas-Empire, les aménagements hydrauliques, les édifices publics, l’habitat, l’artisanat, les nécropoles et le suburbium. Toutes ces nouvelles données permettent désormais d’appréhender un peu mieux l’occupation du promontoire durant l’Antiquité. Le processus d’installation de l’oppidum, l’élaboration d’un programme urbain réfléchi dès le Ier siècle ap. J.-C. et les conséquences urbaines des troubles du Bas-Empire font partie des étapes fondamentales qu’a connu le promontoire langrois. Certaines des caractéristiques propres à l’organisation urbaine de ces différentes phases d’occupation perdurent encore aujourd’hui dans le plan de la ville du XXIe siècle. / The topic of this thesis is: Langres- Andemantunnum (Haute-Marne, Champagne-Ardenne). Urbanistic study of the city of Lingons' capital. In order to carry out this research, excavation archives takeovers, local survey, the exploitation of eighteenth and nineteenth erudites manuscripts and unpublished notes of local researchers, among others, were required. The huge mass of data collected has helped to address new problematics regarding roads and urban organization of this ancient capital, the rampart of the Late Roman Empire, water projects, public buildings, housing, crafts, cemeteries and suburbium. Thanks to these new data it is now possible to better understand the occupation of the promontory during antiquity. The setup process of the oppidum, the development of a carefully designed urban program as of the first century AD and urban consequences of the Late Roman Empire disorders are among the fundamental stages experienced by the langrois promontory. Some of the urban organization characteristics of these different phases of occupation have influenced the current city map.


Rousková, Aneta January 2007 (has links)
Po změně politického režimu v roce 1989 se všechna velkoměsta České republiky potýkají s novým, pro nás neznámým, fenoménem v rozmístění bydlení obyvatelstva ? se suburbanizací. Obyvatelé velkoměst se ve velkém měřítku stěhují do jejich zázemí. V zázemí se začíná nekontrolovatelně rozvíjet výstavba rodinných domů. Tímto procesem již prošla většina velkoměst v západní Evropě a v USA. Neregulovaný a nekontrolovaný rozvoj suburbanizačního procesu má dalekosáhlé důsledky na velkoměsto, okolní menší sídla a volnou krajinu. Autorka se zaměřuje na průběh rezidenční suburbanizace hlavního města Prahy, na faktory, které ovlivnily suburbánní rozvoj a jeho negativní i pozitivní dopady v daném území. Soustředí se na rozvoj nové výstavby v několika obcích na Kladensku. Bude analyzovat dopad suburbanizace na rozvoj a stabilitu malých sídel v zázemí velkého města.

Les installations périurbaines de la Berytus romaine : le cas du site MDWR 2 (Mdawar/Beyrouth) / Peri-urban structures of the Roman Berytus : the case of site MDWR 2 (Mdawar/Beirut)

El-Haibé, Georges 19 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les résultats d’une fouille archéologique préventive menée sur un site de la région périurbaine est de la ville antique de Beyrouth. Leur étude approfondie montre des changements dans la fonction d’utilisation de cet espace, toujours lié directement à la ville. Son urbanisme s’est développé sur les bords des prolongations des axes urbains. Il n’a été bien planifié qu’à partir du Ier s. apr. J.-C. durant sa transformation en un espace funéraire. Sa division par des limites de terrains servait probablement aux colons nouvellement installés pour leurs activités agricoles, économiques, artisanales, etc. L’installation de constructions monumentales dans ce secteur périurbain n’a commencé qu’à la fin du IIe s. apr. J.-C. C’est ainsi qu’un sanctuaire du culte héliopolitain a été construit dans la plaine côtière, entre les deux voies menant à la ville, au point le plus proche de la mer et sur une falaise. Sa destruction est confirmée durant le IVe s. apr. J.-C.,soit à cause du tremblement de terre du 348/349 apr. J.-C. soit à la suite de la christianisation de la région. Ensuite, ce secteur a abrité plusieurs grandes résidences qui ont été détruites, soit par le tremblement de terre du 551, soit ultérieurement. Vers le début de la période médiévale, l’espace périurbain est a été abandonné pour la récupération des pierres des anciens monuments. Son occupation par des bâtiments ne reprend qu’à la période ottomane. / This thesis presents the results of the archaeological rescue excavation of a site situated in the periurban area of the ancient city of Beirut. The study findings reveal chronological changes in the use of the space, that are consistently linked to developments associated with the growth of the city. The site developed along the extensions of the urban axes, but was fully elaborated in the 1st century A.D. with its transformation into a burial ground. Divided by territory limits, the new colonists then most likely used this location for their economical, agricultural, and artisanal activities. The installation of monumental constructions in this peri-urban area began at the end of the 2nd century A.D. A sanctuary pertaining to the Heliopolitan cult was thus built on the plain between the two roads leading to the city, on the “Ras Mdawar” cliff at the nearest point to thesea. Its destruction is dated to the 4th century A.D., either as a consequence of the earthquake of 348/349 AD or as a result of the Christianization of the region. Several large villas were later built in this area and destroyed either by the earthquake of 551 AD or at a later period. With the start of the medieval era, the peri-urban space was abandoned and exploited for the recuperation of stones from the ancient monuments. It remained unoccupied until the Ottoman period.

Processi di trasformazione nel suburbio di Mediolanum tra tarda età repubblicana e media età imperiale. Il caso dell'area dell'Università Cattolica / Transformation processes in Mediolanum's suburbium between the Late Republican and the middle imperial age. The case of Università Cattolica's area.

CORTESE, CLAUDIO 05 May 2006 (has links)
Nell’area oggi occupata dall’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano a partire dal 1986 scavi di emergenza hanno messo in luce una porzione del suburbio occidentale di Mediolanum, e in particolare una realtà insediativa suburbana di età imperiale. Un’ampia area di tale insediamento è stata oggetto della presente ricerca che, combinando lo studio dei processi formativi del deposito archeologico e l’analisi quantitativa e statistica degli insiemi di reperti, ha permesso di ricostruire le trasformazioni che ne hanno preceduto e accompagnato la formazione e che ne hanno interessato l’organizzazione spaziale e la distribuzione delle aree di attività. In questo modo è stato possibile comprendere come nel tempo siano avvenuti cambiamenti nei caratteri e nelle finalità della frequentazione dell'area, che sembrano poter gettare nuova luce anche su fenomeni più generali che riguardano l’intero suburbio della città romana. / In the area today occupied by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, since 1986, rescue excavations have disclosed a part of Mediolanum’s western suburbium, and in particular an imperial age suburban settlement. A wide area of this settlement has been the object of this research which, combining the study of the formation processes of the archaeological record and the quantitative and statistical analysis of finds assemblages, allowed us to reconstruct the transformations which preceded its formation and those which concerned its spatial organization and activity areas distribution. In this way we have shown that the characteristics and nature of the settlement have considerably changed during the course of time, and these changes seem to shed light even on the general transformations which concern the entire suburbium of the Roman town.

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