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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of a succession planning framework as an integral part of people management review and strategic planning

Van der Linde, Diederick Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Succession planning has to do with passing on responsibility. For companies to be world-class organisations the transfer of responsibility from one executive to another or from one manager to another must be quick and effective otherwise the company stands the chance of losing millions, its reputation and competitive position within the industry its operates. The first section of the study focuses on a literature overview with regard to succession planning. The literature research outlines once again that more indepth research on succession planning is needed in the South African context. The overview, however, forms a solid basis from where the study could expand and forms the cornerstone for developing the people management review model outlined in the second part of the study. From the research and model it is quite clear that the concept of competencies, competency models, competency-based performance and performance-potential management should play an important role in future succession planning processes. From the different segments of the people management review model it is clear that succession planning will need to become part of a series of real-time strategising within companies, that will require the full participation and effort of everyone involved, ensuring an optimally effective process. The model therefore forms the basis of the total tranformation process within companies, and becomes part of future strategic planning in companies en route to become globally competitive. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Opvolgbeplanning het te doen met die oordrag van verantwoordelikheid binne maatskappye. Ten einde vir maatskappye om wêreldklas te wees is dit nodig dat die oordrag van verantwoordelikheid van een bestuurder na die volgende so glad en effektief moontlik sal verloop. Indien dit nie gebeur nie loop maatskappye die risiko om miljoene rande te verloor en daarmee saam hul reputasie en kompeterende posisie binne die bedrywe waar hul opereer. Die eerste deel van die studie fokus op 'n literatuur-oorsig rondom opvolgbeplanning. Die oorsig beklemtoon weereens die behoefte aan meer indiepte navorsing rondom opvolgbeplanning binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die literatuur vorm egter die basis en hoeksteen vir die res van die studie en die ontwikkelling van die oorsig-model vir mensebestuur soos uiteengesit in die tweede deel van die studie. Dit is duidelik uit hierdie navorsing dat die konsep van vermoëns, vermoëns-gebaseerde prestasie, en prestasie-potensiaal-bestuur 'n belangrike rol gaan speel in toekomstige opvolgbeplannings aksies binne maatskappye. Vanuit die verskillende komponente van die model is dit verder ook duidelik dat opvolgbeplanning 'n waardevolle en belangrike deel van strategiese beplanning moet vorm en dat die volle samewerking van almal in die proses betrokke sal verg ten einde dit doeltreffend en glad te laat verloop. Die model moet verder deel vorm van die totale proses van transformasie binne maatskappye ten einde wêreldklas standaarde te bereik.

Opinions of professional nurses on succession planning in a paediatric context

Petersen, Marleen Patricia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is no formal succession plan for paediatric professional nurses (PNs) in academic, tertiary hospitals in the Western Cape. A lack of a succession plan could have major implications for the sustainability of effective and efficient health care services (Department of Health, DoH, 2010:1). Therefore, a systematic scientific investigation is required to determine the opinions of PNs regarding the characteristics or criteria for a succession plan in a paediatric organization. The aim of this study was to determine the opinions of paediatric PNs regarding succession or career planning in academic, tertiary hospitals in the Western Cape. A quantitative approach with an exploratory, descriptive, non-experimental design was applied by means of a questionnaire survey which consisted of closed and openended questions. Reliability and validity were assured by means of a pilot study and consultation with nursing experts and a statistician. Cronbach’s alpha test was used to test for internal consistency between the responses to the 3-point Likert scale and dichotomous questions on the characteristics of an ideal succession plan. The data was collected by means of a self-administered, structured questionnaire to elicit opinions regarding the characteristics of an ideal succession plan that includes a career plan. Ethical approval was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee of the University of Stellenbosch. Permission for access to the hospitals was obtained from the hospital and nursing managers. Informed written consent was obtained from the participants. The questionnaires were distributed personally by the researcher at two hospitals and via the assistant manager in nursing at one hospital. Data was analysed by the statistician and descriptive statistics were presented by means of frequency distribution tables and histograms. Furthermore, the existence of relationships between variables was compared by means of a t-test or when assumptions of the t-test were not fulfilled an appropriate non-parametric test was considered. The results were evidence of the need for the development of a succession plan based on Benner’s Novice to Expert Model for paediatric PNs in academic, tertiary hospitals in the Western Cape. In addition, participants’ opinions on the value of a succession plan, including a career plan showed multiple benefits that will outweigh its challenges once developed and implemented. Recommendations are based on the scientific evidence that show the urgent need for the development and implementation of a formal five level skill-based clinical training programme that includes a 360-degree feedback system for paediatric PNs by means of an integrated, collaborative approach. The development and implementation of a formal succession plan will strengthen and enhance the retention of the various levels of competent, proficient and expert paediatric PNs. In addition, a formal succession plan will attract and motivate the novice and advance beginners to progress to competent, proficient and expert levels. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is geen formele opvolgplan vir pediatriese professionele verpleegpersoneel in akademiese tersiêre hospitale in die Wes-Kaap nie. ’n Gebrek aan ’n opvolgplan kan ernstige gevolge vir die volhoubaarheid van effektiewe en doeltreffende gesondheidssorgdienste inhou (DoH, 2010:1). Dus, is ’n sistematiese wetenskaplike ondersoek nodig om die opinies van professionele verpleegpersoneel te bepaal, ten opsigte van die eienskappe of kriteria vir ’n opvolgplan in ’n pediatriese organisasie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die opinies van pediatriese professionele verpleegpersoneel te bepaal ten opsigte van ’n opvolg- of beroepsplan in akademiese, tersiêre hospitale in die Wes-Kaap. ’n Kwantitatiewe benadering met ’n ondersoekende, beskrywende, nie-eksperimentele ontwerp is toegepas deur gebruik te maak van ’n vraelysopname wat bestaan het uit geslote en ope-vrae. Betroubaarheid en geldigheid is verseker deur gebruik te maak van ’n loodsondersoek en raadpleging van verpleegkundiges en ’n statistikus. Cronbach se alpha-toets is gebruik om te toets vir interne konsekwentheid tussen die response tot die 3-punt Likertskaal en tweeledige vrae oor die kenmerke van ’n ideale opvolgplan. Die data is gekollekteer deur gebruik te maak van ’n selfgeadministreerde, gestruktureerde vraelys om opinies te onthul ten opsigte van die kenmerke van ’n ideale opvolgplan, wat ’n beroepsplan insluit. Etiese goedkeuring is verkry van die Gesondheidsnavorsing se Etiese Komitee van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Toestemming vir toegang tot die hospitale is verkry van die hospitaal en verpleegbestuurders. Ingeligte skriftelike toestemming is van die deelnemers verkry. Die vraelyste is persoonlik versprei deur die navorser by twee hospitale en via die assistentbestuurder wat by een van die hospitale verpleeg. Data is geanaliseer deur die statistikus en beskrywende statistiek is aangebied by wyse van frekwensie verspreidingstabelle en histogramme. Voorts, is die bestaan van verwantskappe tussen veranderlikes vergelyk, deur gebruik te maak van ’n ttoets of waar veronderstellings van die t-toets nie bereik is nie, is ’n gepaste nieparametriese toets oorweeg. Die resultate is bewys van die behoefte vir die ontwikkeling van ’n opvolgplan wat gebaseer is op Benner se Novice to Expert Model vir pediatriese professionele verpleegpersoneel in akademiese, tersiêre hospitale in die Wes-Kaap. Daarbenewens, het deelnemers se opinies die waarde van ’n opvolgplan wat ’n beroepsplan insluit, die veelvoudige voordele wat dit inhou getoon wat die uitdagings sal oortref, sodra dit ontwikkel en geïmplementeer word. Aanbevelings is gebaseer op die wetenskaplike bewys wat dui op die dringende behoefte vir die ontwikkeling en implementering van ’n formele vyfvlak vaardigheidsgebaseerde kliniese opleidingsprogram wat ’n 360-grade terugvoersisteem insluit vir pediatriese professionele verpleegpersoneel deur middel van ’n geïntegreerde, medewerkende benadering. Die ontwikkeling en implementering van ’n formele opvolgplan sal die retensie van die verskeie vlakke van bekwame, vaardige en kundige pediatriese professionele verpleegpersoneel versterk en bevorder. Boonop sal ’n formele opvolgplan nuwelinge en gevorderdes trek en motiveer om te ontwikkel tot bekwame, vaardige en kundige vlakke.

Como as organizações brasileiras identificam pessoas aptas a assumir atribuições e responsabilidades no contexto do processo sucessório: um estudo de caso / How Brazilian organizations identify people ready to take on more complex assignments and responsibilities in the context of the succession process: a case study.

Ohtsuki, Celi Hiromi 29 October 2013 (has links)
O tema da sucessão é relevante porque a sobrevivência das empresas depende de dispor de pessoas em todos os níveis organizacionais preparadas para assumir posições críticas abertas pelo crescimento do negócio ou saída de seus atuais ocupantes. Nota-se tendência de as organizações buscarem o desenvolvimento dos talentos internos como parte de seu sistema de gestão sucessória. Entretanto, essa estratégia requer que a organização disponha de mecanismos que permitam identificar quando/quanto os indivíduos estão prontos para assumir posições de maior complexidade. Falha nessa identificação implica na perda dos investimentos no desenvolvimento das pessoas e nas consequências indesejáveis inerentes ao fracasso de líderes. O presente estudo teve como objetivo aprofundar a compreensão sobre como as organizações brasileiras identificam, no contexto do processo sucessório, pessoas aptas a assumir atribuições e responsabilidades de maior complexidade. Para tanto, optou-se pelo método do estudo de caso único. Com base no referencial teórico, desenvolveram-se cinco proposições que serviram para orientar a busca e análise dos dados. A primeira afirmava que organizações com práticas diferenciadas de gestão de pessoas têm um sistema de gestão sucessória que inclui a avaliação sistemática do desempenho e do potencial das pessoas. A segunda propunha que as organizações diferenciam as posições conforme o nível de complexidade das atribuições e responsabilidades. Ambas foram confirmadas pelos resultados do caso. A terceira era que as organizações determinam os requisitos das posições conforme o nível de complexidade das atribuições e responsabilidades, o papel de gestão e liderança e a orientação estratégica do negócio. Esta proposição foi parcialmente confirmada. Verificou-se que apenas requisitos de natureza técnica são diferenciados por nível de complexidade e que a determinação dos requisitos considera o papel de gestão e a orientação estratégica da organização. A quarta afirmava que as organizações adotam os requisitos da posição atual como critério para avaliar desempenho na dimensão de desenvolvimento e da posição de maior complexidade, para avaliar potencial, o que não foi confirmado. A quinta e última afirmava que as organizações utilizam o resultado das avaliações de desempenho nas dimensões de objetivos e metas, comportamentos e desenvolvimento, assim como da avaliação de potencial para identificar aquelas aptas a assumir posições de liderança de maior complexidade. Esta proposição foi confirmada. Não foi identificado um processo linear ou objetivo para a identificação de pessoas aptas a assumir posições de liderança de maior complexidade. Observou-se um processo fluido, flexível e subjetivo que considera um conjunto de informações geradas pelos processos de gestão de pessoas e de negócios. As avaliações de desempenho e de potencial fornecem informações que permitem identificar indivíduos com potencial de crescimento e desempenho acima do esperado para a posição que ocupam. Observou-se que estas são pré-condições para assumir atribuições e responsabilidades de maior complexidade. Além dos processos de avaliação de pessoas presentes na proposição, a organização estudada revelou outros processos que também são considerados na identificação de pessoas aptas a assumir posições de liderança de maior complexidade, como gestão de competências, mentoração e assessment, além de alguns processos de gestão de negócios como reuniões gerenciais e operacionais. / The theme of succession is relevant because companies\' survival depends on disposing of people at all organizational levels ready to take on the critical positions generated by business growth or departure of the incumbent. There is a trend whereby organizations are seeking to develop internal talent as part of their succession management system. However, this strategy requires mechanisms that allow the organization to identify when/whether individuals are ready to take on more complex assignments and responsibilities. Failure to do so implies losses in the investments made in development as well as the undesirable consequences of leader failure. The present study aims at enhancing the understanding of how Brazilian companies identify, in the context of the succession process, people ready to take on more complex assignments and responsibilities. In order to achieve this goal, the case study method was chosen. Based on theory review, five propositions were developed. These propositions served to guide data collection and analysis. The first stated that organizations with differentiated human resources management practices have a succession management system that includes the systematic appraisal of employee performance and potential. The second proposed that organizations differentiate work positions according to the level of complexity of the assignments and responsibilities. Both propositions were confirmed by case results. The third stated that organizations determine position requirements according to the complexity of the assignments and responsibilities, the management and leadership role, and the business strategic orientation. This proposition was partially confirmed. It was verified that only technical requirements are differentiated according to the complexity of the assignments and responsibilities and that the determination of the requirements considered the management role and the business strategic orientation. The fourth stated that organizations adopt current position requirements as criteria for performance appraisal in the dimension of development and the requirements of the next, more complex position, for potential appraisal. This statement was not confirmed. The fifth stated that organizations utilize the results of the performance appraisals in the dimensions of objectives and goals, behaviors and development, as well as those of the potential appraisal, to identify people that are ready to take on more complex leadership positions. This proposition was confirmed. The identification process that this study revealed was neither linear nor objective, but rather, fluid, flexible and subjective, considering a set of data generated in the various business and people management processes. The performance and potential appraisal processes supply information that support the identification of individuals that show superior performance in the current position and potential to grow to more complex positions. It was observed that these are pre-requisite conditions to take on more complex assignments and responsibilities. In addition to the appraisal processes stated in the propositions, the case studied revealed other processes that are also important in the referred identification such as competency management, mentoring and assessment, as well as business management processes such as management and operational meetings.

Presidential Views of Leadership in Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education

Combie, Christopher C. 03 March 2014 (has links)
This qualitative research explored the perceptions of presidential leadership in Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) higher education in North America. The perceptions included the identification of leadership competencies and leadership styles that promote the mission of the SDA church in higher education. This research also identified the personal and professional experiences of SDA college and university presidents that contributed to their successful accession to the presidency. The presidents came from the twelve non-medical SDA colleges and universities in the continental United States and Canada. The three themes that emerged relevant to the perceptions of presidential leadership were (1) succession planning, (2) increased professionalization of the presidency, and (3) increased presidential tenure. One theme emerged relevant to the personal experiences that contributed to the successful accession to the presidency and was classified as significant impact of spousal and familial support on career trajectory. One theme also emerged relevant to the professional experiences that contributed to the successful accession to the presidency and was classified as progressively more challenging job experiences. Implications for practice suggest that SDA institutions, their associated governing boards, and church policymakers create and execute strategies to address the lack of qualified presidential aspirants in the pipeline. Recent graduates of doctoral education should express their eventual interest in the presidency and seek out varied leadership experiences early on in their careers. Church officials should consider formal implementation of a leadership track and consider succession planning within the SDA system.

Strategizing Effective Succession Planning for Information Technology Executives

Barr, Michael 01 January 2019 (has links)
Organizations across the United States lose hundreds of millions of dollars each year due to the lack of effective succession planning for information technology executives. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies for the development and implementation of effective succession plans for future information technology executives. Bass and Avolio's transformational leadership theory was the conceptual framework for this study. The 3 participants were selected based upon their roles as executives in technology-related positions and their experiences with succession planning. Data were collected using semistructured interviews with these executives from a company headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri. Organizational documents, including an employee assessment form and a description of attributes that each information technology professional is measured against, were also analyzed. Yin's 5-phase model was used to analyze the data; steps included compiling, disassembling, reassembling, clarifying, and the development of conclusions. The 3 major themes that emerged from data analysis were diversity of background, professional development, and sourcing of executives to improve the success of information technology executives. Using study findings, organizational leaders may help to bring about social change by enhancing the growth of high-performing information technology professionals. Assessing talent and tailoring development opportunities, coupled with mentorship, could help information technology professionals prepare for future positions that positively impact employee morale, establish a common vision across their organizations, and identify opportunities for interaction with local communities.

Cross-Project Knowledge Transfer Succession Planning for Family-Owned Businesses

McCarthy, Kristina L. 01 January 2018 (has links)
When the owners of family-owned businesses leave the workplace, they can transfer ownership to the next generation; however, their knowledge of the business goes with them. There is a gap in the literature regarding effective ways to transfer family business resources and knowledge to subsequent generations. The problem was some small and family-owned businesses do not have detailed plans in place based on the needs of owners and the successor generation, with cross-project knowledge as part of the succession plan. The purpose of this nonexperimental study was to examine the relationships between the subscales of cross-project tacit knowledge transfer and to examine the generational differences in cross-project tacit knowledge transfer among small and family-owned businesses. The theoretical underpinning of the study was Argyris and Schön's organizational learning theory. Data from family business owners were collected through an online survey administered by SurveyMonkey, using purposeful sampling. Data (n = 233) were analyzed using a Spearman correlation matrix and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The findings indicated there were significant associations for seven of the 10 correlations between the subscales of cross-project knowledge transfer with each relationship being positive. In addition, the findings suggested that there were significant differences in cross-project knowledge transfer by age cohort. These findings may assist informed family-owned business owners with the complexities of succession planning, which may lead to the business being successful over more generations. This may allow the business to sustain its contribution to the local economy and help the community to prosper, leading to positive social change.

Strategies for Succession Planning and Leadership Training Development for Nonprofit Organizations

Theus, Isaac C 01 January 2019 (has links)
Many leaders of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) lack strategies to replace leaders who leave the organization. An organization is in jeopardy of survival without an effective leadership development and succession planning strategy. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies NPO leaders use to develop future generations for leadership roles within the organization. Data were collected from face-to face semistructured interviews with 4 executives and 2 directors of a NPO in Texas and a review of documents including organization manuals, organizational charts, the employee handbook, and a management-in-training course. The human capital theory and succession theory were used as the conceptual framework for this study. Yin's 5-step process guided the data-coding process, and member checking was used to validate transcribed data. Data analysis consisted of coding, thematic analysis, and key word analysis, which resulted in 4 major themes: the need for a formal succession plan, removal of barriers to succession planning, investment in human capital, and practices and processes for succession planning. The implications of this study for social change include contributing to the organization's stability and profitability, which might allow the organization to provide services for the community and continue the development of human capital. Nonprofit leaders can benefit from the findings of this study by developing sustainable practices and improving strategies to implement succession planning.

Generationsskiften i ägarledda företag : nyckeln till en framgångsrik succession

Bohlin, Martin, Danielsson, Emil January 2005 (has links)
<p>Background: The development of the Swedish demography is one of the most important social and economic changes ever in Swedish history. Society as well as business is facing an age chock since almost every other company owner is over 50 years old. The complexity of managing a successful succession is pointed out as a major threat to the Swedish economy by the organization Svenskt Näringsliv.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose with this master thesis is to identify and analyze critical success factors for a successful succession from a going concern perspective.</p><p>Research method: By using the strong aspects from the quantitative as well as the qualitative method, high level of order and systematic could be reached, without loosing too much details and depth in this particular research. The empirical data was gathered by a digital survey sent to 3000 companies. The quantitative research was complemented by 6 qualitative interviews to increase depth and reliability.</p><p>Results: The study shows that there is a great incongruence between the expected problems associated to the succession and the actual outcome. Furthermore, there are great differences between the problems prioritized by the companies compared to the ones that their advisers and consultants recommend should be prioritized. The analyses and results lead to a new model for successful succession, The 4-Ps of Successful Succession.</p>

Generationsskiften i ägarledda företag : nyckeln till en framgångsrik succession

Bohlin, Martin, Danielsson, Emil January 2005 (has links)
Background: The development of the Swedish demography is one of the most important social and economic changes ever in Swedish history. Society as well as business is facing an age chock since almost every other company owner is over 50 years old. The complexity of managing a successful succession is pointed out as a major threat to the Swedish economy by the organization Svenskt Näringsliv. Purpose: The purpose with this master thesis is to identify and analyze critical success factors for a successful succession from a going concern perspective. Research method: By using the strong aspects from the quantitative as well as the qualitative method, high level of order and systematic could be reached, without loosing too much details and depth in this particular research. The empirical data was gathered by a digital survey sent to 3000 companies. The quantitative research was complemented by 6 qualitative interviews to increase depth and reliability. Results: The study shows that there is a great incongruence between the expected problems associated to the succession and the actual outcome. Furthermore, there are great differences between the problems prioritized by the companies compared to the ones that their advisers and consultants recommend should be prioritized. The analyses and results lead to a new model for successful succession, The 4-Ps of Successful Succession.

The Influence of Organizational Culture on the Implementation of Succession Planning

Fancher, Lori Powers 28 March 2007 (has links)
Succession planning is perhaps one of the hottest topics today as a result of ethical issues, compensation, development and implementation. Global organizations faced with fast-paced change can no longer afford long, lengthy internal development of an heir apparent. However, those organizations who seek faster, external executive hires have found it no panacea as organizational culture often trumps talent and industry experience. Recent research points to those who do internal succession well, with little disruption and ready change depend on their ability to execute plans (Charan & Colvin, 1999, 2001). A qualitative study was conducted with 30 participants of executive and mid-level managers from a large, Fortune 500 company to investigate the influence of organizational culture on the succession planning process. The results indicate that the founder has tremendous influence on organizational processes (i.e., succession planning) via the culture which he or she created early on. According to Schein (1992), succession planning processes serve as secondary embedding mechanisms to perpetuate existing cultural values; as a result they are difficult to change. The vast majority of research to date has utilized quantitative, positivistic methods in the study of succession planning resulting in a multiplicity of variables furthering functionalist pursuits of predictability and generalizability rather than furthering our understanding of the process itself, situated in its natural environment. This study contributes significantly to current research in that it reveals organizational values, purpose, roles, decision-making criteria, selection, development and promotion of potential heir-apparents and how these variables play out in the implementation of a succession plan. Furthermore, previous research suggests that the CEO has primary control over the succession planning process and its results. Although their role is indeed important, this study suggests that it is the trust, identification and commitment of an organization’s members (i.e., employees) and the cultural alignment of organizational processes which ensure that the execution of the succession plan results in a “successful” successor. Human Resource Development is therefore poised to make a bigger impact than ever before as a strategic partner to executive levels of organizations today. Exemplary development and implementation initiatives will need to be managed throughout the ranks.

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