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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of the hermeneutic used by the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa as the basis for its support of apartheid

Reddy, Ronny. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Dallas Theological Seminary, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [47]-50).

An evaluation of the hermeneutic used by the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa as the basis for its support of apartheid

Reddy, Ronny. January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Dallas Theological Seminary, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [47]-50).

Die Bestuur van vertragings en die gevolglike verlenging van konstruksietydperke op bouprojekte in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika

Brummer, Diederick Gerhardus January 1998 (has links)
Vertragings in konstruksie-aktiwiteite wat tot verlenging van konstruksietydperke op bouprojekte lei, hou wesenlike risiko's vir bouhere in en is dikwels bepalend van sukses, al dan nie, daarvan Die kontrakvoorwaardes van toe passing op bouprojekte magtig en verplig argitekte om onder bepaalde omstandighede verlenging van konstruksietydperke toe te staan of te weier. Die geldigheid van die grondslae waarop sodanige verlenging bereken word, word bevraagteken en ondersoek Om rigting aan die studie te gee, word die vergelykbare toedrag van sake op siviele konstruksieprojekte voorgehou om as maatstaf te dien waarteen die posisie op bouprojekte opgeweeg en geevalueer kan word Deur middel van ex post facto-navorsing op beskikbare data word ondersoek tot watter mate bouprojekte in Suid-Afrika betyds of laat voltooi word en wat die ordegrootte van tydige voltooiing en oorskryding van die oorspron.klike beplande konstruksietydperke is. Die omvang van vertragings, wat deur individuele faktore elk afsonderlik op bouprojekte veroorsaak word, word ook ondersoek Met behulp van die ontleding van antwoorde op vraelyste wat aan gekeurde respondente gerig is, word ondersoek of die dienste van 'n onafhanklike beplanningskonsultant aangewend kan word om in die beplanning en skedulering, sowel as die uitvoering van die werke, die behoeftes/vereistes van beide die bouheer en die aannemer te ondervang 'n Meer wetenskaplikverantwoordbare wyse vir die toedeling van die eienaarskap van speling op bouprojekte en die wenslikheid van sodanige stappe, al dan nie, word op 'n soortgelyke manier ondersoek Gemelde ondersoeke lei tot bevindings en gevolgtrekkings wat teen hipotesestellings getoets is. Voorstelle vir verdere navorsing in gebiede aanverwant aan die onderwerp van die proefskrif is gemaak / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 1998. / gm2014 / Construction Economics / restricted

Feed cost sensitivity and commodity risks in pork production in South Africa

Schoeman, Jacobus Johannes 10 May 2013 (has links)
Risks and uncertainty of the future are two of numerous key drivers that decision makers need to take into account when considering opportunities and embarking on new business ventures. As with all agricultural industries, another few factors that need to be considered during decision-making are the pressure of food security, weather changes, input and output price volatility, changes in consumer preference and political instability. Farmers of the 21st century are becoming business executives of their farming enterprises. The rules of the farming industry, and particularly the South African pork industry, are rapidly changing. Information on trends regarding future possibilities is changing the way that pork producers used to do business and view the industry. Economic analysis, animal health, production, genetics and feed utilisation are the standards to measure and evaluate performance for current pork producers and new entrants to the industry. The objective of this study is based on the economic principles that examine feed price sensitivity and the associated commodity risks in a pork production unit. These principles are applied in the evaluation of possible risk aversion alternatives. This was achieved by redesigning an out-dated pork price-sensitivity model to produce outputs that are of value to decision makers in the industry. These outputs assist in testing different risk aversion alternatives that are available to a pork producer to hedge input cost risks in order to achieve a sustainable profit margin and the ability to expand operations in a sustainable way. The main objective of this study was to redesign a feed input price-sensitivity model for pork producers who mainly use home mixing of feeds. Risks directly affecting feed costs and thus profit margins, needed to be identified and different risk-minimising strategies and alternatives evaluated and tested on a farm level. Scenarios based on possible price ranges of commodities were calculated, as well as the impact and scale that fluctuations in these prices could possibly have on a pork producer’s profit levels. Redesigning the pork price-sensitivity model was achieved by using the principle of a dynamic approach to modelling, whereby all varying factors and inputs can be captured in an MS Excel setup according to changes in industry prices and dynamics. This application was a requirement because of the high volatility of the input commodity price for the major feed commodities such as maize, sunflower and soya oil cakes, and wheat bran. As part of this study, the following economic applications were combined to answer the research questions. These applications included the market environment for South African pork production, strategic planning, scenario analysis and hedging feed commodity prices with options as well as alternative pricing contracts. Risks classified as priority and of highest concern in the pig industry in South Africa were price volatility in especially the grain market of feed commodities, financial and economic instability and the political [instability] risk. These risks needed to be factored into the decision-making and strategic planning process when the model outputs were evaluated. The methodology applies was to measure the sensitivity that feed commodities have on the gross income (income minus feed cost at a predetermined price for commodities and quantity level), the principle of price elasticity was applied, by using the changes in commodity prices over the changes in gross income. The sensitivity of yellow maize, soya (full fat and oil cake), and sunflower and wheat bran was tested to determine the impact that these commodities individually contribute to the overall feed cost in a pork unit. From the price elasticity and sensitivity calculations and evaluations, it became clear that volume, in conjunction with commodity cost, are important considerations on which decisions from a managerial perspective can be based. A pork producer can choose to be price-elastic/-inelastic according to the levels of sensitivity towards price changes consistent with his/her preference to risk. The scenarios illustrated the risk that a producer can face on an annual basis, and which commodities have the biggest impact on profit levels when prices fluctuate. Maize was seen as being the highest contributor and risk to upward/downward movements. Different alternatives to hedging price risks on the market were tested and the impact of making a decision in the market illustrated. From these calculations, it was clear that each alternative yielded its own risks and opportunities. The minimum price option posed the lowest risk, although a premium is paid, it still allows a pork producer to benefit from rising prices. The recommendation to the pork industry is to expand the study of the industry on a financial basis. Due to recent changes to the National Credit Act (No. 34 of 2005) on the regulation of credit, credit management are becoming stricter from a financial institutional point of view. A producer must be able to prove that his/her farm is sustainable and does not pose a risk to the institution granting the loan. Loan grant decision makers are not always knowledgeable about the different farming industries and practices. It is therefore important that this model is used to identify risks and that the results, together with an indication of how these risks will be dealt with given different market scenarios, are included in pork producers business plans. Other recommendations included the following: <ul> <li> This study should be used by decision makers in SAPPO and the industry to base decisions regarding the economic value of production on;</il> <li> Home mixers should evaluate the financial impact if inputs in their existing feeding system change, as well as possible ways in which these changes might affect their cash flow;</li> <li> Producers should acquire a better understanding of SAFEX in the industry by obtaining more case study examples of how hedging risks could be applied to the advantage of a pork producer;</li> <li> Technology should be used more frequently to communicate relevant and updated market information to role players to equip them for decision-making processes on current and future market developments and scope;</li> <li> Opportunities to engage in pork meat price futures contracts (trades as pork bellies in the US) should be investigated to give open market producers a tool to contract their products in the future;</li> <li> Consumer trends needs to be analysed and constantly revised to ensure that producers will be able to deliver products in line with the needs of future consumers; and</li> <li> Interdisciplinary relationships with respect to animal science, animal health nutrition, agricultural economics, soil science, SAFEX and offset markets should be fully incorporated in the outputs. This will facilitate the true delivery of an exact research output that can be used by role players in the applicable industry to base good judgement decisions on in future.</li></ul> AFRIKAANS : Risiko’s en onsekerheid is twee van vele sleutelareas wat besluitnemers in ag moet neem wanneer hulle geleenthede oorweeg en nuwe besigheidsgeleenthede ontgin. Soos met alle sektore in die landbou, is nog ‘n faktore wat tydens besluitneming in gedagte gehou moet word onder andere die druk van voedselsekuriteit, weerveranderings, prysvolatiliteit van in- en uitsette, veranderings in verbruikersvoorkeure en politieke onstabiliteit. Boere van die 21ste eeu is besig om hoof uitvoerende beamptes van hulle eie boerdery-ondernemings te word. Die spelreëls van boerdery, en spesifiek die Suid-Afrikaanse varkindustrie, is besig om vinnig te verander. Inligting oor huidige tendense, wat toekomstige moontlikhede inhou, verander die manier waarop varkprodusente besigheid doen en die industrie beskou. Ekonomiese analises, in kombinasie met dieregesondheid, produksiegenetika en voeding, word die winsdrywers en meet-instrumente waarteen huidige varkprodusente sowel as nuwe toetreders in die industrie hulself kan meet. Die fokus van hierdie studie word gebaseer op die ekonomiese beginsels wat voedingspryssensitiwiteit en die gepaardgaande kommoditeitsrisiko’s in ‘n varkproduksie-eenheid ondersoek. Hierdie beginsels word aangewend in die evaluasie van moontlike risiko-vermydingsalternatiewe. Dit is bereik deur die herontwerp van ‘n verouderde varkpryssensitiewe model om waardevolle uitsette vir die varkprodusente industrie te lewer. Hierdie uitsette help met die toetsing van verskeie risiko-bestuursalternatiewe wat vir die varkprodusent beskibaar is om insetkosterisiko’s te verskans en sodoende ‘n volhoubare winsgrens en die vermoë om werksaamhede op volhoubare wyse uit te brei, te bereik. Die hoofdoelwit van die studie was om ‘n voedingspryssensitiewe model vir varkprodusente wat voer hoofsaaklik tuis meng, te herontwerp. Risiko’s wat voedingskostes en dus winsgrense direk affekteer, moet geïdentifiseer word en verskillende strategië en alternatiewe om risiko’s te beperk moet op plaasvlak geëvalueer en getoets word. Scenarios gebaseer op moontlike kommoditeitsprysreekse is bereken, sowel as die impak en skaal wat skommelings in hierdie pryse moontlik op ‘n varkprodusent se winsgrense tot gevolg kan hê. Die herontwerp van die varkpryssensitiewe model is bereik deur die gebruik van die beginsel van ‘n dinamiese benadering van modellering, waarby alle wisselende faktore en insette in ‘n MS Excel-spreiblad ingevoer kan word, volgens veranderinge in industriepryse en -dinamika. Hierdie toepassing was ‘n vereiste as gevolg van die volatiele aard van insetkommoditeitspryse van die hoofvoedingskommoditeite soos mielies, sonneblom- en soja-oliekoeke en koringsemels. As deel van hierdie studie, is die volgende elemente gekombineer: die markomgewing, strategiese beplanning, scenario-analise, verskansing met afgeleide instrumente (deur gebruik te maak van termyn- en opsiekontrakte) asook alternatiewe aankoopkontrakte. Prysvolatiliteit in veral die graanmark; finansiële en ekonomiese onstabiliteit; en die politieke [onstabiliteit] is geïdentifiseer as die hoogste risikofaktore in die vark-industrie. Daar moet rekening gehou word met hierdie risiko’s tydens die besluitnemings- en strategiese beplanningsproses. Om die sensitiwiteit te meet wat voerkommoditeite op die bruto inkomste het, is die beginsel van pryselastisiteit toegepas deur die veranderinge in kommoditeitspryse oor die veranderinge in bruto inkomste te gebruik. Die sensitiwiteit van geelmielies, soja (volvet en oliekoek), sonneblom en koringsemels is getoets om die impak te bepaal wat hierdie kommoditeite individueel bydra tot die oorkoepelende voerkoste in ‘n varkeenheid. Uit die pryselastisiteits- en sensitiwiteitsberekenings en -evaluasies het dit duidelik geword dat volume, tesame met graanpryse, belangrike oorwegings is waarop besluite uit ‘n bestuursperspektief gebaseer moet word. ‘n Varkprodusent kan kies om pryselasties of -onelastis te wees volgens sy/haar vlakke van sensitiwiteit teenoor prysveranderinge in ooreenstemming met sy/haar risikovoorkeur. Die scenario’s het die risiko geïllustreer wat ‘n produsent op jaarlikse basis kan trotseer en watter kommoditeite die grootste impak op wins het wanneer pryse wissel. Mielies blyk die grootste impak en dus ook risiko, met op- en afwaartse bewegings te wees. Verskeie alternatiewe tot die inperking van prysrisiko’s op die mark is getoets en die impak van besluitneming in die mark geïllustreer. Uit hierdie berekeninge was dit duidelik dat elke alternatief sy eie riskso’s en geleenthede voortbring. Alhoewel ‘n premie betaal is, hou die minimumprys-strategie die laagste risiko vir varkprodusente in deurdat dit steeds ‘n produsent toelaat om voordeel uit wisselende pryse te trek. Daar word aanbeveel dat die studie uitgebrei word om ook die finansiële posisie van 'n varkprodusent in die besluitnemingsmodel in te sluit. Na aanleiding aan die onlangse veranderings aan die Nasionale-kredietwet (Wet No.34 van 2005), word kredietbestuur strenger toegepas. ‘n Produsent moet in staat wees om te kan bewys dat sy/haar besigheid volhoubaar is en nie ‘n risiko inhou vir die instansie wat die lening toestaan nie. Besluitnemers wat lenings toeken is nie altyd ingelig oor die verskillende boerderyindustrië en -gebruike nie. Dit is daarom belangrik dat hierdie model gebruik word om risiko’s te identifiseer en dat die resultate (produksie en finansies), tesame met ‘n aanduiding van hoe hierdie risiko’s hanteer moet word gegewe verskillende markscenario’s, ingesluit moet word in varkprodusente se besigheidsplanne. Ander aanbevelings sluit die volgende in: <ul> <li> Hierdie studie behoort deur besluitnemers in SAPPO en die industrie gebruik te word om besluite met betrekking tot die ekonomiese waarde van produksie op te baseer;</li> <li> Tuismengers behoort die finansiële impak te evalueer indien insette in hulle huidige voedingstelsel verander, sowel as moontlike maniere waarop hierdie veranderinge hulle kontantvloei en winsgewendheid kan affekteer;</li> <li> Produsente behoort ‘n beter begrip oor SAFEX in die industrie te verkry deur meer gevallestudies te bekom oor hoe om die inperking van risiko’s toe te pas tot voordeel van ‘n varkprodusent;</li> <li> Tegnologie behoort meer gereeld gebruik te word om toepaslike en die nuutste markinligting aan rolspelers te kommunikeer om hulle sodoende toe te rus vir besluitnemingsprosesse;</li> <li> Geleenthede om betrokke te raak by varkvleistermynkontrakte behoort ondersoek te word om varkprodusente in staat te stel om ook hul uitsette te verskans;</li> <li> Verbruikersneigings behoort ontleed en voortdurend hersien te word om te verseker dat produsente in staat sal wees om produkte te lewer ooreenkomstig die behoeftes van verbruikers; en</li> <li> Interdissiplinêre verhoudings met betrekking tot veekunde, diere-gesondheids¬voeding, landbou-ekonomie, grondkunde, SAFEX en verskansing, behoort ten volle geïnkorporeer te word by die uitsette. In die toekoms sal dit die lewering van ‘n presiese navorsingsuitset kan fasiliteer wat deur rolspelers in die toepaslike industrie gebruik kan word om goeie oordeelkundige besluite op te baseer.</li> </ul> / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development / unrestricted

‘n Tentatiewe gemeenskap en die demokrasie wat moet kom – ‘n regsfilosofiese ondersoek (Afrikaans)

Heyns, Anri 25 May 2012 (has links)
This dissertation contemplates the possibility of a relationship between democracy and the democracy to come experienced from within an inoperative community of law students. The reason for this contemplation is to ascertain to what extent lawyers and law students in particular can contribute to transformation in South Africa. With transformation I envision the ongoing questioning of well known identities, opening up the structure for discourse on new possibilities of meaning. The relationship envisioned by a democracy in waiting of the democracy to come constitutes transformation. I investigate the radical and transcendental nature of human rights and democracy, to show the potential within these concepts to encompass transformation. The nature of these concepts will however allow misuse and manipulation which will be detrimental to the pursuit of transformation and democracy to come. Due to the legal nature of human rights and their entrenchment in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, lawyers will by means of legal interpretation be responsible for the fixture of meaning of these concepts. Even though I do not argue for a definite distinction, I identify two aspects which may influence the way in which lawyers perform legal interpretation: the structure of the law and the cultural aspect of the law or legal culture. The focus is on legal culture, as a form of community of lawyers. Due to the traditionally conservative approach of South African legal culture to legal interpretation, transformative constitutionalism, a project by means of which lawyers partake in social and political projects by means of legal interpretation, is hindered. I argue that the transformation of legal culture in itself can occur at the foundations of legal culture: tertiary legal education. I argue that law students serve as a community in which legal culture is founded continuously by means of confirmation, instead of critical contestation. Law students are unaware of the impact legal culture has on the way they are taught to think and argue about the law. A community of lawyers is therefore created which is unable to critically evaluate the law – a skill which is required to promote human rights and democracy in the pursuit of transformation. I argue for legal interpretation to be orientated towards the needs of the society being served and for meaning of rights and meaning in general to be relational and not individually centred. It is therefore necessary to rethink the idea of community – with regards to the community of lawyers of legal culture, but also with regards to the greater community being served by lawyers. Community in the true sense of the word is however always eluding us which space creates the hope for community. The residue? The inoperative community. The temporary nature of the getting together focuses on the only true common denominator – difference. What we have in common is the fact that we are different. Meaning can therefore only be temporary. I argue that law students can from this perspective create human rights and democracy discourse which can promote transformation. Copyright / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Jurisprudence / Unrestricted

Motief, doel en bedoeling in die Suid-Afrikaanse belastingreg (Afrikaans)

Lloyd, Morthimer James 30 August 2012 (has links)
Die gevolge van 'n belastingpligtige se handelinge word binne die belastingreg beoordeel aan die hand van verskillende maatstawwe. Die maatstaf van doel word deur die Wetgewer by die klassifikasie van die belastingpligtige se handelinge by die toepassing van verskeie belastingreëls voorgeskryf. Die howe het oak by geleentheid die maatstaf van doel by die interpretasie van verskeie belastingreëls, waar dit nie uitdruklik voorgeskryf is nie, toegepas. Verskeie vertakkinge van die reg onderskei tussen motief, doel en bedoeling wannear die maatstaf van doel of bedoeling toegepas moet word. Hierdie begrippe is by die interpretasie van verskeie belastingreëls, waar die toepassing van die maatstaf van doel voorgeskryf word, ingevoer. Sommige kenners meen dat 'n soortgelyke onderskeiding nie in die belastingreg tuishoort nie. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om, met verwysing na die betekenis en toepassing. van die begrippe, motief, doel en bedoeling in ander regsvertakkinge, die betekenis en toepassing daarvan in die Suid-Afrikaanse belastingreg vas te stel. Met ander woorde, die ondersoek behoort aan te toon of 'n onderskeiding tussen motief, doel en bedoeling in die belastingreg toegepas word, en indien dit nie toe gepas word nie, of dit wei nuttig toegepas kan word. Verder is gepoog om die beperkings van en noodsaaklikheid vir die toepassing van die maatstaf van doel in die belastingreg vas te stel. Dit blyk uit die ondersoek dat die toepassing van die maatstaf van doel by die toepassing van bepaalde belastingreëls nag nie gesuiwer is nie en dat dit lei tot regsonsekerheid en onbillikheid. Verder blyk dit duidelik uit die ondersoek dat die toepassing van die maatstaf van doel wei gesuiwer kan word deur die betekenisse van die begrippe, motief, doel en bedoeling te onderskei en gevolglik korrek toe te pas. In die laaste plek toon die ondersoek aan dat die toepassing van die maatstaf van doel in die belastingreg deur verskeie faktore beperk word, maar dat die toepassing daarvan om verskeie redes noodsaaklik is. Daar word aanbeveel dat die Wetgewer kennis moet neem van die betekenisse van die begrippe motief, doel en bedoeling en 'n vermenging daarvan by die formulering van belastingreëls moet vermy. Dit sal 'n bydrae lewer tot eenvoudiger interpretasie van die betrokke reëls asook 'n meer korrekte toepassing daarvan op die handelinge van die belastingpligtige. Verder behoort die howe nie die onderskeiding van motief, doel en bedoeling by die toepassing van die maatstaf van doel, by die uitleg van belastingreëls te vermy nie. Dit sal onsekerheid en onbillikheid met betrekking tot die toepassing van die betrokke reëls verhoed. ENGLISH : The Income Tax Law in South Africa requires that a taxpayer's actions or transactions are to be classified Qudged) with reference to various criteria. The Legislature requires the application of the criterium of purpose to classify a taxpayer's activities and transactions in terms of various tax rules. Even the Courts applied the criterium of purpose in the interpretation of various tax rules where the criteria has not been specifically required by the legislature. Various branches of the law distinguishes between motive, purpose and intention where the criteria of purpose or intention are required to classify activities. The study indicated that various learned writers are of the opinion that a similar distinction cannot be applied in the Income Tax Law of South Africa. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of motive, purpose and intention within the South African Income Tax Law by studying the meaning of the words as they are used in other branches of the law. In other words, the result of the study should indicate whether a similar distinction between motive, purpose and intention is applied in the Income Tax Law and if not, whether such a distinction can be applied in the Income Tax Law. Furthermore, the limitations and necessity of the application of the criteria of purpose in the Income Tax Law was determined. The study indicated that the application of the criterium of purpose in the interpretation of various tax rules had not been clearly distinguished and defined. This fact leads to uncertainty and unfairness in the application of these tax rules. It also became apparent that the application of the criteria of motive, purpose and intention could be more clearly defined and distincted in order to lead to more certain and fair application of income tax rules. Lastly, the study indicated that the application of the criteria of purpose and intention in the Income Tax Law are being limited by various factors but that the application thereof in the Income Tax Law are, because of various reasons, inevitable. It is proposed that the Legislature must take cognisance of the meaning of the criteria of motive, purpose and intention in other branches of the law and that the correct distinction in the formulating of tax rules must be applied. This will contribute to a more just interpretation of the various tax rules as well as a more proper application thereof in the classification of the taxpayer's actions or transactions. Furthermore, it is proposed that the Courts, in the interpretation of the various tax rules, should not avoid to distinguish between motive, purpose and intention. This will have the result that uncertainty and unfairness will be reduced in the application of the various tax rules. Copyright / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Auditing / Unrestricted

Bemagtiging van ouers en opvoeders in selfbesturende skole in Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans)

Du Toit, Retha Martjie 09 December 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MEd (Education Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Gesondheid in ontwikkelingsperspektief: 'n gevallestudie van Loxton

Waterboer, Hannes Matthew January 1992 (has links)
Magister Artium (Development Studies) - MA(DVS) / Die doel van die navorsingsprojek is om die gesondheidsvoorsiening en -benutting van In klein landelike gemeenskap te ondersoek. Dit is egter nie moontlik om na die gesondheidsituasie van die inwoners in isolasie te kyk en terselfdertyd In volledige beeld van die gesondheid van die inwoners te kry nie. Die gesondheid van die individu, en die gemeenskap in die breë, is onlosmaaklik gekoppel aan die algemene welstand van die individu en die gemeenskap (Botha; 1984:2; Wilson & Ramphele; 1989:292). Van die siektes wat deur die armes ondervind word, kan direk of indirek na hul ekonomies-maatskaplike omstandighede teruggevoerword. Die armoede-verskynsels kan dus nie gekompartementaliseer word nie, maar daar moet noodwendig na die globale lewensopset van die teikengroep gekyk word as een aspek van die totale probleem uitgelig en bestudeer wil word. wilson en Ramphele (1989:4) het vier redes uitgesonder waarom In studie van die armoede-vraagstuk belangrik is: * die skade wat armoede aan die individu rig; * die negatiewe ekonomiese impak wat armoede op die individu het; * armoede is die manifestasie van groot ongelykhede, en * armoede is In simptoom van In dieperliggende probleem.

Die wanbetaling van lewensversekering : ‘n analise van die redes, die gevolge vir die versekeraar, kliënt, bemarker en remediërende optrede (Afrikaans)

Van der Walt, Phillipus Jacobus 07 April 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die lewensversekeringsbedryf in Suid-Arrika is ‘n groot mobi1iseerder van langtermyn diskresionêre kapitaal en verleen beskerming teen finansiële ver1iese wat weens die intrede van persoonlike risiko’s voorkom. Die mate waarin fondse na die bedryf vloei toon dat die publiek lewensversekering wel belangrik ag en dat dit reeds ‘n algemene begrip en ‘n belangrike komponent van die uitgawes of kontantvloei van baie huishoudings vorm. Soos in die res van die wêreld. gaan die plaaslike bedryf ook gebuk onder die probleem dat k1iënte hulle versekering tot nadeel van al die belanghebbers ontydig beëindig. Daar bestaan nie ‘n bepaalde of dominante rede vir die wanbetaling van versekering nie, maar dit kan aan die sameloop van verskillende faktore toegeskryf word. Groot bedrae geld word op hierdie wyse oneffektief aangewend en nie benut waarvoor dit bedoel was nie. Uit die studie het dit duidclik geword dat die kliënte baie onkundig met betrekking tot persoonlike finansiële beplanning is waar ’n versekering ‘n besondere belangrike rol speel. Tydens die bemarkingsproses maak kliënte hoofsaaklik op die tussengangers se ervaring. kennis, betroubaarheid, integriteit ens., staat om van die “beste of toepas1ike advies" voorsien te word. Dit plaas lewensversekering in die kader van finansiële dienste en moet die kenmerke, te wete. nie-tasbaarheid. bederfbaarheid ens., deeglik in ag geneem word. K1iënte se reaktiewe optrede veroorsaak dat die meeste versekering aan hulle verkoop en nie gekoop word nie. Voorspruitend hieruit rus ‘n verpligting op versekeraars om toe te sien dat hulle tussengangers toegerus is om aan die kliënte se verwagtinge te voldoen. Indien nie, is die beskerming wat tans aan die kliënte via selfregulering, die Suid-Afrikaanse reg, ens., verleen word, so gebrekkig dat dit van nul en gener waarde is. Die belanghebbers se interafhanklikheid vereis dat elkeen ‘n verpligting het om toe te sien dat die diskresionêre kapitaal optimaal benut word. Die versekeraars se onherroeplike enIof onbeperkte afhanklikheid van kliënte en tussengangers noodsaak daadwerklike optrede deur hulle om die posisie te verbeter. Daar is egter geen beperking op versekeraars om aksie te neem nie, behalwe dit wat hulle self opgelê het. Die persepsie is dat die versekeraars poog om hulle verpligtinge teenoor die kliënte te systap. Die versekeraars kan die probleem op ‘n gefragmenteerde basis hanteer. Die gevaar is egter dat die simptome, in plaas van die probleem aangespreek word. Die ideaal is om die probleem holisties aan te spreek waarby die totale bemarkingsproses in heroorweging geneem behoort te word. Dit is egter twyfelagtig of statutêre intervensie enige oplossing gaan bied. / ENGLISH: The life assurance industry is a huge mobiliser of long-term discretionary capital and provides a safeguard against financial losses caused by the occurrence of personal risks. The amounts of money flowing to the industry indicate that life assurance is of great importance to the public. That it is generally accepted and that it forms a big part of the cash flow in many households. The local industry, as in the rest of the world, suffers under the untimely cessation of assurance by clients, to the detriment of all stakeholders. The terminations cannot be ascribed to a specific or dominant reason but is caused by a number of contributory circumstances. Large sums of money are inefficiently spent and not used for the purpose for which the policies were taken out. The study has shown that clients are ignorant about financial planning in which assurance plays a very important role. During the marketing process. clients rely to large extent on the experience, knowledge, trustworthiness and integrity of the intermediaries to provide them with the "best or suitable advice". This places assurance in the realm of financial services so that the resultant characteristics. e.g. intangibility and the perishable nature of assurance should be considered. The clients' reactive attitude is a also the reason why assurance is sold and not bought by them. This implies that assurance companies should ensure that their intermediaries are fully equipped to meet the needs of their clients. It is of the utmost importance since the protection afforded by means of self-regulation in the industry and the South African Law, are insufficient and of no real value. The interdependence of the stakeholders means that everyone has the obligation to ensure that the clients' discretionary money is utilized optimally. The irrevocable and unlimited dependence of life assurance companies on their clients and intermediaries requires decisive action by insurers to improve the situation. Except for self-imposed limitations there are in actual fact no restrictions placed on assurance companies to address the problem. It is perceived that insurers try to evade their responsibilities towards their clients. The insurers can handle the problem in a fragmented manner. The danger is that, if this is the case, the symptoms and not the problem will be addressed. The ideal is for a holistic approach involving the total marketing process. It is doubtful whether statutory intervention would provide any solution. / Thesis (DCom)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Insurance and Actuarial Science / unrestricted

A comparative study of tax relief measures for small medium and micro enterprises in South Africa and Australia

Aucamp, Janetta 26 July 2011 (has links)
It has been acknowledged internationally and locally that small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) play a vital role in the economic growth of a country. SMMEs enhance a country’s economy by reducing unemployment and thus poverty through job creation. Unemployment in South Africa was 25,3% in the second quarter of 2010. It is thus important for the South African Government to support SMMEs in order to reduce the country’s unemployment rate. SMMEs should therefore have efficient tax systems with effective tax relief measures to facilitate their establishment as well as their future development. South Africa’s tax legislation currently does contain tax relief measures for SMMEs. However, improvement is still needed due to the country’s high unemployment rate. Much can be learnt from Australia as new legislation has recently been introduced in Australia which standardises the criteria for an entity to qualify as an SMME for tax purposes. As the focus of this research was on SMMEs, the study commenced with an analysis of the definition of an SMME. Thereafter, the tax relief measures currently available in South Africa and in Australia were identified. The reasons for the implementation of these relief measures together with previous research performed were included in the discussion. Finally, the South African and Australian tax relief measures were critically compared. As a result, this study will assist the South African Government to enhance the formation and development of SMMEs through identifying tax relief measures available in Australia, which have not yet been incorporated into South African tax legislation. It was not possible from the information obtained in this study to determine whether the tax relief measures currently available in Australia are suitable to be implemented in South Africa. Further research should be conducted to determine whether South African SMMEs will benefit from the tax relief measures available in Australia and whether it is appropriate to include those relief measures in South African tax legislation. AFRIKAANS : Daar word internasionaal en plaaslik erken dat klein, medium en mikro-ondernemings (KMMO’s) ʼn belangrike rol in ʼn land se ekonomiese groei speel. Deur werkskepping verminder KMMO’s die land se werkloosheid en dus armoede en sodoende word die land se ekonomie bevorder. Die werkloosheidsyfer in Suid-Afrika vir die tweede kwartaal van 2010 was 25,3%. Dit is dus belangrik vir die regering om KMMO’s te ondersteun om sodoende die land se werkloosheidsyfer te verlaag. KMMO’s behoort dus doeltreffende belastingstelsels te hê, met geskikte belastingverligtingsmaatreëls, om die stigting sowel as toekomstige ontwikkeling van hierdie entiteite te vergemaklik. Suid-Afrika se belastingwetgewing bevat tans belastingverligtingsmaatreëls vir KMMO’s. Weens die hoë werkloosheidsyfer, kan dit egter nog verbeter. Suid-Afrika kan baie van Australië leer, aangesien Australië onlangs nuwe wetgewing ingestel het wat die kriteria vir ʼn entiteit om as ʼn KMMO vir belastingdoeleindes te kwalifiseer, standaardiseer. Aangesien hierdie ondersoek gerig is op KMMO’s, begin die studie met ʼn ontleding van die definisie van ʼn KMMO. Daarna is die belastingverligtingsmaatreëls wat tans in Suid-Afrika en Australië beskikbaar is, geïdentifiseer. Die redes vir die implementering van hierdie belastingverligtingsmaatreëls sowel as vorige navorsing wat gedoen is, is ingesluit in die bespreking. Ten laaste is die Suid-Afrikaanse en die Australiese belastingverligtingsmaatreëls krities vergelyk. Die studie behoort die Suid-Afrikaanse regering te help om die stigting en toekomstige ontwikkeling van hierdie entiteite te vergemaklik deur Australiese belastingverligtingsmaatreëls, wat nog nie in die Suid-Afrikaanse belastingwetgewing vervat is nie, te identifiseer. Dit is nie moontlik om uit die inligting wat in hierdie studie verkry is, te bepaal of die belastingverligtingsmaatreëls wat tans in Australië beskikbaar is, geskik is om in Suid-Afrika toegepas te word nie. Verder navorsing sal kan bepaal of Suid-Afrikaanse KMMO’s voordeel sal trek uit die belastingverligting wat in Australië beskikbaar is en of dit geskik is om hierdie belastingverligting in Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing in te sluit. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Taxation / unrestricted

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