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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predictive Quality Analytics

Salim A Semssar (11823407) 03 January 2022 (has links)
Quality drives customer satisfaction, improved business performance, and safer products. Reducing waste and variation is critical to the financial success of organizations. Today, it is common to see Lean and Six Sigma used as the two main strategies in improving Quality. As advancements in information technologies enable the use of big data, defect reduction and continuous improvement philosophies will benefit and even prosper. Predictive Quality Analytics (PQA) is a framework where risk assessment and Machine Learning technology can help detect anomalies in the entire ecosystem, and not just in the manufacturing facility. PQA serves as an early warning system that directs resources to where help and mitigation actions are most needed. In a world where limited resources are the norm, focused actions on the significant few defect drivers can be the difference between success and failure

A Framework Based on Social Network Analysis (SNA) to Evaluate Facilities and Alternative Network Designs for Closed Loop Supply Chains

Akbar Ghanadian, Sara 16 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Critical Transmission Sectors of Energy-Water-GHG Nexus / Critical Transmission Sectors of Energy-Water-GHG Nexus

Wang, Xuechao January 2020 (has links)
Využití vody, spotřeba energie a emise skleníkových plynů (GHG) jsou rozhodujícími ukazateli a do značné míry souvisí s udržováním nebo dosahováním environmentální a sociální udržitelnosti. Tato práce prezentuje vyvinuté metodiky. Představuje také provedené případové studie, které prozkoumaly a identifikovaly Water-Energy-GHG Nexus (WEGN) z pohledu dodavatelského řetězce. Pro analýzu a návrh sítě WEGN jsou navrženy tři metodiky, které jsou založeny na nové aplikaci a integraci modelu vstup-výstup (IO), geografického informačního systému (GIS) a sítě dodavatelského řetězce (SCN), a zároveň řeší výzvy, které dříve neumožňovali praktické implementace. Použitelnost těchto metod je prokázána třemi komplexními případovými studiemi zaměřenými na odvětvovou environmentální účinnost, regionální environmentální účinnost a kritické přenosy WEGN. Mezi mé příspěvky v této oblasti patří: i. Nový nástroj pro hodnocení založený na IO pro identifikaci regionální environmentální účinnosti z hlediska WEGN, zejména pro regiony, které jsou úzce propojenyobchodem. ii. Pokročilá integrace metodik GIS a IO (GIS-IO) za účelem odhalení a mapování sítě WEGN, sledování kritických meziregionálních a sektorových toků WEGN, vyjasnění regionálních, odvětvových a celosvětových vzorců sítě WEGN a určení souvisejících výhod pro různé regiony. iii. Efektivní metoda hodnocení založená na IO a SCN pro kvantifikaci sektorových koeficientů WEGN. Navrhované metodiky, s podporou sady komplexních základních rovnic, transformují komplikované výzvy identifikace a analýzy sítě WEGN do snadno srozumitelného formátu, z čehož vznikají robustní řešení pro zlepšení posuzování environmentální udržitelnosti a zmírnění environmentálních tlaků. Například v jedné z případových studií ukazují výsledky nového přístupu GIS-IO zjevné rozdíly mezi různými zeměmi v rámci EU27, mezi různými sektory a také pokud srovnáme EU27 jako blok zemí, s ostatními státy světa. Analýza ukázala, že země EU27 přispěly o 1.4 Gt nižšími emisemi CO2, o 64.5 Gm3 menší spotřebou vody a 4.9 × 104 PJ nižší spotřebou energie ve srovnání se zbytkem světa, přičemž generovaly ekvivalentní ekonomickou produkci. To má dramatický dopad na globální prostředí. Největší úspěch v CWE mezi zeměmi EU27 měly Německo, Francie a Itálie. Práce doporučuje, aby EU27 poskytovala více technické podpory zemím, které těchto výsledků nedosahují, aby se zvýšila účinnost využívání zdrojů.

Organizational structures, gender roles and performance of smallholders in Africa – Insights from the Nigerian shrimp and prawn sector

Adetoyinbo, Ayobami 20 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Models, Algorithms and Digital Technologies for the Automation and Collaboration of Connected Smart Factories in an Industry 4.0 Environment

Cañas Sánchez, Héctor Enrique 18 December 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los sistemas tradicionales de planificación y control de la producción (PPC) se centran en producir lo que demanda el mercado, con la calidad, el calendario y los volúmenes previstos al mínimo coste, ajustándose al mismo tiempo a las disrupciones de la cadena de suministro. La exploración e implementación de nuevos avances tecnológicos en el marco de la industria 4.0 (I4.0), como sistemas ciberfísicos (CPS), fabricación en la nube (CMfg), fabricación aditiva (AM), big data, inteligencia artificial y la Internet de las cosas (IoT), podrían cambiar aspectos organizativos tales como las responsabilidades de PPC. En este contexto, no se identificaron estudios sobre un sistema para la toma de decisiones, arquitecturas y marcos conceptuales para los nuevos sistemas inteligentes de PPC e I4.0. En este contexto de nuevos cambios tecnológicos y organizativos a los que tienen que hacer frente las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMEs), surge el problema de diseñar herramientas de PPC que permitan la integración y colaboración de las operaciones de producción. Así, basándose en las nuevas tecnologías de producción digital y en las herramientas organizativas que darán soporte a las fábricas inteligentes conectadas del futuro, se identificó la falta de un sistema integrado de PPC e I4.0. Esta tesis doctoral es un compendio de artículos que abordan una amplia revisión bibliográfica sobre la PPC en un entorno de I4.0. También, se propone un marco conceptual y el diseño de modelos y algoritmos para la toma de decisiones y dar soporte a las funciones de PPC en un contexto digital I4.0 basado en las nuevas tecnologías de producción digital y herramientas organizativas que darán soporte a las fábricas inteligentes colaborativas y conectadas del futuro. Los modelos matemáticos y algoritmos propuestos se centran en resolver el problema del diseño y planificación de una cadena de suministro sostenible y resiliente en la que las decisiones estratégicas y tácticas se toman de forma integrada. Los modelos, algoritmos y método de resolución se han programado en Python. Los modelos han sido validados mediante un software que genera instancias de datos sintéticos y permite evaluar la complejidad computacional de los mismos. El desarrollo de este tipo de modelos y algoritmos supone una contribución al ámbito académico e investigador y, concretamente, en el área de PPC. / [CA] En l'actualitat, els sistemes tradicionals de planificació i control de la producció (PPC) se centren en produir el que demanda el mercat, amb la qualitat, el calendari i els volums previstos al mínim cost, ajustant-se al mateix temps a les pertorbacions. L'exploració i implementació de nous avanços tecnològics, com CPS, fabricació en el núvol (CMfg), fabricació additiva (AM), big data, intelligència artificial i el IoT, podrien canviar aspectes organitzatius, com les responsabilitats de PPC. En aquest context, no es van identificar estudis sobre un sistema per a la presa de decisions, arquitectures i marcs conceptuals per als nous sistemes intelligents de PPC i I4.0. En aquest context de nous canvis tecnològics i organitzatius als quals han de fer front les petites i mitjanes empreses (PIME), sorgeix el problema de dissenyar eines de PPC que permeten la integració i collaboració de les operacions de producció. Així, basant-se en les noves tecnologies de producció digital i en les eines organitzatives que donaran suport a les fàbriques intelligents connectades del futur, es va identificar la falta d'un sistema integrat de la PPC i I4.0. Aquesta investigació és un compendi d'articles que aborden una àmplia revisió bibliogràfica sobre la PPC en un entorn I4.0. També proposa un marc conceptual i el disseny de models i algorismes per a la presa de decisions i per a donar suport a les funcions de PPC en un context digital I4.0 basat en les noves tecnologies de producció digital i eines organitzatives que donaran suport a les fàbriques intelligents col·laboratives i connectades del futur. Els models matemàtics i algorismes proposats se centren en resoldre el problema del disseny d'una cadena de subministrament sostenible i resistent en la qual les decisions estratègiques i tàctiques es prenen de forma integrada. Els models, algorismes i mètode de resolució s'han programat en Python. Els models han sigut validats mitjançant un programari que genera instàncies de dades sintètiques i permet avaluar la complexitat computacional dels models. El desenvolupament d'aquesta mena de models i algorismes suposa una important contribució a l'àmbit acadèmic. / [EN] Currently, traditional production planning and control (PPC) systems focus on producing what the market demands with the expected quality, schedule and volumes at a minimum cost, while adjusting for disruption. The exploration and implementation of new technological advances, such as CPS, cloud manufacturing (CMfg), additive manufacturing (AM), big data, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), could change organisational aspects like PPC responsibilities. In this context, no studies on a system for decision making, architectures and conceptual frameworks for the new intelligent systems of PPC and industry 4.0 (I4.0) have been identified. In this context of new technological and organisational changes that small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have to face, the problem of designing PPC tools that enable the integration and collaboration of production operations arises. Thus, based on the new digital production technologies and organisational tools that will support the connected smart factories of the future, lack of an integrated PPC and I4.0 system was identified. The present doctoral thesis is a compendium of articles addressing a comprehensive literature review on PPC in an I4.0 environment. It also proposes a conceptual framework and the design of models and algorithms for decision making and to support PPC functions in a digital I4.0 context based on the new digital production technologies and organisational tools that will support the collaborative and connected smart factories of the future. The proposed mathematical models and algorithms focus on solving the problem of designing a sustainable and resilient supply chain where strategic and tactical decisions are made in an integrated way. The models, algorithms and resolution method have been programmed in Python. The models have been validated by means of software that generates synthetic data instances and allows the models' computational complexity to be evaluated. The development of this type of models and algorithms is a significant contribution to the academic field. / I would like to thank the following projects and universities for having financed the publications included in this doctoral thesis: • European Commission Horizon 2020 project entitled "Crop diversification and low-input farming cross Europe: From practitioners' engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and value chain organisation' (Diverfarming), grant agreement 728003. • Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities project entitled 'Optimization of zero-defect production technologies enabling supply chains 4.0 (CADS4.0)' (RTI2018-101344-B-I00). • European Union H2020 program with grant agreement no. 958205 "Industrial Data Services for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing (i4Q)". • European Union H2020 Program with grant agreement nº 825631 "Zero- Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP)". / Cañas Sánchez, HE. (2023). Models, Algorithms and Digital Technologies for the Automation and Collaboration of Connected Smart Factories in an Industry 4.0 Environment [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202312 / Compendio

The development of a framework for an integrated logistics support system within a high technology industry in a developing country

Lambert, Keith Richard 31 March 2008 (has links)
Competitive and high-risk environments require complex high technology systems, which need to be supported and maintained over their respective life cycles. These systems often have a significant consequence of failure, and require complex management systems to achieve their operational objectives. Significant leadership and management challenges exist, not only in South Africa, but also in other developing countries, where systems may be utilised beyond the lifespan they were designed for and are susceptible to obsolescence. This study was conducted by following a structured process; the research consisted of three stages. The first stage dealt with the research problem, including the delimitations of the study. The second stage was further divided into three phases. The first phase deconstructed the appropriate literature, which included the interpretation of numerous definitions of logistics, integrated logistics support, and the integrated logistics support elements. In addition, the research was grounded in the fields of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support. The second phase focused on the deconstruction of six case studies from four different high technology complex systems. From the analysis of the first two phases followed the third phase of research, which focused on the identification of areas requiring further research. Further research was conducted by means of a questionnaire, the results of which were analysed for variable dependency and variable association. The third stage of the research included the collation and analysis of the findings of the first two stages of research. The analysis utilised the principles of Mode 2 research and design science research, whereby an ILS framework and associated grounded technological rules have been recommended. These recommendations are robust in nature, as they can be applied in the most challenging environment and circumstances as identified. Furthermore, by grounding the theory in the disciplines of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support, the reliability, validity, relevance, and applicability of the study could be substantiated. This implied that the generated theoretical knowledge could be transferred to and applied in practice, and as such, an organisation can reap substantial value added benefits, and gain considerable competitive advantage in the market place by applying this developed ILS framework and associated ILS grounded technological rules. / Business Leadership / D. BL.

The development of a framework for an integrated logistics support system within a high technology industry in a developing country

Lambert, Keith Richard 31 March 2008 (has links)
Competitive and high-risk environments require complex high technology systems, which need to be supported and maintained over their respective life cycles. These systems often have a significant consequence of failure, and require complex management systems to achieve their operational objectives. Significant leadership and management challenges exist, not only in South Africa, but also in other developing countries, where systems may be utilised beyond the lifespan they were designed for and are susceptible to obsolescence. This study was conducted by following a structured process; the research consisted of three stages. The first stage dealt with the research problem, including the delimitations of the study. The second stage was further divided into three phases. The first phase deconstructed the appropriate literature, which included the interpretation of numerous definitions of logistics, integrated logistics support, and the integrated logistics support elements. In addition, the research was grounded in the fields of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support. The second phase focused on the deconstruction of six case studies from four different high technology complex systems. From the analysis of the first two phases followed the third phase of research, which focused on the identification of areas requiring further research. Further research was conducted by means of a questionnaire, the results of which were analysed for variable dependency and variable association. The third stage of the research included the collation and analysis of the findings of the first two stages of research. The analysis utilised the principles of Mode 2 research and design science research, whereby an ILS framework and associated grounded technological rules have been recommended. These recommendations are robust in nature, as they can be applied in the most challenging environment and circumstances as identified. Furthermore, by grounding the theory in the disciplines of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support, the reliability, validity, relevance, and applicability of the study could be substantiated. This implied that the generated theoretical knowledge could be transferred to and applied in practice, and as such, an organisation can reap substantial value added benefits, and gain considerable competitive advantage in the market place by applying this developed ILS framework and associated ILS grounded technological rules. / Business Leadership / D. BL.

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