Spelling suggestions: "subject:"uur"" "subject:"rur""
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Étude de l'altération de la réponse ventilatoire à l'hypercapnie, chez le rat adulte, induite par un stress néonatalDumont, Frédéric 18 April 2018 (has links)
La relation entre la mère et l'enfant a un impact sur le développement du système nerveux du nouveau-né. La séparation maternelle néonatale (SMN) est un modèle de stress, chez le rat, perturbant cette relation. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux conséquences à long terme de ce stress néonatal sur les mécanismes contrôlant la ventilation lors d'un excès sanguin de CO2 (hypercapnie). Une altération de ce réflexe ventilatoire est une des causes de plusieurs troubles respiratoires tels que les apnées du sommeil. Il a été observé, dans notre laboratoire, que la SMN altère la réponse ventilatoire à l'hypercapnie (RVHC) de façon différente selon le sexe de l'animal. Cette thèse a pour but de trouver les mécanismes, affectés par la SMN, responsables des altérations de la RVHC. Nous nous sommes premièrement intéressés à la contribution des chémorécepteurs et barorécepteurs carotidiens chez les mâles. Cette étude a révélé une inhibition de la contribution des chémorécepteurs carotidiens à la ventilation et une augmentation du baroréflexe inhibant la ventilation. Par contre, il subsiste toujours une diminution de la sensibilité de la RVHC qui n'est pas attribuable aux corps carotidiens. Nous avons donc évalué la chémodétection centrale, mais elle ne semble pas responsable du phénotype. Par la suite, nous avons testé l'influence des récepteurs bronchopulmonaires d'étirement sur la ventilation. Nous avons observé une inhibition du réflexe d'Hering-Breuer chez les rats SMN qui pourrait expliquer l'altération de la RVHC dans certaines conditions. Finalement, chez les rates adultes, nous avons découvert que la SMN n'affecte pas la production d'hormones sexuelles et que l'augmentation de la RVHC est inhibée par l'anesthésie. Nous concluons que, chez les rats mâles, la SMN affecte la contribution des afférences périphériques probablement par une altération de l'intégration au niveau central et que, chez les femelles, l'augmentation de la RVHC, chez les rats éveillés, est probablement causée par l'effet anxiogène du CO2.
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Generalization of cyberbullying tracesLarochelle, Marc-André 02 February 2024 (has links)
De nos jours, la cyberintimidation est un problème courant dans les communautés en ligne. Filtrer automatiquement ces messages de cyberintimidation des conversations en ligne c’est avéré être un défi qui a mené à la création de plusieurs ensembles de données, dont plusieurs disponibles comme ressources pour l’entraînement de classificateurs. Toutefois, sans consensus sur la définition de la cyberintimidation, chacun des ensembles de données se retrouve à documenter différentes formes de comportements. Cela rend difficile la comparaison des performances obtenues par de classificateurs entraînés sur de différents ensembles de données, ou même l’application d’un de ces classificateurs à un autre ensemble de données. Dans ce mémoire, on utilise une variété de ces ensembles de données afin d’explorer les différentes définitions, ainsi que l’impact que cela occasionne sur le langage utilisé. Par la suite, on explore la portabilité d’un classificateur entraîné sur un ensemble de données vers un autre ensemble, nous donnant ainsi une meilleure compréhension de la généralisation des classificateurs. Finalement, on étudie plusieurs architectures d’ensemble de modèles, qui par la combinaison de ces différents classificateurs, nous permet de mieux comprendre les interactions des différentes définitions. Nos résultats montrent qu’il est possible d’obtenir une meilleure généralisation en combinant tous les ensembles de données en un seul ensemble de données plutôt que d’utiliser un ensemble de modèles composé de plusieurs classificateurs, chacun entraîné individuellement sur un ensemble de données différent. / Cyberbullying is a common problem in today’s ubiquitous online communities. Automatically filtering it out of online conversations has proven a challenge, and the efforts have led to the creation of many different datasets, which are distributed as resources to train classifiers. However, without a consensus for the definition of cyberbullying, each of these datasets ends up documenting a different form of the behavior. This makes it difficult to compare the results of classifiers trained on different datasets, or to apply one such classifier on a different dataset. In this thesis, we will use a variety of these datasets to explore the differences in their definitions of cyberbullying and the impact it has on the language used in the messages. We will then explore the portability of a classifier trained on one dataset to another in order to gain insight on the generalization power of classifiers trained from each of them. Finally, we will study various architectures of ensemble models combining these classifiers in order to understand how they interact with each other. Our results show that by combining all datasets together into a single bigger one, we can achieve a better generalization than by using an ensemble model of individual classifiers trained on each dataset.
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Tiempo libre y rendimiento académico en alumnos de secundaria del cono sur de limaSalas De la Cruz, Vilma Violeta January 2013 (has links)
A través del presente estudio correlacional comparativo se pretende determinar si existe relación significativa entre el empleo del tiempo libre y el rendimiento académico de los alumnos de 5º grado de educación secundaria del Cono Sur de Lima, modalidad menores de colegios estatales de la UGEL Nº 1 San Juan de Miraflores, así mismo se busca comparar las diferencias en el empleo del tiempo libre y en las preferencias de actividades culturales de dichos alumnos, según el nivel de rendimiento académico y género.
A una muestra no probabilística según criterio de 348 alumnos, se les aplicó el cuestionario de actividades en el tiempo libre adaptado de A. Ponce (1998). El análisis de datos se desarrolló mediante el programa SPSS 15.0 y con los estadísticos: el coeficiente de Spearman, la prueba de Kruskal Wallis, chi-cuadrado y la prueba de U de Mann Whitney.
Respecto al tiempo libre, la gran mayoría de adolescentes practica y le gusta: escuchar música y radio, ver películas, video, televisión, descansar, pasear, charlar con los amigos, pensar y salir o estar con la familia, además no practican pero les gustaría tocar instrumentos musicales, visitar museos y exposiciones, y asistir a la academia de idiomas. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en las actividades del tiempo libre y en las preferencias de actividades culturales según el rendimiento académico y género. Las actividades culturales que más prefieren son el canto, comidas, bebidas, la pintura y el teatro. Por último, dichos sujetos se encuentran en un nivel de rendimiento académico regular o intermedio, siendo las damas las que superan a los varones. Se concluye que existe una correlación significativa entre el tiempo libre y el rendimiento académico.
Palabras clave: tiempo libre, rendimiento académico y preferencias culturales. / --- Through this correlational comparative study, we seek to determine whether there is a significant relation between the use of free time and academic performance of students in 5th grade of secondary education in the Cono Sur de Lima, modality children of state colleges UGEL No. 1 San Juan de Miraflores, also we seek to compare the differences in the use of free time and cultural preferences of these students, by level of academic achievement and gender.
A probabilistic sample of 348 students according to criteria, we applied the questionnaire in leisure activities adapted from A. Ponce (1998). Data analysis was carried out using SPSS 15.0 and statisticians: the Spearman correlation coefficient, Kruskal Wallis test, chi-square test and Mann Whitney.
Respect the free time, the vast majority of adolescents practice and likes: listening to music and radio, watch movies, video, television, relaxing, walk, chatting with friends, think and leave or be with family, also they do not practice but they would like playing musical instruments, visit museums and exhibitions, and attend language school. We found significant differences in free time activities and cultural preferences as academic performance and gender. The cultural activities that they most prefer are singing, food, drinks, painting and theater. Finally, these subjects are in a regular academic achievement level or intermediate, being ladies which outnumber men. We conclude that there is a significant correlation between free time and academic performance.
Keywords: Free time, academic and cultural preferences. / Tesis
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Sistemática de thylamys (mammalia: didelphimorphia: marmosidae). Un estudio de las poblaciones asignadas a thylamys elegans en PerúSolari Torres, Sergio Alcides January 2002 (has links)
Thylamys Gray 1843 (Didelphimorphia: Marmosidae) es un género que incluye pequeñas marmosas con características morfológicas distintivas, distribuidas mayormente en hábitats abiertos, secos, y semiáridos del sur de Sud América. Al igual que otros géneros de pequeños mamíferos, su diversidad y distribución estan pobremente documentadas. El nombre Thylamys fue empleado inicialmente como un subgénero de Marmosa, teniendo una composición variable, pero luego fue restringido a un grupo natural. La situación de la mayoría de los taxa asociados al género permanece oscurecida debido a que no existen series adecuadas para ellas.
Sólo una especie se reconoce como presente en el Perú: Thylamys elegans (sensu Gardner, 1993). Sin embargo, hasta cinco nombres específicos se han usado para referirse a estas poblaciones, y la variación es evidente en el material disponible. Mediante el estudio detallado de la variación morfológica y morfométrica de estas poblaciones, así como de aquellas correspondientes a T. elegans de Chile, y a otros taxa de Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay y Brasil, se analiza la diversidad y distribución del género en el Perú y en parte de Sudamérica.
La comparación del material de Thylamys de Perú con ejemplares representativos de otros taxa, permite reconocer siete especies: T. elegans, T. pallidior, T. venustus, T. tatei, T. macrurus, T. pusillus y T. velutinus. Sólo dos de ellas: T. pallidior y T. tatei, se encuentran en Perú. Ambas muestran características diferenciales de T. elegans. La distribución de T. elegans se restringe al centro de Chile, mientras T. tatei se halla sólo en la costa norte de Perú. Al contrario, T. pallidior se extiende latitudinalmente desde el norte de Perú hasta la Patagonia en el sur de Argentina.
Basado en las características morfológicas evaluadas, las especies se agrupan en unidades geográficas que podrían corresponder a grupos naturales. Se propone una hipótesis biogeográfica para explicar la colonización de la vertiente occidental por este género, propio de ambientes áridos, bajos, y templados al este de los Andes. El origen de estas poblaciones sería a través de dispersiones “pasivas” por elevación de los Andes, y luego por colonización de hábitats áridos durante las fluctuaciones climáticas del Plioceno-Pleistoceno. Mayores estudios para determinar sus afinidades son necesarias para entender estos procesos, sólo entonces será posible llevar a cabo planes exitosos para su conservación. / The genus Thylamys Gray 1843 (Didelphimorphia: Marmosidae) includes small mouse opossums with distinctive morphological traits, mainly distributed on dry and open habitats of southern South America. Similar to other Neotropical small mammals, its species diversity and distribution are poorly known. The name Thylamys was early used as a subgenus of Marmosa, with an unstable definition, but then it was restricted to a natural group. However, the status for most of the taxa remains obscured because there are no enough series to study them.
Only one species is recognized as present in Peru: Thylamys elegans (sensu Gardner, 1993). However, as much as five specific names have been used to refer to these populations, and the variation is evident in the available material. Through a detailed survey of the morphological and morphometric variation withing and among these populations, as well as those from T. elegans of Chile, and other taxa from Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil, I analyze the diversity and distribution of the genus in Peru and part of South America.
Comparison of Peruvian material of Thylamys with representative specimens of other taxa, allowed to recognize seven species: T. elegans, T. pallidior, T. venustus, T. tatei, T. macrurus, T. pusillus, and T. velutinus. Only two species, T. pallidior and T. tatei, are found in Peru. Both show distinctive characteristics in regard to the type species, T. elegans. The distribution of T. elegans is restricted to central Chile, and T. tatei is only found in the north coastal of Peru. On the other hand, T. pallidior ranges over a considerable latitudinal extension, from north Peru to the Patagonia of southern Argentina.
According to the evaluation of morphological characters, the species are grouped in geographic units, which could equal to natural groups. I propose a biogeographic hypothesis to explain the colonization of the western slope by the genus, typically found at low, dry, and temperate areas to the east of the Andes. The origen of these populations would be through “passive” dispersal during uplift of the Andes, and then by colonization of dry habitats during the climatic fluctuations of the Plio-Pleistocene. Further studies are necessary to assess their relationships and to understand the underlying processes. Only then, it will be posible to carry out succesful plans for its conservation.
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Traitement interactif de plis dans la simulation de tissusLaprade, Michelle January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Ekonometrická analýza finančních dat / Econometric Analysis of Financial DataBaniar, Matúš January 2014 (has links)
Econometric Analysis of Financial Data Author: Matúš Baniar Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: RNDr. Jitka Zichová, Dr. Abstract: In some occasions, financial data can be represented as a combination of cross-sectional and time-series information. Hence it could be convenient to consider a system of econometric equations for modeling such data sets. At the beginning of this thesis, we describe general definitions and we talk about different types of variables from the perspective of exogeneity. Later, we describe some specific cases of these equations: SUR system, simultaneous equation models and the model of vector autoregression. For selected models, we also discuss estimation methods and their properties. In the final section, the described approach is applied to real financial data making use of appropriate software. Keywords: exogeneity, SUR system, simultaneous equations, VAR
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L'agriculture et la société rurale dans l'arrondissement de Montreuil-sur-Mer depuis 1850 : permanences et ruptures / Agriculture and the rural society in the district of Montreuil-sur-Mer since 1850 : constancy and breaksForestier, Benoît 23 April 2014 (has links)
De 1850 à nos jours, l'agriculture et la société rurale dans l'arrondissement de Montreuil-sur-Mer sont en pleine mutation. Les techniques et les structures de production et de commercialisation se modernisent. Les cultures et l'élevage se développent. Le syndicalisme, le mutualisme et le coopératisme apparaissent. Les exploitations sont de plus en plus vastes et les paysans de moins en moins nombreux. L'arrondissement dispose de l'une des associations de défense des intérêts des cultivateurs et de diffusion du progrès les plus puissantes et les plus actives du département : la Société d'agriculture de Montreuil-sur-Mer, fondée en 1821. Cette dernière, dirigée par Octave Corne de 1923 à 1956, atteint véritablement son apogée dans l'entre-deux guerres. Néanmoins, tout au long de la période, le territoire demeure l'un des espaces les moins avancés du Pas-de-Calais. La productivité, notamment céréalière, est l'une des plus faible du département. Les exploitations sont moins bien équipées que dans les région d'Arras et de Béthune. Le retard résulte principalement des conditions naturelles relativement difficiles, de la qualité des sols souvent médiocre et des mentalités particulièrement conservatrices. Des disparités subsistent également à l'échelle cantonale sur le territoire. L'essor des cultures et de l'élevage est plus important dans les cantons du Littoral et du sud de la Canche que dans ceux du nord-est. Les régions de Fruges et d'Hucqueliers sont incontestablement les espaces les plus déshérités de l'arrondissement. / Agriculture and the rural society have been constantly changing in the district of Montreuil-sur-Mer since 1850. The production and marketing techniques and structures haves modernized. Farming and cattle breeding have developed. Unionism, mutualism and cooperation have emerged. Farms have become huger and the numbers of farmers has been decreasing. The district has got one of the most powerful and active organizations in the country. The Agricultural Company of Montreuil-sur-Mer was established in 1821 and has been defending the farmers interests and spreading progress since. It was run b Octave Corne from 1923 to 1956. It reached its climax during the interwar period. However, the territory remained one of the least developed areas of the Straits of Dover throughout those years. Productivity, cereal crops in particular, has been one of the lowest of the Straits of Dover. Farms are less well-equipped than in the Arras and Bethune areas. Backwardness mainly results from the natural conditions which are quite hard, the poor quality of the soil and from a conservative attitude. Disparities remain at a local level as well. The rapid expansion of farming and cattle breeding is far more important in the coast areas and in the south of the Canche than in the north eastern ones. The regions of Fruges and Hucqueliers are indisputably the most deprived of the district.
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Les italiens dans le var de 1850 à nos jours : démographie, impacts économiques et parcours migratoires / The italians into the Var department from 1850 to nowadays : demography, economic impacts and migratory pathsDoneda, Cindy 10 July 2014 (has links)
Dès la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle, nombreux sont les Italiens qui ont immigré dans le département du Var, géographiquement proche de la péninsule. Pourtant, le Var n’a pas suscité le même intérêt chez les historiens de l’immigration que les départements limitrophes des Bouches-du-Rhône et des Alpes-Maritimes. Ce constat nous a menée à l’étude du phénomène migratoire transalpin dans le Var. Majoritairement élaborée à partir de sources de première main qui ont nécessité un important travail dans les Archives Départementales, cette thèse est caractéristique de la présence italienne dans le Var à la fois d’un point de vue démographique, socio-économique et mémoriel. En d’autres termes, elle révèle l’ampleur de l’exode italien dans le département, le profil des immigrés et leur répartition géographique sur le territoire. Ce travail montre également l’impact de l’arrivée massive des travailleurs transalpins sur l’économie varoise et définit les secteurs d’activités dans lesquels ils sont majoritairement embauchés. Enfin, il s’intéresse aux aspects socioculturels de l’immigration, traités notamment à l’aide de la reconstitution de la mémoire par des descendants d’Italiens établis dans le département du Var qui racontent l’histoire de leurs ancêtres. Il étudie alors le parcours migratoire des Transalpins du Var de manière individuelle et tente d’échapper aux clichés, notamment concernant le déracinement, l’adaptation, la discrimination ou encore la transmission des origines italiennes. Construite selon une démarche positiviste et constructive, cette étude prend en compte différents types de sources qui se complètent et qui donnent accès à l’immigration italienne de la manière la plus réaliste. / Since the second half of the nineteenth century, many Italians immigrated into the Var department, geographically very close to the Italian peninsula. Yet the Var area hasn’t attracted the same interest of its neighbors, the departments of Bouches-du-Rhône and Alpes-Maritimes, among historians. This observation led us to study the transalpine immigration into the Var. Mostly developed from first-hand sources that did a lot of researching in the French Local Historical Archives, this thesis characterizes the Italian presence in the Var, both from a demographic, socio economic and memorial point of view. In other words, it reveals the extent of the Italian exodus into the Var department, the profile of immigrants and their geographical distribution in the area. This work also shows the impact that the massive arrival of transalpine immigrants had on the Var economy and defines the sectors in which they were employed. Finally, it treats the cultural aspects with help from the memories of the Italian descendants settled in the Var who were able to tell the story of their ancestors. The study will also look into the emigrational path taken by the transalpine Var immigrants individually without going into all the usual clichés, concerning the uprooting, adaptation, discrimination, or lastly the transmission of Italian origins. This study has used a positive and constructive approach ; it has taken into account a lot of different sources which manages to tell the Italian immigration in the most realistic way.
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An algebraic framework to a theory of sets based on the surreal numbers / Um referencial algébrico para uma teoria de conjuntos baseada nos números surreaisDimi Rocha Rangel 17 July 2018 (has links)
The notion of surreal number was introduced by J.H. Conway in the mid 1970\'s: the surreal numbers constitute a linearly ordered (proper) class No containing the class of all ordinal numbers (On) that, working within the background set theory NBG, can be defined by a recursion on the class On. Since then, have appeared many constructions of this class and was isolated a full axiomatization of this notion that been subject of interest due to large number of interesting properties they have, including model-theoretic ones. Such constructions suggests strong connections between the class No of surreal numbers and the classes of all sets and all ordinal numbers. In an attempt to codify the universe of sets directly within the surreal number class, we have founded some clues that suggest that this class is not suitable for this purpose. The present work is an attempt to obtain an \"algebraic (set) theory for surreal numbers\" along the lines of the Algebraic Set Theory - a categorial set theory introduced in the 1990\'s: to establish abstract and general links between the class of all surreal numbers and a universe of \"surreal sets\" similar to the relations between the class of all ordinals (On) and the class of all sets (V), that also respects and expands the links between the linearly ordered class of all ordinals and of all surreal numbers. We have introduced the notion of (partial) surreal algebra (SUR-algebra) and we explore some of its category theoretic properties, including (relatively) free SUR-algebras (SA, ST). We have established links, in both directions, between SUR-algebras and ZF-algebras (the keystone of Algebraic Set Theory). We develop the first steps of a certain kind of set theory based (or ranked) on surreal numbers, that expands the relation between V and On. / A noção de número surreal foi introduzida por J.H. Conway em meados da década de 1970: os números surreais constituem uma classe (própria) linearmente ordenada No contendo a classe de todos os números ordinais (On) e que, trabalhando dentro da base conjuntista NBG, pode ser definida por uma recursão na classe On. Desde então, apareceram muitas construções desta classe e foi isolada uma axiomatização completa desta noção que tem sido objeto de estudo devido ao grande número de propriedades interessantes, incluindo entre elas resultados modelos-teóricos. Tais construções sugerem fortes conexões entre a classe No de números surreais e as classes de todos os conjuntos e todos os números ordinais. Na tentativa de codificar o universo dos conjuntos diretamente na classe de números surreais, encontramos algumas pistas que sugerem que esta classe não é adequada para esse fim. O presente trabalho é uma tentativa de se obter uma \"teoria algébrica (de conjuntos) para números surreais\" na linha da Teoria dos Algébrica dos Conjuntos - uma teoria categorial de conjuntos introduzida nos anos 1990: estabelecer links abstratos e gerais entre a classe de todos números surreais e um universo de \"conjuntos surreais\" emelhantes às relações entre a classe de todos os ordinais (On) e a classe de todos os conjuntos (V), que também respeite e expanda os links entre as classes linearmente ordenadas de todos ordinais e de todos os números surreais. Introduzimos a noção de álgebra surreal (parcial) (SUR-álgebra) e exploramos algumas das suas propriedades categoriais, incluindo SUR-álgebras (relativamente) livres (SA, ST). Nós estabelecemos links, em ambos os sentidos, entre SUR-álgebras e álgebras ZF (a pedra angular da Teoria Algébrica dos Conjuntos). Desenvolvemos os primeiros passos de um determinado tipo de teoria de conjuntos baseada (ou ranqueada) em números surreais, que expande a relação entre V e On.
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An algebraic framework to a theory of sets based on the surreal numbers / Um referencial algébrico para uma teoria de conjuntos baseada nos números surreaisRangel, Dimi Rocha 17 July 2018 (has links)
The notion of surreal number was introduced by J.H. Conway in the mid 1970\'s: the surreal numbers constitute a linearly ordered (proper) class No containing the class of all ordinal numbers (On) that, working within the background set theory NBG, can be defined by a recursion on the class On. Since then, have appeared many constructions of this class and was isolated a full axiomatization of this notion that been subject of interest due to large number of interesting properties they have, including model-theoretic ones. Such constructions suggests strong connections between the class No of surreal numbers and the classes of all sets and all ordinal numbers. In an attempt to codify the universe of sets directly within the surreal number class, we have founded some clues that suggest that this class is not suitable for this purpose. The present work is an attempt to obtain an \"algebraic (set) theory for surreal numbers\" along the lines of the Algebraic Set Theory - a categorial set theory introduced in the 1990\'s: to establish abstract and general links between the class of all surreal numbers and a universe of \"surreal sets\" similar to the relations between the class of all ordinals (On) and the class of all sets (V), that also respects and expands the links between the linearly ordered class of all ordinals and of all surreal numbers. We have introduced the notion of (partial) surreal algebra (SUR-algebra) and we explore some of its category theoretic properties, including (relatively) free SUR-algebras (SA, ST). We have established links, in both directions, between SUR-algebras and ZF-algebras (the keystone of Algebraic Set Theory). We develop the first steps of a certain kind of set theory based (or ranked) on surreal numbers, that expands the relation between V and On. / A noção de número surreal foi introduzida por J.H. Conway em meados da década de 1970: os números surreais constituem uma classe (própria) linearmente ordenada No contendo a classe de todos os números ordinais (On) e que, trabalhando dentro da base conjuntista NBG, pode ser definida por uma recursão na classe On. Desde então, apareceram muitas construções desta classe e foi isolada uma axiomatização completa desta noção que tem sido objeto de estudo devido ao grande número de propriedades interessantes, incluindo entre elas resultados modelos-teóricos. Tais construções sugerem fortes conexões entre a classe No de números surreais e as classes de todos os conjuntos e todos os números ordinais. Na tentativa de codificar o universo dos conjuntos diretamente na classe de números surreais, encontramos algumas pistas que sugerem que esta classe não é adequada para esse fim. O presente trabalho é uma tentativa de se obter uma \"teoria algébrica (de conjuntos) para números surreais\" na linha da Teoria dos Algébrica dos Conjuntos - uma teoria categorial de conjuntos introduzida nos anos 1990: estabelecer links abstratos e gerais entre a classe de todos números surreais e um universo de \"conjuntos surreais\" emelhantes às relações entre a classe de todos os ordinais (On) e a classe de todos os conjuntos (V), que também respeite e expanda os links entre as classes linearmente ordenadas de todos ordinais e de todos os números surreais. Introduzimos a noção de álgebra surreal (parcial) (SUR-álgebra) e exploramos algumas das suas propriedades categoriais, incluindo SUR-álgebras (relativamente) livres (SA, ST). Nós estabelecemos links, em ambos os sentidos, entre SUR-álgebras e álgebras ZF (a pedra angular da Teoria Algébrica dos Conjuntos). Desenvolvemos os primeiros passos de um determinado tipo de teoria de conjuntos baseada (ou ranqueada) em números surreais, que expande a relação entre V e On.
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