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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coagulation and Redispersion of CO2-Switchable Polymer Latexes of Low Glass Transition Temperatures

Gariepy, Steven Daniel 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, copolymer latexes comprised of various fractions of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and butyl acrylate (BA) were synthesized through surfactant-free emulsion polymerization. A carbon dioxide responsive comonomer, 2-(diethyl)aminoethyl methacrylate (DEAEMA) was also used with an equimolar amount of hydrochloric acid (HCl) to promote its partitioning into the water phase. Changing the MMA/BA fraction gave control over the resulting glass transition temperature of the particles. Following polymerization, the particles from the resulting latexes could be effectively coagulated be adding a small amount of caustic soda, and could be easily separated from water. After washing the particles with deionized water, CO2-redispersibility of the latex particles was evaluated as a function of their respective glass transition temperature. It was determined that coagulated particles higher in MMA content could be easily redispersed into carbonated water with the aid of ultrasonication, preparing stable latexes of the same solids content. For latex particles with a glass transition temperature below ambient conditions, coagulation led to the fusion of individual particles, which inhibited their ability to be redispersed. By conducting the coagulation and redispersion cycles at temperatures cold enough for the BA-rich particles to be below their glass transition temperature, these same latex particles could be effectively redispersed. The relationship between the glass transition temperature of the latexes and their CO2-redispersibility provides guidance from a practical sense for the applicability of CO2-sensitive amine-functionalized molecules in developing industrially useful CO2-redispersible latex products. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / This work examines special type of coagulatable and redispersible latex paint that could potentially reduce the costs in storing and transporting latex paint products. After synthesizing the latex, the nanoscopic polymer particles that make up the latex could be easily coagulated by adding a small amount of sodium hydroxide. Following this, water could be removed and a condensed form of the paint was obtained. The ability to redisperse the particles back into carbonated water was subsequently examined based on the softness of the polymer particles by synthesizing a series of latexes with different fractions of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and butyl acrylate (BA). After synthesis, the latexes that contained higher fractions of MMA were comprised of particles that were less soft than the BA-rich latexes, which made the redispersibility of these particles much easier. Upon coagulation, BA-rich particles fused together upon contact and could not be separated, hence inhibiting their redispersibility. When these same BA-rich latex particles were coagulated at colder temperatures, fusion was inhibited and the redispersibility of particles was greatly improved. Overall, the particles were found to be redispersible if the glass transition temperature of polymer chains within the particles was lower than ambient temperature. Since softer polymer particles are often used for latex paint-based applications, this work provides important and relevant insight in the development of industrially useful CO2-redispersible products.

In vitro assessment of the transport of Poly D, L Lactic-Co-Glycolic Acid (PLGA) nanoparticles across the nasal mucosa

Albarki, Mohammed Abdulhussein Handooz 01 July 2016 (has links)
The nasal mucosa provides a rapid, noninvasive route for drug administration to the systemic circulation and even potentially to the CNS. Nanoparticles made from the biodegradable polymer, PLGA, are of great interest for use in drug delivery systems due to PLGA’s relative safety and ease of surface modification. Nanoparticles may provide improved targeting and transport through the nasal mucosa. However, the optimal nanoparticle sizes and surface properties for intranasal delivery are unknown. In this study, we prepared PLGA nanoparticles within a size range of 50-70 nm containing the lipophilic fluorescent dye, Nile Red, using a surfactant-free nanoprecipitation method. The resulting nanoparticles were evaluated using dynamic light scattering and scanning electron microscopy. Nanoparticle uptake into the nasal mucosa was determined by exposing the tissues to nanoparticle dispersions for 30 or 60 minutes. The in vitro uptake of the nanoparticles by the nasal mucosal tissues revealed that the Nile Red-loaded PLGA nanoparticles were transported across the epithelial layer and accumulated in the sub-mucosal connective tissues. Nanoparticle uptake in the full thickness tissues was time dependent where 2% of the total loads of nanoparticles exposed to the tissues were measured in the mucosal tissue after 30 minutes and 4% were present in the tissues after 60 minutes. The rapid and measurable transfer of PLGA nanoparticles into the nasal mucosal tissues indicate that they may be an efficient delivery vehicle for drugs with either local or systemic activities.

Surfactant-free synthesis of magnetic latex particles / Synthèse de particules de latex magnétiques en l'absence de tensioactif

Li, Keran 30 October 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse décrit l'élaboration de latex hybrides oxyde de fer (OF)/polymère par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif. Des nanoparticules d'OF cationiques ont été tout d'abord synthétisées par co-précipitation de sels de fer dans l'eau. Des latex hybrides magnétiques ont été ensuite obtenus par deux voies de polymérisation. La première consiste en la synthèse de particules de latex de morphologie 'carapace' par polymérisation en émulsion Pickering du styrène et du méthacrylate de méthyle (MMA). Un comonomère auxiliaire (acide (méth)acrylique ou acide 2-acrylamido-2-méthyl-1-propane sulfonique) a été utilisé pour favoriser l'adsorption des OF à la surface des particules de polymère produites. Les analyses par MET indiquent la présence d'OF à la surface des particules de polymère (structure carapace). L'analyse thermogravimétrique a permis de quantifier l'efficacité d'incorporation des OF, i.e. la fraction d'OF initialement introduits effectivement adsorbés à la surface des particules. L'efficacité d'incorporation augmente avec la quantité de comonomère auxiliaire, le pH et la concentration en OF et dépend de la nature du monomère hydrophobe. Dans la deuxième voie, les OF ont été encapsulés par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par transfert de chaîne réversible par addition-fragmentation (RAFT) en émulsion aqueuse. La stratégie utilisée repose sur l'utilisation de macroagents RAFT amphiphiles comportant des groupements acide carboxylique connus pour interagir avec la surface des OF. L'interaction entre les macroRAFTs et les OF a été étudiée à travers le tracé de l'isotherme d'adsorption. Des analyses SAXS et DLS indiquent la formation de clusters d'oxyde de fer. Ces derniers ont été ensuite engagés dans la polymérisation en émulsion du styrène ou d'un mélange de MMA et d'ABu (ratio massique : 90/10) pour former une écorce de polymère à leur surface. Les particules carapace et les OF encapsulés affichent un comportement superparamagnétique / This work describes the elaboration of polymer/iron oxide (IO) hybrid latexes through surfactant-free emulsion polymerization. Cationic iron oxide nanoparticles stabilized by nitrate counterions were first synthesized by the co-precipitation of iron salts in water. Magnetic hybrid latexes were next obtained by two polymerization routes carried out in the presence of IO. The first route consists in the synthesis of polymer latexes armored with IO via Pickering emulsion polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) or styrene (St). An auxiliary comonomer (namely methacrylic acid, acrylic acid or 2-acrylamido-2-methy-1- propane sulfonic acid) was used to promote IO particle adhesion to the surface of the generated polymer particles. TEM showed the presence of IO at the surface of the polymer particles and the successful formation of IO-armored polymer particles. TGA was used to quantify the IO incorporation efficiency, which corresponds to the fraction of IO effectively located at the particle surface. The incorporation efficiency increased with increasing the amount of auxiliary comonomer, suspension pH and IO content or with increasing monomer hydrophobicity. In the second route, IO encapsulation was investigated via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)-mediated emulsion polymerization. The developed strategy relies on the use of water-soluble amphipathic macromolecular RAFT agents containing carboxylic acid groups, designed to interact with IO surface. The interaction between the macroRAFT agents and IO was investigated by the study of the adsorption isotherms. Both DLS and SAXS measurements indicated the formation of dense IO clusters. These clusters were then engaged in the emulsion polymerization of St or of MMA and nbutyl acrylate (90/10 wt/wt) to form a polymer shell at their surface. Both IO-armored latex particles and polymer-encapsulated clusters display a superparamagnetic behavior

Síntese de nanocompósitos com propriedades anisotrópicas via polimerização radicalar controlada em emulsão / Synthesis of nanocomposites with anisotropic properties by controlled radical emulsion polymerization

Chaparro, Thaíssa de Camargo 29 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho de tese tem como objetivo a preparação de látices nanocompósitos à base da argila Laponita RD em emulsão aquosa, via polimerização radicalar controlada por transferência de cadeia via adição-fragmentação reversível (RAFT). A Laponita foi escolhida como carga inorgânica devido principalmente à forma anisotrópica de suas lamelas, o que permite a elaboração de filmes nanoestruturados, mas também por suas propriedades térmicas e mecânicas, por sua alta pureza química e pela distribuição uniforme, em termos de tamanho, de suas partículas. Inicialmente, polímeros hidrofílicos (macroRAFT) à base de poli(etileno glicol) (PEG), de ácido acrílico (AA) ou de metacrilato de N,N-dimetilaminoetila (DMAEMA) que contêm unidades hidrofóbicas de acrilato de nbutila (ABu) (em alguns casos) e um grupo tritiocarbonílico terminal foram sintetizados. Em seguida, a interação entre os macroagentes de controle (macroRAFTs) e a argila foi estudada através de isotermas de adsorção. Atuando como agentes de acoplamento e estabilizantes, esses macroRAFTs foram então utilizados na copolimerização em emulsão do (met)acrilato de metila e do ABu em processo semicontínuo na presença da argila Laponita. Partículas de látex híbrido de diferentes morfologias foram obtidas e os resultados foram correlacionados à natureza e à concentração dos macroRAFTs, ao pH da dispersão macroRAFT/Laponita, à temperatura de transição vítrea do copolímero final (função da composição da mistura de monômeros hidrofóbicos) e às condições de polimerização. As análises de cryo-TEM indicam a formação de lamelas de Laponita decoradas com partículas de polímero (várias partículas de látex localizadas na superfície das lamelas), de partículas do tipo dumbbell, janus, blindadas (partículas de látex decoradas com lamelas de argila em sua superfície) ou ainda de partículas multiencapsuladas (diversas lamelas encapsuladas dentro de uma única partícula de látex). As propriedades mecânicas dos filmes de polímero/Laponita foram estudadas por análise dinâmico-mecânica e correlacionadas à morfologia das partículas e à microestrutura dos filmes. / The aim of this work is to prepare Laponite RD-based nanocomposite latexes by aqueous emulsion polymerization, using the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. Laponite platelets were selected as the inorganic filler due, especially, to their anisotropic shape, which allows the production of nanostructured films, but also for their thermal and mechanical properties, their high chemical purity and the uniform dispersity of the platelets. Hydrophilic polymers (macroRAFT) composed of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), acrylic acid (AA) or N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and comprising hydrophobic n-butyl acrylate (BA) units (in some cases) and trithiocarbonate terminal group were initially synthesized. Then, the interaction between the macroRAFTs and the clay was studied through the plot of adsorption isotherms. By acting as coupling agents and stabilizers, the macroRAFT agents were used in the emulsion copolymerization of methyl (meth)acrylate and BA by semi-continuous process in the presence of the clay. Hybrid latex particles with different morphologies were obtained and the results were associated to the nature and concentration of the RAFT (co)polymers, to the pH of the macroRAFT/Laponite dispersion, the glass transition temperature of the final copolymer (function of the composition of the hydrophobic monomers mixture) and to the polymerization conditions. The cryo-TEM images indicate the formation of polymerdecorated Laponite platelets (several latex particles located at the surface of the platelets), dumbbell-like, janus, Laponite-decorated (armored) latex particles, and multiple encapsulated particles (several platelets inside each latex particle). The mechanical properties of polymer/Laponite films were studied by dynamic mechanical analysis and correlated with the particles morphology and the films microstructure.

Síntese de nanocompósitos com propriedades anisotrópicas via polimerização radicalar controlada em emulsão / Synthesis of nanocomposites with anisotropic properties by controlled radical emulsion polymerization

Thaíssa de Camargo Chaparro 29 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho de tese tem como objetivo a preparação de látices nanocompósitos à base da argila Laponita RD em emulsão aquosa, via polimerização radicalar controlada por transferência de cadeia via adição-fragmentação reversível (RAFT). A Laponita foi escolhida como carga inorgânica devido principalmente à forma anisotrópica de suas lamelas, o que permite a elaboração de filmes nanoestruturados, mas também por suas propriedades térmicas e mecânicas, por sua alta pureza química e pela distribuição uniforme, em termos de tamanho, de suas partículas. Inicialmente, polímeros hidrofílicos (macroRAFT) à base de poli(etileno glicol) (PEG), de ácido acrílico (AA) ou de metacrilato de N,N-dimetilaminoetila (DMAEMA) que contêm unidades hidrofóbicas de acrilato de nbutila (ABu) (em alguns casos) e um grupo tritiocarbonílico terminal foram sintetizados. Em seguida, a interação entre os macroagentes de controle (macroRAFTs) e a argila foi estudada através de isotermas de adsorção. Atuando como agentes de acoplamento e estabilizantes, esses macroRAFTs foram então utilizados na copolimerização em emulsão do (met)acrilato de metila e do ABu em processo semicontínuo na presença da argila Laponita. Partículas de látex híbrido de diferentes morfologias foram obtidas e os resultados foram correlacionados à natureza e à concentração dos macroRAFTs, ao pH da dispersão macroRAFT/Laponita, à temperatura de transição vítrea do copolímero final (função da composição da mistura de monômeros hidrofóbicos) e às condições de polimerização. As análises de cryo-TEM indicam a formação de lamelas de Laponita decoradas com partículas de polímero (várias partículas de látex localizadas na superfície das lamelas), de partículas do tipo dumbbell, janus, blindadas (partículas de látex decoradas com lamelas de argila em sua superfície) ou ainda de partículas multiencapsuladas (diversas lamelas encapsuladas dentro de uma única partícula de látex). As propriedades mecânicas dos filmes de polímero/Laponita foram estudadas por análise dinâmico-mecânica e correlacionadas à morfologia das partículas e à microestrutura dos filmes. / The aim of this work is to prepare Laponite RD-based nanocomposite latexes by aqueous emulsion polymerization, using the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. Laponite platelets were selected as the inorganic filler due, especially, to their anisotropic shape, which allows the production of nanostructured films, but also for their thermal and mechanical properties, their high chemical purity and the uniform dispersity of the platelets. Hydrophilic polymers (macroRAFT) composed of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), acrylic acid (AA) or N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and comprising hydrophobic n-butyl acrylate (BA) units (in some cases) and trithiocarbonate terminal group were initially synthesized. Then, the interaction between the macroRAFTs and the clay was studied through the plot of adsorption isotherms. By acting as coupling agents and stabilizers, the macroRAFT agents were used in the emulsion copolymerization of methyl (meth)acrylate and BA by semi-continuous process in the presence of the clay. Hybrid latex particles with different morphologies were obtained and the results were associated to the nature and concentration of the RAFT (co)polymers, to the pH of the macroRAFT/Laponite dispersion, the glass transition temperature of the final copolymer (function of the composition of the hydrophobic monomers mixture) and to the polymerization conditions. The cryo-TEM images indicate the formation of polymerdecorated Laponite platelets (several latex particles located at the surface of the platelets), dumbbell-like, janus, Laponite-decorated (armored) latex particles, and multiple encapsulated particles (several platelets inside each latex particle). The mechanical properties of polymer/Laponite films were studied by dynamic mechanical analysis and correlated with the particles morphology and the films microstructure.


ROSANA CANDIDA MACEDO 05 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de métodosespectrofluorimétricos e de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência em fase reversa(RP-HPLC, reversed-phase liquid chromatography) para análise de óleosessenciais cítricos (OEC). Para este fim, microemulsões livres de surfactante(SFMEs, surfactante-free microemulsions) foram utilizadas como uma abordagempara o tratamento das amostras.Primeiramente, a região de formação das SFMEs foi avaliada para diferentesproporções água:OE (1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, m/m) na presença de propano-1-ol eoctan-1-ol (10:3 m/m). Titulações condutométricas indicaram agregados micelarescontendo OE (microemulsão do tipo óleo-em-água) para a proporção 4:1 (compartículas dispersas de raio hidrodinâmico de 95,7 ± 5,3 nm). Nessas condições, afluorescência aumentou, permitindo o uso da espectroscopia de fluorescência 3Dpara obtenção de padrões de impressão digital que foram utilizados para análisediscriminante de nove marcas brasileiras, juntamente com análise de componentes principais com desdobramento dos dados (UPCA, unfold principal components analysis). Uma variância cumulativa de 96,7 por cento foi obtida para os três primeiros componentes principais e os gráficos de pontuação mostraram uma localização distinta para cada grupo. Um estudo preliminar também mostrou a capacidade desses sistemas em avaliar condições de armazenamento e adulteração. O impacto das condições de armazenamento foi realizado ao longo de 21 dias expostos à luz, com resultados mostrando grandes diferenças espectrais em comparação com uma amostra armazenada em frasco âmbar a 22 graus C. A adulteração de OEs por fortificação com óleo de canola e óleo mineral foi detectada em diferentes níveis (1, 5, 10 e 20 por cento, m/m) e, além das diferenças espectrais, observou-se uma mudança na estabilidade da micro emulsão. Em uma segunda etapa do estudo, esses sistemas foram replicados para diferentes OEC, incluindo laranja doce e azeda, tangerina, limão e grape fruit. Estudos foram empregados para avaliar condições ótimas para a formação do sistema, visando abranger todos os OECs avaliados sem comprometer a reprodutibilidade da medição. A nova condição SFME adotada foi de 15 microL da fase oleosa contendo OE e octan-1-ol (1:2 v/v), 19 mL de água e propan-1-ol até o volume final de 25 mL. Além do baixo consumo de amostra, obteve-se um aumento significativo na fluorescência, apesar da menor proporção da fase oleosa. Os dados da matriz de excitação-emissão foram utilizados para análise de agrupamento. OUPCA foi aplicado com sucesso, com uma variância cumulativa de 99,5 por cento para os três primeiros componentes principais. A decomposição dos auto vetores revelou uma influência significativa dos comprimentos de onda de excitação/emissão de336/436 nm. Análises complementares por HPLC confirmaram a relação entre fluoróforos e a fração não volátil, característica dos OECs. A combinação de baixo consumo de amostra e alto teor de água torna a aplicação desses sistemas vantajosa para a diferenciação de OECs. A transparência e a baixa viscosidade também são consideradas aspectos positivos. Em uma terceira e última etapa, o efeito do meio de amostragem na análise de polimetoxiflavo nas (PMFs) no OE de laranja doce por RP-HPLC foi avaliado, utilizando o conhecimento adquirido nas etapas anteriores em relação à formação de sistemas SFMEs. Este estudo teve como foco a análise de PMFs presentes na fração não volátil do OE de laranja doce, que inclui tetra-O-metil-scutelareína, sinensetina, tangeretina, nobiletina e heptametoxiflavona. Dois métodos utilizando eluição isocrática com diferentes fases móveis, (A) água/metanol e (B)água/acetonitrila, foram empregados usando detecção absorciométrica e fluorimétrica. O meio de amostragem influenciou significativamente a eluição cromatográfica, afetando potencialmente a largura dos picos e o tempo de retenção, especialmente para tangeretina, onde um aumento de 300 e 103 por cento na intensidade de pico foi obtido para as fases móveis A e B, quando misturas com octan-1-ol foram utilizadas. Devido à coeluição entre nobiletina e tetra-O-metil scutelareína observada com a fase móvel A, o método foi validado utilizando a fase móvel B(acetonitrila/água, 50:50 por cento, v/v). A detecção de fluorescência forneceu valores delimites de detecção e quantificação mais baixos para sinensetina (1 e 3 microg mL-1) enobiletina (13 e 44 microg mL-1) do que os relatados na literatura. O método foi aplicado a amostras comerciais de OE de laranja doce, fornecendo resultados consistentes para todas as PMFs. / [en] The main goal of this work was the development of spectrofluorimetric and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) methods for citrus essential oils (CEO) analysis. For this purpose, surfactant-free microemulsions (SFMEs) were used as an approach for sample treatment. First, the SFME formation region was studied at different water:EO weight proportions (1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 4:1 w/w) in the presence of propan-1-ol and octan-1-ol (10:3 w/w). Conductometric titrations indicated micellar aggregates containing EO (oil-in-water microemulsion) for the 4:1 proportion (droplets of hydrodynamic radius of 95.7 ± 5.3 nm). In such conditions, fluorescence increased allowing the use of 3D fluorescence spectroscopy to obtain spectroscopic fingerprint pattern that was used aiming discriminant analysis, considering nine EO Brazilian brands, along with unfold principal component analysis(UPCA). A cumulative variance of 96.7 percent was obtained for the first three principal components and score plots showed distinct location for each group. Preliminary study showed the capability of these systems in evaluating storage conditions, and adulteration. The impact of storage conditions was made over 21 days exposed to light with results showing large spectral differences compared to a sample stored in amber flask at 22 degrees C. Adulteration of EOs by canola and mineral oil fortification was detected at different levels (1, 5, 10 and 20 percent, w/w) and, in addition to the spectral differences, a change in microemulsion stability was observed. In a second stage of the study, these systems were replicated for different CEOs, including sweet and sour orange, tangerine, lemon, and grapefruit. Studies were employed to assess optimal conditions for system formation, aiming to encompass all evaluated CEOs without compromising measurement reproducibility. The new SFME condition adopted was 15 microL of the oily phase containing EO and octan-1-ol (1:2 v/v), 19 mL of water, and propan-1-ol up to the 25 mL final volume. In addition to low sample consumption, a significant increase in fluorescence was achieved, despite the lower proportion of the oily phase. Excitation-emission matrix data were utilized for clustering analysis. UPCA was successfully applied, with cumulative variance of 99.5 percent for the first three principal components. Eigenvectors decomposition revealed a significant influence of the 336/436 nm excitation/emission wavelengths. Complementary analyses by HPLC confirm the relationship between fluorophores and the non-volatile fraction, characteristic of CEOs. The combination of low sample consumption and high-water content makes the application of these systems advantageous for CEO differentiation. Transparency and low viscosity are also considered positive aspects. In a third and final stage, the effect of the sampling medium on the analysis of polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) in sweet orange EO by RP-HPLC was evaluated, utilizing the knowledge acquired in previous stages regarding the formation of SFME systems. This study was focused on analyzing PMFs present in the non-volatile fraction of sweet orange EO, which includes tetra-O-methyl-scutellarein, sinensetin, tangeretin, nobiletin, and heptamethoxyflavone. Two methods utilizing isocratic elution with different mobile phases, (A) water/methanol and (B) water/acetonitrile, were employed using absorciometric and fluorimetric detection. The sampling medium significantly influenced chromatographic elution, potentially affecting peak width and retention time, especially for tangeretin, where a 300 percent and 103 percent increase in peak intensity was obtained for mobile phases A and B, respectively, when mixtures with octan-1-ol were used. Due to co-elution between nobiletin and tetra-O-methyl scutelarein observed with mobile phase A, the method was validated using mobile phase B (acetonitrile and water 50:50 percent, v/v). Fluorescence detection provided lower LOD and LOQ values for sinensetin (1 and 3 microg mL -1 ) and nobiletin (13 and 44 microg mL -1 ) than reported in the literature. The method was applied to commercial sweet orange EOs samples, yielding consistent results for all PMFs.

Formation et propriétés des cristaux colloïdaux issus de l’auto-assemblage de microsphères de polymère

Bazin, Gwénaëlle 04 1900 (has links)
Le besoin pour des biocapteurs à haute sensibilité mais simples à préparer et à utiliser est en constante augmentation, notamment dans le domaine biomédical. Les cristaux colloïdaux formés par des microsphères de polymère ont déjà prouvé leur fort potentiel en tant que biocapteurs grâce à l’association des propriétés des polymères et à la diffraction de la lumière visible de la structure périodique. Toutefois, une meilleure compréhension du comportement de ces structures est primordiale avant de pouvoir développer des capteurs efficaces et polyvalents. Ce travail propose d’étudier la formation et les propriétés des cristaux colloïdaux résultant de l’auto-assemblage de microsphères de polymère en milieu aqueux. Dans ce but, des particules avec différentes caractéristiques ont été synthétisées et caractérisées afin de corréler les propriétés des particules et le comportement de la structure cristalline. Dans un premier temps, des microsphères réticulées de polystyrène anioniques et cationiques ont été préparées par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif. En variant la quantité de comonomère chargé, le chlorure de vinylbenzyltriméthylammonium ou le sulfonate styrène de sodium, des particules de différentes tailles, formes, polydispersités et charges surfaciques ont été obtenues. En effet, une augmentation de la quantité du comonomère ionique permet de stabiliser de façon électrostatique une plus grande surface et de diminuer ainsi la taille des particules. Cependant, au-dessus d’une certaine concentration, la polymérisation du comonomère en solution devient non négligeable, provoquant un élargissement de la distribution de taille. Quand la polydispersité est faible, ces microsphères chargées, même celles non parfaitement sphériques, peuvent s’auto-assembler et former des cristaux colloïdaux diffractant la lumière visible. Il semble que les répulsions électrostatiques créées par les charges surfaciques favorisent la formation de la structure périodique sur un grand domaine de concentrations et améliorent leur stabilité en présence de sel. Dans un deuxième temps, le besoin d’un constituant stimulable nous a orientés vers les structures cœur-écorce. Ces microsphères, synthétisées en deux étapes par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif, sont formées d’un cœur de polystyrène et d’une écorce d’hydrogel. Différents hydrogels ont été utilisés afin d’obtenir des propriétés différentes : le poly(acide acrylique) pour sa sensibilité au pH, le poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) pour sa thermosensibilité, et, enfin, le copolymère poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acide acrylique) donnant une double sensibilité. Ces microsphères forment des cristaux colloïdaux diffractant la lumière visible à partir d’une certaine concentration critique et pour un large domaine de concentrations. D’après les changements observés dans les spectres de diffraction, les stimuli ont un impact sur la structure cristalline mais l’amplitude de cet effet varie avec la concentration. Ce comportement semble être le résultat des changements induits par la transition de phase volumique sur les interactions entre particules plutôt qu’une conséquence du changement de taille. Les interactions attractives de van der Waals et les répulsions stériques sont clairement affectées par la transition de phase volumique de l’écorce de poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). Dans le cas des microsphères sensibles au pH, les interactions électrostatiques sont aussi à considérer. L’effet de la concentration peut alors être mis en relation avec la portée de ces interactions. Finalement, dans l’objectif futur de développer des biocapteurs de glucose, les microsphères cœur-écorce ont été fonctionnalisées avec l’acide 3-aminophénylboronique afin de les rendre sensibles au glucose. Les effets de la fonctionnalisation et de la complexation avec le glucose sur les particules et leur empilement périodique ont été examinés. La structure cristalline est visiblement affectée par la présence de glucose, même si le mécanisme impliqué reste à élucider. / The need for biosensors with high sensibility but simple preparation and use has been increasing, especially in the biomedical field. Crystalline colloidal arrays (CCAs) formed by polymer microspheres have already demonstrated great potential for biosensing applications, combining the polymer properties to the visible light diffraction caused by their periodic structure. However, a better understanding of the behavior of such structures is essential in the objective to develop efficient and versatile biosensors. This work proposes to investigate the formation and properties of CCAs created by the self-assembly of polymer microspheres in aqueous medium. For that purpose, particles with different features have been synthesized and studied to highlight the correlation between the properties of the particles and the behavior of the CCAs. First, anionic and cationic cross-linked polystyrene microspheres have been prepared by surfactant-free emulsion polymerization. Different sizes, shapes, polydispersities and surface charge densities have been obtained by the use of various amounts of charged comonomers, either vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium chloride or sodium styrenesulfonate. Indeed, an increasing amount of the ionic comonomer leads to a decreasing particle size because of the ability to electrostatically stabilize more surfaces. However, above a certain concentration, the polymerization of the comonomer in solution increases the polydispersity of the particle size. When allowed by a low polydispersity, the charged microspheres can self-assemble into CCAs with intense visible light diffraction, even for particles not quite spherical. It appears that the electrostatic repulsions created by the charges help in the formation of the periodic structure over a wide range of particle concentrations and improve their stability towards ionic strength. Secondly, the need for a sensitive component brought us to investigate core-shell structures. These microspheres, synthesized by a two-step surfactant-free emulsion polymerization, are made of a polystyrene core and a hydrogel shell. Different hydrogels have been used to achieve different properties: poly(acrylic acid) for pH-sensitivity, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) for thermosensitivity and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) for double sensitivity to both stimuli. Above a certain critical concentration, and over a wide range of concentrations, these microspheres also form CCAs with visible light diffraction. The resulting crystalline structures also display a response to the stimuli, visible through changes in the diffraction spectra, but the response appears to be dependent on the microsphere concentration. This behavior seems to be the result of a change in the interactions between particles rather than the outcome of the volume change of the particles. Attractive van der Waals and repulsive steric interactions are clearly affected by the temperature-induced volume phase transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microspheres. In the case of pH-sensitive, electrostatic interactions are also to be considered. The effect of concentration can then related to the range of the interactions. Finally, in the objective to develop glucose sensors, the previous microspheres have been functionalized with 3-aminophenylboronic acid to make them responsive to glucose. The effects of the functionalization and complexation with glucose on the particles and their CCAs have been investigated. The crystalline structure is clearly affected by the presence of glucose, even though the mechanism involved remains to be clarified.

Formation et propriétés des cristaux colloïdaux issus de l’auto-assemblage de microsphères de polymère

Bazin, Gwénaëlle 04 1900 (has links)
Le besoin pour des biocapteurs à haute sensibilité mais simples à préparer et à utiliser est en constante augmentation, notamment dans le domaine biomédical. Les cristaux colloïdaux formés par des microsphères de polymère ont déjà prouvé leur fort potentiel en tant que biocapteurs grâce à l’association des propriétés des polymères et à la diffraction de la lumière visible de la structure périodique. Toutefois, une meilleure compréhension du comportement de ces structures est primordiale avant de pouvoir développer des capteurs efficaces et polyvalents. Ce travail propose d’étudier la formation et les propriétés des cristaux colloïdaux résultant de l’auto-assemblage de microsphères de polymère en milieu aqueux. Dans ce but, des particules avec différentes caractéristiques ont été synthétisées et caractérisées afin de corréler les propriétés des particules et le comportement de la structure cristalline. Dans un premier temps, des microsphères réticulées de polystyrène anioniques et cationiques ont été préparées par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif. En variant la quantité de comonomère chargé, le chlorure de vinylbenzyltriméthylammonium ou le sulfonate styrène de sodium, des particules de différentes tailles, formes, polydispersités et charges surfaciques ont été obtenues. En effet, une augmentation de la quantité du comonomère ionique permet de stabiliser de façon électrostatique une plus grande surface et de diminuer ainsi la taille des particules. Cependant, au-dessus d’une certaine concentration, la polymérisation du comonomère en solution devient non négligeable, provoquant un élargissement de la distribution de taille. Quand la polydispersité est faible, ces microsphères chargées, même celles non parfaitement sphériques, peuvent s’auto-assembler et former des cristaux colloïdaux diffractant la lumière visible. Il semble que les répulsions électrostatiques créées par les charges surfaciques favorisent la formation de la structure périodique sur un grand domaine de concentrations et améliorent leur stabilité en présence de sel. Dans un deuxième temps, le besoin d’un constituant stimulable nous a orientés vers les structures cœur-écorce. Ces microsphères, synthétisées en deux étapes par polymérisation en émulsion sans tensioactif, sont formées d’un cœur de polystyrène et d’une écorce d’hydrogel. Différents hydrogels ont été utilisés afin d’obtenir des propriétés différentes : le poly(acide acrylique) pour sa sensibilité au pH, le poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) pour sa thermosensibilité, et, enfin, le copolymère poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acide acrylique) donnant une double sensibilité. Ces microsphères forment des cristaux colloïdaux diffractant la lumière visible à partir d’une certaine concentration critique et pour un large domaine de concentrations. D’après les changements observés dans les spectres de diffraction, les stimuli ont un impact sur la structure cristalline mais l’amplitude de cet effet varie avec la concentration. Ce comportement semble être le résultat des changements induits par la transition de phase volumique sur les interactions entre particules plutôt qu’une conséquence du changement de taille. Les interactions attractives de van der Waals et les répulsions stériques sont clairement affectées par la transition de phase volumique de l’écorce de poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). Dans le cas des microsphères sensibles au pH, les interactions électrostatiques sont aussi à considérer. L’effet de la concentration peut alors être mis en relation avec la portée de ces interactions. Finalement, dans l’objectif futur de développer des biocapteurs de glucose, les microsphères cœur-écorce ont été fonctionnalisées avec l’acide 3-aminophénylboronique afin de les rendre sensibles au glucose. Les effets de la fonctionnalisation et de la complexation avec le glucose sur les particules et leur empilement périodique ont été examinés. La structure cristalline est visiblement affectée par la présence de glucose, même si le mécanisme impliqué reste à élucider. / The need for biosensors with high sensibility but simple preparation and use has been increasing, especially in the biomedical field. Crystalline colloidal arrays (CCAs) formed by polymer microspheres have already demonstrated great potential for biosensing applications, combining the polymer properties to the visible light diffraction caused by their periodic structure. However, a better understanding of the behavior of such structures is essential in the objective to develop efficient and versatile biosensors. This work proposes to investigate the formation and properties of CCAs created by the self-assembly of polymer microspheres in aqueous medium. For that purpose, particles with different features have been synthesized and studied to highlight the correlation between the properties of the particles and the behavior of the CCAs. First, anionic and cationic cross-linked polystyrene microspheres have been prepared by surfactant-free emulsion polymerization. Different sizes, shapes, polydispersities and surface charge densities have been obtained by the use of various amounts of charged comonomers, either vinylbenzyltrimethylammonium chloride or sodium styrenesulfonate. Indeed, an increasing amount of the ionic comonomer leads to a decreasing particle size because of the ability to electrostatically stabilize more surfaces. However, above a certain concentration, the polymerization of the comonomer in solution increases the polydispersity of the particle size. When allowed by a low polydispersity, the charged microspheres can self-assemble into CCAs with intense visible light diffraction, even for particles not quite spherical. It appears that the electrostatic repulsions created by the charges help in the formation of the periodic structure over a wide range of particle concentrations and improve their stability towards ionic strength. Secondly, the need for a sensitive component brought us to investigate core-shell structures. These microspheres, synthesized by a two-step surfactant-free emulsion polymerization, are made of a polystyrene core and a hydrogel shell. Different hydrogels have been used to achieve different properties: poly(acrylic acid) for pH-sensitivity, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) for thermosensitivity and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) for double sensitivity to both stimuli. Above a certain critical concentration, and over a wide range of concentrations, these microspheres also form CCAs with visible light diffraction. The resulting crystalline structures also display a response to the stimuli, visible through changes in the diffraction spectra, but the response appears to be dependent on the microsphere concentration. This behavior seems to be the result of a change in the interactions between particles rather than the outcome of the volume change of the particles. Attractive van der Waals and repulsive steric interactions are clearly affected by the temperature-induced volume phase transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microspheres. In the case of pH-sensitive, electrostatic interactions are also to be considered. The effect of concentration can then related to the range of the interactions. Finally, in the objective to develop glucose sensors, the previous microspheres have been functionalized with 3-aminophenylboronic acid to make them responsive to glucose. The effects of the functionalization and complexation with glucose on the particles and their CCAs have been investigated. The crystalline structure is clearly affected by the presence of glucose, even though the mechanism involved remains to be clarified.

Synthesis of nanocomposites with anisotropic properties by controlled radical emulsion polymerization Lorena / Synthèse de nanocomposites avec des propriétés anisotropes par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée en émulsion / Sintese de nanocompositos com propriedades anisotropicas via polimerizacao radicalar controlada em emulsao

De Camargo Chaparro, Thaissa 29 March 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de préparer des latex nanocomposites à base d’argile, la Laponite RD, en émulsion aqueuse, à l'aide de la polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par transfert de chaîne réversible par addition-fragmentation (RAFT). Les plaquettes de Laponite ont été choisies comme charge inorganique surtout pour leur anisotropie de forme, ce qui pourrait permettre l’elaboration de films nanostructurés, mais aussi pour leurs propriétés thermiques et mécaniques, leur pureté chimique élevée et la distribution uniforme en taille des plaquettes. Des polymères hydrophiles (macroRAFT) à base de polyéthylène glycol (PEG), d’acide acrylique (AA) ou de méthacrylate de N,N- diméthylaminoéthyle (DMAEMA) et comportant des unités hydrophobes d’acrylate de n-butyle (ABu) (dans certains cas) et un groupe trithiocarbonate terminal, ont été tout d'abord synthétisés. Ensuite, l'interaction entre les macroRAFTs et l’argile a été étudiée à travers le tracé des isothermes d'adsorption. En agissant comme des agents de couplage et des stabilisants, ces macroRAFTs ont eté utilisés dans la copolymérisation en émulsion du (méth)acrylate de méthyle et de l’ABu en mode semi-continu en presence d’argile. Des particules de latex hybrides de différentes morphologies ont été obtenues et les morphologies ont été reliées à la nature et à la concentration de l’agent macroRAFT, au pH de la dispersion macroRAFT/Laponite, à la température de transition vitreuse du copolymère final (fonction de la composition du mélange de monomères hydrophobes) et aux conditions de polymérisation. Les analyses par cryo-MET indiquent des plaquettes de Laponite décorées par des particules de polymère (plusieurs particules de latex en surface des plaquettes d'argile), des particules ‘haltère’, janus, ‘carapace’ (particules de latex décorées en surface par les plaquettes de Laponite) ou encore des particules multi-encapsulées (plusieurs plaquettes encapsulées dans chaque particule de latex). Les propriétés mécaniques des films de polymère/Laponite ont été étudiées par spectrométrie mécanique dynamique et corrélées à la morphologie des particules et à la microstructure des films / The aim of this work is to prepare Laponite RD-based nanocomposite latexes by aqueous emulsion polymerization, using the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. Laponite platelets were selected as the inorganic filler due, especially, to their anisotropic shape, which allows the production of nanostructured films, but also for their thermal and mechanical properties, their high chemical purity and the uniform dispersity of the platelets. Hydrophilic polymers (macroRAFT) composed of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), acrylic acid (AA) or N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and comprising hydrophobic n-butyl acrylate (BA) units (in some cases) and trithiocarbonate terminal group were initially synthesized. Then, the interaction between the macroRAFTs and the clay was studied through the plot of adsorption isotherms. By acting as coupling agents and stabilizers, the macroRAFT agents were used in the emulsion copolymerization of methyl (meth)acrylate and BA by semi-continuous process in the presence of the clay. Hybrid latex particles with different morphologies were obtained and the results were associated to the nature and concentration of the RAFT (co)polymers, to the pH of the macroRAFT/Laponite dispersion, the glass transition temperature of the final copolymer (function of the composition of the hydrophobic monomers mixture) and to the polymerization conditions. The cryo-TEM images indicate the formation of polymerdecorated Laponite platelets (several latex particles located at the surface of the platelets), dumbbell-like, janus, Laponite-decorated (armored) latex particles, and multiple encapsulated particles (several platelets inside each latex particle). The mechanical properties of polymer/Laponite films were studied by dynamic mechanical analysis and correlated with the particles morphology and the films microstructure / Este trabalho de tese tem como objetivo a preparação de látices nanocompósitos à base da argila Laponita RD em emulsão aquosa, via polimerização radicalar controlada por transferência de cadeia via adição-fragmentação reversível (RAFT). A Laponita foi escolhida como carga inorgânica devido principalmente à forma anisotrópica de suas lamelas, o que permite a elaboração de filmes nanoestruturados, mas também por suas propriedades térmicas e mecânicas, por sua alta pureza química e pela distribuição uniforme, em termos de tamanho, de suas partículas. Inicialmente, polímeros hidrofílicos (macroRAFT) à base de poli(etileno glicol) (PEG), de ácido acrílico (AA) ou de metacrilato de N,N-dimetilaminoetila (DMAEMA) que contêm unidades hidrofóbicas de acrilato de nbutila (ABu) (em alguns casos) e um grupo tritiocarbonílico terminal foram sintetizados. Em seguida, a interação entre os macroagentes de controle (macroRAFTs) e a argila foi estudada através de isotermas de adsorção. Atuando como agentes de acoplamento e estabilizantes, esses macroRAFTs foram então utilizados na copolimerização em emulsão do (met)acrilato de metila e do ABu em processo semicontínuo na presença da argila Laponita. Partículas de látex híbrido de diferentes morfologias foram obtidas e os resultados foram correlacionados à natureza e à concentração dos macroRAFTs, ao pH da dispersão macroRAFT/Laponita, à temperatura de transição vítrea do copolímero final (função da composição da mistura de monômeros hidrofóbicos) e às condições de polimerização. As análises de cryo-TEM indicam a formação de lamelas de Laponita decoradas com partículas de polímero (várias partículas de látex localizadas na superfície das lamelas), de partículas do tipo dumbbell, janus, blindadas (partículas de látex decoradas com lamelas de argila em sua superfície) ou ainda de partículas multiencapsuladas (diversas lamelas encapsuladas dentro de uma única partícula de látex). As propriedades mecânicas dos filmes de polímero/Laponita foram estudadas por análise dinâmico-mecânica e correlacionadas à morfologia das partículas e à microestrutura dos filmes

Synthesis of silica-polymer hybrid particles via controlled radical polymerization in aqueous dispersed media / Synthèse de particules hybrides silice-polymère par polyméristaion radicalaire contrôlée en milieu aqueux dispersé

Qiao, Xiaoguang 20 December 2013 (has links)
Des polymères à base de méthacrylate de poly(oxyde d'éthylène) (PEOMA) avec des chaînes pendantes PEO (Mn = 300 ou 950 g mol-1) ou des copolymères de PEOMA300 et d'acide méthacrylique (AMA) ont été synthétisés par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par les nitroxydes en utilisant une alkoxyamine (BlocBuilder®) comme amorceur en présence de SG1 et d'une faible quantité de styrène. Les copolymères à base de PEOMA300 et d'AMA sont thermo- et pH-sensibles. Les deux types de macroalkoxyamines ont été utilisés pour amorcer la copolymérisation en émulsion du méthacrylate de n-butyle et du styrène et former, par auto-assemblage induit par la polymérisation, des particules composées de copolymères à blocs amphiphiles, en absence ou présence de particules de silice. En absence de silice, des particules stabilisées de façon stérique ou électrostérique ont été formées. La polymérisation présente les caractéristiques d'une polymérisation contrôlée avec néanmoins la formation d'une faible proportion de chaînes mortes. L'effet du pH, de la force ionique et de la nature ou de la concentration des macroalkoxyamines sur la cinétique de polymérisation et la morphologie des particules a été étudié, et des sphères, des vésicules ou des nanofibres ont été obtenues. Les macroalkoxyamines à base de PEO s'adsorbent sur la silice via la formation de liaisons hydrogène entre les chaînes PEO et les groupes silanol. La synthèse de copolymères à blocs en surface de la silice a conduit à la formation de particules hybrides de différentes morphologies (bonhomme de neige, multipodes, framboise, coeur-écorce, têtard, mille pattes) liées à la taille de la silice, au pH et à la nature du macroamorceur / Water-soluble brush-type polymers composed of poly(ethylene)oxide methacrylate (PEOMA) units with PEO side groups of various chain lengths (Mn = 300 and 950 g mol-1) or of PEOMA300 with methacrylic acid (MAA) were synthesized by nitroxide-mediated polymerization using an alkoxyamine initiator (BlocBuilder®) and SG1 nitroxide in the presence of a low amount of styrene. The PEOMA300-MAA based copolymers showed a dual temperature/pH response. The two series of macroalkoxyamines were used in aqueous emulsion copolymerization of nbutyl methacrylate and styrene leading to the formation of particles composed of amphiphilic block copolymers through polymerization-induced self-assembly, in both the absence and presence of silica. The experiments performed in the absence of silica particles resulted in the formation of sterically or electrosterically stabilized latexes. The polymerization exhibited all the features of a controlled system with however the presence of a small proportion of dead chains. The effect of pH value, ionic strength and type and concentration of the macroalkoxyamine initiator on polymerization kinetics and latex morphologies was investigated. Depending on the reaction conditions, spherical particles, vesicles or nanofibers were successfully prepared. The PEO-based macroalkoxyamines were shown to adsorb on the silica surface via hydrogen bond interaction between PEO and the silanol groups. This enabled block copolymers to be generated in situ on the silica surface leading to hybrid particles with snowman, raspberry, daisy, core-shell, “tadpole-” and “centipede-” like morphologies depending on the silica particle size, pH value and type of macroinitiator

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