Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crises.methodology."" "subject:"business.methodology.""
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A Test for Question Order Effects in a Conjoint Choice SurveyJohnson, Joel D. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Studies and evaluations of the different methods of obtaining data andinformation on the financial habit of the high income group in HongKongMak, Cho-wai., 麥祖威. January 1981 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration
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Replicated sampling in censuses and surveysGreenfield, C. C. January 1985 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Statistics / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Women's self-reports on sensitive topics : impact of context / Women's self reports on sensitive topics / Impact of contextHawkins, Alishea R. January 2005 (has links)
Since Kinsey and his colleagues (Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, & Gebhard, 1948; 1953) first began to empirically examine human sexual behavior researchers have found that heterosexual men tend to report having had more sexual partners than heterosexual women. The purpose of the present study was to explore this phenomena using a within subject design. Participants were 124 undergraduate women who completed a packet of surveys on sensitive topics, such as sexuality, and body image, in two conditions: Anonymity Threat Condition: Participants were led to believe that the principle investigator would come in a view their responses while completing the surveys and Bogus Pipeline: Participants were led to believe that they were `hooked-up' to a lie detector. Results found within as well as between subject effects for measures of social desirability and one sexual attitude measure. However, these results did not generalize to the body image measures or sexual behavior questions. / Department of Psychological Science
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Smartphone-based Household Travel Survey - a Literature Review, an App, and a Pilot SurveyWang, Qian (Computer scientist) 12 1900 (has links)
High precision data from household travel survey (HTS) is extremely important for the transportation research, traffic models and policy formulation. Traditional methods of data collection were imprecise because they relied on people’s memories of trip information, such as date and location, and the remainder data had to be obtained by certain supplemental tools. The traditional methods suffered from intensive labor, large time consumption, and unsatisfactory data precision. Recent research trends to employ smartphone apps to collect HTS data. In this study, there are two goals to be addressed. First, a smartphone app is developed to realize a smartphone-based method only for data collection. Second, the researcher evaluates whether this method can supply or replace the traditional tools of HTS. Based on this premise, the smartphone app, TravelSurvey, is specially developed and used for this study. TravelSurvey is currently compatible with iPhone 4 or higher and iPhone Operating System (iOS) 6 or higher, except iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus and iOS 8. To evaluate the feasibility, eight individuals are recruited to participate in a pilot HTS. Afterwards, seven of them are involved in a semi-structured interview. The interview is designed to collect interviewees’ feedback directly, so the interview mainly concerns the users’ experience of TravelSurvey. Generally, the feedback is positive. In this study, the pilot HTS data is successfully uploaded to the server by the participants, and the interviewees prefer this smartphone-based method. Therefore, as a new tool, the smartphone-based method feasibly supports a typical HTS for data collection.
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Mobile phone surveys in Hong Kong: methodological issues and comparisons with conventional phonesurveysLau, Ka-po, 劉嘉寶 January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Social Sciences / Master / Master of Philosophy
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Methodological issues related to telephone surveys in Hong KongSo, Moon-tong., 蘇滿堂. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Sciences / Master / Master of Philosophy
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Examining the relationship between training in ethics, work setting, and the ethical reasoning process of I/O psychologists using an electronic mail surveyHoffmaster, Kimberly Ann 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Shared unemployment: attitudes toward short-time compensationDrea, Andrew J. 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis gathered survey data to investigate American willingness to participate in short-time compensation programs and what attributes found in other countries’ programs they find palatable. Because multiple workers in similar states were surveyed online, the data show what various workers need from a short-time compensation program.
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An evaluation of the University of the Witwatersrand refugee research programme : the impact of research findings on implementation of projectsWright, Alan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The viability of a research programme is dependent on its sustainability. The life
span of a programme is determined by the sustainability achieved as a result of its
activities. Within any successful research initiative, there is a progression from the
research findings to the implementation of those findings.
This study examines the effect that the implementation of research findings has on
the initiation of new research projects within a research programme. The distinctions
between academic research programmes and the implementation of the research
findings were identified. By unobtrusively applying these definitions to a process of
self-evaluation, a theoretical model was identified for the evaluation of the University
of the Witwatersrand Refugee Research Programme and one of its projects.
Advocacy research, which focused on policy intervention, was not seen as being
sustainable as a programme output, as it is dependent on funding. Sustainability in
advocacy is linked to research skills enabling pilot intervention. Pilot intervention in
tum requires funding that research programmes sometimes use for their basic
survival. This should not be interpreted as contributing to the sustainability of the
research programme as funding activities are driven by the needs of the pilot
intervention. This is significant as these needs can through demands from the
funders of pilot intervention, contribute to changes in policies, goals and objectives of
the research programme.
It was found that the progression to implementation within a rural academic research
programme does limit the initiation of new research proposals. Research initiatives
tend to become tools of funding agencies with the focus being placed on the
implementation of the research findings.
This study recommends that the implementation of research findings should be
limited to pilot projects, that there should be defined time frames for pilot
implementation and, that there should be a clear division of responsibility between
research activity and pilot implementation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om lewensvatbaar te wees moet 'n navorsingsprogram gehandhaaf kan word. Die
lewensduur van 'n program word bepaal deur sy handhawing as gevolg van sy
aktiwiteite. Binne enige suksesvolle navorsingsinisiatief is daar 'n progressie van
navorsingsbevindings tot die implementering van daardie bevindings.
In hierdie studie word die effek van implementering van navorsingsbevindings op
inisieëring van nuwe navorsingsprojekte binne 'n navorsingsprogram ondersoek. Die
verskil tussen akademiese navorsingsprogramme en die implementering van
navorsingsbevindings is geïdentifiseer. Deur op 'n onopvallende wyse hierdie
definisies toe te pas op 'n proses van selfevaluasie is 'n teoretiese model
geïdentifiseer wat gebruik is om die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand se Vlugteling
Navorsingsprogram en een van sy projekte te evalueer.
Voorspraaknavorsing wat fokus op beleidsintervensie is nie gesien as handhaafbaar
in terme van programopbrengs nie aangesien dit afhanklik is van befondsing.
Handhawing van voorspraak is gekoppel aan navorsingsbekwaamheid wat dit
moontlik sal maak om intervensie te loods. Intervensie loodsing op sy beurt benodig
befondsing wat soms deur navorsingsprogramme gebruik word vir hul eie oorlewing.
Dit moet nie gesien word as bydraend tot die handhawing van die navorsingsprojek
nie, want befondsingsaktiwiteite word gedryf deur die benodighede van die
intervensie. Dit is belangrik aangesien hierdie behoeftes deur die eise van die
befondsers van die intervensie kan bydra tot veranderinge in beleid en doelwitte van
die navorsingsprogram.
Dit is bevind dat die progressie tot implementering binne 'n landelik akademiese
navorsingsprogram inisieëring van nuwe navorsingsvoorstelle beperk.
Navorsingsinisiatiewe neig om middels van befondsingsagentskappe te word met die
plasing van die fokus op die implementering van die navorsingsbevindings.
Hierdie studie beveel aan dat die implementering van navorsingsbevindings tot loods
projekte beperk moet word, dat daar 'n gedefinieerde tydraamwerk vir
implementering van loodsprojekte moet wees en dat daar 'n duidelike verdeling van
verantwoordelikheid tussen navorsingaktiwiteite en loodsprojek implementasie moet
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