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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Review and gap analysis of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) in Windhoek, Namibia

Nambinga, Linekela Elias 24 January 2020 (has links)
With an ever-increasing population and global warming, fresh water resources are nearing depletion resulting in a global water crisis. As a consequence, cases of drought have been reported worldwide especially in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to climate change, urbanisation adds strain to infrastructure as well as water supply and the management of water resources. As a result, most developing countries are faced with a water management challenge. There is thus a need for a paradigm shift towards an Integrated Water Management (IWM) approach. Worldwide, countries have responded to the Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) concept through the implementation of various management strategies; with Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) emerging from Australia. Some closely allied management strategies in response to IUWM emerged in the USA as Low-Impact Development (LID), in the UK as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), and in New Zealand as Low-Impact Urban Design and Development (LIUDD). Namibia is situated along the south-west coast of Africa and is considered the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa. It is characterised by a semi-arid environment, with more than 80% covered by desert or semi-desert. The country is regularly afflicted by drought and has fluctuating and unreliable rainfall patterns, often accompanied by high evaporation rates. The City of Windhoek, as the capital city, the biggest municipality and also the largest densely populated town in Namibia, is faced with an ever-increasing shortage of water for its inhabitants. For close to 50 years, the water scarcity situation has led to direct waste water reclamation for potable re-use in Windhoek. Other measures implemented by the City of Windhoek (CoW) towards IUWM include Water Demand Management (WDM), Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and Water Conservation (WC). In order for Windhoek to transform into a Water Sensitive City, the implementation of WSUD is imperative. Although the CoW has implemented measures towards IUWM, more options still need to be explored in order to contribute to IUWM processes and to ultimately become a Water Sensitive City. This research was aimed at conducting a comprehensive review of existing WSUD practices within the CoW and identifying gaps pertaining to WSUD implementation. The research confirmed, via a review of relevant literature, that the implementation of WSUD mainly flourishes when documented policies and regulations drive implementation. To review WSUD implementation in the CoW, this study followed a qualitative research approach by gathering data via online questionnaires using the SurveyMonkey platform. To validate the survey outcomes, structured interviews were conducted with selected survey participants to gain more insight into the outcomes. For the data collection, the study targeted a sample of managers and specialists from the three departments within the CoW that deal with urban infrastructure design and planning. A 72% response rate was achieved. The study revealed that there was a general understanding and knowledge of WSUD concepts among all the CoW stakeholders involved in water management, planning and design. This was mostly due to their academic knowledge and sometimes via exposure to existing WSUD practices within the city. Water Demand Management, Water Recycling, and Voluntary Green Roofs and Rainwater Harvesting were identified as existing WSUD options currently practised within the CoW. The study identified lack of capacity, lack of knowledge, lack of management support, a fragmented approach, the absence of policies and legislation, and no perceived financial benefits as barriers to WSUD implementation within the CoW. Based on the above findings, the study recommended that the City of Windhoek address existing barriers to WSUD implementation, increase awareness of WSUD within the city, secure government funding and apply for carbon credits to upscale the implementation of WSUD.

A regenerative urban stormwater management methodology. The role of SuDS construction and monitoring in the transition of a Mediterranean city

Perales Momparler, Carmen Sara 21 December 2015 (has links)
[EN] Under the well-known slogan 'think global, act local', cities in the 21st century face the enor-mous challenge of catalyzing, intensifying and accelerating sustainable urban transformations. Without losing a holistic view, the methodology presented in this thesis places the focus on 're-source management and climate mitigation and adaptation', in particular in urban stormwater management, proposing processes that can bring about the required change, shaped by the place-based approach of the regenerative sustainability paradigm. Building upon literature and practice that supports a flexible approach to stormwater manage-ment in urban environments that mimic natural processes and predevelopment hydrology (Sus-tainable Drainage Systems, SuDS) as one way to, amongst others, help to prevent and adapt to climate change, the thesis highlights the relevance of the connection to the place for adoption of best practices that conduct towards a regenerative system. Hence, it incorporates this con-nection to the place to the SuDS representation, naming it the SuDS 'landed rocket'. The proposed methodology includes a conceptual framework, specific method and tools, that allows for the understanding and the characterization of the current situation of a urban stormwater system in a process that guides future actions to move towards the desired regen-erative urban built environment concept, with a place-based holistic view. This methodology has been applied to Benaguasil, a Mediterranean city, where stormwater management is the local authority's responsibility and has been historically guided by main-stream conventional drainage practices. The thesis shows how, by taking a multi-dimensional and trans-disciplinary approach to solve environmental problems, future actions can be proper-ly addressed. Working with academia has been essential to develop wider evidence base. In this case, a sequence of research projects has advanced the innovative approach to stormwater management in Benaguasil, but it is contended that this methodology could be applied to any urban context. The thesis aims to enhance smart governance by providing information about the successful implementation and monitoring of SuDS showcase sites in Mediterranean Spain. These show-case sites are catalysts in the transition towards regenerative urban built environments in the region. In addition, it provides international examples that add further credence for improved urban ecological infrastructure by demonstrating what success can look like. / [ES] Bajo el conocido eslogan 'piensa global, actúa local', las ciudades del siglo XXI se enfrentan al gran reto de catalizar, intensificar y acelerar las transformaciones hacia un urbanismo sostenible. Desde una perspectiva holística, la metodología presentada en esta tesis se centra en 'la gestión de los recursos y la adaptación y mitigación al cambio climático', en particular en la gestión de las escorrentías urbanas, proponiendo los procesos que pueden ayudar al cambio requerido, bajo el enfoque del paradigma de la sostenibilidad regenerativa local. A partir de las referencias bibliográficas y experiencias que avalan a los Sistemas de Drenaje Sostenible (SuDS) como enfoque flexible a la gestión de las escorrentías urbanas, tratando de mimetizar los procesos hidrológicos previos al desarrollo urbano (que entre otros, contribuyen a la prevención y adaptación frente al cambio climático de las ciudades), la tesis subraya la relevancia de la conexión con el lugar para la selección de las mejores soluciones que lo conduzcan hacia un sistema regenerativo. Así, se incorpora esta conexión con el lugar a la representación de los SuDS, dándole el nombre de 'SuDS landed rocket'. La metodología propuesta incluye un marco conceptual, un método y herramientas específicas que permiten el entendimiento y caracterización de la situación actual de un sistema de drenaje urbano en un proceso que guíe acciones futuras para progresar hacia el concepto del medioambiente urbano regenerativo deseado, con una perspectiva holística local. La metodología se ha aplicado en Benaguasil, una ciudad mediterránea, donde la gestión del agua de lluvia es responsabilidad local y que ha estado influenciada históricamente por prácticas convencionales de drenaje. La tesis muestra cómo adoptando un enfoque multidimensional y multidisciplinar para resolver problemas medioambientales, las acciones futuras se pueden plantear correctamente. El trabajo con las instituciones académicas se ha demostrado esencial para desarrollar evidencias de base más amplias. En este caso, una serie de proyectos de investigación ha permitido el avance de Benaguasil hacia una gestión del agua de lluvia más innovadora. La experiencia demuestra que la metodología podría ser aplicada a cualquier otro contexto urbano. La tesis pretende mejorar la gobernanza inteligente proveyendo información respecto de la implementación y monitorización exitosas de SuDS en experiencias piloto en la España mediterránea. Estas demostraciones son catalizadoras de la transición hacia un medio ambiente urbano regenerativo en la región. Además, presenta ejemplos que se añaden al catálogo internacional de experiencias, mostrando el camino del éxito hacia un entorno urbano más saludable y habitable. / [CAT] Sota el conegut lema 'pensa global, actua local', les ciutats del segle XXI s'enfronten al gran repte de catalitzar, intensificar i accelerar les transformacions cap a un urbanisme sostenible. Des d'una perspectiva holística, la metodologia presentada en esta tesis es centra en 'la gestió dels recursos i la adaptació i mitigació al canvi climàtic', en particular en la gestió de les escorrenties urbanes, proposant processos que poden ajudar al canvi requés, des d'una òptica del paradigma de la sostenibilitat regenerativa local. A partir de les referències bibliogràfiques i experiències que avalen els Sistemes de Drenatge Sostenible (SuDS) com una aproximació flexible a la gestió de les escorrenties urbanes, tractant de mimetitzar els processos hidrològics previs al desenvolupament urbà (que entre altres, contribueixen a la prevenció i adaptació al canvi climàtic de les ciutats), la tesis subratlla la rellevància de la connexió al lloc per a la selecció de les millors solucions que el puguen conduir cap a un sistema regeneratiu. D'esta manera, s'incorpora esta connexió al lloc en la representació dels SuDS, donant-li el nom de 'SuDS landed rocket'. La metodologia proposta inclou un marc conceptual, un mètode i unes eines especifiques que permeten l'enteniment i caracterització de la situació actual d'un sistema de drenatge urbà en un procés que guie accions futures per a progressar cap al concepte de medi ambient urbà regeneratiu desitjat, amb una perspectiva holística local. La metodologia s'ha aplicat a Benaguasil, una ciutat mediterrània, on la gestió de l'aigua de pluja és responsabilitat local, i que ha estat influenciada històricament per pràctiques convencionals de drenatge. La tesis mostra com adoptant un punt de mira multidimensional i multidisciplinari per a resoldre problemes medi ambientals, les accions futures es poden plantejar correctament. El treball amb les institucions acadèmiques s'ha demostrat essencial per a crear evidències de base més amples. En este cas, una sèrie de projectes europeus d'investigació ha permès l'avanç de Benaguasil cap a una gestió de l'aigua de pluja més innovadora. L'experiència demostra que la metodologia podria ser aplicada a qualsevol altre context urbà. La tesis pretén millorar la governança intel¿ligent aportant informació respecte de la implementació i monitorització exitoses de SuDS en experiències pilot en la Espanya mediterrània. Estes demostracions son catalitzadores de la transició cap a un medi ambient urbà regeneratiu en la regió. A més a més, presenta exemples que s'afegeixen al catàleg internacional d'experiències, mostrant el camí del èxit cap a un entorn urbà més saludable i habitable. / Perales Momparler, CS. (2015). A regenerative urban stormwater management methodology. The role of SuDS construction and monitoring in the transition of a Mediterranean city [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59063 / TESIS

SuDS water storage capacity calculator : A decision support tool for the implementation ofSustainable Drainage Systems in Östersund.

van der Hulle, Tess January 2022 (has links)
Heavy precipitation events are expected to increase in intensity and frequency, due to global warming. Sewer systems might overload during heavy rainfall, resulting in floods which potentially affect all municipalities in Sweden. Traditionally, stormwater is seen as pipe-related problem, but a transition towards Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) has started. SuDS aim to reduce the quantity of the runoff from the site, slow down the runoff to allow (in)filtration, and provide treatment of the surface water before discharge. In Sweden, municipalities are responsible for the sewer system and realization and implementation of climate change adaptation measures, like SuDS. Tools and models support the highly complex selection, location, and design of SuDS, by systematically providing the most relevant information that represents the actual drainage system in the best way possible. Furthermore, models are used to predict the behaviour of SuDS, which may form Decision Support Systems (DSS). The highest interest in SuDS modelling and DSS lies in water quantity, however existing models are complex and lack flexibility, transferability, and stakeholder inclusion. The aim of this project is to provide a tool for the Municipality of Östersund that aids in the decision-making and design process for the implementation of SuDS, concerning their capacity to store stormwater. The ‘SuDS water storage capacity calculator’ can be used to test what (combinations of) SuDS are able to store the stormwater of a heavy rainfall event.The following SuDS components were included in the calculator: extensive green roofs, underground infiltration systems, infiltration basins, swales, porous pavements, detention basins, ponds, and wetlands. Secondly, the technical criteria forming the basis of the calculator were identified through a literature review. These criteria were used to calculate precipitation and the water storage capacity of each SuDS. The calculator was then built in Microsoft Powerpoint using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Two case studies were selected in Östersund and explored using the calculator. The water storage capacity of each SuDS component was calculated using scenarios in which 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the total available area in each case study was used as input. Finally, four combinations of SuDS were tested concerning their water storage capacity. All calculated water storage capacity was compared to the amount of water falling on the case study areas during a heavy precipitation event that only occurs once every 100 years.The developed calculator can be used to calculate water storage capacity of SuDS and precipitation in a simple way. The tool contains user input and default values, which can still be changed. Furthermore, the calculator allows comparison between the amount of precipitation and water storage capacity. The results of the scenarios show that underground infiltration systems and detention basins have the highest potential to store stormwater, followed by infiltration basins, porous pavements, and ponds or wetlands. The calculator has limited design options, due to its simplification of reality. However, its limits are mostly applicable further in the designing process. The4calculator gives a rough estimate of the potential water storage capacity of a variety of SuDS components. The calculator is a useful tool before the design process has started, by providing an indication of the options that are worthwhile to consider in terms of water storage capacity. Furthermore, opportunities for optimization of the tool were recognized. The water storage capacity resulting from the different scenarios was compared to the precipitation falling on each case study area. Realistically, the amount of precipitation that exceeds the capacity of the sewer system might not fall directly where the SuDS are located. Finally, the calculator allows applications of a wider range of combinations of SuDS components. / <p>2022-06.16</p>

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