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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing soy-wheat bread-making properties using physically-modified soy flour

Maforimbo, Elizabeth, University of Western Sydney, College of Health and Science, School of Natural Sciences January 2006 (has links)
Soy enhances the protein quality of wheat bread because of its lysine content which is deficient in wheat. The aim of this work was to use high levels of soy flour in wheat bread in order to maximise the potential of soy flour protein in an attempt to address Protein Energy Malnutrition in developing counties. Raw soy flour (RSF) and physically modified soy flours (PMSF1 and PMSF2) were used for the preparation of the composite dough with wheat flour. The two physically modified soy flours were prepared by steam flushing (PMSF2) and water boiling (PMSF1) of raw soy beans before flour preparation. Physical modification of soy flour was chosen over chemical modification because of its practical significance in developing countries. The Farinograph and Extensograph were used to study the effect of Lascorbic acid and physical modification of soy flour on the rheological properties of soy-wheat composite doughs at various ratios up to 50% soy flour. Soy-wheat composite doughs made from physically modified soy flour (PMSF) exhibited higher resistance to extension (Rm), greater tolerance to mixing, better mixing stability, higher water uptake rate and water absorption than the soy-wheat composite doughs made from raw soy flour (RSF).The physical modification process provides a relatively simple method for improving the baking quality of soy flour, in combination with wheat flour, for use at the village level in regions where soy can be grown and where wheat grain is imported. Using physically modified soy flour (PMSF2) to prepare soy-wheat dough, a mathematical model was developed from estimated regression coefficients of L-ascorbic acid and water percentages (30% w/w soy flour) on soy-wheat dough DSC water evaporation enthalpies. The model was successfully used for the prediction of loaf volumes and for the formulation of soy-wheat breads. A daily serving of 100 to 200 grams of this bread was calculated to provide 60 -100% of the lysine and protein requirements (FAO/WHO) of children and adults. The resultant breads developed in this project thus offer an attractive and sustainable food that is nutritionally superior. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Kananke-Hewage, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
Earth is an living organism where every living creature is an important part of a bigger whole. Our ancestors lived in symbiosis with the nature, today we are trying to tame the nature. Cities are expanding and the nature is being pushed into the periferi. Free flow of elements such as water, air, earth and plants are being controlled, disstorted, polluted and manipulated. Our political and economical systems are built upon the mind-set that we are separate from the nature and above the nature, but we are a part of the nature just like every other speecies on this planet. Our fast paced city-lives are creating a huge gap between the nature and ourselves and massproduction has replaced traditional craft and sustainable food production. Where is this going to end? How will it end? How can architecture help us reconnect with the nature and ourselves and inspire to a more sustainable lifestyle? Prana is not a building, it is a site. It consists of a multifunctional garden area with several buildings that together creates a whole. Prana is sanskrit meaning breath, energy or life force and has given the site its’ name because it is a platform for recreation, contemplation and knowledge exchange. We need to slow down, reflect and learn in order to feel the force and make a change, no matter if it is your lifestyle, your mind-set or your goal, no matter if you do it for the climate or for yourself. Prana is about reconnecting with the nature and yourself though arts, crafts, activities, food and food production. Prana welcomes everyone for a close nature experience of hot and cold, of fire and earth and community based learning.

The fruits of landscape: the power of landscape in presenting sustainable food production

Mann, William T. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional & Community Planning / Laurence A. Clement, Jr. / Our current agricultural system in the U.S. involves procedures that appear to maintain high levels of productivity. However, the long-term outlook regarding this system indicates an overall degradation of the ecological resources that generate the abundance of agricultural products to which we are accustomed (Lyle, 1994). This project applies sustainable food production strategies specifically addressed in permaculture as a regenerative alternative to industrial agriculture to a site on the Kansas State University campus. This research initiative quantifies the productive benefits of sustainable agriculture in providing for the Derby Dining Hall, and illustrates how sustainable food production strategies can be shaped through landscape form and space in ways that connect people with ecologically sound food production. The literature review addressed landscape architecture theory and sustainable agriculture. In addition, a set of interviews as well as three precedent studies helped to focus project considerations and to inform design decision-making. The site design process comprised the primary method for exploration and subsequent development of conclusions. The first two design iterations were performed with a specific focus on garden productivity and then garden form, with the third acting as a synthesis of the first two. The final plan suggests that there is a potential for a positive didactic experience of sustainable food production through the artful synthesis of landscape form, particularly with regard to carefully arranged circulation patterns. In addition it was found that, given the average growing season rainfall of 3 inches per month, the water harvested from the roofs of Moore and West residence halls can support over 7,300 square feet of intensive produce beds with a 1 inch per week application rate. In regard to food production, select non-bulk items on Derby Dining Hall’s menu (e.g. Parsley, Garlic, Basil, Kale, Radishes, Turnips, & Oregano) can be provided for or supplemented entirely, given the designed array of produce in the proposed gardens. It would appear that incorporating permaculture and organic farming strategies into the campus fabric would facilitate K-State Housing and Dining’s efforts to promote healthy food -- and sustainable thinking -- by increasing the variety, freshness and interest of its menu.

Nudge the lunch : a field experiment testing primacy effects using a menu intervention approach in a university cafeteria

Nelander, Lif January 2019 (has links)
The world is facing a global climate crisis and a collective step towards a more sustainable lifestyle is of importance. Food consumption accounts for a large part of an individuals’ total emissions and as the production of meat generally emits less green-house-gases than that of plant-based alternatives, changing towards a more plant-based diet can be one step to a more sustainable lifestyle. This study outlines a field experiment at a university cafeteria where the menu order was altered by random assignment. It is tested if placing the vegetarian option at the top of the menu has a causal effect on the share of vegetarian option sold that day, i.e. if it is possible to nudge customers to choose a more sustainable option. Using ordinary least squares and a beta regression models, the results do not show a positive treatment effect on the share of vegetarian option sold but do find a significantly average negative effect of 5.5 percentage points on the share of meat option sold. This effect it translated to an average negative effect of 6 percent on the daily emissions due to food sales at the cafeteria.

Moving Towards Sustainable Food Consumption : Identifying Barriers to Sustainable Student Diets

Ede, James, Graine, Sophia, Rhodes, Chris January 2011 (has links)
Adopting more sustainable consumption habits has been identified as a necessary step in the progression towards a sustainable society. In the area of sustainable consumption, personal food behaviour represents a strong leverage point. University students have been identified as a strategic audience; habits established during this transformative period can track forward into later life. This study seeks to identify the barriers inhibiting students from eating more sustainably. Perceived benefits of eating more sustainably, student food preferences, and student definitions of sustainable food are also identified. Focus groups, surveys, and interviews were carried out at universities in Europe, North America and Australia. Results show that perceived cost of sustainable food and a lack of knowledge, time and availability were ubiquitous barriers preventing students from adopting more sustainable eating habits. In addition to gathering the perceptions of others, the authors’ understanding of the challenges and benefits of eating more sustainably was augmented by a month-long self-study. Results from the self-study show that it is feasible to eat more sustainably without incurring additional costs. Recommendations informed by the focus groups, surveys, interviews and self-study are made to help students overcome the barriers to eating more sustainably.

Towards a sustainable food system : On entrepreneurship, resilience and social capital in Baltic Sea agriculture

Larsson, Markus January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents a comparison of conventional agriculture and Ecological Recycling Agriculture (ERA) in terms of their environmental and socio-economic effects. Environmental effects include greenhouse gas emissions and energy use but the focus is on leakage of nutrients. Socio-economic effects include production, costs and benefits at macro, firm and household levels. The comparison is made at regional (Baltic Sea), national (Swedish) and local (Järna community/Södertälje municipality) levels. At regional level the main challenge is to transform agricultural production in an environmentally friendly direction and reduce nutrient loads while sustaining food production. At national level the challenges are to shift the product mix towards more vegetables and less meat, and to address the geographical division of animal and crop production. At local level the challenge is to achieve sustainable rural development in environmental, economic and social terms. Results: at regional level the empirical findings were scaled up to calculate three scenarios. A scenario where the agriculture sectors of Poland and the Baltic States transform in such a way that their structure and use of resources resembles the Swedish average resulted in a 58% increase of nitrogen and an 18% increase in phosphorus surplus from agriculture and increased food production. Two other scenarios where agriculture in the entire Baltic Sea area converts to ERA resulted in reductions of 47-61% in nitrogen surplus from agriculture and eliminated the phosphorus surplus. In these scenarios food production decreased or remained stable depending on the strategy chosen. At national level, the environmental effects of different production methods, transport and different food baskets were compared. A household survey was performed to construct an alternative food profile. This food basket was high in vegetables, low in meat and high in locally produced organic food compared to the average Swedish food profile. It was also 24% more expensive. Food basket content was found to be as important as production methods in reducing the environmental effects. Localized production and processing was less important. At local level, a network of entrepreneurs engaged in the production, processing and distribution of organic food was studied. Semi-structured interviews were used to assess the network, which was found to be a resilient self-organized network characterized by economic stability and social capital. A high share of locally produced and consumed food was coupled with social and economic sustainability. This was facilitated by well-functioning cooperation within the network and between entrepreneurs, consumers and the municipality. EU expansion can be seen as a window of opportunity for governance of the Baltic Sea and the agriculture sector. A new agricultural regime with large-scale ERA production would result in several environmental gains. Sustainable governance of the Baltic Sea as agreed on in HELCOM cannot be achieved while simultaneously maximizing agricultural production in the surrounding countries. Agricultural production bears large external costs. There is substantial willingness to pay for an improved Baltic Sea environment among the public: this justifies environmentally sound farming practices. The contracting parties of HELCOM, including the Swedish government, have both environmental and economic incentives to use this window of opportunity before it closes. This thesis is the result of a collaboration between Mälardalen University and Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University. Both universities contributed with supervision and financial support at different stages of the research process. / I den här avhandlingen jämförs konventionellt jordbruk med ekologiskt kretsloppsjordbruk. Jämförelsen görs med avseende på miljöeffekter och socio-ekonomisk påverkan. Av miljöeffekterna är fokus på läckage av växtnäring men utsläpp av växthusgaser samt energianvändning studeras också. Till de socio-ekonomiska effekterna räknas effekter på produktionsvolym samt kostnader och nyttor på såväl samhälls- som företags- och hushållsnivå. Jämförelsen görs på regional (Östersjöområdet), nationell (Sverige) och lokal (Järna/Södertälje kommun) nivå. På regional nivå är den stora utmaningen att omvandla jordbruksproduktionen i miljövänlig riktning och att minska närsaltsbelastningen samtidigt som produktionen hålls uppe. På nationell nivå är en utmaning att ändra produktionssammansättningen mot mer grönsaker och mindre kött samt att minska den geografiska uppdelningen av djurhållning och spannmål. På lokal nivå är utmaningen att uppnå en hållbar landsbygdsutveckling ur miljömässigt såväl som ekonomiskt och socialt perspektiv. Resultat: på regional nivå beräknas miljöpåverkan och påverkan på livsmedelsproduktion i tre olika scenarier. Enligt ett scenario omvandlar Polen och de baltiska staterna sina jordbrukssektorer efter samma struktur och resursanvändning som ett genomsnittligt svenskt jordbruk. Det resulterar i att överskottet av kväve och fosfor i jordbruket ökar med 58% respektive 18% samtidigt som livsmedelsproduktionen ökar. Två andra scenarier där jordbruket i hela Östersjöregionen ställer om till ekologiskt kretsloppsjordbruk resulterar i reduktion av kväveöverskottet från jordbruket med 47-61% samt att fosforöverskottet elimineras. I de här scenarierna skulle livsmedelsproduktionen minska eller vara i princip oförändrad beroende på vilken strategi som väljs. På nationell nivå jämförs miljöpåverkan av olika produktionsmetoder, av transporter samt av olika matkassar. En hushållsstudie genomfördes i en grupp miljömedvetna konsumenter för att konstruera en alternativ matkasse. Matkassen innehöll en stor andel grönsaker, en liten andel kött och mycket lokalt och ekologiskt producerad mat jämfört med en genomsnittlig svensk matkasse. Den var även 24% dyrare i inköp. Det visade sig att miljöbelastningen påverkades väl så mycket av matkassens innehåll som av produktionsmetod. Lokal produktion och förädling var inte lika betydelsefullt. På lokal nivå studerades ett nätverk av entreprenörer engagerade i produktion, förädling och distribution av ekologiska livsmedel. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att studera nätverket. Ett resilient, självorganiserande nätverk karaktäriserat av ekonomisk stabilitet och socialt kapital observerades. En hög andel av lokalt producerad och konsumerad mat samt ett väl fungerande samarbete i nätverket av entreprenörer och mellan entreprenörer, konsumenter och kommunen bidrog till ekonomisk hållbarhet. EU:s utvidgning innebär en möjlighet till förändrad förvaltning av Östersjön och jordbrukssektorn. En omställning i stor skala till ekologiskt kretsloppsjordbruk skulle leda till miljöförbättringar. En hållbar förvaltning av Östersjön, något som överenskommits inom ramen för HELCOM, kan inte uppnås samtidigt som jordbruksproduktionen maximeras i länderna runt Östersjön. Jordbruket orsakar betydande externa kostnader. Betalningsviljan för en förbättrad Östersjömiljö är stor vilket motiverar investeringar i ett miljövänligare, hållbart jordbruk. Medlemmarna i HELCOM, däribland Sveriges regering, har såväl ekonomiska som miljömässiga incitament att utnyttja möjligheten som Polens och de baltiska staternas EU-inträde innebär. Den här avhandlingen är ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Mälardalens högskola och Stockholm Resilience Centre vid Stockholms universitet. Båda lärosätena bidrog med handledning och finansiering under avhandlingsprojeket.

Urbanization, Food Security and Sustainable Development: A Challenge for Bangladesh

Sayeed, Sanjidaa January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aimed to investigate the current situation of food security and initiatives by main actors in Dhaka, Bangladesh, with urban poor in focus. A qualitative study with the actors of food security and the urban poor is the basis of this research’s result complementing with previous studies on this topic. Income of the urban poor in Bangladesh is very low compare to the food price which is one of the main reasons why urban poor are not food secure in Dhaka city. There are many organizations working on income generating approaches in urban Dhaka but the work is too small to have an impact on the current situation of food security. Lack of social safety net is another reason identified for food insecurity in urban Dhaka. The government is provided low priced rice and wheat to the urban poor yet again this only covers 1 percent of the urban slums. Due to lack of resource sustainable development is not included in in the process of ensuring food security in urban Dhaka.

Cultivating a Food Movement : Slow Food USA’s Role in Moving Society Towards Sustainability

Feldman, Maja, Kingfisher, Alli, Sundborg, Cindy January 2011 (has links)
With society’s growing population and the earth’s limited resources, the current world food system is unsustainable. Slow Food USA (SFUSA) is an existing food-related Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) focusing on the expansion of Good, Clean, and Fair food. This research aims to help SFUSA to strategically support society’s move towards sustainability. To do this, the authors used the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD) to examine the current reality of SFUSA, where the opportunities and challenges for the organization to strategically plan toward sustainability were identified. The authors then used Leverage Points (LPs) to identify opportunities for how SFUSA can strategically intervene in the world food system to create change and the challenges that exist in doing so. The results of this research allowed the team to create a list of recommendations. Of these results, five were picked as the most strategic recommendations for SFUSA: 1) Co-create a shared common vision of sustainable food for society 2) Define a common language and branding among chapters that are in alignment with SFUSA 3) Implement a strategic planning process founded in a principle-based definition of sustainability 4) Expand educational outreach to specific targeted groups at the chapter level 5) Advocate for policy changes to remove barriers to widely available and affordable, sustainably produced agriculture.


Markey, Elke January 2017 (has links)
Modern food systems are characterized by unsustainable models of mono-production and industrialization. These dominant practices lead to social and environmental negative externalities such as poor health outcomes, environmental degradation and biodiversity loss. A more holistic approach to food systems is required that acknowledges the social-ecological complexities of food systems and ultimately (re)connects humans to the biosphere.  Eco-gastronomy is put forward as a possible approach to achieving more sustainability in the food system. This study uses social-ecological systems thinking, resilience theory, social innovation literature and transition theory to understand the transformative potential of eco-gastronomic food processing initiatives for more sustainable food systems. It is set greater Cape Town area, where thirteen semi-structured interviews with eco-gastronomic niche food professionals were conducted and analyzed, applying a case study approach to describe the identity and transformative potential across the different cases through an innovations boundary framework, as well as multilevel interactions and scaling strategies.  This paper shows how niche eco-gastronomic initiatives in the Greater Cape Town area have successfully created new interactions between humans and the environment. They are highly interconnected among each other, as network building is a key business strategy given the low institutional support for these small-scale businesses. Exchange with the regime of large-scale producers remains limited. Instead, niche actors mainly focus on scaling out and scaling deep to achieve transformation, fostering the further development of the eco-gastronomic sector as well as engaging in a conversation that should alter producers’ and consumers’ production perceptions and beliefs.  Since the initiatives are still in a start-up phase, further research should better our understanding of the resilience of alternative food systems and niche-regime dynamics. They nevertheless provide seeds for social-ecological transformation in the Capetonian food system, showing that care for the social-ecological environment of food can result in more tasty and equitable meals.

Ätbara insekter - en framtida pusselbit i Sveriges livsmedelssystem? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om involverade aktörers inställningar till införandet av ätbara insekter i Sverige / Edible insects - a future part of the Swedish food system? : A qualitative interview study on the stakeholders´ perceptions of edible insects in Sweden.

Savijärvi, Riikka, Gundersen, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
En växande global befolkning och tilltagande problem med klimatförändringar är starkt bidragande faktorer till ett ökande behov av mer hållbara och näringsrika livsmedel, varav ett livsmedelsalternativ som har presenterats är ätbara insekter. Konceptet med ätbara insekter är relativt nytt i Västvärlden och speciellt i Sverige där engagemanget inom fältet fortfarande är väldigt begränsat. För att bidra till en eventuell marknadsintroduktion av ätbara insekter har ett litet antal involverade aktörer en central roll för frågans utveckling. Därmed är syftet med denna studie att analysera hur involverade aktörer ser på marknadsintroduktion av ätbara insekter i Sverige. Syftet är även i ljuset av forskning om ätbara insekter och tidigare debatt om genmanipulerade grödor (GMO) bidra till en vidare diskussion om möjligheter för användningen av ätbara insekter i Sverige. Analysen och slutsatser från studien visar att aktörerna ser positivt på en marknadsintroduktion av ätbara insekter både som livsmedel och foder, men endast som en väldigt begränsad del av Sveriges livsmedelssystem. Utifrån aktörers syn och även tidigare forskning är det möjligt att introducera ätbara insekter på marknaden. Det finns dock även flera faktorer som kan hindra marknadsintroduktionen i Sverige. Exempelvis träder en ojämn konkurrenssituation mellan länder fram i analysen som ett möjligt hinder för införandet: en del länder som Nederländerna har kommit längre i processer i fråga om ätbara insekter, vilket kan minska motivationen hos svenska företagare och andra aktörer att utvecklas inom branschen. Orsaken till detta är diverse tolkningar av den ursprungliga förordningen för nya livsmedel (EU) No. 258/97 som innebar oklarheter angående ätbara insekter. / The climate change and the growing global population have led to a need for new, more sustainable, and nutritious sources of food. Edible insects are one of the presented alternative solutions to cope with the problem. The concept is relatively new in the Western world, especially in Sweden where the involvement in the field is limited. In order to contribute to the market introduction of edible insects, the dedication of different actors in the field has a central role in this issue. Consequently, the aim of this study is to analyse how actors involved in the edible insects network perceive the market introduction of edible insects in Sweden. The aim is also to contribute to a further discussion on possibilities for the use of edible insects in Sweden in the light of the introduction of GMOs. The analysis and the conclusions from the study show that the actors have relatively positive perceptions of a market introduction of edible insects both as food and feed, though only as a relatively limited part of the national food system. Based on the actors´ views and previous studies there are opportunities to introduce edible insects to the Swedish market. However, there are several factors that can hinder the market introduction in Sweden. For example, competition between countries has been highlighted as a possible obstacle: the original novel food regulation had led to different interpretations between countries concerning edible insects, which included differences between Western countries in possibilities to introduce insects to the market. Countries such as the Netherlands have more conducive market conditions and have already had insects on the market for several years, while in Sweden the market is still negligible, which can lead to lack of motivation to develop this branch of industry.

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