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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bredband och Internet i Sverige : en kartläggning av faktisk tillgång och användning ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv / Broadband and Internet in Sweden : a survey of actual availability and utilisation from an economic perspective

Jägeberg, David, Lindeberg, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
Globalt sett är Sverige ett föregångsland inom informationsteknologi. Såväl nationell som internationell statistik visar på växande bredbandstillgång och alltmer frekvent användning av tjänster på Internet. Sådana siffror utgår emellertid ofta från ett leverantörsperspektiv och teoretiska prestanda. Detta examensarbete kartlägger faktisk tillgång till bredband i Sverige, samt utvärderar dess implikationer för fortsatt utveckling av Internetanvändningen ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Dessutom analyseras framtidspotentialen för nuvarande accesstekniker i landet. Datastudien innefattar de trådbundna accessteknikerna xDSL, kabel-tv och fiber-LAN samt ett antal trådlösa tekniker, så kallat mobilt bredband. Vårt empiriska underlag kommer i första hand från Stiftelsen för Internetinfrastruktur (.SE), en oberoende allmännyttig organisation som verkar för positiv utveckling av Internet i Sverige. Studien bygger på huvudsakligen kvantitativ data kring bredbandstillgång, faktisk prestanda hos olika bredbandstjänster samt svenskarnas användning av Internet. Intervjuer med representanter från svenska bredbandsoperatörer har också genomförts. I litteraturstudien byggs en teoretisk referensram som visar sambandet mellan bredbandstillgång och ekonomisk utveckling, genom de tillämpningar av Internet som bredbandsteknikerna möjliggör. Enligt vår analys förefaller bredbandstillgången i Sverige mer ojämn än vad andra kartläggningar påvisar, om man tar hänsyn till geografisk spridning av accesstekniker och kapaciteten hos dessa. Höghastighetsanslutningar, enligt vår samtida definition, är teoretiskt sett möjliga med samtliga trådbundna och ett antal mobila tekniker, men i nuläget förefaller sådan prestanda bara realistisk för kabel-tv och fiber-LAN. Tillsammans når dessa två tekniker hälften av landets befolkning. Sambanden mellan bredbandspenetration, Internetanvändning och sedermera ekonomisk utveckling är långtifrån entydiga, men examensarbetet gör gällande att andra marknadskrafter verkar idag jämfört med för bara några år sedan. Från att det snarast varit bredbandsutbyggnaden som drivit tjänsteutvecklingen på Internet kan det idag observeras alltmer kapacitetskrävande tillämpningar som når ut till större målgrupper. Nuvarande bredbandsinfrastruktur riskerar att skapa samhällsklyftor när det gäller möjligheterna att tillgodogöra sig olika former av digitalt innehåll på olika platser i landet. Utmaningen ligger både i att erbjuda likvärdiga accessmöjligheter över hela landet och i att förbindelserna ska ha tillräckliga prestanda för att klara av de växande trafikmängderna. Kapacitets- och hastighetsmässigt finns idag inga långsiktiga alternativ till fiberbaserade tekniker, ett påstående som stärks av en teknisk analys ända ned till grundläggande fysikaliska principer, men anslutningsmöjligheterna och rörligheten med mobilt bredband talar för ett stort framtidsbehov även där. / Globally speaking, Sweden is a leading country in information technology. Both national and international statistics indicate growing broadband availability and increasingly frequent use of Internet services. Such figures, however, often originate from the provider's perspective and are based on theoretical performance. This thesis surveys actual broadband availability in Sweden, and evaluates implications for continued development of Internet utilisation from an economic perspective. Furthermore, future potential of currently available connection types are analysed. The empirical study includes the wired connection types xDSL, cable and fiber LAN, as well as a number of wireless techniques. Data has primarily been provided by The Internet Infrastructure Foundation (.SE), an independent organisation for the benefit of the public that promotes a positive Internet development in Sweden. The study is comprised of mainly quantitative data on broadband access, actual performance of different broadband services and Internet usage in Sweden. Interviews with representatives of Swedish Internet service providers have also been conducted. Based on a review of literature, we construct a theoretical framework that illustrates the link between broadband access and economic development, through Internet applications that are enabled by broadband technology. According to our analysis, broadband availability in Sweden appears to be more uneven than what other surveys indicate, when the geographical dispersion of connection types and their capacities are considered. High-speed connections, by our coeval definition of the term, are theoretically possible by all wired and by some mobile technologies, but to date such performance only appears realistic for cable and fiber LAN. Combined, these two connection types are available to half the population. The relationships between broadband penetration, Internet utilisation and economic development are far from unequivocal, but the thesis states that new market forces operate today, compared to only a few years ago. Whereas the development of Internet applications used to be driven by broadband expansion in itself, increasingly demanding applications reaching larger target audiences can be seen as the main drivers today. The current broadband infrastructure risks creating social gaps when it comes to the possibility of accessing different forms of digital content in various parts of the country. The challenge lies both in providing equal access throughout the country, and in managing the performance requirements of growing amounts of data traffic. Today, there are no long-term alternatives to fiber-based connections in terms of capacity and speed. This claim is based on an analysis down to basic physical principles. Availability and mobility of wireless techniques, however, suggest a substantial future need for those as well.

Cost Overrun in Swedish Infrastructure Transport Projects : An Analysis of Cost Overrun in Swedish Infratructure Transport Projects between 2010-2022

Sjögren, Edwin, Norgren, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Cost Overrun is something that plagues infrastructure projects, both in Sweden and globally. The repercussion of it can be severe since it not only hurts the public’s perception of how the public authorities manage and allocates its resources, but also due to the immense opportunity costs that arise when the increased costs need to be covered. In general, the factors that lead to cost overrun in infrastructure transport projects can often be derived from technical, psychological, political, and economical factors, and it is not uncommon that there is a combination of these factors, which is why the subject of cost overrun is so complex. With a highly unique dataset, this paper examines cost overrun in Swedish infrastructure transport projects to see if there is a statistical relationship between cost overrun and the size of a project, its regional location, and whether it is a road- or railway project. Furthermore, an evaluation of the process of estimating and forecasting costs will be conducted. The results shows that the characteristics of regional locations have a significant relationship with projects experiencing cost overrun and that cost overrun is more common in smaller projects. There were no significant differences in cost overrun between types of projects, but it was found that between the period 2018 to 2022, cost estimates had been underestimated by approximately 34%.

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