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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komponenty a servisy v prostředí s omezenými zdroji / Components and Services in Resource-Constrained Environments

Pop, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
of Doctoral Thesis Title: Components and Services in Resource-Constrained Envi- ronments Author: Tomáš Pop tomas.pop@d3s.mff.cuni.cz Department: Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University in Prague Advisor: Prof. František Plášil plasil@d3s.mff.cuni.cz Abstract Appliances of every day use such as consumer electronics, automotive and telecommunication devices as well as various kinds of control systems have be- come a common and important part of our everyday lives. In comparison to general-purpose desktop systems, they are limited in terms of various resources, for example memory, CPU power, and battery capacity. Component-based soft- ware engineering is a well-established development technique, which has found its way to industry and has been successfully used for a long time in multiple do- mains. However, the industrially adopted component frameworks were designed for general-purpose systems and they can be hardly used in resource-constrained environments. In the thesis, we explore the potential of component-based system engineer- ing in resource-constrained environments. Stemming from a survey of existing component frameworks targeted to this domain, we identify the most important approaches to overcome resource constraints in...

Software Development Process and Reliability Quantification for Safety Critical Embedded Systems Design

Lockhart, Jonathan A. 01 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ein Fahrerinformationssystem zum Betrieb von Lkw-Konvois /

Friedrichs, Andreas. January 1900 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's Thesis--Technische Hochschule Aachen, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references.

Um estudo da aplicação do padrão AUTOSAR para desenvolvimento de funções em sistemas embarcados automotivos / A study of the application of the AUTOSAR standard for function development in automotive embedded systems

Neme, João Henrique Zander 03 May 2017 (has links)
A indústria automotiva necessita de constante aumento de qualidade e inovação para se diferenciar das concorrentes, porém sem impactar os custos de produção. No desenvolvimento tradicional geralmente o aumento da complexidade de um sistema é diretamente proporcional ao custo da sua produção. Para inverter esta relação é necessário que se implementem técnicas e padrões modernos de desenvolvimento. Além disso, é estratégico que os engenheiros, hoje em dia, estejam preparados para trabalhar com ferramentas modernas. Este trabalho tem a intenção de apresentar algumas técnicas modernas de desenvolvimento e demonstrar o fluxo de trabalho necessário para a criação de funções automotivas modernas, disponibilizando uma bibliografia que demonstra conceitos e práticas da cadeia de ferramentas específicas para este fim. Inicialmente é apresentada uma visão geral do desenvolvimento de softwares automotivos e uma comparação entre a metodologia tradicional e a abordagem X-in-the-Loop. Na sequência do trabalho o padrão AUTOSAR é apresentado para ser aplicado após o desenvolvimento da função de um painel de instrumentos automotivo. / The automotive industry needs constant increase of quality and innovation to differentiate from competitors, but without impacting production costs. In the traditional development increasing complexity of a system directly increases the cost of production. To reverse this relationship it is necessary to implement modern development techniques and standards. This work intends to present some modern development techniques demonstrating the workflow necessary for the creation of modern automotive functions, providing a bibliography that demonstrates concepts and practices of the tool chain for this purpose. Initially, an overview of the development of automotive software and a comparison between the traditional methodology and the X-in-the-Loop approach is presented. Following the AUTOSAR standard is presented to be applied after the design of an automotive dashboard function.

Um estudo da aplicação do padrão AUTOSAR para desenvolvimento de funções em sistemas embarcados automotivos / A study of the application of the AUTOSAR standard for function development in automotive embedded systems

Neme, João Henrique Zander 03 May 2017 (has links)
A indústria automotiva necessita de constante aumento de qualidade e inovação para se diferenciar das concorrentes, porém sem impactar os custos de produção. No desenvolvimento tradicional geralmente o aumento da complexidade de um sistema é diretamente proporcional ao custo da sua produção. Para inverter esta relação é necessário que se implementem técnicas e padrões modernos de desenvolvimento. Além disso, é estratégico que os engenheiros, hoje em dia, estejam preparados para trabalhar com ferramentas modernas. Este trabalho tem a intenção de apresentar algumas técnicas modernas de desenvolvimento e demonstrar o fluxo de trabalho necessário para a criação de funções automotivas modernas, disponibilizando uma bibliografia que demonstra conceitos e práticas da cadeia de ferramentas específicas para este fim. Inicialmente é apresentada uma visão geral do desenvolvimento de softwares automotivos e uma comparação entre a metodologia tradicional e a abordagem X-in-the-Loop. Na sequência do trabalho o padrão AUTOSAR é apresentado para ser aplicado após o desenvolvimento da função de um painel de instrumentos automotivo. / The automotive industry needs constant increase of quality and innovation to differentiate from competitors, but without impacting production costs. In the traditional development increasing complexity of a system directly increases the cost of production. To reverse this relationship it is necessary to implement modern development techniques and standards. This work intends to present some modern development techniques demonstrating the workflow necessary for the creation of modern automotive functions, providing a bibliography that demonstrates concepts and practices of the tool chain for this purpose. Initially, an overview of the development of automotive software and a comparison between the traditional methodology and the X-in-the-Loop approach is presented. Following the AUTOSAR standard is presented to be applied after the design of an automotive dashboard function.

Bridging the gap between technology design and school practice: a specific experiment within the ReMath Project

Maffei, Laura 07 May 2012 (has links)
This contribution describes an experiment carried out by a team within the ReMath (Representing Mathematics with Digital Media) European Project (http://remath.cti.gr). Within this project six digital dynamic artefacts (DDAs) have been developed, thirteen experiments have been planned (Artigue & al., 2007) and carried out, analysis of the collected data are still in progress. In this contribution, we focus on the case of the Aplusix DDA (http://aplusix.imag.fr), from the point in which the designers deliver their product to the team in charge of planning the experiment, up to the point in which the artefact is experimented within the ReMath project.


Avigyan Mukherjee (15306883) 19 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Dockerizing web servers has gained significant popularity due to its lightweight containerization approach, enabling rapid and efficient deployment of web services. However, the security of web server containers remains a critical concern. This study proposes a novel approach to enhance the security of Docker-based web servers using bpftrace to trace Nginx and Apache containers under attack, identifying abnormal syscalls, connections, shared library calls, and file accesses from normal ones. The gathered metrics are used to generate tailored AppArmor profiles for improved mandatory access control policies and enhanced container security. BPFtrace is a high-level tracing language allowing for real-time analysis of system events. This research introduces an innovative method for generating AppArmor profiles by utilizing BPFtrace to monitor system alerts, creating customized security policies tailored to the specific needs of Docker-based web servers. Once the profiles are generated, the web server container is redeployed with enhanced security measures in place. This approach increases security by providing granular control and adaptability to address potential threats. The evaluation of the proposed method is conducted using CVE’s found in the open source literature affecting nginx and apache web servers that correspond to the classification system that was created. The Apache and Nginx containers was attacked with Metasploit, and benchmark tests including ltrace evaluation in accordance with existing literature were conducted. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in mitigating security risks and strengthening the overall security posture of Docker-based web servers. This is achieved by limiting memcpy and memset shared library calls identified using bpftrace and applying rlimits in 9 AppArmor to limit their rate to normal levels (as gauged during testing) and deny other harmful file accesses and syscalls. The study’s findings contribute to the growing body of knowledge on container security and offer valuable insights for practitioners aiming to develop more secure web server deployments using Docker. </p>

Развој адаптибилног дистрибуираног информационог система за подршку управљању реализацијом софтверских пројеката / Razvoj adaptibilnog distribuiranog informacionog sistema za podršku upravljanju realizacijom softverskih projekata / Development of an Adaptable Distributed Information System for Software Project Management Support

Kazi LJubica 05 February 2016 (has links)
<p>У овом раду приказанa je анализа резултата истраживања,<br />постојећих техничких решења и искустава из IT индустрије у<br />појединачним и комбинованим областима: дистрибуирани<br />развој софтвера и управљање софтверским пројектима у<br />дистрибуираном окружењу, метричка заснованост управљања<br />софтверским пројектима, адатибилност у управљању агилним<br />софтверским пројектима, адаптибилни дистрибуираних<br />информациони системи.<br />Предложен је функционално-технолошки теоријски модел<br />софтверске подршке адаптибилног дистрибуираног<br />информационог система за подршку управљању реализацијом<br />софтверских пројеката. Предложени су приступи у процесу<br />развоја система у оквиру креирања модела софтверских<br />функција и концептуалног модела података. Предложени су<br />метрички модели за евалуацију артефакта у развоју софтвера у<br />области развоја информационих система, као и метрички<br />модели за процену трајања пројекта и мониторинг успеха<br />процеса у дистрибуираном развоју софтвера.<br />Описана је имплементација почетног прототипа система<br />(реализованог као web апликација www.it-project.rs), у оквиру<br />ког су реализоване основне функције система. Извршена су<br />емпиријска истраживања могућности коришћења прототипа<br />система у настави и професионалном усавршавању студената и<br />анализа резултата пробног коришћења прототипа од стране ИТ<br />кадрова уз пратеће анкетирање. Извршена је бенчмаркинг<br />анализа најчешће коришћених расположивих алата издвојених<br />анкетирањем. Извршена је анализа резултата емпиријских<br />истраживања у односу на ефикасност примене прототипа.<br />Извршена је анализа резултата примене метричких модела за<br />евалуацију артефакта развоја софтвера, мониторинг успеха<br />процеса и процену трајања пројекта у делу процеса<br />имплементације софтвера. Реализовано је унапређење<br />прототипа у односу на претходно дефинисане захтеве<br />функционално-технолошког теоријског модела система.</p> / <p>U ovom radu prikazana je analiza rezultata istraživanja,<br />postojećih tehničkih rešenja i iskustava iz IT industrije u<br />pojedinačnim i kombinovanim oblastima: distribuirani<br />razvoj softvera i upravljanje softverskim projektima u<br />distribuiranom okruženju, metrička zasnovanost upravljanja<br />softverskim projektima, adatibilnost u upravljanju agilnim<br />softverskim projektima, adaptibilni distribuiranih<br />informacioni sistemi.<br />Predložen je funkcionalno-tehnološki teorijski model<br />softverske podrške adaptibilnog distribuiranog<br />informacionog sistema za podršku upravljanju realizacijom<br />softverskih projekata. Predloženi su pristupi u procesu<br />razvoja sistema u okviru kreiranja modela softverskih<br />funkcija i konceptualnog modela podataka. Predloženi su<br />metrički modeli za evaluaciju artefakta u razvoju softvera u<br />oblasti razvoja informacionih sistema, kao i metrički<br />modeli za procenu trajanja projekta i monitoring uspeha<br />procesa u distribuiranom razvoju softvera.<br />Opisana je implementacija početnog prototipa sistema<br />(realizovanog kao web aplikacija www.it-project.rs), u okviru<br />kog su realizovane osnovne funkcije sistema. Izvršena su<br />empirijska istraživanja mogućnosti korišćenja prototipa<br />sistema u nastavi i profesionalnom usavršavanju studenata i<br />analiza rezultata probnog korišćenja prototipa od strane IT<br />kadrova uz prateće anketiranje. Izvršena je benčmarking<br />analiza najčešće korišćenih raspoloživih alata izdvojenih<br />anketiranjem. Izvršena je analiza rezultata empirijskih<br />istraživanja u odnosu na efikasnost primene prototipa.<br />Izvršena je analiza rezultata primene metričkih modela za<br />evaluaciju artefakta razvoja softvera, monitoring uspeha<br />procesa i procenu trajanja projekta u delu procesa<br />implementacije softvera. Realizovano je unapređenje<br />prototipa u odnosu na prethodno definisane zahteve<br />funkcionalno-tehnološkog teorijskog modela sistema.</p> / <p>Тhis work presents analysis of research results, existing<br />technical solutions and experiences from IT industry in<br />separate and combined fields of: distributed software<br />development, software project management in distributed<br />environment, metric-based software project management,<br />adaptability in management of agile software projects, as<br />well in the field of adaptable distributed information<br />systems.<br />Functional-technological theoretical model of software<br />support to adaptable distributed information system for<br />software projects realization has been proposed. Approaches<br />to creating software functions model and conceptual data<br />model within the process of the system development were<br />proposed. Metric models for evaluation of artefacts created<br />in software development within information system<br />development, as well as metric models for project duration<br />estimation and monitoring of process success in distributed<br />software development were proposed.<br />Implementation of initial prototype of the system<br />(developed as web application www.it-project.rs), that<br />includes basic functions, was described. Empirical research<br />on possibilities for using prototype in educational<br />environment and professional improvement of students, as<br />well as analysis of results from using the prototype by IT<br />professionals, with additional questionnaire, has been<br />conducted. Benchmarking analysis of most frequently used<br />available tools, extracted from questionnaire results, has<br />been performed. Analysis of empirical research results has<br />been performed in the context of prototype using efficiency.<br />Analysis of results in metric models application in evaluation<br />of software development artefacts, process success<br />monitoring and project duration estimation, in software<br />implementation process part, has been conducted.<br />Improvement of prototype has been implemented according<br />to requirements defined in previously proposed functionaltechnological<br />theoretical model of the system.</p>

An open source HPC-enabled model of cardiac defibrillation of the human heart

Bernabeu Llinares, Miguel Oscar January 2011 (has links)
Sudden cardiac death following cardiac arrest is a major killer in the industrialised world. The leading cause of sudden cardiac death are disturbances in the normal electrical activation of cardiac tissue, known as cardiac arrhythmia, which severely compromise the ability of the heart to fulfill the body's demand of oxygen. Ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the most deadly form of cardiac arrhythmia. Furthermore, electrical defibrillation through the application of strong electric shocks to the heart is the only effective therapy against VF. Over the past decades, a large body of research has dealt with the study of the mechanisms underpinning the success or failure of defibrillation shocks. The main mechanism of shock failure involves shocks terminating VF but leaving the appropriate electrical substrate for new VF episodes to rapidly follow (i.e. shock-induced arrhythmogenesis). A large number of models have been developed for the in silico study of shock-induced arrhythmogenesis, ranging from single cell models to three-dimensional ventricular models of small mammalian species. However, no extrapolation of the results obtained in the aforementioned studies has been done in human models of ventricular electrophysiology. The main reason is the large computational requirements associated with the solution of the bidomain equations of cardiac electrophysiology over large anatomically-accurate geometrical models including representation of fibre orientation and transmembrane kinetics. In this Thesis we develop simulation technology for the study of cardiac defibrillation in the human heart in the framework of the open source simulation environment Chaste. The advances include the development of novel computational and numerical techniques for the solution of the bidomain equations in large-scale high performance computing resources. More specifically, we have considered the implementation of effective domain decomposition, the development of new numerical techniques for the reduction of communication in Chaste's finite element method (FEM) solver, and the development of mesh-independent preconditioners for the solution of the linear system arising from the FEM discretisation of the bidomain equations. The developments presented in this Thesis have brought Chaste to the level of performance and functionality required to perform bidomain simulations with large three-dimensional cardiac geometries made of tens of millions of nodes and including accurate representation of fibre orientation and membrane kinetics. This advances have enabled the in silico study of shock-induced arrhythmogenesis for the first time in the human heart, therefore bridging an important gap in the field of cardiac defibrillation research.

Využitelnost cloud computingových systémů pro řízení projektů / Applicability of cloud computing systems in project management

Bubeníček, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the applicability of cloud computing systems in project management. The main objective is the definition of the requirements on a project management software tool and their subsequent application in the specific area of cloud software providers. The theoretical part of the thesis studies the essential aspects of the principle of software provision services. The first part is dedicated to the history and general definition of the concept of cloud computing. The second theoretical part describes the basic principles of project management. Project management is not examined as a whole but instead, the emphasis is put on a specific area of human resources management. The theoretical part also contains the definition of the requirements, which are used as assessment standards for the practical part of the thesis. The practical part introduces an overview of 10 selected providers of cloud-based applications. The previously defined assessment standards are applied subsequently on each subject. The generated evaluation data are used to verify the defined hypotheses supporting the concept of cloud computing applications in project management.

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