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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards a rational design of gravel media water treatment filters : MRI investigation of the spatial heterogeneity in pollutant particle accumulation

Minto, James Martin January 2014 (has links)
Gravel filters are potentially a low cost, low maintenance water treatment solution. They require no mechanical or electrical parts and can operate without the addition of chemicals or the need for close supervision. As such, they are an appropriate technology for treating road runoff as a component of Sustainable urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) and as an initial stage of drinking water treatment in rural areas. However, the processes by which pollutant particles are removed in gravel filters are poorly understood and practical experience shows that many filters fail long before their expected design life is reached. For this reason gravel filters are little used for drinking water treatment and, when they are incorporated into SuDS, their removal efficiency and maintenance requirements are unpredictable. The aim of this thesis was to better understand particle removal processes and the implications for gravel filter design. This was achieved through a combination of lab-based experiments and numerical modelling. • The change in conservative tracer transport characteristics with pollutant particle accumulation was assessed through column experiments. • The spatial heterogeneity of particle accumulation was measured by collecting 3D data with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Multiple scans of filters allowed the temporal evolution of particle accumulation to be assessed. A method for processing the raw MRI data to yield the change in 3D pore geometry was developed, assessed and applied. • A simple method for extracting and comparing pore network characteristics at different stages of particle accumulation was applied to the MRI derived geometry. • Direct modelling of the 3D MRI pore geometry with the open source software OpenFOAM allowed correlation of flow velocities with particle accumulation at each point in the pore network. Lagrangian particle tracking was used to simulate the transport of a conservative tracer through the filter. Key findings were that spatial heterogeneity in particle accumulation was influenced by both initial pore geometry and the temporal evolution of the pore network with accumulation. This was attributed to the formation of high velocity preferential flow paths that were evident in both the 3D MRI data and the numerical model of that data. Pore networks exhibited a decrease in connectivity with accumulation and this was mirrored by a decrease in the volume of the filter that was accessible to a conservative tracer. Conclusions of this thesis are that MRI is a useful tool for non-invasively assessing the spatial variability of clogging in gravel filters and, when combined with numerical modelling of the pore geometry, for establishing the link between pore velocity and particle removal. The formation of preferential flow paths is detrimental to the pollutant removal efficiency of a filter and could explain why many filters fail to produce good quality effluent well before their physical pollutant storage capacity is reached.

Evaluation of finite element analysis techiques applied to a floating offshore wind turbine

Almherigh, Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed January 2005 (has links)
The work presented here is a research thesis of the Ph. D programme in The School of Computing, Science & Engineering at The University of Salford UK. The work presents the evaluation of using explicit finite element techniques for structural non-linear dynamic analysis of a floating offshore wind turbine used for harnessing wind kinetic energy and converting it to electricity. The LS-DYNA3D explicit finite element analysis programme is used in performing the evaluation of the analysis and in creating a full scale model typical to the one evaluated. The developed model (case study) is a 1.4MW power rated floating 3 blades turbine elevated at 46.5 m above main sea level a top a tripod lattice steel tower firmly resting on a moored floating concrete hull buoy, positioned on a concrete circular disk. The mooring cables supporting the floating units in the multi unit farm are designed to share seabed anchoring piles for economic reasons. The model is intended for use in moderately deep waters of up to 500m. The State-of-the-art report is presented concerning wind energy technology, floating offshore wind structures and important features of the LS-DYNA3D code. The theoretical basics for service loads experienced by the floating wind turbine are explored and the loads are quantified. The Verification and validation work on developed small models is presented to ensure confidence in the developed full scale model and the evaluation of the finite element techniques which may be applied to such structures. Development of full scale model, material properties, loads and boundary conditions are presented. Recommendations both for this model and future development are accordingly made.

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in indoor and outdoor environments

Muenhor, Dudsadee January 2011 (has links)
PBDEs were detected in all air and dust samples. The PBDE congener profile in both outdoor and indoor air samples from Thai e-waste storage facilities and homes was dominated by BDE-47 and 99, whilst the predominant BFRs in all dust samples from Thai e-waste storage facilities were BDE-209, BDE-208, BDE-207, BDE-206, BDE-197, BDE-183, BDE-99, BDE-47 and DBDPE. Furthermore, BDEs 99 and 47 were the most abundant congeners in all dust samples from Thai houses and cars and UK homes. Under realistic high-end scenarios of occupational exposure to BDE-99 via dust ingestion, workers in Thai e-waste storage facilities were exposed above a recently-published Health Based Limit Value for this congener. For non-occupational exposure, under a high-end exposure scenario, the exposure to BDE-99 of such Thai children via dust ingestion is either very close to or in exceedance of the HBLV. PBDE levels in most of the areas monitored within the same rooms were not statistically significantly different. Similarly, concentrations of PBDEs in the majority of rooms within the same houses were not statistically significantly different between rooms. Possible dilution of PBDE levels in dust with increasing dust loadings has been identified in a small number of rooms.


蔡青蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
回顧中國在改革開放後,採取「以市場換技術」進口外國技術與資本來快速推動經濟成長。但以移動手機和設備產業來看,外資維持以密集研發投入和技術能力主宰大陸國內市場,本國企業仰賴進口技術的情況不見改善。而在面臨經濟從「中國製造」轉型到「中國創新」的壓力下,中國政府於2006年正式提出中長期計畫,將中國自訂的3G 通信標準TD-SCDMA劃入高科技發展藍圖,企圖透過標準產業政策來提高本土廠商「自主創新」的能力,以達到發展民族工業的目標。 本文的研究問題是中國政府如何讓技術落後的本土製造業者,藉由TD-SCDMA標準來進行產業化與技術追趕。對照與借用東亞後進國家促進業發展的相關理論,本文探討中國「國家和企業」之政治關係與搭配制度的轉變,如何影響到產業發展結果,也比對中國廠商後進追趕的結果與國家作用,和東亞「發展型國家」的差異。本文主要發現為: 2006年後,TD-SCDMA產業發展結果有顯著性的改善,這和中國政府進行的政治整合和制度創新有關。 首先,在中國行政體系條塊分離的情況下,國家先整合了之前各部會間利益分歧的地方,以求官僚部會對TD政策支持行動的一致性。其次,國家再以三種方式干預和TD相關的三個產業,並搭配制度的創新與調整,包括有:(1)巨額投資在基礎建設,保護和孕育本土TD設備製造商;(2)但TD手機產業改為開放給外資和台商進入,發展上游晶片產品來拉動下游手機產業發展;以及(3)分配TD牌照給國家冠軍營運商中國移動。過程中,國家和中國移動的關係一改先前的恩庇關係,以及國家不斷嘗試創新制度,是TD產業發展改善的關鍵。 總之,中國在面臨全球化、產業結構轉型與內需市場成長的壓力下,國家致力於政治利益整合與制度變遷,促進本土製造商藉由TD標準達到進口取代的目。最後,本文也提出樂觀和悲觀情境,分析哪些企業可受益於國家3G的產業政策,促進其未來在4G技術標準時,有更高機率能與外資縮短技術差距。上述這種以科技標準來保護本土廠商進行技術追趕的途徑,和先前東亞國家扶持廠商出口代工達到技術追趕的途徑有顯著的差異,屬於中國獨特的扶持民族工業發展的實驗做法。

The Effects Of Seed Sludge Type And Anoxic/aerobic Period Sequence On Aerobic Granulation And Cod, N Treatment Performance

Ersan, Yusuf Cagatay 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this master thesis study was improvement of the required operational conditions for aerobic granulation in sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). In the first part of the study, membrane bioreactor sludge (MBS) and conventional activated sludge (CAS), were used to investigate the effect of suspended seed sludge type on granulation in SBRs. The MBS granules were found to be advantageous in terms of size, resistance to toxic effects, stability and recovery compared to CAS granules. During non-inhibitory conditions, sCOD removal efficiencies were 70&plusmn / 13% and 67&plusmn / 11% for MBS and CAS, and total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiencies were 38&plusmn / 8% and 26&plusmn / 8%, respectively. In the second part of the study, the effects of period sequence (anoxic-aerobic and aerobic-anoxic) on aerobic granulation from MBS, and sCOD, N removal efficiencies were investigated. Granules developed in anoxic-aerobic period sequence were more stable and larger (1.8-3.5 mm) than granules developed in aerobic-anoxic sequence. Under steady conditions, almost 95% sCOD, 90% Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN) and around 39-47 % of TN removal was achieved. Almost 100% denitrification in anoxic period was achieved in anoxic-aerobic period sequence and it was observed around 40% in aerobic-anoxic period sequence. The effects of influent sulfate (from 35.1 mg/L to 70.2 mg/L) on treatment efficiencies of aerobic granules were also investigated. The influent SO42- concentrations of 52.6 mg/L to 70.2 mg/L promoted sulfate reduction. The produced sulfide (0.24 mg/L to 0.62 mg/L) inhibited the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) performance by 10 to 50%.

Investigation Of Emissions And Combustion Kinetics Of Waste Wood Samples With Thermal And Spectral Methods

Yurdakul Yorulmaz, Sema 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The mechanisms and kinetics of combustion of waste wood as well as the phases during combustion processes are important to eliminate these wastes without any possible damage to environment. In the present study, combustion mechanisms, activation energy and pre-exponential constants, and phases of combustion were investigated for untreated natural pine and treated Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF), plywood and particleboard samples that involve some chemicals and additives. Waste wood samples were heated in air at 10, 20 and 30oC/min heating rates in a Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) from room temperature to 900oC. Thermogravimetry (TG) and Derivative Thermogravimetry (DTG) curves for all samples were obtained. The gases formed during combustion reactions were directly fed to a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) instrument coupled to TGA. Emission characteristics of the samples were determined in-situ by using the FTIR spectrums. As a result of TG analysis, thermal decomposition of treated samples was observed at lower temperatures as compared to the untreated pine sample because of the catalyzing effects of the chemicals in the treated samples. Therefore, there were less flammable products, lower weight losses in the main oxidation region, decrease in the max. weight loss temperatures and formation of more char for treated samples as compared to untreated pine sample. In other words, chemicals used during production of these samples lead to decrease in the combustibility of the treated samples. Thermal kinetic constants for the samples were calculated by using Coats Redfern and Broido Methods. In order to find out the mechanisms responsible for the oxidation of the waste wood samples in different regions, six solid state mechanisms of Coats Redfern Method were tested. As a result of FTIR analysis of the emitted gases from TG analysis, several chemical groups were detected from pine and treated samples. Combustion of all samples revealed some gases containing aromatics, C-H groups, CO2 and CO. However, there were some toxic and carcinogenic gases like formaldehyde, isocyanate group, ammonia, phenyl group and benzoylbromide among the emissions of treated samples which need utmost attention when recovering energy from treated waste woods.

Effect Of Ionic Strength On The Performance Of Polymer Enhanced Ultrafiltration In Heavy Metal Removal From Aqueous Solutions

Islamoglu, Sezin 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Effect of ionic strength on the efficiency of heavy metal removal and recovery from aqueous solutions via continuous mode polymer enhanced ultrafiltration (PEUF) method was examined. Application of PEUF to divalent ions of cadmium, nickel and zinc after their prior linking with polyethylenimine (PEI) results in complete removal of metal ions from single component aqueous solutions at high pHs. Binding ability and hence the extent of metal retention in high ionic strength medium exhibits differences between solutions containing single and multicomponent metal mixtures. In single component metal solutions, extent of retention decreases but binding order of metals remains unaffected both in low and high ionic strength medium. But, in binary component metal mixtures, with increase in ionic strength the binding order of metals changes. Fractional separation of Cd, Ni and Zn ions from equimolar binary and ternary mixtures of these metals and effect of ionic strength on fractional separation efficiency were investigated. Depending on pH and salt concentration and metal pairs present in the solution fractional separation can be achieved.Dynamic and static light scattering experiments were performed in order to gain insight about the conformational changes in PEI structure due to the pH and ionic strength alternations in solution. It was found that, the increase in ionic strength reduces the size of the macromolecules. A chemical equilibrium model was developed in order to estimate the apparent binding constants of metal-PEI complexes. Based on the data obtained from continuous and batch mode PEUF experiments apparent binding constants were estimated and compared to reveal the performance differences between these operational modes.

Organic Acid Production From The Organic Fraction Of Municipal Solid Waste In Leaching Bed Reactors

Dogan, Evrim 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study was carried out to evaluate the potential of high-rate anaerobic digestion of high-solids organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) for the production of organic acids and alcohols in leaching bed reactors (LBRs). For this purpose, two different experimental set-ups, namely Set-1 and Set-2, were operated. In the Set-1, only OFMSW without paper was studied in two identical LBRs, whereas, four identical LBRs, fed with OFMSW with paper and cow manure in different proportions, were operated in the Set-2. In this study, 50-60% of hydrolysis efficiency was achieved in the LBRs of Set-1, whereas this value was decreased to 20-25% in the LBRs of Set-2 / which was resulted from OFMSW containing cellulose and less volume of water addition in the Set-2. The mass of total volatile fatty acids (tVFA) production was found as 7000-9000 mg at the end of 80 days in the LBRs of Set-1, fed with OFMSW without paper, whereas it was 3000 mg at the end of 40 days in the LBR of Set-2, containing only OFMSW with paper. It was also observed that cow manure addition increased the amount of tVFA production in the LBR of Set-2. In conclusion, LBRs were found as alternative reactors for the degradation of OFMSW compared to completely stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in terms of rapid hydrolysis and acidification, which can result in high hydrolysis yield and tVFA production.

Biological And Chemical Sludge Filtration

Yukseler, Hande 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Up to date, sludge filterability has been characterized by the Ruth&rsquo / s classical filtration theory and quantified by the well-known parameter specific cake resistance (SCR). However, the complexity of the actual phenomenon is clearly underestimated by the classical filtration theory and SCR is often not satisfactory in describing filterability. Although many scientific studies were conducted for a better analysis and understanding of the filtration theory, still a practically applicable solution to replace the classical theory for a better description of filterability has not been proposed yet. In the present study, blocking filtration laws proposed by Hermans and Bred&eacute / e, dating back to 1936, which have been extensively used in the membrane literature for the analysis of fouling phenomenon and the multiphase filtration theory developed by Willis and Tosun (1980) highlighting the importance of the cake-septum interface in determining the overall filtration rate have been adopted for the analysis of filterability of sludge systems. Firstly, the inadequacy of the classical filtration theory in characterizing the filterability of real sludge systems and also the lack of the currently used methodology in simulating filtration operation was highlighted. Secondly, to better understand the effect of slurry characteristics and operational conditions on filtration, model slurries of spherical and incompressible Meliodent particles were formed. Finally, a methodology was developed with the gathered filtration data to assess the filterability of the sludge systems by both theories. The results clearly show that both approaches were superior to the classical approach in terms of characterizing the filterability of sludge systems. While blocking laws yielded a slurry specific characterization parameter to replace the commonly used SCR, the multiphase theory provided a better understanding of the physical reality of the overall process.

Use Of Calcium-alginate As A Coagulant For Low Turbidity Waters

Yuksel, Mete Avni 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to investigate the possibility of using calcium-alginate as a coagulant in low turbidity waters. Jar tests were initially performed with synthetically prepared turbid waters to investigate the effect of alginate and calcium concentrations, alginate&rsquo / s molecular weight, rapid mixing time and speed (schedule), initial pH and alkalinity of synthetic water on turbidity removal efficiency of calcium-alginate system step by step. Alum as a coagulant was then used in jar tests conducted with synthetic water to compare with calcium-alginate in terms of its turbidity removal efficiency and produced sludge properties. Finally, raw water acquired from water treatment plant was tested for treatability by using calcium-alginate based on previously determined optimum parameters via jar tests. Experiments of calcium-alginate system with synthetic water showed that calcium was a key parameter in coagulation and high molecular weight alginate performed better in turbidity removal. Significant improvements in turbidity removal were observed when mixing schedules were rearranged / especially in case of increasing rapid mixing time following calcium dosing. Calcium-alginate system neither was notably affected by pH or alkalinity nor did significantly change the pH or alkalinity of the medium. Alum worked well in turbidity removal with additional adjustments of pH and alkalinity, however / alum produced higher quantities of sludge than calcium-alginate system. &ldquo / Raw water&ldquo / experiments with calcium-alginate did not result in desired level of turbidity removals due to the excessively different characteristics of this water compared to the synthetically prepared turbid water.

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