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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies of transforming growth factor alpha in normal and abnormal growth

Hallbeck, Anna-Lotta January 2007 (has links)
Regulation of growth is of fundamental importance for development of the organism and to maintain health. The induction of cell proliferation and matrix production are influenced by several different signaling systems, most importantly by growth factors. The human HER-family of growth factor ligands and receptors is one of the most studied and, at present, one of the most complex including 4 tyrosine kinase receptors and at least 11 different ligands cooperating in the transfer of signals. The HER-family growth responses are also influenced by other intercellular and extracellular signals, including matrix components, cytokines and hormones mediating e.g. inflammation. HER-1 (EGFR) is one of the best known and most extensively studied growth factor receptors. TGF-alpha is possibly the most potent HER-1 ligand and influences wound healing, epidermal maintenance, gastrointestinal function, lactation, pulmonary function and more. Several studies have shown important regulatory functions for some inflammatory cytokines on TGF-alpha production in white blood cells. HER-1 is widespread in epithelial cells but also in mesenchymal cells such as fibroblasts, osteogenic and chondrogenic cells. Consequently, many tumors arising from these cell types express HER family members and often show TGF-alpha and/or HER activation. Indeed, mammary cancer development has been shown when over expressing both TGF-alpha and HER-2 in mouse mammary cells in vivo. In recent years the first HER-1 and HER-2 inhibitors have come into clinical practice for treatment of breast cancer, lung cancer and gastrointestinal cancers, sometimes with great success. However, more knowledge is needed concerning the inflammatory regulation of HER-family expression including where and how the ligands and receptors cooperate. Therefore we were interested in studying the role of TGF-alpha in normal and abnormal growth. First we showed that the acute inflammatory cytokine IL-6 regulates TGF-alpha expression in U-937-1 monocytoid cells. Secondly, we detected a possible long-term enhancing influence of singledose UVR on HER-1 expression in normal human melanocytes. We continued thirdly by revealing TGF-alpha production concomitant with HER-2 in normal human synovia and release of soluble TGF-alpha into the synovial fluid. Both TGF-alpha and HER-2 production were significantly increased in inflammatory joint conditions, e.g. RA. Fourthly, we demonstrated expression of TGF-alpha, HER-1 and HER-2 in synovial sarcoma cells in culture; the observed HER-2 phosphorylation was dependent on ligand induced HER-1 activation. The presented results indicate that TGF-alpha expression can be enhanced by acute inflammatory cytokine IL-6, possibly contributing to growth stimulatory effects assigned to IL-6 itself. The acute effects of UVR on melanocytes mediate up-regulated steady-state expression of HER-1, constituting a potential target for locally produced TGF-alpha that may induce melanocyte proliferation. TGF-alpha and HER-2 seem to have a role in the maintenance of synovial joint tissues. Upregulation of TGF-alpha and HER-2 in inflammatory joint conditions, e.g. RA, represents a novel mechanism for synovial proliferation contributing to joint deterioration. TGF-alpha, HER1 and HER-2 may have a role in synovial sarcoma proliferation; further investigation is needed to evaluate HER-family inhibitors as a possible treatment alternative in this type of cancer.

Zytokine als prognostische Faktoren beim kindlichen Hydrocephalus

Pauer, Anke 11 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Wir untersuchten Liquor- und Serumproben von 40 an einem shuntversorgten Hydrocephalus erkrankten Kindern auf die Konzentration der Zytokine bFGF, TGF-β1, VEGF, IL-6, IGF-1 und Leptin sowie deren Korrelation mit dem Risiko von Shuntinsuffizienzen. Dabei konnten wir die Hypothese bestätigen, dass erhöhte Konzentration der fibrogenen Zytokine bFGF und TGF-β1 im Serum bzw. Liquor mit einem erhöhten Risiko für operationspflichtige Shuntinsuffizienzen durch Obstruktion des Schlauchsystems einhergehen, und dass diese Komplikationen mit steigenden Zytokinkonzentrationen umso eher eintreten. Außerdem war bFGF im Liquor von Kindern, die zum Abnahmezeitpunkt an einer Shuntdysfunktion durch Obstruktion oder Einwachsen des Shunts litten, signifikant höher als bei Kindern, die zum Zeitpunkt der Abnahme keine Shuntdysfunktion aus eben genannten Gründen hatten. Des Weiteren fanden wir Konzentrationsunterschiede für IL-6 im Liquor zwischen den einzelnen Ursachen der Erkrankung, wobei das Zytokin am höchsten bei Tumorpatienten war, gefolgt von posthämorrhagischem und postmeningitischem Hydrocephalus, und am niedrigsten bei Kindern mit kongenitaler ZNS-Fehlbildung.

Testicular development in bulls

Bagu, Edward Tshima 02 January 2007
In the present study our objectives were (1) to follow the temporal patterns of testicular LH and FSH receptor (LH-R and FSH-R) concentrations and affinity (Ka) during sexual maturation in bulls, to see if such patterns could explain the control of rapid testicular growth that occurs after 25 weeks of age, when serum gonadotropin concentrations are low; (2) to see if transformation growth factors (TGF- alpha and beta 1, 2 and 3) and interleukins (IL-1 and IL-6) are produced in the developing bovine testis and if their concentrations change during development; (3) to see if the onset of puberty could be hastened by treating bull calves subcutaneously (sc) with 3 mg of bLH (n=6) or 4 mg of bFSH (n=6) once every 2 days, from 4 to 8 weeks after birth. Mean LH-R concentrations decreased from 13 to 25 weeks of age and increased to 56 weeks of age (P<0.05). LH-RKa decreased from 9 to 17 weeks of age, increased to 29 weeks and declined to 33 weeks of age (P<0.05). FSH-R concentrations declined from 17 to 25 weeks of age then increased to 56 weeks of age (P<0.05). FSH-RKa increased from 17 to 25 weeks of age (P<0.05). Testicular TGF-alpha concentrations increased from 13 to 17 weeks of age, decreased to 21 weeks and from 33 to 56 weeks of age (P<0.05). Testicular TGF-beta 1 concentrations decreased from 17 to 21 weeks of age, increased to 25 weeks and decreased from 25 to 29 weeks of age (P<0.05). Testicular TGF-beta 2 concentrations increased from 5 to 17 weeks of age, decreased to 21 weeks, increased to 25 weeks and decreased at 29 weeks of age (P<0.05). Testicular TGF-beta 3 concentrations increased from 13 to 17 weeks of age, decreased to 21 weeks of age and from 25 to 29 weeks of age (P<0.05). Mean testicular IL-1 alpha concentrations decreased from 5 to 9 weeks of age and 13 to 21 weeks of age (P<0.01) while mean testicular IL-1 beta concentrations decreased from 13 to 17 weeks and 29 to 33 weeks of age (P<0.01). Mean IL-1 bioactivity increased from 13 to 17 weeks of age, decreased to 21 weeks, increased to 25 weeks, decreased to 29 weeks and decreased from 33 to 56 weeks of age (P<0.05). Mean testicular IL-6 concentrations decreased (P<0.05) from 9 to 13 weeks of age, increased (P<0.05) to 21 weeks, decreased (P<0.05) to 25 weeks of age, increased (P<0.05) to 29 weeks and decreased (P<0.01) to 56 weeks of age. <p>We concluded that high concentrations of gonadotropin receptors might be critical to initiate postnatal testis growth and support it after 25 weeks of age in the face of low serum gonadotropin concentrations. Testicular TGF-alpha concentrations were higher in calves than adults while concentrations of TGF-beta and IL-1 were higher in the early postnatal period than the peripubertal period. The changes in testicular concentrations of TGFs and ILs led us to suggest a possible local regulatory role in development. Testicular IL-6 concentrations were higher in prepubertal calves than adults. Treatment of bull calves with bFSH from 4 to 8 weeks of age increased testicular growth (SC), hastened the onset of puberty (SC ≥ 28 cm), and enhanced spermatogenesis.

Expression of Proto-Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes in in vitro Cell Lines Derived from a Thymus, Thymoma, and Malignant Thymoma of Rats

No description available.

Application of Proximity Ligation Assay for Multidirectional Studies on Transforming Growth Factor-β Pathway

Zieba, Agata January 2012 (has links)
A comprehensive understanding of how the body and all its components function is essential when this knowledge is exploited for medical purposes. The achievements in biological and medical research during last decades has provided us with the complete human genome and identified signaling pathways that governs the cellular processes that facilitates the development and maintenance of higher order organisms. This has brought about the realization that diseases such as cancer is a consequence of genomic aberrations that effects these signaling pathways, endowing cancer cells with the capacity to circumvent homeostasis by acquiring features like self-sustained proliferation and insensitivity to apoptosis. The increased understanding of biology and medicine has been made possible by the development of advanced methods to carry out biological and clinical analyses. The demands of a method often differ regarding in what context it will be applied. It may be acceptable for method to be laborious and time consuming if it is used in basic research, but for medical purposes molecular methods need to be fast and straightforward to perform. Innovative technologies should preferentially address the demands of both researchers and clinicians and provide data not possible to obtain by other methods. An example of such a method is the in situ proximity ligation assay (in situ PLA). In this thesis I have used this method to determine the activity status, at the single-cell level, of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling pathway and activating protein-1 (AP-1) family of transcription factors.  Both of these pathways are frequently involved in cancer development and progression. In addition to this research I herein also present further modifications of in situ PLA, and analyses thereof, to increase the utility and resolution of this assay.

Caracterització d'F-box 28: Una nova E3 ubiquitina lligasa implicada en la regulació del cicle cel·lular

Lacasa Salavert, Cristina 14 March 2008 (has links)
A) INTRODUCCIÓ:Membres de la superfamilía de TGF-&#946; regulen una varietat de processos biològics, com inhibició del creixement, diferenciació, formació del patró embriònic i inducció d'apoptosi. Aquest lligants secretats s'uneixen i activen uns receptors serin/threonin quinasa tipus I i II. Aquests receptors activats fosforilen i activen unes proteïnes SMADs intracel·lulars, les quals transloquen a nucli regulant l'exprressió de gens diana. A més, al TGF-beta se li ha atribuit un paper com a factor proangiogènic "in vivo". "In vitro", s'ha observat que TGF-beta inhibeix la proliferació de les cèl·lules endotelials en cultius de dues dimensions, però que indueix la formació de capilars quan les cèl·lules endotelials es cultiven en tres dimensions dins de gels de col·làgen.A partir de cèl·lules endotelials cultivades en tres dimensions es va generar una col·lecció de cDNAs, en absència (condicions basals) o en presència de TGF durant un tractament de 4 hores. Posteriorment, aquests gens es van seqüenciar i analitzar per Northern Blot en cèl·lules endotelials en condicions basals i tractades amb TGF-&#946;. Mitjançant aquesta tècnica es va aconseguir aïllar gens induïts o reprimits per TGF-&#946;. Entre aquests gens induïts es va trobar la F-box28.Una de les vies de degradació de proteïnes més comú és la via de la ubiquitina/proteasoma. Aquesta via està formada per tres enzims: l'E1, que és l'encarregat d'activar les molècules d'ubiquitina; l'E2, que és l'enzim conjugador de les molècules d'ubiquitina;, i les E3 ubiquitines lligases, la funció principal de les quals és la de reconèixer el substrat específic que serà ubiquitinat, i degradat posteriorment pel complexe del proteasoma. Dins de la família d'E3 ubiquitines lligases trobem el complex tipus SCF. Aquest complex proteic està format per quatre subunitats molt ben conservades: Cul1, Rbx1, Skp1 y una proteïna F-box. Rbx1 y Cul1 formen un centro catalític que participa en el reclutament d'E2. La proteïna F-box és qui reconeix específicament el substrat diana i l'uneix. Finalment, Skp1, és una proteïna adaptadora, la funció de la qual és la de unir la F-box a Cul1.En aquest treball, ens hem plantejat l'estudi d'una nova E3 ubiquitina lligasa, la F-box28, que es va identificar en un primer moment com un gen estimulat per TGF-&#946;1 en cèl·lules endotelials 1G11. Aquest treball planteja la caracterizació d'aquesta proteïna, així com la identificació de la seva funció en relació a l'acció de TGF-&#946;.B) OBJECTIUS1) Estudi de l'expressió d'F-box28 i la seva localització cel·lular.2) Estudi de la F-box28 com a E3 ubiquitina lligasa, de la seva regulació i de la seva vida mitja.3) Estudi de les possibles funcions d'F-box28 i la seva implicació en la regulació del cicle cel·lular.4) Estudi dels possibles substrats candidats de la F-box28.C) RESULTATS1) La proteïna identificada per PCR-substractiva com a F-box28 és una nova proteïna que pertany al complex E3 ubiquitina lligasa tipus SCF, ja que hem vist que interacciona con les proteïnes Cul1 y Skp1.2) La F-box28 presenta una expressió baixa en estat basal i la seva expressió és induïda pel factor TGF-&#946;1, a nivell d'mRNA i de proteïna, en cèl·lules endotelials 1G11 i en cèl·lules HeLa.3) La F-box28 és una proteïna de localització nuclear gràcies a una seqüència NLS en el seu extrem C-terminal.4) La F-box28 és una proteïna inestable de 4-5 hores de vida mitja que és regulada a través del proteasoma. 5) La sobreexpressió d'F-box28 en cèl·lules HeLa causa una parada parcial en la fase G1 del cicle cel·lular. Aquest efecte requereix la seva localització nuclear i podria ser mediat per la seva interacció amb la ciclina A i la disminució dels nivells d'aquesta. / THESIS SUMMARY:"F-BOX28 CHARACTERIZATION: A NEW E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASE IMPLICATED IN THE CELL CYCLE REGULATION"A) INTRODUCTIONProteins are targeted for degradation by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway by covalent modification that requires the coordinated reactions of three enzymes: the ubiquitin ligase which is referred to as an E3, and operates in conjunction with an E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme and an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. There is one major E1 enzyme, shared by all ubiquitin ligases, which uses ATP to activate ubiquitin for conjugation and transfers it to an E2 enzyme. The E2 enzyme interacts with a specific E3 partner and transfers the ubiquitin to the target protein. The E3, which may be a multi-protein complex, is, in general, responsible for targeting ubiquitination to specific substrate proteins.There are different ubiquitin ligase complexes involved in recognition and ubiquitination of specific target proteins. One of these is the SCF complex. SCF contains three core subunits, and a number of less critical components: the F-box, which recognizes specifically the target protein; Skp1 that is a bridging protein and is essential in the recognition and binding of the F-box; Cul1 that forms the major structural scaffold of the SCF complex; and Rbx1 which participate in the transferral of the ubiquitin to the target protein. The SCF complex has important roles in the ubiquitination of proteins involved in the cell cycle as well as having a role in the marking various other cellular proteins for destruction.In the present work we have studied a new E3 ubiquitin ligase, F-box28, which was identified as an stimulated gene by TGF-&#946;1 in 1G11 endothelial cells. In this study we determine the characterization of F-box28 and their possible role regarding to TGF-&#946;1.B) OBJECTIVES1) Expression study of F-box28 and their cellular localization.2) Study of F-box28 as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, their regulation and stability.3) Functional study of F-box28 and its role regarding regulation of cell cycle.4) Study of the F-box28 substrates.C) RESULTS1) F-box28 is a new protein that belongs to the ubiquitin ligase complex SCF.2) F-box28 mRNA and protein responds to TGF-&#946;1 stimulation in 1G11 endothelial and HeLa cells.3) F-box28 is a nuclear protein with a NLS sequence in their C-terminal end. 4) F-box protein has an average life of 4-5 hours and it is regulated through the proteasome complex.5) The F-box28 overexpression in HeLa cells induce a partial G1 cell cycle arrest. This effect requires their nuclear localization and it could be mediated through their interaction with cyclin A and the decrease levels of this cyclin.

Is TGF-β playing a role in ectopic neuromuscular junction formation in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans?

Rahman, Abir A 10 December 2012 (has links)
The neuromuscular junction (nmj) is a commonly studied synapse, used often to investigate reciprocal signaling between a motor neuron and the appropriate target muscle. In Caenorhabditis elegans, ectopic nmjs can be created by eliminating selected embryonic muscle cells that act as guideposts for the migration of post-embryonic muscles. The ectopic muscles are required to induce sprouting from DD motor neurons, indicating the presence of a muscle derived signaling molecule that interacts with the neurons. A TGF-β homolog, unc-129, is reported to be transiently expressed in the dorsal body wall muscles. The timing of the expression of TGF-β coincides with the time that the DD motor neurons respecify their synapses. In this study, we show that TGF-β is expressed by the ectopic muscle and that in unc-129 mutant animals, the ectopic muscle is unable to induce sprouting from the DD motor neurons. Therefore, we conclude that TGF-β is necessary for ectopic nmj formation in C.elegans.

Testicular development in bulls

Bagu, Edward Tshima 02 January 2007 (has links)
In the present study our objectives were (1) to follow the temporal patterns of testicular LH and FSH receptor (LH-R and FSH-R) concentrations and affinity (Ka) during sexual maturation in bulls, to see if such patterns could explain the control of rapid testicular growth that occurs after 25 weeks of age, when serum gonadotropin concentrations are low; (2) to see if transformation growth factors (TGF- alpha and beta 1, 2 and 3) and interleukins (IL-1 and IL-6) are produced in the developing bovine testis and if their concentrations change during development; (3) to see if the onset of puberty could be hastened by treating bull calves subcutaneously (sc) with 3 mg of bLH (n=6) or 4 mg of bFSH (n=6) once every 2 days, from 4 to 8 weeks after birth. Mean LH-R concentrations decreased from 13 to 25 weeks of age and increased to 56 weeks of age (P<0.05). LH-RKa decreased from 9 to 17 weeks of age, increased to 29 weeks and declined to 33 weeks of age (P<0.05). FSH-R concentrations declined from 17 to 25 weeks of age then increased to 56 weeks of age (P<0.05). FSH-RKa increased from 17 to 25 weeks of age (P<0.05). Testicular TGF-alpha concentrations increased from 13 to 17 weeks of age, decreased to 21 weeks and from 33 to 56 weeks of age (P<0.05). Testicular TGF-beta 1 concentrations decreased from 17 to 21 weeks of age, increased to 25 weeks and decreased from 25 to 29 weeks of age (P<0.05). Testicular TGF-beta 2 concentrations increased from 5 to 17 weeks of age, decreased to 21 weeks, increased to 25 weeks and decreased at 29 weeks of age (P<0.05). Testicular TGF-beta 3 concentrations increased from 13 to 17 weeks of age, decreased to 21 weeks of age and from 25 to 29 weeks of age (P<0.05). Mean testicular IL-1 alpha concentrations decreased from 5 to 9 weeks of age and 13 to 21 weeks of age (P<0.01) while mean testicular IL-1 beta concentrations decreased from 13 to 17 weeks and 29 to 33 weeks of age (P<0.01). Mean IL-1 bioactivity increased from 13 to 17 weeks of age, decreased to 21 weeks, increased to 25 weeks, decreased to 29 weeks and decreased from 33 to 56 weeks of age (P<0.05). Mean testicular IL-6 concentrations decreased (P<0.05) from 9 to 13 weeks of age, increased (P<0.05) to 21 weeks, decreased (P<0.05) to 25 weeks of age, increased (P<0.05) to 29 weeks and decreased (P<0.01) to 56 weeks of age. <p>We concluded that high concentrations of gonadotropin receptors might be critical to initiate postnatal testis growth and support it after 25 weeks of age in the face of low serum gonadotropin concentrations. Testicular TGF-alpha concentrations were higher in calves than adults while concentrations of TGF-beta and IL-1 were higher in the early postnatal period than the peripubertal period. The changes in testicular concentrations of TGFs and ILs led us to suggest a possible local regulatory role in development. Testicular IL-6 concentrations were higher in prepubertal calves than adults. Treatment of bull calves with bFSH from 4 to 8 weeks of age increased testicular growth (SC), hastened the onset of puberty (SC ≥ 28 cm), and enhanced spermatogenesis.

A Mechanism and Pro-migratory Function for Non-canonical TGF-beta Signaling through Smad1 and Smad5

Liu, Irwin 10 December 2008 (has links)
<p>During the course of breast cancer progression, normally dormant tumor-promoting effects of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) including migration, invasion, and metastasis are unmasked. Although this switch or gain of TGF-beta function has been modeled extensively in in-vivo and in-vitro breast cancer systems, the signaling mechanisms that control this TGF-beta switch are poorly understood. Indeed, the precise role of canonical TGF-beta signaling through the type I TGF-beta receptor, ALK5, and its intracellular effectors, Smad2 and Smad3, is still poorly understood. In an effort to identify mechanisms that regulate the ability of TGF-beta to stimulate mammary epithelial cell migration in-vitro, we found that TGF-beta stimulates the phosphorylation of Smad1 and Smad5, intracellular effectors that are typically associated with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. As this phosphorylation response has not been reported extensively, little is known about the prevalance, mechanism, function, or pathological relevance of TGF-beta-stimulated Smad1/5 phosphorylation.</p><p>Herein, we use pharmacologic inhibition, RNA interference, and additional biochemical and cell-based approaches to identify a novel mechanism and function for non-canonical TGF-beta signaling through an ALK5-Smad1/5 axis. We show that TGF-beta stimulates Smad1/5 phosphorylation in an ALK5 dependent manner in cells of epithelial, endothelial, and embryonic origin. Mechanistically, this phosphorylation event requires the kinase activity and, unexpectedly, the L45 loop motif of ALK5. Functionally, this phosphorylation event is essential to the initiation and promotion of TGF-beta-stimulated migration in mammary epithelial cells. Interestingly, this phosphorylation event may promote migration by regulating TGF-beta target gene expression, as evidenced by the identification of putative Smad1/5-dependent TGF-beta target genes using microarray analysis. Finally, of particular relevance to mammary tumor progression, this phosphorylation event is preferentially detected in permissive environments such as those created by tumorigenic cells or HER2 oncogene activation.</p><p>Taken together, our data provides evidence that TGF-beta-stimulated Smad1/5 phosphorylation, which occurs through a non-canonical mechanism that challenges the notion of selective Smad phosphorylation by ALK5, mediates the pro-migratory TGF-beta switch in mammary epithelial cells.</p> / Dissertation

Identification of Transforming Growth Factor-beta as an Extracellular Signal Required for Axon Specification in Embryonic Brain Development

Yi, Jason Joon-mo January 2009 (has links)
<p>The specification of a single axon and multiple dendrites is the first observable event during neuronal morphogenesis and such structural specialization underlies neural connectivity and nervous system function. Numerous intracellular signaling components that are required for axon specification have been described but how such signaling paradigms are initiated by extracellular factor(s) within the embryonic milieu is poorly understood. Here, I describe how transforming growth factor-&beta; (TGF-&beta;), an embryonic morphogen that directs structural plasticity and growth in various cell types, initiates signaling pathways both in vivo and in vitro to fate naïve neurites into axons. Using conditional knockout strategies, I found that cortical neurons lacking the type II TGF-&beta; receptor (T&beta;R2) fail to initiate axons during development, and interestingly, fail to engage radial migration. In cultured neurons, exogenous TGF-&beta; is sufficient to direct the rapid growth and differentiation of an axon and genetic enhancement of receptor activity promotes the formation of multiple axons. The cellular polarization of receptor activity occurs through the interaction of the type-I TGF-&beta; receptor with Par6, a component of the axon-specifying Par3/Par6 polarity complex. Receptor distribution is restricted to axons, and downstream signaling events required for axon specification are triggered when Par6 is phosphorylated by T&beta;R2. Together, these results indicate that TGF-&beta; is the extrinsic cue for neuronal polarity in vivo and directs neuronal polarity by controlling Par6 activity and cellular migration during axon generation.</p> / Dissertation

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