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Pre- and post-synchronization methodologies to enhance the efficiency of fixed timed artificial insemination in pharmacologically-controlled breeding systems with Bos indicus-influenced cattleZuluaga Velez, Juan Federico 25 April 2007 (has links)
Objectives were to: 1) Evaluate the effectiveness of presynchronization with GnRH before the COâÂÂSynch + CIDR protocol with timed AI (TAI) at 66 h in Bos indicusâÂÂinfluenced cattle; 2) Characterize ovarian events associated with the presynchronization; 3) Evaluate the efficacy of measuring vaginal electrical resistance (VER) to assess follicular maturity at TAI; and 4) Compare serum concentrations of progesterone (P4) in ovariectomized cows bearing new or previously used CIDR devices with or without autoclaving. In Exp. 1 and 2, cattle received either GnRH or saline on day âÂÂ7. The COâÂÂSynch + CIDR protocol included a CIDR insert and GnRH (GnRHâÂÂ1; day 0), removal of CIDR and PGF2ñ on day 7, and GnRH (GnRHâÂÂ2) and TAI 66 h after CIDR removal. In Exp. 1, pregnancy rate of females with BCS âÂÂ¥ 5 tended to differ (P=0.085) between Presynch (38%) and COâÂÂSynch + CIDR (54%). In Exp. 2, ovulatory response to GnRHâÂÂ1 was greater (P<0.01) in the Presynchronization (58%) than in the COâÂÂSynch + CIDR (27.1%) group. Emergence of a follicular wave after GnRHâÂÂ1 and ovulation rate after GnRHâÂÂ2 did not differ between groups. More (P<0.01) females that developed a follicular wave after GnRHâÂÂ1 ovulated (82%) after GnRHâÂÂ2, compared to those that did not (29%). Mean VER (ohms) was greatest (101.4ñ0.8) on day 0 and declined (P<0.01) to 95.2ñ0.8 and 82ñ0.8, respectively, on days 7 and 10. We observed a low negative but significant relationship (r=0.38; P<0.001) between VER and follicular size on day 0, 7, and 10. VER difference (day 10 minus day 7) did not differ between females with small and large follicles at TAI. Mean concentrations of P4 during the 7âÂÂday insertion period were greater (P<0.03) for new (3.7 ng/ml) and reâÂÂused autoclaved (3.4 ng/ml) than for reâÂÂused disinfected CIDRs (2.8 ng/ml). In summary, Presynch improved ovulation rate after GnRHâÂÂ1, but did not improve pregnancy rates compared to COâÂÂSynch + CIDR. Follicular maturity estimation was not feasible using VER as applied in this study. Autoclaving may be the best option when reâÂÂusing CIDR inserts because it creates greater concentrations of P4 during the first 48 h.
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Verifying transformations between timed automata specifications and ECA rulesEricsson, Ann-Marie January 2003 (has links)
<p>Event-triggered real-time systems are desirable to use in environments where the arrival of events are hard to predict. The semantics of an event-triggered system is well mapped to the behaviour of an active database management system (ADBMS), specified using event-condition-action (ECA) rules. The benefits of using an active database, such as persistent data storage, concurrency control, timely response to event occurrences etc. highlights the need for a development method for event-triggered real-time systems using active databases.</p><p>However, there are problems left to be solved before an ADBMS can be used with confidence in real-time environments. The behaviour of a real-time system must be predictable, which implies a thorough analysed specification with e.g. specified worst case execution times. The predictability requirement is an obstacle for specifying real-time systems as ECA rules, since the rules may affect each other in many intricate ways which makes them hard to analyse. The interaction between the rules implies that it is not enough to verify the correctness of single rules; an analysis must consider the behaviour of the entire rule set.</p><p>In this dissertation, an approach for developing active applications is presented. A method is examined which starts with an analysed high-level timed automaton specification and transforms the specified behaviour into an implicitly analysed rule set. For this method to be useful, the transformation from timed automata to rules must preserve the exact behaviour of the high level specification. Hence, the aim of this dissertation is to verify transformations between timed automaton specifications and ECA rules.</p><p>The contribution of this project is a structured set of general transformations between timed automata specifications and ECA rules. The transformations include both transformations of small timed automata constructs for deterministic environments and formally verified timed automata patterns specifying the behaviour of composite events in recent and chronicle context.</p>
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Learning of Timed SystemsGrinchtein, Olga January 2008 (has links)
Regular inference is a research direction in machine learning. The goal of regular inference is to construct a representation of a regular language in the form of deterministic finite automaton (DFA) based on the set of positive and negative examples. DFAs take strings of symbols (words) as input, and produce a binary classification as output, indicating whether the word belongs to the language or not. There are two types of learning algorithms for DFAs: passive and active learning algorithms. In passive learning, the set of positive and negative examples is given and not chosen by inference algorithm. In contrast, in active learning, the learning algorithm chooses examples from which a model is constructed. Active learning was introduced in 1987 by Dana Angluin. She presented the L* algorithm for learning DFAs by asking membership and equivalence queries to a teacher who knows the regular language accepted by DFA to be learned. A membership query checks whether a word belongs to the language or not. An equivalence query checks whether a hypothesized model is equivalent to the DFA to be learned.The L* algorithm has been found to be useful in different areas, including black box checking, compositional verification and integration testing. There are also other algorithms similar to L* for regular inference. However, the learning of timed systems has not been studied before. This thesis presents algorithms for learning timed systems in an active learning framework. As a model of timed system we choose event-recording automata (ERAs), a determinizable subclass of the widely used timed automata. The advantages of ERA in comparison with timed automata, is that it is known priori the set of clocks of an ERA and when clocks are reset. The contribution of this thesis is four algorithms for learning deterministic event-recording automaton (DERA). Two algorithms learn a subclass of DERA, called event-deterministic ERA (EDERA) and two algorithms learn general DERA. The problem with DERAs that they do not have canonical form. Therefore we focus on subclass of DERAs that have canonical representation, EDERA, and apply the L* algorithm to learn EDERAs. The L* algorithm in timed setting requires a procedure that learns clock guards of DERAs. This approach constructs EDERAs which are exponentially bigger than automaton to be learned. Another procedure can be used to lean smaller EDERAs, but it requires to solve NP-hard problem. We also use the L* algorithm to learn general DERA. One drawback of this approach that inferred DERAs have a form of region graph and there is blow-up in the number of transitions. Therefore we introduce an algorithm for learning DERA which uses a new data structure for organising results of queries, called a timed decision tree, and avoids region graph construction. Theoretically this algorithm can construct bigger DERA than the L* algorithm, but in the average case we expect better performance.
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An Instruction Scratchpad Memory Allocation for the Precision Timed ArchitecturePrakash, Aayush 11 December 2012 (has links)
This work presents a static instruction allocation scheme for the precision timed architecture’s (PRET) scratchpad memory. Since PRET provides timing instructions to control the temporal execution of programs, the objective of the allocation scheme is to ensure that the explicitly specified temporal requirements are met. Furthermore, this allocation incorporates instructions from multiple hardware threads of the PRET architecture. We formulate the allocation as an integer-linear programming problem, and we implement a tool that takes binaries, constructs a control-flow graph, performs the allocation, rewrites the binary with the new allocation, and generates an output binary for the PRET architecture. We carry out experiments on a modified version of the Malardalen benchmarks to illustrate that commonly known ACET and WCET based approaches cannot be directly applied to meet explicit timing requirements. We also show the advantage of performing the allocation across multiple threads. We present a real time benchmark controlling an Unmanned Air Vehicle as the case study.
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Automate sur les structures temporisée / Automata on timed structuresJaziri, Samy 24 September 2019 (has links)
Les systèmes digitaux jouent un rôle croissant dans le bon fonctionnement de notre société.Au delà de la grande diversité de leur domaines d'utilisations, on confie aujourd'hui destâches importantes à des algorithmes. Déjà largement utilisés dans des domaines aussi délicatque le transport, la chirurgie ou l'économie, il est aujourd'hui de plus en plus question defaire de la place aux systèmes digitaux dans les domaines sociaux et politiques :vote électronique, algorithmes de sélection, profilage électoraldotsPour les tâches confiées à des algorithmes, la responsabilité est déplacées de l'exécutantvers les concepteurs, développeurs et testeurs de ces algorithmes. Il incombe aussi auxchercheurs qui étudient ces algorithmes de proposer des techniques de vérifications fiablequi pourront être utilisées à tous les niveaux : conception, développement et test.Les méthodes de vérifications formelles donnent des outils mathématiques pourprévenir des erreurs à chaque niveaux. Parmi elle, le diagnostic d'erreur consiste en lacréation d'un diagnostiqueur basé sur un modèle formel du système à vérifier.Le diagnostiqueur est exécuté en parallèle du système qu'il doit surveiller et prévientun contrôleur si il détecte un comportement dangereux du système.Pour les systèmes modélisés par des automates temporisés, il n'est pas toujours possiblede construire un diagnostiqueur sous la forme d'un autre automate temporisé. En effetles automates temporisés, introduits par cite{AD94} dans les années 90 et largementétudiés et utilisés depuis pour modéliser des systèmes avec contraintes temporelles,ne sont pas déterminisable. Une machine plus puissante qu'un automate temporisé peutcependant être utilisée pour construire le diagnostiqueur d'un automate temporisé commele montre cite{Tripakis02}. L'aboutissement de ce travail de thèse est la constructionautomatique d'un diagnostiqueur pour les automates temporisés à une horloge.Ce diagnostiqueur, dans le même esprit que celui de cite{Tripakis02}, est une machineplus puissante qu'un automate temporisé. La partie~I du manuscrit introduit un cadreformel pour ce type de machine et plus généralement pour la modélisation et ladéterminisation de systèmes quantitatifs. Y est introduit le modèle des automates surstructures temporisés, qui apporte un nouveau point de vue sur la manière de modéliserles systèmes avec variables quantitatives. La partie~II étudie le problème de ladéterminisation des automates sur structures temporises, et plus spécifiquement celuides automates temporisés qui peuvent se traduire dans ce cadre nouveau cadre formel.La partie~III montre comment utiliser les automates sur structure temporisés pourconstruire de manière générique un diagnostiqueur pour les automate temporisés à unehorloge. Cette technique est implémentée dans un outils, DOTA , et comparée à lamachine construite par cite{Tripakis02}. / Digital system are now part of our society. They are used in a wide range of domainsand in particular they have to handle delicate tasks. Already used in domainssuch as transportation, surgery or economy, we speak now of using digital systemsfor social or political matters : electronic vote, selection algorithms, electoralprofilingdots For task handled by algorithm, the responsibility is moved from theexecutioner to the designer, developer and tester of those algorithms. It is alsothe responsibility of computer scientists who study those algorithms to proposereliable techniques of verification which will be applicable in the design, thedevelopment or the testing phase. Formal verification methods provide mathematicaltools to prevent executions error in all phases. Among them, fault-diagnosis consiston the construction of a diagnoser based on a formal model of the system we aim tocheck. The diagnoser runs in parallel with the real system and emit a warning anytime it detect a dangerous behavior. For systems modeled by timed automata, it isnot always possible to construct a timed automaton to diagnose it. Indeed timed automata,introduce in the nineties by cite{AD94} and widely studied and used since to modeltimed systems, are not determinizable. A machine, more powerful than a timed automaton,can still be used to construct the diagnoser of a timed automaton as it is done incite{Tripakis02}. This thesis work aim at constructing a diagnoser for any one-clocktimed automata. This diagnoser is constructed with the help of a machine more powerfulthan timed automata, following the idea of cite{Tripakis02}. Part~I of this thesisintroduce a formal framework for the modeling of quantitative systems and the study oftheir determinization. In this framework we introduce automata on timed structures,the model used to construct the diagnoser. Part~II study the determinization problemof automata on timed structures, and particularly the one of timed automatadeterminization in this framework. Part~III illustrate how automata on timed structurescan be used to construct in a generic way a diagnoser for one clock timed automata.This technique is implemented in a tool, DOTA , and is compared to the technique usedin cite{Tripakis02}.
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A Rhythmic Analysis of Scottish Gaelic Using Durational MetricsJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: Languages have long been studied through the rhythm class framework, which discriminates them into separate classes on the basis of shared rhythmic properties. Originally these differences were attributed to the isochronous timing of different prosodic units, such as stress intervals in “stress-timed” languages and syllables in “syllable-timed” languages. More recent work has turned to durational metrics as a means of evaluating rhythm class, by measuring the variability and proportion of segmental intervals in the speech stream. Both isochrony and durational metrics are no longer viewed as correlative with natural language rhythm, but durational metrics in particular have remained prevalent in the literature. So long as the conclusions of durational metrics are not overextended, their analysis can provide a useful mechanism for assessing the compatibility of a language with a given rhythm class by way of comparative analysis. This study therefore presents a durational-metric comparison of Scottish Gaelic, a language which has frequently been described as stress-timed but has never been empirically tested for rhythm class, with English, a prototypical and well-studied example of a stress-timed language. The Gaelic metric scores for %V (percentage of vocalic content), ΔV (standard deviation in vocalic interval length), and ΔC (standard deviation in consonantal interval length) (Ramus et al. 1999) are shown to be very similar to those measured for English, indicating that the language displays similar patterns of durational variability and segmental proportion typically ascribed to a rhythmically stress-timed language. This provides clear support for the classification of Scottish Gaelic as stress-timed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 2020
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Immediate effects of stance and swing phase training on gait in patients with stroke / 脳卒中後片麻痺者における歩行立脚期と遊脚期を想定した練習の即時効果Aoki(Sakuma), Kaoru 26 July 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(人間健康科学) / 乙第13430号 / 論人健博第8号 / 新制||人健||6(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻 / (主査)教授 黒木 裕士, 教授 青山 朋樹, 教授 松田 秀一 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Human Health Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Gravity wave influence on middle atmosphere dynamics in model and satellite dataHoffmann, P., Jacobi, Christoph 28 September 2017 (has links)
Numerical resultsof the Middle and Upper Atmoshere Model (MUAM) for simulating the middle atmosphere conditions during January-February 2006 and 2008 have been compared wirth SABER/TIMED satellite data.
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Economic Implications of Phenologically Timed Irrigation in Corn ProductionGowon, Dawuda Tsalhatu 01 May 1979 (has links)
Corn production data was fitted into a Translog production function. Analysis of the resultant equation was based on what impact irrigation keyed to the crop's phenology would have on yield. A crop product cost function was developed to determine if there is profit (loss) in adapting water application to corn by phenological time period. Reasons for not adapting phenology as a key variable in irrigation include institutional constraints. Without modifying these institutional constrains, adopting the proposed technology may prove prohibitive.
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