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Determinação das curvas de isodose e confirmação do planejamento em Radioterapia de Intensidade Modulada - IMRT convencional empregando as técnicas de termoluminescência, luminescência opticamente estimulada e detectores semicondutores / Determination of isodose curves and planning confirmation in Intensity modulated radiation therapy IMRT conventional using thermoluminescent techniques, optically stimulated luminescence and semiconductor detectorsLuciana Cardoso Matsushima 26 February 2015 (has links)
A radioterapia é uma das três principais modalidades utilizadas no tratamento de doenças malignas como o câncer; as outras duas são a quimioterapia e a radiocirurgia. Em contraste com outras especialidades médicas que necessitam principalmente do conhecimento clínico e da experiência de especialistas, a radioterapia, com a utilização da radiação ionizante no tratamento do câncer, depende do investimento pesado em tecnologias modernas e dos esforços colaborativos de diversos profissionais, cuja equipe coordenada influencia, sobremaneira, o resultado do tratamento. A Radioterapia de intensidade modulada (IMRT) com o uso de colimadores multilâminas (multileaf collimators MLCs) tem o potencial para alcançar um alto grau de conformidade da dose no alvo (tumor a ser tratado) e ainda promover a proteção de tecidos normais do que a maioria de outras técnicas de tratamento, especialmente para volumes-alvo ou órgãos de risco com formatos complexos. Entretanto, estudos recentes mostraram que baixas doses de radiação podem causar tumores secundários. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo a determinação da distribuição de dose de radiação absorvida em diversas simulações de tratamentos radioterápicos com o uso de dosímetros compostos de LiF:Mg,Ti; CaSO4:Dy e Al2O3:C, utilizando um objeto simulador de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) empregando as seguintes técnicas dosimétricas: termoluminescência (TL), luminescência opticamente estimulada (OSL) e detectores semicondutores (diodos). / Radiotherapy is one of three principal treatment modalities used in the treatment of malignant diseases such as cancer; the other two are chemotherapy and radiosurgery. In contrast to other medical specialties that rely mainly on the clinical knowledge and experience of medical specialists, radiotherapy, with its use of ionizing radiation in treatment of cancer, relies heavily on modern technology and the collaborative efforts of several professionals whose coordinated team approach greatly influences the outcome of the treatment. Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with the use of multileaf collimators (MLCs) has the potential to achieve a much higher degree of target conformity and normal tissue sparing than most other treatment techniques, especially for target volumes or organs at risk with complex shapes. However, recent studies show that low doses of radiation can cause secondary cancers. This work aims to determine the radiation dose distribution in several radiation therapy treatment simulations with use of LiF:Mg,Ti; CaSO4:Dy and Al2O3:C dosimeters using a PMMA phantom for the following dosimetry techniques: thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and semiconductor detectors.
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Projektovanje izgradnje i testiranje 9``x 9`` NaI(Tl) spektrometra oblika jame / Design,construction and testing 9``x 9`` NaI(Tl) well typespectrometerHansman Jan 10 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je konstruisanje,izgradnja<br />i uvođenje u rutinski rad, kao i naučna istraživanja detektorskog<br />sistema, kome će kao osnova poslužiti 9``x 9`` NaI(Tl) spektrometar<br />oblika jame. Pomenuti detektorski sistem će zbog veličine aktivne<br />zapremine kao i njenog specifičnog oblika (oblika jame) posedovati<br />najveću efikasnost detekcije u poređenju sa svim <br />gamaspektrometrijskim sistemima trenutno u upotrebi u Laboratoriji<br />za nuklearnu fiziku, Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u<br />Novom Sadu i šire. Gamaspektroskopija je nedestruktivan metod<br />koji se može primeniti za određivanje niskih aktivnosti uzoraka bez<br />prethodne hemijske pripreme i predstavlja zlatni standard u<br />radioekološkim istraživanjima,kontroli životne sredine itd.<br />Detektorski sistem velike efikasnosti koji je tokom izrade doktorata<br />166 pušten u rad, omogućuje značnu redukciju vremena merenja kao i<br />sniženje minimalnih detektabilnih aktivnosti. Na ovaj način je Laboratorija za nuklearnu fiziku dobila detekcioni sistem pomoću kojeg je moguće vršiti analizu uzoraka niske aktivnosti u naučne svrhe kao i za rutinsku kontrolu uzoraka iz životne sredine.<br />Za upotrebu 9``x 9`` NaI(Tl) spektrometra oblika jame u rutinskim<br />merenjima radiološke kontrole uzoraka niskih aktivnosti, izvršena je<br />neophodna adekvatna kalibracija efikasnosti detektorskog sistema i<br />to na razne oblike matrica uzorakai na taj način su rezultati merenja<br />načinjeni uporedivim sa akreditovanim poluprovodničkim sistemima<br />Laboratorije za nuklearnu fiziku.</p> / <p>Subject of doctoral dissertation research is the design, construction and implementation in routine work, as well as scientific research of detector system, as the basis on well-type 9``x 9`` NaI (Tl) spectrometer. The aforementioned detector system, due to the size of the active volume as well as its specific form (well) possess the highest detection efficiency compared with all gammaspectrometric systems currently in use at the Laboratory of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad and beyond. Gammaspectroscopy is a non-destructive method that can be applied for the determination of low activity samples without chemical preparation and is the gold standard in radioecological studies, environmental control and so on.</p><p>The detector systems high efficiency, which was during the preparation of doctoral dissertation put into operation, allows significant reduction in measurement time as well as lowering the minimum detectable activity. In this way, the Laboratory for Nuclear Physics get detection system which can be used for the analysis of samples of low activity for scientific purposes as well as for routine control of environmental samples.</p><p>For use well type 9``x 9`` NaI (Tl) spectrometer in routine measurements of radiological samples of low activity, there was a need adequate calibration of the detector efficiency of the system with various forms of sample matrix thus the results of measurements made comparable with accredited semiconductor <br />systems in Laboratory for Nuclear physics.</p>
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Determinação das curvas de isodose e confirmação do planejamento em Radioterapia de Intensidade Modulada - IMRT convencional empregando as técnicas de termoluminescência, luminescência opticamente estimulada e detectores semicondutores / Determination of isodose curves and planning confirmation in Intensity modulated radiation therapy IMRT conventional using thermoluminescent techniques, optically stimulated luminescence and semiconductor detectorsMatsushima, Luciana Cardoso 26 February 2015 (has links)
A radioterapia é uma das três principais modalidades utilizadas no tratamento de doenças malignas como o câncer; as outras duas são a quimioterapia e a radiocirurgia. Em contraste com outras especialidades médicas que necessitam principalmente do conhecimento clínico e da experiência de especialistas, a radioterapia, com a utilização da radiação ionizante no tratamento do câncer, depende do investimento pesado em tecnologias modernas e dos esforços colaborativos de diversos profissionais, cuja equipe coordenada influencia, sobremaneira, o resultado do tratamento. A Radioterapia de intensidade modulada (IMRT) com o uso de colimadores multilâminas (multileaf collimators MLCs) tem o potencial para alcançar um alto grau de conformidade da dose no alvo (tumor a ser tratado) e ainda promover a proteção de tecidos normais do que a maioria de outras técnicas de tratamento, especialmente para volumes-alvo ou órgãos de risco com formatos complexos. Entretanto, estudos recentes mostraram que baixas doses de radiação podem causar tumores secundários. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo a determinação da distribuição de dose de radiação absorvida em diversas simulações de tratamentos radioterápicos com o uso de dosímetros compostos de LiF:Mg,Ti; CaSO4:Dy e Al2O3:C, utilizando um objeto simulador de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) empregando as seguintes técnicas dosimétricas: termoluminescência (TL), luminescência opticamente estimulada (OSL) e detectores semicondutores (diodos). / Radiotherapy is one of three principal treatment modalities used in the treatment of malignant diseases such as cancer; the other two are chemotherapy and radiosurgery. In contrast to other medical specialties that rely mainly on the clinical knowledge and experience of medical specialists, radiotherapy, with its use of ionizing radiation in treatment of cancer, relies heavily on modern technology and the collaborative efforts of several professionals whose coordinated team approach greatly influences the outcome of the treatment. Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with the use of multileaf collimators (MLCs) has the potential to achieve a much higher degree of target conformity and normal tissue sparing than most other treatment techniques, especially for target volumes or organs at risk with complex shapes. However, recent studies show that low doses of radiation can cause secondary cancers. This work aims to determine the radiation dose distribution in several radiation therapy treatment simulations with use of LiF:Mg,Ti; CaSO4:Dy and Al2O3:C dosimeters using a PMMA phantom for the following dosimetry techniques: thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and semiconductor detectors.
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A guerra das raças : estudo do pensamento social brasileiro /January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Orientador: Marcos César alvarez / Banca: Luís Antônio Francisco de souza / Banca: Maria José de Rezende / Resumo: Neste trabalho, realizamos um mapeamento do pensamento social brasileiro tendo em vista a ascensão de um discurso de guerra entre raças ao final do século XIX e começo do século XX. Analisamos um conjunto amplo de discursos – que vão desde José Bonifácio, no começo do século XIX, Nina Rodrigues ao final deste mesmo século, até Oliveira Vianna, na década de 1920 – para traçarmos o campo relacional dos discursos raciais e de guerra das raças, suas condições de possibilidade, para então recompormos algumas questões importantes relevantes às novas condições de cidadania após a abolição do escravismo e também à construção do Estado brasileiro após a proclamação da República. / Abstract: In the present study, it was accomplished a mapping of the brasilian social thought in relation to the development of a war between races discourse from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. It was analised an extensive collection of discourses -- from José Bonifácio, in the beginning of the 19th century, Nina Rodrigues, in the end of the same century, to Oliveira Vianna, in the 1920 decade -- to outline the relational field of the racial discourses and the war of races ones, their conditions of possibility, and, then, renew some important questions concerned to the new conditions of citizenship after slavery abolishment and also to the construction of the brazillian State after the Republic proclamation.
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Caracterização físico-química da cerâmica do sítio arqueológico São Paulo II / Physical and chemical characterization of ceramics from archaeological site São Paulo IIRibeiro, Rogério Baria 27 May 2013 (has links)
A arqueometria é uma área consolidada, com ampla utilização de métodos analíticos nucleares destrutivos e não destrutivos para caracterização, proteção e restauração de peças arqueológicas. O presente projeto teve como objetivo estudar a composição química elementar de amostras de fragmentos cerâmicos encontradas no sítio arqueológico São Paulo II localizado na calha do rio Solimões, próximo ao município de Coari na Amazônia Brasileira. Realizou-se a caracterização das amostras pela determinação de Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Na, Nd, Sb, Sm, Rb, Sc, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Yb and Zn por meio da análise por ativação com nêutrons (NAA). A partir da composição química da cerâmica, foi possível definir o agrupamento de amostras em função da similaridade/dissimilaridade da composição química presente no material cerâmico. O agrupamento foi interpretado por métodos estatísticos multivariados como análise de cluster, análise de componentes principais e análise de discriminante. Foram selecionadas, a partir da formação dos grupos, 7 cerâmicas com o objetivo de elaborar o horizonte temporal do sítio, realizado por termoluminescência (TL) e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR). A temperatura de queima da cerâmica foi determinada em 6 fragmentos por meio da técnica de EPR. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho podem contribuir com os estudos arqueológicos sobre a dinâmica da ocupação da Amazônia Central anterior à colonização Brasileira. / Archaeometry is currently a well established field in the archaeological sciences. The nuclear method for analysis of chemical elements is one of the important instruments for the characterization of the archaeological materials and has influences on the preservation and restoration. From the chemical and physical analyses it is possible to infer technical processes in ceramics manufacture and tools used by ancient people. Therefore, it contributes to the typology and to understand the roles of materials available in the archaeological sites, such as clays and lythic sources. Evidently, all the archaeological materials and sites are related to people that lived there a long time ago, and studies, as outlined above, reconstruct at least partially the history of such a population. This project aimed at studying the elementary chemical composition of 70 ceramic fragments samples from São Paulo II archaeological site, located along the Solimões River channel, next to Coari city, in Brazilian Amazon. The characterization of samples was performed by neutron activation analysis (NAA). By the determination of 22 elements in the ceramic fragments ( Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Na, Nd, Sb, Sm, Rb, Sc, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Yb and Zn), it was possible to define groups of samples regarding the similarity/dissimilarity in elementary chemical composition. For such a task, the multivariate statistical methods employed were cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis (DA). Afterwards, seven ceramic fragments have been selected to elaborate the site temporal horizon using thermoluminescence (TL) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dating results. The EPR technique was also used to find the average firing temperature to produce the ceramics. The results of this research may contribute to the study on the occupation dynamics in the pre-colonial Brazilian Amazon.
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Caracterização físico-química da cerâmica do sítio arqueológico São Paulo II / Physical and chemical characterization of ceramics from archaeological site São Paulo IIRogério Baria Ribeiro 27 May 2013 (has links)
A arqueometria é uma área consolidada, com ampla utilização de métodos analíticos nucleares destrutivos e não destrutivos para caracterização, proteção e restauração de peças arqueológicas. O presente projeto teve como objetivo estudar a composição química elementar de amostras de fragmentos cerâmicos encontradas no sítio arqueológico São Paulo II localizado na calha do rio Solimões, próximo ao município de Coari na Amazônia Brasileira. Realizou-se a caracterização das amostras pela determinação de Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Na, Nd, Sb, Sm, Rb, Sc, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Yb and Zn por meio da análise por ativação com nêutrons (NAA). A partir da composição química da cerâmica, foi possível definir o agrupamento de amostras em função da similaridade/dissimilaridade da composição química presente no material cerâmico. O agrupamento foi interpretado por métodos estatísticos multivariados como análise de cluster, análise de componentes principais e análise de discriminante. Foram selecionadas, a partir da formação dos grupos, 7 cerâmicas com o objetivo de elaborar o horizonte temporal do sítio, realizado por termoluminescência (TL) e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR). A temperatura de queima da cerâmica foi determinada em 6 fragmentos por meio da técnica de EPR. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho podem contribuir com os estudos arqueológicos sobre a dinâmica da ocupação da Amazônia Central anterior à colonização Brasileira. / Archaeometry is currently a well established field in the archaeological sciences. The nuclear method for analysis of chemical elements is one of the important instruments for the characterization of the archaeological materials and has influences on the preservation and restoration. From the chemical and physical analyses it is possible to infer technical processes in ceramics manufacture and tools used by ancient people. Therefore, it contributes to the typology and to understand the roles of materials available in the archaeological sites, such as clays and lythic sources. Evidently, all the archaeological materials and sites are related to people that lived there a long time ago, and studies, as outlined above, reconstruct at least partially the history of such a population. This project aimed at studying the elementary chemical composition of 70 ceramic fragments samples from São Paulo II archaeological site, located along the Solimões River channel, next to Coari city, in Brazilian Amazon. The characterization of samples was performed by neutron activation analysis (NAA). By the determination of 22 elements in the ceramic fragments ( Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Na, Nd, Sb, Sm, Rb, Sc, Ta, Tb, Th, U, Yb and Zn), it was possible to define groups of samples regarding the similarity/dissimilarity in elementary chemical composition. For such a task, the multivariate statistical methods employed were cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis (DA). Afterwards, seven ceramic fragments have been selected to elaborate the site temporal horizon using thermoluminescence (TL) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dating results. The EPR technique was also used to find the average firing temperature to produce the ceramics. The results of this research may contribute to the study on the occupation dynamics in the pre-colonial Brazilian Amazon.
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Advanced modelling of helicopter nonlinear dynamics and aerodynamicsCastillo-Rivera, Salvador January 2014 (has links)
The work presented here provides a comprehensive dynamic and aerodynamic helicopter model. The possible applications of this work are wide including, control systems applications, reference and trajectory tracking methods implementation amongst others. The model configuration corresponds to a Sikorsky helicopter; a main rotor in perpendicular combination with a tail rotor. Also, a particular model of unmanned aerial vehicle has been modelled as part of collaboration with the La Laguna University (Spain). The modelling tool is VehicleSim, a program that builds rigid body systems, solves the nonlinear equations of motion and generates the time histories of the corresponding state variables of the vehicle under study. VehicleSim is able to provide the linearised equations of motion in a Matlab file and the symbolic state-space model. This is useful when control systems are to be designed. The main rotor model accounts for flap, lag and feather motions for each blade as well as for their nonlinear dynamic coupling. The tail rotor is modelled including the flap-feather coupling via delta three angle. The main and tail rotors' angular velocities are implemented by PID controllers. Main rotor linear and nonlinear equations are derived and validated by comparison with the theory. Main rotor flap and lag degrees of freedom are validated using frequency domain approaches in the absence of external forces. Also, fuselage-main rotor interaction is studied and validated by using modal analysis and root locus methodology. Vibrations originated at the main rotor are simulated and their effects on the fuselage are examined by a Short Time Fourier transformation. The aerodynamic model uses blade element theory on the main-tail rotors. Hover, climb, descent and forward flight conditions are simulated and they allow the helicopter to follow certain trajectories. Finally, the ensuing vibrations when an external perturbation is applied to the main rotor are investigated.
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Dynamic analysis of alternative suspension systems for sport motorcyclesRamirez, Ciro Moreno January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, VehicleSim multi-body software is used to extend and modify an existing motorcycle model by including different non-conventional suspension systems. Girder and Hossack double wishbones front suspension systems are designed, implemented and tested. Using a synthesis of mechanism methodology, they are designed with different kinematic configurations that allow different behaviours of the motorcycle front end. By means of CAD tools and finite element analysis, realistic three dimensional models of the suspension systems designs are developed. The dynamical properties of the mechanical assemblies are obtained from the CAD models and used to build a realistic mathematical model of a sport motorcycle fitted with theses alternative suspension systems. Dynamical and stability analyses of the alternative front suspension systems are performed. For the different kinematic configurations, anti-dive properties and variation of the motorcycle's handling geometric parameters are studied by non-linear dynamical simulations. Stability analyses are performed by means of the motorcycle linear models eigenvalues. Passive interconnection of front and rear suspension systems of a sport motorcycle is also investigated. The effects of an interconnected suspensions system on the motorcycle in-plane motions are studied by means of reduced order linear models. The baseline model is modified to include passive interconnection forces between the front and rear suspension systems. The possible improvement introduced by an interconnected suspensions system in terms of suspension accuracy is investigated through non-linear simulations with delayed step tyres inputs. Appropriate values of the interconnection passive components for different possible mechanical implementation are found by means of optimization processes. Linear stability analyses are performed for each of the different optimal interconnected configurations. Nonlinear frequency analyses of the motorcycle wheels and chassis responses are also performed considering the delay between the front and rear tyre inputs. Non-linear simulations with variable frequency sinusoidal road inputs are run for this purpose. Finally, modal analyses of the motorcycle model are carried out for variable interconnection parameters in order to understand the effect of the interconnected suspensions system on the motorcycle's motion.
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Sergančiųjų išplitusiu storosios žarnos vėžiu dažniausių KRAS geno mutacijų nustatymas tikro laiko polimerazės grandininės reakcijos metodu / Commonly kras gene mutation testing in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer by real time polymerase chain reactionDžervienė, Elena 27 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Darbo autorė: Elena Džervienė Darbo vadovas: prof. dr. Arvydas Laurinavičius Vilnius, 2011 m. Pagrindinės sąvokos: KRAS geno mutacijos, TL-PGR. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti dažniausias KRAS geno mutacijas tikro laiko polimerazės grandininės reakcijos metodu pacientams, sergantiems išplitusiu storosios žarnos vėžiu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti dažniausių KRAS geno mutacijų paplitimą ir įvairovę. 2. Įvertinti dažniausių KRAS geno mutacijų ryšį su paciento lytimi ir amžiumi, klinikine diagnoze. 3. Įvertinti įdiegtų KRAS geno mutacijų nustatymo testų patikimumą. Tyrimo populiacija. Pacientai, sergantys išplitusiu storosios žarnos vėžiu visoje Lietuvoje. Tyrimo metodai. Dažniausių KRAS geno mutacijų nustatymas TL-PGR metodu, KRAS geno mutacijų nustatymas PGR ir atvirkštinės hibridizacijos metodais. Statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant „Microsoft Office Excel 2003“ ir SPSS 13,0 for Windows versijos statistinę programą. Darbo rezultatai ir išvados. Ištyrus 24 pacientus, KRAS genas buvo mutavęs 9 (37,5 proc.) atvejais, nemutavęs - 15 (62,5 proc.) atvejų. Dažniau (po 3 kartus) pasikartojo dviejų tipų mutacijos: p.Gly12Asp ir p.Gly12Cys. P.Gly12Cys mutacija dažniau pasitaikė jaunesniojo (3 kartus), p.Gly12Asp - vyresniojo amžiaus pacientų grupėje (2 kartus). KRAS geno mutacija santykinai dažniau nustatyta moterims, nei vyrams. Mutacijų dažnis abiejose amžiaus grupėse buvo panašus (p<0,05). Pacientų, sergančių tiesiosios 13 (54 proc.) žarnos vėžiu, buvo šiek tiek daugiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY COMMONLY KRAS GENE MUTATION TESTING IN PATIENTS WITH METASTATIC COLORECTAL CANCER BY REAL TIME POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION Master‘s degree final scientific research work Author of the Master‘s degree scientific research work: Elena Džervienė Head of the Master‘s degree scientific research work: prof. dr. Arvydas Laurinavičius Vilnius, 2011 Keywords: KRAS gene mutation, RT-PCR. The aim of the research work was to evaluate the commonly KRAS gene mutations in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer by real time polymerase chain reaction. The main goals of the work: 1. To evaluate incidence and diversity of commonly KRAS gene mutations. 2. To evaluate links among commonly KRAS gene mutations, patients sex, age and clinical diagnosis. 3. To evaluate the raliability of KRAS gene mutations tests. Survey methods. Commonly KRAS gene mutation testing by RT-PCR and reverse hybridization methodes. Statistical analysis made using MS Office Excel 2003 and SPSS 13.0 for Windows version statistical program. Results and conclusions. After survey, in 9 of 24 cases, KRAS gene were mutated, in 15 cases – wild type. Two types of mutation repeated more recently (3 times): p.Gly12Asp and p.Gly12Cys. More often (3 times) p.Gly12Cys mutation were found in younger patients group; p.Gly12Asp mutation (2 times) - in older ones. KRAS gene mutation relatively more often were set in womens, than in mens group. KRAS gene mutation rate were similar in both age groups (p<0,05). There were more... [to full text]
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Design of in-vehicle networked control system architectures through the use of new design to cost and weight processes : innovation reportQuigley, Christopher Patrick January 2011 (has links)
Over the last forty years, the use of electronic controls within the automotive industry has grown considerably. In-vehicle network technologies such as the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Local Interconnect Network (LIN) are used to connect Electronic Control Units (ECU) together, mainly to reduce the amount of wiring that would be required if hardwired integration were used. Modern passenger cars contain many networks, which means that for the architecture designer, there is an almost overwhelming number of choices on how to design/partition the system depending on factors such as cost, weight, availability of ECUs, safety, Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) etc. Despite the increasing role played by in-vehicle networks in automotive electrical architectures, its design could currently be described as a “black art”. Not only is there an almost overwhelming number of choices facing the designer, but there is currently a lack of a quantifiable process to aid decision making and there is a dearth of published literature available. NetGen is a software tool used to design CAN/J1939, LIN and FlexRay networks. For the product to remain competitive, it is desirable to have novel features over the competition. This report describes a body of work, the aim of which was to research in-vehicle network design processes, and to provide an improvement to such processes. The opportunities of customer projects and availability of customer information resulted in the scope of the research focusing on the adoption of LIN technology and whether the adoption of it could reduce the cost and weight of the target architecture. The research can therefore be seen to address two issues: firstly the general problem of network designers needing to design in-vehicle network based architectures balancing the needs of many design targets such as cost, weight etc, and secondly the commercial motivation to find novel features for the design tool, NetGen. The outcome of the research described in this report was the development of design processes that can be used for the selection of low cost and weight automotive electrical architectures using coarse information, such as that which would be easily available at the very beginning of a vehicle design programme. The key benefit of this is that a number of candidate networked architectures can be easily assessed for their ability to reduce cost and weight of the electrical architecture.
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