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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die grondwetlikheid van staats- en administratiefregtelike beperkings op mediavryheid in Suid-Afrika / Jean-Sherie Serfontein

Serfontein, Jean-Sherie January 2015 (has links)
'n Onafhanklike, ondersoekende en verantwoordelike media word beskou as een van die belangrikste rolspelers waarvan die behoud van die demokrasie in Suid- Afrika afhanklik is. Die regte en vryhede van die media geniet grondwetlike erkenning en beskerming. As fundamentele regte en onontbeerlike komponente van mediavryheid, waarborg die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1996 aan elkeen die reg op vryheid van uitdrukking (artikel 16) en die reg op toegang tot inligting (artikel 32). Die grondwetlike beskerming van mediavryheid bemagtig die media om (i) openbare aangeleenthede in belang van die publiek aan te spreek, (ii) die staat tot deursigtigheid, openheid en verantwoording op te roep en (iii) as teenwig teen magsmisbruik en wanpraktyke aan regeringskant op te tree. Die reg op mediavryheid is egter nie absoluut afdwingbaar nie en kan gevolglik in die toepassing daarvan beperk word. Die staat beskik oor die gesag om dié reg aan beperkings onderhewig te stel ten einde ander individuele fundamentele regte te beskerm of belangrike openbare belange te dien. Sodanige staatsoptrede is egter slegs moontlik indien dit, weens die oppergesag van die Grondwet (artikel 2), in ooreenstemming met die grondwetlike bepalings geskied. Desnieteenstaande word die media, ondanks die belangrike rol wat hulle ter behoud van die demokrasie in Suid-Afrika vervul en die grondwetlike erkenning en beskerming wat aan mediavryheid verleen word, voortdurend onder groot druk geplaas. Die meeste druk kom van die staat se kant. Die aanname en beoogde implementering van die Protection of State Information Bill, 2010 dien as mees resente voorbeeld hiervan. Staats- en administratiefregtelike beperkings op mediavryheid sal, indien die Wetsontwerp gepromulgeer word, aan die orde van die dag wees. Aangesien die voorgenome beperkings op grond van hulle potensiële ongrondwetlikheid wyd gekritiseer word, is dit die vernaamste doel van hierdie studie om die grondwetlike grense waarbinne die staat mediavryheid mag beperk, te omlyn en ondersoek in te stel na die trefwydte en grondwetlikheid van die staat se gesag om beperkings op mediavryheid te plaas. Deur die omvang van staatsgesag in die algemeen en in besonder rakende die beperking van mediavryheid, aan die hand van die relevante grondwetlike voorskrifte te ondersoek, is bevind dat alle staatsoptrede streng deur die Grondwet gereguleer word. Alhoewel die reg op mediavryheid vatbaar is vir regulering en beperking, is tot die slotsom gekom dat die Grondwet ingevolge artikels 33 en 36 duidelike grense vir die beperking daarvan deur die staat stel. Alle uitvoerende en administratiewe staatsorgane wat kragtens wetgewing en uit hoofde van die diskresionêre bevoegdhede wat aan hulle verleen word, die reg op mediavryheid beperk, moet aan die vereistes vir regverdige administratiewe optrede voldoen. Bygevolg moet alle administratiewe besluite en handelinge wat die reg op mediavryheid beperk, regmatig, redelik en prosedureel billik wees en met die verskaffing van voldoende skriftelike redes gepaard gaan. Sowel staatsregtelike as administratiefregtelike beperkings op mediavryheid moet voldoen aan die vereistes wat die algemene beperkingsklousule vir die grondwetlike beperking van fundamentele regte stel. Enige beperking van die reg op mediavryheid moet dus kragtens 'n algemeen geldende regsvoorskrif geskied en moet, met in agneming van die artikel 36-sleutelfaktore, as redelik en regverdigbaar binne 'n oop en demokratiese samelewing gebaseer op menswaardigheid, gelykheid en vryheid plaasvind. Enige staats- en administratiefregtelike beperkings op mediavryheid wat nie aan hierdie grondwetlike vereistes voldoen nie, is gevolglik ongrondwetlik. Nadat die bepalings ter beperking van mediavryheid deur die Protection of State Information Bill, 2010 krities ontleed is, is bevind dat dit nie daarin sal slaag om die grondwetlike toets te slaag nie. / LLM, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Die lewensvatbaarheid van 'n mobiele elektroniese rekeningkundige stelsel vir klein- tot mediumgrootte ondernemings / Lihan Brink Badenhorst

Badenhorst, Lihan Brink January 2013 (has links)
Businesses' demand for information technology-(IT) capacity and IT solutions are growing daily. As available services and products expand, users require more convenience, cost savings, user-friendliness and reliability. Manufacturers of mobile devices have always been motivated to develop mobile devices which are more flexible and reliable. As a consequence of the above mentioned, the importance of business in the modern technological environment was greatly overestimated as a result of development in mobile technology. Mobile technology breaks the limitations of mobility in businesses which provides innovative possibilities Mobile distance-based services have attracted much attention because of the growing potential that it offers. Businesses need mobile options that deal with specific needs. A mobile accounting system will provide adaptability and flexibility to an entity, which at this stage has not been possible. An improved adaptability and flexibility of enterprises will have a positive impact on productivity and innovation as a result. The rapid growth and development of mobile technology creates the opportunity for the development of many innovative mobile applications. From the above it is clear that there is an existing trend that companies want to implement more mobility in their business. From an accounting perspective, small-to medium-sized businesses have simpler rules and regulations that must be obeyed (IFRS for SMEs). Thus, the point of entrance of this study will focus on the feasibility of a mobile accounting system for small to medium sized entities (SME). On a global scale, should the importance of small-to medium-sized entities (SMEs) not be overlooked. SMEs are the mainstay of most national economies and represent between 30 to 60 percent of the economy's gross domestic product. A mobile accounting system will provide managers and business owners the option to have “anytime anywhere” access to the entity's financial information. This will also allow businesses to be more mobile. Thus, invoices can be issued, receivables added, payments entered (creditors and so on) and all this can be done without physically being on the business premises. The mobile system will therefore communicate in real time with the database on the business premises which is stored electronically and so information for everyone who uses it will be updated and correct. / MCom (Accountancy), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Market segmentation of triathletes participating in Ironman South Africa / Esmarie Myburgh

Myburgh, Esmarie January 2014 (has links)
A triathlon can be described as the combination of the three athletic competencies swimming, cycling and running where each of the items is performed in a specific order and vary in distance. A triathlon is a very select sport that only attracts specific participants, seeing that constant training is necessary in order to improve fitness and skill in the three different disciplines. Being a triathlete involves a substantial amount of physical and psychological stress over several hours of continuous activity. Therefore the key aspects that drive this study are the following: * The uniqueness of triathlons and triathletes makes it important to research certain aspects such as: Who these participants are? Why they participate in triathlons? And why do they return to the event each year? * Currently most triathlon research is done in countries such as United States of America, Australia, Germany and Japan. There are also numerous studies done on triathletes, although most of these studies focus on physiological and medical aspects of these athletes. * To the best of the author’s knowledge no other study in South Africa has focused on profiling triathletes and gaining knowledge on what differentiates these participants from other endurance sport athletes. * As there is currently a deficiency of information regarding triathletes in South Africa it becomes imperative to research this market through market segmentation. With the latter in mind, the main purpose of this study was to apply market segmentation on triathletes that participate in Ironman South Africa, the only full-length Ironman held on the African continent. In order to achieve this goal a destination-based survey took place during the registration process of participants at The Boardwalk Convention Centre and Spa in Port Elizabeth. A total of 425 completed questionnaires were used in the study. An in-depth literature study was also done to review different aspects of triathlons and triathletes, including the unique nature of the sport and participants as well as analysing previous literature concerning the characteristics of triathletes. Literature also explored market segmentation and the different variables used to segment triathletes and other endurance sport athletes. From literature it became clear that motives to participate and frequency of participation could be useful in segmenting sport participants. These two variables were applied to Ironman South Africa in two separate articles. In Article 1 motives to participate was applied as a market segmentation variable. It was found that triathletes were motivated by seven motivational factors including: Challenge, Inner vie, Health and fitness, Intrinsic achievement and control, Event novelty, Group affiliation and socialisation and lastly, Respect and risk. Based on these motives three distinct clusters of triathlon participants were identified: Devotees, Enthusiasts and Aspirationals. The participants in each cluster showed statistical significant differences with regard to their motives, while age was the only variable with significant socio-demographic differences between the clusters. In Article 2, frequency of participation was used to segment Ironman South Africa participants. Significant differences were found between first time and repeat participants based on the variables: demographic, behaviour and motives to participate. Four segments were identified at Ironman South Africa based on the number of times they have previously participated in the event. The frequent flyer concept was applied which resulted in the dividing of the four participant segments into different loyalty segments. The segments were the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum segment. Three marketing strategies were developed, firstly for the Bronze and Silver segments (these two segments shared similar characteristics), secondly for the Gold and Platinum segments also sharing corresponding characteristics and lastly, a marketing strategy to expand triathlons in South Africa. The information obtained from the two market segmentation variables led to an array of recommendations to attract and retain participants to Ironman South Africa events. Also recommendations focus on how to expand triathlon events in South Africa. Significant contributions were made to literature regarding the profile of the Ironman South Africa participants and how these triathletes compare to other endurance sport athlete. / MCom (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Evaluation of bark material and granulated active carbon for treatment of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in wastewater / Utvärdering av bark material och granulerat aktivt kol vid behandling av perfluoralkyla ämnen (PFAS) i avloppsvatten

Skoglund, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a group of artificial chemicals which have been used in a wide area of applications such as surface protection agents in cloths and different industrial applications. It has been found that PFASs are potentially toxic and are frequently found in the environment due to their persistent and mobile properties. Effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been identified as an important point source of PFASs. Bark, by-product from the paper and wood industry, is a low-cost adsorbent and has the potential to be used as a filter material for PFASs in WWTPs. In this study, the removal of PFASs in wastewater has been investigated using granulated active carbon (GAC) (n = 2) and bark (n = 2) in a pilot scale experiment at Kungsängsverket, Uppsala over a period of five weeks. The specific objects included: i) investigate the influence of flow-rate (10, 30 40 and 60 Ld-1 ) on the removal efficiency of PFASs in the GAC and bark filters, ii) investigate the influence of particle size of bark on the removal efficiency of PFASs and iii) establish what circumstances that potentially promotes removal of PFASs in GAC and bark filters. The results showed that GAC was the most effective method compared to bark, with a reduction of 73-93%, with increasing efficiency under low flow (10-30 L d-1 ) conditions. The removal efficiency of bark was 45% with a particle size of 2-5 mm and under low flow conditions (10-30 L d-1 ), while under high flow conditions (60 L d-1 ) with the same particle size the removal of PFASs was not efficient, instead the total PFAS concentration increased with 40%. In contrast, bark with a particle size of 5-7 mm proved to be not efficient in removing PFASs (removal efficiency = 0%). In general, the removal efficiency increased with smaller particle size of the adsorbent and lower flow rate. The results indicate that bark may be a low-cost alternative in reducing PFASs from wastewater, under certain conditions. / Per- och polyfluroalkyla ämnen (PFAS) är en familj av artificiella fluorerade organiska föreningar som har använts sedan 1950-talet i en rad olika applikationer, såsom impregnering i kläder. Studier har visat att PFAS är potentiellt toxiska och att de förekommer globalt på grund av deras persistenta och mobila egenskaper. Spillvatten från avloppsreningsverk etablerats som en betydande källa för PFAS. Bark, vilket är en biprodukt från pappers- och träindustrin, är ett poröst material vilket möjligen kan användas som adsorbent av PFAS. Denna studie har jämfört effektiviteten hos granulerat aktivt kol (GAC) och bark för att minska PFAS i avloppsvatten. Experimentet var utformat som ett småskaligt kolonn-experiment vid Kungsängsängsverket, Uppsala, och pågick under en fem veckors period. Frågeställningen var att i) studera vilka effekter flödes-hastigheten (10, 30, 40 och 60 L d-1 ) har på reduktionen av PFAS hos GAC och barkfiltren, ii) studera vilka effekter partikelstorleken hos bark har på reduktion av PFAS och iii) redogöra vilka förhållanden som potentiellt gynnar reduktionen av PFAS i GAC och bark filtren. Resultaten visade att GAC var det mest effektiva av de två materialen, med en total reduktion på 73- 93% av PFAS, med ökande effektivitet under låga flödesförhållanden (10-30 L d-1 ). Bark minskade den totala mängden av PFAS med 45% då partikelstorleken var 2-5 mm och under låga flödesförhållanden (10-30 L d-1 ) medan bark med samma partikelstorlek under ökade flödesförhållanden (60 L d-1 ) visade en ökning på 40% av PFAS i det utgående vattnet. Bark med en partikelstorlek på 5-7 mm visade ingen reduktion av PFAS. Generellt visade resultaten att reduktionen av PFAS ökar under låga flödesförhållanden och minskad partikelstorlek. Resultaten visade att bark kan vara ett alternativt material för att minska PFAS i avloppsvatten förutsatt att gynnsamma förhållanden upprätthålls.

Valorització d'escòries d'incineració de residus sòlids urbans en capes granulars del ferm. Aplicació al tram experimental de Tagamanent

Izquierdo Ramonet, Maria 28 February 2005 (has links)
Les escòries són el subproducte més abundant que s'obté en el procés d'incineració de residus sòlids urbans; constitueixen al voltant del 90 % en pes del producte sòlid resultant de la combustió. La producció anual a Catalunya és d'unes 150000 tones d'escòries, generades en set plantes incineradores localitzades a Tarragona, Mataró, Sant Adrià de Besòs, Montcada i Reixac, Malla, Girona i Vielha. El seu destí final és l'abocament, juntament amb la utilització puntual en petites obres menors d'àmbit local i de manera poc regulada. Pel seu caràcter a primera vista inert i l'aspecte granular es considera que les escòries es podrien utilitzar en l'àmbit de la construcció. En aquest estudi es pretén avaluar la viabilitat de la valorització de les escòries d'incineració de residus sòlids urbans produïdes a Catalunya en capes granulars de ferms de carreteres, com a substitut d'àrids naturals. La valoració de la idoneïtat de les escòries ha de tenir en compte l'adequació a les normatives tècniques que regeixen aquesta possible aplicació: l'Ordre de 15 de febrer de 1996, sobre valorització d'escòries del Departament de Medi Ambient i l'article 510 sobre tot-u del PG-3 (2004). Més enllà de les prescripcions, tanmateix, s'ha considerat necessària una caracterització de les escòries des de diverses perspectives per tenir un coneixement integral del material que permeti gestionar-lo correctament. Finalment l'estudi es completa amb un tram experimental de camp a Tagamanent, amb l'objectiu de contrastar els resultats obtinguts al laboratori i al camp.A les escòries hi coexisteixen tres paragènesis: els constituents preexistents (preincineració) com el vidre domèstic; els productes de fusió (sinincineració), característics de les escòries i equiparables a una roca ultrabàsica, i la paragènesi postincineració, constituïda per productes de neoformació que es formen a causa de l'elevada reactivitat del residu en sortir del forn i posen de manifest que la mineralogia de les escòries és dinàmica. Les proporcions entre les tipologies de materials són diferents i variables segons la mida de partícula considerada; aquesta particularitat és la clau de l'heterogeneïtat de les escòries.Les escòries tenen una granulometria contínua, poden assolir alts graus de compactació i capacitats portants molt notables, comparables a les que mostren àrids naturals, mentre que són lleugerament menys denses, més poroses i més fràgils que aquests. Cal destacar l'escassa sensibilitat a l'aigua i l'elevada estabilitat volumètrica.Si bé s'han determinat els continguts de més de 50 elements a les escòries, el principal component és el SiO2 (45 %). La resta d'elements majoritaris són Ca, Fe, Al, Na, C, Mg i K, comuns a materials naturals. Entre els minoritaris, alguns també són comuns en àrids naturals com S, Ti, Ba i Mn, però en canvi les escòries estan molt enriquides en Cu, Zn i Pb. Pel seu interès ambiental destaquen els baixos continguts en Ni, Co, As, Se, Mo, Cd i Hg.El comportament ambiental de les escòries s'ha avaluat mitjançant els tests de laboratori DIN 38414, CEN 12457, NEN 7341 i els sots experimentals del tram de camp de Tagamanent. Els tests CEN permeten fer previsions realistes i ajustades de la fracció lixiviable de les escòries en un marc temporal relativament limitat. Les lixiviacions més elevades són les d'elements que constitueixen sals solubles; les de la resta d'elements són més baixes. L'aplicació del Decret de materials de construcció holandès indica que Cu, Mo, Se, Sb, Cl- i SO42- són els constituents potencialment conflictius a les escòries, amb immissions que farien necessàries algunes mesures de protecció en la valorització. La resta d'elements no han de suposar cap problema ambiental.Addicionalment es proposen algunes recomanacions sobre mesures correctores que incideixen tant sobre la millora de la qualitat del material com en el possible escenari d'aplicació, i es fa un breu comentari sobre aspectes metodològics de l'estudi de les escòries.

The Role of Practical Work in Teaching and Learning Physics at Secondary Level in Bangladesh

Banu, Mst. Shaila January 2011 (has links)
This qualitative study focused on four secondary school physics teachers in Bangladesh using semi-structured interviews and observations to explore their understanding about the relationship between practical work and developing students’ conceptual knowledge of physics. Recent studies indicate that practical work helps secondary science students easily and effectively learn the concepts and theories of physics. However, the secondary school physics teachers in Bangladesh in this study did not provide students with practical work during classroom teaching. Rather, they provided practical work in separate practical classes. Although the teachers believed that practical work made their teaching and also students’ learning easier and effective, they did not offer frequent practical demonstrations in teaching the contents of physics. The major findings of the study include that teachers used mostly transmissive pedagogy to assist students to understand physics concepts and theories. Even though there are clear and specific instructions for the teachers to do demonstrations in the secondary physics curriculum, there were constraints on teachers and on students trying to conduct practical work. Constraints included: a lack of sufficient equipment. Teachers and students in non-government schools faced comparatively more difficulties than those in government schools. Low teacher/student ratios and no positions for laboratory assistants were reasons given for teachers’ intense workloads. This study implies a need to provide government and non-government schools with necessary equipment for doing practical work; to appoint sufficient teachers with higher studies and training that includes practical work in physics; to create positions for laboratory assistants; to set up classrooms with a smaller number of students; and to develop awareness of the value of practical work among school administration and among physics teachers.

The role of access to finance in the growth of firms in South Africa / Ferreira M.

Ferreira, Marnel January 2011 (has links)
SMEs can play a significant role in the economy as drivers of economic growth and job creation. Many SMEs are, however constrained by their limited access to finance. This study examines the source of finance of firms in South Africa and estimates the importance of finance as a predictor of output per worker. Using the 2007 World Bank Enterprise Survey, the study focuses on the firm’s access to finance, or sources of finance, as a predictor of the productivity of South African firms. Other factors that are taken into account include sources of finance such as the overdraft of the firm, collateral available and the type of financial institution used to acquire financing. These covariates all play an integral role in whether or not the firm will receive the financing, the amount granted and the repayment terms. Empirical analysis is done with a Cobb–Douglas production function regression to determine how output per worker is influenced by various factors. The results show that output per worker improves as additional finance variables are added to the regression model. Using an access to finance dummy as the dependent variable, a logistic regression model is used to calculate the probability of access to finance as a constraint based on the independent variables. The results of the logistic regression show that the probability of firms’ experiencing access to finance as a constraint is decreased by variables such as fixed assets and increase with negative factors such existing debt and collateral. These results are expected based on previous research on the topic and confirms that access and finance sources are determinants for firm growth. Recommendations include more extensive research on the topic, with panel data over a longer period and specific to a country. Policy recommendations include amended evaluation techniques, adapted to the individual firm’s requirements and strengths. / Thesis (M.Com. (Economics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Movement patterns and heart rate recordings of South African Rugby Union referees during actual match–play refereeing / Kraak W.J.

Kraak, Wilbur Julio January 2011 (has links)
Worldwide research regarding the movement patterns, heart rate recordings and work–to–rest ratios of rugby union referees is very limited. It is therefore very important to extend research regarding this topic. The first objective of this dissertation was to determine the frequency, duration and intensity of movement patterns and work–to–rest ratio of different refereeing panels of South African Rugby Union referees during match–refereeing at the National Club Rugby Championship in Stellenbosch during 2007. The second objective was to compare the two halves of the match with regard to the frequency, duration and intensity of the different movement patterns and the work–to–rest ratios of various of SARU referees during match–refereeing at the National Club Rugby Championship in Stellenbosch during 2007. The South African Rugby Union referees were monitored during match–refereeing by means of video and heart rate recordings for a total of 16 matches within a week tournament. The frequency and duration of the different movement patterns during both halves of the matches were analysed using a Dartfish TeamPro analysis software package. Heart rates were recorded during the matches to determine the movement pattern intensities of the referees for the duration of each match using a Suunto Team pack heart rate monitoring system. The work–to–rest ratios were determined by comparing the time (in seconds) spent working (lateral movements and sprinting) to the time spent resting (standing still, walking and jogging). The results revealed a moderate practical significant difference (d=0.51) between the mean frequency of jogging movement patterns for the different refereeing panels. A moderate practical significant difference was also found between the mean duration of jogging (d=0.43) and sprinting (d=0.43) movement patterns of different refereeing panels. The mean intensity of the movement patterns by the different refereeing panels showed large practical significant differences between the anaerobic threshold (d=3.68) and sub–threshold (d=1.36) levels and a moderate practical significant difference for the maximal heart rate zones (d=0.43). Both the provincial and contender panel referees had work–to–rest ratios of 1:4 during match–refereeing. In comparing the two halves of rugby match–refereeing, a large practical significant difference was found between the mean frequency of movement pattern values for standing still (d=2.53), walking (d=2.50), jogging (d=2.42), lateral movements (d=2.86) and sprinting (d=1.31) as well as for mean duration of movement pattern values for standing still (d=2.05), lateral movements (d=0.76) and sprinting (d=0.77). Large practical significant difference were found between the time spent in the maximal threshold (d=2.07), anaerobic threshold (d=0.92) and sub–threshold (d=7.90) heart rate zones measured during the two halves of match–refereeing. Average work–to–rest ratios of 1:3.5 and 1:5 were found for the first and second halves of rugby match–refereeing, respectively. The information gained regarding the activity profile of SARU referees could be used to determine the influence of rugby refereeing experience on the movement patterns and work–to–rest ratio of rugby referees. It can also provide information for constructing specific training programmes and drills in the development of rugby match–required fitness standards for referees. A key component of a rugby union referee’s game is positioning. Being in the right place at the right time is vital. The results of this study suggest that movements associated with positioning ? namely standing still, walking and lateral movements are the major components of the game of referees’ movement during match–refereeing. However, further research is required on this topic of research. / Thesis (M.A. (Sport Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

The role of access to finance in the growth of firms in South Africa / Ferreira M.

Ferreira, Marnel January 2011 (has links)
SMEs can play a significant role in the economy as drivers of economic growth and job creation. Many SMEs are, however constrained by their limited access to finance. This study examines the source of finance of firms in South Africa and estimates the importance of finance as a predictor of output per worker. Using the 2007 World Bank Enterprise Survey, the study focuses on the firm’s access to finance, or sources of finance, as a predictor of the productivity of South African firms. Other factors that are taken into account include sources of finance such as the overdraft of the firm, collateral available and the type of financial institution used to acquire financing. These covariates all play an integral role in whether or not the firm will receive the financing, the amount granted and the repayment terms. Empirical analysis is done with a Cobb–Douglas production function regression to determine how output per worker is influenced by various factors. The results show that output per worker improves as additional finance variables are added to the regression model. Using an access to finance dummy as the dependent variable, a logistic regression model is used to calculate the probability of access to finance as a constraint based on the independent variables. The results of the logistic regression show that the probability of firms’ experiencing access to finance as a constraint is decreased by variables such as fixed assets and increase with negative factors such existing debt and collateral. These results are expected based on previous research on the topic and confirms that access and finance sources are determinants for firm growth. Recommendations include more extensive research on the topic, with panel data over a longer period and specific to a country. Policy recommendations include amended evaluation techniques, adapted to the individual firm’s requirements and strengths. / Thesis (M.Com. (Economics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Movement patterns and heart rate recordings of South African Rugby Union referees during actual match–play refereeing / Kraak W.J.

Kraak, Wilbur Julio January 2011 (has links)
Worldwide research regarding the movement patterns, heart rate recordings and work–to–rest ratios of rugby union referees is very limited. It is therefore very important to extend research regarding this topic. The first objective of this dissertation was to determine the frequency, duration and intensity of movement patterns and work–to–rest ratio of different refereeing panels of South African Rugby Union referees during match–refereeing at the National Club Rugby Championship in Stellenbosch during 2007. The second objective was to compare the two halves of the match with regard to the frequency, duration and intensity of the different movement patterns and the work–to–rest ratios of various of SARU referees during match–refereeing at the National Club Rugby Championship in Stellenbosch during 2007. The South African Rugby Union referees were monitored during match–refereeing by means of video and heart rate recordings for a total of 16 matches within a week tournament. The frequency and duration of the different movement patterns during both halves of the matches were analysed using a Dartfish TeamPro analysis software package. Heart rates were recorded during the matches to determine the movement pattern intensities of the referees for the duration of each match using a Suunto Team pack heart rate monitoring system. The work–to–rest ratios were determined by comparing the time (in seconds) spent working (lateral movements and sprinting) to the time spent resting (standing still, walking and jogging). The results revealed a moderate practical significant difference (d=0.51) between the mean frequency of jogging movement patterns for the different refereeing panels. A moderate practical significant difference was also found between the mean duration of jogging (d=0.43) and sprinting (d=0.43) movement patterns of different refereeing panels. The mean intensity of the movement patterns by the different refereeing panels showed large practical significant differences between the anaerobic threshold (d=3.68) and sub–threshold (d=1.36) levels and a moderate practical significant difference for the maximal heart rate zones (d=0.43). Both the provincial and contender panel referees had work–to–rest ratios of 1:4 during match–refereeing. In comparing the two halves of rugby match–refereeing, a large practical significant difference was found between the mean frequency of movement pattern values for standing still (d=2.53), walking (d=2.50), jogging (d=2.42), lateral movements (d=2.86) and sprinting (d=1.31) as well as for mean duration of movement pattern values for standing still (d=2.05), lateral movements (d=0.76) and sprinting (d=0.77). Large practical significant difference were found between the time spent in the maximal threshold (d=2.07), anaerobic threshold (d=0.92) and sub–threshold (d=7.90) heart rate zones measured during the two halves of match–refereeing. Average work–to–rest ratios of 1:3.5 and 1:5 were found for the first and second halves of rugby match–refereeing, respectively. The information gained regarding the activity profile of SARU referees could be used to determine the influence of rugby refereeing experience on the movement patterns and work–to–rest ratio of rugby referees. It can also provide information for constructing specific training programmes and drills in the development of rugby match–required fitness standards for referees. A key component of a rugby union referee’s game is positioning. Being in the right place at the right time is vital. The results of this study suggest that movements associated with positioning ? namely standing still, walking and lateral movements are the major components of the game of referees’ movement during match–refereeing. However, further research is required on this topic of research. / Thesis (M.A. (Sport Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

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