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The Decline of the International Refugee Regime: Asylum Seekers and the Pursuit of Refugee Status in Canada and AustraliaHeshmat, Gary 06 January 2015 (has links)
Many oppressed people wish to seek permanent refuge within the borders of affluent Western liberal democratic states such as Canada and Australia. Since the conclusion of the Second World War, the International refugee regime has established a global legal migration framework for contracting states such as Canada and Australia to grant admission to asylum seekers into each respective political community while retaining effective border control measures to maintain public safety. This thesis argues that the international refugee regime has suffered a gradual decline during the last two decades, especially during the post-9/11 era, primarily due to the dominance of the notions of national sovereignty and security in Canada and Australia. The author recognizes the importance of realpolitik and pays tribute to the concept of national sovereignty. However, he contends that the predominance and prevalence of the securitization phenomenon in recent years in both Canada and Australia, has given rise to a culture of suspicion which primarily perceives and publicly portrays asylum seekers as entities with ulterior motives. Such views have subsequently culminated in the normalization of national refugee determination policies which inherently favor the implementation of human containment measures such as arbitrary and indefinite detention and Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs); restrictive measures which inherently violate some of the core legal principles of the international refugee regime. The author recommends a return by both Ottawa and Canberra to a more balanced refugee determination system which is aligned with the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol and further explores several alternative solutions that may be employed by Canada and Australia to effectively manage asylum seeker populations in each country. / Graduate / gheshmat@uvic.ca
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Accelerated Aging Of Elastomers In Aqueous MediaInaler, Ekrem 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
EPDM (Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Monomer)/PP (Polypropylene) based TPV (Thermoplastic Vulcanizate) was aged in a closed system at stabilized temperature and pressure at 80, 100 and 120oC in distilled water, detergent solution and shiner solution.
The variation in properties of TPV upon aging were followed by using DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis), tensile testing, Shore A rubber hardness testing.
DSC analysis indicated that percent crystallinity of PP component in TPV increased at 100oC whereas crystal structure was deformed at 120oC. In addition to this, hardness test showed that the hardness of TPV remained almost constant in distilled water aging except 120oC water aging but TPV became softer in detergent and shiner solution upon all aging temperatures used in this study. Tensile testing confirmed the hardness analysis that the loss in mechanical properties of TPV was observed except 100oC water aging. TGA analysis showed that percent crystallinity increase causes enhancement in degradation temperature of EPDM/PP blend in air.
It is detected that TPV is quite resistant to 80oC aging, but TPV loses its resistance to preserve its characteristics at 120oC aging. It is also determined that aging media is as important as temperature to evaluate the performance of TPV. Moreover, it is decided that the rate of aging directly proportional to detrimental rate is arranged in an order from the slowest to the fastest as distilled water, detergent and shiner solution media.
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Vyhodnocení účinnosti nekonvenčních nástrojů měnové politiky ve vybraných zemích- VP-VAR přístup / Assessment of the Efficiency of QE in Selected Countries - A TVP-VAR ApproachBandžak, Denis January 2021 (has links)
This thesis applies time-varying parameter vector autoregression (TVP-VAR) model with stochastic volatility to assess the effectiveness of quantitative easing in time for the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System between the global financial crisis and COVID-19 pandemic. We find pronounced and statistically significant response of GDP and level of implied stock market volatility to a QE shock whereas the response of CPI is feeble and statistically insignificant. We argue that this does not necessarily imply that there is no effect of QE on CPI but rather that our model was not able to detect it. We believe that this may be due to inflation expectations channel which our model did not account for. This can be reassessed with a TVP-FAVAR model which is more suitable for such an analysis as it can encompass a larger set of variables. Moreover, apart from the US, we report increasing effectiveness of QE in time. This is opposed by the researchers who believe that QE has rather decreasing effectiveness in time because it is more efficient during economic distress and then its efficiency tends to decrease during normal times. We explain this deviation by citing other unconventional monetary tools such as credit easing, forward guidance or negative...
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Apport des écoulements élongationnels lors de la mise en oeuvre de mélanges PP/EPDM réticulés dynamiquement et chargés à base de graphène / Elongational flows contribution to the dispersive mechanisms in immiscible blends : application for conductive thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPV) based on polypropylene/EPDM blendsRondin, Jérôme 19 December 2012 (has links)
Le travail de thèse présenté dans ce manuscrit a consisté à mettre en avant un nouveau procédé de mélange des polymères développé au LIPHT lors de la mise en oeuvre de mélanges PP/EPDM réticulés dynamiquement et chargés à base de graphène. Ce nouveau mélangeur, appelé RMX®, se distingue de la plupart des mélangeurs existants par la présence d’écoulements élongationnels forts, la possibilité de mouler directement des éprouvettes à l’issue de l’étape de mélange ainsi qu’une étanchéité aux gaz et aux liquides. Après une optimisation des conditions opératoires de ce mélangeur, nous avons pu évaluer quantitativement l’efficacité du mélange dispersif par analyse numérique de tailles de particules d’EPDM dispersées dans une matrice PP. Le RMX® permet d’obtenir une dispersion fine (~ 1 μm) pour des énergies spécifiques et des temps de mélange inférieurs aux procédés existants. Des tailles significativement réduites ont été obtenues pour des mélanges présentant un rapport de viscosité élevé (p > 1). Ces résultats ont été attribués à la combinaison de taux de déformation en cisaillement élevés dans le canal de l’élément de mélange avec des taux de déformation en élongation majoritaires en entrée/sortie de ce dernier. L’impact des écoulements élongationnels sur l’intervalle de (co)-continuité de mélanges PP/EPDM a ensuite été étudié. Un décalage de la percolation de la phase dispersée (EPDM) vers les hautes concentrations ainsi qu’une borne supérieure de cet intervalle plus élevée ont ainsi pu être mis en évidence à l’aide de techniques complémentaires (MEB, extraction sélective de la phase EPDM, analyse rhéologique). Une procédure originale d’élaboration de matériaux TPV dans le RMX® a également été réalisée. La réticulation dynamique au moyen d’une résine phénolique d’un mélange PP/EPDM présentant une morphologie co-continue a été effectuée. Des taux d’insoluble proche de 100% ainsi que les propriétés élastiques des TPV formés ont permis de confirmer l’efficacité de cette étape de réticulation dans le RMX®. Une dernière étude a consisté à disperser une nanocharge graphitique lamellaire et conductrice (xGNPTM) dans une matrice PP. L’analyse par diffraction des rayons X, les seuils de percolation rhéologique et électrique obtenus autour de 7 et 8 wt% respectivement ainsi qu’un facteur de forme Af ~ 15 suggèrent une absence d’exfoliation ainsi qu’une agrégation importante des particules de xGNP. / A new mixing device (RMX®) based on elongational flows has been developed during this work. This device has specific technical features comparing to conventional mixers such as: variable mixing volume, direct molding of samples, air and water tightness. After an optimization of processing conditions, dispersive mixing efficiency was assessed on PP/EPDM blends by numerical analysis. Very fine dispersed morphologies were obtained for lower specific mixing energy and mixing times comparing to internal mixer (Haake Rheomix 600). Significantly reduced droplet sizes have been obtained for high-viscosity ratio blends (p > 1). These results indicate an enhanced droplet break-up mechanism in the RMX® which was attributed to the combination of high shear rates inside the mixing element and important elongational flows in the convergent/divergent zones. Impact of elongational flow mixing on the (co)-continuity interval of PP/EPDM blends was investigated. An important shift (~ 10 wt%) of the EPDM percolation threshold as well as a higher phase inversion concentration was observed. A combination of complementary techniques (SEM, selective extraction and rheological analysis) was successfully carried on in order to assess this (co)-continuity interval. Then, PP/EPDM blends with a co-continuous morphology were dynamically crosslinked in the RMX® using resole as a crosslinking agent. An original and specific procedure was developed for this purpose. Gel fraction close to 1 and significantly enhanced elastic properties after crosslinking confirmed the efficiency of this procedure. Finally, the dispersion of lamellar and conductive nanofillers (xGNPTM) in a polypropylene matrix was studied. Microstructural characterization by XRD and optical microscopy, rheological and electrical percolation thresholds (7 and 8 wt% of xGNP respectively) and corresponding aspect ratios (Af ~ 15) have shown no evidence of exfoliation.
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Tanec a jeho vliv na harmonizaci vývoje dítěte mladšího školního věku / Dance and its influence on harmonization of child development within the age range 6 - 11 yearsŠvejdová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis considers dance and child and how dance can influence the development of child's individuality. Theoretical part deals with characteristics and history of the dance, child within the age range 6 - 11 years, physical, psychical and spiritual aspects of people personality. It brings information about "movement and dance education" - as a new subject in the Curriculum framework for basic education. The research part of the thesis is oriented only on "movement and dance education" and how the people are informed about its implementation to schools. It also analyses the possibilities of influence on selected areas of development of child. It also tries to demonstrate positive effect on some of these areas.
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電視新聞採用非自採影片之研究 / A study on the use of TPV (Third Party Video) materials by TV news林佳慧, Lin, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代社群媒體的應用,大大改寫媒體生態,21世紀初接連發生在北非、中東的抗議活動,Facebook、Twitter等社群媒體更發揮重要傳播作用,甚至成為政治運動的催化劑,國內外各大新聞組織也開始將這些被社交媒體平台大量分享、轉發的用戶生成內容 (UGC, User-generated content)重製後進行傳播,尤其是發生抗爭等社會運動、人為或意外現場等事件,因為時效性的關係,記者不能第一時間趕到,目擊者手機拍攝的影片或現場監視錄影器的畫面,往往成為重要新聞素材。
本研究試圖剖析電視新聞使用來自目擊者或網友的第三方影音素材(TPV, third party video)的頻率與原因,研究分成兩步驟,首先選舉一家地面電視台一個月的prime time新聞,作為研究樣本,進行內容分析,以量化研究分析電視新聞如何應用TPV素材,研究樣本數共1825則;同時以質化研究中的深度訪談,訪問該電視台的文字、攝影記者,以及新聞室負責調度的大編輯台主管與編輯共九人,透過量化與質化的研究方法,來探究電視台採用TPV素材的動機、意願、標準與目的。 / The media ecology has been rewritten to a great extent by the application of social media in the digital age. In the 21st century, social media has even become a catalyst of social movements as Facebook and Twitter play an important role in disseminating the news on protests which commonly take place in North Africa and the Middle East. In fact, large news organizations at home and abroad have begun to reproduce and broadcast User-generated contents (UGC) that are greatly shared and forwarded on the social media. This applies especially to incidents such as social movements, including protests, and accidents. The video taken by an eye-witness’ mobile phone or the recording of an on-site surveillance camera has often become important news material due to timeliness of the news and the fact that reporters cannot arrive at the scene on time.
According to foreign and domestic news agencies, especially TV stations, video is both appealing and persuasive as news materials. The growing popularity of UGC and the approach to make use of such resources have led the emergence of positive and negative viewpoints. It would be delightful to see the voicing-out of social problems through UGC since it could increase citizen participation. UGC could even lead to a breakthrough from pressroom authority, thus creating a more democratic media. However, UGC could also lower the news standard especially when there’s a deadline to meet. Furthermore, it could pile pressure on news reporters as they try to determine the authenticity of the video. The excessive use of UGC could lead to the media’s over-reliance on social media resources. The fragmentary nature of UGC could also be harmful to the development of news media at the public domain.
The study attempted to analyze the purpose behind a TV station’s adoption of eyewitness/netizen-provided third-party video (TPV), as well as its frequency of use. The study was divided into two steps. First, research samples for content analysis were collected through a selection of one month’s worth of news reports that were broadcasted by a terrestrial station at prime time. A total of 1825 samples were studied through quantitative research and analysis with regard to the application of TPV by TV news. At the same time, in order to explore a TV station’s motivation, willingness, standard and the purpose in applying TPV, qualitative research was conducted through an in-depth interview with nine representatives from the TV station. This group included journalists, cameramen, editors and seniors who were responsible for ordering daily news in the Newsrooms.
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電視新聞工作者取用第三方影音素材之研究 / Evaluating third party video(TPV): How TV reporters work with crowd-sourced AV materials?蕭伊貽, Hsiao, Yi I Unknown Date (has links)
自2008年Youtube熱潮席捲全球之後,以影音分享為主的媒介消費行為逐漸成為常態,在這股集體協作並開放分享的浪潮下,新聞組織亦不免於其外,開始盛行以取材於眾(crowdsourcing)的新聞產製模式增加新聞素材來源的多樣性。電視新聞工作者取用網友拍攝後上傳的第三方影音內容(third party video,TPV)作為新聞素材的一部分,使得眾多使用者生產內容(User-generated content/ produsage)漸成為電視新聞畫面的一大主軸。
本研究因此針對TPV的查證提供若干建議:(1)從第三方的角度客觀觀察,避免淪為有心人士操弄的工具;(2)設法從發文者的字面敘述中或直接從影像中找到可辨識的地點、物件與人物,據此找到當事者;(3)盡力找到消息來源,若無法與消息來源取得聯繫,則應轉而尋找當事者、公正第三方如警察、或是向媒體同業詢問;(4)到事發現場勘查;(5)題材為各種網路傳言時,可請專家以實驗的方式證實。本研究並整理出幾項適用於各種情境的查證原則:質疑優先、詰問必備、資料比對、邏輯至上與經驗輔助。 / Crowdsourcing is an important trend and affects major parts of our lives. More notably, bulk of our news consumption consists of crowdsourced content; these content are what we call third party video or TPV for short. In recent years, we see an increased use of TPV in the Taiwanese media landscape, especially in news reporting and creation.
Using crowdsourced content in news presents two major problems: 1. Over half of the TV news today uses crowdsourced TPV. These content often contain controversial materials. These controversial materials are often selected in bid to manipulate its audience. . 2. Due to the nature of crowdsourced TPV, news reporters have difficulties identifying the source of these content. Since more than half of the news reporting today uses TPV, this makes news highly suspicious. Although this research finds that reporters do attempt to verify its sources, these attempts are far from vigorous: new reporters often adopt one of the following ways in order to verify their news sources: cross validating their data using the Internet, remake opinions based on netizens/cyber-citizens or changing the agenda of the news content. In the worst case, news reporters avoid or skip validation of their news sources altogether.
This research provides the following suggestions in solving the above mentioned problems: (1) prevention of content manipulation by malicious parties so that consumer of news content are not manipulated or swayed. This ensures that the news presented is unbiased, objective and fair. (2) Verifying TPV can include attempts to find any recognizable location, object, or figure from TPV as tips to trace origin. (3) News reporters can try their best to get in touch with the news sources. If this cannot be done, try to get in touch with unbiased third parties, such as the police force or people same as your profession.(4) News reporters can also attempt to perform on-site investigation may be contributed to find the truth. (5) If the issue is about rumors on the internet, news reporters may consult experts on the subject matter for clarification. Finally, this study summarized essential factors for verification applied in a various situations: Doubting, Cross-examination, Cross validation, logic, and experience.
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Návrh podpory řízení výroby v informačním systému / Development of Production Management Support of an Information SystemHladký, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the proposal to support production management information system in the particular company. Based on theoretical knowledge and analysis of the current state of the company and its surroundings, the proposal supports production management information system. The thesis includes the level of strategy, tactics and operations and areas of the planning, organizing, management and control. Proposals should lead to greater effectiveness and efficiency in the processes related to production and thereby to achieve higher profits.
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