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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Service Quality in the Postal Services in Turkey: A Canonical Approach

Yavas, Ugur 17 November 2000 (has links)
This article reports the results and managerial implications of a Turkish study which investigated relationships between service quality, background characteristics and, customer satisfaction and selected behavioral outcomes.

Affectivity and Organizational Politics as Antecedents of Burnout Among Frontline Hotel Employees

Karatepe, Osman M., Babakus, Emin, Yavas, Ugur 01 March 2012 (has links)
This study investigates perceptions of organizational politics as a mediator of the effects of negative affectivity and positive affectivity on burnout. Based on data obtained from frontline hotel employees in Turkey, results reveal that the impacts of negative affectivity on exhaustion and disengagement, through perceptions of organizational politics, are stronger than positive affectivity.

Relative Efficacy of Organizational Support and Personality Traits in Predicting Service Recovery and Job Performances: A Study of Frontline Employees in Turkey

Yavas, Ugur, Babakus, Emin, Karatepe, Osman M. 21 September 2010 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the relative efficacies of a set of organizational support mechanisms and personality traits in predicting frontline employees' service recovery and job performances. Design/methodology/approach Data were gathered through selfadministered questionnaires. A sample of 723 frontline hotel employees in Turkey serves as the study setting. Findings The study results show that organizational support is more effective in differentiating between high and lowperforming frontline employees in the case of service recovery performance. However, job performance overall is more susceptible to the influences of personality traits. Research limitations/implications Replication studies in other regions of Turkey and other countries among frontline employees in the hotel industry as well as other service settings would broaden the database for further generalizations. Including other organizational support mechanisms (e.g. technology support) and personality traits (e.g. customer orientation) would shed further light on our understanding of the relative roles of organizational support and personality traits in predicting frontline employee performance. Practical implications In addition to providing organizational support to their employees, hotel managers should recruit individuals with the relevant personality traits for frontline service jobs. Using these strategies in tandem increases the likelihood of having highperforming employees. Social implications From a macro standpoint, implementation of the strategies discussed here will benefit the hotels in Turkey which are in stiffening competition with their counterparts. Originality/value The study adds to the body of knowledge by investigating simultaneously the relative efficacies of organizational support and personality traits in predicting service recovery and job performances of frontline hotel employees in a developing economy.

Dimensions of Advertising Attitudes: Congruence Between Turkish and New Zealand Consumers

Ashill, Nicholas J., Yavas, Ugur 01 June 2005 (has links)
Purpose Examines the similarities and differences in the dimensionality of advertising attitudes between Turkish and New Zealand consumers. Design/methodology/approach Survey data, collected by questionnaire from 303 respondents in Turkey and 189 respondents in New Zealand were first analysed separately using principal components analysis to identify the underlying dimensions of advertising attitudes. The factor congruency technique was then used to examine the extent of similarity between the two samples. Findings Advertising attitudes consist of social and economic dimensions. The dimensionality of these attitudes exhibits a fairly similar pattern across both countries. Research limitations/implications The study was limited to a particular sample. Extensions of the research to other samples is needed for cross-validation. Potential moderators of advertising attitudes should also be considered in future research. Practical implications Findings suggest that advertisers in Turkey and New Zealand should create advertisements that are believable. The positive relationship between believability and overall attitudes towards advertising also suggests that advertisers should be sensitive to tactics that generate consumer scepticism. Originality/value Examines the relevance of previous North American and European findings in two culturally diverse countries.

Nitrogen Uptake Effects on Potato Yield and Quality

Ayyildiz, Enise January 2021 (has links)
Nitrogen (N) is one of the vital elements for potato production. As well as common synthetic fertilizers, turkey manure compost (TMC) is more commonly used as a source of N for potato production in Minnesota. The aim of this study was to compare traditional N sources and applications (urea broadcast, Environmentally Smart Nitrogen (ESN) broadcast, and ESN banded at hilling) to TMC broadcast prior to planting on yield and quality of Russet Burbank in Minnesota. The TMC treatment resulted in a similar marketable yield compared to the urea and ESN treatments. The TMC also increased the percentage of the >170 g tuber yield. French fry color quality was not affected by N treatment in either year. The TMC was a good nitrogen source that is readily available and provides a good sustainable option for potato production. Further work should examine what benefits conventional fertilizer can have when used with TMC.

A study of the Ottoman guilds as they are depicted in Turkish miniature paintings /

Serban, Carrie. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

トルコは如何にしてムスリム・ディアスポラを受け入れたか : ウイグル亡命者の軌跡をたどる / トルコ ワ イカニシテ ムスリム ディアスポラ オ ウケイレタカ : ウイグル ボウメイシャ ノ キセキ オ タドル / トルコは如何にしてムスリムディアスポラを受け入れたか : ウイグル亡命者の軌跡をたどる

中屋 昌子, Masako Nakaya 21 March 2018 (has links)
トルコ最大の都市イスタンブルは、中国から移り住んだ多くのウイグルが暮らす街である。そのイスタンブルに、改革開放後、宗教の自由を求めて亡命してくるウイグルが後をたたない。新疆ウイグル自治区で高まったイスラム復興が、ウイグルの新疆からの離散を通じて、トルコのウイグル社会にまで達している。それは、トルコのイスラム復興とも連動することによって、ウイグルの宗教的なディアスポラ・コミュニティを形成し拡大させているのである。そして、そのコミュニティはウイグルをはじめトルコ人やトルコの関係諸機関のネットワークに支えられ、重層的な広がりをみせている。 / Türkiye'nin en büyük şehri olan İstanbul, birçok Uygur'un Çin'den sürgün edilip yaşadığı bir şehirdir. Reform ve dışa açılma stratejisi başladıktan sonra din özgürlüğü arayışında olan Uygurlar artıyor. Sincan Uygur Özerk Bölgesi'ndeki İslami Reformun genişlemesini takiben, Sincan'daki Uygurların Türkiye'ye hicret(göç) ederek Uygurlar toplumuna kavuşmaktadır. Böylece, Türk İslami reform ile bağlantı kurarak Uygurların dini diasporası topluluğunu oluşturmakta ve genişletmektedir. Ve bu topluluk, çok katmanlı bir genişleme gösteren, Uygurlar da dahil olmak üzere, Türk ve Türk bağlantılı kuruluşların bir dayanışmalarıyla desteklenmektedir. / 博士(グローバル社会研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Global Society Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Correlates of Adjustment: A Study of Expatriate Managers in an Emerging Country

Yavas, Ugur, Bodur, Muzaffer 01 April 1999 (has links)
To minimize adverse consequences associated with expatriation, multinational companies need to identify the factors which facilitate (or impede) expatriate managers adjustment to a new environment. In this study, on the basis of their adjustment to four diverse aspects of life and work in Turkey, a sample of 78 expatriate managers were dichotomized into high and low adjustment groups. The two groups were then compared in terms of selected company and individual-related characteristics, previous international experience and the types of training received prior to and during the assignment. The article discusses these results and proffers strategies to facilitate expatriates adjustment to the Turkish environment.

The Straits and Constantinople, 1914-1923

Knoles, George Harmon 01 January 1930 (has links) (PDF)
From 330 to 1453 A.D., Constantinople became first the strategic position on the land route from the west to the east and then the important trading center of the eastern Empire. During this period the Italian cities had to cope with the "Question of the Straits" among themselves. For them, it was merely a commercial question. For the Greeks it was an important question since the city needed to be defended against the onslaught of the Moslems by means of the city's strong walls and by the active fleet in the Straits. The conquest of the Straits by the Turks, beginning around the middle of the fourteenth century lasted for about an hundred years. They accomplished this conquest in 1453. Gradually the Turks were able to extend their control over the entire Black Sea Area, and until that time the Black Sea was not entirely closed to trade. However, beginning in 1475 and lasting until 1774, the Black Sea was considered as a "virgin sea". Not until Russia had established herself upon the northern shores of the Black Sea did Turkey give up her exclusive control over all shipping within that body of water. By the beginning of the nineteenth century, all of the important countries of Europe had gained permission to pass their commerce through the Straits into the Black Sea. The problem of commercial freedom during peace time was pretty well settled, but Turkey through her control was able to prevent foreign warships from using the Straits and from entering the Black Sea. The purpose of this paper is to give an account of the events which took place during the years 1914-1923 in the establishment of a "New Regime of the Straits."

Organizational Support, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, And Perceived Performance Analysis Of Crime Scene Investigation Units Of Turkish National Police

Tongur, Aykut 01 January 2011 (has links)
Policing is more difficult than ever before in today’s world since types of crime and criminal profiles change as a result of technological development and globalization. Police organizations should review their organizational and operational strategies to improve the fight against contemporary crimes and criminals. Behaviors and performance of police officers are very important in fighting crime. In this struggle, especially today, officers should exhibit organizational citizenship behaviors and perform better. One of the most important factors affecting these two concepts in organizations is organizational support. The literature stresses the social exchange cycle and reciprocity rules in the relationships of organizations and their members. In this cycle, if the organization cares about its members and if members perceive that the organization is supportive, they feel obliged to behave positively, perform better, and help the organization to reach its goals and objectives. If they don’t perceive organizational support, they won’t care about the organization, either. Hypotheses were developed based on these assumptions in the literature. This study tested these assumptions in Crime Scene Investigation units of the Turkish National Police (TNP). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the relationships among variables of Perceived Organizational Support (POS), Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), and Perceived Performance (PP). Measurement models for these three latent constructs were developed by deriving the indicators from the literature. Most earlier studies tried to figure out reasons of the OCB. This study has a different perspective that investigates both reasons and results of OCB. A survey was developed to measure the latent variables of the study, and 405 of approximately 3,000 Crime Scene Investigators in the Turkish National Police responded to the iv survey. Results of the study showed that the relationship between POS and OCB is positive and significant. This is consistent with the literature. The relationship between OCB and PP is also positive and significant, and this is also consistent with the literature. However, the relationship between POS and PP is negative and insignificant. This result contradicts the results of previous studies in the literature and can be attributed to the subjective nature of measuring individuals’ perceptions. According to the literature, perceptions are subjective rather than objective; therefore, data coming from reports of individual perceptions may not reflect the actual situation. Demographic information of the participants served as the control variables of the study. Information about the education level, rank, age, gender, size of the unit, and tenure of the respondents was collected by way of the conducted survey, and the effects of these variables were analyzed on the endogenous variable of the study, Perceived Performance. This study found no significant relationships between these control variables and Perceived Performance. Therefore, all these control variables were removed from the Structural Equation Model of the study. This study revealed that the TNP needs to be more supportive toward its members in order to have officers show organizational citizenship behavior and perform better. The TNP should revise its policies, especially regarding rotations from one province to another, working hours, rewards, and overtime pay. These are all indicators of organizational support and will result in a higher performance level among officers.

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